Showing posts with label data strategy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label data strategy. Show all posts

03 April 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: Perspectives (Part X: The Top 5 Pains of a BI/Analytics Manager)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

1) Business Strategy

A business strategy is supposed to define an organization's mission, vision, values, direction, purpose, goals, objectives, respectively the roadmap, alternatives, capabilities considered to achieve them. All this information is needed by the BI manager to sketch the BI strategy needed to support the business strategy. 

Without them, the BI manager must extrapolate, and one thing is to base one's decisions on a clearly stated and communicated business strategy, and another thing to work with vague declarations full of uncertainty. In the latter sense, it's like attempting to build castles into thin air and expecting to have a solid foundation. It may work as many BI requirements are common across organizations, but it can also become a disaster. 

2) BI/Data Strategy

Organizations usually differentiate between the BI and the data Strategy because different driving forces and needs are involved, even if there are common goals, needs and opportunities that must be considered from both perspectives. When there's no data strategy available, the BI manager is either forced to address thus many data-related topics (e.g. data culture, data quality, metadata management, data governance), or ignore them with all consequences deriving from this. 

A BI strategy is an extension of the business, data and IT strategies into the BI knowledge areas. Unfortunately, few organizations give it the required attention. Besides the fact that the BI strategy breaks down the business strategy from its perspective, it also adds its own goals and objectives which are ideally aligned with the ones from the other strategies. 

3) Data Culture

Data culture is "the collective beliefs, values, behaviors, and practices of an organization’s employees in harnessing the value of data for decision-making, operations, or insight". Therefore, data culture is an enabler which, when the many aspects are addressed adequately, can have a multiplier effect for the BI strategy and its execution. Conversely, when basic data culture assumptions and requirements aren't addressed, the interrelated issues resulting from this can prove to be a barrier for the BI projects, operations and strategy. 

As mentioned before, an organization’s (data) culture is created, managed, nourished, and destroyed through leadership. If the other leaders aren't playing along, each challenge related to data culture and BI will become a concern for the BI manager.

4) Managing Expectations 

A business has great expectations from the investment in its BI infrastructure, especially when the vendors promise competitive advantage, real-time access to data and insights, self-service capabilities, etc. Even if these promises are achievable, they represent a potential that needs to be harnessed and there are several premises that need to be addressed continuously. 

Some BI strategies and/or projects address these expectations from the beginning, though there are many organizations that ignore or don't give them the required importance. Unfortunately, these expectations (re)surface when people start using the infrastructure and this can easily become an acceptance issue. It's the BI manager's responsibility to ensure expectations are managed accordingly.

5) Building the Right BI Architecture

For the BI architecture the main driving forces are the shifts in technologies from single servers to distributed environments, from relational tables and data warehouses to delta tables and delta lakes built with the data mesh's principles and product-orientation in mind, which increase the overall complexity considerably. Vendors and data professionals' vision of how the architectures of the future will look like still has major milestones and challenges to surpass. 

Therefore, organizations are forced to explore the new architectures and the opportunities they bring, however this involves a considerable effort, skilled resources, and more iterations. Conversely, ignoring these trends might prove to be an opportunity lost and eventually duplicated effort on the long term.

13 February 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: A One-Man Show (Part V: Focus on the Foundation)

Business Intelligence Suite
Business Intelligence Suite

I tend to agree that one person can't do anymore "everything in the data space", as Christopher Laubenthal put it his article on the topic [1]. He seems to catch the essence of some of the core data roles found in organizations. Summarizing these roles, data architecture is about designing and building a data infrastructure, data engineering is about moving data, database administration is mainly about managing databases, data analysis is about assisting the business with data and reports, information design is about telling stories, while data science can be about studying the impact of various components on the data. 

However, I find his analogy between a college's functional structure and the core data roles as poorly chosen from multiple perspectives, even if both are about building an infrastructure of some type. 

Firstly, the two constructions have different foundations. Data exists in a an organization also without data architects, data engineers or data administrators (DBAs)! It's enough to buy one or more information systems functioning as islands and reporting needs will arise. The need for a data architect might come when the systems need to be integrated or maybe when a data warehouse needs to be build, though many organizations are still in business without such constructs. While for the others, the more complex the integrations, the bigger the need for a Data Architect. Conversely, some systems can be integrated by design and such capabilities might drive their selection.

Data engineering is needed mainly in the context of the cloud, respectively of data lake-based architectures, where data needs to be moved, processed and prepared for consumption. Conversely, architectures like Microsoft Fabric minimize data movement, the focus being on data processing, the successive transformations it needs to suffer in moving from bronze to the gold layer, respectively in creating an organizational semantical data model. The complexity of the data processing is dependent on data' structuredness, quality and other data characteristics. 

As I mentioned before, modern databases, including the ones in the cloud, reduce the need for DBAs to a considerable degree. Unless the volume of work is big enough to consider a DBA role as an in-house resource, organizations will more likely consider involving a service provider and a contingent to cover the needs. 

Having in-house one or more people acting under the Data Analyst role, people who know and understand the business, respectively the data tools used in the process, can go a long way. Moreover, it's helpful to have an evangelist-like resource in house, a person who is able to raise awareness and knowhow, help diffuse knowledge about tools, techniques, data, results, best practices, respectively act as a mentor for the Data Analyst citizens. From my point of view, these are the people who form the data-related backbone (foundation) of an organization and this is the minimum of what an organization should have!

Once this established, one can build data warehouses, data integrations and other support architectures, respectively think about BI and Data strategy, Data Governance, etc. Of course, having a Chief Data Officer and a Data Strategy in place can bring more structure in handling the topics at the various levels - strategical, tactical, respectively operational. In constructions one starts with a blueprint and a data strategy can have the same effect, if one knows how to write it and implement it accordingly. However, the strategy is just a tool, while the data-knowledgeable workers are the foundation on which organizations should build upon!

"Build it and they will come" philosophy can work as well, though without knowledgeable and inquisitive people the philosophy has high chances to fail.

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[1] Christopher Laubenthal (2024) "Why One Person Can’t Do Everything In Data" (link)

18 April 2023

📊Graphical Representation: Graphics We Live By I (The Analytics Marathon)

Graphical Representation
Graphical Representation Series

In a diagram adapted from an older article [1], Brent Dykes, the author of "Effective Data Storytelling" [2], makes a parallel between Data Analytics and marathon running, considering that an organization must pass through the depicted milestones, the percentages representing how many organizations reach the respective milestones:

It's a nice visualization and the metaphor makes sense given that running a marathon requires a long-term strategy to address the gaps between the current and targeted physical/mental form and skillset required to run a marathon, respectively for approaching a set of marathons and each course individually. Similarly, implementing a Data Analytics initiative requires a Data Strategy supposed to address the gaps existing between current and targeted state of art, respectively the many projects run to reach organization's goals. 

It makes sense, isn't it? On the other side the devil lies in details and frankly the diagram raises several questions when is compared with practices and processes existing in organizations. This doesn't mean that the diagram is wrong, just that it doesn't seem to reflect entirely the reality. 

The percentages represent author's perception of how many organizations reach the respective milestones, probably in an repeatable manner (as there are several projects). Thus, only 10% have a data strategy, 100% collect data, 80% of them prepare the data, while at the opposite side only 15% communicate insight, respectively 5% act on information.

Considering only the milestones the diagram looks like a funnel and a capability maturity model (CMM). Typically, the CMMs are more complex than this, evolving with technologies' capabilities. All the mentioned milestones have a set of capabilities that increase in complexity and that usually help differentiated organization's maturity. Therefore, the model seems too simple for an actual categorization.  

Typically, data collection has a specific scope resuming to surveys, interviews and/or research. However, the definition can be extended to the storage of data within organizations. Thus, data collection as the gathering of raw data is mainly done as part of their value supporting processes, and given the degree of digitization of data, one can suppose that most organizations gather data for the different purposes, even if only a small part are maybe digitized.

Even if many organizations build data warehouses, marts, lakehouses, mashes or whatever architecture might be en-vogue these days, an important percentage of the reporting needs are covered by standard reports or reporting tools that access directly the source systems without data preparation or even data visualization. The first important question is what is understood by data analytics? Is it only the use of machine learning and statistical analysis? Does it resume only to pattern and insight finding or does it includes also what is typically considered under the Business Intelligence umbrella? 

Pragmatically thinking, Data Analytics should consider BI capabilities as well as its an extension of the current infrastructure to consider analytic capabilities. On the other side Data Warehousing and BI are considered together by DAMA as part of their Data Management methodology. Moreover, organizations may have a Data Strategy and a BI strategy, respectively a Data Analytics strategy as they might have different goals, challenges and bodies to support them. To make it even more complicated, an organization might even consider all these important topics as part of the Data or even Information Governance, or consider BI or Analytics without Data Management. 

So, a Data Strategy might or might not address Data Analytics at all. It's a matter of management philosophy, organizational structure, politics and other factors. Probably, having a strayegy related to data should count. Even if a written and communicated data-related strategy is recommended for all medium to big organizations, only a small percentage of them have one, while small organizations might ignore the topic completely.

At least in the past, data analysis and its various subcomponents was performed before preparing and visualizing the data, or at least in parallel with data visualization. Frankly, it's a strange succession of steps. Or does it refers to exploratory data analysis (EDA) from a statistical perspective, which requires statistical experience to model and interpret the facts? Moreover, data exploration and discovery happen usually in the early stages.

The most puzzling step is the last one - what does the author intended with it? Ideally, data should be actionable, at least that's what one says about KPIs, OKRs and other metrics. Does it make sense to extend Data Analytics into the decision-making process? Where does a data professional's responsibilities end and which are those boundaries? Or does it refer to the actions that need to be performed by data professionals? 

The natural step after communicating insight is for the management to take action and provide feedback. Furthermore, the decisions taken have impact on the artifacts built and a reevaluation of the business problem, assumptions and further components is needed. The many steps of analytics projects are iterative, some iterations affecting the Data Strategy as well. The diagram shows the process as linear, which is not the case.

For sure there's an interface between Data Analytics and Decision-Making and the processes associated with them, however there should be clear boundaries. E.g., it's a data professional's responsibility to make sure that the data/information is actionable and eventually advise upon it, though whether the entitled people act on it is a management topic. Not acting upon an information is also a decision. Overstepping boundaries can put the data professional into a strange situation in which he becomes responsible and eventually accountable for an action not taken, which is utopic.

The final question - is the last mile representative for the analytical process? The challenge is not the analysis and communication of data but of making sure that the feedback processes work and the changes are addressed correspondingly, that value is created continuously from the data analytics infrastructure, that data-related risks and opportunities are addressed as soon they are recognized. 

As any model, a diagram doesn't need to be correct to be useful and might not be even wrong in the right context and argumentation. A data analytics CMM might allow better estimates and comparison between organizations, though it can easily become more complex to use. Between the two models lies probably a better solution for modeling the data analytics process.

[1] Brent Dykes (2022) "Data Analytics Marathon: Why Your Organization Must Focus On The Finish", Forbes (link)
[2] Brent Dykes (2019) Effective Data Storytelling: How to Drive Change with Data, Narrative and Visuals (link)

13 December 2017

🗃️Data Management: Data Strategy (Just the Quotes)

"Data strategy is one of the most ubiquitous and misunderstood topics in the information technology (IT) industry. Most corporations' data strategy and IT infrastructure were not planned, but grew out of "stovepipe" applications over time with little to no regard for the goals and objectives of the enterprise. This stovepipe approach has produced the highly convoluted and inflexible IT architectures so prevalent in corporations today." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy", 2005)

"The chaos without a data strategy is not as obvious, but the indicators abound: dirty data, redundant data, inconsistent data, the inability to integrate, poor performance, terrible availability, little accountability, users who are increasingly dissatisfied with the performance of IT, and the general feeling that things are out of control." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy", 2005)

"The vision of a data strategy that fits your organization has to conform to the overall strategy of IT, which in turn must conform to the strategy of the business. Therefore, the vision should conform to and support where the organization wants to be in 5 years." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy", 2005)

"Working without a data strategy is analogous to a company allowing each department and each person within each department to develop its own financial chart of accounts. This empowerment allows each person in the organization to choose his own numbering scheme. Existing charts of accounts would be ignored as each person exercises his or her own creativity." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy" 1st Ed., 2005)

"Data is great, but strategy is better!" (Steven Sinofsky, Harvard Business School, 2013)

"Strategy is everything. Without it, data, big or otherwise, is essentially useless. A bad strategy is worse than useless because it can be highly damaging to the organization. A bad strategy can divert resources, waste time, and demoralize employees. This would seem to be self-evident but in practice, strategy development is not quite so straightforward. There are numerous reasons why a strategy is MIA from the beginning, falls apart mid-project, or is destroyed in a head-on collision with another conflicting business strategy." (Pam Baker, "Data Divination: Big Data Strategies", 2015)

"The overall data strategy should be focused on continuously discovering ways to improve the business through refinement, innovation, and solid returns, both in the short and long terms. Project-specific strategies should lead to a specific measurable and actionable end for that effort. This should be immediately followed with ideas about what can be done from there, which in turn should ultimately lead to satisfying the goals in the overall big data strategy and reshaping it as necessary too." (Pam Baker, "Data Divination: Big Data Strategies", 2015)

"A data strategy should include business plans to use information to competitive advantage and support enterprise goals. Data strategy must come from an understanding of the data needs inherent in the business strategy: what data the organization needs, how it will get the data, how it will manage it and ensure its reliability over time, and how it will utilize it. Typically, a data strategy requires a supporting Data Management program strategy – a plan for maintaining and improving the quality of data, data integrity, access, and security while mitigating known and implied risks. The strategy must also address known challenges related to data management." (DAMA International, "DAMA-DMBOK: Data Management Body of Knowledge", 2017)

"A good data strategy is not determined by what data is readily or potentially available - ​​​​​​​ it’​​​​​​​s about what your business wants to achieve, and how data can help you get there." (Bernard Marr, ​​​​​​​"Data Strategy", 2017)

"A sound data strategy requires that the data contained in a company’s single source of truth (SSOT) is of high quality, granular, and standardized, and that multiple versions of the truth (MVOTs) are carefully controlled." (Leandro DalleMule & Thomas H Davenport, "What’s Your Data Strategy?", Harvard Business Review, 2017) [link]

"Companies that have not yet built a data strategy and a strong data-management function need to catch up very fast or start planning for their exit." (Leandro DalleMule & Thomas H Davenport, "What’s Your Data Strategy?", Harvard Business Review, 2017) [link]

"How a company’s data strategy changes in direction and velocity will be a function of its overall strategy, culture, competition, and market." (Leandro DalleMule & Thomas H Davenport, "What’s Your Data Strategy?", Harvard Business Review, 2017) [link

"[…] if companies want to avoid drowning in data, they need to develop a smart [data] strategy that focuses on the data they really need to achieve their goals. In other words, this means defining the business-critical questions that need answering and then collecting and analysing only that data which will answer those questions." (Bernard Marr, ​​​​​​​"Data Strategy", 2017)

"Start by reviewing existing data management activities, such as who creates and manages data, who measures data quality, or even who has ‘data’ in their job title. Survey the organization to find out who may already be fulfilling needed roles and responsibilities. Such individuals may hold different titles. They are likely part of a distributed organization and not necessarily recognized by the enterprise. After compiling a list of ‘data people,’ identify gaps. What additional roles and skill sets are required to execute the data strategy? In many cases, people in other parts of the organization have analogous, transferrable skill sets. Remember, people already in the organization bring valuable knowledge and experience to a data management effort." (DAMA International, "DAMA-DMBOK: Data Management Body of Knowledge", 2017)

"In truth, all three of these perspectives - process, technology, and data - are needed to create a good data strategy. Each type of person approaches things differently and brings different perspectives to the table. Think of this as another aspect of diversity. Just as a multicultural team and a team with different educational backgrounds will produce a better result, so will a team that includes people with process, technology and data perspectives." (Mike Fleckenstein & Lorraine Fellows, "Modern Data Strategy", 2018)

"A data strategy is the opportunity to bring data, one of the most important assets your organisation has, to the fore and to drive the future direction of the organisation." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"Data strategy is even less understood [thank business strategy], so the chances of success can be further decreased, simply because you need organisation-wide commitment and buy-in to succeed. Data does not exist in a bubble; it is not the preserve of a function that can fix it for all, detached from touching everyone else. It is core to how you run the organisation, and without a focus on where you are heading, it is going to trip the organisation up at every turn – regulatory compliance; operational effectiveness; financial performance; customer and employee experience; essentially, the efficiency in managing virtually every activity in the organisation." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"I am using ‘data strategy’ as an overarching term to describe a far broader set of capabilities from which sub-strategies can be developed to focus on particular facets of the strategy, such as management information (MI) and reporting; analytics, machine learning and AI; insight; and, of course, data management." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"It is also important to regard the data strategy as a living document. Do not regard it as a masterpiece, never to be reviewed, amended or critiqued within the time frame it covers, but instead see it as a strategy that can flex to the changing demands of an organisation." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"In the same vein, data strategy is often a misnomer for a much wider scope of coverage, but the lack of coherence in how we use the language has led to data strategy being perceived to cover data management activities all the way through to exploitation of data in the broadest sense. The occasional use of information strategy, intelligence strategy or even data exploitation strategy may differentiate, but the lack of a common definition on what we mean tends to lead to data strategy being used as a catch-all for the more widespread coverage such a document would typically include. Much of this is due to the generic use of the term ‘data’ to cover everything from its capture, management, governance through to reporting, analytics and insight." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"Many organisations start a data strategy from a need to get data into some sort of organised state in which it is feasible to demonstrate compliance. In my opinion, compliance should be a component of a data strategy, not the data strategy in itself." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"The data strategy should answer the questions: Where are we going? What are we trying to achieve? How does this data strategy fit with the vision, mission and strategy of the organisation? The digital strategy should answer the overarching question: How are we are planning to achieve this?" (Alison Holt [Ed.], Data Governance: Governing data for sustainable business", 2021)

"The key for a successful data strategy is to align it clearly with the corporate strategy. The data strategy is a crucial enabler of the corporate strategy, and the data strategy should clearly call out those components that have a clear line of sight to delivering, or enabling, the corporate goals. If the data strategy does not align to the corporate goals it will be a much more challenging task to get the wider organisation to buy into it, not least because it will fail to have any resonance with the objectives of the organisational leaders and be regarded as optional at best." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"Right now, the biggest challenge for organizations working on their data strategy might not have to do with technology at all. [...] It’s an understandable problem: to a degree that is perpetually underestimated, becoming data-driven is about the ability of people and organizations to adapt to change." (Randy Bean, "Why Becoming a Data-Driven Organization Is So Hard", Harvard Business Review, 2022) [link]

"A data strategy must align with the business goals and overall framework of how data will be used and managed within an organization. It needs to include standards for how data will be discovered, integrated, accessed, shared, and protected. It needs to address how data will meet regulatory compliance policies, Master Data Management, and data democratization. There needs to be an assurance that both data and metadata have a quality control framework in place to achieve data trust. A data strategy needs to have a clear path on how an organization will accomplish data monetization." (Sonia Mezzetta, "Principles of Data Fabric: Become a data-driven organization by implementing Data Fabric solutions efficiently", 2023)

"A data strategy is a living document that needs to be continuously updated to align with business goals. It should have a clear maintenance process with frequent reviews and identification of authors and stakeholders that will contribute to the data strategy. This also includes the handling of exceptions to a data strategy process for any one-off decisions in special circumstances. A data strategy document must always be easily assessable, to the point, and understandable." (Sonia Mezzetta, "Principles of Data Fabric: Become a data-driven organization by implementing Data Fabric solutions efficiently", 2023)

See also the quotes on Strategy and Tactics

01 February 2017

⛏️Data Management: Data Strategy (Definitions)

"A business plan for leveraging an enterprise’s data assets to maximum advantage." (DAMA International, "The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management", 2011)

[enterprise data strategy:] "A data strategy supporting the entire enterprise." (DAMA International, "The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management", 2011)

[data management strategy:] "Selected courses of actions setting the direction for data management within the enterprise, including vision, mission, goals, principles, policies, and projects." (DAMA International, "The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management", 2011)

"A data strategy is a plan for maintaining and improving the quality, integrity, security, and access of the enterprise data. It typically includes business plans that describe how the data will be used to support the enterprise business strategy and goals." (Dewey E Ray, "Valuing Data: An Open Framework", 2018)

"A data strategy is not an algorithm, buzzword, IT project, technology or application, collection of data in storage, department or team, or project or tactic. A data strategy is a set of organization-wide objectives leading to highly efficient processes that turn data resources into outcomes that help the organization fulfill its mission." (Harvinder Atwal, "Practical DataOps: Delivering Agile Data Science at Scale", 2019)

"A data strategy is a plan designed to improve all the ways you acquire, store, manage, share, and use data." (Evan Levy, "TDWI Data Strategy Assessment Guide", 2021)

"A data strategy is a central, integrated concept that articulates how data will enable and inspire business strategy." (MIT CISR)

"A data strategy is a common reference of methods, services, architectures, usage patterns and procedures for acquiring, integrating, storing, securing, managing, monitoring, analyzing, consuming and operationalizing data." (DXC.Technology) [source]

"A data strategy is a highly dynamic process employed to support the acquisition, organization, analysis, and delivery of data in support of business objectives." (Gartner)

11 November 2008

🗄️Data Management: Data Quality (Part I: Information Systems' Perspective)

Data Management
Data Management Series

One LinkedIn user brought to attention the fact that according to top IT managers the top two reasons why CRM investments fail is: (1) managing resistance within the organization; (2) bad data quality.

The two reasons are common not only to CRM or BI solutions but also to other Information Systems, though from the two data quality has usually the biggest impact. Especially in ERP systems the data quality continues to be a problem and here are a few reasons:
  • Processes span different functions and/or roles, each of them maintaining the data they are interested in, without any agreement or coordination on the ownership. The lack of ownership is in general management’s fault.
  • Within an enterprise many systems arrive to be integrated, the quality of the data depending on the quality and scope of the integrations, whether they were addressed fully or only superficially. Few integrations are stable and properly designed. If stability can be obtained in time, scope is seldom changed as it involves further investments, and thus the remaining data need to be maintained manually, respectively the issues need to be troubleshooted or let accumulate in the backlog.
  • There are systems which are not integrated but use the same data, users needing to duplicate their effort, so they often focus on their immediate needs. Moreover, the lack of mappings between systems makes data analysis and review difficult. 
  • The lack of knowledge about the systems used in terms of processes, procedures, best practices, policies, etc. Users usually try to do their best based on the knowledge they have, and despite their best intent, the systems arrive to be misused just to get things done. 
  • Basic or inexistent validation for data entry in each important entry point (UI, integration interfaces, bulk upload functionality), system permissiveness (allowing workarounds), stability and reliability (bugs/defects).
  • Inexistence of data quality control mechanisms or quality methodologies, respectively a Data and/or Quality Management strategy. If the data quality is not kept under review, it can easily decrease over time. 
  • The lack of a data culture and processes that support data quality.
  • People lack consistency and/or the self-discipline to follow the processes and update the data as the processes requires it and not only the data to move to the next or final step. Therefore, the gap between reality and the one presented by the system is considerable.
  • People are not motivated to improve data quality even if they may recognize the importance of doing that.
Data quality is usually ignored in BI projects, and this is because few are the ones that go and search for the causes, making it easier to blame the BI solution or the technical team than to do something. This is one of the reasons for which users are reticent in using a BI solution, to which add up solution’s flexibility and the degree up to which the solution satisfies users’ needs. On the other side BI solutions are often abused, including also reports which have OLTP characteristics or of providing too much unstructured or inadequate content that needs to be further reworked.

Data quality comes on the managers' agenda, especially during ERP implementations. Unfortunately, as soon as that happens, it also disappears, despite being warned of the consequences poor data quality might have on the implementation and further data use. An ERP implementation is supposed to be an opportunity for improving the data quality, though for many organizations it remains in this state. Once this opportunity passes, organizations need more financial and human resources to reach a fraction from the opportunity missed.

The above topics are complex and need further discussion (see [1], [2]).

Written: Nov-2008, Last Reviewed: Mar-2024

[1] SQL-Troubles (2010) Data Management: Data Quality - An Introduction (link)
[2] SQL-Troubles (2012) Data Migration: Data Quality’s Perspective I - A Bird’s-Eye View (link)

27 November 2006

🔢Mike Fleckenstein - Collected Quotes

"A big part of data governance should be about helping people (business and technical) get their jobs done by providing them with resources to answer their questions, such as publishing the names of data stewards and authoritative sources and other metadata, and giving people a way to raise, and if necessary escalate, data issues that are hindering their ability to do their jobs. Data governance helps answer some basic data management questions." (Mike Fleckenstein & Lorraine Fellows, "Modern Data Strategy", 2018)

"A data lake is a storage repository that holds a very large amount of data, often from diverse sources, in native format until needed. In some respects, a data lake can be compared to a staging area of a data warehouse, but there are key differences. Just like a staging area, a data lake is a conglomeration point for raw data from diverse sources. However, a staging area only stores new data needed for addition to the data warehouse and is a transient data store. In contrast, a data lake typically stores all possible data that might be needed for an undefined amount of analysis and reporting, allowing analysts to explore new data relationships. In addition, a data lake is usually built on commodity hardware and software such as Hadoop, whereas traditional staging areas typically reside in structured databases that require specialized servers." (Mike Fleckenstein & Lorraine Fellows, "Modern Data Strategy", 2018)

"Data governance presents a clear shift in approach, signals a dedicated focus on data management, distinctly identifies accountability for data, and improves communication through a known escalation path for data questions and issues. In fact, data governance is central to data management in that it touches on essentially every other data management function. In so doing, organizational change will be brought to a group is newly - and seriously - engaging in any aspect of data management." (Mike Fleckenstein & Lorraine Fellows, "Modern Data Strategy", 2018)

"Data is owned by the enterprise, not by systems or individuals. The enterprise should recognize and formalize the responsibilities of roles, such as data stewards, with specific accountabilities for managing data. A data governance framework and guidelines must be developed to allow data stewards to coordinate with their peers and to communicate and escalate issues when needed. Data should be governed cooperatively to ensure that the interests of data stewards and users are represented and also that value to the enterprise is maximized." (Mike Fleckenstein & Lorraine Fellows, "Modern Data Strategy", 2018)

"In truth, all three of these perspectives - process, technology, and data - are needed to create a good data strategy. Each type of person approaches things differently and brings different perspectives to the table. Think of this as another aspect of diversity. Just as a multicultural team and a team with different educational backgrounds will produce a better result, so will a team that includes people with process, technology and data perspectives." (Mike Fleckenstein & Lorraine Fellows, "Modern Data Strategy", 2018)

"Lack of trust is closely associated with uncertainty about the quality of the data, such as its sourcing, content definition, or content accuracy. The issue is not only that the data source has quality issues, but that the issues that it may or may not have are unknown." (Mike Fleckenstein & Lorraine Fellows, "Modern Data Strategy", 2018)

"The desire to collect as much data as possible must be balanced with an approximation of which data sources are useful to address a business issue. It is worth mentioning that often the value of internal data is high. Most internal data has been cleansed and transformed to suit the mission. It should not be overlooked simply because of the excitement of so much other available data." (Mike Fleckenstein & Lorraine Fellows, "Modern Data Strategy", 2018) 

"Typically, a data steward is responsible for a data domain (or part of a domain) across its life cycle. He or she supports that data domain across an entire business process rather than for a specific application or a project. In this way, data governance provides the end user with a go-to resource for data questions and requests. When formally applied, data governance also holds managers and executives accountable for data issues that cannot be resolved at lower levels. Thus, it establishes an escalation path beginning with the end user. Most important, data governance determines the level - local, departmental or enterprise - at which specific data is managed. The higher the value of a particular data asset, the more rigorous its data governance." (Mike Fleckenstein & Lorraine Fellows, "Modern Data Strategy", 2018)

13 November 2006

🔢Sid Adelman - Collected Quotes

"Data archeology (finding bad data), data cleansing (correcting bad data), and data quality enforcement (preventing data defects at the source) should be business objectives. Therefore, data quality initiatives are business initiatives and require the involvement of business people, such as information consumers and data originators." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy", 2005)

"Data strategy is one of the most ubiquitous and misunderstood topics in the information technology (IT) industry. Most corporations' data strategy and IT infrastructure were not planned, but grew out of "stovepipe" applications over time with little to no regard for the goals and objectives of the enterprise. This stovepipe approach has produced the highly convoluted and inflexible IT architectures so prevalent in corporations today." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy", 2005)

"Dealing with [...] resistance is where social sensitivity, leadership, and power come into play. Social sensitivity is the ability to read the players and respond appropriately to their concerns. Leadership and power can quickly overcome most resistance to change and allow you to establish an environment and convince management to properly support the data strategy." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy", 2005)

"It is important to remember that the 'single version of the truth' - or enterprise logical data model - is not and should not be built all at once (that would take too long), but that it evolves over time as the project-specific logical data models are merged, one-by-one, a project at a time." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy", 2005)

"The chaos without a data strategy is not as obvious, but the indicators abound: dirty data, redundant data, inconsistent data, the inability to integrate, poor performance, terrible availability, little accountability, users who are increasingly dissatisfied with the performance of IT, and the general feeling that things are out of control." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy", 2005)

"The data strategist is responsible for creating and maintaining the data strategy. This includes fully understanding the strategic goals of the organization. [...] The data strategist must know (or learn) the existing environment including the important internal databases, the external data that will be integrated, and the data quality characteristics. The data strategist must be aware of the data volumes expected in the next five years. [...] The data strategist must be aware of changes in the business that will require more complex transactions and queries. He or she must also be aware of governmental factors including regulations and governmental reporting requirements. The data strategist must know about the requirements of service level agreements (SLAs) for both performance and availability and be sure that the data strategy supports those SLAs (it's also likely that the data strategist would have input into creating those SLAs.) And finally, the data strategist must be wired into the politics of the organization so that his or her proposals will be pragmatic and accepted by management and staff." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy", 2005)

"The folks in IT don't like change if they believe it will diminish the power of the IT group. This is particularly true for managers. Managers put forward countless reasons why the organization should stay as is, especially if a change can decrease the number of employees they control because managers often equate headcount to power in the organization." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy", 2005) [?!]

"The vision of a data strategy that fits your organization has to conform to the overall strategy of IT, which in turn must conform to the strategy of the business. Therefore, the vision should conform to and support where the organization wants to be in 5 years." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy", 2005)

"Working without a data strategy is analogous to a company allowing each department and each person within each department to develop its own financial chart of accounts. This empowerment allows each person in the organization to choose his own numbering scheme. Existing charts of accounts would be ignored as each person exercises his or her own creativity." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy" 1st Ed., 2005)

"You cannot boil the ocean; you have to prioritize your data integration deliverables. An enterprise-wide data integration effort must be carved up into small iterative projects, starting with the most critical data and working down to the less significant data. The business people working with the data integration team must determine which data is most appropriate for integration. Some data might not be suitable for integration at all, such as department-specific data, highly secured data, and data that is too risky to integrate. The team also needs to look at historical data and decide how much of it to include in the data integration process." (Sid Adelman et al, "Data Strategy" 1st Ed., 2005)

🔢Ian Wallis - Collected Quotes

"A data strategy is the opportunity to bring data, one of the most important assets your organisation has, to the fore and to drive the future direction of the organisation." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"A data strategy which no longer reflects the priorities of the organisation as a whole is doomed to fail, and likely to struggle to keep any momentum beyond the immediate term." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"A KPI is a performance measure that demonstrates how effectively an organisation is achieving its critical objectives. They are used to track performance over a period of time to ensure the organisation is heading in the desired direction, and are quantifiable to guide whether activities need to be dialled up or down, resources adjusted or management resource focused on understanding what is in play that may be holding back the organisation." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"Culture is not something that can be read in a corporate document (though many organisations will claim to have values, beliefs and other concepts that articulate the culture as the corporate centre wants it to be seen). It is intangible and can be challenging to comprehend to those on the outside looking in. Much of it is unspoken, a series of behavioural norms which are engrained in the fabric of the organisation and drive attitudes of employees to one another, management, change programmes and any external (to the group, as well as the organisation) effort to drive change that may be resisted simply because it ‘isn’t the way we do things around here’." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"Data has a value, without which an organisation is largely a shell, worthless and of limited appeal other than as a means of sweeping up fixed assets at a knock-down price. It is the lifeblood of an organisation, so whether you regard it as the water that is essential to life or the blood circulating around the body, without it our organisations are not functional." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"Data strategy is even less understood [thank business strategy], so the chances of success can be further decreased, simply because you need organisation-wide commitment and buy-in to succeed. Data does not exist in a bubble; it is not the preserve of a function that can fix it for all, detached from touching everyone else. It is core to how you run the organisation, and without a focus on where you are heading, it is going to trip the organisation up at every turn - regulatory compliance; operational effectiveness; financial performance; customer and employee experience; essentially, the efficiency in managing virtually every activity in the organisation." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"I am using ‘data strategy’ as an overarching term to describe a far broader set of capabilities from which sub-strategies can be developed to focus on particular facets of the strategy, such as management information (MI) and reporting; analytics, machine learning and AI; insight; and, of course, data management." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"If there is one all too common a failing in data strategies, it is the temptation to make them too detailed through either straying into implementation activities or overplaying the content by providing too much information. The key is to recognise the level of information that needs to be imparted to make the data strategy coherent and likely to be endorsed, with as little information as is necessary to be able to make the point cogently. Brevity, and associated clarity in what needs to be achieved and why, is a winning formula in gaining senior executive sponsorship." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"It is also important to regard the data strategy as a living document. Do not regard it as a masterpiece, never to be reviewed, amended or critiqued within the time frame it covers, but instead see it as a strategy that can flex to the changing demands of an organisation." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"[...] it is always useful to learn from past mistakes, but evidence shows that most strategies fail due to an inability to follow through into execution." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"In the same vein, data strategy is often a misnomer for a much wider scope of coverage, but the lack of coherence in how we use the language has led to data strategy being perceived to cover data management activities all the way through to exploitation of data in the broadest sense. The occasional use of information strategy, intelligence strategy or even data exploitation strategy may differentiate, but the lack of a common definition on what we mean tends to lead to data strategy being used as a catch-all for the more widespread coverage such a document would typically include. Much of this is due to the generic use of the term ‘data’ to cover everything from its capture, management, governance through to reporting, analytics and insight." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"Many organisations start a data strategy from a need to get data into some sort of organised state in which it is feasible to demonstrate compliance. In my opinion, compliance should be a component of a data strategy, not the data strategy in itself." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"The challenge with using OKRs is to focus on just three to five objectives - sounds simple enough, but so many organisations follow the ‘if it moves, track it’ philosophy such that they can’t see the wood for the trees." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"The key for a successful data strategy is to align it clearly with the corporate strategy. The data strategy is a crucial enabler of the corporate strategy, and the data strategy should clearly call out those components that have a clear line of sight to delivering, or enabling, the corporate goals. If the data strategy does not align to the corporate goals it will be a much more challenging task to get the wider organisation to buy into it, not least because it will fail to have any resonance with the objectives of the organisational leaders and be regarded as optional at best." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"The KPI juggernaut has been misused and abused in too many organisations to the extent it has devalued the concept of KPIs. KPIs used well - the ten things that really matter to an organisation - can, in my experience, be a real galvanising force to get focus and attention put in those areas which really can make a difference. The rest is a distraction, there through some misplaced view that more adds value when actually it detracts through losing the focus from where it needs to be." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"The nature of the change that the data strategy is to drive will be determined by the appetite and commitment of the organisation to change. It will also be shaped by the maturity of the organisation, with the maturity assessment process having identified and demonstrated where the gaps lie, and the resolve of the organisation to set its own pace and objectives to be achieved by the time of the next assessment." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

"The premise of OKRs is to keep objectives and results simple and flexible, ensuring they align with business goals and enterprise initiatives guided by regular reviews to assess progress during the quarter. The intent is to keep OKRs clear and accountable, as well as measurable, with between three and five objectives recommended at a high level that can each be tracked by three to five key measures. They should be ambitious goals, even uncomfortable, in challenging aspirations, making them stretch targets." (Ian Wallis, "Data Strategy: From definition to execution", 2021)

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.