Dataviz: Dictionary

adaptation - 

aesthetics - [quotes]

aggregation - [quotes]

alerts - [quotes]

arc diagram - method of representing two-dimensional network diagrams to identify co-occurrences in data. Nodes are placed along a single line (a one-dimensional axis) and arcs are used to show connections between those nodes, where the thickness of each arc line can be used to represent frequency between the source and target node. 

area - [quotes]

area graph - variation of line graphs in which the area below the line is filled with colors or textures; used to display the development of quantitative values over an interval or time period.

art - [quotes]

assumption - 

attention - [quotes]

axes - [quotes]

bar/column graph/chart - chart that uses either horizontal or vertical bars (column chart) to show discrete, numerical comparisons across categories. [defsquotes]



box plot - data visualization used to display the data distribution through their quartiles

braided graph - chart in which the filled areas are sorted in depth order for each position along the time axis.

breaks - [quotes]

bubble chart - multi-variable graph used to analyze patterns/correlations between variables on terms of positioning and proportions. It uses a Cartesian coordinate system to plot the variables in which each point is assigned a label or category (either displayed alongside or on a legend), respectively a third variable quantified as the area of its circle. Colors can be used to distinguish between categories or to represent an additional data variable

bubble map - a map in which circles are displayed over a designated geographical region with the area of the circle proportional to its value in the dataset. Used for comparing proportions over geographic regions, though large bubbles can overlap other bubbles and regions on the map.

bullet graphs - developed by Stephen Few as an alternative to dashboard gauges and meters

[Japanese] candlestick chart - trading tool used to visualize and analyze the price movements over time period

cardinality - the number of elements corresponding to a dimension


category - [quotes]

causal loop diagram - [defs]

cause-effect diagram - [quotes]

change - [quotes]

charts - [quotes]

Chord diagram - type of diagram used to visualizes the inter-relationships between entities that have something in common (ideal for comparing the similarities within a dataset or between different groups of data.

Choropleth map - a map that allows to visualize values over a geographical area or regions that are colored, shaded or patterned in relation to a data variable.

circle packing (aka circle treemap) - variation of a Treemap that uses circles instead of rectangles, each circle representing a level in the hierarchy.

clarity - [quotes]





complexity - [quotes]


conclusion - [quotes]


continuity - [quotes]


color - [quotes]

communication - [quotes]


completeness -



connection map (aka link map, ray map) - map in which the points are connected by straight or curved lines, and used to display connections and relationships geographically, respectively chain of links.

context - [quotes]


continuous variable -

coordinate system - a combination of one or more dimension used to represent the various elements (points, areas)

correlation - measure that shows how much one set of values depends on another. If the values increase together, they are positively correlated. If the values from one set increase as the other decreases, they are negatively correlated. There is no correlation when a change in one set has nothing to do with a change in the other.


dashboard - [quotes]


    missing data - [quotes]

data exploration -

data flow diagram - [defs]

data mining -

data pipeline - A collection of scripts or functions that pass data along in a series of transformations.

data wrangling


decision-making - [quotes]

decision trees

density map

density plot (aka kernel density plot, density trace graph) - 

design - [quotes

    good design - [quotes]

designer - [quotes]

dimension - [quotes]

discrete variable -

domain - a grouping of data, technology, teams and/or people considered for the same analytical purposes [defs, quotes]

donut chart - variation of a Pie Chart in which an area of the center is cut out. [link 1]

dot map (aka point map, dot distribution map, dot density map) - 

dot matrix chart - display method in which the discreet data are displayed in units of dots, each colored to represent a particular category and grouped together in a matrix.

dot plot - [quotes]

diagramming - [quotes]

dimension -

distortion - [quotes]

dot plot - [quotes]

effectiveness - [quotes]

emphasis - [quotes]

error bar - 


execution -


exploration - [quotes]

extrapolation - [quotes]

extreme(s) - [quotes]

failure - [quotes]

flow chart (aka flow diagram, flow process chart, process chart, process map) - type of diagram that represents/abstracts the sequential steps of a process [defsquotes]

flow map - diagrams that shows the movement of information or objects from one geographical location to another and the corresponding values. [defs]


funnel -

Gantt chart - project management organization tool that displays a list of activities (or tasks) with their duration over a timeline and tracks further information needed in the process. ]


graph - a network of points connected by lines showing the relationships between elements.

grid - [quotes]

group - [quotes]


heatmap - [defsquotes]


histogram - diagram that allows to visualize the distribution of data over a continuous interval or certain time period, each bar representing the tabulated frequency at each interval/bin. Besides providing a rough view of the probability distribution, histograms help estimate where values are concentrated, what the extremes are, respectively whether there are any gaps or unusual values. [defsquotes]



index - [quotes]

infographic - [defs]

insight - [quotes


interpretation - [quotes]


Jump plot

junk chart - [quotes]

Kagi chart - time-independent chart used to display the general levels of supply and demand of a particular asset by visualizing the price actions through a series of line patterns.

kurtosis - [quotes]

label - [quotes]

line graph - used to display quantitative values over a continuous interval or time period. [quotes]

logarithmic chart - [quotes]

map - [quotes]

metaphor - [quotes]

mosaic plot (aka Marimekko chart - chart used to visualize categorical data over a pair of variables with a percentage scale.


meaning - [quotes]


mind map - a concept-based diagram used to map associated ideas, words, images and concepts together. [defs]

moving average -

network diagram (aka network graph, network map, node-link diagram) - network-like visualization that shows how things are interconnected through the use of nodes/vertices and link lines that represent their connections and relationship type. 

number - [quotes]

open-high-low-close (OHLC) chart) - chart used to illustrate the movements in prices.



origin - [quotes]

outlier - value that is atypical within a particular group, class, or category [quotes]

overplotting - scenario in which the data or labels in a data visualization overlap, making it difficult to distinguish between the individual data points. It occurs when there are either a large number of data points and/or a small number of unique values in the dataset.

parallel coordinates plot - type of visualization used for plotting multivariate, numerical data and thus allow for comparing many variables together and seeing the relationships between them.

parallel set charts

Pareto chart - [defs]

parts-to-whole - [quotes]

pattern - [quotes]

percentage - [quotes]

PERT chart - [defs]

perception - [quotes]

pictogram chart (aka pictograph/pictorial chart) - chart that uses icons to give a more engaging overall view of small sets of discrete data.

pie chart - chart that shows percentages as sectors (slices) of a circle (and thus resembling a pie) [p1, quotes]

piled bar chart - a layered bar chart design where all the bars are sorted and aligned on a single, shared axis.

plot - [quotes]


    inflection point - 

point & figure (P&F) chart - chart used to display the relationship between supply and demand of a particular asset through a series of columns made up of X's and O's.

population pyramid - a pair of back-to-back histograms (for each sex) that displays the distribution of a population in all age groups and in both sexes.

precision - [quotes]

presentation - [quotes]

problem - [quotes]


proportional area chart

radar chart (aka spider/web chart, polar chart) - a way of comparing multiple quantitative variables. 

radial column chart (aka circular column graph) - graph that uses a grid of concentric circles to plot bars on, each circle representing a value on a scale, while the radial dividers (lines spanning from the center) are used for each category or interval (if a histogram). 

radial/circular bar chart - a bar chart plotted on a polar coordinate system, rather than on a Cartesian one.


regularity -



rolling totals

rose chart (aka coxcomb chartpolar area diagram) - a polar coordinate grid that displays categories of data within equally divided segments.

rules - [quotes]

Sankey diagram - flow diagram that emphasizes flow/movement/change from one state to another or one time to another, respectively their quantities in proportion to one another. 


scale - [quotes]

scatterplot (aka scatter/point graph/chart, X-Y plot) - [quotes]


simplicity - [quotes]

simplification - [quotes]


skewness - [quotes


span chart (aka range/column bar) - chart used to display dataset ranges between a minimum value and a maximum value.

sparkline - [defsquotes]

spike histograms


spiral plot (aka time series spiral) - type of visualization plots time-based data along an Archimedean spiral. 

stacked area graphs

stacked bar graph

standard deviation - [defsquotes]

statistical significance - [quotes]

stem and leaf plot (aka stemplot) -


summary statistics

sunburst diagram (aka sunburst chart, ring chart, radial treemap) - visualization that shows a hierarchy through a series of rings, that are sliced for each category node. Each ring corresponds to a level in the hierarchy, with the central circle representing the root node and the hierarchy moving outwards from it.

small multiples

statistics - [quotes]

symbol - [quotes]

table - [quotes]

tally chart


time series

timeline -  a graphical way of displaying a list of events in chronological order

timeline chart -


tool - [quotes]

tree diagram

trend - [quotes]

tree - [defs]


trellis chart - a chart which displays a series of sub-charts that use the same scale and axes 






Venn diagram (aka set diagram) - a diagram that visually displays all the possible logical relationships between a collection of sets. [quotes]

violin plot - the combination of a pox and density plots used to visualize the distribution of the data and its probability density

visual -

visual calculation -


word-cloud (tag cloud) - method that displays how frequently words appear in a given body of text, by making the size of each word proportional to its frequency.

wrapped bar chart

XY chart - a visualization that allows studying the relationship between numeric variables.


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