Showing posts with label CLR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CLR. Show all posts

09 April 2011

💎SQL Reloaded: Searching a Value within a Database

Some years back, in a Management meeting related to one of the projects I was working on, one of the Managers made a quite interesting statement, something like: "it should be easy to pool in an Excel sheet from the whole database all the information I am interested in". I kind of smiled, because the information he was requiring was spanning within different modules, having different levels of detail and thus requiring several different output datasets in order to answer a simple question like "how is the manufacturing cost varying over time?". After some meetings we figured out that it’s not so easy to pull the data for the respective question, lacking some data which were not available in the respective database. It’s funny how IS (Information Systems) are getting more complex day by day but fail to capture and indirectly answer simple questions, this also because they were not designed to address such questions. Anyway, this post is not about this.

Some days back I spent a couple of hours trying to identify the tables from which the IDs stored in a log where coming from, in the log being saved no reference to the table, just the IDs. Another example of "good" design! While working diligently, I remembered that I could have easily solved the problem if I were using one of the CLR functions created in a post on Data Profiling Using CLR Functions. Unfortunately, because I was working in a production environment with strong security constraints, I wasn’t allowed registering and use any of the respective functions. Still, considering the easiness and flexibility of a the solution I thought that would be interesting to put it into practice. Who knows, maybe someday I will find the opportunity to use it!

Let’s suppose I am searching for an integer ID value within a given schema of AdventureWorks database. So, in theory, I need to do a search on each integer column of all the tables from the respective schema. The tables can be found in a matter of seconds using the following query based on the dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt CLR function introduced in the previous mention post and dbo.vTableColumns view.
-- searching a value in whole database 
AS (  
    SELECT [Schema_Name]  
    , Table_Name  
    , Column_Name 
    , system_type 
    , dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt('SELECT count(*) FROM ' + Quotename([Schema_Name]) + '.' + Quotename(Table_Name) + ' WHERE ' + Quotename(Column_Name) + ' = ' + Cast(1001 as varchar(20))) NumberRecords 
    FROM dbo.vTableColumns 
    WHERE [Schema_Name]= 'Sales' 
     --AND Table_Name = 'SalesOrderDetail' 
     --AND Column_Name = 'SalesOrderDetailID' 
     AND system_type = 'int' ) 
WHERE NumberRecords>0 
ORDER BY [Schema_Name] 
, Table_Name  

Schema_Name Table_Name Column_Name system_type NumberRecords
Sales ContactCeditCard CreditCardId int 1
Sales CreditCard CreditCardId int 1
Sales CurrencyRate CurrencyRateId int 1
Sales CustomerAddress AddressId int 1
Sales SalesOrderDetail SalesOrderDetailId int 1
Sales SalesOrderHeader BillToAddressId int 8
Sales SalesOrderHeader CreditCardId int 1
Sales SalesOrderHeader ShipToAddressId int 8

As can be seen the dynamically built query, based on table metadata and searched value, is provided as parameter to dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt function. The query calculates the number of occurrences (see NumberRecords column) of the same value within a given column. Some attention must be given to the search column’s data type, as the data type needs to be compatible with the searched value, otherwise a cast being necessary. I haven’t tried the query in a big database and I would advice you to be cautious when running it in a production environment. In case you arrive to use the query in a big database, please let me know how it behaved!

In case of the problem I had a few days back, the above query it’s only a first step in identifying the tables in which the values occur. Because multiple tables are returned, it’s needed to investigate which of the tables has the highest probability to be the source for the ID saved in log. Of course, some DM (data mining) algorithm could be probably used for this purpose, however some programming is needed and also some amount of diligent work to prove the data. It would be nice to have a tool that performs such analysis or that creates a complex query using any set of attributes within a given database.

26 July 2010

💎SQL Reloaded: Porting 32 bit CLR UDFs on 64 bit Platforms

Today I tried to port on a 64 bit platform a few of the CLR UDFs created in the previous posts, this time being constrained to use Visual Basic Studio 2010 Express to create and build the assembly on a x86 platform, and install the assembly on a x64 SQL Server box. From the previous troubleshooting experience between the two platforms, I knew that there will be some challenges, fortunately there was nothing complex. Under SSIS 2008 it’s possible to choose the targeted platform, therefore I was expecting to have something similar also in VB Studio 2010 Express, and after a simple review of Project Properties, especially in what concerns the Compile settings, I found nothing relevant. I tried then the standard approach, so I built the solution, copied the .dll on the target server and tried to register the assembly though I got the following error:
Msg 6218: %s ASSEMBLY for assembly '%.*ls' failed because assembly '%.*ls' failed verification. Check if the referenced assemblies are up-to-date and trusted (for external_access or unsafe) to execute in the database. CLR Verifier error messages if any will follow this message%.*ls
After several attempts to google for a solution on how to port 32 bit CLR UDFs on 64 bit Platform or on how to configure VB Studio 2010 Express in order to target solutions for 64 bit platforms, I found a similar question (VB Express target x86 Platform) in MSDN,  Johan Stenberg’s answer completed by JohnWein’s hint, led me to the “Issues When Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005” document, to be more specific to 1.44 section "References to 32-bit COM components may not work in VB and C# Applications running on 64-bit platforms", of importance being the part talking about "Express Editions". In the document is specified how to modify the project and add in the first PropertyGroup section a PlatformTarget tag with the text value x86, therefore what I had to do was to add the respective tag but with the value x64. After doing this change everything worked smoothly. It’s kind of a mystery why Microsoft hasn’t enabled this feature in Express versions, but in the end I can live with it as long there is a workaround for it.

Happy coding!

22 July 2010

💎SQL Reloaded: Running a Statement for Each Database (CLR Version)

    I continue the series of posts on the use of the dbo.ExecuteScalarTo  CLR functions created in a previous post, this time, as is mentioned in the title, by running a statement for each database. The old-fashion method of a statement for each database is with the help of undocumented stored procedure sp_MSforeachdb, see for example ReplTalk’s post found recently. Actually the respective example based on the use of DatabaseProperty function has been given only for exemplification, the values available through the DatabaseProperty function could be retrieved directly from the sys.databases system table: 

 -- querying directly the values 
SELECT database_id 
, name DatabaseName 
, Is_Fulltext_enabled IsFulltextEnabled 
, Is_Ansi_Null_Default_on IsAnsiNullDefault 
, Is_Ansi_Nulls_on IsAnsiNullsEnabled 
, Is_Ansi_Warnings_on IsAnsiWarningsEnabled 
FROM master.sys.databases  
WHERE name LIKE 'AdventureWorks%' 

    Here’s the same query rewritten using the DatabaseProperty function:

 -- DatabaseProperty function at work 
SELECT database_id 
, name DatabaseName 
, DATABASEPROPERTY( name ,'IsFulltextEnabled') IsFulltextEnabled 
, DATABASEPROPERTY( name ,'IsAnsiNullDefault') IsAnsiNullDefault  
, DATABASEPROPERTY( name ,'IsAnsiNullsEnabled') IsAnsiNullsEnabled  
, DATABASEPROPERTY( name ,'IsAnsiWarningsEnabled') IsAnsiWarningsEnabled 
FROM master.sys.databases  
WHERE name LIKE 'AdventureWorks%' 

    The same query could be rewritten using the dbo.ExecuteScalarToString function:  

 -- DatabaseProperty function within CLR function 
SELECT database_id 
, name DatabaseName 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT DATABASEPROPERTY( ''' + name + ''',''IsFulltextEnabled'')') IsFulltextEnabled 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT DATABASEPROPERTY( ''' + name + ''',''IsAnsiNullDefault'')') IsAnsiNullDefault  
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT DATABASEPROPERTY( ''' + name + ''',''IsAnsiNullsEnabled'')') IsAnsiNullsEnabled  
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT DATABASEPROPERTY( ''' + name + ''',''IsAnsiWarningsEnabled'')') IsAnsiWarningsEnabled 
FROM master.sys.databases  
WHERE name LIKE 'AdventureWorks%' 

    The usefulness of the dbo.ExecuteScalarToString is minimal in this case, however it could be considered more “complex” examples. For example retrieving a count of the number of tables, views, assemblies or users existing in a database:

-- running a statement for each database 
SELECT database_id 
, name DatabaseName 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT count(1) FROM ' + name + '.sys.tables') NumberTables 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT count(1) FROM ' + name + '.sys.views') NumberViews 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT count(1) FROM ' + name + '.sys.assemblies') NumberAssemblies 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT count(1) FROM ' + name + '.sys.sysusers') NumberTables 
FROM master.sys.databases  
WHERE name LIKE 'AdventureWorks%' 

CLR  UDF - for each database

   Now it depends on each developer’s inspiration and on the problem attempting to solve. I find dbo.ExecuteScalarToString CLR function quite useful when attempting to run for each database multiple queries that returns a single value. On the other side sp_MSforeachdb provides more flexibility in what concerns the types of queries run, though specific techniques (e.g. temporary tables or table variables) need to be used in order to retrieve sp_MSforeachdb’s output in a single result-set (see for example the Locally Fragmented Indexes example from MSDN’s article on Uncover Hidden Data To Optimize Application Performance).

11 July 2010

💎SQL Reloaded: Evaluating Textual Expressions with CLR UDFs

The developers having experience with scripting languages like VBScript or JavaScript are most probably used with Eval (VBScript/JavaScript) or Execute (VBScript) functions, functions that parse a string evaluating its content to an expression or evaluating a given set of instructions, allowing thus to create and execute code at runtime. In several occasions I needed similar functionality also in T-SQL, having to evaluate a formula stored in a text field or text variable. The latest situation of this type I could recall was when importing a set of BOM (Bill of Materials) data from Oracle into SQL Server. I had two problems then, one related to Oracle and the second to SQL Server. 

As each level in the (Oracle) BOM has a Quantity which needs to be multiplied with the Quantities from the child levels in order to get the total Required Quantity for each level, I needed a method to aggregate the respective values. Unlike in SQL Server, in Oracle (as far I know) there is no built-in functionality for that, however SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function (see example) allows to built a string with the total quantities available in the BOM structure and is even possible to evaluate the resulted string using a function, though as I was not allowed to create a function in the production environment then, I had to solve the issue in SQL Server (2000) itself. The concatenated string of quantities at each BOM level was looking something like ‘1*1*2*4*1’ (here for the 5thBOM  level), so I needed a way to evaluate easily the respective product.

In SQL Server the Cast and Convert functions allow to cast a string holding a numeric value to a numeric data type but their utility stops there.

-- Cast/Convert (working) example 
SELECT Cast('1' as int) * 25 
, Convert(int, '1') * 10 
Many years ago, I remember I “tried my luck” and attempted to run a similar script like the below one:

-- Cast/Convert (not working) example 
SELECT Cast('1*2' as int) * 25 
, Convert(int, '1*2') * 10 
No wonder that I got an error:
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '1*2' to data type int.
I attempted to find, again without luck, a built-in solution for my problem. For dynamic created scripts could be used, in general, the sp_executesql stored procedure:

-- expression evaluation using sp_executesql (output: 6) DECLARE @retval int; 
DECLARE @param int; 
SET @param = 3 
EXECUTE sp_executesql N'SELECT @retval = 1*2*@param', N'@param int, @retval int output', @param=@param, @retval = @retval output;  
SELECT @retval 

Unfortunately the sp_executesql can’t be used from UDFs, therefore the functionality can’t be used in queries involving a select from a given object. However, given its simplicity, the string could be regarded as a list of numbers delimited by “*” (multiplication) sign, a loop or starting with SQL Server 2005, a common table expression could solve the problem but it will work only for this type of multiplications, unless the expression is parsed using specific mathematical algorithms. Then I wrote a function similar with the below one:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.EvalProduct( 
@ListValues varchar(max)) 
RETURNS decimal(18,2) 
Purpose: evaluates the product of multiple numbers written as a text expression 
Parameters: @ListValues varchar(max) - List of values to be multiplied 
Sample call: SELECT dbo.EvalProduct('1*2*3*4') 
SELECT dbo.EvalProduct('1.2*2.3*3.4') 
SELECT dbo.EvalProduct('1.2') 
SELECT dbo.EvalProduct('NULL') 
*/ AS 
DECLARE @Index int 
DECLARE @Product decimal(18,2) 
SET @Index = CharIndex('*', @ListValues) 
SET @Product = CASE 
     WHEN @Index>1 OR (@Index = 0 AND IsNumeric(@ListValues) = 1) THEN 1 

WHILE @Index > 0  
    SET @Product = @Product * Cast(Left(@ListValues, @Index-1) as decimal(18,2)) 

    SET @ListValues = Right(@ListValues, Len(@ListValues)-@Index) 
    SET @Index = CharIndex('*', @ListValues) 

IF IsNumeric(@ListValues)=1 
SET @Product = @Product * Cast(@ListValues as decimal(18,2))  

RETURN @Product 

The function, even if handy, it has its limitations, first of all it works only with products of positive numeric values, and secondly there is no chance to use it for more complex expressions. Fortunately, starting with SQL Server 2005 there is an alternative.  In last post, Data Profiling Using CLR Functions I introduced ExecuteScalarToInt and ExecuteScalarToDecimal CLR functions which could be used to evaluate a text expression to an integer, respectively a decimal value, and thus they could be used also to solve the above problem:  

-- CLR functions approach (Output: 120, respectively 236.48) 
SELECT dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt('SELECT 1*2*3*4*5') IntExample 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToDecimal('SELECT 1.2*2.3*3.4*4.5*5.6') DecimalExample  

The functions could be actually used with any type of expression that returns a numeric value, the expressions could include also built-in or user-defined functions:
-- CLR with built-in mathematical functions (Output: 21.76)
SELECT dbo.ExecuteScalarToDecimal('SELECT Pi()*SQRT(47.98)') 

--CLR with UDF (Output: 9.38) 
SELECT dbo.ExecuteScalarToDecimal('SELECT dbo.EvalProduct(''1.2*2.3*3.4'')') 

This means that the two functions could be used for example in queries in which the formulas following to be executed are stored in tables or built dynamically. Let’s look at an example based on the values stored in a table:

-- creating a simple table 
 CREATE TABLE dbo.TestTextExpressions ( 
Expression varchar(max)) 

--inserting the values 
INSERT INTO dbo.TestTextExpressions 
VALUES ('1*2*3*4') 
, ('Pi()*SQRT(47.98)') 
, ('Cos(10)') 
, ('Year(GetDate())') 
, ('Square(10.45)') 

-- running the formulas 
SELECT Expression 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToDecimal('SELECT ' + Expression) [Output]      
FROM dbo.TestTextExpressions   

CLR UDF - expression evaluation 
1.    Instead of adding the SELECT in the parameter string, it could be created a CLR function (e.g. EvalToInt) that includes it already. Not sure how much benefit could be obtained from this, however I prefer to have generalized functionality rather then providing specific functions for each scenario.
2.    Most probably there are also exceptions in which this approach can’t be used. As the two CLR functions don’t perform any validation, the usefulness of such functions depends also on the validity of the input. If the input is invalid, then an error will be thrown; on the other side, even if it’s possible to catch the error in the CLR functions itself, it could prove to be difficult to alter function’s behavior (for example returning a NULL value) without impacting the result.
3.    In order to run UDFs from CLR UDFs, the SystemDataAccess:=SystemDataAccessKind.Read must be added in CLR functions definitions, otherwise the following error message will be thrown.
This statement has attempted to access data whose access is restricted by the assembly
PS:  It would be nice to receive some feedback on how the above functions helped you to solve a similar problem!

Happy coding!

04 July 2010

🗄️Data Management: Data Profiling II (Using CLR functions)

Data Management
Data Management Series

In the previous post on Data Profiling I introduced basic data profiling techniques, the queries used for exemplification being quite simple. Probably many people will ask themselves on whether is possible to automate data profiling for a whole range of tables/datasets and the attributes they contain. The answer is simple, this relies entirely on databases’ capabilities of running dynamic scripts in an elegant manner – many such solutions relying on the use of cursors in which the dynamic created scripts are run by a stored procedure (e.g. EXEC or sp_executesql in SQL Server). There are also solution in which the dynamic queries are created, run and managed by third-party tools. In what concerns SQL Server, the CLR functions could prove to be an elegant solution for this purpose.

In a previous post, “Number of Records – The CLR Version”, I described the steps I followed in order to create a CLR function in order to get the number of records for a set of tables, the name of the table being provided as parameter. Instead of giving as parameter only the name of the table it could be provided instead the whole query string, thus having the possibility of running multiple types of query that return only a scalar. 

The problem is that the CLR function returns a value only of a certain data type, thus we could transform all the values to string or create a function for each data type. I will try to describe in this post both approaches, a reason for that being also the fact that initially I thought that the second solution is more practical, and probably easier to debug, though as I discovered the first technique is more flexible allowing to encapsulate the logic in a single query.

Let’s consider the following functions that could be added in a new Database Project or in the project created in the previous post on CLR functions. As mentioned above, is created a function for each important data type, thus ExecuteScalarToInt returns an integer value, ExecuteScalarToDate a date value, ExecuteScalarToString a string value, ExecuteScalarToDecimal a decimal value, amd ExecuteScalarToBoolean a boolean value:

Partial Public Class UserDefinedFunctions 
<SqlFunction(DataAccess:=DataAccessKind.Read, SystemDataAccess:=SystemDataAccessKind.Read)> _ Public Shared Function ExecuteScalarToInt(ByVal SqlScript As String) As Integer     
Using conn As New SqlConnection("context connection=true") 
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(SqlScript, conn) 
Return CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), Integer)     
End Using End Function 

<SqlFunction(DataAccess:=DataAccessKind.Read, SystemDataAccess:=SystemDataAccessKind.Read)> _ Public Shared Function ExecuteScalarToDate(ByVal SqlScript As String) As Date     
Using conn As New SqlConnection("context connection=true") 

    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(SqlScript, conn)     

    Return CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), Date)     
End Using End Function 

<SqlFunction(DataAccess:=DataAccessKind.Read, SystemDataAccess:=SystemDataAccessKind.Read)> _ Public Shared Function ExecuteScalarToString(ByVal SqlScript As String) As String     
Using conn As New SqlConnection("context connection=true") 

    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(SqlScript, conn)   
    Return CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), String)     
End Using End Function 

<SqlFunction(DataAccess:=DataAccessKind.Read, SystemDataAccess:=SystemDataAccessKind.Read)> _ Public Shared Function ExecuteScalarToDecimal(ByVal SqlScript As String) As Decimal     
Using conn As New SqlConnection("context connection=true") 

    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(SqlScript, conn)     

    Return CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), Decimal)     
End Using End Function 

<SqlFunction(DataAccess:=DataAccessKind.Read, SystemDataAccess:=SystemDataAccessKind.Read)> _ Public 
Shared Function ExecuteScalarToBoolean(ByVal SqlScript As String) As Boolean     
Using conn As New SqlConnection("context connection=true") 

    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(SqlScript, conn)   
    Return CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), Boolean)     
End Using End Function 
End Class

After compiling the project and re-linking the assembly, must be declared the following functions:

-- returns int values 
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt(@sql nvarchar(max)) 
RETURNS bigint  
EXTERNAL NAME SqlServerProject1.[SqlServerProject1.UserDefinedFunctions].ExecuteScalarToInt 

-- returns decimal values 
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExecuteScalarToDecimal(@sql nvarchar(max)) 
RETURNS decimal(18,2)  
EXTERNAL NAME SqlServerProject1.[SqlServerProject1.UserDefinedFunctions].ExecuteScalarToDecimal 

-- returns nvarchar values 
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExecuteScalarToString(@sql nvarchar(max)) 
RETURNS nvarchar(max)  
EXTERNAL NAME SqlServerProject1.[SqlServerProject1.UserDefinedFunctions].ExecuteScalarToString 

-- returns date values 
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExecuteScalarToDate(@sql nvarchar(max)) 
RETURNS date  
EXTERNAL NAME SqlServerProject1.[SqlServerProject1.UserDefinedFunctions].ExecuteScalarToDate 

-- returns boolean values 
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExecuteScalarToBoolean(@sql nvarchar(max)) 
EXTERNAL NAME SqlServerProject1.[SqlServerProject1.UserDefinedFunctions].ExecuteScalarToBoolean 

-- testing the functions    
SELECT dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt('SELECT count(*) FROM Production.Product') NumberRecords 
SELECT dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT Max(ProductNumber) FROM Production.Product') GreatestStringValue 
SELECT dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT Max(ListPrice) FROM Production.Product') GreatestNumericValue 
SELECT dbo.ExecuteScalarToDate('SELECT Max(SellStartDate) FROM Production.Product') GreatestDateValue 
SELECT dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT CASE WHEN count(1)&gt;1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM Production.Product') HasRecords
Data Profiling - testing CLR functions

  The first example that returns the number of records could be easily adapted in order to return the respective value for a given set of tables:

-- number of records 
SELECT [schema_name] 
, table_name 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt('SELECT count(*) NumberRecords FROM AdventureWorks.' + + '.' + NumberRecords 
FROM AdventureWorks.sys.tables T 
    JOIN AdventureWorks.sys.schemas S 
      ON T.schema_id = S.schema_id 
WHERE = 'Sales' 
Data Profiling - number of records

The attribute-related metrics require a lower level of detail, to the above query adding the sys.colums table, for this purpose I will use the dbo.vTableColumns view created in the previous post on data profiling. And here’s the query based on AdventureWorks database:

-- data profiling attribute level SELECT[Schema_Name]  
, Table_Name  
, Column_Name  
, user_type  
, system_type  
-- number distinct values 
 , CASE  
    WHEN system_type NOT IN ('xml') THEN dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt('SELECT count(DISTINCT [' + Column_Name + ']) NumberRecords FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name)  
     ELSE -1 
END NumberDistinctValues 
-- number/percentage not null values 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt('SELECT count(1) NumberRecords FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name + ' WHERE [' + Column_Name + '] IS NOT NULL') NumberNotNullValues  
, CASE  
    WHEN system_type NOT IN ('xml') THEN dbo.ExecuteScalarToDecimal('SELECT Cast(CASE WHEN count(1) &gt;0 THEN Cast(count([' + Column_Name + ']) as decimal(18,2))/count(1) ELSE 0 END as decimal(5,2)) PercentageNotNullValues FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name) 
    ELSE -1 
END PercentageNotNullValues 
-- min/max length of values 
, CASE  
    WHEN system_type NOT IN ('xml') THEN dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt('SELECT IsNull(Min(Len([' + Column_Name + '])), 0) MinLengthValue FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name) 
    ELSE -1 
END MinLengthValue 
, CASE  
     WHEN system_type NOT IN ('xml') THEN dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt('SELECT IsNull(Max(Len([' + Column_Name + '])), 0) MaxLengthValue FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name) 
    ELSE -1 
END MaxLengthValue 
-- Min/Max values , CASE  
    WHEN system_type NOT IN ('varbinary', 'uniqueidentifier', 'xml', 'sysname') THEN  
dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT IsNull(Cast(Min('  
    + CASE WHEN system_type = 'bit' THEN 'Cast(' ELSE '' END 
    + '[' + Column_Name + ']' 
    + CASE WHEN system_type = 'bit' THEN ' as smallint)' ELSE '' END 
     + ') as nvarchar(max)), ''NULL'') MinValue FROM AdventureWorks.' 
     + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name) 
   ELSE CAST('' as nvarchar(max))  
END MinValue 
, CASE  
     WHEN system_type NOT IN ('varbinary', 'uniqueidentifier', 'xml', 'sysname') THEN  
dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT IsNull(Cast(Max('  
    + CASE WHEN system_type = 'bit' THEN 'Cast(' ELSE '' END 
    + '[' + Column_Name + ']' 
    + CASE WHEN system_type = 'bit' THEN ' as smallint)' ELSE '' END 
+ ') as nvarchar(max)), ''NULL'') MaxValue FROM AdventureWorks.'  
    + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name )  
    ELSE CAST('' as nvarchar(max))  
END MaxValue  
FROM dbo.vTableColumns 
WHERE [Schema_Name] = 'Production' 
AND Table_Name = 'Product' ORDER BY [Schema_Name]  
, Table_Name  
, Column_Name  
, column_id 

   Here’s the output, the query run in about 30 seconds for the whole AdventureWorks database’s table:
Data Profiling - attribute level

 More likely, the above query requires some explanations. First of all some CASEs have been introduced in order to treat the exceptions, given the fact that not all data types support all the aggregate functions, while the xml data type doesn’t support any aggregate function at all. Hopefully I treated all the scenarios, if not the query could be easily updated. In other cases I applied a simple conversion, as in the case of bit data type casted to a smallint. In case the dynamic queries return other value than integer, the output value has been casted to a nvarchar(max). Most probably for easier understanding of the dynamic queries used is necessary also a review of the corresponding static queries presented in the previous post.

In case we use a specific function for each data type then we either choose to work with a query for each data type, or in case we want to use a UNION (ALL) join, then we’ll have to cast the output to nvarchar. So whatever method we choose, in order to create only one dataset out of our profiling implementation, a cast to nvarchar is required. I will resume myself to provide the queries for each data type, more for exemplifying the use of the above CLR functions:

-- getting Min/Max integer values 
SELECT [Schema_Name] 
, Table_Name  
, Column_Name 
, user_type 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt('SELECT IsNull(Min(' + Column_Name + '), 0) MinValue FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name ) MinValue 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToInt('SELECT IsNull(Max(' + Column_Name + '), 0) MaxValue FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name ) MaxValue 
FROM dbo.vTableColumns 
WHERE [Schema_Name] = 'Production' 
AND Table_Name = 'Product' 
AND user_type IN ('int', 'bigint') 

-- getting Min/Max String values 
SELECT [Schema_Name] 
, Table_Name  
, Column_Name 
, user_type 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT IsNull(Min(' + Column_Name + '), '''') MinValue FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name ) MinValue 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToString('SELECT IsNull(Max(' + Column_Name + '), '''') MaxValue FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name ) MaxValue 
FROM dbo.vTableColumns 
WHERE [Schema_Name] = 'Production' AND Table_Name = 'Product' 
AND user_type IN ('nvarchar', 'varchar', 'char', 'nchar') 

-- getting Min/Max Date values 
SELECT [Schema_Name] 
, Table_Name  
, Column_Name 
, user_type 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToDate('SELECT IsNull(Min(' + Column_Name + '), Cast(''1800-01-01'' as date)) MinDateValue FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name ) MinDateValue 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToDate('SELECT IsNull(Max(' + Column_Name + '), Cast(''1800-01-01'' as date)) MaxDateValue FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name ) MaxDateValue 
FROM dbo.vTableColumns 
WHERE [Schema_Name] = 'Production' 
AND Table_Name = 'Product' 
AND user_type IN ('datetime', 'date') 

-- getting Min/Max Boolean values 
SELECT [Schema_Name] 
, Table_Name  
, Column_Name 
, user_type 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToBoolean('SELECT IsNull(Min(Cast(' + Column_Name + ' as smallint)), 0) MinValue FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name ) MinValue 
, dbo.ExecuteScalarToBoolean('SELECT IsNull(Max(Cast(' + Column_Name + ' as smallint)), 0) MaxValue FROM AdventureWorks.' + [Schema_Name] + '.' + Table_Name ) MaxValue 
FROM dbo.vTableColumns 
WHERE [Schema_Name] = 'Production' 
--AND Table_Name = 'Products' AND user_type IN ('bit') 

1.   The problem with actual form of the functions is that when the query returns a null value, the database engine throws the following error message:
Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "ExecuteScalarToDate":
System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Date' is not valid.
   at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToDate(Object Value)
   at SqlServerProject1.UserDefinedFunctions.ExecuteScalarToDate(String SqlScript)

The error could be avoided by handling the NULL values with a default value, for example 0 for numeric values, the empty string for string values, a minimal value date for date values, and 0 for bit values. If for numeric and string value this translation has a minimum of impact, for date and 0 values kind of reduces from functionality.

2. SQL Server 2008 provides also a Data Profiling Task as part of its SSIS solution, quite easy to use, however in comparison with it, the above functions allow to profile not only a table but a set of tables, the statistics about attributes could be brought easily together in a tabular format and the logic could be further encapsulated in a UDF or view for reuse.

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