Showing posts with label self-service BI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-service BI. Show all posts

04 March 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: A Software Engineer's Perspective (Part VI: The Data Citizen)

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Series

More than a century ago, Jerbert G Wells wrote on mathematical literacy: "[...] the time may not be very remote when it will be understood that for complete initiation as an efficient citizen of one of the new great complex world-wide States that are now developing, it is as necessary to be able to compute, to think in averages and maxima and minima, as it is now to be able to read and write” [1]. The quote is occasionally misquoted as referring to Statistics, though frankly the boundaries of mathematical, statistical, numerical and data literacy tend to melt into each other, existing multiple dependencies between them.

In the age of big data, data citizens, business people able to use data, data processing and visualization tools for building solutions that enable their job, become steadily a necessity for businesses in their quest of making data-driven decisions, gaining insight and whatever valuable use data might have for the organizations. The need is not new,  Microsoft Access and Excel were used for similar purposes already in the 90s, becoming a maintenance nightmare for IT, data islands without proper backup or documentation existing through the organizations, diverse numbers being reported and contradicting each other. 

Then IT took over, trying to find alternatives for the data islands, implementing concepts like single source(s) of truth, quality gates and supporting processes, designing data models and infrastructures for self-service, allowing users to tap into the data for data exploration, discovery, reporting, etc. Getting all this right required to redesign existing infrastructures, making one step forward and a few steps back, in the end everything is a learning process. Such an effort can easily consume an organization's resources. 

Microsoft and other vendors for data-driven solutions keep insisting on how much potential exist in their tools for the data citizen, how the citizens can bring competitive advantage for organizations, automating business and supporting processes. The potential is not to neglect, though it requires a considerable investment from organizations in training and mentoring data citizens, in building data warehouses or data meshes that focus on end-user self-service needs. The data citizen needs time to learn, to play with the data, build solutions, test their usefulness in the daily tasks, respectively incorporate and disseminate the knowledge gained within the organization. 

There are many scenarios in which results can be obtained with a minimum of effort, however there are also hard limits. Besides the learning effort and the time available, there are cognitive, knowledge and ability limits that vary from person to person. Understanding what good architecture, design and techniques means is unfortunately not for everybody, and here's where the concept of citizen data analyst or citizen scientist breaks, and this independently of the tools used. There are also IT people who have similar challenges. 

It must be also recognized that the solutions built in the early stages by data citizens are primarily personal solutions that need to be reviewed and brought to the standards adopted by the organization. In time, it's expected to reduce considerably such effort by evolving data citizen's knowledge and skillset. Without this further work, the solutions built will tend to display some of the shortcomings of the solutions built on MS Access or Excel

The concept of data citizen can work as long the various assumptions and needs are adequately addressed, however progress will not happen overnight. The effort needs to become part of organization's long-term strategy, and the effort can be considerable for many organizations. Mentorship in terms of technical and non-technical support is needed. It's advisable to proceed in small iterative steps and integrate gradually the lessons learned.

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[1] “Mankind in the Making”, by Herbert G Wells, 1903 [Source]

13 June 2020

🧭☯Business Intelligence: Self-Service BI (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)

Business Intelligence

Self-Service BI
(SSBI) is a form of Business Intelligence (BI) in which the users are enabled and empowered to explore and analyze the data, respectively build reports and visualizations on their own, with minimal IT support. 

The Good: Modern SSBI tools like PowerBI, Tableau or Qlik Sense provide easy to use and rich functionality for data preparation, exploration, discovery, integration, modelling, visualization, and analysis. Moreover, they integrated the advances made in graphics, data storage and processing (e.g. in-memory processing, parallel processing), which allow addressing most of data requirements. With just a few drag-and-drops users can display details, aggregate data, identify trends and correlations between data. Slice-and-dice or passthrough features allow navigating the data across dimensions and different levels of details. In addition, the tools can leverage the existing data models available in data warehouses, data marts and other types of data repositories, including the rich set of open data available on the web.

With the right infrastructure, knowledge and skills users can better understand and harness the business data, using them to address business questions, they can make faster and smarter decisions rooted in data. SSBI offers the potential of increasing the value data have for the organization, while improving the time to value for data products (data models, reports, visualizations). 

The Bad: In the 90s products like MS Excel or Access allowed users to build personal solutions to address gaps existing in processes and reporting. Upon case, the personal solutions gained in importance, starting to be used by more users to the degree that they become essential for the business. Thus, these islands of data and knowledge started to become a nightmare for the IT department, as they were supposed to be kept alike and backed-up. In addition, issues like security of data, inefficient data processing, duplication of data and effort, different versions of truth, urged the business to consolidate such solutions in standardized solutions. 

Without an adequate strategy and a certain control over the outcomes of the SSBI initiatives, organization risk of reaching to the same deplorable state, with SSBI initiatives having the potential to bring more damage than the issues they can solve. Insufficient data quality and integration, unrealistic expectations, the communication problems between business and IT, as well insufficient training and support have the potential of making SSBI’s adoption more difficult.

The investment in adequate SSBI tool(s) might be small compared with the further changes that need to be done within the technical and logistical BI infrastructure. In addition, even if the role of IT is minimized, it doesn’t mean that IT needs to be left out of the picture. IT is still the owner of the IT infrastructure, it still needs to oversight the self-service processes and the flow of data, information and knowledge within the organization. From infrastructure to skillset, there are aspects of the SSBI that need to be addressed accordingly. The BI professional can’t be replaced entirely, though the scope of his work may shift to address new types of challenges.

Not understanding that SSBI initiatives are iterative, explorative in nature and require time to bring value, can put unnecessary pressure on those being part of it. Renouncing to SSBI initiatives without attempting to address the issues and stir them in the right direction hinder an organization and its employees’ potential to grow, with all the implication deriving from it.

The Ugly: Despite the benefits SSBI can bring, its adoption within organizations remains low. Whether it’s business’ credibility in own forces, or the inherent technical or logistical challenges, SSBI follows the BI trend of being a promise that seldom reaches its potential.

02 March 2016

🧭Business Intelligence: Perspectives (Part III: Self-Service BI)

Business Intelligence


According to Gartner, the world's leading information technology research and advisory company, Self-Service BI (aka self-service analytics, ad-hoc analysis, personal analytics), for short SSBI, is a “form of business intelligence (BI) in which line-of-business professionals are enabled and encouraged to perform queries and generate reports on their own, with nominal IT support” [1].

Reading between the lines, SSBI presumes the existence of an infrastructure made of tools to support it (aka self-service BI tools), direct or indirect access to row data and/or data models for the users, and the skillset needed in order to work with data and answer to business problems/questions.

A Little History

The concept of self-service is not new, it just got “rebranded” and transformed into a business opportunity. The need for business users to perform ad-hoc analyses was always there in organizations, especially in the ones not having the right infrastructure for harnessing their data. Even since the 90s with the appearance of products like MS Excel or MS Access in many organizations users were forced by the state of art to learn how to use such products in order to get the answers they needed from the data. Users started building personal solutions, many of them temporary, intended to fill the reporting gaps organizations had. With a little effort and relatively small investment users had the possibility of playing with the data, understanding the data, identifying and solving problems in the business. They acquired thus a certain level of business expertise and data awareness becoming valuable resources in the organization.

With time such solutions grew in scope and data volume, gained broader visibility and reached deeper in organizations, some of them becoming team, departmental or cross-departmental solutions. What grows uncontrolled with time starts to have negative impact on the environment. First tools’ management became a problem because the solutions needed to be backed-up and maintained regularly, then other problems started to surface: security of data, inefficient data processing as increasing volumes of data were processed on local computers and transferred over the network, data and effort were duplicated, different versions of reality existed as different numbers were reported, numbers that were reflecting different definitions, knowledge about the business or data-analysis skillsets. The management needed a more consolidated and standardized effort in order to address these problems. Organizations were forced or embraced the idea of investing money in modern BI solutions, in more powerful servers capable of handling a larger amount of requests, in flexible data models that facilitate data consumption, in data quality initiatives. Thus through various projects a considerable number of such solutions were converted into more standardized and performant BI solutions, the IT department being in control of the changes and new requests.

Back to Present

With IT in control of the reporting requirements the business is forced to rely on the rapidity with which IT is able to address new requirements. Some organizations acquired internal resources in order to build reports and afferent infrastructure in-house, others created partnerships with vendors, or approached a combination of the two. As the volume of requirements isn’t uniform over time, the business has to wait several days between the time a requirement was addressed to IT and a solution was provided. In business terms a few of days of waiting for data can equate with the loss of an opportunity, a decision taken too late, decision that could have broader impact.

A few years ago things started to change when the ad-hoc analysis concept was rebranded as self-service and surfaced as trend. This time vendors like Qlik, Tableau, MicroStrategy or Microsoft, some of the main SSBI vendors, are offering easy to use and rich functionality tools for data integration, visualization and discovery, tools that reflect the advances made in graphics, data storage and processing technologies (e.g. in-memory databases, parallel processing). With just a few drag-and-drops users are able to display details, aggregate data, identify trends and correlations between data. In addition the tools can make use of the existing data models available in data warehouses, data marts and other types of data repositories, including the rich set of open data available on the web.

Looking at the Future

Like its predecessors, SSBI seems to address primarily data analysts and data-aware business users (aka data citizens), however in time is expected to be adopted by more organizations and become more mature where already adopted. Of course, some of the problems from the early days more likely will resurface though through governance, better architectures and tools, integration with other BI capabilities, trainings and awareness most of the problems will be overcome. More likely there will be also organizations in which SSBI will fail. In the end each organization will need to find by itself the value of SSBI.

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[1] Gartner (2016) Self-Service Analytics [Online] Available from:
] Gartner (2016) Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms, by Josh Parenteau, Rita L. Sallam, Cindi Howson, Joao Tapadinhas, Kurt Schlegel, Thomas W. Oestreich [Online] Available from:

27 February 2016

🧭Business Intelligence: Perspectives (Part II: The Complexity Myth)

Business Intelligence


While looking over “Business Intelligence Concepts and Platform Capabilities” Coursera MOOC resources for Module 2 I run into two similar articles from Solutions Review, respectively Information Age. What caught my attention was the easiness with which the complexity of BI “myth” is approached in both columns.

According to the two sources the capabilities of nowadays BI tools “enabled business users to easily identify and present trends in an impactful way” [1], and “do not require an expert at the helm” [2]. It became thus simpler for users to independently query data and create interactive reports and presentations [2]. In both columns one can read between the lines that the simplicity of using BI tools is equivalent with negating the complexity of BI, which from my point of view is false. In fact here are regarded especially the self-service BI tools, in trend nowadays, that allow users to easily perform ad-hoc analysis with a minimal involvement from IT. Self-service BI is only a subset of what BI for organizations means, and just a capability from the many BI capabilities an organization needs in theory, even if some organizations might use it extensively.

Beyond the Surface

A BI tool is not a BI solution per se, even if many generic BI solutions for different systems are available out of the box. This is one of the biggest confusion managers, users and unfortunately also BI professionals make. A BI tool offers the technological basis for creating a BI infrastructure, though it comes with no guarantees. It takes a well-defined IT and business strategy, one or more successful projects, skillful developers and users in order to harness the BI investment.

On the other side it’s also true that organizations can obtain results also from less, though BI doesn’t equates with any ad-hoc analysis performed by users, even if they use BI tools for this purpose. BI is not only about tools, reporting and revealing trends in the data. BI often implies a holistic knowledge about the business and certain data awareness, without which users will start aggregating and comparing apples with pears and wonder why they taste and look different.

If everything were so simple then why so many BI projects fail to deliver what’s expected? Why so many managers complain that they don’t have the data they need, when they need them? Sure maybe the problem lies in over-complexifying the whole BI landscape and treating everything from a high-level, though that’s more likely not it.

It’s a Teamwork Knowledge Game

BI is or needs to be monitoring and problem solving oriented. This requires a deep understanding about processes and business. There are business users and also BI professionals who don’t have the knowledge one needs in order to approach a business problem. One can see that from the premises they have, the questions they raise, the data they consider, the models they build, and the results.

From a BI professional’s perspective, even if one has a broad knowledge about various businesses, one often lacks the insight in a given business. BI professionals can seldom provide adequate BI solutions without input and feedback from the business. Some BI professionals rely too much on their knowledge, same as the business sometimes expects a maximum output from BI professionals by providing a minimum of input.

Considering the business users, quite often their focus and knowledge cover only the data boundaries of their department, while many problems extend over those boundaries. They know facts that are not necessarily reflected in the data. Even if they are closer to the data than other parties, they still lack some data-awareness (including statistical awareness) in order to approach problems.

Somebody was saying ironically when talking about users’ data and problem solving skills - “not everybody is a Bill Gates or Steve Jobs”. Continuing the idea, one can’t expect users to act as such. For sure there are many business users who are better problem solvers than BI consultants, though on the other side one can’t expect that the average business user will have the same skillset as an experienced BI consultant. This is in fact one of the problems of self-service BI. Probably with time and effort organization will develop such resources, though some help from BI professionals will be still needed. Without a good cooperation between the business and BI professionals an organization might not have the hoped results when investing in BI

More on Complexity

The complexity arises when one tries to make more with the data, especially the data found in raw form. Usually the complexity of raw data can be addressed by building a logical or physical model that allows easier consumption of data. Here is the point where the users find themselves overwhelmed, because for this is required a good knowledge of the physical data model and its semantics, the technical knowledge to build models and the skills to reengineer the logic available in the source systems. These are the themes BI professionals are supposed to excel in. Talking about models, they are the most difficult to build because they reflect various segments of the business, they reflect a breakdown of the complexity. It’s also the point where many BI projects fail as the built models don’t reflect the reality or aren’t capable to answer to business questions.

Coming back to the two columns, I have to point out that the complexity of a subject or domain can’t be judged based on how easy is to approach basic tasks. The complexity lies typically when one goes beyond the basics, when one dives into details. In case of BI its complexity starts when one attempts mixing various technologies and knowledge domains to model and solve daily business problems in an integrated, holistic, aligned, consistent and cost-effective manner. The more the technologies, the knowledge domains and constraints one has to consider, the more complex the BI landscape and solutions become.

On the other side this doesn’t mean that the BI infrastructure can’t be simplified, that BI can’t rely heavily or exclusively on self-service BI solutions. However for each strategy there are advantages and disadvantages and one more likely has to consider both sides of the coin in the process. And self-service BI has its own trade-offs, weaknesses that can be transformed in strengths with time.


When one considers nowadays BI tools capabilities, ad-hoc analyses are relatively easy to perform and can lead to results, though such analyses don’t equate with BI and the simplicity with which they are performed don’t necessarily imply that BI is simple as a whole. When one considers the complexity of nowadays businesses, the more one dives in various problems a business has, the more complex the BI landscape seems. In the end it’s in each organization powers to simplify and harmonize its BI infrastructure to a degree that its business goals aren’t affected negatively.

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[1] Information Age (2015) 5 Myths about Intelligence, by Ben Rossi, [Online] Available from: 
[2] SolutionsReview (2015) Top 5 Business Intelligence Myths Revealed, by Timothy King, [Online] Available from:
[3] Gartner (2016) Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms, by Josh Parenteau, Rita L. Sallam, Cindi Howson, Joao Tapadinhas, Kurt Schlegel, Thomas W. Oestreich [Online] Available from: 
[4] Coursera (2016) Business Intelligence Concepts, Tools, and Applications MOOC, led by Jahangir Karimi, University of Colorado, [Online] Available from:

10 January 2015

📊Business Intelligence: Self-Service BI (Definitions)

Self-service business intelligence (BI): "A self-service BI is a semantic layer that enables business users to perform ad hoc reporting and analysis with no IT intervention. Self-service BI helps in the higher adoption of BI solutions." (Saumya Chaki, "Enterprise Information Management in Practice", 2015)

Self-Service BI: "The activity of end users being self-sufficient in supplying themselves with Business Intelligence reports and/ or queries without having to rely on IT." (BI System Builders)

"Self-service analytics or self-service business intelligence refers to tools used to connect and analyze data, and which are operated primarily by business departments in the organization – rather than IT professionals or dedicated data analysts." (Sisense) [source]

"Self-service BI is a trend with a somewhat vague definition. In the most general sense, self-service BI tasks are those that business users carry out themselves instead of passing them on to IT for fulfillment. The aim is to give the users of BI tools more freedom and responsibility at the same time. At its heart lies the notion of user independence and self-sufficiency when it comes to the use of corporate information, which leads to a decentralization of BI in the organization." (BI Survey) [source]

"Self-service BI (business intelligence) is a software tool or application that empowers business users to analyze data, visualize insights, and obtain and share information in the form of reports and self-service BI dashboards – without the help of IT." (Logi Analytics) [source]

25 March 2010

🧭Business Intelligence: Enterprise Reporting (Part VII: A Reporting Guy’s Issues)

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Series


For more than 6 years, between many other tasks (software development, data migrations, support), I was also the "reporting guy", taking care of ad-hoc reporting requirements, building a data warehouse and a reporting solution for the customer I worked for. 99% of the reports were based on the two ERP systems (Oracle e-Business Suite & IFS-iV) the customer had in place during this time, fact that helped me learn a lot about the data architecture of such systems, about processes, data, data quality and many other issues related to data, how to do and how not do things. In this post I just want to highlight some of the issues I was confronted with, and I don’t intend to point the finger at anybody, so I apologize if anybody is offended!

The Lack of Knowledge about the Business

Even if it’s hard to believe, the main issue was revolving around the lack of relevant documentation on applications, especially on database models and processes, or, even if there were such documents, they were not updated and the value of true of the information contained were supposed to be always checked against the data. Of course, there are always knowledge workers from whom valuable information could be elicited though they were not always available and many of them are highly specialized in their field. Therefore, one needs to interview multiple users to build a close to complete picture, and even then, one must check the newly acquired information against the data! From time to time, one may even find out that the newly acquired information doesn’t entirely match the reality, that there are always exceptions and (business) rules forgotten or not known

Sometimes, it’s easier to derive knowledge directly from the data, table structure and other developers’ experience (e.g. blogs, books, forums) rather than hunting down the knowledge workers. Things aren't that bad, despite the reengineering part, in the end one manages to get the job done, though it takes more time. Sometimes it took even 2-3 more time to accomplish a task, time for which one could found better use. However, in time, accumulating more experience, I become proactive by exploring (and mapping) the unknown "territories" in the breaks between tasks, a fact that allowed me to easier fulfill users’ reporting requests.

Oracle e-Business Suite  

During the past 3 years I have been supporting mainly Oracle e-Business Suite (EBS) users with reports and knowledge about the system, and therefore most of the issues were related to it. In addition to its metadata system implemented in system table structure, Oracle tried to build an external metadata system for its ERP system, namely Metalink (I think it was replaced last year), though there were/are still many gaps in documentation. It’s true that many such gaps derive from the customizations performed when implementing the ERP system, though I would estimate that they qualify only for 20% of the gaps and refer mainly to the Flex Fields (customer-defined fields) used for the various purposes. 

A second important issue was related to the Oracle database engine, were several bugs not patched that didn’t allowed me to use SQL ANSI 92 syntax for linking more than 6-7 tables to a parent table, fact that made me abuse of inline views to solve this issue; even if Oracle had for long a patch to address this, it wasn’t deployed by admins, maybe from well supported reasons. A third issue was related to the different naming conventions used for the same attributes from the source system, mainly a result of the fact that solutions brought from other bought vendors were integrated with a minimum of changes. A fourth issue is related to the poor UI and navigation, basic if we consider the advances made in web technologies during the past years. Conversely, given the complexity of an ERP system, it’s challenging to change the UI at this scale.

 Self-Service BI

There's the belief that everybody can write a query and/or of an ad-hoc report. It’s true that writing a query is a simple task and in theory anybody could learn to it without much of effort, though there are other aspects related to Software Engineering and Project Management, respectively related to a data professional's experience than need to be considered. There are aspects like choosing the right data source, right attributes and level of detail, design the query or solution for the best performance (eventually building an index or using database objects that allow better performance) and reuse, use adequate business rules (e.g. ignoring inactive records or special business cases), synchronize the logic with other reports otherwise two people will show the management distinct numbers, mitigate the Data Quality and Deliverables Quality issues, identify the gaps between reports, etc.

In addition, having users create personal solutions instead of using a more standardized approach is quite risky because the result is a web of such siloed solutions over which there's no control from a strategic and/or data security point of view. Conversely, the users need the possibility to analyze the data by themselves (aka self-service BI), to join data coming from multiple sources. Therefore, special focus should be given also to such requirements, though once their reporting needs have been stabilized, they should be moved, if possible, to a more standardized solution.

When multiple developers are approaching reporting requirements they should work as a team and share knowledge not only on the legacy system but also on users’ requirements, techniques used and best practices. Especially when they are dispersed all over the globe, I know it’s difficult to bring cohesion in a team, make people produce deliverables as if they were written by the same person, though not so impossible to achieve with a little effort from all the parties involved. 

Why I’m mentioning this? The problem is that the more variability is introduced in deliverables, greater the risk is to have the quality of deliverables questioned, in time leading to users not adopting a system or preferring to use one resource in the detriment of another. Moreover, must be considered also the effort needed to find the gaps between reports, to modify deliverables to expectations, etc. From this perspective is always a good idea to document at least at minimum all deliverables, detailing the scope and particularities of the respective request. I know that many believe that code is self-explanatory and needs no additional documentation, though when the basic needed documentation is not available, it's occasionally challenging to intuit the context and identify the problem, respectively why a technique or a certain level of detail was preferred, or why some constraints were used. 


Outsourcing is a hot topic these days, when in the context of the current economic crisis organizations are forced to reduce the headcount and cut costs, and thus this has inevitably touched also the reporting area. Outsourcing makes sense when the interfaces between service providers and the customers are well designed and implemented. Beyond the many benefits and issues outsourcing approaches come with, people have to consider that for a developer to create a report is needed not only knowledge about the legacy systems and tools used to extract, transform and prepare the data, but also knowledge about the business itself, about users expectations and organization’s culture, the latter two points being difficult to experience in a disconnected and distributed environment. 

Of course, even if delivering the same result and quality is possible as if the developers were onsite, in the end outsourcing implies additional iterations and overwork, the users need to be trained to specify the reporting requirements adequately or a special resource needs to be available to translate the requirements between the parties involved, lot of back-and-forth communication and all the other issues deriving from it. 

Outsourcing makes sense from a reporting perspective, though it might take time to become efficient. Anyway, the decisions for this approach are usually taken at upper management level. From a reporting guy's perspective, if I consider the amount of additional effort and time spent to deliver comparable quality, I will say "No" to an outsourcing model when the time used to build something is just shifted in managing the communication with the outsourcer, writing emails after emails for issues that could have been solved in a 10-minute meeting. Probably the time and money can be invested in other resources that better enable the process. 

Written: Mar-2010, Last Reviewed: Apr-2024

08 November 2008

🧭Business Intelligence: Enterprise Reporting (Part I: An Introduction)

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Series


Let's suppose that your company invested a lots of money in an ERP system, and besides the complex setup many customizations were made. To increase ERP system's value, monitor the operations and make accurate decisions you'll need some reports out of it. What do you do then?

In general, there are 5 types of reporting needs: 
  • OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) system providing reports with actual (live) data;
  • OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) reports with drill-down, roll-up, slice and dice or pivoting functionality, working with historical data, the data source(s) being refreshed periodically;
  • ad-hoc reports – reports provided on request, often satisfying one time reports or reports with sporadic needs;
  • Data Mining tool(s) focusing on knowledge discovery (aka Data Science);
  • direct data access and analysis (aka self-service BI).
Standard Reports 

ERP systems like Oracle Applications, Dynamics AX/365 or SAP come by default with a set of (predefined) standard reports, which in theory cover basic reporting needs. Unfortunately the standard reports are not as flexible as expected, e.g. they can be exported only to text and/or in a non-tabular format, and therefore impossible to reuse for detailed analysis, have inadequate filtering parameters/constraints, behavior or scope. If existing functionality has been customized, most probably existing reports need to be adapted to the new logic. In the end customers need to change the existing reports or adopt an OLAP solution.
Vendors tend to keep the secrecy about their solutions and/or don't invest much time into documenting systems' functionality. Therefore, the information about ERP’s internals is limited, while good developers are hard to find or really expensive, and often they needing to reinvent the wheel. ERP vendors do provide documentation about their system's internals, though there are still many gaps concerning tables’ structure and functionality. Fortunately, armed with enough patience, some knowledge about existing business processes and databases, a developer can reengineer an important part of the logic, though there's always a shade of doubt whether the logic is entirely correct or complete. Other good news is that more and more professionals blog on ERP topics, however few are the source that bring something new.

OLAP Reporting  

OLAP solutions presume the existence of a data warehouse that reflects the business model, and when intelligently built it can satisfy an important percentage from the BI requirements. Building a data warehouse or a set of data marts is an expensive and time consuming endeavor and rarely arrives to satisfy everybody’s needs. There are also vendors that provide commercial off-the-shelf data models and solutions, and at a first view they look like an important deal, however such models are inflexible and seldom cover all requirements. One can end up by customizing and extending the model, running in all kind of issues involving model’s design, flexibility, quality, resources and costs.   
There are many ways in which things can go wrong or be misused. One of such scenarios is when an OLAP system is used to satisfy OLTP reporting needs. It’s like using a city car in a country cross race – you might make it to compete or even end the race, if you are lucky enough, but don’t expect to make a success out of it!

Ad-hoc Reporting   

The need for ad-hoc reports will be there no matter how complete and flexible are your existing reports. There are always new requirements that must be fulfilled in utile time and not rely on the long cycle time needed for an OLTP/OLAP report. Actually many of the reports start as ad-hoc reports and once their scope and logic stabilized they are moved to the reporting solution. Talking about new reports requirements, it worth to mention that many of the users don’t know exactly what they want, what is possible to get and what information it makes sense to show and at what level of detail in order to have a report that reflects the reality. 

In theory is needed a person who facilitate the communication between users and development team, especially when the work is outsourced. Such a person should have in theory a deep understanding of the business, of the ERP system and reporting possibilities, deeper the knowledge, shorter the delivery cycle time. Maybe such a person could be dispensable if the users and development have the required skill set and knowledge to define and interpret clearly the requirements, however I doubt that’s achievable on large scale. On the other side such attributions could be taken by the IM or functional leaders that support the ERP system, it might work, at least in theory.

Data Mining   

Data Mining tools and models are supposed to leverage the value of an ERP system beyond the functionality provided by analytic reports by helping to find hidden patterns and trends in data, to elaborate predictions and estimates. Here I resume only saying that DM makes sense only when the business reached a certain maturity, and I’m considering here mainly the costs/value ratio (the expected benefits needing to be greater than the costs) and effort required from business side in pursuing such a project.

Self-Service BI   

There are situations in which the functionality provided by reporting tools doesn’t fulfill users’ requirements, one of such situations being when users (aka data citizens) need to analyze data by themselves, to link data from different sources, especially Excel sheets. It’s true that vendors tried to address such requirements, though I don’t think they are mature enough, easy to use or allow users to go beyond their skills and knowledge.
Most of such scenarios resume in accessing various sources over ODBC or directly using Excel or MS Access, such solutions being adequate more for personal use. The negative side is that people arrive to misuse them, often ending up by having a multitude of such solution which maybe would make sense to have implemented as a report.

There are managers who believe that such tools would allow eliminating the need for ad-hoc reports, it might be possible in isolated cases though don’t expect from users to be a Bill Inmon or Bill Gates!


All the tools have their limitations, no matter how complex they are, and I believe that not always a single reporting tool or platform will address all requirements. Each of such tools need a support team and even a center of excellence, so assure yourself that you have the resources, knowledge and infrastructure to support them!

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.