Showing posts with label Replicate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Replicate. Show all posts

19 November 2022

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Tricks with Strings via STRING_SPLIT, PATINDEX and TRANSLATE

Searching for a list of words within a column can be easily achieved by using the LIKE operator:

-- searching for several words via LIKE (SQL Server 2000+)
FROM Production.Product 
WHERE Name LIKE '%chain%'
   OR Name LIKE '%lock%'
   OR Name LIKE '%rim%'
   OR Name LIKE '%spindle%'

The search is quite efficient, if on the column is defined an index, a clustered index scan being more likely chosen.

If the list of strings to search upon becomes bigger, the query becomes at least more difficult to maintain. Using regular expressions could be a solution. Unfortunately, SQL Server has its limitations in working with patterns. For example, it doesn't have a REGEXP_LIKE function, which is used something like (not tested):

-- Oracle 
FROM Production.Product 
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(lower(Name), 'chain|lock|rim|spindle')

However, there's a PATINDEX function which returns the position of a pattern within a string, and which uses the same wildcards that can be used with the LIKE operator:

-- searching for a value via PATINDEX (SQL Server 2000+)
FROM [Production].[Product] 
WHERE PATINDEX('%rim%', Name)>0

Even if together with the Name can be provided only one of the values, retrieving the values from a table or a table-valued function (TVF) would do the trick. If the values need to be reused in several places, they can be stored in a table or view. If needed only once, a common table expression is more indicated:

-- filtering for several words via PATHINDEX (SQL Server 2008+)
AS (
  -- table from list of values (SQL Server 2008+)
SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('chain') , ('lock') , ('rim') , ('spindle')) DAT(words) ) SELECT * FROM Production.Product PRD WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM CTE WHERE PATINDEX('%'+ CTE.words +'%', PRD.Name)>0 )

The query should return the same records as above in the first query!

Besides own's UDFs (see SplitListWithIndex or SplitList), starting with SQL Server 2017 can be used the STRING_SPLIT function to return the same values as a TVF:

-- filtering for several words via PATHINDEX & STRING_SPLIT (SQL Server 2017+)
FROM Production.Product PRD
	FROM STRING_SPLIT('chain|lock|rim|spindle', '|') SPL
	WHERE PATINDEX('%'+ SPL.value +'%', PRD.Name)>0

A dynamic list of values can be built as well. For example, the list of words can be obtained from a table and the STRING_SPLIT function:

-- listing the words appearing in a column (SQL Server 2017+)
FROM Production.Product PRD

One can remove the special characters, the numeric values, respectively the 1- and 2-letters words:

-- listing the words appearing in a column (SQL Server 2017+)
FROM Production.Product PRD
     CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Name, '-', ' '), ',', ' '), '/', ' '), '''', ' '), ' ') SPL
WHERE IsNumeric(SPL.value) = 0 -- removing numbers
  AND Len(SPL.value)>2 -- removing single/double letters

The output looks better, though the more complex the text, the more replacements need to be made. An alternative to a UDF (see ReplaceSpecialChars) is the TRANSLATE function, which replaces a list of characters with another. One needs to be careful and have a 1:1 mapping, the REPLICATE function doing the trick:

-- replacing special characters via TRANSLATE (SQL Server 2017+)
SELECT TRANSLATE(Name, '-,/''', Replicate(' ', 4))
FROM Production.Product PRD

Now the query becomes:

-- listing the words appearing in a column using TRANSLATE (SQL Server 2017+)
FROM Production.Product PRD
     CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(TRANSLATE(Name, '-,/''', Replicate(' ', 4)), ' ') SPL
WHERE IsNumeric(SPL.value) = 0 -- removing numbers
  AND Len(SPL.value)>2 -- removing single/double letters

1) The SQL Server-based queries work also in a SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric. Just replace the Production with SalesLT schema (see post, respectively GitHub repository with the changed code).

Happy coding!

11 December 2010

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Pulling the Strings of SQL Server II (Creation and Selection)

It doesn’t make sense to talk about the creation of string data types without talking about their “selection” as people typically want to see also examples at work, and not only learn about theoretical facts. I’m saying that because often programming seems to be like putting together the pieces of a puzzle without knowing how the final image would look like. Anyway, coming back to the topic, what I find great about SQL Server is that it allows to “create” and select a string with a minimum overhead within a simple select statement:

-- selecting a string value 
SELECT 'this is a string' -- string 1 
, 'and this is a second string' --string2 

-- selecting a string value (named columns)  
SELECT 'this is a string' String1  
, 'and this is a second string' String2 
Strings - example1

Pretty simple, isn’t it? This kind of scripts could be useful especially when debugging logic or testing an expression (e.g. functions at work), the advantage residing in the fact that is not necessary to built a table in order to test simple things. When performing multiple operations with the same values could be handy to store the values in declared variables:  

-- selecting string variables 
DECLARE @string1 varchar(50) 
DECLARE @string2 char(50) 
DECLARE @string3 char(50) = 'this is a string'  

SET @string1 = 'this is a string'  

SELECT @string1 String1 , @string2 String2 
, @string3 String3 
Strings - example2

As can be seen a not initialized variable has by default the value NULL, fact that could lead to unexpected behavior problems when used in expressions involving multiple variables. Therefore it’s recommended to initialize the values with the empty string or at least to handle the nulls in expressions. Starting with SQL Server 2008 it’s possible to declare and initialize variables within the same statement, so the above code won’t work in previous versions, unless the third declaration is broken into two pieces as per definition of first string.

It looks like that’s all, at least in what concerns the direct declaration of a string, be it implicit or explicit. However a basic introduction into strings’ creation is incomplete without mentioning the creation of strings from other data types and the various functions that could be used for this purpose. Ignoring the Cast and Convert functions used to explicitly convert the other data types to string data types, there are several other functions for this purpose, namely Char, Space and Replicate.

Probably some of you are already familiar with the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character-encoding scheme (vs. binary encoding) used to encode files. ASCII code represents a mapping between number and characters, SQL Server supporting the transformation between two sets through the ASCII and Char functions. If ASCII translates a non-unicode character into an integer, the Char function translates an integer value into a non-unicode character. The integer values range between 0 and 255, they encompassing the 0-9 digits, the characters of English together with the diacritics of other important languages, punctuation signs and several graphical characters. The mapping between the two sets is unique, and as can be seen from the below example based on a common table expression, the functions are inverse:

-- ASCII character values 
AS (    
    SELECT 0 [Index]  
    SELECT [Index]+1 [Index]  
    WHERE [Index]<255 
) SELECT [Index] 
, CHAR([Index]) [Character] 
, ASCII(CHAR([Index])) [ASCII] 

There is not much to say about the Space and Replicate functions, the Space function returns a string of repeated spaces, while the Replicate function forms a string as a repeated sequence of values. The definition of the Space function could be considered as redundant as long the same output could be obtained by using the space as repeating sequence.

-- Space & Replicate at work 
SELECT Space(1) Example1 
, Space(5) Example2 
, Replicate(' ', 1) Example3 
, Replicate(' ', 5) Example4 
, Replicate('10', 1) Example5 
, Replicate('10', 2) Example6 
, Replicate('10', 3) Example7 

As per the last statement, the first and third examples, respectively the second and fourth example will return the same values, unfortunately the output of the respective examples it’s not so easy to see. For exemplification, it could have been enriched by comparing or concatenating the strings, though that’s a topic for the next post. 

The queries work also in SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric
Happy coding!

14 September 2007

💎SQL Reloaded: The Stuff function

No matter how much experience we have in a programming language or a technology, there is always something new to learn. There are a few hardly used functions in SQL Server 2000, but they could be really useful in certain situations. One of such functions is Stuff, I discovered its use long time after I started to play with SQL. 

  Stuff ( character_expression , start , length , character_expression )

--inserting a string inside another without doing a replacement
SELECT Stuff('This is just a test', 3, 0, 'x')  -- Output: Thxis is just a test 

--inserting a string inside another without doing a replacement 
SELECT Stuff('This is just a test', 3, 5, 'at was') --Output: That was just a test  

 So, it could be useful when we check whether a character is on a certain position, and replace it with another character. Normally we would have to write something like: 

DECLARE @string varchar(50) 
SET @string = 'DE1988299X8829' 
    CASE WHEN Substring(@string, 10,1) = 'X' THEN Stuff(@string, 10, 1, 'Y') 
   ELSE @string 
Output: DE1988299Y8829     

Another function I haven't saw too often in SQL logic is Replicate, yeah, it does exactly what it's name suggests - it takes a string and replicates it's content multiple times. 

 Replicate ( character_expression , integer_expression ) 

 SELECT Replicate ('0', 10) --Output: 0000000000 
 SELECT Replicate ('tone', 3) --Output: tonetonetone     

The function could be useful when we need to put a number of characters in front of a value. For example a table contains integer values, but in a report we need them with leading zeroes (e.g. 00056 instead of 56). I tried to implement such functionality as a function, in a previous posting with the help of Space function; using Space and Replace functions can be obtained the same result as using Replicate

  SELECT Replace(Space(3), ' ', 'tone') --Output: tonetonetone

The code has been tested successfully also on a SQL database in Microsoft Fabric.

Happy coding!
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
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