Showing posts with label new features. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new features. Show all posts

17 January 2025

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part VIII: Permissions) [new feature]

Data-based solutions usually target a set of users who (ideally) have restricted permissions to the functionality. Therefore, as part of the process are defined several personas that target different use cases, for which the permissions must be restricted accordingly. 

In the simplest scenario the user must have access to the underlying objects for querying the data. Supposing that an Entra User was created already, the respective user must be given access also in the Fabric database (see [1], [2]). From database's main menu follow the path to assign read permissions:
Security >> Manage SQL Security >> (select role: db_datareader)

Manage SQL Security
Manage SQL Security

Manage access >> Add >> (search for User)

Manage access
Manage access

(select user) >> Share database >> (select additional permissions) >> Save

Manage additional permissions
Manage additional permissions

The easiest way to test whether the permissions work before building the functionality is to login over SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and check the access using the Microsoft Entra MFA. Ideally, one should have a User's credentials that can be used only for testing purposes. After the above setup was done, the new User was able to access the data. 

A second User can be created for testing with the maximum of permissions allowed on the SQL database side, which is useful for troubleshooting. Alternatively, one can use only one User for testing and assign or remove the permissions as needed by the test scenario. 

It's a good idea to try to understand what's happening in the background. For example, the expectation was that for the Entra User created above also a SQL user is created, which doesn't seem to be the case, at least per current functionality available. 

 Before diving deeper, it's useful to retrieve User's details: 

-- retrieve current user
SELECT SUser_Name() sys_user_name
, User_Id() user_id 
, USER_NAME() user_name
, current_user [current_user]
, user [user]; 
sys_user_name user_id user_name current_user user
JamesClavell@[domain] 0 JamesClavell@[domain] JamesClavell@[domain] JamesClavell@[domain]

Retrieving the current User is useful especially when testing in parallel functionality with different Users. Strangely, User's ID is 0 when only read permissions were assigned. However, a valid User identifier is added for example when to the User is assigned also the db_datawriter role. Removing afterwards the db_datawriter role to the User keeps as expected User's ID. For troubleshooting purposes, at least per current functionality, it might be a good idea to create the Users with a valid User ID (e.g. by assigning temporarily the db_datawriter role to the User). 

The next step is to look at the Users with access to the database:

-- database access 
--, USR.sid 
, USR.hasdbaccess 
, USR.islogin
, USR.issqluser
--, USR.createdate 
--, USR.updatedate 
FROM sys.sysusers USR
WHERE USR.hasdbaccess = 1
  AND USR.islogin = 1
uid name hasdbaccess islogin issqluser
1 dbo 1 1 1
6 CharlesDickens@[...] 1 1 0
7 TestUser 1 1 1
9 JamesClavell@[...] 1 1 0

For testing purposes, besides the standard dbo role and two Entra-based roles, it was created also a SQL role to which was granted access to the SalesLT schema (see initial post):

-- create the user

-- assign access to SalesLT schema 
-- test impersonation (run together)

SELECT * FROM SalesLT.Customer;


1) Strangely, even if access was given explicitly only to the SalesLT schema, the TestUser User has access also to sys.sysusers and other DMVs. That's valid also for the access over SSMS
2) For the above created User there are no records in the sys.user_token and sys.login_token DMVs, in contrast with the user(s) created for administering the SQL database. 

Let's look at the permissions granted explicitly:

-- permissions granted explicitly
SELECT DPR.principal_id
, DPR.type_desc
, DPR.authentication_type_desc
, DPE.state_desc
, DPE.permission_name
FROM sys.database_principals DPR
     JOIN sys.database_permissions DPE
	   ON DPR.principal_id = DPE.grantee_principal_id
WHERE DPR.principal_id != 0 -- removing the public user
ORDER BY DPR.principal_id
, DPE.permission_name;
principal_id name type_desc authentication_type_desc state_desc permission_name

During troubleshooting it might be useful to check current user's permissions at the various levels via sys.fn_my_permissions:

-- retrieve database-scoped permissions for current user
FROM sys.fn_my_permissions(NULL, 'Database');

-- retrieve schema-scoped permissions for current user
FROM sys.fn_my_permissions('SalesLT', 'Schema');

-- retrieve object-scoped permissions for current user
FROM sys.fn_my_permissions('SalesLT.Customer', 'Object')
WHERE permission_name = 'SELECT';

1) See also [1] and [4] in what concerns the limitations that apply to managing permissions in SQL databases.

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) Microsoft Fabric: Share your SQL database and manage permissions [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) Microsoft Fabric: Share data and manage access to your SQL database in Microsoft Fabric  [link]
[3] Microsoft Learn (2024) Authorization in SQL database in Microsoft Fabric [link]
[4] Microsoft Learn (2024) Authentication in SQL database in Microsoft Fabric [link]

[5] Microsoft Fabric Learn (2025) Manage access for SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric with workspace roles and item permissions [link

06 January 2025

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part VII: Things That Don't Work) [new feature]

Microsoft does relatively a good job in documenting what doesn't work in Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases. There's a good overview available already in the documentation, though beyond this the current post lists my finding while testing the previously written code on this blog,

USE Database

The standard syntax allows to change via USE the database context to the specified database or database snapshot. Unfortunately, this syntax doesn't seem to be supported currently and unfortunately many scripts seem to abuse of it. Thus, the following line of code throws an error:

-- changing the context
USE master;
USE tempdb;

"Msg 40508, Level 16, State 1, Line 1, USE statement is not supported to switch between databases. Use a new connection to connect to a different database"

However, one can use the 3-part naming convention to reference the various objects:

-- sys metadata - retrieving the database files

FROM tempdb.sys.database_files dbf
ORDER BY name;

Even if the tempdb is not listed in the sys.databases table, it's still available for querying, which can prove helpful for troubleshooting. 

DBCC commands 

The documentation warns that some DBCC commands won't work, though in some cases there are also alternatives. For example:

-- clearing the procedure cache via DBCC
"Msg 2571, Level 14, State 9, Line 1, User '<user>' does not have permission to run DBCC freeproccache."

Alternatively, one can use the following command, which seems to work:

-- clearing the procedure cash via ALTER

CHECKDB, which checks the logical and physical integrity of all the objects in the specified database, can't be used as well:
-- Checking the logical and physical integrity of a database
"Msg 916, Level 14, State 2, Line 1, The server principal "..." is not able to access the database "..." under the current security context."
The same error message is received for CHECKTABLE, utility which checks the integrity of all the pages and structures that make up the table (or indexed view):

-- checking a table's integrity
DBCC CHECKTABLE ('SalesLT.Address');
"Msg 916, Level 14, State 2, Line 2, The server principal "..." is not able to access the database "..." under the current security context."
A similar error messages is received for SQLPERF, which provides transaction log space usage statistics for all databases:

-- retrieving the LOGSPACE information for all databases
"Msg 297, Level 16, State 10, Line 1, The user does not have permission to perform this action."
There are however DBCC commands like SHOW_STATISTICS or SHRINKDATABASE which do work. 
-- current query optimization statistics
DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS('SalesLT.Address','PK_Address_AddressID');
Name Updated Rows Rows Sampled Steps Density Average key length String Index Filter Expression Unfiltered Rows Persisted Sample Percent
PK_Address_AddressID Dec 21 2024 3:02AM 450 450 197 1 4 NO 450 0

SHRINKDATABASE shrinks the size of the data and log files in the specified database:

-- shrinking database

Update 29-Jan-2025: According to an answer from Ask the Expert session on Fabric Database [3], Microsoft seems to be working in bringing more DBCC features to SQL databases.

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) SQL Server: USE <database> [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) Database console commands [link]
[3] Microsoft Reactor (2025) Ask The Expert - Fabric Edition - Fabric Databases [link]

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part VI: Index Usage Analysis) [new feature]

There are several system dynamic management views (DMV) available in SQL Server, Azure SQL Server and now in SQL databases that allow to gather more information about indexes' fragmentation and usage. Let's look at the most important information available based on the indexes create in the previous posts. As the data were probably purged from the views, it's needed to run first the select queries based on the SalesLT.Product from the previous post. This step is important, otherwise the DMVs might return no records!

One starting point is to use the sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats DMV to look at the indexes' size and fragmentation information for a given table (or view). The table is used usually as starting point for analyzing indexes' fragmentation and then defragment the indexes with high fragmentation.

-- sys metadata - index & data size and fragmentation information for the data and indexes of the specified table or view
SELECT --db_name() db_name
--, object_name(IND.object_id) table_name index_name
, IND.type_desc
, IPS.page_count
, IPS.record_count
, IPS.index_level
, Cast(IPS.avg_fragmentation_in_percent as decimal(10,2)) avg_fragmentation_perc
, Cast(IPS.avg_page_space_used_in_percent as decimal(10,2)) space_used_perc
--, IPS.*
FROM sys.indexes IND
     CROSS APPLY sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), IND.object_id, IND.index_id, NULL, 'DETAILED') IPS
WHERE IND.object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'SalesLT.Product');
index_name type_desc page_count record_count index_level avg_fragmentation_perc space_used_perc
PK_Product_ProductID CLUSTERED 101 295 0 0.99 87.90
PK_Product_ProductID CLUSTERED 1 101 1 0.00 16.20
AK_Product_rowguid NONCLUSTERED 2 295 0 50.00 74.69
AK_Product_rowguid NONCLUSTERED 1 2 1 0.00 0.59
AK_Product_ProductNumber NONCLUSTERED 2 295 0 50.00 85.79
AK_Product_ProductNumber NONCLUSTERED 1 2 1 0.00 0.49
AK_Product_Name NONCLUSTERED 3 295 0 33.33 87.32
AK_Product_Name NONCLUSTERED 1 3 1 0.00 1.67
IX_SalesLT_Product_Color NONCLUSTERED 1 295 0 0.00 79.24
IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size NONCLUSTERED 1 295 0 0.00 94.12
IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC NONCLUSTERED 4 295 0 0.00 86.60
IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC NONCLUSTERED 1 4 1 0.00 1.01

In a second step one can look at the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats DMV which provides the counts of the different types of index operations and the time each type of operation was last performed:

-- sys metadata - counts of different types of index operations and the time each type of operation was last performed.
SELECT -- db_name() db_name
--, object_name(IND.object_id) table_name
, IND.type_desc
, IUS.user_seeks 
, IUS.user_scans
, IUS.user_lookups 
, IUS.user_updates
, IUS.last_user_seek
, IUS.last_user_scan 
, IUS.last_user_lookup
, IUS.last_user_update
FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats IUS
     JOIN sys.indexes IND
       ON IUS.index_id = IND.index_id
WHERE IND.object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'SalesLT.Product');
name type_desc user_seeks user_scans user_lookups user_updates last_user_seek last_user_scan last_user_lookup
PK_Product_ProductID CLUSTERED 0 10 15 0 2025-01-06T14:23:54 2025-01-06T14:23:54
IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size NONCLUSTERED 11 0 0 0 2025-01-06T14:23:54
IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC NONCLUSTERED 8 0 0 0 2025-01-06T13:38:03

Finally, it might be useful to look also at the sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats DMV which returns the current lower-level I/O, locking, latching, and access method activity for each partition of a table or index in the database (see the documentation for the full list of attrbutes):

-- sys metadata - index operations stats
SELECT -- db_name() db_name
--, object_name(IND.object_id) table_name index_name
, IND.type_desc
, IOS.range_scan_count
, IOS.singleton_lookup_count
, IOS.leaf_insert_count
, IOS.leaf_delete_count
, IOS.leaf_update_count
, IOS.nonleaf_insert_count
, IOS.nonleaf_delete_count
, IOS.nonleaf_update_count
FROM sys.indexes IND
     CROSS APPLY sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats(DB_ID(), IND.object_id, IND.index_id, NULL) IOS
WHERE IND.object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'SalesLT.Product')
 AND IOS.range_scan_count<>0
index_name type_desc range_scan_count singleton_lookup_count leaf_insert_count leaf_delete_count leaf_update_count nonleaf_insert_count nonleaf_delete_count nonleaf_update_count
IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size NONCLUSTERED 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC NONCLUSTERED 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PK_Product_ProductID CLUSTERED 10 64 0 0 0 0 0 0

For more information on these DMVs check the documentation.

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) SQL Server: sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) SQL Server: sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats [link]
[3] Microsoft Learn (2024) SQL Server: sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats [link]

04 January 2025

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part V: Manual Index Maintenance) [new feature]

Indexes' maintenance in Microsoft Fabric's SQL databases is supposed to happen automatically in the background via automatic tuning options feature, though the whole functionality is still in its early phases, and therefore many questions regarding the whole process may arise. Probably the most important question is whether indexes can still be created, respectively maintained manually. That's useful for temporary or even periodic workloads, where maybe organizations might still want to maintain indexes manually. 

The tests made below are based on the SalesLT.Product from AdventureWorkds database available in Microsoft Fabric. The target was to create several indexes that could be used for the various testing purposes. Each set of the below scripts was run 5-10 times until records appeared in the sys.dm_db_missing_index_details table for each test case (see further below):

-- batch 1: filter on single column (to be run 5-10 times)
FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE Color = 'Red'

FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE Color = 'Black'

FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE Color = 'White'

-- batch 2: filter on two columns (to be run 5-10 times)
FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE Color = 'Red'
  AND Size = '58'

FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE Color = 'Black'
  AND Size = '58'

FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE Color = 'White'
     AND Size = '58'

-- batch 3: filter with column selection (to be run 5-10 times)
SELECT ProductNumber, Name, Color, ListPrice
FROM SalesLT.Product 

SELECT ProductNumber, Name, Color, ListPrice
FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE ListPrice BETWEEN 100 and 105

Once the scripts run, one can look at the records created in the above considered dynamic management view:

-- sys metadata -  missing indexes
SELECT MID.statement AS table_name
, MID.equality_columns
, MID.inequality_columns
, MID.included_columns
--, MIG.index_group_handle
--, MIG.index_handle
FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_details MID 
    JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups MIG 
     ON MID.index_handle =  MIG.index_handle
ORDER BY MIG.index_group_handle
, MIG.index_handle
table_name equality_columns inequality_columns included_columns
[AdventureWorks01-...].[SalesLT].[Product] [Color]
[AdventureWorks01-...].[SalesLT].[Product] [Color], [Size]
[AdventureWorks01-...].[SalesLT].[Product] [ListPrice] [Name], [ProductNumber], [Color]

The next step is to create one of the indexes (please note that database's name must be replaced accordingly or used only the 2-part naming convention - schema & table name ):

-- create index on Color
CREATE INDEX IX_SalesLT_Product_Color 
ON [AdventureWorks01-...].[SalesLT].[Product] (Color);

Once the script was run, all the records related to the SalesLT.Product disappeared from the dynamic management view. Therefore, it might be a good idea to take a snapshot with view's data before creating any indexes manually. Probably the same behavior should be expected when the indexes are created by the system.

-- create index on Color & Size
CREATE INDEX IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size
ON [SalesLT].[Product] (Color, Size);

-- create index on ListPrice with included columns
CREATE INDEX IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC
ON [SalesLT].[Product] (ListPrice) INCLUDE(ProductNumber, Name, Color);

One can use the following query based on the meta.vIndexes (created in a previous post) to look at the indexes created:

-- sys metadata - index columns
SELECt IND.db_name
, IND.schema_name
, IND.table_name
, IND.index_name
, IND.index_type
, IND.principal_type
, IND.auto_created
FROM meta.vIndexes IND
WHERE IND.schema_name = 'SalesLT'
  AND IND.table_name = 'Product'
  AND IND.index_name IN ('IX_SalesLT_Product_Color ','IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size'
ORDER BY IND.table_name
, IND.index_name
db_name schema_name table_name index_name index_type principal_type auto_created
AdventureWorks01-... SalesLT Product IX_SalesLT_Product_Color NONCLUSTERED S False
AdventureWorks01-... SalesLT Product IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size NONCLUSTERED S False
AdventureWorks01-... SalesLT Product IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC NONCLUSTERED S False

After this model can be created further indexes as needed. It's always a good idea to take a "copy" of the indexes created (or keep a history of the scripts run for indexes' maintenance). This best practice is now more important, when the system can drop indexes as it considers fit. 

Don't forget to clean up the changes made if the indexes aren't needed anymore:

-- cleaning after
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS SalesLT.IX_SalesLT_Product_Color;
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS SalesLT.IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size;
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS SalesLT.IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC;

So, after these tests, the standard syntax for index's maintenance seems to work also on SQL databases, with all the implications deriving from this (e.g. porting of scripts, database objects, etc.)

Happy coding!

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25 December 2024

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part II: Under the Hood) [new feature]

The first tests performed with Microsoft Fabric's SQL databases (see previous post) revealed that with small exceptions many of the objects and administration scripts I built for SQL Server 2005 up to 2022 worked until now with minimal changes, though the tests made focused only on the standard basic functionality - the use of user-defined functions, stored procedures, views, respectively DMVs. As usual, the devil probably hides in details.

First of all, one can easily check current database's configuration settings via the sys.configurations:

-- database configuration values
SELECT cnf.configuration_id
, cnf.description
, cnf.value 
, cnf.minimum 
, cnf.maximum 
, cnf.value_in_use 
, cnf.is_dynamic 
, cnf.is_advanced 
FROM sys.configurations cnf
WHERE value <> 0 
--WHERE name LIKE 'data%'

One can look also at the database-scoped configuration via the sys.database_scoped_configurations, especially at the records whose value deviates from the default:

-- SQL database - database scoped configuration
, value
, value_for_secondary
, is_value_default 
FROM sys.database_scoped_configurations
WHERE is_value_default <>1 --search for deviations from default
--WHERE name=N'MAXDOP' -- search for individual values
name value value_for_secondary is_value_default
MAXDOP 8 False

Querying the sys.databases revealed that there seems to be only one system database available, namely the master database used to retrieve the definition of the system objects. In what concerns the various properties, it's probably important to check the compatibility level, the collation name, and other settings that apply:

-- database information
SELECT db.database_id
, db.[name] AS database_name
, db.recovery_model_desc 
, db.log_reuse_wait_desc 
, db.[compatibility_level] 
, db.page_verify_option_desc 
, db.collation_name
, db.user_access_desc
, db.is_change_feed_enabled
, db.is_data_lake_replication_enabled
FROM sys.databases AS db
database_id database_name recovery_model_desc log_reuse_wait_desc compatibility_level page_verify_option_desc collation_name user_access_desc is_change_feed_enabled is_data_lake_replication_enabled
1 master FULL NOTHING 160 CHECKSUM SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS MULTI_USER False False
26 AdventureWorks01-... FULL NOTHING 160 CHECKSUM SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS MULTI_USER True True

Unfortunately, it's not possible to change a database's collation, though other collations on individual columns are supported [2]. Compared to the standard SQL Server, it's not possible to change the compatibility level to a previous value. It will be interesting to see whether an SQL database will use always the latest version of SQL Server or whether future compatibility levels are supported in parallel.

There is no tempdb listed, though querying directly the objects from tempdb by using 3-part references allows to retrieve their content. For example, the following query retrieves the various database files available currently:

-- SQL database: tempdb files 
SELECT dbf.file_id
, file_name
--, dbf.physical_name
, file_group
--, type 
, dbf.type_desc file_type
--, dbf.growth growth_kb
, Cast(dbf.growth/128.0  as decimal(18,2)) growth_mb
--, dbf.is_percent_growth
--, dbf.max_size max_size_kb
, Cast(NullIf(dbf.max_size, -1)/128.0  as decimal(18,2)) max_size_mb
--, dbf.size file_size_kb
, Cast(dbf.size/128.0 as decimal(18,2)) file_size_mb
, dbf.state_desc 
, dbf.is_read_only 
FROM tempdb.sys.database_files dbf
     LEFT JOIN tempdb.sys.data_spaces dsp
       ON dbf.data_space_id = dsp.data_space_id
ORDER BY dbf.Name
file_id file_name file_group file_type growth_mb max_size_mb file_size_mb state_desc is_read_only
1 tempdev PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
11 tempdev10 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
12 tempdev11 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
13 tempdev12 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
14 tempdev13 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
15 tempdev14 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
16 tempdev15 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
17 tempdev16 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
3 tempdev2 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
4 tempdev3 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
5 tempdev4 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
6 tempdev5 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
7 tempdev6 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
8 tempdev7 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
9 tempdev8 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
10 tempdev9 PRIMARY ROWS 256.00 32768.00 16.00 ONLINE False
2 templog LOG 64.00 216256.00 16.00 ONLINE False

By removing the reference to tempdb from the query, one can get the same information for the current database. For the SalesLT were created only two database and one log file. 

There seems to be no msdb database, used primarily by the SQL Server Agent for scheduling alerts and jobs. This implies that the functionality based on it won't work and one needs to find alternatives!

Looking at the feature comparison from [2], the most important are the lack of support for always encrypted, auditing, bulk inserts, change data capture (CDC), elastic queries, full-text search, in-memory optimization, ledger, OPENROWSET. In addition it supports cross-database three-part name queries via the SQL analytics endpoint [2].

Until now, the most annoying fact is that in the web UI results are returned in different "pages", and thus makes it a bit more challenging to navigate the output. However, using a cursor to iterate through the results and saving the content to a table solves the problem (see link). The last query from the post was used to retrieve the system objects together with the number of records returned. 

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) Frequently asked questions for SQL database in Microsoft Fabric (preview) [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) Features comparison: Azure SQL Database and SQL database in Microsoft Fabric (preview) [link]

21 December 2024

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part I: Creating a View) [new feature]

At this year's Ignite conference it was announced that SQL databases are available now in Fabric in public preview (see SQL Databases for OLTP scenarios, [1]). To test the functionality one can import the SalesLT database in a newly created empty database, which made available several tables:
-- tables from SalesLT schema (queries should be run individually)
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM SalesLT.Address
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM SalesLT.Customer
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM SalesLT.CustomerAddress
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM SalesLT.Product ITM 
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM SalesLT.ProductCategory
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM SalesLT.ProductDescription 
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM SalesLT.ProductModel  
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM SalesLT.ProductModelProductDescription 
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM SalesLT.SalesOrderDetail
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM SalesLT.SalesOrderHeader

The schema seems to be slightly different than the schemas used in previous tests made in SQL Server, though with a few minor changes - mainly removing the fields not available - one can create the below view:
-- drop the view (cleaning step)
-- DROP VIEW IF EXISTS SalesLT.vProducts 

-- create the view
-- Products (view) 
, ITM.ProductCategoryID 
, PPS.ParentProductCategoryID 
, ITM.ProductModelID 
, ITM.Name ProductName 
, ITM.ProductNumber 
, PPM.Name ProductModel 
, PPS.Name ProductSubcategory 
, PPC.Name ProductCategory  
, ITM.Color 
, ITM.StandardCost 
, ITM.ListPrice 
, ITM.Size 
, ITM.Weight 
, ITM.SellStartDate 
, ITM.SellEndDate 
, ITM.DiscontinuedDate 
, ITM.ModifiedDate 
FROM SalesLT.Product ITM 
     JOIN SalesLT.ProductModel PPM 
       ON ITM.ProductModelID = PPM.ProductModelID 
     JOIN SalesLT.ProductCategory PPS 
        ON ITM.ProductCategoryID = PPS.ProductCategoryID 
         JOIN SalesLT.ProductCategory PPC 
            ON PPS.ParentProductCategoryID = PPC.ProductCategoryID

-- review the data
SELECT top 100 *
FROM SalesLT.vProducts

In the view were used FULL JOINs presuming thus that a value was provided for each record. It's always a good idea to test the presumptions when creating the queries, and eventually check from time to time whether something changed. In some cases it's a good idea to always use LEFT JOINs, though this might have impact on performance and probably other consequences as well.
-- check if all models are available
SELECT top 100 ITM.*
FROM SalesLT.Product ITM 
    LEFT JOIN SalesLT.ProductModel PPM 
       ON ITM.ProductModelID = PPM.ProductModelID 

-- check if all models are available
SELECT top 100 ITM.*
FROM SalesLT.Product ITM 
    LEFT JOIN SalesLT.ProductCategory PPS 
        ON ITM.ProductCategoryID = PPS.ProductCategoryID 

-- check if all categories are available
FROM SalesLT.ProductCategory PPS 
     LEFT JOIN SalesLT.ProductCategory PPC 
       ON PPS.ParentProductCategoryID = PPC.ProductCategoryID

Because the Product categories have an hierarchical structure, it's a good idea to check the hierarchy as well:
-- check the hierarchical structure 
SELECT PPS.ProductCategoryId 
, PPS.ParentProductCategoryId 
, PPS.Name ProductCategory
, PPC.Name ParentProductCategory
FROM SalesLT.ProductCategory PPS 
     LEFT JOIN SalesLT.ProductCategory PPC 
       ON PPS.ParentProductCategoryID = PPC.ProductCategoryID
--WHERE PPC.ProductCategoryID IS NULL
ORDER BY IsNull(PPC.Name, PPS.Name)

This last query can be consolidated in its own view and the previous view changed, if needed.

One can then save all the code as a file. 
Except some small glitches in the editor, everything went smoothly. 

1) One can suppose that many or most of the queries created in the previous versions of SQL Server work also in SQL databases. The future and revised posts on such topics are labelled under sql database.
2) During the various tests I got the following error message when trying to create a table:
"The external policy action 'Microsoft.Sql/Sqlservers/Databases/Schemas/Tables/Create' was denied on the requested resource."
At least in my case all I had to do was to select "SQL Database" instead of "SQL analytics endpoint" in the web editor. Check the top right dropdown below your user information.
[3] For a full least of the available features see [2].

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) SQL database in Microsoft Fabric (Preview) [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) Features comparison: Azure SQL Database and SQL database in Microsoft Fabric (preview) [link]
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.