Showing posts with label record count. Show all posts
Showing posts with label record count. Show all posts

08 February 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part X: Translating SQL to KQL - Correlated Subqueries)

In SQL Server and other RDBMS databases there are many  scenarios in which one needs information from a fact table based on a dimension table without requiring information from the dimension table. 

Correlated Subquery via EXISTS

Before considering the main example, let's start with a simple subquery:

// subquery in SQL
SELECT CustomerKey
, ProductKey
, ProductName
FROM NewSales 
WHERE ProductKey IN (
    FROM Products 
    WHERE ProductSubcategoryName = 'MP4&MP3'

// subquery in KQL
| where ProductKey in (
    | where (ProductSubcategoryName == "MP4&MP3")
    | project ProductKey
    | distinct *))
| project CustomerKey, ProductKey, ProductName

Of course, the ProductKey is unique by design, though there can be dimension, fact tables or subqueries in which the value is not unique.

Now let's consider the correlated subquery pattern, which should provide the same outcome as above, though in RDBMS there are scenarios in which it provides better performance, especially when the number of values from subquery is high.

// correlated subquery in SQL
SELECT CustomerKey
, ProductKey
, ProductName
FROM NewSales 
    SELECT Products.ProductKey
    FROM Products 
    WHERE NewSales.ProductKey = Products.ProductKey)

Unfortunately, trying to translate the code via explain leads to the following error, which confirms that the syntax is not supported in KQL (see [1]):

"Error: Reference to missing column 'NewSales.ProductKey'"

 Fortunately, in this case one can use the first version of the query. 

Correlated Subquery via CROSS APPLY

Before creating the main query, let's look at the inner query and check whether it gets correctly translate to KQL:

// subquery logic
SELECT sum(TotalCost) TotalCost 
FROM NewSales 
WHERE DateKey > '20240101' and DateKey <'20240201'

Now, let's bring the logic within the CROSS APPLY:

// correlated subquery in SQL
SELECT ProductKey
, ProductName
, TotalCost
FROM Products
        SELECT sum(TotalCost) TotalCost 
        FROM NewSales 
        WHERE DateKey > '20240101' and DateKey <'20240201'
          AND Products.ProductKey = NewSales.ProductKey
    ) DAT

Running the above code leads to the following error:

"Sql node of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.UnqualifiedJoin' is not implemented"

Unfortunately, many SQL queries are written following this pattern, especially when an OUTER CROSS APPLY is used, retrieving thus all the records from the dimension table. 

In this case one can rewrite the query via a RIGHT JOIN:

// correlated subquery in SQL
, PRD.ProductName
, SAL.TotalCost
FROM Products PRD
        SELECT ProductKey
        , sum(TotalCost) TotalCost 
        FROM NewSales 
        WHERE DateKey > '20240101' and DateKey <'20240201'
        GROUP BY ProductKey
    ) SAL
      ON PRD.ProductKey = SAL.ProductKey

// direct translation of the query
| join kind=leftouter 
        | where ((DateKey > todatetime("20240101")) and (DateKey < todatetime("20240201")))
        | summarize TotalCost=sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey
        | project ProductKey, TotalCost
    ) on ($left.ProductKey == $right.ProductKey)
| project ProductKey, ProductName, TotalCost
//| where isnull(TotalCost)
//| summarize record_number = count()

// query after restructuring
| where ((DateKey > todatetime("20240101")) and (DateKey < todatetime("20240201")))
| summarize TotalCost=sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey
| join kind=rightouter
        | project ProductKey, ProductName
    ) on ($left.ProductKey == $right.ProductKey)
| project ProductKey, ProductName, TotalCost
//| where isnull(TotalCost)
//| summarize record_number = count()

During transformations it's important to check whether the number of records changes between the various versions of the query (including the most general version in which filtering constraints were applied).

Especially when SQL solutions are planned to be migrated to KQL, it's important to know which query patterns can be used in KQL. 

Happy coding!

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[1] GitHib (2024) Module Ex-01 - Advanced KQL [link]

06 February 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part VI: Actual vs. Estimated Count)

More examples are available nowadays for developers, at least compared with 10-20 years ago when besides the scarce documentation, the blogs and source code from books were the only ways to find how a function or a piece of standard functionality works. Copying code without understanding it may lead to unexpected results, with all the consequences resulting from this. 

A recent example in this direction in KQL are the dcount and dcountif functions, which according to the documentation calculates an estimate of the number of distinct values that are taken by a scalar expression in the summary group. An estimate is not the actual number of records, trading performance for accuracy. The best example are the following pieces of code:

// counting records 
| summarize record_count = count() // values availanle 
    , aprox_distinct_count = dcount(CustomerKey) // estimated disting values
    , distinct_count = count_distinct(CustomerKey) // actual number of records
    , aprox_distict_count_by_value  = dcountif(CustomerKey, SalesAmount <> 0) //estimated count of records with not null amounts
    , distict_count_by_value  = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, SalesAmount <> 0) // count of records with not null amounts
    , aprox_distict_count_by_value2  = dcountif(CustomerKey, SalesAmount == 0) //estimated count of records with null amounts
    , distict_count_by_value2  = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, SalesAmount == 0) // count of records with not amounts
| extend error_aprox_distinct_count = distinct_count - aprox_distinct_count
    , error_aprox_distict_count_by_value = distict_count_by_value - aprox_distict_count_by_value
record_count aprox_distinct_count distinct_count aprox_distict_count_by_value distict_count_by_value aprox_distict_count_by_value2 distict_count_by_value2
2832193 18497 18484 18497 18484 10251 10219
error_aprox_distinct_count error_aprox_distict_count_by_value
-13 -13
It's interesting that the same difference is observable also when a narrower time interval is chosen (e.g. 1 month). When using estimate it's important to understand also how big is the error between the actual value and the estimate, and that's the purpose of the last two lines added to the query. In many scenarios the difference might be neglectable until is not. 

One can wonder whether the two functions are deterministic, in other words whether they return the same results if given the same input values. It would be also useful to understand what's the performance of the two estimative functions especially when further constraints are applied.

Moreover, the functions accept a third parameter which allows control over the trade between speed and accuracy (see provided table).

// counting records 
| summarize record_count = count() // values availanle 
    , distinct_count = count_distinct(CustomerKey) // actual number of records
    , aprox_distinct_count = dcount(CustomerKey) // estimated disting values (default)
    , aprox_distinct_count0 = dcount(CustomerKey, 0) // 0-based accuracy
    , aprox_distinct_count1 = dcount(CustomerKey, 1) // 1-based accuracy (default)
    , aprox_distinct_count2 = dcount(CustomerKey, 2) // 2-based accuracy
    , aprox_distinct_count3 = dcount(CustomerKey, 3) // 3-based accuracy
    , aprox_distinct_count4 = dcount(CustomerKey, 4) // 4-based accuracy
record_count distinct_count aprox_distinct_count aprox_distinct_count0 aprox_distinct_count1 aprox_distinct_count2 aprox_distinct_count3 aprox_distinct_count4
2832193 18484 18497 18793 18497 18500 18470 18487

It will be interesting to see which one of these parameters are used in practice. The problems usually start when different approximation parameters are used alternatively with no previous agreement. How could one argument in the favor of one parameter over the others? 

A natural question: how big will be the error introduced by each parameter? Usually, when approximating values, one needs to specify also the expected error somehow. The documentation provide some guiding value, though are these values enough? Do similar estimate functions make sense also for the other aggregate functions?

In exchange, the count_distinct and count_distinctif seem to be still in preview, with all the consequences derived from this. They are supposed to be more resource-intensive than the estimative counterparts. Conversely, the values returned can be still rounded in dashboards up to the meaningful unit (e.g. thousands), and this usually depends on the context. The question whether the values can be rounded can be put also in the context and the estimative counterparts. It would be interesting to check how far away are the rounded values from each other in the context of the two sets of functions.

In practice, counting is useful for calculating percentages (e.g. how many customers come from a certain zone compared to the total), which are more useful and easier to grasp than big numbers: 

// calculating percentages from totals
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize count_customers = count_distinct(CustomerKey)
    , count_customers_US = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, RegionCountryName == 'United States')
    , count_customers_CA = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, RegionCountryName == 'Canada')
    , count_customers_other = count_distinctif(CustomerKey, not(RegionCountryName in ('United States', 'Canada')))
| extend percent_customers_US = iif(count_customers<>0, round(100.00 * count_customers_US/count_customers, 2), 0.00)
    , percent_customers_CA = iif(count_customers<>0, round(100.00 * count_customers_CA/count_customers, 2), 0.00)
    , percent_customers_other = iif(count_customers<>0, round(100.00 * count_customers_other/count_customers,2), 0.00)
count_customers count_customers_US count_customers_CA count_customers_other percent_customers_US percent_customers_CA percent_customers_other
10317 3912 789 5616 37.92 7.65 54.43

When showing percentages it's important to provide also the "context", the actual count or amount. This allows to understand the scale associated with the percentages. 

Happy coding!

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[R1] Arcane Code (2022) Fun With KQL – DCount, by R C Cain [link]
[R2] M Morowczynsk et al (2024) "The Definitive Guide to KQL" [sample]
[R3] M Zorich (2022) Too much noise in your data? Summarize it! [link]

04 February 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part III: Basic Joins)

As data is usually dispersed over multiple tables, in any query languages is quintessential to know how to bring the data together for further analysis, joins allowing to achieve this is SQL as well in KQL. One usually starts with the main table and joins the further tables to it. In a data warehouse, the main table is a fact table to which the dimension tables are further joined to add details, respectively to filter on the dimensions. 

Before starting to build any logic, it's important to get an idea of tables' cardinality and which are the keys on which the data to be join. Some models, like the one in the ContosoSales model, are straightforward and the columns participating in the joins have the same names, or at least similar names.  

When writing and testing queries, one can start with a small subset of the data, join the tables together, and at the end validate the logic as needed. Selecting a small interval (e.g. a month, week, or even a day) and the records for 1-2 representative records from a dimensional table (e.g. Customers) helps in the process for minimizing the data movement and 

// check how many records are available 
// Sales table: 28980 based on the filter
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()

// Products: 2517 records
| summarize record_count = count()

// Customers: 18484 records
| summarize record_count = count()

In a second step one can look at the individual values, identify uniqque indentifiers, the columns that participate in joins, respectively other columns of interest. If needed, one can five deeper by checking the number for individual values. Selecting 10-100 records is usually enough for getting an idea about the dataset, though there are also many exceptions:
// review the data
// Sales table: 28980 based on the filter
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| take 10

// Products: 2517 records
| take 10

// Customers: 18484 records
| take 10

In KQL one must start with the fact table (e.g NewSales) and add the dimensions accordingly. Alternatively, it's useful to group only by ProductKey, respectively by CustomerKey.

// review the basis output by Products & Customers
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey, CustomerKey
| order by TotalCost desc
| summarize result_record_count = count()

Now let's join the Product dimension table to the NewSales fact table via the join operator

// total by product via join
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey
| join kind=inner (
    | where  ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    on ProductKey
| project ProductName, TotalCost
//| summarize record_count = count() 
| order by TotalCost desc

One can join now also the second dimension table and eventually select only the columns in scope, respectively do further calculations (see CustomerName):

// total by product & customer via joins
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey, CustomerKey
| join kind=inner (
    | where  ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    | project ProductKey, ProductName 
    on ProductKey
| join kind=inner (
    | project CustomerKey, CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    on CustomerKey
| project CustomerName, ProductName, TotalCost
//| summarize record_count = count() 
| order by CustomerName asc, ProductName asc

Once the query built, one can go ahead and remove the pieces of logic not needed, an reevaluate the number of records with a count (see commented line).

Alternatively, one can rewrite the above query as follows via the lookup operators:

// total by Product & Customer via lookup
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey, CustomerKey
| lookup Products on ProductKey
| lookup Customers on CustomerKey 
//| summarize record_count = count() 
| project CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName), ProductName, TotalCost

The two last queries should produce the same results. The first query allows more flexibility in what concerns the constraints applied, while the second is more compact while it also allows to easier test how the number of records changes by added each join. This set of tests is done to make sure that duplicates aren't created in the process, respectively that records are not removed unnecessarily from the logic. 

If the fields used in joins don't have the same name, which happens in data many models, one can use the $left and $right to refer to the table participating in the join. This syntax makes the query a bit more verbose, though it brings more clarity. Even if some vendors provide similar syntax (e.g. USING in Oracle), one may prefer the syntax that offers clarity.

// total by product via lookup with table alias
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey, CustomerKey
| lookup Products on $left.ProductKey == $right.ProductKey
| lookup Customers on $left.CustomerKey == $right.CustomerKey
| project CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName), ProductName, TotalCost

1) For readability purposes, it might be useful to use indentation for the lines that are continuation of the previous line. Therefore, if the line doesn't start with a pipe ("|"), the next line starts a few characters (a tab) further.
2) According to the documentation (see [1]), the "lookup" operator optimizes the performance of queries where a fact table is enriched with data from a dimension table.

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) Kusto Tutorial: Join data from multiple tables [link]

23 January 2025

💎SQL Reloaded: Number of Records VI (via sp_MSForEachTable Undocumented Stored Procedure)

Starting with SQL Server 2000 it's possible to execute a command via the undocumented stored procedure sp_MSForEachTable for each table available in a database, respectively for subsets of the tables. In a previous post I shown how the stored procedure can be used in several scenarios, including how to get the total number of records in each set of tables. However, the code used generates a result set for each table, which makes it difficult to aggregate the information for further processing. In many scenarios, it would be useful to store the result as a temporary or even persisted table.

-- dropping the tables

-- create a temporary table to store the input list
SELECT TableName
INTO #Tables 
FROM (VALUES ('Person.Address')
, ('Person.AddressType')
, ('Person.BusinessEntity')) DAT(TableName)

-- create a temporary table to store the results
CREATE TABLE dbo.#TablesRecordCount (
  table_name nvarchar(150) NOT NULL
, number_records bigint
, run_date datetime2(0)
, comment nvarchar(255)

-- getting the number of records for the list of tables into the result table
INSERT INTO #TablesRecordCount
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1='SELECT ''?'' [Table], COUNT(*) numer_records, GetDate() run_date, ''testing round 1'' comment FROM ?'
, @whereand = ' And Object_id In (Select Object_id(TableName) FROM #Tables)'

-- reviewing the result
FROM #TablesRecordCount
ORDER BY number_records DESC

The above solution uses two temporary tables, though it can be easily adapted to persist the result in a standard table: just replace the "#" with the schema part (e.g. "dbo."). This can be useful in troubleshooting scenarios, when the code is run at different points in time, eventually for different sets of tables. 

The code is pretty simple and can be extended as needed. Unfortunately, there's no guarantee that the sp_MSForEachTable stored procedure will be supported in the next versions of the SQL Server. For example, the stored procedure is not available in SQL databases, respectively in Fabric warehouses. In SQL databases the following error is thrown:

"Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1, Could not find stored procedure 'sys.sp_MSForEachTable'."

To test whether the feature works in your environment, it's enough to run a call to the respective stored procedure:

-- retrieve the record count for all tables
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1='SELECT ''?'' [Table], COUNT(*) numer_records FROM ?'

Or, you can check whether it works for one table (replace the Person.AddressType table with one from your environment):

-- getting the number of records for the list of tables into another table
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1='SELECT ''?'' [Table], COUNT(*) numer_records FROM ?'
, @whereand = ' And Object_id = Object_id(''Person.AddressType'')'

The solution could prove to be useful in multiple scenarios, though one should consider also the risk of being forced to rewrite the code when the used stored procedure becomes unavailable. Even if it takes more time to write, a solution based on cursors can be more feasible (see previous post).

Update 29-Jan-2025: Probably, despite their usefulness, the undocumented features will not be brought to SQL databases (see [1], 47:30). So, be careful about using the respective features as standard solutions in production environments!

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Reactor (2025) Ask The Expert - Fabric Edition - Fabric Databases [link]

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Number of Records V (via Cursors, a Solution for Warehouses in Microsoft Fabric)

After deploying the sample warehouse available in Microsoft Fabric, I tried to check the number of records available in the deployed tables under the dbo schema. Surprisingly, the sys.partitions.count column has 0 values for all the tables associated with the respective schema (see post). 

There are only a few tables available, and taking a record count for each table should be enough, which is relatively simple with the undocumented sp_MSForEachTable. Unfortunately, this approach doesn't work neither, so one needs to revert to the use of old-fashioned cursors (as I used to do in SQL Server 2000):

-- number of records via cursor
DECLARE @table_name nvarchar(150)
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(250)
DECLARE @number_records bigint 
DECLARE @number_tables int, @iterator int


CREATE TABLE dbo.#tables (
  ranking int NOT NULL
, table_name nvarchar(150) NOT NULL
, number_records bigint

SELECT row_number() OVER(ORDER BY object_id) ranking
, concat(schema_name(schema_id),'.', name) table_name
, NULL number_records
FROM sys.tables obj
WHERE obj.schema_id = schema_id('dbo')
ORDER BY table_name

SET @iterator = 1
SET @number_tables = IsNull((SELECT count(*) FROM #tables), 0)

WHILE (@iterator <= @number_tables)
    SET @table_name = (SELECT table_name FROM #tables WHERE ranking = @iterator)
    SET @sql = CONCAT(N'SELECT @NumberRecords = count(*) FROM ', @table_name)

		--get the number of records
		EXEC sp_executesql @Query = @sql
		, @params = N'@NumberRecords bigint OUTPUT'
		, @NumberRecords = @number_records OUTPUT

		IF IsNull(@number_records, 0)> 0  
                SET @sql = 'UPDATE #tables' 
             + ' SET number_records = ' + Str(@number_records)
             + ' WHERE table_name = ''' + @table_name + '''';

	 -- no action needed in case of error
        END CATCH;

	SET @iterator = @iterator + 1

FROM dbo.#tables;

--DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.#tables;
ranking table_name number_records
1 dbo.Date 5844
2 dbo.Geography 305179
3 dbo.HackneyLicense 42958
4 dbo.Time 86400
5 dbo.Weather 526330
6 dbo.Trip 2838927
7 dbo.Medallion 13668

1) It's a lot of code for a simple task, though the code can be easily duplicated and adapted for similar requirements. Unfortunately, it can lead in time also to many instances of the same code. When possible, one should consider maybe encapsulating the logic in a stored procedure. 
2) It's usually a good idea to check how many records are available in the tables used for testing, as this can impact queries' performance and tables' appropriateness for the tests performed. Moreover, it's a good idea to understand the volume of data when taking over or working with a database. 
3) If one removes the row_number function, the code should run also in SQL Server 2000. Similar solutions were used then for retrieving the record count.
4) Microsoft recommends not to drop the temporary tables explicitly, but let SQL Server handle this cleanup automatically and take thus advantage of the Optimistic Latching Algorithm, which helps prevent contention on TempDB [1]..
5) There are others who stumbled over this issue (see [1]).
6) The solution has been tested successfully also in SQL databases.
7) The whole code must be run together because the temporary table seems to have only a transitory scope! An attempt to rerun the last SELECT from #tables raises the error: "Invalid object name '#tables'"

Happy coding!

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[1] Koen Verbeeck (2024) Get row counts of all tables in a Microsoft Fabric warehouse [link]
[2] Haripriya SB (2024) Do NOT drop #temp tables (link)

25 December 2024

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Number of Records IV (via sys.partitions DMV)

To get the exact number of records in a table one can use the COUNT (see post) or the more recent COUNT_BIG function, though for big tables this can be an inefficient operation for the database engine:

-- number of records via COUNT
SELECT count(*) row_count
FROM SalesLT.Product

Moreover, sometimes the operation needs to be repeated for a number of tables, e.g. dropdown tables in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365 F&O). Writing the query as a UNION allows to export the data as a single table and do comparisons (e.g. in Excel). The same approach can be used also when multiple columns are used for grouping, though one must account for the additional columns in the other subqueries. However, the more tables are involved, the more difficult it becomes to maintain the query over time. 
-- number of records via COUNT for multiple tables
SELECT 'SalesLT.Product' table_name
, count(*) row_count
FROM SalesLT.Product
SELECT 'SalesLT.ProductDescription' table_name
, count(*) row_count
FROM SalesLT.ProductDescription
SELECT 'SalesLT.ProductModel' table_name
, count(*) row_count
FROM SalesLT.ProductModel

There are many scenarios in which it's needed to get an approximate of the number of records available in a table and doing a record count might prove to be too expensive. For a quick and dirty solution one can use the sys.partitions DMV  instead:

-- number of records via DMV for single object
SELECT object_id
, OBJECT_NAME(object_id) object_name
, OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(object_id) schema_name
, SUM(Rows) AS row_count
, data_compression_desc AS compression_type
, COUNT(*) partitions_count
FROM sys.partitions 
WHERE index_id < 2 --ignore the partitions from the non-clustered index if any
  AND OBJECT_ID('SalesLT.Product') = object_id
GROUP BY object_id
, data_compression_desc
ORDER BY row_count DESC;

The query is based on sys.partitions table [1] which contains a row for each partition of all the tables and most types of indexes in the database. The documentation mentions that "rows" indicates the approximate number of rows in the considered partition.

Alternatively, one can bring more tables into the query to extend its range of applicability. 

-- number of records via DMVs
SELECT + '.' + SearchName
, S.Name SchemaName
, TableName
, P.row_count
, P.compression_type
, P.partitions_count
FROM sys.tables T
     LEFT JOIN (
        SELECT object_id
        , SUM(Rows) AS row_count
        , data_compression_desc AS compression_type
        , COUNT(*) partitions_count
        FROM sys.partitions 
        WHERE index_id < 2 --ignore the partitions from the non-clustered index if any
        --AND OBJECT_ID('SalesLT.Product') = object_id
        GROUP BY object_id
        , data_compression_desc
     ) P
    ON T.object_id = P.object_id
     JOIN sys.schemas as S
	   on S.schema_id = T.schema_id
WHERE S.Name = 'SalesLT'
  AND T.Name LIKE 'Product%'
ORDER BY row_count DESC;

The data can be exported regularly to give an idea how tables' cardinality changes over time. One can find this useful as part of the loading process in data warehouses or other solutions (e.g. data migrations). 

By using a FULL JOIN instead of a LEFT JOIN one can retrieve only the tables that have records. 

One should consider only the tables in scope, and eventually remove the records associated with the system objects (e.g. sys or information_schema upon case).

 -- constraints to be added in the WHERE clause to remove the records related to system objects
 AND OBJECT_NAME(object_id) NOT LIKE 'sys%'
 AND OBJECT_NAME(object_id) NOT LIKE 'queue_%' 
 AND OBJECT_NAME(object_id) NOT LIKE 'filestream_tombstone%' 

There are also scenarios in which the count is needed only for a subset of the data. It's the case of D365 F&O (in which the number of records is needed by DataAreaId (aka company) or another field. A solution can be built using the sp_MSForEachTable stored procedure (see the last query from this post) and a cursor.

1) Unfortunately, in Microsoft Fabric warehouses the sys.partitions.rows is 0 for all user tables and currently also the sp_MSForEachTable stored procedure can't be used to retrieve the number of records for all tables. However, one can create an old-fashioned cursor for iterating though the collection of tables in scope.
2) The code used in this post is available also in the GitHub repository.

Happy coding and Merry Christmas!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) sys.partitions (Transact-SQL) [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) COUNT_BIG (Transact-SQL) [link]

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