
Accessibilitythe degree to which data are accessibleData Quality
Accuracythe requirement that values match the reality within an acceptable level of approximationData Quality
Actualitysee TimelinessData Quality
Attributechracteristic (also called property, dimension) of an (Conceptual) EntityData Modelling
Audit Trailrecords/register with the actions performed on data within given scope (e.g. Data Migration)Data Management
Auditabilitythe requirement that values are traced back to the source/originData Quality
Business Rulerule established by the business in association with one or more Attributes or EntitiesData Management
Completenessthe requirement that values are mandatory (only non-null values are allowed)Data Quality
Compliancethe requirement that data are stored, processed or accessed according to internal/external laws, regulation, standards, procedures, etc.Data Management
Conceptual Entityatomic structure within a Conceptual Entity Model defined by a set of AttributesData Modelling
Conceptual Entity Modeltype of Data Model in which atomic entities are derived and grouped based on their conceptual meaning Data Modelling
Conceptual Modelrepresentation of concepts and relation between themData Management
Conceptual Schemasee Conceptual ModelData Management
Conformitythe requirement that values are captured and represented in a given format/patternData Quality
Consistencythe requirement that values match a predefined list of values, data dictionary, ontology or similar representation formData Quality
Correctednessthe requirements that values are accurate and preciseData Quality
Currencysee TimelinessData Quality
Data Architectperson responsible for the design of the whole data infrastructure within an organisationData Management
Data Auditingthe processes of performing a data audit in order to determine the adherence to internal procedures, reglementations in what concerns the use of dataData Management
Data Classificationthe process of defining/identifying categories and assigning data to them based on given/identified common data characteristics Data Management
Data Cleaningthe process in which corrupt or inaccurate data are detected and corrected or removed from a data source.Data Management
Data Cleansingsee Data CleaningData Management
Data Collectionthe process that ensures that needed data are identified, retrieved and assessed for a given purpose Data Management
Data Compressionthe encoding of data targetting to decrease the space occupised by the dataData Management
Data Consolidationthe process of collecting data from various sources within a common repository and structureData Management
Data Conversionthe process of transferring the data between two data models/structuresData Management
Data Conversion Rulerule that represents how one or more source attributes are mapped to one or more target attributes Data Conversion
Data Custodianperson responsible for the safe custody, transport, storage of data and implementation of Business Rules [1]Data Management
Data Decodingas oposed to data encoding, the conversion of data from encoded to initial formData Management
Data Decompressionas oposed to data compression the decoding of data from encoded to initial formData Management
Data Definition Languagecomputer language used to define or modify data structures within data repositoriesData Modelling
Data Diagramgraphical representation of the data entities and relation between themData Modelling
Data Discoverythe process of identifying and understanding data and the relations between dataData Management
Data Domainall unique values a Data Element may containData Management
Data Elementatomic unit of data that has precise meaningData Management
Data Encodingthe conversion of data from one form of representation to anotherData Management
Data Enhancementsee Data EnrichmentData Management
Data Enrichmentthe process in which missing data are added, formats changed in order to address specific requirementsData Management
Data Exportthe process of exporting data from a information systemData Management
Data Freezethe prevention of updating the data after a given point in timeData Management
Data Gap Analysisthe process of identifying the mistmathes between different data repositoriesData Management
Data Governanceset of processes that target the respponsibility and accountability of data and their quality through the whole Data Life CycleData Management
Data Importthe process of loading data in an information systemData Management
Data Life Cyclethe lifespan of data from data acuisition, through processing and handling, until their distruction Data Management
Data linkagethe merging and analysis of two or more distinct Data Sets, typically from different domainsData Management
Data Manipulation Languagecomputer language used to perform create, read, update, delete operation on a data repositoryData Modelling
Data Mappingthe process of creating attribute mappings between distinct data modelsData Management
Data Matchingthe process of matching records from distinct data repositoriesData Management
Data Migrationthe process of transferring the data between two or more information systems.Data Management
Data Miningthe process of identifying/deriving new patterns or knowledge from dataData Management
Data Modellingthe proces of analyzing data for the identification of entities, their attributes and the relations between entities, and represent them in a Data Diagram or Data Definition LanguageData Management
Data Navigationthe movement through data sets following parent/child or similar associationsData Management
Data Ownerperson responsible and accountable for life-cycle of a given data setData Management
Data Processingthe process or action of organizing and manipulating data, typically with the help of applicationData Management
Data Profilingthe process in which the source data are analyzed from the point of view of existing requirements in order to understand the data, their characteristics and constraints.Data Management
Data Protectionthe requirement that data are not processed without the knowledge and consent of their ownersData Quality
Data Qualityperception, measurement of data fintness for intended useData Management
Data Quality Assessmentthe process of evaluating the quality of data based on a predefined set of rules[2]Data Quality
Data Quality Metricmeasurement of a Data Quality RuleData Quality
Data Quality Rulebusiness rule on which quality of data is evaludated againstData Quality
Data Reportingthe process of presenting data in an accessible form to users Data Management
Data Repositorystorage location within a electronic or solid storage device(s) where data are stored and may be retrievedData Management
Data Retrievalthe process of extracting data from a data repositoryData Management
Data Securitythe requirement that data is kept safe from corruption and unauthorized accessData Quality
Data Selectionthe process of defining the appropriate source and recordsData Management
Data Sizingthe process of estimating the size occuppied/needed by dataData Management
Data Stakeholderperson who affects or is affected by a given set of data Data Management
Data Standardizationthe process of developing and implementing technical standards for data definitionData Management
Data Stewardperson responsible for maintaining the records in Metadata RegistryData Management
Data Stewardshipthe process that ensures that data are unambigously definedData Management
Data Storepermanent data repositoryData Management
Data Store Ownerperson responsible and accountable for a given Data StoreData Management
Data Structureparticular way of organiying and storring dataData Management
Data Synchronizationthe process of comparing and reconciliating different data repositories so they can contain the same dataData Management
Data Transformationthe physical implementation of a Data Conversion RuleData Management
Data Transitional Ruletemporary rule put in place in order to handle the affects of transition between distinct steps of a process (e.g. Data Migration)Data Management
Data Validationthe process of ensuring that data were processed as expectedData Management
Data Visualizationthe graphical display of data and their characteristics in order to facilitate their understandingData Management
MetadataData about/describing dataData Management
Metadata Registrythe global repository in which metadata definitions are stored and controlledData Management
Persistancethe requirement that the data outlives the process that created itData Quality
Precisionthe requirement that values remain unchanged when measured under the same conditionesData Quality
Record linkagetask of finding the records in a data repository that refer to the same Entity across different data repositories [1]Data Management
Redundancythe requirement that values are not stored in multiple places (tables, databases) unless necessary (typically correlated with poor design)Data Quality
Referential Integritythe requirement that the each non-null value of a foreign key must match the value of a primary keyData Quality
Reliabilitythe requirement that values are accurateData Quality
Semantic integritythe requirement that values keep their meaning across different repositoriesData Quality
Timelinessthe requirement that values are up to date (actual)Data Quality
Uniqueness the requirement that values or entities are captured, represented and referenced uniquely across the domainData Quality
Validitythe requirement that values are within accepted/reasonable range of values (maximum, minimum)Data Quality

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.