Showing posts with label D365. Show all posts
Showing posts with label D365. Show all posts

25 December 2024

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Number of Records IV (via sys.partitions DMV)

To get the exact number of records in a table one can use the COUNT (see post) or the more recent COUNT_BIG function, though for big tables this can be an inefficient operation for the database engine:

-- number of records via COUNT
SELECT count(*) row_count
FROM SalesLT.Product

Moreover, sometimes the operation needs to be repeated for a number of tables, e.g. dropdown tables in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365 F&O). Writing the query as a UNION allows to export the data as a single table and do comparisons (e.g. in Excel). The same approach can be used also when multiple columns are used for grouping, though one must account for the additional columns in the other subqueries. However, the more tables are involved, the more difficult it becomes to maintain the query over time. 
-- number of records via COUNT for multiple tables
SELECT 'SalesLT.Product' table_name
, count(*) row_count
FROM SalesLT.Product
SELECT 'SalesLT.ProductDescription' table_name
, count(*) row_count
FROM SalesLT.ProductDescription
SELECT 'SalesLT.ProductModel' table_name
, count(*) row_count
FROM SalesLT.ProductModel

There are many scenarios in which it's needed to get an approximate of the number of records available in a table and doing a record count might prove to be too expensive. For a quick and dirty solution one can use the sys.partitions DMV  instead:

-- number of records via DMV for single object
SELECT object_id
, OBJECT_NAME(object_id) object_name
, OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(object_id) schema_name
, SUM(Rows) AS row_count
, data_compression_desc AS compression_type
, COUNT(*) partitions_count
FROM sys.partitions 
WHERE index_id < 2 --ignore the partitions from the non-clustered index if any
  AND OBJECT_ID('SalesLT.Product') = object_id
GROUP BY object_id
, data_compression_desc
ORDER BY row_count DESC;

The query is based on sys.partitions table [1] which contains a row for each partition of all the tables and most types of indexes in the database. The documentation mentions that "rows" indicates the approximate number of rows in the considered partition.

Alternatively, one can bring more tables into the query to extend its range of applicability. 

-- number of records via DMVs
SELECT + '.' + SearchName
, S.Name SchemaName
, TableName
, P.row_count
, P.compression_type
, P.partitions_count
FROM sys.tables T
     LEFT JOIN (
        SELECT object_id
        , SUM(Rows) AS row_count
        , data_compression_desc AS compression_type
        , COUNT(*) partitions_count
        FROM sys.partitions 
        WHERE index_id < 2 --ignore the partitions from the non-clustered index if any
        --AND OBJECT_ID('SalesLT.Product') = object_id
        GROUP BY object_id
        , data_compression_desc
     ) P
    ON T.object_id = P.object_id
     JOIN sys.schemas as S
	   on S.schema_id = T.schema_id
WHERE S.Name = 'SalesLT'
  AND T.Name LIKE 'Product%'
ORDER BY row_count DESC;

The data can be exported regularly to give an idea how tables' cardinality changes over time. One can find this useful as part of the loading process in data warehouses or other solutions (e.g. data migrations). 

By using a FULL JOIN instead of a LEFT JOIN one can retrieve only the tables that have records. 

One should consider only the tables in scope, and eventually remove the records associated with the system objects (e.g. sys or information_schema upon case).

 -- constraints to be added in the WHERE clause to remove the records related to system objects
 AND OBJECT_NAME(object_id) NOT LIKE 'sys%'
 AND OBJECT_NAME(object_id) NOT LIKE 'queue_%' 
 AND OBJECT_NAME(object_id) NOT LIKE 'filestream_tombstone%' 

There are also scenarios in which the count is needed only for a subset of the data. It's the case of D365 F&O (in which the number of records is needed by DataAreaId (aka company) or another field. A solution can be built using the sp_MSForEachTable stored procedure (see the last query from this post) and a cursor.

1) Unfortunately, in Microsoft Fabric warehouses the sys.partitions.rows is 0 for all user tables and currently also the sp_MSForEachTable stored procedure can't be used to retrieve the number of records for all tables. However, one can create an old-fashioned cursor for iterating though the collection of tables in scope.
2) The code used in this post is available also in the GitHub repository.

Happy coding and Merry Christmas!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) sys.partitions (Transact-SQL) [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) COUNT_BIG (Transact-SQL) [link]

04 March 2024

🧭🏭Business Intelligence: Microsoft Fabric (Part II: Domains and the Data Mesh I -The Challenge of Structure Matching)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

The holy grail of building a Data Analytics infrastructure seems to be nowadays the creation of a data mesh, a decentralized data architecture that organizes data by specific business domains. This endeavor proves to be difficult to achieve given the various challenges faced  – data integration, data ownership, data product creation and ownership, enablement of data citizens, respectively enforcing security and governance in a federated manner. 

Microsoft Fabric promises to facilitate the creation of data mashes with the help of domains and subdomain by providing built-in security, administration, and governance features associated with them. A domain is a way of logically grouping together all the data in an organization that is relevant to a particular area or field. A subdomain is a way for fine tuning the logical grouping of the data.

Business domains
Business domains & their entities

At high level the challenge of building a data mesh is on how to match or aggregate structures. On one side is the high-level structure of the data mesh, while on the other side is the structure of the business data entities. The data entities can be grouped within a taxonomy with multiple levels that expands to the departments. That’s why it seems somehow natural to consider the departments as the top-most domains of the data mesh. The issue is that if the segmentation starts from a high level, iI becomes inflexible in modeling. Moreover, one has only domains and subdomains, and thus a 2-level structure to model the main aspects of the data mesh.

Some organizations allow unrestricted access to the data belonging to a given department, while others breakdown the access to a more granular level. There are also organizations that don’t restrict the access at all, though this may change later. Besides permissions and a way of grouping together the entities, what value brings to set the domains as departments? 

Therefore, I’m not convinced about using an organizations’ departmental structure as domains, especially when such a structure may change and this would imply a full range of further changes. Moreover, such a structure doesn’t reflect the span of processes or how permissions are assigned for the various roles, which are better reflected on how information systems are structured. Most probably the solution needs to accommodate both perspective and be somehow in the middle. 

Take for example the internal structure of the modules from Dynamics 365 (D365). The Finance area is broken down in Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivables, Fixed Assets, General Ledger, etc. In some organizations the departments reflect this delimitation to some degree, while in others are just associated with finance-related roles. Moreover, the permissions are more granular and, reflecting the data entities the users work with. 

Conversely, SCM extends into Finance as Purchase orders, Sales orders and other business documents are the starting or intermediary points of processes that span modules. Similarly, there are processes that start in CRM or other systems. The span of processes seem to be more appropriate for structuring the data mesh, though the system overlapping with the roles involved in the processes and the free definition of process boundaries can overcomplicate the whole design.

It makes sense to define the domains at a level that resembles the structure of the modules available in D365, while the macro data-entities represent the subdomain. The subdomain would represent then master as well as transactional data entities from the perspective of the domains, with there will be entities that need to be shared between multiple domains. Such a structure has less chances to change over time, allowing more flexibility and smaller areas of focus and thus easier to design, develop, test, deploy and maintain.

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10 January 2024

📦Data Migrations (DM): Conceptualization (Part VIII: Create a Data Migration Strategy for Dynamics 365)

Data Migration
Data Migration Series

Microsoft made available a module on creating a Data Migration strategy (DMS) for Dynamics 365 solutions [1] and provides a template for the DMS workshop on GitHub. Despite the all-encompassing title, the module focuses mainly on the latter. Here are several points to consider in addition.

The workshop allows to gather most important aspects related to the DM, however it's useful to make the strategy explicit as part of a document and share it with the team. The DMS document should follow the general elaboration of a strategy by providing information about the current and targeted state, goals and objectives, assumptions, dependencies, risks and opportunities, the architecture (including alternatives that need to be explored), direct and interfacing processes, roles involved and their responsibilities, communication paths (including escalation), etc. 

Even if the template discusses general aspects, the treatment of best practices is minimal (see some technical and architectural aspects).

The DMS should describe when possible the high-level architecture planned for DM. The architecture section can be updated as the project progresses. 

One can plan for 3-4 dry-runs plus the UAT, though further iterations might be needed depending on the data quality, respectively the complexity of the logic needed. Each dry-run will have its own scope (in terms of entities and number of records) and objectives (in terms of passed tests), while the UAT attempts to mimic the same conditions the as DM for Go-Live.

Several iterations are usually needed to identify the entities in scope. Moreover, the scope will suffer several changes as new entities and migration areas are identified. There are high the chances that some data entities will be forgotten or postponed after Go Live. Upon case, the business might approach a phased implementation, each with their own DM,

It's useful to have a list of the entities available in the organization and map them to the entities available in the target system(s). This allows to identify the gaps on the DM side. There will be entities for which data need to be provided, entities for which there's no counterpart in the target system, respectively entities with different levels of detail.

An important step of the process is defining the business rules that apply - what subset of data is migrated (e.g. active referenced master data, open transactions, etc.). The definitions will suffer further changes as business perception about what's needed changes.

As they'll go through multiple changes, it's useful to have such lists in Excel or similar repositories and reference them in the strategy and further documents. 

The strategy can also target the post-Go-Live migration activities, though the process and architecture might be slightly different, even if many of the requirements still apply. One can devise the further aspects as part of the DMS or consider them as part of the Data Management strategy and operations.

 Despite the considerable overlapping of the DM with Data Management, at least until now the DM is not considered as part of the latter. Big organizations with periodic DMs might need to consider a broader strategy, following to address punctually the deviations from each project. 

The DM is usually considered as a subproject of the implementation and should be managed as such. Depending on its scope and characteristics (principles, acceptance criteria) the DM might use a different methodology and timeline than the main project. Defining project's goals/objectives, outcomes, stakeholders, timeline, phases, and milestones, respectively the high-level assumptions, dependencies, risks, opportunities and constraints is Project Management 101.

The DM is critical for an implementation's success. It would be useful to describe the architectural alternatives, as well to provide a series of architectural recommendations.

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[1] Microsoft learn (2023) Create a data migration strategy for Dynamics 365 solutions (link)

08 January 2024

🗒️Dynamics 365: Fixed Assets [Note]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources.

Fixed Assets (aka FA)

  • assets that a company owns and uses in the daily operations of the company and are not intended for resale to customers [1]
    • ⇐ the same asset might be classified as a FA in one company and as a current asset or inventory item in another [1]
  • represent permanent value and not just expenditures in the year of acquisition [1]
  • typically depreciated, or expensed, over their useful life
    • other adjustments might also be necessary
    • their useful lives span multiple years [1]
  • treated as balance sheet transactions in the year that they are acquired, and are posted as an asset to a balance sheet account [1]
  • {action} review asset value in the balance sheet (net book value) 
    • should be reviewed at least one time each year  [1]
      • it can be reviewed monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually [1]
    • an adjustment of the asset value in the balance sheet (write-down or write-up) might be necessary  [1]
      • the adjustments are usually caused by some extraordinary occurrences in the market that affect the price if the company were to reacquire the asset. [1]
      • ⇐ accounting principles in some countries or regions prohibit the write-up of assets [1]
  • {action} remove asset from the accounting books
    • when a company no longer has use for the asset [1]
      • ⇐ because it is either being sold or scrapped [1]
    • the original acquisition price and accumulated depreciation of the asset are reversed, and any surplus or loss from the disposal is posted to the profit and loss statement [1]
  • {action} dispose asset
    • the fixed asset transactions that were previously posted are reversed out of the original accounts [1]
    • the net amounts are then moved to the appropriate account for gain and loss for asset disposal [1]
  • Fixed asset groups 
    • allow specifying default attributes for every FA that is assigned to a group [1]
      • include the service life and the depreciation convention.
      • FAs are assigned to a group when they are created [1]
    • the only required field when creating a FA [1]
  • Books 
    • track the financial value of a fixed asset over time by using the depreciation configuration that is defined in the depreciation profile
      • ⇐ each book tracks an independent financial lifecycle of an asset [1]
    • assigned to fixed asset groups
      • {default} the books assigned to the FA group are then assigned to the FA [1]
    •  books that are configured to post to the GL are associated with a posting profile
      • GL accounts are defined for each book in the posting profile and are used when fixed asset transactions are posted [1]
      • ⇐ the configuration is the default setting because it's typically used for corporate financial reporting [1]
    • books that don't post to the GL post only to the Fixed asset subledger and are typically used for tax reporting purposes [1]
      • this approach allows the flexibility to delete historical transactions for the asset book because they haven't been committed to GL [1]
      • {field} Post to general ledger
        • {No}disables posting to the general ledger for the book
          • sets the Posting layer field automatically to None
    • each book that is attached to a FA is set up for a particular posting layer that has an overall depreciation objective [1] 
    • derived books
      • setup in addition to the standard books [1]
      • simplify the posting of FA book transactions that are planned for regular intervals
        • one book is chosen as the primary book, which is usually the one used for accounting depreciation [1]
          • then attach to it other books that are set up to post transactions in the same intervals as the primary book [1]
            • ⇐ tax depreciation books are often set up as derived books [1]
        • allow posting transactions to different posting layers at the same time [1]
        • acquisitions, acquisition adjustments and disposals can be set up with it
          • use acquisition when the book and the derived book should be applied to the FA from the time of the fixed asset acquisition [1]
          • if the primary book and the derived books have the same intervals regarding sale or disposal, all FA transaction types are available for the setup of a derived book [1]
          • depreciation posted in the derived book will be the same amount as was posted for the primary book [1]
            • if the depreciation methods are different between the books, one should not generate depreciation transactions by using the derived process [1]
              • ⇐ the books can then be attached to specific fixed assets [1]
      • the specified derived transactions are posted against the derived books as an exact copy of the primary transaction [1]
        • ⇒ derived transactions are typically set up for acquisitions and disposals, not for depreciation transactions [1]
      • when posting transactions for a book that contains derived books, the derived book transactions are posted automatically in journals, purchase orders, or free text invoices [1]
      • when preparing the primary book transactions in the FA journal, one can view and modify the amounts of the derived transactions before posting them [1]
      • certain accounts are updated only once by postings of the primary book [1]
        • e.g. sales tax and customer or vendor accounts
      • derived book transactions are posted to the accounts that have been defined for the derived book in the FA posting profiles page [1]
      • {exception} books that are set up to post transactions at intervals other than the primary book intervals must be attached to the FA as separate books and not as derived books [1]
  • depreciation
    • an entry that expenses the part of the asset's original purchase price that was used during the year [1]
    • FAs are depreciated in different ways for different purposes
      • depreciation for tax purposes 
        • calculated by using current tax rules to achieve the highest possible depreciation before taxes [1]
      • depreciation for reporting purposes
        • calculated according to accounting laws and standards [1]
      • the various kinds of depreciation are calculated and recorded separately in the posting layers [1]
  • depreciation methods
    • straight line
      • computed by taking the costs of the acquisition and dividing those costs by the expected service life of the asset [1]
        • the rules are usually defined in the local legislation [1]
  • depreciation profiles 
    • allow configuring via rules how the value of an asset is depreciated over time
      • it's needed to define the method of depreciation, the depreciation year (calendar year or fiscal year), and the frequency of depreciation [1]
    • a primary depreciation profile is assigned to every book
      • ⇐ books also have an alternative (aka switchover depreciation) profile, if this type of profile is applicable [1]
        • the depreciation proposal will switch to this profile when the alternative profile calculates a depreciation amount that is equal to or greater than the default depreciation profile [1]
      • ⇐ enable the Calculate depreciation option to automatically include the FA book in depreciation runs [1]
    • usually refers to tangible assets, but intangible assets can also use depreciation profiles [1]
    • financial assets are considered non-depreciable [1]
      •  e.g. shares of stocks or bonds 
    • extraordinary depreciation profile
      • used for additional depreciation of an asset in unusual circumstances [1]
        • e.g. record depreciation that results from a natural disaster
    • depreciation calculation methods:
      • Straight line service life
      • Reducing balance
      • Manual
      • Factor
      • Consumption
      • Straight line life remaining
      • 200% reducing balance
      • 175% reducing balance
      • 150% reducing balance
      • 125% reducing balance
      • ⇐ most companies use one or more of the straight-line methods, one or more of the reducing balance methods, or the manual method [1]
      • ⇐ the rationale for all methods is to allocate or accrue the depreciable value of the asset into accounting periods [1]
        • the depreciable value of the asset is the acquisition price reduced by a scrap value, if any
      • ⇐ many depreciation profiles with the same depreciation method can be created for different calculations [1]
  • posting profile 
    • must be defined for each book that will post to GL, but it can also be defined at a more detailed level [1]
      • e.g. can be defined for the combination of a book and a FA group, or even for an individual FA book [1]
      • Set up a posting profile record general ledger
    • for each posting profile, one must select the relevant transaction type and book, and then designate the ledger accounts [1]
  • {option} Create depreciation adjustments with basis adjustments 
    • {selected} depreciation adjustments will be automatically created when the value of the asset is updated [1]
    • {not selected} the updated asset value will only affect depreciation calculations going forward [1]
    • {not enabled} for an asset, the depreciation proposal skips the asset [1]
  • {optional} define special depreciation allowances, or bonus depreciation, for a specific combination of a fixed asset group and a book [1]
    • assign a priority to the special depreciation allowance to specify the order in which allowances are calculated when multiple allowances are assigned to a book [1]
  • Journal names 
    • create the journal names that should be used with the FA journal.
      • set the Journal type field to 'Post fixed assets'
      • set the Voucher series field so that the journal names are used for the FA journal [1]
      • FA journals should not use the One voucher number only setting
        • ⇐ because a unique voucher number is required for several automated processes, such as transfers and splits [1]
    • each journal used for depreciation is defined by its journal name for only one posting layer [1]
      • the posting layer in the journal can't be changed [1]
        • the restriction helps guarantee that transactions for each posting layer are kept separate [1]
      • at least one journal name must be created for each posting layer [1]
        • for books that don't post to GL create a journal where the posting layer is set to None [1]
  • {parameter} Capitalization threshold
    • determines the assets that are depreciated
    • if a purchase line is selected as a fixed asset, but it doesn't meet the specified capitalization threshold, a fixed asset is still created or updated, but the Calculate prorated depreciation option is set to No. Therefore, the asset won't be automatically depreciated as part of the depreciation proposals.
  • {option} Automatically create depreciation adjustment amounts with disposal
    • {Yes}, the asset depreciation is automatically adjusted, based on the depreciation settings at the time of asset disposal [1]
  • [Purchase orders] 
    • {option} Allow asset acquisition from Purchasing
      • {Yes} asset acquisition occurs when the invoice is posted [1]
      • {No} the FA can be put on a PO and invoice, but the acquisition won't be posted [1]
        • the posting must be done as a separate step, from the FA journal
    • {option} Create asset during product receipt or invoice posting 
      • {enabled} a new asset is created while posting
        • ⇒ the asset doesn't have to be set up as a fixed asset before the transaction
  • [Purchase requisitions] {option} Check for fixed assets creation during line entry
  • Fixed asset number sequence 
    • can be overridden by the FA group number sequence if it has been specified [1]
  • depreciation conventions for groups of assets that are part of the same book
    • {action} updating the depreciation convention
      • delete all depreciation transactions that exist for those assets [1]
      • delete all transactions for depreciation adjustments, transactions for bonus depreciation, and transactions for extraordinary depreciation for those assets [1]
    • {action} update the depreciation convention for assets that have already been disposed
      • delete first the existing disposal transactions [1]
      • delete all transactions that were generated because of the disposal process [1]
    • {action} after updating the depreciation convention for assets
      • process depreciation and extraordinary depreciation for each asset [1]
      • make manual depreciation adjustments, if any adjustments are required [1]
  • [General Ledger] main accounts 
    • {default} the ledger accounts that are defined are used for your FA transactions [1]
    • {recommendation} define the ledger accounts that are used during the disposal processes, both disposal sales and disposal scraps [1]
    • {recommendation} to help guarantee that transactions are correctly reversed, set up accounts for each type of transaction that you use in your business [1]
      • the main account should be the original account set on the posting profile for the transaction type, and the offset account should the gain and loss for disposal account [1]
      • {exception} for the net book value, the main account and the offset account should be set to the gain and loss for disposal account [1]
      • various combinations of main accounts can be created depending on the level of detail needed in GL [1]
    • can be based on transaction types, books, and other main accounts [1]
    • the value of all FAs is typically summarized in multiple main accounts that are required for financial reporting [1]
    • each time a transaction is posted for a FA, the appropriate main accounts are updated
      • ⇐ the main accounts always show the updated value [1]
    • the main accounts that are used for posting are determined by the options for ledger integration that are specified for the item model group [1]
      • the main accounts that are used vary, depending on whether an asset is assigned to the purchase order line [1]
      • the accounts are derived from the posting profile for each item group [1]
  • [Inventory management]
    • inventory items can be transferred to FAs either as an acquisition or as part of an acquisition [1]
      • an inventory item becomes a FA acquisition through 
        • inventory journal
          • one can enter the acquisition of FA that the LE has produced or constructed for itself [1]
        • PO
          • one PO line creates one fixed asset, regardless of the quantity [1]
          • items can be set up for both resale and internal use [1]
            • using specific receipt and issue accounts on item groups for FAs, one can use the same inventory item both for internal purchases and as stock for resale [1]
        • acquisition proposal
        • ⇐ with it a FA book acquisition transaction is created [1]
          • if a book acquisition includes a derived book, the derived book acquisition transaction is also created [1]
    • the effect the acquisition of fixed assets has on inventory depends on LE's setup [1]
      • posting rules control the decrease in inventory when an acquisition is posted [1]
        •  the inventory isn't always decreased when posting invoices related to FA [1]
    • FAs for internal use must have an account type of 
      • 'Fixed asset receipt'
        • used to track FA's receipt
        • when posting a Vendor invoice, use the FA receipt account if any of conditions hold:
          • the invoice line contains an existing FA for internal purposes [1]
          • the New fixed asset? check box is selected for the product receipt line that is posted [1]
          • the 'Create a new fixed asset' check box is selected for the vendor invoice line [1]
        • typically, this account is an expense account
      • 'Fixed asset issue' 
        • used to track the issuing of the FA to the recipient 1[]
        • when an asset is acquired by using a PO, the FA issue account offsets the FA debit account [1]
        • the asset acquisition can be posted either when posting the Vendor invoice or when posting the asset acquisition in the FA journal, possibly by using an acquisition proposal [1]
      • ⇐ setup for either an item group or an individual item by using the Purchase order tab on the Item group or Posting page [1]
    • if an inventory reservation exists when product receipts are posted, one can’t assign or create a FA from the line [1]
    • the accounts that FA transactions are posted to depend on two factors:
      • whether the assets are purchased or constructed by the LE [1]
      • the transaction type of the asset
        • connects the inventory transaction to the posting profile in FAs [1]
        • because the posting profile in FAs defines which accounts are updated, the selection of a transaction type for a FA is also, indirectly, the selection of the main accounts that the transaction is posted to [1]
        • for both constructed and purchased fixed assets, the transaction type is typically Acquisition or Acquisition adjustment [1]
  • [Accounts receivable]
    • the integration uses posting profiles that are set up in FAs
      • activated when a FA, book, and FA transaction type is selected for a Customer invoice before the customer invoice is posted [1]
      • selling a FA must be done via Free text invoices
        • ⇐ because FAs aren’t part of Inventory management [1]
  • [Accounts payable]
    • typically, FAs are acquired from external vendors
  • asset acquisitions are posted either
    • when posting the Vendor invoices
      • FA accounts are updated whenever a Vendor invoice for a FA acquisition is posted [1]
      • the transaction is posted according to the posting profiles that are set up in FAs for the various FA transaction types [1]
    • from FAs
  • [Project management and accounting]
    • a project can be associated with a FA asset that is affected by the project
      • each phase, task, or subproject can be associated to a different asset [1]
      • one FA can be associated with each project record [1]
      • the association is created via the Fixed asset number field on the Projects page [1]
        • typically, applies to projects related to work, maintenance, or improvements for the FA [1]
      • the project type must be either Internal or Cost project
      • clear the Fixed asset number field on the Projects page to delete the association [1]
    • when the project is completed, a write-up adjustment for the asset isn’t created automatically [1]
      • ⇒ must be created manually [1] 
    • one can designate a FA created or manufactured as part of an estimate project [1] 
      • at the end of an estimate project, one can automatically post a FA acquisition transaction [1]

FA - Fixed Asset
GL - General Ledger
LE - Legal Entity
PO - Purchase Order

[1] Microsoft Learn (2023) Configure fixed assets management in Dynamics 365 Finance [link]

30 December 2023

💫ERP Systems: Microsoft Dynamics 365's Invoice Capture (Features) [notes[

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from the various sources (what I considered as important during my exploration of the documentation and further communication) and not to provide an overview of all the features. Please refer to the documentation for a complete overview!

In what concerns the releases see [2].
Last updated: 10-Feb-2025

Invoice Capture - Main Components
Invoice Capture - Main Components [3]

AI Model

  • {feature} prebuilt model (aka Invoice processing model) [by design]
    • can handle the most common invoices in various languages
    • owned by Microsoft and cannot be trained by the customers
  • {feature} custom prebuilt models [planned]
    • built on top of the prebuilt model to handle more complex invoice layouts
    • only requires to train the exceptional invoices
    • after a model is published, additional mapping is required to map the model fields to the invoice files
  • {feature} custom model [by design]
    • requires training the model from scratch 
      • costs time and effort
    • supports the Charges and Sales Tax Amount fields []
    • support lookup lists on custom fields [1.6.0.x]


  • flows that collect the invoices into one location 
    • there's always a 1:1 relationship between flows and channels
  • multiple channels can be defined using different triggers based on Power Automated connectors
  • {feature}default channel for Upload files []
  • {feature} supports multiple sources via flow templates [by design]
    • Microsoft Outlook 365
    • Microsoft Outlook 365 shared mailbox []
      • to achieve similar behavior one had to modify the first steps of the generated flow with the "When a new email arrives in a shared mailbox (V2)" trigger
    • SharePoint
    • OneDrive
    • OneDrive for business []
  • {feature} assign legal entity on the channel
    • the LE value is automatically assigned without applying additional derivation logic [1]
  • invoices sent via predefined channels are captured and appear on the 'Received files' page

Configuration groups 

  • allow managing the list of invoice fields and the manual review settings 
  • can be assigned for each LE or Vendors. 
    • all the legal entities in the same configuration group use the same invoice fields and manual review setting
  • default configuration group 
    • created after deployment, can't be changed or deleted


  • {feature} standard fields 
    • Legal entity 
      • organizations registered with legal authorities in D365 F&O and selected for Invoice capture
      • {feature} allow to enforce role-based security model
      • {feature} synchronized from D365 F&O to CRM 
      • {missing feature} split the invoices between multiple LEs
      • {feature} Sync deleted legal entities 
        • when legal entities are deleted in D365, their status is set to 'Inactive' []
            • ⇐ are not going to be derived during Invoice capture processing
          • ⇒ invoices with inactive legal entities cannot be transferred to D365FO
          • ⇐ same rules apply to vendor accounts
    • Vendor master 
      • individuals or organizations that supply goods or services
      • used to automatically derive the Vendor account
      • {feature} synchronized from D365 F&O to CRM
        • synchronization issues solved [1.6.0.x]
      • {feature}Vendor account can be derived from tax number []
      • {feature} Synchronize vendors based on filter conditions []
        • one can set filter conditions to only synchronize vendors that are suitable for inclusion in Invoice capture
      • {feature} Sync deleted vendor accounts 
        • when vendor accounts are deleted in D365, their status is set to 'Inactive' []
    • Invoice header
      • {feature} Currency code can be derived from the currency symbol []
    • Invoice lines
    • Item master
      • {feature} Item number can be derived from External item number []
      • {feature} default the item description for procurement category item by the value from original document []
    • Expense types (aka Procurement categories) 
    • Charges
      • amounts added to the lines or header
      • {feature} header-level charges []
      • {missing feature}line-level charges 
    • {feature}Financial dimensions 
      • header level []
      • line level [1.3.0.x]
    • Purchase orders
      • {feature} PO formatting based on the number sequence settings
      • {missing feature}PO details
      • {missing feature} multiple POs, multiple receipts 
    • {missing feature} Project information integration
      • {workaround} the Project Id can be added as custom field on Invoice line for Cost invoices and with this the field should be mapped with the corresponding Data entity for transferring the value for D365 F&O
  • {feature} custom fields []

File filter

  • applies additional filtering to incoming files at the application level
  • with the installation a default updatable global file filter is provided
  • can be applied at different channel levels
  • {event} an invoice document is received
    • the channel is checked first for a file filter
    • if no file filter is assigned to the channel level, the file filter at the system level is used [1]
  • {configuration} maximum files size; 20 MB
  • {configuration} supported files types: PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF
  • {configuration} supported file names 
    • filter out files that aren't relevant to invoices [1]
    • rules can be applied to accept/exclude files whose name contains predefined strings [1]

  • Import Invoice
    • {feature} Channel for file upload
      • a default channel is provided for directly uploading the invoice files
      • maximum 20 files can be uploaded simultaneously
  • Capture Invoice
    • {feature} Invoice capture processing
      • different derivation rules are applied to ensure that the invoices are complete and correct [1]
    • {missing feature} differentiate between relevant and non-relevant content}
    • {missing feature} merging/splitting files
      • {workaround} export the file(s), merge/split them, and import the result
  • Void files []
    • once the files voided, it is allowed to be deleted from Dataverse
      • saves storage costs
  • Classify Invoice
    • {feature} search for LEs
    • {feature} assign LE to Channel
      • AP clerks view only the invoices under the LE which are assigned to them
    • {feature} search for Vendor accounts by name or address 
  • Maintaining Headers
    • {feature} multiple sales taxes []
    • {missing feature} rounding-off [only in D365 F&O]
    • {feature} support Credit Notes []
  • Maintaining Lines
    • {feature} Add/remove lines
    • {feature} "Remove all" option for deleting all the invoice lines in Side-by-Side Viewer []
      • Previously it was possible to delete the lines one by one, which by incorrectly formatted big invoices would lead to considerable effort. Imagine the invoices from Microsoft or other cloud providers that contain 5-10 pages of lines. 
    • {feature}Aggregate multiple lines [requested]
      • Now all lines from an invoice have the same importance. Especially by big invoices, it would be useful to aggregate the amounts from multiple lines under one. 
    • {feature} Show the total amount across the lines [requested]
      • When removing/adding lines, it would be useful to compare the total amount across the lines with the one from the header. 
    • Check the UoM consistency between invoice line and linked purchase order line
      • For the Invoice to be correctly processed, the two values must match. 
    • Support for discounts [requested]
      • as workaround, discounts can be entered as separate lines
  • Transfer invoice

  • Automation
    • {parameter} Auto invoice cleanup
      •  automatically cleans up the transferred invoices and voided invoices older than 180 days every day [1]
    • Use continuous learning 
      • select this option to turn on the continuous learning feature
      • learns from the corrections made by the AP clerk on a previous instance of the same invoice [1]
        • records the mapping relationship between the invoice context and the derived entities [1]
        • the entities are automatically derived for the next time a similar invoice is captured [1]
      • {missing feature} standard way to copy the continuous learning from UAT to PROD
      • {feature} migration tool for continuous learning knowledge
        • allows us to transfer the learning knowledge from one environment to another [1.6.0.x]
      • {feature} Continuous learning for decimal format []
        • allows the system to learn from the history record and automatically apply the correct decimal format on the amount fields
          • {requirement} manually correct the first incoming invoice and do the successful transfer
      • {feature} date format handling
        • fixes the issue with date formatting, which is caused by ambiguity in date recognition []
          • when a user corrects the date on the first invoice, the corresponding date format will be automatically applied to the future invoice if it is coming from the same vendor
          •  enabled only when the "Using continuous learning" parameter is active
    • Confidence score check
      • for the prebuilt model the confidence score is always the same 
        • its value is returned by the AI Builder service
        • confidence score can only be improved only when the customer prebuilt model is used 
        •  it can be increased by uploading more samples and do the tagging accordingly
        • a low confidence score is caused by the fact that not enough samples with the same pattern have been trained
      • {parameter} control the confidence score check []
  • Manage file filters
User Interface
  • Side-by-side view [by design]
    • users can adjust column widths []
      • improves the review experience
  • History logs []
    • supported in Received files and Captured invoices
    • help AP clerks know the actions and results in each step during invoice processing 
  • Navigation to D365 F&O []
    • once the invoice is successfully transferred to D365 F&O, a quick link is provided for the AP clerk to open the Pending vendor invoice list in F&O
  • Reporting
    • {missing feature} consolidated overview across multiple environments (e.g. for licensing needs evaluation)
    • {missing features} metrics by Legal entity, Processing status, Vendor and/or Invoice type
      • {workaround} a paginated report can be built based on Dataverse

Data Validation

  • [Invoice Capture] derivation rules 
    • applied to ensure that the invoices are complete and correct [1]
    • {missing feature} derive vendor using the associated email address
    • {parameter} Format purchase order 
      • used to check the number sequence settings in D365 F&O to format the PO number [1]
    • {parameter} Derive currency code for cost invoice
      • used to derive the value from invoice master data in D365 F&O [1]
      • ⇐ the currency code on PO Invoices must be identical to the one on PO
    • {parameter} Validate total sales tax amount 
      • validates the consistency between the sales tax amount on the Sales tax card and the total sales tax amount, when there's a sales tax line [1]
    • {parameter} Validate total amount 
      • confirm alignment between the calculated total invoice amount and the captured total amount [1]
  • [Invoice capture] automation
    • {feature} Automatically remove invalid field value []
      • when enabled, the system automatically removes the value if it doesn't exist in the lookup list
        • eliminates the need to manually removing values during the review, streamlining the process
        • {scenario} invalid payment terms errors
  • [D365 F&O] before workflow submissions [requested]
    • it makes sense to have out-of-box rules 
    • currently this can be done by implementing extensions
  • [D365 F&O] during workflow execution [by design]
Dynamics 365 for Finance [aka D365 F&O]
  • Attachments 
    • {parameter} control document type for persisting the invoice attachment in D365 F&O []
  • Invoice Capture
    • {parameter} select the entities in scope
    • {parameter}differentiate by Invoice type whether Vendor invoice or Invoice journal is used to book the invoices
    • {parameter} Transfer attachment
  • Fixed Assets
    • {missing feature} create Fixed asset automatically during the time the invoice is imported
  • Vendor Invoice Journal 
    • {missing feature} configure what journal the invoice is sent to
      • the system seems to pick the first journal available
      • {parameter} control journal name for creating 'Invoice journal'  []
    • {missing feature}grouping multiple invoices together in a journal (e.g., vendor group, payment terms, payment of method)
  •  Approval Workflow
    • {missing feature} involve Responsible person for the Vendor [requested]
    • {missing feature} involve Buyer for Cost invoices [requested]
    • {missing feature} differentiator between the various types of invoices [requested]
    • {missing feature} amount-based approval [requested]
  • Billing schedule
    • {feature} integration with Billing schedules
    • {feature} modify or cancel Billing schedules
  • Reporting
    • {missing feature} Vendor invoices hanging in the approval workflow (incl. responsible person for current action, respectively error message)
    • {missing feature} Report for GL reconciliation between Vendor invoice and GL via Billing schedules
    • {missing feature} Overview of the financial dimensions used (to identify whether further setup is needed)
  • licensing name: Dynamics 365 E-Invoicing Documents - Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365
  • customers are entitled to 100 invoice capture transactions per tenant per month
    • if customers need more transactions, they must purchase extra Electronic Invoicing SKUs for 1,000 transactions per tenant per month [5] 
      • the transaction capacity is available on a monthly, use-it-or-lose-it basis [5]
      • customers must purchase for peak capacity [5]
  • only the captured invoices are going to be considered as valid transactions [4]
    • files filtered by the file filter setting won't be counted [4]
  •  invoice capture is supported only when the integrated Dataverse environment exists [4]
  • [role] Invoice capture operator
    • must be included in the role settings to 
      • successfully run the derivation and validation logic in Invoice capture [5]
      • transfer the invoice to D365F&O [5]
      • the role must be added to the corresponding flow user on the app side [5]
    •  is only applied on the D365 side [4]
      • ⇒ it doesn't block user to login to Invoice capture [4]
      • ⇐ the corresponding access to the virtual entities will be missed [4]
        • then the user will receive an error [4]
  • [role] Environment maker 
    • must be assigned to the Accounts payable administrator if they create channels in Invoice capture [5]

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2023) Invoice capture overview (link)
[2] Yammer (2023) Invoice Capture for Dynamics 365 Finance (link)
[3] Microsoft (2023) Invoice Capture for Dynamics 365 Finance - Implementation Guide
[4] Yammer (2025) Quota/licensing follow up [link]
[5] Microsoft Learn (2024) Dynamics 365 Finance: Invoice capture solution [link]

Release history (requires authentication)

AI - Artificial Intelligence 
AP - Accounts Payable
F&O - Finance & Operations
LE - Legal Entity
PO - Purchase Order
SKU - Stock Keeping Units 
UoM- Unit of Measure

25 December 2023

💫ERP Systems: Microsoft Dynamics 365's Vendor Invoices Processing (Setup Areas)

ERP Systems

Invoices can be set up to be imported automatically in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operation (D365 F&O) via Invoice Capture (see process). Besides the Invoice Capture-related set up, there are several areas related to Vendor invoice's processing:

General Ledger

Accounts for automatic transactions need to be defined at least for the 'Vendor invoice rounding off' and 'Rounding variance', respectively for the 'Exchange rate gain' and 'Exchange rate loss', if this wasn't done already.

To facilitate accounts' reconciliation and reporting, one can enable a Batch transfer rule for the Source document type 'Vendor invoice' and thus one journal is used for each Vendor invoice. This also makes sure that the Description from Invoice will be taken over in the Journal, which facilitates accounts' reconciliation.

Subscription Billing

In case one needs to defer the amounts over a time interval (e.g. x months), as it's the case for prepayments, the integration with Subscription Billing on the Vendor side in F&O seems to work with minimal configuration. A Billing schedule is created for each Invoice distribution and can be modified or cancelled after the Invoice is posted, if needed.

If your organization uses Subscription Billing also for Accounts Receivables (AR), one might need to compromise on the setup because the same parameters are used for both modules. 

In what concerns accounts' reconciliation, there seems to be a 1:1 mapping between the Schedule line and the General Ledger (GL) posting, a table with the mapping between the records being available. One can build thus a Paginated report to display the mapping between AP and GL, if the infrastructure is in place (e.g. by building a data lakehouse/warehouse based on F&O, see post). 

Fixed Assets

One can enable the creation of Fixed assets by checking the "Create asset during product receipt or invoice posting" radio button in Fixed assets parameters.

The feature "create the fixed asset automatically during the time of invoice import" for PO-based Invoices (with "Create Fixed Asset" flag set at line level) doesn't seem to be supported yet.

Vendor Invoice Journals

Before Invoice Capture, Vendor invoice journals were helpful for posting summarized cost invoices that are not associated with POs (e.g. expenses for supplies or services). One can still use this approach, however if the line-based details are important, then it makes sense to use Pending vendor invoice with Service items or Procurement categories.  

A single Vendor invoice is created as one Vendor invoice journal. 

Organization Administration

When using workflows, setting the same language for all LEs can reduce the amount of redundant information maintained in the workflow(s), otherwise the texts need to be provided for each language. 

Default descriptions can be enabled for Purchase orders' invoice ledger and vendor to carry the same description entered Pending Vendor Invoices in Invoices and Journals. The functionality works also for Cost invoices.

Ideally, Invoice's description should have been maintained in Invoice capture and/or Microsoft should have provided a default description also for it. 


Unless there's a requirement to post manually the journals from subledger to GL, a batch transfer for subledger journals must be created for each LE.

One can enable email notifications for the users participating in workflows and use workflow delegations for the intervals the respective users are on leave. 

All users participating in the workflow must be available also as active employees. It makes sense to do latest when the integration goes Live. Moreover, the Users need to have the appropriate permissions for the roles they have in the process.

Vendor Invoice Automation

There's further functionality available under the 'Vendor Invoice Automation' label (see [1], [2]), though the following are the most important ones: 

  • Automatically apply prepayments to vendor invoices
  • Automatically submit imported invoices to the workflow system.
  • Match product receipts to pending vendor invoice lines.

Recurring Vendor Invoice Templates

Microsoft introduced with 10.0.38 PU a new feature called 'Vendor invoice templates', which allows creating recurring vendor invoices without the need to enter all the vendor invoice information for each separate invoice (see [3]). There seems to be no information available whether any integration between this feature and Invoice Capture will be supported.


EU countries need to enforce the Directive 2014/55/EU for Vendor and Customer invoices. The directive requires that the electronic exchange of invoice documents between suppliers and buyers to occur over government-held third-party solutions. Each country has its own system(s) and regulations with different scope and timelines. Some countries have already requirements for 2024, respectively 2025 and there are similar projects in US and other countries. 

Even if Microsoft started this year (2023) to provide country-specific integrations for e-Invoicing, for the moment there seem no information available on how e-Invoicing will integrate with Invoice Capture.

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2023) Vendor Invoice Automation (link)
[2]Microsoft Dynamics 365 (2023) The Future of Finance: Unlocking the Benefits of Accounts Payable Automation (link)
[3] Hylke Britstra (2023) Recurring vendor invoice templates (link)
[4] Dan Edwards (2023) AP Automation at DynamicsCon (link)

💫ERP Systems: Microsoft Dynamics 365's Invoice Capture (Setup Areas)

ERP Systems

When implementing the Invoice Capture process, there are several setup areas that need to be considered into the Power App (Channels & Mapping Rules), some that need to be done in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365 F&O) and impact the integration with the Power App (Expense types/Procurement categories, Financial dimensions, Approval workflow), respectively setup that concerns only D365 F&O but still important. In addition, there are also overlapping features like Recurring Vendor Invoice Templates and E-Invoicing.

This post focuses on the first two types of setup areas, the rest following  in a second post


In the digitalization era, it's expected that most of the Vendor invoices are received by email or an integrated way (see e-Invoicing). However there can be also several exceptions (e.g. small companies operating mostly offline).

In Invoice Capture can be defined one or more channels for Outlook, SharePoint or OneDrive on which Invoices can be imported in the App. In a common scenario, depending on the number of mailboxes intended for use, one or more channels can be set up for Outlook. Power App listens on the respective channels for incoming emails in the Inbox, in a first step processes the emails by importing all the attachments (including signature images), while in a second step processes all the documents that look like an Invoice (including Receipts) and extracts the metadata to create the Invoice record. The Invoices received in hard-paper format can be scanned and sent to one of the internal mailboxes, respectively imported manually in Invoice Capture. 

More likely, there will be also a backlog that can be imported via SharePoint or OneDrive, which is more convenient than resending the backlog by email. In the end it should make no difference for the process which channels is used as long as the Invoices are processed in a timely manner. It should make also no difference if for example in UAT were used other channels than in Production. For testing purposes it might be advantageous to have more control over which Invoices are processed, while the UAT could follow the same setup as Prod, which is generally recommended.

Mapping Rules

The mapping rules allow on one side to set default values based on a matching string checked against several attributes (e.g. Company name, Address or Tax registration number for Legal entity, Item number for Item, Item description for Expense type). Secondly, they allow to also define a configuration for a rule, which defines what fields are mandatory, respectively which Invoice types are supported, etc.

The mapping rules will not cover all scenarios, though it's enough if they cover a good percentage from the most common cases. Therefore, over time they are also good candidates for further optimization. Moreover, because Invoice Capture remembers the values used before for an instance of the same Invoice, the mapping rules will be considered only for the first occurrence of the respective Invoice or whatever is new in its processing. 

If a channel was defined for each Legal entity, this seems to make obsolete the definition of mapping rules for it. Conversely, if the number of manual uploads is not neglectable, it still makes sense to define a mapping rule. 

Mapping rules for the Expense type seem to work well when Items' descriptions are general enough to include certain words (e.g. licenses, utilities). 

One can define mapping rules also for the Vendor accounts and Items, though it's questionable whether the effort makes sense as long as the internal Vendor names and Product numbers don't deviate from the ones used by the Vendor itself.

Expense Types

Invoice Capture requires that either the Item or the Expense type are provided on the line. For PO-based invoices, an Item should be available. Cost invoices can have Items as well and they can be used on the line, though from the point of view of the setup it might be easier to use Expense types. It's the question whether the information loss has any major impact on the business. There are also cases in which the lines don't bring any benefit and can be thus in Invoice capture deleted. 

At least for Cost invoices, the Expense types (aka Procurement categories in Dynamics 365) defined can considerably facilitate the automatic processing. D365 F&O can use the Procurement category to automatically populate the Main Account in the Invoice distributions. The value is used as default and can be overwritten, if needed. 

Having for example a 1:1 mapping between Procurement categories and Main accounts, respectively the same names can make easier the work of AP Clerks and facilitate the troubleshooting.

Conversely, one can define an additional level of detail (aka an additional segment) for reporting purposes. This implies that multiple categories will point to the same Main account, which can increase the overhead, though the complexity of the structure can be simplified by using maybe a good naming convention and a consolidated Excel list with the values. The overhead resumes mainly when dealing with the first instance of an Vendor invoice.

On Procurement categories can be defined also the default Item sales tax groups (a 1:1 mapping) which can be overwritten as well. For the categories with multiple Items sales tax groups, one should decide whether the benefit of providing a default value outweighs the effort for adding the value for each Invoice line. 

Defining upfront, before the Go Live, a good hierarchical structure for the Procurement categories and the mappings to the Main accounts, respectively to the Item sales tax groups can reduce the effort of maintaining the structure later and reduces the reporting overhead. 

Financial Dimensions & the Vendor Invoice Approval Workflow

Besides their general use, the Financial dimensions can be used to implement an approval process on D365 F&O side by configuring an expenditure reviewer (see [2]) and using it in the Vendor Invoice Approval workflow, respectively of setting up the financial owners for each dimension in scope. Different owners for the Financial dimensions can be defined for each Legal entity via Legal entity overrides. From what it seems, notifications are sent then to the override as well to the default owner. 

Starting with the (07-Nov-2023) version of Invoice capture, respectively the 10.0.39 version of D365 F&O (planned for Apr-2024), 3 financial dimensions (Cost center, Department and Legal Entity) are supported directly in the App. This would allow us to cover the example covered in [2]). This reduces the need for maintaining the values in D365 F&O. 

Unfortunately, if the approval process needs to use further dimensions (e.g. Vendor, Location) or attributes (e.g. Invoice responsible person) in the approval, one needs either to compromise or find workarounds. If there's no Purchase order as in the case of Cost invoices, involving the actual Buyer is almost impossible. For such extreme cases one needs more flexibility in the approval process and hopefully Microsoft will extend the functionality behind it.

The approval processes needed by customers require occasionally a complexity that's not achievable with the functionality available in D365 for F&O. The customers are forced then either to compromise or use external tools (e.g. Power Automate) for building the respective functionality. 

One should consider defining default Financial dimensions on the Vendor, the respective values being used when generating the Invoice in D365 F&O. Defining Financial dimensions templates can help as well when the costs need to be split across different Financial dimensions based on percentages. 

In case the financial dimensions differ across a same Vendor's invoices, one can request from the Vendors to provide the respective information on the Invoice. 

Organization Administration

Cost invoices can work without providing a Unit of Measure (UoM) in Invoice capture, however one should consider using an UoM at least for aesthetic purposes in reporting. On the other side, this can complicate the setup if the same UoM is used for other purposes. 

Vendor Invoice Automation

To be able to process automatically the Vendor invoices once they arrived in D365 F&O, it would useful to maintain the attributes which are modified manually in D365 F&O directly in Invoice Capture. The usual fields are the following:

  • Invoice description (header)
  • Financial dimensions 
  • Sales item tax group

Master Data Management

There are master data attributes which even if they are not directly involved in the process, they could make process actor's life a bit easier. It can be the case of the Responsible person and/or the Buyer group, which would allow the AP Clerks to identify the Cost Center and Department related to the Invoice. Maintaining the external Item descriptions for Vendors can help as well in certain scenarios. 

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2023) Invoice capture overview (link)
[2] Microsoft Learn (2023) Configure expenditure reviewers (link)

19 December 2023

💎💫SQL Reloaded: Blocked Products in Dynamics 365 F&O

Besides listing the products released by Legal entity (see previous post), it's useful to know whether they were blocked for Inventory, Sales or Procurement. This is quite easy when doing it over the data entity:

-- check status via the data entity
SELECT PSO.ItemNumber 
, PSO.DataAreaId 
, PSO.IsSalesProcessingStopped
, PSO.IsInventoryProcessingStopped 
, PSO.IsProcurementProcessingStopped
FROM dbo.InventProductSpecificOrderSettingsV3Entity PSO
ORDER BY PSO.ItemNumber 
, PSO.DataAreaId

However, when the data entity is not available, the logic gets a bit more complex because the data are stored in 3 different tables: InventItemInventSetup, InventItemPurchSetup, respectively InventItemSalesSetup. Here's the piece of logic used to get the various statuses in AX 2009 (of course, without the JOINs on Partition) and it works also in Dynamics 365 F&O:

/* Product Specific Order Settings via JOINs */
, ITM.ItemId 
, IPS.Stopped IsProcurementProcessingStopped
, ILS.Stopped IsInventoryProcessingStopped
, ISS.Stopped IsSalesProcessingStopped
FROM dbo.InventTable ITM
     LEFT JOIN dbo.InventItemPurchSetup IPS
       ON ITM.ItemID = IPS.ItemId
      AND ITM.DataAreaId = IPS.DataAreaId 
      AND ITM.Partition = IPS.Partition
      AND IPS.InventDimId = 'AllBlank'
     LEFT JOIN dbo.InventItemSalesSetup ISS
       ON ITM.ItemID = ISS.ItemId
      AND ITM.DataAreaId = ISS.DataAreaId 
      AND ITM.Partition = ISS.Partition
      AND ISS.InventDimId = 'AllBlank'
     LEFT JOIN dbo.InventItemInventSetup ILS
       ON ITM.ItemID = ILS.ItemId
      AND ITM.DataAreaId = ILS.DataAreaId 
      AND ITM.Partition = ILS.Partition
      AND ILS.InventDimId = 'AllBlank'
,  ITM.DataAreaId 

The constraint on InventDimId is necessary because there can be multiple records for the Product and Legal entity combination. 

Alternatively, one can use UNIONs instead of JOINs and include the logic into a view to simplify the final query (the query was written to test the behavior in a distributed environment like serverless SQL pool):

-- create the view
CREATE OR ALTER VIEW TDM.vProductSpecificOrderSettings
/* Product Specific Order Settings via UNIONs */
, IST.ItemId 
, IST.Partition 
, max(IST.IsInventoryProcessingStopped) IsInventoryProcessingStopped
, max(IST.IsSalesProcessingStopped) IsSalesProcessingStopped
, max(IST.IsProcurementProcessingStopped) IsProcurementProcessingStopped
	-- inventory
	, IIS.ItemId 
	, IIS.Partition
	, IIS.Stopped IsInventoryProcessingStopped
	, 0 IsSalesProcessingStopped
	, 0 IsProcurementProcessingStopped
	FROM dbo.InventItemInventSetup IIS
	WHERE IIS.InventDimId = 'AllBlank'
	-- purchasing
	, IPS.ItemId 
	, IPS.Partition 
	, 0
	, 0
	, IPS.Stopped
	FROM dbo.InventItemPurchSetup IPS
	WHERE IPS.InventDimId = 'AllBlank'
	-- sales
	, ISS.ItemId 
	, ISS.Partition 
	, 0
	, ISS.Stopped
	, 0
	FROM dbo.InventItemSalesSetup ISS
	WHERE ISS.InventDimId = 'AllBlank'
 ) IST
, IST.ItemId 
, IST.Partition 

/* Product Specific Order Settings via UNIONs */
, ITM.ItemId 
, PSO.IsInventoryProcessingStopped
, PSO.IsSalesProcessingStopped
, PSO.IsProcurementProcessingStopped
FROM dbo.InventTable ITM
     LEFT JOIN TDM.vProductSpecificOrderSettings PSO
	   ON ITM.ItemId = PSO.ItemId 
	  AND ITM.DataAreaId = PSO.DataAreaId 
	  AND ITM.Partition = PSO.Partition
, ITM.DataAreaId 

At least for the database used for testing on an SQL Server 2022 instance, the last query has slightly lower estimated subtree cost and memory grant than the previous one. It's also interesting that the data entity-based query outperforms the other two queries. 

And here's the combined query from this and previous post:

-- Legal Entities vs Products incl. product order settings
, PRD.DisplayProductNumber ItemId 
, CASE WHEN ITM.CreatedDatetime <> ITM.ModifiedDateTime THEN 1 ELSE 0 END IsModified
, PSO.IsInventoryProcessingStopped
, PSO.IsSalesProcessingStopped
, PSO.IsProcurementProcessingStopped
FROM dbo.DataArea DAT
     CROSS JOIN dbo.EcoResProduct PRD
	 LEFT JOIN dbo.InventTable ITM
	   ON DAT.Id = ITM.DataAreaId 
	  AND PRD.DisplayProductNumber = ITM.ItemId
	  AND PRD.Partition = ITM.Partition
          LEFT JOIN TDM.vProductSpecificOrderSettings PSO
	        ON ITM.ItemId = PSO.ItemId 
	       AND ITM.DataAreaId = PSO.DataAreaId 
	       AND ITM.Partition = PSO.Partition
   AND PRD.DisplayProductNumber = 'D0001'
ORDER BY PRD.DisplayProductNumber
, DAT.Id

Happy coding!

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