Showing posts with label Duplicates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duplicates. Show all posts

20 June 2020

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: When Queries Look Like Ugly Ducks

There’s an expression of abductive reasoning “if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck” used to identify something indefinite based on certain (definite) characteristics. When one looks at a query written by someone else, one tries to identify such characteristics. However, there are also situations in which simple queries are hard to interpret. For example, each time I see a SELECT DISTINCT in a query I ask myself whether the developer wanted to shortcut a GROUP BY, or just wanted to avoid duplicated data from the output. Without looking at the data in detail it’s almost impossible deciding between the two scenarios.

Let’s consider the following simple example based on a set of orders sent over the interface between two systems. Because of poor design, the first position was caught by the logic before entering the full order (the price from it is incorrect):

-- dropping the table

-- inserting the records 
INTO dbo.T_Orders 
FROM (VALUES ('P0001', 1,'20200618', '100001','S','black',20, 1.23)
, ('P0001', 1,'20200618', '100001','S','black',20, 1.22)
, ('P0001', 2,'20200618', '100001','S','black',5, 1.23)
, ('P0001', 3,'20200618', '100001','M','black',10, 1.24)
, ('P0002', 1,'20200619', '100001','S','black',5, 1.23)
, ('P0002', 2,'20200619', '100001','S','black',10, 1.22)) DAT (PurchId, Pos, PurchDate, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId, Qty, Price)

-- adding a primary key
ALTER TABLE dbo.T_Orders 
ADD Id int identity(1,1) NOT NULL

-- reviewing the data
FROM dbo.T_Orders 
, Pos

The following queries return the same results :

SELECT DISTINCT PurchId, Pos, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId, Qty
FROM dbo.T_Orders

-- simple GROUP BY
SELECT PurchId, Pos, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId, Qty
FROM dbo.T_Orders
GROUP BY PurchId, Pos, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId, Qty

Both queries hide the fact that a duplicate exists. However, with a small change in the last query (adding a count) one can highlight that, while the first query doesn't allow this flexibility:

-- simple GROUP BY with Count
SELECT PurchId, Pos, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId, Qty
, count(*) NoRecords
FROM dbo.T_Orders
GROUP BY PurchId, Pos, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId, Qty
-- HAVING count(*)>1

This small change can make an important difference when one needs to analyze the data, so at least from this perspective it might be worth to write the query as a GROUP BY from the beginning, especially when writing complex queries.

There are also nested SELECT DISTINCTS that attempt refining the selection in successive steps. Such curiosities seldom make sense:

 SELECT DISTINCT PurchId, Pos, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId, Qty
 FROM dbo.T_Orders

To remove the duplicates and perform a sum one may choose another curiosity of query - the inner query removes the duplicates (some write it also as a DISTINCT), while in the outer query is done the sum:

-- double grouping to remove duplicates
SELECT PurchId, Pos, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId
, SUM(Qty) Total
FROM (--inner query
 SELECT PurchId, Pos, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId, Qty
 FROM dbo.T_Orders
 GROUP BY PurchId, Pos, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId, Qty
GROUP BY PurchId, Pos, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId

Even if such queries (miraculously) work upon case, sooner or later they are predestined to fail. When doing operations on data whose quality is doubtful, one needs to select a strategy for removing the duplicates. The first step is to identify the attributes which make a record unique (e.g. PurchId and Pos), and using a sorting criteria, one can remove the duplicates via a window function like Rank, Dense_Rank or Row_Number (with small exceptions their use is interchangeable). Supposing that the Id attribute determinates the order in which the data were added, one can write a similar query:

-- removing duplicates via ranking partition window function 
 SELECT PurchId, Pos, PurchDate, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId, Qty, Price
 FROM dbo.T_Orders
) DAT 
WHERE Ranking=1

The problem is that such queries need to be repeated in each use. A simpler method is running a regular check for duplicates and marking the duplicates as inactive or pushing them into a separate table. Deleting the duplicates can work as well, though this approach can hit back like a boomerang if not addressed correctly.

To identify the duplicates one of the following approaches can be used:

-- duplicates via grouping in inner query
, DUP.NoRecords 
FROM dbo.T_Orders DAT
     JOIN (-- duplicates
 SELECT PurchId, Pos
 , count(*) NoRecords
 FROM dbo.T_Orders DUP
 GROUP BY PurchId, Pos
 HAVING count(*)>1 
  ) DUP 
   ON DAT.PurchId = DUP.Purchid 
   AND DAT.Pos = DUP.Pos 

-- duplicates via grouping in correlated query 
, DUP.NoRecords 
FROM dbo.T_Orders DAT
     CROSS APPLY (-- duplicates
 SELECT count(*) NoRecords
 FROM dbo.T_Orders DUP
 WHERE DAT.PurchId = DUP.Purchid 
   AND DAT.Pos = DUP.Pos 
 GROUP BY PurchId, Pos
 HAVING count(*)>1 
  ) DUP 

-- duplicates via count within aggregate window function 
 SELECT PurchId, Pos, PurchDate, ItemId, SizeId, ColorId, Qty, Price
 , count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY PurchId, Pos) NoRecords 
 FROM dbo.T_Orders
) DAT 
WHERE NoRecords>1

The queries work also in SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric.

Happy coding!

13 August 2017

#️⃣Software Engineering: SQL Reloaded (Patt II: Who Messed with My Data?)


Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow;
He who would search for pearls must dive below.

(John Dryden) 

Life of a programmer is full of things that stopped working overnight. What’s beautiful about such experiences is that always there is a logical explanation for such “happenings”. There are two aspects - one is how to troubleshoot such problems, and the second – how to avoid such situations, and this is typically done through what we refer as defensive programming. On one side avoiding issues makes one’s life simpler, while issues make it fuller.

I can say that I had plenty such types of challenges in my life, most of them self-created, mainly in the learning process, but also a good share of challenges created by others. Independently of the time spent on troubleshooting such issues, it’s the experience that counts, the little wins against the “dark” side of programming. In the following series of posts I will describe some of the issues I was confronted directly or indirectly over time. In an ad-hoc characterization they can be split in syntax, logical, data, design and systemic errors.

Syntax Errors

Watch your language young man!

(anonymous mother) 

    Syntax in natural languages like English is the sequence in which words are put together, word’s order indicating the relationship existing between words. Based on the meaning the words carry and the relationships formed between words we are capable to interpret sentences. SQL, initially called SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language) is an English-like language designed to manipulate and retrieve data. Same as natural languages, artificial languages like SQL have their own set of (grammar) rules that when violated lead to runtime errors, leading to interruption in code execution or there can be cases when the code runs further leading to inconsistencies in data. Unlike natural languages, artificial languages interpreters are quite sensitive to syntax errors.

    Syntax errors are common to beginners, though a moment of inattention or misspelling can happen to anyone, no matter how versatile one’s coding is. Some are more frequent or have a bigger negative impact than others. Here are some of the typical types of syntax errors:
- missing brackets and quotes, especially in complex formulas;
- misspelled commands, table or column names;
- omitting table aliases or database names;
- missing objects or incorrectly referenced objects or other resources;
- incorrect statement order;
- relying on implicit conversion;
- incompatible data types;
- incorrect parameters’ order;
- missing or misplaced semicolons;
- usage of deprecated syntax.

   Typically, syntax errors are easy to track at runtime with minimal testing as long the query is static. Dynamic queries on the other side require sometimes a larger number of combinations to be tested. The higher the number of attributes to be combined and the more complex the logic behind them, the more difficult is to test all combinations. The more combinations not tested, the higher the probability that an error might lurk in the code. Dynamics queries can thus easily become (syntax) error generators.

Logical Errors

Students are often able to use algorithms to solve numerical problems
without completely understanding the underlying scientific concept.

(Eric Mazur) 

   One beautiful aspect of the human mind is that it needs only a rough understanding about how a tool works in order to make use of it up to an acceptable level. Therefore often it settles for the minimum of understanding that allows it to use a tool. Aspects like the limits of a tool, contexts of applicability, how it can be used efficiently to get the job done, or available alternatives, all these can be ignored in the process. As the devil lies in details, misunderstanding how a piece of technology works can prove to be our Achilles’ heel. For example, misunderstanding how sets and the different types of joins work, that lexical order differ from logical order and further to order of execution, when is appropriate or inappropriate to use a certain technique or functionality can make us make poor choices.

   One of these poor choices is the method used to solve a problem. A mature programming language can offer sometimes two or more alternatives for solving a problem. Choosing the inadequate solution can lead to performance issues in time. This type of errors can be rooted in the lack of understanding of the data, of how an application is used, or how a piece of technology works.

I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer,
to treat everything as if it were a nail.

(Abraham Maslow) 

   Some of the errors derive from the difference between how different programming languages work with data. There can be considerable differences between procedural, relational and vector languages. When jumping from one language to another, one can be tempted to apply the same old techniques to the new language. The solution might work, though (by far) not optimal.

    The capital mistake is to be the man of one tool, and use it in all the cases, even when not appropriate. For example. when one learned working with views, attempts to apply them all over the code in order to reuse logic, creating thus chains of views which even prove to be flexible, their complexity sooner or later will kick back. Same can happen with stored procedures and other object types as well. A sign of mastery is when the developer adapts his tools to the purpose.

"For every complex problem there is an answer
that is clear, simple, and wrong.
(Henry L. Mencken) 

   One can build elegant solutions but solve the wrong problem. Misunderstanding the problem at hand is one type of error sometimes quite difficult to identify. Typically, they can be found through thorough testing. Sometimes the unavailability of (quality) data can impede the process of testing, such errors being found late in the process.

   At the opposite side, one can attempt to solve the right problem but with logic flaws – wrong steps order, wrong algorithm, wrong set of tools, or even missing facts/assumptions. A special type of logical errors are the programmatic errors, which occur when SQL code encounters a logic or behavioral error during processing (e.g. infinite loop, out of range input). [1]

Data Errors

Data quality requires certain level of sophistication within a company
to even understand that it’s a problem.

(Colleen Graham) 

   Poor data quality is the source for all evil, or at least for some of the evil. Typically, a good designed database makes use of a mix of techniques to reduce the chances for inconsistencies: appropriate data types and data granularity, explicit transactions, check constraints, default values, triggers or integrity constraints. Some of these techniques can be too restrictive, therefore in design one has to provide a certain flexibility in the detriment of one of the above techniques, fact that makes the design vulnerable to same range of issues: missing values, missing or duplicate records.

   No matter how good a database was designed, sometimes is difficult to cope with users’ ingenuity – misusage of functionality, typically resulting in deviations from standard processes, that can invalidate an existing query. Similar effects have the changes to processes or usage of new processed not addressed in existing queries or reports.

  Another topic that have a considerable impact on queries’ correctness is the existence, or better said the inexistence of master data policies and a board to regulate the maintenance of master data. Without proper governance of master data one might end up with a big mess with no way to bring some order in it without addressing the quality of data adequately.

Designed to Fail

The weakest spot in a good defense is designed to fail.
(Mark Lawrence) 

   In IT one can often meet systems designed to fail, the occurrences of errors being just a question of time, kind of a ticking bomb. In such situations, a system is only as good as its weakest link(s). Issues can be traced back to following aspects:
- systems used for what they were not designed to do – typically misusing a tool for a purpose for which another tool would be more appropriate (e.g. using Excel as database, using SSIS for real-time, using a reporting tool for data entry);
- poor performing systems - systems not adequately designed for the tasks supposed to handle (e.g. handling large volume of data/transactions);
- systems not coping with user’s inventiveness or mistakes (e.g. not validating adequately user input or not confirming critical actions like deletion of records);
- systems not configurable (e.g. usage of hardcoded values instead of parameters or configurable values);
- systems for which one of the design presumptions were invalidated by reality (e.g. input data don’t have the expected format, a certain resource always exists);
- systems not being able to handle changes in environment (e.g. changing user settings for language, numeric or data values);
- systems succumbing in their own complexity (e.g. overgeneralization, wrong mix of technologies);
- fault intolerant systems – system not handling adequately more or less unexpected errors or exceptions (e.g. division by zero, handling of nulls, network interruptions, out of memory).

Systemic Errors

    Systemic errors can be found at the borders of the “impossible”, situations in which the errors defy the common sense. Such errors are not determined by chance but are introduced by an inaccuracy inherent to the system/environment.

    A systemic error occurs when a SQL program encounters a deficiency or unexpected condition with a system resource (e.g. a program encountered insufficient space in tempdb to process a large query, database/transaction log running out of space). [1]

   Such errors are often difficult but not impossible to reproduce. The difficulty resides primarily in figuring out what happened, what caused the error. Once one found the cause, with a little resourcefulness one can come with an example to reproduce the error.


“To err is human; to try to prevent recurrence of error is science.“

    When one thinks about it, there are so many ways to fail. In the end to err is human and nobody is exempted from making mistakes, no matter how good or wise. The quest of a (good) programmer is to limit errors’ occurrences, and to correct them early in process, before they start becoming a nightmare.

[1] Transact-SQL Programming: Covers Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 /7.0 and Sybase,  by Kevin Kline, Lee Gould & Andrew Zanevsky, O’Reilly, ISBN 10: 1565924010, 1999

23 February 2017

⛏️Data Management: Data Cleaning/Cleansing (Definitions)

"A processing step where missing or inaccurate data is replaced with valid values." (Joseph P Bigus, "Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving Business Problems from Application Development to Decision Support", 1996)

"The process of validating data prior to a data analysis or Data Mining. This includes both ensuring that the values of the data are valid for a particular attribute or variable (e.g., heights are all positive and in a reasonable range) and that the values for given records or set of records are consistent." (William J Raynor Jr., "The International Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence", 1999)

"The process of correcting errors or omissions in data. This is often part of the extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) process of extracting data from a source system, usually before attempting to load it into a target system. This is also known as data scrubbing." (Sharon Allen & Evan Terry, "Beginning Relational Data Modeling" 2nd Ed., 2005)

"The removal of inconsistencies, errors, and gaps in source data prior to its incorporation into data warehouses or data marts to facilitate data integration and improve data quality." (Steve Williams & Nancy Williams, "The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence", 2007)

"Software used to identify potential data quality problems. For example, if a customer is listed multiple times in a customer database using variations of the spelling of his or her name, the data cleansing software ensures that each data element is consistent so there is no confusion. Such software is used to make corrections to help standardize the data." (Judith Hurwitz et al, "Service Oriented Architecture For Dummies" 2nd Ed., 2009)

"The process of reviewing and improving data to make sure it is correct, up to date, and not duplicated." (Tony Fisher, "The Data Asset", 2009)

"The process of correcting data errors to bring the level of data quality to an acceptable level for the information user needs." (DAMA International, "The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management", 2011)

"The act of detecting and removing and/or correcting data in a database. Also called data scrubbing." (Craig S Mullins, "Database Administration: The Complete Guide to DBA Practices and Procedures", 2012)

"Synonymous with data fixing or data correcting, data cleaning is the process by which errors, inexplicable anomalies, and missing values are somehow handled. There are three options for data cleaning: correcting the error, deleting the error, or leaving it unchanged." (Jules H Berman, "Principles of Big Data: Preparing, Sharing, and Analyzing Complex Information", 2013)

"The process of detecting, removing, or correcting incorrect data." (Evan Stubbs, "Delivering Business Analytics: Practical Guidelines for Best Practice", 2013)

"The process of finding and fixing errors and inaccuracies in data" (Daniel Linstedt & W H Inmon, "Data Architecture: A Primer for the Data Scientist", 2014)

"The process of removing corrupt, redundant, and inaccurate data in the data governance process." (Robert F Smallwood, "Information Governance: Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices", 2014) 

"The process of eliminating inaccuracies, irregularities, and discrepancies from data." (Jim Davis & Aiman Zeid, "Business Transformation", 2014)

"The process of reviewing and revising data in order to delete duplicates, correct errors, and provide consistency." (Jason Williamson, "Getting a Big Data Job For Dummies", 2015)

"the processes of identifying and resolving potential data errors." (Meredith Zozus, "The Data Book: Collection and Management of Research Data", 2017)

"A sub-process in data preprocessing, where we remove punctuation, stop words, etc. from the text." (Neha Garg & Kamlesh Sharma, "Machine Learning in Text Analysis", 2020)

"Processing a dataset to make it easier to consume. This may involve fixing inconsistencies and errors, removing non-machine-readable elements such as formatting, using standard labels for row and column headings, ensuring that numbers, dates, and other quantities are represented appropriately, conversion to a suitable file format, reconciliation of labels with another dataset being used (see data integration)." (Open Data Handbook) 

"The process of detecting and correcting faulty records, leading to highly accurate BI-informed decisions, as enormous databases and rapid acquisition of data can lead to inaccurate or faulty data that impacts the resulting BI and analysis. Correcting typographical errors, de-duplicating records, and standardizing syntax are all examples of data cleansing." (Insight Software)

"Transforming data in its native state to a pre-defined standardized format using vendor software." (Solutions Review)

"Data cleansing is the effort to improve the overall quality of data by removing or correcting inaccurate, incomplete, or irrelevant data from a data system.  […] Data cleansing techniques are usually performed on data that is at rest rather than data that is being moved. It attempts to find and remove or correct data that detracts from the quality, and thus the usability, of data. The goal of data cleansing is to achieve consistent, complete, accurate, and uniform data." (Informatica) [source]

"Data cleansing is the process of modifying data to improve accuracy and quality." (Xplenty) [source]

"Data cleaning is the process of preparing data for analysis by removing or modifying data that is incorrect, incomplete, irrelevant, duplicated, or improperly formatted." (Sisense) [source]

"Data Cleansing (or Data Scrubbing) is the action of identifying and then removing or amending any data within a database that is: incorrect, incomplete, duplicated." (experian) [source]

"Data cleansing, or data scrubbing, is the process of detecting and correcting or removing inaccurate data or records from a database. It may also involve correcting or removing improperly formatted or duplicate data or records. Such data removed in this process is often referred to as 'dirty data'. Data cleansing is an essential task for preserving data quality." (Teradata) [source]

"Data scrubbing, also called data cleansing, is the process of amending or removing data in a database that is incorrect, incomplete, improperly formatted, or duplicated." (Techtarget) [source]

"the process of reviewing and revising data in order to delete duplicates, correct errors and provide consistency." (Analytics Insight)

02 March 2016

🧭Business Intelligence: Perspectives (Part III: Self-Service BI)

Business Intelligence


According to Gartner, the world's leading information technology research and advisory company, Self-Service BI (aka self-service analytics, ad-hoc analysis, personal analytics), for short SSBI, is a “form of business intelligence (BI) in which line-of-business professionals are enabled and encouraged to perform queries and generate reports on their own, with nominal IT support” [1].

Reading between the lines, SSBI presumes the existence of an infrastructure made of tools to support it (aka self-service BI tools), direct or indirect access to row data and/or data models for the users, and the skillset needed in order to work with data and answer to business problems/questions.

A Little History

The concept of self-service is not new, it just got “rebranded” and transformed into a business opportunity. The need for business users to perform ad-hoc analyses was always there in organizations, especially in the ones not having the right infrastructure for harnessing their data. Even since the 90s with the appearance of products like MS Excel or MS Access in many organizations users were forced by the state of art to learn how to use such products in order to get the answers they needed from the data. Users started building personal solutions, many of them temporary, intended to fill the reporting gaps organizations had. With a little effort and relatively small investment users had the possibility of playing with the data, understanding the data, identifying and solving problems in the business. They acquired thus a certain level of business expertise and data awareness becoming valuable resources in the organization.

With time such solutions grew in scope and data volume, gained broader visibility and reached deeper in organizations, some of them becoming team, departmental or cross-departmental solutions. What grows uncontrolled with time starts to have negative impact on the environment. First tools’ management became a problem because the solutions needed to be backed-up and maintained regularly, then other problems started to surface: security of data, inefficient data processing as increasing volumes of data were processed on local computers and transferred over the network, data and effort were duplicated, different versions of reality existed as different numbers were reported, numbers that were reflecting different definitions, knowledge about the business or data-analysis skillsets. The management needed a more consolidated and standardized effort in order to address these problems. Organizations were forced or embraced the idea of investing money in modern BI solutions, in more powerful servers capable of handling a larger amount of requests, in flexible data models that facilitate data consumption, in data quality initiatives. Thus through various projects a considerable number of such solutions were converted into more standardized and performant BI solutions, the IT department being in control of the changes and new requests.

Back to Present

With IT in control of the reporting requirements the business is forced to rely on the rapidity with which IT is able to address new requirements. Some organizations acquired internal resources in order to build reports and afferent infrastructure in-house, others created partnerships with vendors, or approached a combination of the two. As the volume of requirements isn’t uniform over time, the business has to wait several days between the time a requirement was addressed to IT and a solution was provided. In business terms a few of days of waiting for data can equate with the loss of an opportunity, a decision taken too late, decision that could have broader impact.

A few years ago things started to change when the ad-hoc analysis concept was rebranded as self-service and surfaced as trend. This time vendors like Qlik, Tableau, MicroStrategy or Microsoft, some of the main SSBI vendors, are offering easy to use and rich functionality tools for data integration, visualization and discovery, tools that reflect the advances made in graphics, data storage and processing technologies (e.g. in-memory databases, parallel processing). With just a few drag-and-drops users are able to display details, aggregate data, identify trends and correlations between data. In addition the tools can make use of the existing data models available in data warehouses, data marts and other types of data repositories, including the rich set of open data available on the web.

Looking at the Future

Like its predecessors, SSBI seems to address primarily data analysts and data-aware business users (aka data citizens), however in time is expected to be adopted by more organizations and become more mature where already adopted. Of course, some of the problems from the early days more likely will resurface though through governance, better architectures and tools, integration with other BI capabilities, trainings and awareness most of the problems will be overcome. More likely there will be also organizations in which SSBI will fail. In the end each organization will need to find by itself the value of SSBI.

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[1] Gartner (2016) Self-Service Analytics [Online] Available from:
] Gartner (2016) Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms, by Josh Parenteau, Rita L. Sallam, Cindi Howson, Joao Tapadinhas, Kurt Schlegel, Thomas W. Oestreich [Online] Available from:

13 January 2010

🗄️Data Management: Data Quality Dimensions (Part I: Uniqueness)

Data Management
Data Management Series

Uniqueness refers to "requirements that entities modeled within the master environment are captured, represented, and referenced uniquely within the relevant application architectures" [1]. An alternative name is the one of duplicates, which stresses the existence of duplicate records within a dataset, the not-uniqueness, being a better indicator for the nonconformance especially when considering datasets.

Why is required to enforce the uniqueness of entities? An entity is defined using a number of attributes representing entity’s characteristics, in case the attributes of two entities have the same values, then more likely the two representations refer to the same entity. This could happen in most of the cases, though there are situations in which the attribute(s) that make(s) it possible to differentiate between two distinct entities is/are not adequately maintained or not considered at all. The impossibility of identifying uniquely an entity increases the chances of using one of the respective entities wrongly, for example booking the Invoice against the wrong Vendor and all the implications derived from it. 

For each type of entity there can be one or more attributes that allow identifying it uniquely, for example in case of a Vendor could be Vendor’s name and address. The more such attributes then more difficult becomes the identification of a Vendor; therefore even if such a set of attributes exists, like in Vendor’s case, it’s preferable to use instead a unique identifier, a numeric or alphanumeric key that identifies uniquely an entity

A Vendor could be uniquely identified by the Vendor ID, though it allows unique identification of a Vendor only in a data repository, the chances being quite high to have another Vendor ID for the same entity in another data repository. Therefore, in order to guarantee the uniqueness of entities is prefer to use instead an attribute that has the same value indifferently from the data repository the entity is stored in (e.g. Vendor Number, Item Number, Customer Number, Asset Number, Sales Order Number, etc.). Such attributes could be enforced to be unique across a set of data repositories, though one of them must function as 'master'.

Multiple identifiers for the same entity may exist, though this can easily create confusion, especially when this happens within the same system and people or machines are not aware that the respective identifiers refer to the same entity, and the more identifiers we have for the same entity the higher the chances of creating confusion. Imagine that in the same system you book some of the Invoices against one of the identifiers, and the remaining Invoices against another identifier of the same entity.

Especially in reports this might be quite a problem as amounts that should appear for the same entity are split against two references, and even if they refer to the same entity report’s users might be not aware of it, the calculations based on such numbers not reflecting the reality. Imagine that you have booked the invoices against two references to the same Vendor, and you want to consider the first 10 Vendors with the highest volume spent; it might happen that the aggregate amounts for each of the respective references didn’t make it in the top 10, though when considered together they can even make it to the first position.

There are even situations in which the use of multiple identifiers for the same entity is inevitable, and important are here the cases in which more than one different system refer to the same entity in their unique way, often being not designed to use a global unique identifier for an entity. Under such circumstances what an organization could do is to either extend the system(s) to store the global identifier or have a mapping in place with the referents used to indicate the same entity. 

The more systems within an enterprise that use/represent the same entity, the more complex is to manage the correct referencing; the logical thing to do is to have in place a master system that stores the global identifier and integrate it with the other systems in place or at least store the global identifier in each of the systems. Such identifiers used for master or even transactional data allow creating consolidated reports based on several systems and mitigating possible issues existing in the data.

Even if such keys are designed to enforce uniqueness this doesn’t mean it necessarily happens; the reason is simple - behind the assignment of a key to an entity there is a process defined, and no matter how robust a process was created if it doesn’t cover all the scenarios that might occur or if it can’t deal (adequately) with various constraints, then in one point in time a flow might lead to a duplicate, a not unique record. Take for example a Product Number's creation - supposing that a Product Number XYZ is created in an ERP system and one or more of the respective Product’s attributes are incorrect. In many cases such errors can be corrected, though each system comes with its own constraints not allowing changing certain attributes (e.g. the Unit of Measure once Inventory was booked). Because an entity with the wrong attributes is inadequate to be used, a new Product Number is created for the same entity, the two identifiers coexisting for some time. (Some systems allow to build a relationship between the Products, showing that one Product replaces another going forward.)

Some systems could allow the deletion of the first entered Product though that’s not always possible. Even if the two Products Numbers are different, they point to the same Product entity, and even if the first entered Product is marked as obsolete, until this happens transactions might be already made with it, and again, it might be possible to revert the transactions back, though that’s not always possible, and that’s not all, once a Product is marked as obsolete, this doesn’t necessarily imply that a User won’t reactivate the Product in the near or far future. As can be seen, the scenarios are quite complex, not all the systems and processes being designed to handle them. If such deviations from uniqueness can’t be corrected in the legacy systems, at least during conversion and migration should be corrected.

Written: Jan-2010, Last Reviewed: Mar-2024

[1] David Loshin (2009) "Master Data Management"

27 January 2009

🛢DBMS: Unique Index (Definitions)

"Indexes which do not permit any two rows in the specified columns to have the same value. SQL Server checks for duplicate values when you create the index (if data already exists) and each time data is added." (Karen Paulsell et al, "Sybase SQL Server: Performance and Tuning Guide", 1996)

"Restricts duplicate values in a column." (Owen Williams, "MCSE TestPrep: SQL Server 6.5 Design and Implementation", 1998)

"An index in which no two rows are permitted to have the same index value, thus prohibiting duplicate index or key values. The system checks for duplicate key values when the index is created and checks each time data is added with an INSERT or UPDATE statement." (Microsoft Corporation, "SQL Server 7.0 System Administration Training Kit", 1999)

"An index with perfect selectivity, that is, an index with no duplicate values allowed. Standard SQL allows multiple NULLs in a unique index, since a NULL is not considered to be equal to any other value, including another NULL. Many DBMSs, however, accept only one NULL in a unique index. Some DBMSs won't allow even a single NULL." (Peter Gulutzan & Trudy Pelzer, "SQL Performance Tuning", 2002)

"A b-tree index whose keys are not duplicated." (Bob Bryla, "Oracle Database Foundations", 2004)

"This is a special index that prevents users from inserting the same value into a column (or columns) more than once." (Joseph L Jorden & Dandy Weyn, "MCTS Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Implementation and Maintenance Study Guide - Exam 70-431", 2006)

"An index that enforces uniqueness for a particular field across a single collection." (MongoDb, "Glossary", 2008)

"Sometimes created explicitly by the user, and sometimes created automatically by the database server. By guaranteeing one-and-only-one value for a given table, this structure speeds access to information and preserves data integrity." (Robert D. Schneider and Darril Gibson, "Microsoft SQL Server 2008 All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies", 2008)

"An index in which no two rows are permitted to have the same index value, thus prohibiting duplicate index or key values." (Microsoft, "SQL Server 2012 Glossary,", 2012)

"An index that ensures that no identical key values are stored in a column or a set of columns in a table." (Sybase, "Open Server Server-Library/C Reference Manual", 2019)

08 November 2008

💎⌛SQL Reloaded: Dealing with data duplicates on SQL Server

Duplicates or duplications can be defined as "result rows that are identical to one or more other rows" [1]. They occur frequently in data collections (e.g. Excel, Access, etc.) with concurrent access that have minimum or no validation at all. More users and/or more frequent the updates on the same information, higher the risks of having duplicated data. Duplicates occur also in modern architectures when validation wasn’t addressed correspondingly or from usage related issues, for example, in information systems the huge amount of data entry makes it hard to overlook documents already processed (e.g. purchase orders, invoices, payments, etc.).

Subject to duplication are whole records, a group of attributes (fields) or only single attributes. I depends from case to case. Often duplicates are easy to identify - it’s enough to let somebody who has the proper knowledge to look over them. But what you do when the volume of data is too large or when is need to automate the process as much as possible? Using the DISTINCT keyword in a SELECT statement might do the trick, while other times it requires more complicated validation, ranging from simple checks to Data Mining techniques.

I will try to exemplify the techniques I use to deal with duplicates with the help of a simple example based on table that tracks information about Assets:

-- create test table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Assets](
 [ID] [int] NOT NULL,
 [CreationDate] smalldatetime NOT NULL,
 [Vendor] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [Asset] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [Model] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [Owner] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [Tag] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [Quantity] [decimal](13, 2) NULL

Here's some test data:

-- insert test data (SQL Server 2000+)
INSERT INTO dbo.Assets
VALUES ('1', DATEADD(d,-5, GetDate()), 'IBM','Laptop 1','Model 1','Owner 1','XX0001','1')
INSERT INTO dbo.Assets
VALUES  ('2', DATEADD(d,-4, GetDate()),'IBM','Laptop 2','Model 2','Owner 2','XX0002','1')
INSERT INTO dbo.Assets
VALUES  ('3', DATEADD(d,-3, GetDate()),'Microsoft','Laptop 3','Model 3','Owner 2','WX0001','1')
INSERT INTO dbo.Assets
VALUES ('4', DATEADD(d,-3, GetDate()),'Microsoft','Laptop 3','Model 3','Owner 2','WX0001','1')
INSERT INTO dbo.Assets
VALUES  ('5', DATEADD(d,-3, GetDate()),'Dell','Laptop 4','Model 4','Owner 3','DD0001','1')
INSERT INTO dbo.Assets
VALUES  ('6', DATEADD(d,-1, GetDate()),'Dell','Laptop 4','Model 4','Owner 4','DD0001','1')

Let’s check table’s content:

-- review the data
SELECT ID, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
FROM dbo.Assets

ID CreationDate Vendor Asset Model Owner Tag Quantity
1 1/29/2024 10:46:00 PM IBM Laptop 1 Model 1 Owner 1 XX0001 1
2 1/30/2024 10:46:00 PM IBM Laptop 2 Model 2 Owner 2 XX0002 1
3 1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Microsoft Laptop 3 Model 3 Owner 2 WX0001 1
4 1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Microsoft Laptop 3 Model 3 Owner 2 WX0001 1
5 1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Dell Laptop 4 Model 4 Owner 3 DD0001 1
6 2/2/2024 10:46:00 PM Dell Laptop 4 Model 4 Owner 4 DD0001 1

Normally, a Tag or a Serial Number should uniquely identify a product coming from the same Vendor, so in this case duplicates’ identification will resume to the records in which the Tag and Vendor combination appears more than once:

-- retrieve the duplicates
SELECT Vendor, Tag
FROM dbo.Assets A    
GROUP BY Vendor, Tag

Vendor Tag
Dell DD0001
Microsoft WX0001

In many cases showing only the duplicated values would be enough, however there are cases in which is required to see the whole record in which the duplicates appeared, for example to clarify the context in which the issues appear. A simple JOIN with the base table would provide the affected records:

-- retrieve duplicates with details
SELECT A.Id, A.CreationDate, A.Vendor, A.Asset, A.Model, A.Owner, A.Tag, A.Quantity
FROM dbo.Assets A
     JOIN (-- duplicates
	  SELECT Vendor, Tag
	  FROM dbo.Assets A    
	  GROUP BY Vendor, Tag
     ) B
      ON A.Vendor = B.Vendor 
     AND A.Tag = B.Tag

Id CreationDate Vendor Asset Model Owner Tag Quantity
5 1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Dell Laptop 4 Model 4 Owner 3 DD0001 1
6 2/2/2024 10:46:00 PM Dell Laptop 4 Model 4 Owner 4 DD0001 1
3 1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Microsoft Laptop 3 Model 3 Owner 2 WX0001 1
4 1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Microsoft Laptop 3 Model 3 Owner 2 WX0001 1

There are two scenarios in which we need to remove the duplicates – in a result set or within an existing table.

In a result set normally it's enough to use the DISTINCT keyword to remove duplicated rows:

-- select unique records
SELECT DISTINCT CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
FROM dbo.Assets

CreationDate Vendor Asset Model Owner Tag Quantity
1/29/2024 10:46:00 PM IBM Laptop 1 Model 1 Owner 1 XX0001 1
1/30/2024 10:46:00 PM IBM Laptop 2 Model 2 Owner 2 XX0002 1
1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Dell Laptop 4 Model 4 Owner 3 DD0001 1
1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Microsoft Laptop 3 Model 3 Owner 2 WX0001 1
2/2/2024 10:46:00 PM Dell Laptop 4 Model 4 Owner 4 DD0001 1

In our example only some combinations are duplicated while the other attributes might slightly differ, and therefore is needed another approach. First of all we need to identify which one is the most reliable record, in some cases the latest records entry should be the most accurate or closer to reality, but that’s not necessarily the truth. There are also cases in which we don’t care which the record that is selected is, but from experience these cases are few.

Oracle and SQL Server introduced the dense_rank() analytic function, which returns the rank of rows within the partition of a result set, without any gaps in the ranking. In our case the partition is determined by Vendor and Tag, following to identify which the logic used for raking. Supposing that we are always interested in the last record entered, the query would look like this:

-- retrieve duplicates via ranking functions 
SELECT Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
FROM (--subquery 
 SELECT Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
 , dense_rank() OVER(PARTITION BY Vendor, Tag ORDER BY CreationDate DESC , Id DESC) RANKING 
 FROM dbo.Assets 
) A 

CreationDate Vendor Asset Model Owner Tag Quantity
1/29/2024 10:46:00 PM IBM Laptop 1 Model 1 Owner 1 XX0001 1
1/30/2024 10:46:00 PM IBM Laptop 2 Model 2 Owner 2 XX0002 1
1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Dell Laptop 4 Model 4 Owner 3 DD0001 1
1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Microsoft Laptop 3 Model 3 Owner 2 WX0001 1
2/2/2024 10:46:00 PM Dell Laptop 4 Model 4 Owner 4 DD0001 1

Things are simple when records’ creation date is available and it's unique for the key used to validate the data, because a descending order would allow selecting the last record first. An Id can be added to the clause for the cases in which multiple records have the same date. At least in this example the same output is obtained by using the row_number analytic function, which returns the sequential number of a row within a partition of a result set, starting at 1 for the first row in each partition. Actually, the dense_rank function assigns the same rank for the same occurrence of the values appearing in ORDER BY clause (within the same partition), and thus forces the developer to choose the exact attributes that make a field unique within a partition, while row_number() will return a sequence no matter of the attributes used in ORDER BY clause. 

Both functions should provide similar performance. Conversely, when the selection of records within a partition is not important, it’s better to use the row_number() function, which would need to do less processing.

Unfortunately, this technique doesn’t work in SQL Server 2000, where a different approach is needed. In most of the cases the unique identifier for a record is a sequential unique number, the highest id corresponding to the latest entered record. This would allow selecting the latest entered record, by using the Max function:

-- nonduplicated records (SQL server 2000+)
SELECT A.Id, A.CreationDate, A.Vendor, A.Asset, A.Model, A.Owner, A.Tag, A.Quantity
FROM dbo.Assets A
     JOIN ( -- last entry
	  SELECT Vendor, Tag, MAX(Id) MaxId
	  FROM dbo.Assets A    
	  GROUP BY Vendor, Tag
	 -- HAVING count(*)>1
     ) B
      ON A.Vendor = B.Vendor 
     AND A.Tag = B.Tag 
     AND A.ID = B.MaxId

Id CreationDate Vendor Asset Model Owner Tag Quantity
4 1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Microsoft Laptop 3 Model 3 Owner 2 WX0001 1
2 1/30/2024 10:46:00 PM IBM Laptop 2 Model 2 Owner 2 XX0002 1
1 1/29/2024 10:46:00 PM IBM Laptop 1 Model 1 Owner 1 XX0001 1
6 2/2/2024 10:46:00 PM Dell Laptop 4 Model 4 Owner 4 DD0001 1

The same technique can be used to delete the duplicates from a table:

-- nonduplicated records (SQL server 2000+)
SELECT A.Id, A.CreationDate, A.Vendor, A.Asset, A.Model, A.Owner, A.Tag, A.Quantity
FROM dbo.Assets A
     JOIN ( -- last entry
	  SELECT Vendor, Tag, MAX(Id) MaxId
	  FROM dbo.Assets A    
	  GROUP BY Vendor, Tag
	 -- HAVING count(*)>1
     ) B
      ON A.Vendor = B.Vendor 
     AND A.Tag = B.Tag 
     AND A.ID = B.MaxId

When an Id is not available, then we have most probably to create a temporary table with a sequence (numeric unique identifier), sort the records based on the criteria we chose for selection, and then apply the technique based on Id as above.

1. In other scenarios it’s important to select all the records matching extreme values (first, last), the dense_rank function becoming handy, however for versions that doesn’t supports it, a creation date attribute saves the day, when available, and it's unique:

-- nonduplicated records (SQL server 2000+)  
SELECT A.Id, A.CreationDate, A.Vendor, A.Asset, A.Model, A.Owner, A.Tag, A.Quantity
FROM dbo.Assets A
     JOIN (-- last entry
	  SELECT Vendor, Tag, MAX(CreationDate) LastCreationDate
	  FROM dbo.Assets A    
	  GROUP BY Vendor, Tag
	  -- HAVING count(*)>1
     ) B
      ON A.Vendor = B.Vendor 
     AND A.Tag = B.Tag 
     AND DateDiff(d, A.CreationDate, B.LastCreationDate)=0

Id CreationDate Vendor Asset Model Owner Tag Quantity
6 2/2/2024 10:46:00 PM Dell Laptop 4 Model 4 Owner 4 DD0001 1
1 1/29/2024 10:46:00 PM IBM Laptop 1 Model 1 Owner 1 XX0001 1
2 1/30/2024 10:46:00 PM IBM Laptop 2 Model 2 Owner 2 XX0002 1
3 1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Microsoft Laptop 3 Model 3 Owner 2 WX0001 1
4 1/31/2024 10:46:00 PM Microsoft Laptop 3 Model 3 Owner 2 WX0001 1

2. Duplicated records can be created by merging two sets of data with UNION ALL, in such cases a simple UNION would remove the duplicates introduced by the queries coming after the first one however this will burden the database with more checks. It is recommended to find other solutions, when possible!

3. Instead of using a single multi-row insertion I used multiple insertion statements because I preferred to make the tutorial usable also on SQL Server 2000. Here’s the single multi-row insertion statement:

-- insert test data (SQL Server 2005+)
INSERT INTO dbo.Assets
VALUES ('1', DATEADD(d,-5, GetDate()), 'IBM','Laptop 1','Model 1','Owner 1','XX0001','1')
, ('2', DATEADD(d,-4, GetDate()),'IBM','Laptop 2','Model 2','Owner 2','XX0002','1')
, ('3', DATEADD(d,-3, GetDate()),'Microsoft','Laptop 3','Model 3','Owner 2','WX0001','1')
, ('4', DATEADD(d,-3, GetDate()),'Microsoft','Laptop 3','Model 3','Owner 2','WX0001','1')
, ('5', DATEADD(d,-3, GetDate()),'Dell','Laptop 4','Model 4','Owner 3','DD0001','1')
, ('6', DATEADD(d,-1, GetDate()),'Dell','Laptop 4','Model 4','Owner 4','DD0001','1')

4. The above techniques should work also in Oracle with two amendments, attributes’ type must be adapted to Oracle ones, while instead of SQL Server GetDate() function should be used the corresponding Oracle SYSDATE function, as below:
-- insert test data (Oracle)
INSERT INTO dbo.Assets
VALUES ('1', SYSDATE-1, 'IBM','Laptop 1','Model 1','Owner 1','XX0001','1')

[1] S Hull (1998) Business Objects Glossary
[2] Microsoft Learn (2023) dense_rank() (link)
[3] Microsoft Learn (2023) row_number() (link)
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.