18 May 2024

Graphical Representation: Graphics We Live By (Part IV: Area Charts)

Graphical Representation
Graphical Representation

An area chart or area graph (see A) is a graphical representation of quantitative data based on a line chart for which the areas between axis and the lines of the series are commonly emphasized with colors, textures, or hatchings (Wikipedia). It resembles a combination between line and bar charts. Each data series results in the formation of a region (aka area), allowing thus to identify the overlapping and do comparisons between the lines within the same visual display. This approach works usually well for two or three data series if the lines don't overlap, though if more data series are added to the chart, the higher are the chances for lines to overlap or for one area to be covered by another (see B). This can easily become more than the chart can handle, even if the data series can be filtered dynamically.

Area Charts
Area Charts

Stacked area charts are a variation of area charts in which the areas are stacked, much like stacked bar charts (see C). Research papers abound with such charts, probably because they allow to stack together multiple data series within a small area, reflecting thus the many variables involved. Such charts allow to track individual as well as intermediary and total aggregated trends.

Stacked Area Charts
Stacked Area Charts

Unfortunately, besides the fact that some areas are barely distinguishable or that distant areas can't be compared (especially when one area in between has strong fluctuations), the lack of ticks and/or gridlines (see D) makes it difficult to interpret such charts. Moreover, when the lines are smoothed, it becomes even more difficult to identify the actual points. To address this it makes sense to use markers for data points to show that one works with discrete and not continuous points (see further paragraphs).

In general, it's recommended to reduce the number of data series to 3-5. For example, one can split the data series into 2-3 groups or categories based on series' characteristics (e.g. concentrate on the high values in one chart, respectively the low values in another, or group the low values under an "others" category) which would allow to make better comparisons.

Being able to sort the time series on their average value or other criteria (e.g. showing the areas with minimal variations first) can improve the readability of such charts.

Moreover, areas under curves can easily hide missing data (see F) and occasionally negative values (which is the case of the 8th example), or distort the rate of change when the charts are wider than needed (compare F with C). 

Line Chart, respectively Area Chart based on a subset
Area Charts Variations

Area charts seem to encode a dimension as area, though that's not necessarily the case. It seems natural to display time series of different granularities (day, month, quarter, year), though one needs to be careful about one important aspect! On a time scale, the more one moves away from the day to weeks and months as time units, the bigger the distance between points is. In the end, all the points in a series are discrete points (not continuous), though the bigger the distance, the more category-like these series become (compare F with C, the charts have the same width).

Using the area under the curve as dimension makes sense when there's continuity or the discrete points are close enough to each other to resemble continuity. Thus, area charts are useful when the number of points is high (and the distance between them becomes neglectable), e.g. showing daily values within a year or the months over several years. 

According to [2], [3] and several other sources, using the area to encode quantitative information is a poor graphical method and this applies to pie charts and area charts altogether. By contrast, for a bar chart (see G) one has either height or width to use for comparisons while the points are always as bars delimited. Scatter plots (see H), even if they might miss the time dimension, they better reflect the dispersion of the points along the lines delimited by encoding the color (compare H with E). 

Column Chart and Scatter Plot
Alternatives for Area Charts

The more category-like and the fewer data points the data series have, the higher the chances for other graphical representation tools to be able to better represent the data. For example, year or even quarter-based data can be better visualized with Sankey charts (unfortunately, not available as standard Excel visual yet).

Conversely, there are situations in which the area chart isn't supposed to convey specific values but to get a feeling of areas' shape, or its simplicity is more appropriate, situations in which area charts do a good job. In the end, a graphical representation's utility is linked to a chart's purpose (and audience, of course). 

[1] Wikipedia (2023) Area charts (link)
[2] William S Cleveland (1993) Visualizing Data
[3] Robert L Harris (1996) Information Graphics: A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference

14 May 2024

Graphical Representation: Sparklines (Definitions)

"A sparkline is a small, intense, simple, word-sized graphic with typographic resolution." (Edward R Tufte, "Beautiful Evidence", 2006)

"A sparkline is a mini-image (thumbnail) of graphical data that enables you to put numbers in a temporal context without the need to display full charts." (Brian Clifton, "Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics", 2010)

"A sparkline is a very small chart, typically a line chart, that is drawn without labels on either axis. Its purpose is to show the variation in data, typically over time." (Bruce Johnson, "Professional Visual Studio", 2012)

"Sparklines are condensed graphs or charts that can be used in-line with text or grouped to show trends across several different measures." (Ryan Sleeper, "Practical Tableau: 100 Tips, Tutorials, and Strategies from a Tableau Zen Master", 2018)

"A sparkline is a small line chart with the purpose of showing a general trend, without the full details. A sparkline is very efficient in the amount of screen space it uses." (Andrew Berridge &, Michael Phillips, "TIBCO Spotfire: A Comprehensive Primer", 2019)

"A Sparkline is a tiny chart that appears in a cell and does not include any text data. So, a Sparkline is a great way to give a quick glance of a trend." (Eric Butow, "MCA Microsoft Office Specialist: Office 365 and Office 2019", 2021)

"A sparkline chart is a small, simple, and condensed data visualization tool that presents trends and variations in data over a concise space, typically in the form of a tiny line chart." (Phocas)

"A sparkline is a line chart that displays the variation in a null value, unique value, or non-unique value across the latest five consecutive profile runs." (Informatica)

"A sparkline is a tiny chart in a worksheet cell that provides a visual representation of data. Use sparklines to show trends in a series of values, such as seasonal increases or decreases, economic cycles, or to highlight maximum and minimum values. Position a sparkline near its data for greatest impact." (Microsoft)

"A sparkline is a very small line chart, typically drawn without axes or coordinates. It presents the general shape of a variation (typically over time) in some measurement, such as temperature or stock market price, in a simple and highly condensed way." (Wikipedia)

"Sparklines are small, simple line graphs traditionally used for displaying trends or variations of some variable" (TIBCO)

Graphical Representation: Sparklines (Notes)

Example Sparklines within Groups


  • {definition} "small, intense, simple, word-sized graphic with typographic resolution" [1]
  • {timeline}
    • [1993] initially considered as 'intense continuous time-series' by Tufte [2]
    • [2006] the term is introduced by Tufte [1]
    • [2009] introduced in Microsoft Excel 2010
    • ⇐ see also [3] for a broader timeline
  • {characteristic} small
    • considered as tiny charts 
  • {characteristic} word-sized graphic (aka word-like)
    • comparable to words and letters
    • their distributions on a page are like sentences and paragraphs [1]
  • {characteristic} inline
    • can be everywhere a word or number can be
    • e.g. embedded in a sentence, table, headline, map, spreadsheet, graphic [1]
  • {characteristic} minimalistic
    • no grid lines 
    • other visual elements are used occasionally, though kept to a minimum 
  • {characteristic} approximate
    • it isn't meant to give precise values, though is precise enough for its scope
  • {characteristic} compact
    • vastly increase the amount of data within readers' eye-span
    • aggregates pattern along with plenty of local detail [1]
    • allows for speed and convenience [1]
  • {characteristic} provides context
    • enables us to put numbers in context 
  • {characteristic} typographic resolution
    • "work at intense resolutions, at the level of good typography and cartography" [1]
  • forms
    • line graph
    • bar chart 
    • win/loss
  • scope
    • show trends in a series of values
    • highlight maximum and minimum values
    • show recent change in relation to past changes
    • make comparisons across the lines and/or within groups
  • supports
    • time series
      • e.g.  seasonal increases or decreases, economic cycles
    • binary data
      • e.g. presence/absence, occurrence/non-occurrence, win/loss [1]
    • multivariate data
      • can simultaneously accommodate several variables
  • {recommendation} position a sparkline near its data for greatest impact

[1] Edward R Tufte (2006) "Beautiful Evidence"
[2] Edward R Tufte (1983) "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information"
[3] Wikipedia (2023) Sparklines (link)

07 May 2024

Microsoft Fabric: The Metrics Layer (Notes) [new feature]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources.
Last updated: 07-May-2024

The Metrics Layer in Microsoft Fabric (adapted diagram)
The Metrics Layer in Microsoft Fabric (adapted diagram)

[new feature] Metrics Layer (Metrics Store)

  • {definition}an abstraction layer available between the data store(s) and end users which allows organizations to create standardized business metrics, that are rooted in measures and are discoverable and intended for reuse
    • ⇐ {important} feature still in private preview 
  • {goal} extend existing infrastructure 
    • {benefit} leverages and extends existing features
  • {goal} provide consistent definitions and descriptions [1]
    • consistent definitions that include besides business logic additional dimensions and filters [1]
    • ⇒ {benefit} allows to standardize the metrics across the organization
    • ⇒ {benefit} enforce to enforce a SSoT
  • {goal} easy management 
    • via management views 
    • [feature] lineage 
    • [feature] source control
    • [feature] duplicate identification
    • [feature] push updates to downstream uses of the metrics 
  • {goal}searchable and discoverable metrics 
    • {feature} integration
      • based on Sempy fabric package
        • ⇐ a dataframe for storage and propagation of Power BI metadata which is part of the python-based semantic Link in Fabric
  • {goal}trust
    • [feature] trust indicators
    • {benefit} facilitates report's adoption
  • {feature} metric set 
    • {definition} a Fabric item that groups together a set of metrics into a mini-model
    • {benefit} allows to reduce the overall complexity of semantic models, while being easy to evolve and consume
    • associated with a single domain
      • ⇒ supports the data mesh architecture
    • shareable 
      • can be shared with other users
    • {action} create metric set
      • creates the actual artifact, to which metrics can be added 
  • {feature} metric
    •  {definition} a way to elevate the measures from the various semantic models existing in the organization
    • tied to the original semantic model
      • ⇒ {benefit} allows to see how a metric is used across the solutions 
    • reusable
      • can be reused in other fabric artifacts
        • new reports on the Power BI service
        • notebooks 
          • by copying the code
      • can be reused in Power BI
        • via OneLake data hub menu element
      • can be chained 
        • changes are propagated downstream 
    • materializable 
      • its output can be persisted to OneLake by saving it a delta table into a lakehouse
      • {misuse} data is persisted unnecessarily
    • {action} elevate metric
      • copies measure's definition and description
      • ⇒  implies restructuring, refactoring, moving, and testing a lot of code in the process
      • {misuse} data professionals build everything as metrics
    • {action} update metric
    • {action} add filters to metric 
    • {action} add dimensions to metric
    • {action} materialize metric 

SSoT - single source of truth ()

[1] Power BI Tips (2024) Explicit Measures Ep. 236: Metrics Hub, Hot New Feature with Carly Newsome (link)
[2] Power BI Tips (2024) Introducing Fabric Metrics Layer / Power Metrics Hub [with Carly Newsome] (link)

06 May 2024

Microsoft Fabric: The Metrics Layer [new feature]


One of the announcements of this year's Microsoft Fabric Community first conference was the introduction of a metrics layer in Fabric which "allows organizations to create standardized business metrics, that are rooted in measures and are discoverable and intended for reuse" [1]. As it seems, the information content provided at the conference was kept to a minimum given that the feature is still in private preview, though several webcasts start to catch up on the topic (see [2], [4]). Moreover, as part of their show, the Explicit Measures (@PowerBITips) hosts had Carly Newsome as invitee, the manager of the project, who unveiled more details about the project and the feature, details which became the main source for the information below. 

The idea of a metric layer or metric store is not new, data professionals occasionally refer to their structure(s) of metrics as such. The terms gained weight in their modern conception relatively recently in 2021-2022 (see [5], [6], [7], [8], [10]). Within the modern data stack, a metrics layer or metric store is an abstraction layer available between the data store(s) and end users. It allows to centrally define, store, and manage business metrics. Thus, it allows us to standardize and enforce a single source of truth (SSoT), respectively solve several issues existing in the data stacks. As Benn Stancil earlier remarked, the metrics layer is one of the missing pieces from the modern data stack (see [10]).

Microsoft's Solution

Microsoft's business case for metrics layer's implementation is based on three main ideas (1) duplicate measures contribute to poor data quality, (2) complex data models hinder self-service, (3) reduce data silos in Power BI. In Microsoft's conception the metric layer provides several benefits: consistent definitions and descriptions, easy management via management views, searchable and discoverable metrics, respectively assure trust through indicators. 

For this feature's implementation Microsoft introduces a new Fabric Item called a metric set that allows to group several (business) metrics together as part of a mini-model that can be tailored to the needs of a subset of end-users and accessed by them via the standard tools already available. The metric set becomes thus a mini-model. Such mini-models allow to break down and reduce the overall complexity of semantic models, while being easy to evolve and consume. The challenge will become then on how to break down existing and future semantic models into nonoverlapping mini-models, creating in extremis a partition (see the Lego metaphor for data products). The idea of mini-models is not new, [12] advocating the idea of using a Master Model, a technique for creating derivative tabular models based on a single tabular solution.

A (business) metric is a way to elevate the measures from the various semantic models existing in the organization within the mini-model defined by the metric set. A metric can be reused in other fabric artifacts - currently in new reports on the Power BI service, respectively in notebooks by copying the code. Reusing metrics in other measures can mean that one can chain metrics and the changes made will be further propagated downstream. 

The Metrics Layer in Microsoft Fabric (adapted diagram)
The Metrics Layer in Microsoft Fabric (adapted diagram)

Every metric is tied to the original semantic model which allows thus to track how a metric is used across the solutions and, looking forward to Purview, to identify data's lineage. A measure is related to a "table", the source from which the measure came from.

Users' Perspective

The Metrics Layer feature is available in Microsoft Fabric service for Power BI within the Metrics menu element next to Scorecards. One starts by creating a metric set in an existing workspace, an operation which creates the actual artifact, to which the individual metrics are added. To create a metric, a user with build permissions can navigate through the semantic models across different workspaces he/she has access to, pick a measure from one of them and elevate it to a metric, copying in the process its measure's definition and description. In this way the metric will always point back to the measure from the semantic model, while the metrics thus created are considered as a related collection and can be shared around accordingly. 

Once a metric is added to the metric set, one can add in edit mode dimensions to it (e.g. Date, Category, Product Id, etc.). One can then further explore a metric's output and add filters (e.g. concentrate on only one product or category) point from which one can slice-and-dice the data as needed.

There is a panel where one can see where the metric has been used (e.g. in reports, scorecards, and other integrations), when was last time refreshed, respectively how many times was used. Thus, one has the most important information in one place, which is great for developers as well as for the users. Probably, other metadata will be added, such as whether an increase in the metric would be favorable or unfavorable (like in Tableau Pulse, see [13]) or maybe levels of criticality, an unit of measure, or maybe its type - simple metric, performance indicator (PI), result indicator (RI), KPI, KRI etc.

Metrics can be persisted to the OneLake by saving their output to a delta table into the lakehouse. As demonstrated in the presentation(s), with just a copy-paste and a small piece of code one can materialize the data into a lakehouse delta table, from where the data can be reused as needed. Hopefully, the process will be further automated. 

One can consume metrics and metrics sets also in Power BI Desktop, where a new menu element called Metric sets was added under the OneLake data hub, which can be used to connect to a metric set from a Semantic model and select the metrics needed for the project. 

Tapping into the available Power BI solutions is done via an integration feature based on Sempy fabric package, a dataframe for storage and propagation of Power BI metadata which is part of the python-based semantic Link in Fabric [11].

Further Thoughts

When dealing with a new feature, a natural idea comes to mind: what challenges does the feature involve, respectively how can it be misused? Given that the metrics layer can be built within a workspace and that it can tap into the existing measures, this means that one can built on the existing infrastructure. However, this can imply restructuring, refactoring, moving, and testing a lot of code in the process, hopefully with minimal implications for the solutions already available. Whether the process is as simple as imagined is another story. As misusage, in extremis, data professionals might start building everything as metrics, though the danger might come when the data is persisted unnecessarily. 

From a data mesh's perspective, a metric set is associated with a domain, though there will be metrics and data common to multiple domains. Moreover, a mini-model has the potential of becoming a data product. Distributing the logic across multiple workspaces and domains can add further challenges, especially in what concerns the synchronization and implemented of requirements in a way that doesn't lead to bottlenecks. But this is a general challenge for the development team(s). 

The feature will probably suffer further changes until is released in public review (probably by September or the end of the year). I subscribe to other data professionals' opinion that the feature was for long needed and that can have an important impact on the solutions built. 

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[1] Microsoft Fabric Blog (2024) Announcements from the Microsoft Fabric Community Conference (link)
[2] Power BI Tips (2024) Explicit Measures Ep. 236: Metrics Hub, Hot New Feature with Carly Newsome (link)
[3] Power BI Tips (2024) Introducing Fabric Metrics Layer / Power Metrics Hub [with Carly Newsome] (link)
[4] KratosBI (2024) Fabric Fridays: Metrics Layer Conspiracy Theories #40 (link)
[5] Chris Webb's BI Blog (2022) Is Power BI A Semantic Layer? (link)
[6] The Data Stack Show (2022) TDSS 95: How the Metrics Layer Bridges the Gap Between Data & Business with Nick Handel of Transform (link)
[7] Sundeep Teki (2022) The Metric Layer & how it fits into the Modern Data Stack (link)
[8] Nick Handel (2021) A brief history of the metrics store (link)
[9] Aurimas (2022) The Jungle of Metrics Layers and its Invisible Elephant (link)
[10] Benn Stancil (2021) The missing piece of the modern data stack (link)
[11] Microsoft Learn (2024) Sempy fabric Package (link)
[12] Michael Kovalsky (2019) Master Model: Creating Derivative Tabular Models (link)
[13] Christina Obry (2023) The Power of a Metrics Layer - and How Your Organization Can Benefit From It (link

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