15 November 2018

🔭Data Science: Fitting (Just the Quotes)

"It may often happen that an inefficient statistic is accurate enough to answer the particular questions at issue. There is however, one limitation to the legitimate use of inefficient statistics which should be noted in advance. If we are to make accurate tests of goodness of fit, the methods of fitting employed must not introduce errors of fitting comparable to the errors of random sampling; when this requirement is investigated, it appears that when tests of goodness of fit are required, the statistics employed in fitting must be not only consistent, but must be of 100 percent efficiency. This is a very serious limitation to the use of inefficient statistics, since in the examination of any body of data it is desirable to be able at any time to test the validity of one or more of the provisional assumptions which have been made." (Sir Ronald A Fisher, "Statistical Methods for Research Workers", 1925)

"[…] fitting lines to relationships between variables is often a useful and powerful method of summarizing a set of data. Regression analysis fits naturally with the development of causal explanations, simply because the research worker must, at a minimum, know what he or she is seeking to explain." (Edward R Tufte, "Data Analysis for Politics and Policy", 1974)

"Fitting lines to relationships between variables is the major tool of data analysis. Fitted lines often effectively summarize the data and, by doing so, help communicate the analytic results to others. Estimating a fitted line is also the first step in squeezing further information from the data." (Edward R Tufte, "Data Analysis for Politics and Policy", 1974)

"Exploratory data analysis, EDA, calls for a relatively free hand in exploring the data, together with dual obligations: (•) to look for all plausible alternatives and oddities - and a few implausible ones, (graphic techniques can be most helpful here) and (•) to remove each appearance that seems large enough to be meaningful - ordinarily by some form of fitting, adjustment, or standardization [...] so that what remains, the residuals, can be examined for further appearances." (John W Tukey, "Introduction to Styles of Data Analysis Techniques", 1982)

"Fitting data means finding mathematical descriptions of structure in the data. An additive shift is a structural property of univariate data in which distributions differ only in location and not in spread or shape. […] The process of identifying a structure in data and then fitting the structure to produce residuals that have the same distribution lies at the heart of statistical analysis. Such homogeneous residuals can be pooled, which increases the power of the description of the variation in the data." (William S Cleveland, "Visualizing Data", 1993)

"Many good things happen when data distributions are well approximated by the normal. First, the question of whether the shifts among the distributions are additive becomes the question of whether the distributions have the same standard deviation; if so, the shifts are additive. […] A second good happening is that methods of fitting and methods of probabilistic inference, to be taken up shortly, are typically simple and on well understood ground. […] A third good thing is that the description of the data distribution is more parsimonious." (William S Cleveland, "Visualizing Data", 1993)

"Many of the applications of visualization in this book give the impression that data analysis consists of an orderly progression of exploratory graphs, fitting, and visualization of fits and residuals. Coherence of discussion and limited space necessitate a presentation that appears to imply this. Real life is usually quite different. There are blind alleys. There are mistaken actions. There are effects missed until the very end when some visualization saves the day. And worse, there is the possibility of the nearly unmentionable: missed effects." (William S Cleveland, "Visualizing Data", 1993)

"Time-series forecasting is essentially a form of extrapolation in that it involves fitting a model to a set of data and then using that model outside the range of data to which it has been fitted. Extrapolation is rightly regarded with disfavour in other statistical areas, such as regression analysis. However, when forecasting the future of a time series, extrapolation is unavoidable." (Chris Chatfield, "Time-Series Forecasting" 2nd Ed, 2000)

"It is not always convenient to remember that the right model for a population can fit a sample of data worse than a wrong model - even a wrong model with fewer parameters. We cannot rely on statistical diagnostics to save us, especially with small samples. We must think about what our models mean, regardless of fit, or we will promulgate nonsense." (Leland Wilkinson, "The Grammar of Graphics" 2nd Ed., 2005)

"You might say that there’s no reason to bother with model checking since all models are false anyway. I do believe that all models are false, but for me the purpose of model checking is not to accept or reject a model, but to reveal aspects of the data that are not captured by the fitted model." (Andrew Gelman, "Some thoughts on the sociology of statistics", 2007)

"A complete data analysis will involve the following steps: (i) Finding a good model to fit the signal based on the data. (ii) Finding a good model to fit the noise, based on the residuals from the model. (iii) Adjusting variances, test statistics, confidence intervals, and predictions, based on the model for the noise.(DeWayne R Derryberry, "Basic data analysis for time series with R", 2014)

"Either a logarithmic or a square-root transformation of the data would produce a new series more amenable to fit a simple trigonometric model. It is often the case that periodic time series have rounded minima and sharp-peaked maxima. In these cases, the square root or logarithmic transformation seems to work well most of the time.(DeWayne R Derryberry, "Basic data analysis for time series with R", 2014)

"Once a model has been fitted to the data, the deviations from the model are the residuals. If the model is appropriate, then the residuals mimic the true errors. Examination of the residuals often provides clues about departures from the modeling assumptions. Lack of fit - if there is curvature in the residuals, plotted versus the fitted values, this suggests there may be whole regions where the model overestimates the data and other whole regions where the model underestimates the data. This would suggest that the current model is too simple relative to some better model.(DeWayne R Derryberry, "Basic data analysis for time series with R", 2014)

"Prediction about the future assumes that the statistical model will continue to fit future data. There are several reasons this is often implausible, but it also seems clear that the model will often degenerate slowly in quality, so that the model will fit data only a few periods in the future almost as well as the data used to fit the model. To some degree, the reliability of extrapolation into the future involves subject-matter expertise.(DeWayne R Derryberry, "Basic data analysis for time series with R", 2014

"An oft-repeated rule of thumb in any sort of statistical model fitting is 'you can't fit a model with more parameters than data points'. This idea appears to be as wide-spread as it is incorrect. On the contrary, if you construct your models carefully, you can fit models with more parameters than datapoints [...]. A model with more parameters than datapoints is known as an under-determined system, and it's a common misperception that such a model cannot be solved in any circumstance. [...] this misconception, which I like to call the 'model complexity myth' [...] is not true in general, it is true in the specific case of simple linear models, which perhaps explains why the myth is so pervasive." (Jake Vanderplas, "The Model Complexity Myth", 2015)

"Supervised learning, or function approximation, is simply fitting data to a function of any variety.  […] Unsupervised learning involves figuring out what makes the data special. […] Reinforcement learning involves figuring out how to play a multistage game with rewards and payoffs. Think of it as the algorithms that optimize the life of something." (Matthew Kirk, "Thoughtful Machine Learning", 2015)

"Often when people relate essentially the same variable in two different groups, or at two different times, they see this same phenomenon - the tendency of the response variable to be closer to the mean than the predicted value. Unfortunately, people try to interpret this by thinking that the performance of those far from the mean is deteriorating, but it’s just a mathematical fact about the correlation. So, today we try to be less judgmental about this phenomenon and we call it regression to the mean. We managed to get rid of the term 'mediocrity', but the name regression stuck as a name for the whole least squares fitting procedure - and that’s where we get the term regression line." (Richard D De Veaux et al, "Stats: Data and Models", 2016)

"Just as they did thirty years ago, machine learning programs (including those with deep neural networks) operate almost entirely in an associational mode. They are driven by a stream of observations to which they attempt to fit a function, in much the same way that a statistician tries to fit a line to a collection of points. Deep neural networks have added many more layers to the complexity of the fitted function, but raw data still drives the fitting process. They continue to improve in accuracy as more data are fitted, but they do not benefit from the 'super-evolutionary speedup'."  (Judea Pearl & Dana Mackenzie, "The Book of Why: The new science of cause and effect", 2018)

"Random forests are essentially an ensemble of trees. They use many short trees, fitted to multiple samples of the data, and the predictions are averaged for each observation. This helps to get around a problem that trees, and many other machine learning techniques, are not guaranteed to find optimal models, in the way that linear regression is. They do a very challenging job of fitting non-linear predictions over many variables, even sometimes when there are more variables than there are observations. To do that, they have to employ 'greedy algorithms', which find a reasonably good model but not necessarily the very best model possible." (Robert Grant, "Data Visualization: Charts, Maps and Interactive Graphics", 2019)

"Fitting models to data is a bit like designing shirts to fit people. If you fit a shirt too closely to one particular person, it will fit other people poorly. Likewise, a model that fits a particular data set too well might not fit other data sets well." (Rahul Parsa, [Speaking to the Iowa SAS User’s Group])

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