Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources for learning purposes. For the latest information please consult the documentation (see the links below)!
Last updated: 22-Jan-2025
[Microsoft Fabric] Folders
- {def} organizational units inside a workspace that enable users to efficiently organize and manage artifacts in the workspace [1]
- identifiable by its name
- {constraint} must be unique in a folder or at the root level of the workspace
- {constraint} can’t include certain special characters [1]
- C0 and C1 control codes [1]
- leading or trailing spaces [1]
- characters: ~"#.&*:<>?/{|} [1]
- {constraint} can’t have system-reserved names
- e.g. $recycle.bin, recycled, recycler.
- {constraint} its length can't exceed 255 characters
- {operation} create folder
- can be created in
- an existing folder (aka nested subfolder) [1]
- {restriction} a maximum of 10 levels of nested subfolders can be created [1]
- up to 10 folders can be created in the root folder [1]
- {benefit} provide a hierarchical structure for organizing and managing items [1]
- the root
- {operation} move folder
- {operation} rename folder
- same rules applies as for folders’ creation [1]
- {operation} delete folder
- {restriction} currently can be deleted only empty folders [1]
- {recommendation} make sure the folder is empty [1]
- {operation} create item in in folder
- {restriction} certain items can’t be created in a folder
- dataflows gen2
- streaming semantic models
- streaming dataflows
- ⇐ items created from the home page or the Create hub, are created at the root level of the workspace [1]
- {operation} move file(s) between folders [1]
- {operation} publish to folder [1]
- Power BI reports can be published to specific folders
- {restriction} folders' name must be unique throughout an entire workspace, regardless of their location [1]
- when publishing a report to a workspace that has another report with the same name in a different folder, the report will publish to the location of the already existing report [1]
- {limitation}may not be supported by certain features
- e.g. Git
- {recommendation} use folders to organize workspaces [1]
- {permissions}
- inherit the permissions of the workspace where they're located [1] [2]
- workspace admins, members, and contributors can create, modify, and delete folders in the workspace [1]
- viewers can only view folder hierarchy and navigate in the workspace [1]
- [deployment pipelines] deploying items in folders to a different stage, the folder hierarchy is automatically applied [2]
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[1] Microsoft Fabric (2024) Create folders in workspaces [link]
[2] Microsoft Fabric (2024) The deployment pipelines process [link]
[3] Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog (2025) Define security on folders
within a shortcut using OneLake data access roles [link]
[4] Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog (2025) Announcing the General
Availability of Folder in Workspace [link]
[5] Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog (2025) Announcing Folder in
Workspace in Public Preview [link]
[6] Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog (2025) Getting the size of OneLake
data items or folders [link]