Showing posts with label Data Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data Management. Show all posts

27 January 2025

🗄️🗒️Data Management: Data Quality Dimensions [Notes]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources for learning purposes. 

Last updated: 27-Jan-2025

[Data Management] Data quality dimensions

  • {def} features of data that can be measured or assessed against defined standards to determine the quality of data
    • captures a specific aspect of general data quality
      • can refer to data values or to their schema
  • {type} hard dimensions
    • dimensions that can be measured
  • {type} soft dimensions
    • dimensions that can be measured only indirectly
      • ⇐ through interviews with data users or through any other kind of communication with users
    • dimensions whose measurement depends on the perception of the users of the data
  • {dimension} uniqueness [post]
    • the degree to which a value or set of values is unique within a dataset
      • can be determined based on a set of values supposed to be unique across the whole dataset
        • some systems have a artificial, respectively natural unique identified
      • measured in terms of either
        • the percentage of unique values available in a dataset 
        • the percentage of duplicate values available in a dataset
    • the impossibility of identifying whether a value is unique increases the chances for it to be duplicated
    • it can have broader implications
      • aggregated information is not shown correctly
        • ⇐ split across different entities
      • can lead to further duplicates in other areas
    • {recommendation} enforce uniqueness by design, if possible
    • {recommendation} check the data regularly for duplicates and disable or delete the duplicated records
      • ⇐ one should make sure that the records can't be further reused in business processes or analytics workloads
  • {dimension} completeness [post]
    •  the extent to which there are missing data in a dataset
      • ⇐ reflected in the number of the missing values
        • measured as percentage of the missing values compared to the total
    • determined by the presence of NULL values  
      • {type} attribute completeness 
        • the number of NULLs in a specific attribute
      • {type} tuple completeness 
        • the number of unknown values of the attributes in a tuple
      • {type} relation completeness 
        • the number of tuples with unknown attribute values in the relation
      • {type} value completeness
        • makes sense for complex, semi-structured columns such as XML data type columns
          • e.g. a complete element or attribute can be missing
    • considered in report to 
      • mandatory attributes
        • attributes that need a not-Null value for each record
      • optional attributes
        • attributes that not necessarily need to be provided
      • inapplicable attributes
        • attributes not applicable (relevant) for certain scenarios by design
  • {dimension} conformity (aka format compliance) [post]
    • {def} the extent data are in the expected format
      • dependent on the data type and its definition
    • can be associated with a set of metadata 
      • data type
        • e.g. text, numeric, alphanumeric, positive, date
      • length
      • precision
      • scale
      • formatting patterns 
        • e.g. phone number, decimal and digit grouping symbols
        • different formatting might apply based on various business rules 
        • can use delimiters
    • {recommendation} define the data type and further constraints to enforce the various characteristics of the element
    • {recommendation} make sure that the delimiters don't overlap with other uses
  • {dimension} accuracy [post]
    • {def} the extent data is correct, respectively match the reality with an acceptable level of approximation
    • stricter than just conforming to business rules
    • can be measured at column and table level
      • [discrete data values] 
        • use frequency distribution of values
          • a value with very low frequency is probably incorrect
      • [alphanumeric values]
        • use string length distribution
          • a  string with a very atypical length is potentially incorrect
        • try to find patterns and then create pattern distribution.
          • patterns with low frequency probably denote wrong values
      • [continuous attributes]
        • use descriptive statistics
          • just by looking at minimal and maximal values, you can easily spot potentially problematic data
  • {dimension} consistency [post]
    • {def} the degree of uniformity, standardization, and freedom from contradiction among the documents or parts of a system or component
      • {type} notational consistency
        • the extent (data) values are consistent in notation
      • {type} semantic consistency
        • the degree to which data has unique meaning
        • is more restrictive than the notational consistency
    • measures the equivalence of information stored in various repositories
    • involves comparing values with a predefined set of possible values
      •  from the same or from different systems
    • can be measured at column and table level
    • can have different scopes
      • cross-system consistencies
        • among systems or data repositories
      • cross-record consistency
        • within the same repository
      • temporal consistency
        •  within the same record at different points in time
  • {dimension} timeliness [post]
    • tells the degree to which data is current and available when needed
      • there is always some delay between change in the real world and the moment when this change is entered into a system
    • stale data/obsolete data
  • {dimension} structuredness [post]
    • the degree to which a data structure or model possesses a definite pattern of organization of its interdependent parts
    • allows the categorization of data as
      • structured data [def]
        • refers to structures that can be easily perceived or known, that raises no doubt on structure’s delimitations
      • unstructured data [def]
        • refers to textual data and media content (video, sound, images), in which the structural patterns even if exist they are hard to discover or not predefined
      • semi-structured data [def]
        • refers to islands of structured data stored with unstructured data, or vice versa
      • ⇐ the more structured the data, the easier it is to be processed
  • {dimension} referential integrity [post]
    • {def} the degree to which the values of a key in one table (aka reference value) match the values of a key in a related table (aka the referenced value)
    • it's an architectural concept of the database 
    • {recommendation} keep the referential integrity of a system by design
      • some systems build logic for assuring the referential integrity in the applications and not in the database
  • {dimension} currency (aka actuality)
    •  the extent to which data is actual
    •  can be considered as a special type of accuracy 
      • ⇐ when the data is not actual then it doesn’t reflect reality
  • {dimension} ease of use
    • the extent to which data can be used for a given purpose
      • usually it refers to whether the data can be processed as needed
      • depends on the application or on the user interface
  • {dimension} fitness of use
    • the degree to which the data is fit for use
      • the data may have good quality for a given purposes but 
        • not usable for other purposes
        • can be used as substitute for other data
          • e.g. use phone area codes instead of ZIP codes to locate customers approximately
  • {dimension} trustfulness [post]
    • the degree to which the data can be trusted
      • is a matter of perception 
        • ask users whether they trust the data and which are the reasons
          • if the users don’t trust the data 
            • they will create their own solutions
            • they will not use applications
  • {dimension} entropy
    • {def} the average amount of information conveyed
      • ⇐ quantification of information in a system
      • ⇐ the more dispersed the values and the more the frequency distribution of a discrete column is equally spread among the values, the more information is available [1]
      • ⇐ can tell whether your data is suitable for analysis or not
    • can be measured at column and table level
  • {dimension} presentation quality 
    • applicable to applications that presents data
      • format and appearance should support the appropriate use of data
      • depends on the UI used
  • {recommendation} have a dedicated system for maintaining the master data and broadcast the data to the subscribers as needed
    • the data should be exclusively managed though the management system
    • {anti-pattern} data is modified in the subscribers and the changes aren't always reflected back to the source system
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[1] Dejan Sarka et al (2012) Exam 70-463: Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Training Kit)

21 January 2025

🧊🗒️Data Warehousing: Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) [Notes]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources for learning purposes.

Last updated: 21-Jan-2025

[Data Warehousing] Extract, Transform, Load (ETL)  

  • {def} automated process which takes raw data, extracts the data required for further processing, transforms it into a format that addresses business' needs, and loads it into the destination repository (e.g. data warehouse)
    • includes 
      • the transportation of data
      • overlaps between stages
      • changes in flow 
        • due to 
          • new technologies
          • changing requirements
      • changes in scope
      • troubleshooting
        • due to data mismatches
  • {step} extraction
    • data is extracted directly from the source systems or intermediate repositories
      • data may be made available in intermediate repositories, when the direct access to the source system is not possible
        •  this approach can add a complexity layer
    •  {substep} data validation
      • an automated process that validates whether data pulled from sources has the expected values
      • relies on a validation engine
        • rejects data if it falls outside the validation rules
        • analyzes rejected records on an ongoing basis to
          • identifies what went wrong
          • corrects the source data
          • modifies extraction to resolve the problem in the next batches
  • {step} transform
    • transforms the data, removing extraneous or erroneous data
    • applies business rules 
    • checks data integrity
      • ensures that the data is not corrupted in the source or corrupted by ETL
      • may ensure no data was dropped in previous stages
    • aggregates the data if necessary
  • {step} load
    • {substep} store the data into a staging layer
      • transformed data are not loaded directly into the target but staged into an intermediate layer (e.g. database)
      • {advantage} makes it easier to roll back, if something went wrong
      • {advantage} allows to develop the logic iteratively and publish the data only when needed 
      • {advantage} can be used to generate audit reports for 
        • regulatory compliance 
        • diagnose and repair of data problems
      • modern ETL process perform transformations in place, instead of in staging areas
    • {substep} publish the data to the target
      • loads the data into the target table(s)
      • {scenario} the existing data are overridden every time the ETL pipeline loads a new batch
        • this might happen daily, weekly, or monthly
      • {scenario} add new data without overriding
        • the timestamp can indicate the data is new
      • {recommendation} prevent the loading process to error out due to disk space and performance limitations
  • {approach} building an ETL infrastructure
    • involves integrating data from one or more data sources and testing the overall processes to ensure the data is processed correctly
      • recurring process
        • e.g. data used for reporting
      • one-time process
        • e.g. data migration
    • may involve 
      • multiple source or destination systems 
      • different types of data
        • e.g. reference, master and transactional data
        • ⇐ may have complex dependencies
      • different level of structuredness
        • e.g. structured, semistructured, nonstructured 
      • different data formats
      • data of different quality
      • different ownership 
  • {recommendation} consider ETL best practices
    • {best practice} define requirements upfront in a consolidated and consistent manner
      • allows to set clear expectations, consolidate the requirements, estimate the effort and costs, respectively get the sign-off
      • the requirements may involve all the aspects of the process
        • e.g. data extraction, data transformation, standard formatting, etc.
    • {best practice} define a high level strategy
      • allows to define the road ahead, risks and other aspects 
      • allows to provide transparency
      • this may be part of a broader strategy that can be referenced 
    • {best practice} align the requirements and various aspects to the existing strategies existing in the organization
      • allows to consolidate the various efforts and make sure that the objectives, goals and requirements are aligned
      • e.g. IT, business, Information Security, Data Management strategies
    • {best practice} define the scope upfront
      • allows to better estimate the effort and validate the outcomes
      • even if the scope may change in time, this allows to provide transparence and used as basis for the time and costs estimations
    • {best practice} manage the effort as a project and use a suitable Project Management methodology
      • allows to apply structured well-established PM practices 
      • it might be suited to adapt the methodology to project's particularities 
    • {best practice} convert data to standard formats to standardize data processing
      • allows to reduce the volume of issues resulted from data type mismatches
      • applies mainly to dates, numeric or other values for which can be defined standard formats
    • {best practice} clean the data in the source systems, when  cost-effective
      • allows to reduces the overall effort, especially when this is done in advance
      • this should be based ideally on the scope
    • {best practice} define and enforce data ownership
      • allows to enforce clear responsibilities across the various processes
      • allows to reduce the overall effort
    • {best practice} document data dependencies
      • document the dependencies existing in the data at the various levels
    • {best practice} protocol data movement from source(s) to destination(s) in term of data volume
      • allows to provide transparence into the data movement process
      • allows to identify gaps in the data or broader issues
      • can be used for troubleshooting and understanding the overall data growth
  • {recommendation} consider proven systems, architectures and methodologies
    • allows to minimize the overall effort and costs associated with the process

15 October 2024

🗄️Data Management: Data Governance (Part III: Taming the Complexity)

Data Management Series
Data Management Series

The Chief Data Officer (CDO) or the “Head of the Data Team” is one of the most challenging jobs because is more of a "political" than a technical role. It requires the ideal candidate to be able to throw and catch curved balls almost all the time, and one must be able to play ball with all the parties having an interest in data (aka stakeholders). It’s a full-time job that requires the combination of management and technical skillsets, and both are important! The focus will change occasionally in one direction more than in the other, with important fluctuations. 

Moreover, even if one masters the technical and managerial aspects, the combination of the two gives birth to situations that require further expertise – applied systems thinking being probably the most important. This, also because there are so many points of failure that it's challenging to address all the important causes. Therefore, it’s critical to be a system thinker, to have an experienced team and make use adequately of its experience! 

In a complex word, in which even the smallest constraint or opportunity can have an important impact especially when it’s involved in the early stages of the processes taking place in organizations. It relies on the manager’s and team’s skillset, their inspiration, the way the business reacts to the tasks involved and probably many other aspects that make things work. It takes considerable effort until the whole mechanism works, and even more time to make things work efficiently. The best metaphor is probably the one of a small combat team in which everybody has their place and skillset in the mechanism, independently if one talks about strategy, tactics or operations. 

Unfortunately, building such teams takes time, and the more people are involved, the more complex this endeavor becomes. The manager and the team must meet somewhere in the middle in what concerns the philosophy, the execution of the various endeavors, the way of working together to achieve the same goals. There are multiple forces pulling in all directions and it takes time until one can align the goals, respectively the effort. 

The most challenging forces are the ones between the business and the data team, respectively the business and data requirements, forces that don’t necessarily converge. Working in small organizations, the two parties have in theory more challenges to overcome the challenges and a team’s experience can weight a lot in the process, though as soon the scale changes, the number of challenges to be overcome changes exponentially (there are however different exponential functions in which the basis and exponent make the growth rapid). 

In big organizations can appear other parties that have the same force to pull the weight in one direction or another. Thus, the political aspects become more complex to the degree that the technologies must follow the political decisions, with all the positive and negative implications deriving from this. As comparison, think about the challenges from moving from two to three or more moving bodies orbiting each other, resulting in a chaotic dynamical system for most initial conditions. 

Of course, a business’ context doesn’t have to create such complexity, though when things are unchecked, when delays in decision-making as well as other typical events occur, when there’s no structure, strategy, coordinated effort, or any other important components, the chances for chaotic behavior are quite high with the pass of time. This is just a model to explain real life situations that seem similar on the surface but prove to be quite complex when diving deeper. That’s probably why a CDO’s role as tamer of complexity is important and challenging!

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17 September 2024

#️⃣Software Engineering: Mea Culpa (Part V: All-Knowing Developers are Back in Demand?)

Software Engineering Series

I’ve been reading many job descriptions lately related to my experience and curiously or not I observed that many organizations look for developers with Microsoft Dynamics experience in the CRM, respectively Finance and Operations (F&O) and Business Central (BC) areas. It’s a good sign that the adoption of Microsoft solutions for CRM and ERP increases, especially when one considers the progress made in the BI and AI areas with the introduction of Microsoft Fabric, which gives Microsoft a considerable boost. Conversely, it seems that the "developers are good for everything" syntagma is back, at least from what one reads in job descriptions. 

Of course, it’s useful to have an inhouse developer who can address all the aspects of an implementation, though that’s a lot to ask considering the different non-programming areas that need to be addressed. It’s true that a developer with experience can handle Requirements, Data and Process Management, respectively Data Migrations and Business Intelligence topics, though if one considers that each of the topics can easily become a full-time job before, during and post-project implementations. I’ve been there and I (hopefully) know that the jobs imply. Even if an experienced programmer can easily handle the different aspects, there will be also times when all the topics combined will be too much for a person!

It's not a novelty that job descriptions are treated like Christmas lists, but it’s difficult to differentiate between essential and nonessential skillset. I read many jobs descriptions lately in which among a huge list of demands, one of the requirements is to program in the F&O framework, sign that D365 programmers are in high demand. I worked for many years as programmer and Software Engineer, respectively in the BI area, where SQL and non-SQL code is needed. Even if I can understand the code in F&O, does it make sense to learn now to program in X++ and the whole framework? 

It's never too late to learn new tricks, respectively another programming language and/or framework. It even helps to provide better solutions in usual areas, though frankly I would invest my time in other areas, and AI-related topics like AI prompting or Data Science seem to be more interesting on the long run, especially when they are already in demand!

There seems to be a tendency for Data Science professionals to do everything, building their own solutions, ignoring the experience accumulated respectively the data models built in BI and Data Analytics areas, as if the topics and data models are unrelated! It’s also true that AI-modeling comes with its own requirements in what concerns data modeling (e.g. translating non-numeric to numeric values), though I believe that common ground can be found!

Similarly, the notebook-based programming seems to replicate logic in each solution, which occasionally makes sense, though personally I wouldn’t recommend it as practice! The other day, I was looking at code developed in Python to mimic the joining of tables, when a view with the same could be easier (re)used, maintained, read and probably more efficient, even if different engines will be used. It will be interesting to see how the mix of spaghetti solutions will evolve over time. There are developers already complaining of the number of objects used in the process by building logic for each layer from the medallion architecture! Even if it makes sense from architectural considerations, it will become a nightmare in time.

One can wonder also about nomenclature used – Data Engineer or Prompt Engineering for the simple manipulation of data between structures in data transformations, respectively for structuring the prompts for AI. I believe that engineering involves more than this, no matter the context! 

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14 September 2024

🗄️Data Management: Data Governance (Part II: Heroes Die Young)

Data Management Series
Data Management Series

In the call for action there are tendencies in some organizations to idealize and overcharge main actors' purpose and image when talking about data governance by calling them heroes. Heroes are those people who fight for a goal they believe in with all their being and occasionally they pay the supreme tribute. Of course, the image of heroes is idealized and many other aspects are ignored, though such images sell ideas and ideals. Organizations might need heroes and heroic deeds to change the status quo, but the heroism doesn't necessarily payoff for the "heroes"! 

Sometimes, organizations need a considerable effort to change the status quo. It can be people's resistance to new, to the demands, to the ideas propagated, especially when they are not clearly explained and executed. It can be the incommensurable distance between the "AS IS" and the "TO BE" perspectives, especially when clear paths aren't in sight. It can be the lack of resources (e.g., time, money, people, tools), knowledge, understanding or skillset that makes the effort difficult. 

Unfortunately, such initiatives favor action over adequate strategies, planning and understanding of the overall context. The call do to something creates waves of actions and reactions which in the organizational context can lead to storms and even extreme behavior that ranges from resistance to the new to heroic deeds. Finding a few messages that support the call for action can help, though they can't replace the various critical for success factors.

Leading organizations on a new path requires a well-defined realistic strategy, respectively adequate tactical and operational planning that reflects organizations' specific needs, knowledge and capabilities. Just demanding from people to do their best is not enough, and heroism has chances to appear especially in this context. Unfortunately, the whole weight falls on the shoulders of the people chosen as actors in the fight. Ideally, it should be possible to spread the whole weight on a broader basis which should be considered the foundation for the new. 

The "heroes" metaphor is idealized and the negative outcome probably exaggerated, though extreme situations do occur in organizations when decisions, planning, execution and expectations are far from ideal. Ideal situations are met only in books and less in practice!

The management demands and the people execute, much like in the army, though by contrast people need to understand the reasoning behind what they are doing. Proper execution requires skillset, understanding, training, support, tools and the right resources for the right job. Just relying on people's professionalism and effort is not enough and is suboptimal, but this is what many organizations seem to do!

Organizations tend to respond to the various barriers or challenges with more resources or pressure instead of analyzing and depicting the situation adequately, and eventually change the strategy, tactics or operations accordingly. It's also difficult to do this as long an organization doesn't have the capabilities and practices of self-check, self-introspection, self-reflection, etc. Even if it sounds a bit exaggerated, an organization must know itself to overcome the various challenges. Regular meetings, KPIs and other metrics give the illusion of control when self-control is needed. 

Things don't have to be that complex even if managing data governance is a complex endeavor. Small or midsized organizations are in theory more capable to handle complexity because they can be more agile, have a robust structure and the flow of information and knowledge has less barriers, respectively a shorter distance to overcome, at least in theory. One can probably appeal to the laws and characteristics of networks to understand more about the deeper implications, of how solutions can be implemented in more complex setups.

🗄️Data Management: Data Culture (Part V: Quid nunc? [What now?])

Data Management Series
Data Management Series

Despite the detailed planning, the concentrated and well-directed effort with which the various aspects of data culture are addressed, things don't necessarily turn into what we want them to be. There's seldom only one cause but a mix of various factors that create a network of cause and effect relationships that tend to diminish or increase the effect of certain events or decisions, and it can be just a butterfly's flutter that stirs a set of chained reactions. The butterfly effect is usually an exaggeration until the proper conditions for the chaotic behavior appear!

The butterfly effect is made possible by the exponential divergence of two paths. Conversely, success needs probably multiple trajectories to converge toward a final point or intermediary points or areas from which things move on the "right" path. Success doesn't necessarily mean reaching a point but reaching a favorable zone for future behavior to follow a positive trend. For example, a sink or a cone-like structure allow water to accumulate and flow toward an area. A similar structure is needed for success to converge, and the structure results from what is built in the process. 

Data culture needs a similar structure for the various points of interest to converge. Things don't happen by themselves unless the force of the overall structure is so strong that allows things to move toward the intended path(s). Even then the paths can be far from optimal, but they can be favorable. Probably, that's what the general effort must do - bring the various aspects in the zone for allowing things to unfold. It might still be a long road, though the basis is there!

A consequence of this metaphor is that one must identify the important aspects, respectively factors that influence an organization's culture and drive them in the right direction(s) – the paths that converge toward the defined goal(s). (Depending on the area of focus one can consider that there are successions of more refined goals.)

The structure that allows things to converge is based on the alignment of the various paths and implicitly forces. Misalignment can make a force move in other direction with all the consequences deriving from this behavior. If its force is weak, probably will not have an impact over the overall structure, though that's relative and can change in time. 

One may ask for what's needed all this construct, even if it doesn’t reflect the reality. Sometimes, even a not entirely correct model can allow us to navigate the unknown. Model's intent is to depict what's needed for a initiative to be successful. Moreover, success doesn’t mean to shoot bulls eye but to be first in the zone until one's skillset enables performance.

Conversely, it's important to understand that things don't happen by themselves. At least this seems to be the feeling some initiatives let. One needs to build and pull the whole structure in the right direction and the alignment of the various forces can reduce the overall effort and increase the chances for success. Attempting to build something just because it’s written in documentation without understanding the whole picture (or something close to it) can easily lead to failure.

This doesn’t mean that all attempts that don’t follow a set of patterns are doomed to failure, but that the road will be more challenging and will probably take longer. Conversely, maybe these deviations from the optimal paths are what an organization needs to grow, to solidify the foundation on which something else can be built. The whole path is an exploration that doesn’t necessarily match what is written in books, respectively the expectations!

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11 September 2024

🗄️Data Management: Data Culture (Part IV: Quo vadis? [Where are you going?])

Data Management Series

The people working for many years in the fields of BI/Data Analytics, Data and Process Management probably met many reactions that at the first sight seem funny, though they reflect bigger issues existing in organizations: people don’t always understand the data they work with, how data are brought together as part of the processes they support, respectively how data can be used to manage and optimize the respective processes. Moreover, occasionally people torture the data until it confesses something that doesn’t necessarily reflect the reality. It’s even more deplorable when the conclusions are used for decision-making, managing or optimizing the process. In extremis, the result is an iterative process that creates more and bigger issues than whose it was supposed to solve!

Behind each blunder there are probably bigger understanding issues that need to be addressed. Many of the issues revolve around understanding how data are created, how are brought together, how the processes work and what data they need, use and generate. Moreover, few business and IT people look at the full lifecycle of data and try to optimize it, or they optimize it in the wrong direction. Data Management is supposed to help, and it does this occasionally, though a methodology, its processes and practices are as good as people’s understanding about data and its use! No matter how good a data methodology is, it’s as weak as the weakest link in its use, and typically the issues revolving around data and data understanding are the weakest link. 

Besides technical people, few businesspeople understand the full extent of managing data and its lifecycle. Unfortunately, even if some of the topics are treated in the books, they are too dry, need hands on experience and some thought in corroborating practices with theories. Without this, people will do things mechanically, processes being as good as the people using them, their value becoming suboptimal and hinder the business. That’s why training on Data Management is not enough without some hands-on experience!

The most important impact is however in BI/Data Analytics areas - how the various artifacts are created and used as support in decision-making, process optimization and other activities rooted in data. Ideally, some KPIs and other metrics should be enough for managing and directing a business, however just basing the decisions on a set of KPIs without understanding the bigger picture, without having a feeling of the data and their quality, the whole architecture, no matter how splendid, can breakdown as sandcastle on a shore meeting the first powerful wave!

Sometimes it feels like organizations do things from inertia, driven by the forces of the moment, initiatives and business issues for which temporary and later permanent solutions are needed. The best chance for solving many of the issues would have been a long time ago, when the issues were still small to create any powerful waves within the organizations. Therefore, a lot of effort is sometimes spent in solving the consequences of decisions not made at the right time, and that can be painful and costly!

For building a good business one needs also a solid foundation. In the past it was enough to have a good set of products that are profitable. However, during the past decade(s) the rules of the game changed driven by the acerb competition across geographies, inefficiencies, especially in the data and process areas, costing organizations on the short and long term. Data Management in general and Data Quality in particular, even if they’re challenging to quantify, have the power to address by design many of the issues existing in organizations, if given the right chance!

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02 September 2024

🗄️Data Management: Data Culture (Part III: A Tale of Two Cities I)

One of the curious things is that as part of their change of culture organizations try to adopt a new language, to give new names to things, try to make distinction between the "AS IS" and "TO BE" states, insisting how the new image will replace the previous one. Occasionally, they even stress how bad things were in the past and how great will be in the future, trying to depict the future in vivid images. 

Even if this might work occasionally, it tends to confuse people and this not necessarily because of the language and the metaphors used, or the fact that same people were in the same positions, but the lack of belief or conviction, respectively half-hearted enthusiasm personified by the parties. To "convert" people to new philosophies one needs to believe in them or mimic that in similar terms. The lack of conviction can easily have a false effect that spreads within the organization. 

Dissociation from the past, from what an organization was, tends to increase the resistance against the new because two different images are involved. On one side there’s the attachment to the past, and even if there were mistakes made, or things didn’t go optimally, the experiences and decisions made are part of the organization, of the people who made them. People as individuals and as an organization should embrace their mistakes and good deeds altogether, learn from them, improve what is to improve and move forward. Conversely, there’s the resistance to the new, to the change, words they don’t believe in yet, the bigger picture is still fuzzy in their minds, and there can be many other reasons that don’t agree with one’s understanding. 

There are images, memories, views, decisions, objectives of the past and people need to recognize the road from what it was to what should be. One can hypothesize that embracing one’s mistake and understanding, the chain of reasoning from then and from now will help an organization transition towards the new. Awareness of one’s situation most probably will help in the transition process. Unfortunately, leaders and technology gurus tend to depict the past as negative, creating thus more negative emotions, respectively reactions in the process. The past is still part of the people, of the organization and will continue to be.

Conversely, the disassociation from the past can create more resistance to the new, and probably more unnecessary barriers. Probably, it’s easier for the gurus to build the new if the past weren’t there! Forgetting the past would be an error because there are many lessons that can be still useful. All the experience needs to be redirected in new directions. It’s more important to help people see the vision of the future, understand their missions, the paths to be followed and the challenges ahead, . 

It sounds more of a rambling from a psychology course, though organizations do have an image they want to change, to bring forth to cope with the various challenges, an image they want to reflect when needed. There are also organizations that want to change but keep their image intact, which leads to deeper conflicts. Unfortunately, changes of image involve conflicts that can become complex from what they bring forth.  

A data culture should increase people’s awareness of the present, respectively of the future, of what it takes to bridge the gap, the challenges ahead, how to embrace change, how to keep a realistic perspective, how to do a reality check, etc. Methodologies can increase people’s awareness and provide the theoretical basis, though walking the path will be a different story for everyone. 

01 September 2024

🗄️Data Management: Data Governance (Part I: No Guild of Heroes)

Data Management Series
Data Management Series

Data governance appeared around 1980s as topic though it gained popularity in early 2000s [1]. Twenty years later, organizations still miss the mark, respectively fail to understand and implement it in a consistent manner. As usual, the reasons for failure are multiple and they vary from misunderstanding what governance is all about to poor implementation of methodologies and inadequate management or leadership. 

Moreover, methodologies tend to idealize the various aspects and is not what organizations need, but pragmatism. For example, data governance is not about heroes and heroism [2], which can give the impression that heroic actions are involved and is not the case! Actions for the sake of action don’t necessarily lead to change by themselves. Organizations are in general good at creating meaningless action without results, especially when people preoccupy themselves, miss or ignore the mark. Big organizations are very good at generating actions without effects. 

People do talk to each other, though they try to solve their own problems and optimize their own areas without necessarily thinking about the bigger picture. The problem is not necessarily communication or the lack of depth into business issues, people do communicate, know the issues without a business impact assessment. The challenge is usually in convincing the upper management that the effort needs to be consolidated, supported, respectively the needed resources made available. 

Probably, one of the issues with data governance is the attempt of creating another structure in the organization focused on quality, which has the chances to fail, and unfortunately does fail. Many issues appear when the structure gains weight and it becomes a separate entity instead of being the backbone of organizations. 

As soon organizations separate the data governance from the key users, management and the other important decisional people in the organization, it takes a life of its own that has the chances to diverge from the initial construct. Then, organizations need "alignment" and probably other big words to coordinate the effort. Also such constructs can work but they are suboptimal because the forces will always pull in different directions.

Making each manager and the upper management responsible for governance is probably the way to go, though they’ll need the time for it. In theory, this can be achieved when many of the issues are solved at the lower level, when automation and further aspects allow them to supervise things, rather than hiding behind every issue. 

When too much mircomanagement is involved, people tend to busy themselves with topics rather than solve the issues they are confronted with. The actual actors need to be empowered to take decisions and optimize their work when needed. Kaizen, the philosophy of continuous improvement, proved itself that it works when applied correctly. They’ll need the knowledge, skills, time and support to do it though. One of the dangers is however that this becomes a full-time responsibility, which tends to create a separate entity again.

The challenge for organizations lies probably in the friction between where they are and what they must do to move forward toward the various objectives. Moving in small rapid steps is probably the way to go, though each person must be aware when something doesn’t work as expected and react. That’s probably the most important aspect. 

So, the more functions are created that diverge from the actual organization, the higher the chances for failure. Unfortunately, failure is visible in the later phases, and thus self-awareness, self-control and other similar “qualities” are needed, like small actors that keep the system in check and react whenever is needed. Ideally, the employees are the best resources to react whenever something doesn’t work as per design. 

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[1] Wikipedia (2023) Data Management [link]
[2] Tiankai Feng (2023) How to Turn Your Data Team Into Governance Heroes [link]

29 March 2024

🗄️🗒️Data Management: Data [Notes]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources. 
Last updated: 29-Mar-2024

[Data Management] Data

  • {def} raw, unrelated numbers or entries that represent facts, concepts,  events,  and/or associations 
  • categorized by
    • domain
      • {type} transactional data
      • {type} master data
      • {type} configuration data
        • {subtype}hierarchical data
        • {subtype} reference data
        • {subtype} setup data
        • {subtype} policy
      • {type} analytical data
        • {subtype} measurements
        • {subtype} metrics
        • {subtype} 
    • structuredness
      • {type} structured data
      • {type} semi-structured data
      • {type} unstructured data
    • statistical usage as variable
      • {type} categorical data (aka qualitative data)
        • {subtype} nominal data
        • {subtype} ordinal data
        • {subtype} binary data
      • {type} numerical data (aka quantitative data)
        • {subtype} discrete data
        • {subtype} continuous data
    • size
      • {type} small data
      • {type} big data
  • {concept} transactional data
    • {def} data that describe business transactions and/or events
    • supports the daily operations of an organization
    • commonly refers to data created and updated within operational systems
    • support applications that automated key business processes 
    • usually stored in normalized tables
  • {concept} master data
    • {def}"data that provides the context for business activity data in the form of common and abstract concepts that relate to the activity" [2]
      • the key business entities on which transaction are executed
    • the dimensions around on which analysis is conducted
      • used to categorize, evaluate and aggregate transactional data
    • can be shared across more than one transactional applications
    • there are master data similar to most organizations, but also master data specific to certain industries 
    • often appear in more than one area within the business
    • represent one version of the truth
    • can be further divided into specialized subsets
    • {concept} master data entity
      • core business entity used in different applications across the organization, together with their associated metadata, attributes, definitions, roles, connections and taxonomies 
      • may be classified within a hierarchy
        • the way they describe, characterize and classify business concepts may actually cross multiple hierarchies in different ways
          • e.g. a party can be an individual, customer, employee, while a customer might be an individual, party or organization
    • do not change as frequent like transactional data
      • less volatile than transactional data 
      • there are master data that don’t change at all 
        • e.g. geographic locations
    • strategic asset of the business 
    • needs to be managed with the same diligence as other strategic assets
  • {concept} metadata 
    • {definition} "data that defines and describes the characteristics of other data, used to improve both business and technical understanding of data and data-related processes" [2]
      • data about data
    • refers to 
      • database schemas for OLAP & OLTP systems
      • XML document schemas
      • report definitions
      • additional database table and column descriptions stored with extended properties or custom tables provided by SQL Server
      • application configuration data
  • {concept} analytical data
    • {definition} data that supports analytical activities 
      • e.g. decision making, reporting queries and analysis 
    • comprises
      • numerical values
      • metrics
      • measurements
    • stored in OLAP repositories 
      • optimized for decision support 
      • enterprise data warehouses
      • departmental data marts
      • within table structures designed to support aggregation, queries and data mining 
  • {concept} hierarchical data 
    • {definition} data that reflects a hierarchy 
      • relationships between data are represented in hierarchies
    • typically appears in analytical applications
    • {concept} hierarchy
      • "a classification structure arranged in levels of detail from the broadest to the most detailed level" [2]
      • {concept} natural hierarchy
        • stem from domain-based attributes
        • represent an intrinsic structure of the dat
          • they are natural for the data
            • e.g. product taxonomy (categories/subcategories)
        • useful for drilling down from a general to a detailed level in order to find reasons, patterns, and problems
          • common way of analyzing data in OLAP applications
          • common way of filtering data in OLTP applications
      • {concept} explicit hierarchy
        • organize data according to business needs
        • entity members can be organized in any way
        • can be ragged
          • the hierarchy can end at different levels
      • {concept} derived hierarchy
        • domain-based attributes form natural hierarchies 
        • relationships between entities must already exist in a model
        • can be recursive
  • {concept} structured data
    • {definition} "data that has a strict metadata defined"
  • {concept} unstructured data 
    • {definition} data that doesn't follow predefined metadata
    • involves all kinds of documents 
    • can appear in a database, in a file, or even in printed material
  • {concept} semi-structured data 
    • {definition} structured data stored within unstructured data,
    • data typically in XML form
      • XML is widely used for data exchange
    • can appear in stand-alone files or as part of a database (as a column in a table)
    • useful when metadata (the schema) changes frequently, or there’s no need for a detailed relational schema

[1] The Art of Service (2017) Master Data Management Course 
[2] DAMA International (2011) "The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management", 

28 March 2024

🗄️🗒️Data Management: Master Data Management [MDM] [Notes]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources. 
Last updated: 28-Mar-2024

Master Data Management (MDM)

  • {definition} the technologies, processes, policies, standards and guiding principles that enable the management of master data values to enable consistent, shared, contextual use across systems, of the most accurate, timely, and relevant version of truth about essential business entities [2],[3]
  • {goal} enable sharing of information assets across business domains and applications within an organization [4]
  • {goal} provide authoritative source of reconciled and quality-assessed master (and reference) data [4]
  • {goal} lower cost and complexity through use of standards, common data models, and integration patterns [4]
  • {driver} meeting organizational data requirements
  • {driver} improving data quality
  • {driver} reducing the costs for data integration
  • {driver} reducing risks 
  • {type} operational MDM 
    • involves solutions for managing transactional data in operational applications [1]
    • rely heavily on data integration technologies
  • {type} analytical MDM
    • involves solutions for managing analytical master data
    • centered on providing high quality dimensions with multiple hierarchies [1]
    • cannot influence operational systems
      • any data cleansing made within operational application isn’t recognized by transactional applications [1]
        • ⇒ inconsistencies to the main operational data [1]
      • transactional application knowledge isn’t available to the cleansing process
  • {type} enterprise MDM
    • involves solutions for managing both transactional and analytical master data 
      • manages all master data entities
      • deliver maximum business value
    • operational data cleansing
      • improves the operational efficiencies of the applications and the business processes that use the applications
    • cross-application data need
      • consolidation
      • standardization
      • cleansing
      • distribution
    • needs to support high volume of transactions
      • ⇒ master data must be contained in data models designed for OLTP
        • ⇐ ODS don’t fulfill this requirement 
  • {enabler} high-quality data
  • {enabler} data governance
  • {benefit} single source of truth
    • used to support both operational and analytical applications in a consistent manner [1]
  • {benefit} consistent reporting
    • reduces the inconsistencies experienced previously
    • influenced by complex transformations
  • {benefit} improved competitiveness
    • MDM reduces the complexity of integrating new data and systems into the organization
      • ⇒ increased flexibility and improves competitiveness
    • ability to react to new business opportunities quickly with limited resources
  • {benefit} improved risk management
    • more reliable and consistent data improves the business’s ability to manage enterprise risk [1]
  • {benefit} improved operational efficiency and reduced costs
    • helps identify business’ pain point
      • by developing a strategy for managing master data
  • {benefit} improved decision making
    • reducing data inconsistency diminishes organizational data mistrust and facilitates clearer (and faster) business decisions [1]
  • {benefit} more reliable spend analysis and planning
    • better data integration helps planners come up with better decisions
      • improves the ability to 
        • aggregate purchasing activities
        • coordinate competitive sourcing
        • be more predictable about future spending
        • generally improve vendor and supplier management
  • {benefit} regulatory compliance
    • allows to reduce compliance risk
      • helps satisfy governance, regulatory and compliance requirements
    • simplifies compliance auditing
      • enables more effective information controls that facilitate compliance with regulations
  • {benefit} increased information quality
    • enables organizations to monitor conformance more effectively
      • via metadata collection
      • it can track whether data meets information quality expectations across vertical applications, which reduces information scrap and rework
  • {benefit} quicker results
    • reduces the delays associated with extraction and transformation of data [1]
      • ⇒ it speeds up the implementation of application migrations, modernization projects, and data warehouse/data mart construction [1]
  • {benefit} improved business productivity
    • gives enterprise architects the chance to explore how effective the organization is in automating its business processes by exploiting the information asset [1]
      • ⇐ master data helps organizations realize how the same data entities are represented, manipulated, or exchanged across applications within the enterprise and how those objects relate to business process workflows [1]
  • {benefit} simplified application development
    • provides the opportunity to consolidate the application functionality associated with the data lifecycle [1]
      • ⇐ consolidation in MDM is not limited to the data
      • ⇒ provides a single functional to which different applications can subscribe
        • ⇐ introducing a technical service layer for data lifecycle functionality provides the type of abstraction needed for deploying SOA or similar architectures
  • factors to consider for implementing an MDM:
    • effective technical infrastructure for collaboration [1]
    • organizational preparedness
      • for making a quick transition from a loosely combined confederation of vertical silos to a more tightly coupled collaborative framework
      • {recommendation} evaluate the kinds of training sessions and individual incentives required to create a smooth transition [1]
    • metadata management
      • via a metadata registry 
        • {recommendation} sets up a mechanism for unifying a master data view when possible [1]
        • determines when that unification should be carried out [1]
    • technology integration
      • {recommendation} diagnose what technology needs to be integrated to support the process instead of developing the process around the technology [1]
    • anticipating/managing change
      • proper preparation and organization will subtly introduce change to the way people think and act as shown in any shift in pattern [1]
      • changes in reporting structures and needs are unavoidable
    • creating a partnership between Business and IT
      • IT roles
        • plays a major role in executing the MDM program[1]
      • business roles
        • identifying and standardizing master data [1]
        • facilitating change management within the MDM program [1]
        • establishing data ownership
    • measurably high data quality
    • overseeing processes via policies and procedures for data governance [1]
  • {challenge} establishing enterprise-wide data governance
    • {recommendation} define and distribute the policies and procedures governing the oversight of master data
      • seeking feedback from across the different application teams provides a chance to develop the stewardship framework agreed upon by the majority while preparing the organization for the transition [1]
  • {challenge} isolated islands of information
    • caused by vertical alignment of IT
      • makes it difficult to fix the dissimilarities in roles and responsibilities in relation to the isolated data sets because they are integrated into a master view [1]
    • caused by data ownership
      • the politics of information ownership and management have created artificial exclusive domains supervised by individuals who have no desire to centralize information [1]
  • {challenge} consolidating master data into a centrally managed data asset [1]
    • transfers the responsibility and accountability for information management from the lines of business to the organization [1]
  • {challenge} managing MDM
    • MDM should be considered a program and not a project or an application [1]
  • {challenge} achieving timely and accurate synchronization across disparate systems [1]
  • {challenge} different definitions of master metadata 
    • different coding schemes, data types, collations, and more
      • ⇐ data definitions must be unified
  • {challenge} data conflicts 
    • {recommendation} resolve data conflicts during the project [5]
    • {recommendation} replicate the resolved data issues back to the source systems [5]
  • {challenge} domain knowledge 
    • {recommendation} involve domain experts in an MDM project [5]
  • {challenge} documentation
    • {recommendation} properly document your master data and metadata [5]
  • approaches
    • {architecture} no central MDM 
      • isn’t a real MDM approach
      • used when any kind of cross-system interaction is required [5]
        • e.g. performing analysis on data from multiple systems, ad-hoc merging and cleansing
      • {drawback} very inexpensive at the beginning; however, it turns out to be the most expensive over time [5]
    • {architecture} central metadata storage 
      • provides unified, centrally maintained definitions for master data [5]
        • followed and implemented by all systems
      • ad-hoc merging and cleansing becomes somewhat simpler [5]
      • does not use a specialized solution for the central metadata storage [5]
        • ⇐ the central storage of metadata is probably in an unstructured form 
          • e.g. documents, worksheets, paper
    • {architecture} central metadata storage with identity mapping 
      • stores keys that map tables in the MDM solution
        • only has keys from the systems in the MDM database; it does not have any other attributes [5]
      • {benefit} data integration applications can be developed much more quickly and easily [5]
      • {drawback} raises problems in regard to maintaining master data over time [5]
        • there is no versioning or auditing in place to follow the changes [5]
          • ⇒ viable for a limited time only
            • e.g. during upgrading, testing, and the initial usage of a new ERP system to provide mapping back to the old ERP system
    • {architecture} central metadata storage and central data that is continuously merged 
      • stores metadata as well as master data in a dedicated MDM system
      • master data is not inserted or updated in the MDM system [5]
      • the merging (and cleansing) of master data from source systems occurs continuously, regularly [5]
      • {drawback} continuous merging can become expensive [5]
      • the only viable use for this approach is for finding out what has changed in source systems from the last merge [5]
        • enables merging only the delta (new and updated data)
      • frequently used for analytical systems
    • {architecture} central MDM, single copy 
      • involves a specialized MDM application
        • master data, together with its metadata, is maintained in a central location [5]
        • ⇒ all existing applications are consumers of the master data
      • {drawback} upgrade all existing applications to consume master data from central storage instead of maintaining their own copies [5]
        • ⇒ can be expensive
        • ⇒ can be impossible (e.g. for older systems)
      • {drawback} needs to consolidate all metadata from all source systems [5]
      • {drawback} the process of creating and updating master data could simply be too slow [5]
        • because of the processes in place
    • {architecture} central MDM, multiple copies 
      • uses central storage of master data and its metadata
        • ⇐ the metadata here includes only an intersection of common metadata from source systems [5]
        • each source system maintains its own copy of master data, with additional attributes that pertain to that system only [5]
      • after master data is inserted into the central MDM system, it is replicated (preferably automatically) to source systems, where the source-specific attributes are updated [5]
      • {benefit} good compromise between cost, data quality, and the effectiveness of the CRUD process [5]
      • {drawback} update conflicts
        • different systems can also update the common data [5]
          • ⇒ involves continuous merges as well [5]
      • {drawback} uses a special MDM application
MDM - Master Data Management
ODS - Operational Data Store
OLAP - online analytical processing
OLTP - online transactional processing
SOA - Service Oriented Architecture

[1] The Art of Service (2017) Master Data Management Course 
[2] DAMA International (2009) "The DAMA Guide to the Data Management Body of Knowledge" 1st Ed.
[3] Tony Fisher 2009 "The Data Asset"
[4] DAMA International (2017) "The DAMA Guide to the Data Management Body of Knowledge" 2nd Ed.
[5] Dejan Sarka et al (2012) Exam 70-463: Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Training Kit)

20 March 2024

🗄️Data Management: Master Data Management (Part I: Understanding Integration Challenges) [Answer]

Data Management
Data Management Series

Answering Piethein Strengholt’s post [1] on Master Data Management’s (MDM) integration challenges, the author of "Data Management at Scale".

Master data can be managed within individual domains though the boundaries must be clearly defined, and some coordination is needed. Attempting to partition the entities based on domains doesn’t always work. The partition needs to be performed at attribute level, though even then might be some exceptions involved (e.g. some Products are only for Finance to use). One can identify then attributes inside of the system to create the boundaries.

MDM is simple if you have the right systems, processes, procedures, roles, and data culture in place. Unfortunately, people make it too complicated – oh, we need a nice shiny system for managing the data before they are entered in ERP or other systems, we need a system for storing and maintaining the metadata, and another system for managing the policies, and the story goes on. The lack of systems is given as reason why people make no progress. Moreover, people will want to integrate the systems, increasing the overall complexity of the ecosystem.

The data should be cleaned in the source systems and assessed against the same. If that's not possible, then you have the wrong system! A set of well-built reports can make data assessment possible. 

The metadata and policies can be maintained in Excel (and stored in SharePoint), SharePoint or a similar system that supports versioning. Also, for other topics can be found pragmatic solutions.

ERP systems allow us to define workflows and enable a master data record to be published only when the information is complete, though there will always be exceptions (e.g., a Purchase Order must be sent today). Such exceptions make people circumvent the MDM systems with all the issues deriving from this.

Adding an MDM system within an architecture tends to increase the complexity of the overall infrastructure and create more bottlenecks. Occasionally, it just replicates the structures existing in the target system(s).

Integrations are supposed to reduce the effort, though in the past 20 years I never saw an integration to work without issues, even in what MDM concerns. One of the main issues is that the solutions just synchronized the data without considering the processual dependencies, and sometimes also the referential dependencies. The time needed for troubleshooting the integrations can easily exceed the time for importing the data manually over an upload mechanism.

To make the integration work the MDM will arrive to duplicate the all the validation available in the target system(s). This can make sense when daily or weekly a considerable volume of master data is created. Native connectors simplify the integrations, especially when it can handle the errors transparently and allow to modify the records manually, though the issues start as soon the target system is extended with more attributes or other structures.

If an organization has an MDM system, then all the master data should come from the MDM. As soon as a bidirectional synchronization is used (and other integrations might require this), Pandora’s box is open. One can define hard rules, though again, there are always exceptions in which manual interference is needed.

Attempting an integration of reference data is not recommended. ERP systems can have hundreds of such entities. Some organizations tend to have a golden system (a copy of production) with all the reference data. It works for some time, until people realize that the solution is expensive and time-consuming.

MDM systems do make sense in certain scenarios, though to get the integrations right can involve a considerable effort and certain assumptions and requirements must be met.

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[1] Piethein Strengholt (2023) Understanding Master Data Management’s Integration Challenges (link)

13 February 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: A One-Man Show (Part II: In the Cusps of Complexity)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

I watched today on YouTube Power BI Tips' "One Person to Do Everything" episode I missed last week. The main topic is based on Christopher Laubenthal's article "Why one person can't do everything in the data space". Author's arguments are based on an analogy between the various data areas and a college's functional structure. Reading the article, I must say that it takes a poorly chosen analogy to mess messy things more!

One of the most confusing things is that there are so many data-related context-dependent roles with considerable overlapping, that it becomes more and more difficult to understand what they cover. The author considers the roles of Data Architect, Data Engineer, Database Administrator (DBA), Data Analyst, Information Designer and Data Scientist. However, to the every aspect of a data architecture there are also developers on the database (backend) and reporting side (front-end). Conversely, there are other data professionals on the management side for the various knowledge areas of Data Management: Data Governance, Data Strategy, Data Security, Data Operations, etc. There are also roles at the border between the business and the technical side like Data Stewards, Business Analysts, Data Citizen, etc. 

There are two main aspects here. According to the historical perspective, many of these roles appeared when a new set of requirements or a new layer appeared in the architecture. Firstly, it was maybe the DBA, who was supposed to primarily administer the database. Being a keeper of the data and having some knowledge of the data entities, it was easy for him/her to export data for the various reporting needs. In time such activities were taken over by a second category of data professionals. Then the data were moved to Decision Support Systems and later to Data Warehouses and Data Lakes/Lakehoses, this evolution requiring other professionals to address the challenges of each layer. Every activity performed on the data requires a certain type of knowledge that can result in the end in a new denomination. 

The second perspective results from the management of data and the knowledge areas associated with it. If in small organizations with one or two systems in place one doesn't need to talk about Data Operations, in big organizations, where a data center or something similar is maybe in place, Data Operations can easily become a topic on its own, a management structure needing to be in place for its "effective and efficient" management. And the same can happen in the other knowledge areas and their interaction with the business. It's an inherent tendency of answering to complexity with complexity, which on the long term can be in the detriment of any business. In extremis, organizations tend to have a whole team in each area, which can further increase the overall complexity by a small to not that small magnitude. 

Fortunately, one of the benefits of technological advancement is that much of the complexity can be moved somewhere else, and these are the areas where the cloud brings the most advantages. Parts or all architecture can be deployed into the cloud, being managed by cloud providers and third-parties on an on-demand basis at stable costs. Moreover, with the increasing maturity and integration of the various layers, the impact of the various roles in the overall picture is reduced considerably as areas like governance, security or operations are built-in as services, requiring thus less resources. 

With Microsoft Fabric, all the data needed for reporting becomes in theory easily available in the OneLake. Unfortunately, there is another type of complexity that is dumped on other professionals' shoulders and these aspects need to be furthered considered. 

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[1] Christopher Laubenthal (2024) "Why One Person Can’t Do Everything In Data" (link)
[2] Power BI tips (2024) Ep.292: One Person to Do Everything (link)

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.