Showing posts with label Delimiters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delimiters. Show all posts

21 May 2020

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Splitting a String (Before and After)

Starting with SQL Server 2016 Microsoft introduced the STRING_SPLIT table-valued function, which splits a string into rows of substrings, based on a specified separator character (e.g. “:”).

-- splitting a string (SQL Server 2016+)
FROM STRING_SPLIT('100001::M:black:', ':') 

The table-valued function object allowed also earlier to implement the same functionality, either by looping through the string or by using a common table expression. Here’s the implementation based on a loop (it was modified from a previous version to include an index):

-- split table-valued function with an index
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitListWithIndex]( 
  @ListValues varchar(500) 
, @Delimiter char(1)) 
  Ind int
, Value varchar(50)) 
 DECLARE @Index int 
 DECLARE @Length int 
 DECLARE @Ind int 

 SET @Index = CharIndex(@Delimiter, @ListValues) 
 SET @Length = Len(@ListValues) - @Index 
 SET @Ind = 1
 WHILE @Index > 0 --if the fatch was successful
  INSERT @Temp 
  VALUES(@Ind, Substring(@ListValues, 0, @Index)) 

  SET @ListValues = Substring(@ListValues, @Index+1, @Length) 
  SET @Index = CharIndex(@Delimiter, @ListValues) 
  SET @Length = @Length - @Index 
  SET @Ind = @Ind + 1
 INSERT @Temp 
 VALUES(@Ind, @ListValues) 

The function could be called in code same as the STRING_SPLIT:

-- splitting a string (SQL Server 2000+)
FROM dbo.SplitListWithIndex('100001::M:black:', ':') 

The two functions are helpful when a column stores delimited values. It’s the case of Dynamics 365 which stores a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) – the Product Numbers together with its Dimensions (ItemId, Configid, InventSizeId, InventColorId, StyleId) delimited by “:”, like in the above examples. Therefore, to parse the records one could write such code:

-- parsing delimited values (SQL Server 2000+)
SELECT DAT.ProductNumber
, Max(CASE WHEN LV.Ind = 1 THEN LV.Value END) ItemId
, Max(CASE WHEN LV.Ind = 2 THEN LV.Value END) Configid
, Max(CASE WHEN LV.Ind = 3 THEN LV.Value END) InventSizeId
, Max(CASE WHEN LV.Ind = 4 THEN LV.Value END) InventColorId
, Max(CASE WHEN LV.Ind = 5 THEN LV.Value END) StyleId
FROM ( VALUES ('100001::S:black:')
 , ('100001::M:black:')
 , ('100001::L:black:')
 , ('100001::XL:black:')
 , ('100001::S:white:')
 , ('100001::M:white:')
 , ('100001::L:white:')
 , ('100001::XL:white:')
) DAT (ProductNumber)
CROSS APPLY dbo.SplitListWithIndex(DAT.ProductNumber, ':') LV
GROUP BY DAT.ProductNumber
ORDER BY DAT.ProductNumber
Similar output can be obtained via the STRING_SPLIT with the help of row_number() ranking window function introduced with SQL Server 2005:
-- parsing delimited values (SQL Server 2016+)
SELECT LV.ProductNumber
, Max(CASE WHEN LV.Ind = 1 THEN LV.Value END) ItemId
, Max(CASE WHEN LV.Ind = 2 THEN LV.Value END) Configid
, Max(CASE WHEN LV.Ind = 3 THEN LV.Value END) InventSizeId
, Max(CASE WHEN LV.Ind = 4 THEN LV.Value END) InventColorId
, Max(CASE WHEN LV.Ind = 5 THEN LV.Value END) StyleId
 SELECT DAT.ProductNumber
 , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY DAT.ProductNumber ORDER BY DAT.ProductNumber) Ind
 FROM ( VALUES ('100001::S:black:')
  , ('100001::M:black:')
  , ('100001::L:black:')
  , ('100001::XL:black:')
  , ('100001::S:white:')
  , ('100001::M:white:')
  , ('100001::L:white:')
  , ('100001::XL:white:')
 ) DAT (ProductNumber)
) LV
GROUP BY LV.ProductNumber
ORDER BY LV.ProductNumber

As can be seen the introduction of an index into the dbo.SplitListWithIndex function simplified the code, making the use of a ranking window function unnecessary. It would be useful for the STRING_SPLIT to provide the same, as this time of processing is pretty common.  
Here’s another example based on the PIVOT clause introduced also in SQL 2005:

-- parsing delimited values (SQL Server 2016+)
SELECT P.ProductNumber
, Cast(Trim([1]) as nvarchar(20)) ItemId
, Cast(Trim([2]) as nvarchar(20)) ConfigId
, Cast(Trim([3]) as nvarchar(20)) InventSizeid
, Cast(Trim([4]) as nvarchar(20)) InventColorId
, Cast(Trim([5]) as nvarchar(20)) StyleId
 SELECT DAT.ProductNumber
 , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY DAT.ProductNumber ORDER BY DAT.ProductNumber) Ranking
 FROM ( VALUES ('100001::S:black:')
  , ('100001::M:black:')
  , ('100001::L:black:')
  , ('100001::XL:black:')
  , ('100001::S:white:')
  , ('100001::M:white:')
  , ('100001::L:white:')
  , ('100001::XL:white:')
 ) DAT (ProductNumber)
PIVOT (MAX(DAT.[VALUE]) FOR DAT.Ranking IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5])) P

The queries work also in SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric (see file in GitHub repository). You might want to use another schema (e.g. Test), not to interfere with the existing code. 

Happy coding!

24 February 2011

💎SQL Reloaded: Pulling the Strings of SQL Server VI (Subparts of a String)

No matter how normalized a database is, there will always be the need to encode multiple semantic entities in a string, needing thus to extract them later. For example data like the Street Name and Number, or the Country Phone Prefix and Phone Number, the First and the Last Name, etc. Another frequent scenario is the misuse of a long-sized string data types to store multiple delimited attributes or simply a whole text like a Comment or Description. The easiest scenarios to deal with are the ones when you know the rules behind your encoding, preferably dealing with a fix length encoding or only a given delimiter. An example of fix length encoding is the IBAN Number, the country specific VAT Number or any other artificial constructed/standardized encoding. According to Wikipedia, IBAN (International Bank Account) Number consists of  ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, followed by two check digits that are calculated using a mod-97 technique, and Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) with up to thirty alphanumeric characters. Taking the IBAN example provided for Switzerland, it could be stored as “CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7” or “CH9300762011623852957”, in either case when the country is not provided explicitly it would be interesting to extract it from the IBAN together with the BBAN. How would we do that?

Many of the programming languages I worked with provide a function for extracting a substring from a string - Mid (VB/VBScript), Substring in C# Substr in Oracle, etc. SQL Server is actually providing three functions for this purpose: Substring, Left, respectively Right. The Substring function extracts a substring of a given length starting from a given position. The Left and Right functions return, as their name suggests, the left part, respectively the right part of a character string with the specified number of characters. The use of Left and Right functions seems to be redundant, as they are a particular case of Substring, however they can simplify sometimes the code, as can be seen from below example based on the above IBAN example.

-- parsing a VAT Number 
DECLARE @VAT varchar(50) 
SET @VAT = 'CH9300762011623852957' 
, LEFT(@VAT, 2) CountryCode1 
, SUBSTRING(@VAT, 1, 2) CountryCode2 
, SUBSTRING(@VAT, 3, 2) CheckDigits 
, RIGHT(@VAT, Len(@VAT)-4) BBAN1 
, SUBSTRING(@VAT, 5, Len(@VAT)-4) BBAN2 
, CASE  
     WHEN LEN(@str)<@length THEN Replicate(@padchar, @length-LEN(@str)) + @str       
     ELSE @str  
END LeftPadding  
, CASE  
     WHEN LEN(@str)<@length THEN @str + Replicate(@padchar, @length-LEN(@str))      
     ELSE @str  
END RightPadding 

Substrings Example 1

Even if the IBAN has a variable-length component (the BBAN) given the fact that the other two components are fixed, this allows us to clearly extract each component. The example shows also the equivalent call of Substring function for Left (Country Code extraction), respectively Right (BBAN extraction).

What happens if there are more than one variable-length components? For such scenarios it’s useful to introduce a delimiter, it could be a comma, a dash, space, etc. It’s the case of a First and Last Name stored in the same attribute. Normally only one component qualifies as Last Name, and for simplicity let’s consider it as being stored first and space as delimiter. In order to identify the components, it’s enough to identify the first occurrence of the delimiter by using the CharIndex function.
-- parsing a Person's Name 
DECLARE @Name varchar(50) 
SET @Name = 'Stone Sharon' 
SELECT @Name Name 
, LEFT(@Name, CHARINDEX(' ', @Name)) LastName 
, RIGHT(@Name, LEN(@Name) - CHARINDEX(' ', @Name)) FirstName 
Name LastName FirstName
Stone Sharon Stone Sharon

The code for cutting the left, respectively right part of a string is pretty simple and over the years I used it quite often, so it makes sense to encapsulate it in a function., like I did in an older post.

When a delimiter is used repeatedly in a string, normally we need to identify each component in the string. Sometimes the number of components can be given, other times not. For this purpose can be used a common table expression, and here is another example in which the space is used as delimiter – extracting the words from a given sentence.

-- extracting the words from a sentence 
DECLARE @str nvarchar(100) 
SET @str = 'This is just a test' 
;WITH CTE (PrevString, Position, Word) 
AS ( 
    SELECT LTrim(RTrim( CASE  
         WHEN CharIndex(' ', @str)>0 THEN Right(@str, Len(@str)-CharIndex(' ', @str)) 
         ELSE '' 
     END)) PrevString 
, 1 Position  
, LTrim(RTrim(CASE  
     WHEN CharIndex(' ', @str)>0 THEN LEFT(@str, CharIndex(' ', @str)) 
     ELSE @str 
END)) Word 
     WHEN CharIndex(' ', PrevString)>0 THEN Right(PrevString, Len(PrevString)-CharIndex(' ', PrevString)) 
     ELSE '' 
END)) PrevString 
, Position + 1 Position  
, LTrim(RTrim(CASE  
     WHEN CharIndex(' ', PrevString)>0 THEN LEFT(PrevString, CharIndex(' ', PrevString)) 
     ELSE PrevString 
END)) Word 
WHERE Len(PrevString)>0 
SELECT PrevString 
, Word  
, Position 
OPTION (maxrecursion 100)
PrevString Word Position
is just a test This 1
just a test is 2
a test just 3
test a 4
test 5

The logic works for a sentence, and if we ignore the fact that some punctuation signs are appearing at the end of the words, it might work  as well for a whole phrase, considering that the punctuation signs can be replaced from the end result. It would be useful for example to generalize the logic for a set of delimiters, in this case the other punctuation signs (e.g. “,”, “;”, “!”, etc.), however this would mean to identify which of the delimiters is used first or to apply the the same logic for the first delimiter, then for the second and so on. In addition, if the number of encoded elements within a value remain the same, a pivot can be applied on the final result and have thus all values’ elements within the same row.

Happy Coding!   

13 January 2010

🗄️Data Management: Data Quality Dimensions (Part II: Conformity)

Data Management
Data Management Series

Conformity or format compliance, as named by [1], refers to the extent data are in the expected format, each attribute being associated with a set of metadata like type (e.g. text, numeric, alphanumeric, positive), length, precision, scale, or any other formatting patterns (e.g. phone number, decimal and digit grouping symbols).

Because distinct decimal, digit grouping, negative sign and currency symbols can be used to represent numeric values, same as different date formats could be used alternatively (e.g. dd-mm-yyyy vs. mm-dd-yyyy), the numeric and date data types are highly sensitive to local computer and general applications settings because the same attribute could be stored, processed and represented in different formats. Therefore, it’s preferable to minimize the variations in formatting by applying the same format to all attributes having the same data type and, whenever is possible, the format should not be confusing. 

For example all the dates in a data set or in a set of data sets being object of the same global context (e.g. data migration, reporting) should have the same format, being preferred a format of type dd-mon-yyyy which, ignoring the different values the month could have for different language settings, it lets no space for interpretations (e.g. 01-10-2009 vs. 10-01-2009). There are also situations in which the constraints imposed by the various applications used restraints the flexibility of working adequately with the local computer formats.

If for decimal and dates there are a limited number of possibilities that can be dealt with, for alphanumeric values things change drastically because excepting the format masks that could be used during data entry, the adherence to a format depends entirely on the Users and whether they applied the formatting standards defined. In the absence of standards, Users might come with their own encoding, and even then, they might change it over time. 

The use of different encodings could be also required by the standards within a specific country, organization, or other type of such entity. All these together makes from alphanumeric attributes the most often candidate for data cleaning, and the business rules used can be quite complex, needing to handle each specific case. For example, the VAT code could have different length from country to country, and more than one encoding could be used reflecting the changes in formatting policy.

In what concerns the format, the alphanumeric attributes offer greater flexibility than the decimal and date attributes, and their formatting could be in theory ignored unless they are further parsed by other applications. However, considering that such needs change over time, it’s advisable to standardize the various formats used within an organization and use 'standard' delimiters for formatting the various chunks of data with a particular meaning within an alphanumeric attribute, fact that could reduce considerably the volume of overwork needed in order to cleanse the data for further processing. An encoding could be done without the use of delimiters, e.g. when the length of each chunk of data is the same, though chunk length-based formatting could prove to be limited when the length of a chunk changes.

Delimiters should be chosen from the characters that will never be used in the actual chunks of data or in the various applications dealing with the respective data. For example pipe (“|”) or semicolon (“;”) could be good candidates for such a delimiter though they are often used as delimiters when exporting the data to text files, therefore it’s better to use a dash (“-”) or even a combinations of characters (e.g. “.-.”) when a dash is not enough, while in some cases even a space or a dot could be used as delimiter.

Written: Jan-2010, Last Reviewed: Mar-2024 

[1] David Loshin (2009) "Master Data Management", Morgan Kaufmann OMG Press. ISBN 978-0-12-374225-4.
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.