Showing posts with label Azure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Azure. Show all posts

20 January 2025

🏭🗒️Microsoft Fabric: [Azure] Service Principals (SPN) [Notes]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources for learning purposes. For the latest information please consult the documentation (see the links below)! 

Last updated: 20-Jan-2025

[Azure] Service Principal (SPN)  

  • {def} a non-human, application-based security identity used by applications or automation tools to access specific Azure resources [1]
    • can be assigned precise permissions, making them perfect for automated processes or background services
      • allows to minimize the risks of human error and identity-based vulnerabilities
      • supported in datasets, Gen1/Gen2 dataflows, datamarts [2]
      • authentication type 
        • supported only by [2]
          • Azure Data Lake Storage
          • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
          • Azure Blob Storage
          • Azure Synapse Analytics
          • Azure SQL Database
          • Dataverse
          • SharePoint online
        • doesn’t support
          • SQL data source with Direct Query in datasets [2]
  • when registering a new application in Microsoft Entra ID, a SPN is automatically created for the app registration [4]
    • the access to resources is restricted by the roles assigned to the SPN
      • ⇒ gives control over which resources can be accessed and at which level [4]
    • {recommendation} use SPN with automated tools [4]
      • rather than allowing them to sign in with a user identity  [4]
    • {prerequisite} an active Microsoft Entra user account with sufficient permissions to 
      • register an application with the tenant [4]
      • assign to the application a role in the Azure subscription [4]
      •  requires Application.ReadWrite.All permission [4]
  • extended to support Fabric Data Warehouses [1]
    • {benefit} automation-friendly API Access
      • allows to create, update, read, and delete Warehouse items via Fabric REST APIs using service principals [1]
      • enables to automate repetitive tasks without relying on user credentials [1]
        • e.g. provisioning or managing warehouses
        • increases security by limiting human error
      • the warehouses thus created, will be displayed in the Workspace list view in Fabric UI, with the Owner name of the SPN [1]
      • applicable to users with administrator, member, or contributor workspace role [3]
      • minimizes risk
        • the warehouses created with delegated account or fixed identity (owner’s identity) will stop working when the owner leaves the organization [1]
          • Fabric requires the user to login every 30 days to ensure a valid token is provided for security reasons [1]
    • {benefit} seamless integration with Client Tools: 
      • tools like SSMS can connect to the Fabric DWH using SPN [1]
      • SPN provides secure access for developers to 
        • run COPY INTO
          • with and without firewall enabled storage [1]
        • run any T-SQL query programmatically on a schedule with ADF pipelines [1]
    • {benefit} granular access control
      • Warehouses can be shared with an SPN through the Fabric portal [1]
        • once shared, administrators can use T-SQL commands to assign specific permissions to SPN [1]
          • allows to control precisely which data and operations an SPN has access to  [1]
            • GRANT SELECT ON <table name> TO <Service principal name>  
      • warehouses' ownership can be changed from an SPN to user, and vice-versa [3]
    • {benefit} improved DevOps and CI/CD Integration
      • SPN can be used to automate the deployment and management of DWH resources [1]
        •  ensures faster, more reliable deployment processes while maintaining strong security postures [1]
    • {limitation} default semantic models are not supported for SPN created warehouses [3]
      • ⇒ features such as listing tables in dataset view, creating report from the default dataset don’t work [3]
    • {limitation} SPN for SQL analytics endpoints is not currently supported
    • {limitation} SPNs are currently not supported for COPY INTO error files [3]
      • ⇐ Entra ID credentials are not supported as well [3]
    • {limitation} SPNs are not supported for GIT APIs. SPN support exists only for Deployment pipeline APIs [3]
    • monitoring tools
      • [DMV] sys.dm_exec_sessions.login_name column [3] 
      • [Query Insights] queryinsights.exec_requests_history.login_name [3]
      • Query activity
        • submitter column in Fabric query activity [3]
      • Capacity metrics app: 
        • compute usage for warehouse operations performed by SPN appears as the Client ID under the User column in Background operations drill through table [3]

[1] Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog (2024) Service principal support for Fabric Data Warehouse [link]
[2] Microsoft Fabric Learn (2024) Service principal support in Data Factory [link]
[3] Microsoft Fabric Learn (2024) Service principal in Fabric Data Warehouse [link
[4] Microsoft Fabric Learn (2024) Register a Microsoft Entra app and create a service principal [link]
[5] Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog (2024) Announcing Service Principal support for Fabric APIs [link
ADF - Azure Data Factory
API - Application Programming Interface
CI/CD - Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment
DMV - Dynamic Management View
DWH - Data Warehouse
SPN - service principal
SSMS - SQL Server Management Studio

18 April 2024

🏭Data Warehousing: Microsoft Fabric (Part II: Data(base) Mirroring) [New feature]

Data Warehousing
Data Warehousing Series

Microsoft recently announced [4] the preview of a new Fabric feature called Mirroring, a low-cost, low-latency fully managed service that allows to replicate data from various systems together into OneLake [1]. Currently only Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, and Snowflake are supported, though probably more database vendors will be targeted soon. 

For Microsoft Fabric's data engineers, data scientists and data warehouse professionals this feature is huge as importance because they don't need to care anymore about making the data available in Microsoft Fabric, which involves a considerable amount of work. 

Usually, at least for flexibility, transparence, performance and standardization, data professionals prefer to extract the data 1:1 from the source systems into a landing zone in the data warehouse or data/delta lake from where the data are further processed as needed. One data pipeline is thus built for every table in scope, which sometimes is a 10–15-minute effort per table, when the process is standardized, though upon case the effort is much higher if troubleshooting (e.g. data type incompatibility or support) or further logic changes are involved. Maintaining such data pipelines can prove to be costly over time, especially when periodic changes are needed. 

Microsoft lists other downsides of the ETL approach - restricted access to data changes, friction between people, processes, and technology, respectively the effort needed to create the pipelines, and the time needed for importing the data [1]. There's some truth is each of these points, though everything is relative. For big tables, however, refreshing all the data overnight can prove to be time-consuming and costly, especially when the data don't lie within the same region, respectively data center. Unless the data can be refreshed incrementally, the night runs can extend into the day, will all the implications that derive from this - not having actual data, which decreases the trust in reports, etc. There are tricks to speed up the process, though there are limits to what can be done. 

With mirroring, the replication of data between data sources and the analytics platform is handled in the background, after an initial replication, the changes in the source systems being reflected with a near real-time latency into OneLake, which is amazing! This allows building near real-time reporting solutions which can help the business in many ways - reviewing (and correcting in the data source) records en masse, faster overview of what's happening in the organizations, faster basis for decision-making, etc. Moreover, the mechanism is fully managed by Microsoft, which is thus responsible for making sure that the data are correctly synchronized. Only from this perspective 10-20% from the effort of building an analytics solution is probably reduced.

Mirroring in Microsoft Fabric
Mirroring in Microsoft Fabric (adapted after [2])

According to the documentation, one can replicate a whole database or choose individual regular tables (currently views aren't supported [3]), stop, restart, or remove a table from a mirroring. Moreover, through sharing, users can grant to other users or groups of users access to a mirrored database without giving access to the workspace and the rest of its items [1]. 

The data professionals and citizens can write then cross-database queries against the mirrored databases, warehouses, and the SQL analytics endpoints of lakehouses, combining data from all these sources into a single T-SQL query, which opens lot of opportunities especially in what concerns the creation of an enterprise semantic model, which should be differentiated from the semantic model created by default by the mirroring together with the SQL analytics endpoint.

Considering that the data is replicated into delta tables, one can take advantage of all the capabilities available with such tables - data versioning, time travel, interoperability and/or performance, respectively direct consumption in Power BI.

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[1] Microsoft Learn - Microsoft Fabric (2024) What is Mirroring in Fabric? (link)
[2] Microsoft Learn - Microsoft Fabric (2024) Mirroring Azure SQL Database [Preview] (link)
[3] Microsoft Learn - Microsoft Fabric (2024) Frequently asked questions for Mirroring Azure SQL Database in Microsoft Fabric [Preview] (link)
[4] Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog (2024) Announcing the Public Preview of Mirroring in Microsoft Fabric, by Charles Webb (link)

06 February 2024

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's Delta Tables in Action - Table Metadata I (General Information)

In a previous post I've created a delta table called Assets. For troubleshooting and maintenance tasks it would be useful to retrieve a table's metadata - properties, definition, etc. There are different ways to extract the metadata, depending on the layer and method used.


Listing all the delta tables available in a Lakehouse can be done using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA via the SQL Endpoint:

-- retrieve the list of tables

Testing dbo city BASE TABLE
Testing dbo assets BASE TABLE

The same schema can be used to list columns' definition:
-- retrieve column metadata

Given that the INFORMATION_SCHEMA is an ANSI-standard schema for providing metadata about a database's objects (including views, schemata), probably this is the best way to retrieve general metadata as the above (see [3]). More information over the SQL Endpoint can be obtained by querying directly the SQL Server metadata.

Table's Properties

The Delta Lake documentation reveals that a table's properties can be retrieved via the DESCRIBE command, which can be used in a notebook's cell (see [1] for attributes' definition):

-- describe table's details

Output (transposed):
Attribute Value
format delta
id 83e87b3c-28f4-417f-b4f5-842f6ba6f26d
name spark_catalog.testing.assets
description NULL
location abfss://[…][…]/Tables/assets
createdAt 2024-02-05T16:18:54Z
lastModified 2024-02-05T16:29:52Z
numFiles 1
sizeInBytes 3879
properties [object Object]
minReaderVersion 1
minWriterVersion 2
tableFeatures appendOnly,invariants

One can export the table metadata also from the sys.tables via the SQL Endpoint, though will be considered also SQL Server based metadata:

-- table metadata
SELECT t.object_id
, schema_name(t.schema_id) schema_name
, table_name
, t.type_desc
, t.create_date 
, t.modify_date
, t.durability_desc
, t.temporal_type_desc
, t.data_retention_period_unit_desc
FROM sys.tables t
WHERE name = 'assets'

Output (transposed):
Attribute Value
object_id 1264723558
schema_name dbo
table_name assets
type_desc USER_TABLE
create_date 2024-02-05 16:19:04.810
modify_date 2024-02-05 16:19:04.810
durability_desc SCHEMA_AND_DATA
temporal_type_desc NON_TEMPORAL_TABLE
data_retention_period_unit_desc INFINITE

1) There seem to be thus two different repositories for storing the metadata, thing reflected also in the different timestamps.

Table's Definition 

A table's definition can be easily exported via the SQL Endpoint in SQL Server Management Studio. Multiple tables' definition can be exported as well via the Object explorer details within the same IDE. 

In Spark SQL you can use the DESCRIBE TABLE command:

-- show table's definition

col_name data_type comment
Id int NULL
CreationDate timestamp NULL
Vendor string NULL
Asset string NULL
Model string NULL
Owner string NULL
Tag string NULL
Quantity decimal(13,2) NULL

Alternatively, you can use the EXTENDED keyword with the previous command to show further table information:
-- show table's definition (extended)

Output (only the records that appear under '# Detailed Table Information'):
Label Value
Name spark_catalog.testing.assets
Location abfss://[...][...]/Tables/assets
Provider delta
Owner trusted-service-user
Table Properties [delta.minReaderVersion=1,delta.minWriterVersion=2]

Note that the table properties can be listed individually via the SHOW TBLPROPERTIES command:
--show table properties

A column's definition can be retrieved via a DESCRIBE command following the syntax:

-- retrieve column metadata
DESCRIBE Assets Assets.CreationDate;

info_name info_value
col_name CreationDate
data_type timestamp
comment NULL

In PySpark it's trickier to retrieve a table's definition (code adapted after Dennes Torres' presentation at Toboggan Winter edition 2024):

import pyarrow.dataset as pq
import os
import re

def show_metadata(file_path, table_name):
    #returns a delta table's metadata 

    schema_properties = pq.dataset(file_path).schema.metadata
    if schema_properties:
        for key, value in schema_properties.items():
        print("No properties available!")

#main code
path = "/lakehouse/default/Tables"
tables = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if re.match('asset',f)]

for table in tables:
    show_metadata(f"/{path}/"+ table, table)


One can list the metadata for all tables by removing the filter on the 'asset' table:

tables = os.listdir(path)

The above views from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA, respectively sys schemas are available in SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric as well.

Happy coding!

[1] Delta Lake (2023) Table utility commands (link)
[2] Databricks (2023) DESCRIBE TABLE (link)
[3] Microsoft Learn (2023) System Information Schema Views (link)

05 February 2024

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's Delta Tables in Action - CRUD Operations II (Looking at the Files)

Delta Table's Files

In a previous post, I tested the CRUD operations against a Microsoft Fabric's delta table. To view the files behind, you'll need to navigate to the Lakehouse, right click on the Assets table and pick 'View files' from the floating menu:

Assets' delta table files in Lakehouse

One can navigate within the folder structure, look at the transaction log files under _delta_log folder, though there seems to be no way to download the respective files. For this purpose, alternatively, you can use the Azure Storage Explorer (downloadable here). After installing the Explorer use the 'ADLSGen2 container or directory' option to connect to the folder where the Assets table was created (see [1]).

Assets' delta table files in Azure Storage Explorer

And, here's the content of the _delta_log from where the files can be downloaded:

Assets' log files in Azure Storage Explorer

The _temporary folder is empty.

It seems that for each cell with a DML/DDL command a log file was created. Therefore, it should make no difference if you run the cells individually or as a whole, respectively whether the statements are included in only one cell. 

The first file holds the content generated when creating the table:

{"commitInfo":{"timestamp":1707006399711,"operation":"CREATE TABLE","operationParameters":{"isManaged":"true","description":null,"partitionBy":"[]","properties":"{}"},"isolationLevel":"Serializable","isBlindAppend":true,"operationMetrics":{},"engineInfo":"Apache-Spark/ Delta-Lake/","txnId":"c3e6f24e-fa78-4941-a29d-28aac3a25926"}}

The second file holds the content generated when inserting the first line in the table:

{"commitInfo":{"timestamp":1707006405806,"operation":"WRITE","operationParameters":{"mode":"Append","partitionBy":"[]"},"readVersion":0,"isolationLevel":"Serializable","isBlindAppend":true,"operationMetrics":{"numFiles":"1","numOutputRows":"1","numOutputBytes":"3713"},"tags":{"VORDER":"true"},"engineInfo":"Apache-Spark/ Delta-Lake/","txnId":"ac51fa78-8384-4e53-bb02-40d65632a218"}}
{\"Id\":1,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"IBM\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 1\",\"Model\":\"Model 1\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 1\",\"Tag\":\"XX0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"maxValues\":{\"Id\":1,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"IBM\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 1\",\"Model\":\"Model 1\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 1\",\"Tag\":\"XX0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"nullCount\":{\"Id\":0,\"CreationDate\":0,\"Vendor\":0,\"Asset\":0,\"Model\":0,\"Owner\":0,\"Tag\":0,\"Quantity\":0}}","tags":{"VORDER":"true"}}}

The third file holds the content for inserting the multiple lines, while the fourth file contains the content for the UPDATE statement:

{"commitInfo":{"timestamp":1707006417538,"operation":"UPDATE","operationParameters":{"predicate":"[\"(Id#1952 = 6)\"]"},"readVersion":2,"isolationLevel":"Serializable","isBlindAppend":false,"operationMetrics":{"numRemovedFiles":"1","numRemovedBytes":"3870","numCopiedRows":"4","numAddedChangeFiles":"0","executionTimeMs":"2297","scanTimeMs":"1613","numAddedFiles":"1","numUpdatedRows":"1","numAddedBytes":"3870","rewriteTimeMs":"681"},"tags":{"VORDER":"true"},"engineInfo":"Apache-Spark/ Delta-Lake/","txnId":"70f0f718-331a-48fc-8419-9f80599ca889"}}
{"add":{"path":"part-00000-b5e4e62f-c938-4db9-a83a-d85850f310c0-c000.snappy.parquet","partitionValues":{},"size":3870,"modificationTime":1707006417436,"dataChange":true,"stats":"{\"numRecords\":5,\"minValues\":{\"Id\":2,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"Dell\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 2\",\"Model\":\"Model 2\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 2\",\"Tag\":\"DD0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"maxValues\":{\"Id\":6,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-02-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"Microsoft\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 4\",\"Model\":\"Model 4\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 4\",\"Tag\":\"XX0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"nullCount\":{\"Id\":0,\"CreationDate\":0,\"Vendor\":0,\"Asset\":0,\"Model\":0,\"Owner\":0,\"Tag\":0,\"Quantity\":0}}","tags":{"VORDER":"true"}}}

The fifth file, holds the content related to the DELETE statement:

{"commitInfo":{"timestamp":1707006422147,"operation":"DELETE","operationParameters":{"predicate":"[\"(Id#2665 = 2)\"]"},"readVersion":3,"isolationLevel":"Serializable","isBlindAppend":false,"operationMetrics":{"numRemovedFiles":"1","numRemovedBytes":"3870","numCopiedRows":"4","numAddedChangeFiles":"0","executionTimeMs":"1425","numDeletedRows":"1","scanTimeMs":"908","numAddedFiles":"1","numAddedBytes":"3837","rewriteTimeMs":"517"},"tags":{"VORDER":"true"},"engineInfo":"Apache-Spark/ Delta-Lake/","txnId":"1f61449f-6c4a-40ce-80ed-6ff1a9a834e9"}}
{"add":{"path":"part-00000-bee2e3a5-7def-4466-94ff-ccd86aa37b8c-c000.snappy.parquet","partitionValues":{},"size":3837,"modificationTime":1707006422055,"dataChange":true,"stats":"{\"numRecords\":4,\"minValues\":{\"Id\":3,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"Dell\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 3\",\"Model\":\"Model 3\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 2\",\"Tag\":\"DD0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"maxValues\":{\"Id\":6,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-02-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"Microsoft\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 4\",\"Model\":\"Model 4\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 4\",\"Tag\":\"WX0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"nullCount\":{\"Id\":0,\"CreationDate\":0,\"Vendor\":0,\"Asset\":0,\"Model\":0,\"Owner\":0,\"Tag\":0,\"Quantity\":0}}","tags":{"VORDER":"true"}}}

Before looking at each file, let's note the engineInfo's information that denotes the Spark, respectively the Delta Lake versions: "Apache-Spark/ Delta-Lake/". It's important to check these versions against the documentation when troubleshooting!

In each file, besides the "timestamp", observe the values of "operation", "operationParameters", "operationMetrics", "dataChange" and "VORDER". 

Operation indicate the DML or DDL statements run. As per my understanding dataChange and VORDER are set to true. 


You can retrieve a history of the actions performed on a table for the past 30 days via the DESCRIBE command, which can be entered in a notebook's cell:

-- describe table's history (30 days of data)

Attributes' definition can be found in [3], see 'History schema' section. For big tables, it might be a good idea to limit command's output only to several records via the LIMIT keyword:

-- describe table's history (30 days of data, last 5 records)

Table Maintenance

Running multiple change commands on a delta table will result in many such small files, which impacts the read access to data and metadata. The files can be compacted via the table maintenance (see also the notes on delta tables). The OPTIMIZE command allows to consolidate multiple small Parquet files into larger files:

-- compacting the files

Alternatively, you can do the same from the Lakehouse, navigate to the Assets table, right click on it and from the floating menu select Maintenance and run the job with the provided (see also [4]):

Run maintenance commands for a table

Running the command generated a new file:

{"commitInfo":{"timestamp":1707150591870,"operation":"OPTIMIZE","operationParameters":{"predicate":"[]","zOrderBy":"[]","auto":false},"readVersion":4,"isolationLevel":"SnapshotIsolation","isBlindAppend":false,"operationMetrics":{"numRemovedFiles":"2","numRemovedBytes":"7550","p25FileSize":"3879","numDeletionVectorsRemoved":"0","minFileSize":"3879","numAddedFiles":"1","maxFileSize":"3879","p75FileSize":"3879","p50FileSize":"3879","numAddedBytes":"3879"},"tags":{"VORDER":"true"},"engineInfo":"Apache-Spark/ Delta-Lake/","txnId":"b6466509-9f1a-467d-ad99-a0e95ed694ec"}}
{"add":{"path":"part-00000-453e9218-fe59-4138-a7dc-0e71c94c07d2-c000.snappy.parquet","partitionValues":{},"size":3879,"modificationTime":1707150591746,"dataChange":false,"stats":"{\"numRecords\":5,\"minValues\":{\"Id\":1,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"Dell\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 1\",\"Model\":\"Model 1\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 1\",\"Tag\":\"DD0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"maxValues\":{\"Id\":6,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"Microsoft\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 4\",\"Model\":\"Model 4\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 4\",\"Tag\":\"XX0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"nullCount\":{\"Id\":0,\"CreationDate\":0,\"Vendor\":0,\"Asset\":0,\"Model\":0,\"Owner\":0,\"Tag\":0,\"Quantity\":0}}","tags":{"VORDER":"true"}}}

Happy coding!

[1] Microsoft Azure (2023) Azure Storage Explorer (link)
[2] Sam Debruyn (2023) Exploring OneLake with Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer (link)
[3] Delta Lake (2023) Table utility commands (link)
[4] Microsoft Learn (2023) Use table maintenance feature to manage delta tables in Fabric (link)

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.