Showing posts with label problem solving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label problem solving. Show all posts

15 January 2025

🧭Business Intelligence: Perspectives (Part XXIII: In between the Many Destinations)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

In too many cases the development of queries, respectively reports or data visualizations (aka artifacts) becomes a succession of drag & drops, formatting, (re)ordering things around, a bit of makeup, configuring a set of parameters, and the desired product is good to go! There seems nothing wrong with this approach as long as the outcomes meet users’ requirements, though it also gives the impression that’s all what the process is about. 

Given a set of data entities, usually there are at least as many perspectives into the data as entities’ number. Further perspectives can be found in exceptions and gaps in data, process variations, and the further aspects that can influence an artifact’s logic. All these aspects increase the overall complexity of the artifact, respectively of the development process. One guideline in handling all this is to keep the process in focus, and this starts with requirements’ elicitation and ends with the quality assurance and actual use.

Sometimes, the two words, the processes and their projection into the data and (data) models don’t reflect the reality adequately and one needs to compromise, at least until the gaps are better addressed. Process redesign, data harmonization and further steps need to be upon case considered in multiple iterations that should converge to optimal solutions, at least in theory. 

Therefore, in the development process there should be a continuous exploration of the various aspects until an optimum solution is reached. Often, there can be a couple of competing forces that can pull the solution in two or more directions  and then compromising is necessary. Especially as part of continuous improvement initiatives there’s the tendency of optimizing locally processes in the detriment of the overall process, with all the consequences resulting from this. 

Unfortunately, many of the problems existing in organizations are ill-posed and misunderstood to the degree that in extremis more effort is wasted than the actual benefits. Optimization is a process of putting in balance all the important aspects, respectively of answering with agility to the changing nature of the business and environment. Ignoring the changing nature of the problems and their contexts is a recipe for failure on the long term. 

This implies that people in particular and organizations in general need to become and  remain aware of the micro and macro changes occurring in organizations. Continuous learning is the key to cope with change. Organizations must learn to compromise and focus on what’s important, achievable and/or probable. Identifying, defining and following the value should be in an organization’s ADN. It also requires pragmatism (as opposed to idealism). Upon case, it may even require to say “no”, at least until the changes in the landscape offer a reevaluation of the various aspects.

One requires a lot from organizations when addressing optimization topics, especially when misalignment or important constraints or challenges may exist. Unfortunately, process related problems don’t always admit linear solutions. The nonlinear aspects are reflected especially when changing the scale, perspective or translating the issues or solutions from one are area to another.

There are probably answers available in the afferent literature or in the approaches followed by other organizations. Reinventing the wheel is part of the game, though invention may require explorations outside of the optimal paths. Conversely, an organization that knows itself has more chances to cope with the challenges and opportunities altogether. 

A lot from what organizations do in a consistent manner looks occasionally like inertia, self-occupation, suboptimal or random behavior, in opposition to being self-driven, self-aware, or in self-control. It’s also true that these are ideal qualities or aspects of what organizations should become in time. 

16 September 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: Mea Culpa (Part IV: Generalist or Specialist in an AI Era?)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

Except the early professional years when I did mainly programming for web or desktop applications in the context of n-tier architectures, over the past 20 years my professional life was a mix between BI, Data Analytics, Data Warehousing, Data Migrations and other topics (ERP implementations and support, Project Management, IT Service Management, IT, Data and Applications Management), though the BI topics covered probably on average at least 60% of my time, either as internal or external consultant. 

I can consider myself thus a generalist who had the chance to cover most of the important aspects of a business from an IT perspective, and it was thus a great experience, at least until now! It’s a great opportunity to have the chance to look at problems, solutions, processes and the various challenges and opportunities from different perspectives. Technical people should have this opportunity directly in their jobs through the communication occurring in projects or IT services, though that’s more of a wish! Unfortunately, the dialogue between IT and business occurs almost only over the tickets and documents, which might be transparent but isn’t necessarily effective or efficient! 

Does working only part time in an area make one person less experienced or knowledgeable than other people? In theory, a full-time employee should get more exposure in depth and/or breadth, but that’s relative! It depends on the challenges one faces, the variation of the tasks, the implemented solutions, their depth and other technical and nontechnical factors like training, one’s experience in working with the various tools, the variety of the tasks and problem faced, professionalism, etc. A richer exposure can but not necessarily involve more technical and nontechnical knowledge, and this shouldn’t be taken as given! There’s no right or wrong answer even if people tend to take sides and argue over details.

Independently of job's effective time, one is forced to use his/her time to keep current with technologies or extend one’s horizon. In IT, a professional seldom can rely on what is learned on the job. Fortunately, nowadays one has more and more ways of learning, while the challenge shifts toward what to ignore, respectively better management of one’s time while learning. The topics increase in complexity and with this blogging becomes even more difficult, especially when one competes with AI content!

Talking about IT, it will be interesting to see how much AI can help or replace some of the professions or professionals. Anyway, some jobs will become obsolete or shift the focus to prompt engineering and technical reviews. AI still needs explicit descriptions of how to address tasks, at least until it learns to create and use better recipes for problem definition and solving. The bottom line, AI and its use can’t be ignored, and it can and should be used also in learning new things. It’s amazing what one can do nowadays with prompt engineering! 

Another aspect on which AI can help is to tailor the content to one’s needs. A high percentage in the learning process is spent on fishing in a sea of information for content that is worth knowing, respectively for a solution to one’s needs. AI must be able to address also some of the context without prompters being forced to give information explicitly!

AI opens many doors but can close many others. How much of one’s experience will remain relevant over the next years? Will AI have more success in addressing some of the challenges existing in people’s understanding or people will just trust AI blindly? Anyway, somebody must be smarter than AI, and here people’s collective intelligence probably can prove to be a real match. 

01 September 2024

🗄️Data Management: Data Governance (Part I: No Guild of Heroes)

Data Management Series
Data Management Series

Data governance appeared around 1980s as topic though it gained popularity in early 2000s [1]. Twenty years later, organizations still miss the mark, respectively fail to understand and implement it in a consistent manner. As usual, the reasons for failure are multiple and they vary from misunderstanding what governance is all about to poor implementation of methodologies and inadequate management or leadership. 

Moreover, methodologies tend to idealize the various aspects and is not what organizations need, but pragmatism. For example, data governance is not about heroes and heroism [2], which can give the impression that heroic actions are involved and is not the case! Actions for the sake of action don’t necessarily lead to change by themselves. Organizations are in general good at creating meaningless action without results, especially when people preoccupy themselves, miss or ignore the mark. Big organizations are very good at generating actions without effects. 

People do talk to each other, though they try to solve their own problems and optimize their own areas without necessarily thinking about the bigger picture. The problem is not necessarily communication or the lack of depth into business issues, people do communicate, know the issues without a business impact assessment. The challenge is usually in convincing the upper management that the effort needs to be consolidated, supported, respectively the needed resources made available. 

Probably, one of the issues with data governance is the attempt of creating another structure in the organization focused on quality, which has the chances to fail, and unfortunately does fail. Many issues appear when the structure gains weight and it becomes a separate entity instead of being the backbone of organizations. 

As soon organizations separate the data governance from the key users, management and the other important decisional people in the organization, it takes a life of its own that has the chances to diverge from the initial construct. Then, organizations need "alignment" and probably other big words to coordinate the effort. Also such constructs can work but they are suboptimal because the forces will always pull in different directions.

Making each manager and the upper management responsible for governance is probably the way to go, though they’ll need the time for it. In theory, this can be achieved when many of the issues are solved at the lower level, when automation and further aspects allow them to supervise things, rather than hiding behind every issue. 

When too much mircomanagement is involved, people tend to busy themselves with topics rather than solve the issues they are confronted with. The actual actors need to be empowered to take decisions and optimize their work when needed. Kaizen, the philosophy of continuous improvement, proved itself that it works when applied correctly. They’ll need the knowledge, skills, time and support to do it though. One of the dangers is however that this becomes a full-time responsibility, which tends to create a separate entity again.

The challenge for organizations lies probably in the friction between where they are and what they must do to move forward toward the various objectives. Moving in small rapid steps is probably the way to go, though each person must be aware when something doesn’t work as expected and react. That’s probably the most important aspect. 

So, the more functions are created that diverge from the actual organization, the higher the chances for failure. Unfortunately, failure is visible in the later phases, and thus self-awareness, self-control and other similar “qualities” are needed, like small actors that keep the system in check and react whenever is needed. Ideally, the employees are the best resources to react whenever something doesn’t work as per design. 

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[1] Wikipedia (2023) Data Management [link]
[2] Tiankai Feng (2023) How to Turn Your Data Team Into Governance Heroes [link]

18 August 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: Mea Culpa (Part III: Problem Solving)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

I've been working for more than 20 years in BI and Data Analytics area, in combination with Software Engineering, ERP implementations, Project Management, IT services and several other areas, which allowed me to look at many recurring problems from different perspectives. One of the things I learnt is that problems are more complex and more dynamic than they seem, respectively that they may require tailored dynamic solutions. Unfortunately, people usually focus on one or two immediate perspectives, ignoring the dynamics and the multilayered character of the problems!

Sometimes, a quick fix and limited perspective is what we need to get started and fix the symptoms, and problem-solvers usually stop there. When left unsupervised, the problems tend to kick back, build up momentum and appear under more complex forms in various places. Moreover, the symptoms can remain hidden until is too late. To this also adds the political agendas and the further limitations existing in organizations (people, money, know-how, etc.).

It seems much easier to involve external people (individual experts, consultancy companies) to solve the problem(s), though unless they get a deep understanding of the business and the issues existing in it, the chances are high that they solve the wrong problems and/or implement the wrong solutions. Therefore, it's more advisable to have internal experts, when feasible, and that's the point where business people with technical expertise and/or IT people with business expertise can help. Ideally, one should have a good mix and the so called competency centers can do a great job in handling the challenges of organizations. 

Between business and IT people there's a gap that can be higher or lower depending on resources know-how or the effort made by organizations to reduce it. To this adds the nature of the issues existing in organizations, which can vary considerable across departments, organizations or any other form of establishment. Conversely, the specific skillset can be transmuted where needed, which might happen naturally, though upon case also considerable effort needs to be involved in the process.

Being involved in similar tasks, one may get the impression that one can do whatever the others can do. This can happen in IT as well on the business side. There can be activities that can be done by parties from the other group, though there are also many exceptions in both directions, especially when one considers that one can’t generalize the applicability and/or transmutation of skillset. 

A more concrete example is the know-how needed by a businessperson to use the BI infrastructure for answering business questions, and ideally for doing all or at least most of the activities a BI professional can do. Ideally, as part of the learning path, it would be helpful to have a pursuable path in between the two points. The mastery of tools helps in the process though there are different mindsets involved.

Unfortunately, the data-related fields are full of overconfident people who get the problem-solving process wrong. Data-based problem-solving resumes in gathering the right facts and data, building the right conceptual model, identifying the right questions to ask, collecting more data, refining methods and solutions, etc. There’s aways an easy wrong way to solve a problem!

The mastery of tools doesn’t imply the mastery of business domains! What people from the business side can bring is deeper insight in the business problems, though getting from there to implementing solutions can prove a long way, especially when problems require different approaches, different levels of approximations, etc. No tool alone can bridge such gaps yet! Frankly, this is the most difficult to learn and unfortunately many data professionals seem to get this wrong!

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10 April 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: Perspectives (Part XI: Ways of Thinking about Data)

Business Intelligence Series

One can observe sometimes the tendency of data professionals to move from a business problem directly to data and data modeling without trying to understand the processes behind the data. One could say that the behavior is driven by the eagerness of exploring the data, though even later there are seldom questions considered about the processes themselves. One can argue that maybe the processes are self-explanatory, though that’s seldom the case. 

Conversely, looking at the datasets available on the web, usually there’s a fact table and the associated dimensions, the data describing only one process. It’s natural to presume that there are data professionals who don’t think much about, or better said in terms of processes. A similar big jump can be observed in blog posts on dashboards and/or reports, bloggers moving from the data directly to the data model. 

In the world of complex systems like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems thinking in terms of processes is mandatory because a fact table can hold the data for different processes, while processes can span over multiple fact-like tables, and have thus multiple levels of detail. Moreover, processes are broken down into sub-processes and procedures that have a counterpart in the data as well. 

Moreover, within a process there can be multiple perspectives that are usually module or role dependent. A perspective is a role’s orientation to the word for which the data belongs to, and it’s slightly different from what the data professional considers as view, the perspective being a projection over a set of processes within the data, while a view is a projection of the perspectives into the data structure. 

For example, considering the order-to-cash process there are several sub-processes like order fulfillment, invoicing, and payment collection, though there can be several other processes involved like credit management or production and manufacturing. Creating, respectively updating, or canceling an order can be examples of procedures. 

The sales representative, the shop worker and the accountant will have different perspectives projected into the data, focusing on the projection of the data on the modules they work with. Thinking in terms of modules is probably the easiest way to identify the boundaries of the perspectives, though the rules are occasionally more complex than this.

When defining and/or attempting to understand a problem it’s important to understand which perspective needs to be considered. For example, the sales volume can be projected based on Sales orders or on invoiced Sales orders, respectively on the General ledger postings, and the three views can result in different numbers. Moreover, there are partitions within these perspectives based on business rules that determine what to include or exclude from the logic. 

One can define a business rule as a set of conditional logic that constraints some part of the data in the data structures by specifying what is allowed or not, though usually we refer to a special type called selection business rule that determines what data are selected (e.g. open Purchase orders, Products with Inventory, etc.). However, when building the data model we need to consider business rules as well, though we might need to check whether they are enforced as well. 

Moreover, it’s useful to think also in terms of (data) entities and sub-entities, in which the data entity is an abstraction from the physical implementation of database tables. A data entity encapsulates (hides internal details) a business concept and/or perspective into an abstraction (simplified representation) that makes development, integration, and data processing easier. In certain systems like Dynamics 365 is important to think at this level because data entities can simplify data modelling considerably.

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16 March 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: A Software Engineer's Perspective (Part VII: Think for Yourself!)

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Series

After almost a quarter-century of professional experience the best advice I could give to younger professionals is to "gather information and think for themselves", and with this the reader can close the page and move forward! Anyway, everybody seems to be looking for sudden enlightenment with minimal effort, as if the effort has no meaning in the process!

In whatever endeavor you are caught, it makes sense to do upfront a bit of thinking for yourself - what's the task, or more general the problem, which are the main aspects and interpretations, which are the goals, respectively the objectives, how a solution might look like, respectively how can it be solved, how long it could take, etc. This exercise is important for familiarizing yourself with the problem and creating a skeleton on which you can build further. It can be just vague ideas or something more complex, though no matter the overall depth is important to do some thinking for yourself!

Then, you should do some research to identify how others approached and maybe solved the problem, what were the justifications, assumptions, heuristics, strategies, and other tools used in sense-making and problem solving. When doing research, one should not stop with the first answer and go with it. It makes sense to allocate a fair amount of time for information gathering, structuring the findings in a reusable way (e.g. tables, mind maps or other tools used for knowledge mapping), and looking at the problem from the multiple perspectives derived from them. It's important to gather several perspectives, otherwise the decisions have a high chance of being biased. Just because others preferred a certain approach, it doesn't mean one should follow it, at least not blindly!

The purpose of research is multifold. First, one should try not to reinvent the wheel. I know, it can be fun, and a lot can be learned in the process, though when time is an important commodity, it's important to be pragmatic! Secondly, new information can provide new perspectives - one can learn a lot from other people’s thinking. The pragmatism of problem solvers should be combined, when possible, with the idealism of theories. Thus, one can make connections between ideas that aren't connected at first sight.

Once a good share of facts was gathered, you can review the new information in respect to the previous ones and devise from there several approaches worthy of attack. Once the facts are reviewed, there are probably strong arguments made by others to follow one approach over the others. However, one can show that has reached a maturity when is able to evaluate the information and take a decision based on the respective information, even if the decision is not by far perfect.

One should try to develop a feeling for decision making, even if this seems to be more of a gut-feeling and stressful at times. When possible, one should attempt to collect and/or use data, though collecting data is often a luxury that tends to postpone the decision making, respectively be misused by people just to confirm their biases. Conversely, if there's any important benefit associated with it, one can collect data to validate in time one's decision, though that's a more of a scientist’s approach.

I know that's easier to go with the general opinion and do what others advise, especially when some ideas are popular and/or come from experts, though then would mean to also follow others' mistakes and biases. Occasionally, that can be acceptable, especially when the impact is neglectable, however each decision we are confronted with is an opportunity to learn something, to make a difference! 

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12 March 2024

🕸Systems Engineering: A Play of Problems (Much Ado about Nothing)

Disclaimer: This post was created just for fun. No problem was hurt or solved in the process! 
Updated: 12-Jun-2024

On Problems

Everybody has at least a problem. If somebody doesn’t have a problem, he’ll make one. If somebody can't make a problem, he can always find a problem. One doesn't need to search long for finding a problem. Looking for a problem one sees more problems. 

Not having a problem can easily become a problem. It’s better to have a problem than none. The none problem is undefinable, which makes it a problem. 

Avoiding a problem might lead you to another problem. Some problems are so old, that's easier to ignore them. 

In every big problem there’s a small problem trying to come out. Most problems can be reduced to smaller problems. A small problem may hide a bigger problem. 

It’s better to solve a problem when is still small, however problems can be perceived only when they grow bigger (big enough). 

In the neighborhood of a problem there’s another problem getting closer. Problems tend to attract each other. 

Between two problems there’s enough place for a third to appear. The shortest path between two problems is another problem. 

Two problems that appear together in successive situations might be the parts of the same problem. 

A problem is more than the sum of its parts.

Any problem can be simplified to the degree that it becomes another problem. 

The complementary of a problem is another problem. At the intersection/reunion of two problems lies another problem.

The inverse of a problem is another problem more complex than the initial problem.

Defining a problem correctly is another problem. A known problem doesn’t make one problem less. 

When a problem seems to be enough, a second appears. A problem never comes alone.  The interplay of the two problems creates a third.

Sharing the problems with somebody else just multiplies the number of problems. 

Problems multiply beyond necessity. Problems multiply beyond our expectations. Problems multiply faster than we can solve them. 

Having more than one problem is for many already too much. Between many big problems and an infinity of problems there seem to be no big difference. 

Many small problems can converge toward a bigger problem. Many small problems can also diverge toward two bigger problems. 

When neighboring problems exist, people tend to isolate them. Isolated problems tend to find other ways to surprise.

Several problems aggregate and create bigger problems that tend to suck within the neighboring problems.

If one waits long enough some problems will solve themselves or it will get bigger. Bigger problems exceed one's area of responsibility. 

One can get credit for a self-created problem. It takes only a good problem to become famous.

A good problem can provide a lifetime. A good problem has the tendency to kick back where it hurts the most. One can fall in love with a good problem. 

One should not theorize before one has a (good) problem. A problem can lead to a new theory, while a theory brings with it many more problems. 

If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem will look like a nail. (paraphrasing Abraham H Maslow)

Any field of knowledge can be covered by a set of problems. A field of knowledge should be learned by the problems it poses.

A problem thoroughly understood is always fairly simple, but unfairly complex. (paraphrasing Charles F Kettering)

The problem solver created usually the problem. 

Problem Solving

Break a problem in two to solve it easier. Finding how to break a problem is already another problem. Deconstructing a problem to its parts is no guarantee for solving the problem.

Every problem has at least two solutions from which at least one is wrong. It’s easier to solve the wrong problem. 

It’s easier to solve a problem if one knows the solution already. Knowing a solution is not a guarantee for solving the problem.

Sometimes a problem disappears faster than one can find a solution. 

If a problem has two solutions, more likely a third solution exists. 

Solutions can be used to generate problems. The design of a problem seldom lies in its solutions. 

The solution of a problem can create at least one more problem. 

One can solve only one problem at a time. 

Unsolvable problems lead to problematic approximations. There's always a better approximation, one just needs to find it. One needs to be o know when to stop searching for an approximation. 

There's not only a single way for solving a problem. Finding another way for solving a problem provides more insight into the problem. More insight complicates the problem unnecessarily. 

Solving a problem is a matter of perspective. Finding the right perspective is another problem.

Solving a problem is a matter of tools. Searching for the right tool can be a laborious process. 

Solving a problem requires a higher level of consciousness than the level that created it. (see Einstein) With the increase complexity of the problems one an run out of consciousness.

Trying to solve an old problem creates resistance against its solution(s). 

The premature optimization of a problem is the root of all evil. (paraphrasing Donald Knuth)

A great discovery solves a great problem but creates a few others on its way. (paraphrasing George Polya)

Solving the symptoms of a problem can prove more difficult that solving the problem itself.

A master is a person who knows the solutions to his problems. To learn the solutions to others' problems he needs a pupil. 

"The final test of a theory is its capacity to solve the problems which originated it." (George Dantzig) It's easier to theorize if one has a set of problems.

A problem is defined as a gap between where you are and where you want to be, though nobody knows exactly where he is or wants to be.

Complex problems are the problems that persist - so are minor ones.

"The problems are solved, not by giving new information, but by arranging what we have known since long." (Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1953) Some people are just lost in rearranging. 

Solving problems is a practical skill, but impractical endeavor. (paraphrasing George Polya) 

"To ask the right question is harder than to answer it." (Georg Cantor) So most people avoid asking the right question.

Solve more problems than you create.

They Said It

"A great many problems do not have accurate answers, but do have approximate answers, from which sensible decisions can be made." (Berkeley's Law)

"A problem is an opportunity to grow, creating more problems. [...] most important problems cannot be solved; they must be outgrown." (Wayne Dyer)

"A system represents someone's solution to a problem. The system doesn't solve the problem." (John Gall, 1975)

"As long as a branch of science offers an abundance of problems, so long is it alive." (David Hilbert)

"Complex problems have simple, easy to understand, wrong answers." [Grossman's Misquote]

"Every solution breeds new problems." [Murphy's laws]

"Given any problem containing n equations, there will be n+1 unknowns." [Snafu]

"I have not seen any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated." (Paul Anderson)

"If a problem causes many meetings, the meetings eventually become more important than the problem." (Hendrickson’s Law)

"If you think the problem is bad now, just wait until we’ve solved it." (Arthur Kasspe) [Epstein’s Law]

"Inventing is easy for staff outfits. Stating a problem is much harder. Instead of stating problems, people like to pass out half- accurate statements together with half-available solutions which they can't finish and which they want you to finish." [Katz's Maxims]

"It is better to do the right problem the wrong way than to do the wrong problem the right way." (Richard Hamming)

"Most problems have either many answers or no answer. Only a few problems have a single answer." [Berkeley's Law]

"Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by fighting back." (Piet Hein)

Rule of Accuracy: "When working toward the solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer."
Corollary: "Provided, of course, that you know there is a problem."

"Some problems are just too complicated for rational logical solutions. They admit of insights, not answers." (Jerome B Wiesner, 1963)

"Sometimes, where a complex problem can be illuminated by many tools, one can be forgiven for applying the one he knows best." [Screwdriver Syndrome]

"The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it." (Brendan Francis)

"The chief cause of problems is solutions." [Sevareid's Law]

"The first step of problem solving is to understand the existing conditions." (Kaoru Ishikawa)

"The human race never solves any of its problems, it only outlives them." (David Gerrold)

"The most fruitful research grows out of practical problems."  (Ralph B Peck)

"The problem-solving process will always break down at the point at which it is possible to determine who caused the problem." [Fyffe's Axiom]

"The worst thing you can do to a problem is solve it completely." (Daniel Kleitman)

"The easiest way to solve a problem is to deny it exists." (Isaac Asimov)

"The solution to a problem changes the problem." [Peers's Law]

"There is a solution to every problem; the only difficulty is finding it." [Evvie Nef's Law]

"There is no mechanical problem so difficult that it cannot be solved by brute strength and ignorance. [William's Law]

"Today's problems come from yesterday’s 'solutions'." (Peter M Senge, 1990)

"While the difficulties and dangers of problems tend to increase at a geometric rate, the knowledge and manpower qualified to deal with these problems tend to increase linearly." [Dror's First Law]

"You are never sure whether or not a problem is good unless you actually solve it." (Mikhail Gromov)

More quotes on Problem solving at

Murphy's laws and corollaries (link)

05 March 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: Data Culture (Part I: Generative AI - No Silver Bullet)

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Series

Talking about holy grails in Data Analytics, another topic of major importance for an organization’s "infrastructure" is data culture, that can be defined as the collective beliefs, values, behaviors, and practices of an organization’s employees in harnessing the value of data for decision-making, operations, or insight. Rooted in data literacy, data culture is an extension of an organization’s culture in respect to data that acts as enabler in harnessing the value of data. It’s about thinking critically about data and how data is used to create value. 

The current topic was suggested by’s webcast from today [3] and is based on Brent Dykes’ article from Forbes ‘Why AI Isn’t Going to Solve All Your Data Culture Problems’ [1]. Dykes’ starting point for the discussion is Wavestone's annual data executive survey based on which the number of companies that reported they had "created a data-driven organization" rose sharply from 23.9 percent in 2023 to 48.1 percent in 2024 [2]. The report’s authors concluded that the result is driven by the adoption of Generative AI, the capabilities of OpenAI-like tools to generate context-dependent meaningful text, images, and other content in response to prompts. 

I agree with Dykes that AI technologies can’t be a silver bullet for an organization data culture given that AI either replaces people’s behaviors or augments existing ones, being thus a substitute and not a cure [1]. Even for a disruptive technology like Generative AI, it’s impossible to change so much employees’ mindset in a so short period of time. Typically, a data culture matures over years with sustained effort. Therefore, the argument that the increase is due to respondent’s false perception is more than plausible. There’s indeed a big difference between thinking about an organization as being data-driven and being data-driven. 

The three questions-based evaluation considered in the article addresses this difference, thinking vs. being. Changes in data culture don’t occur just because some people or metrics say so, but when people change their mental models based on data, when the interpersonal relations change, when the whole dynamics within the organization changes (positively). If people continue the same behavior and practices, then there are high chances that no change occurred besides the Brownian movement in a confined space of employees, that’s just chaotic motion.  

Indeed, a data culture should encourage the discovery, exploration, collaboration, discussions [1] respectively knowledge sharing and make people more receptive and responsive about environmental or circumstance changes. However, just involving leadership and having things prioritized and funded is not enough, no matter how powerful the drive. These can act as enablers, though more important is to awaken and guide people’s interest, working on people’s motivation and supporting the learning process through mentoring. No amount of brute force can make a mind move and evolve freely unless the mind is driven by an inborn curiosity!

Driving a self-driving car doesn’t make one a better driver. Technology should challenge people and expand their understanding of how data can be used in different contexts rather than give solutions based on a mass of texts available as input. This is how people grow meaningfully and how an organization’s culture expands. Readily available answers make people become dull and dependent on technology, which in the long-term can create more problems. Technology can solve problems when used creatively, when problems and their context are properly understood, and the solutions customized accordingly.

Unfortunately, for many organizations data culture will be just a topic to philosophy about. Data culture implies a change of mindset, perception, mental models, behavior, and practices based on data and not only consulting the data to confirm one’s biases on how the business operates!

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[1] Forbes (2024) Why AI Isn’t Going To Solve All Your Data Culture Problems, by Brent Dykes (link)
[2] Wavestone (2024) 2024 Data and AI Leadership Executive Survey (link)
[3] Power BI tips (2024) Ep.299: AI & Data Culture Problems (link)

21 February 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: A Software Engineer's Perspective (Part IV: The Loom of Interactions)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series 

The process of developing or creating a report is quite simple - there's a demand for data, usually a business problem, the user (aka requestor) defines a set of requirements, the data professional writes one or more queries to address the requirements, which are then used to build one or more reports. The report(s) is/are reviewed by the requestor and with this the process should be over in most of the cases. However, this is rather the exception - a long series of changes over multiple iterations are usually necessary, the queries and the reports get modified and even rewritten until they reach the final form, lot of effort being wasted in the process on both sides.

Common practices for improving the process behind resume to assuring that the requirements are complete and understood upfront, that best practices are followed, that the user gets an early review of the work and that there's a continuous communication, that process' performance is monitored, that controls are in place, etc. Standardizing the process helps to reduce the number of iterations, but only by a factor. Unfortunately, the bigger issue - the knowledge gap - is often ignored.

There's lot of literature on problem solving, on what steps to follow, on how to define the problem, what aspects should be considered, etc. Recipes are good when one knows how to follow them, respectively how to cook, and that can be a tedious process. It is said that framing the right problem is half the way to its solving, and that's so true. Part of the bigger issue is that users need data to better understand the problem, however the drives can be different - sometimes is problem's complexity, while other times the need is apparent, only with the first set of data the users start thinking seriously about the problem. 

So, the first major gap is between the problem and user's knowledge about the problem. Experience and theory can help reduce the gap, however the most important progress comes when the user understands the data behind the various processes that overlap with the problem. Sometimes, it's enough to explore the data visually, while other times deeper explorations are needed. Data literacy is important, though more important are the exposure to the data and problems of different variety and complexity, respectively having the time for this. 

The second gap concerns the data professional - building the data model and the logic for the report requires domain knowledge. The level of knowledge depends from case to case, and typically what one doesn't know has the biggest impact. A data professional can help to the degree of the information, respectively knowledge he has about the business. The expectation to provide a report based on a set of fields might be valid for simple requirements, though the more complex a problem, the more domain knowledge is needed. Moreover, the data professional might need to reengineer the logic from the source system, which can prove challenging only by looking at the data.

Ideally, the two parties should work together starting with problem's framing and build common ground while covering the knowledge gaps on both sides. Of course, the user doesn't need to dive into the technical knowledge unless the organization leverages this interaction further by adopting the data citizen mindset. Such interactions can help to build trust, respectively a basis for further collaboration. Conversely, the more isolated the two parties, the higher the chances for more iterations to occur. 

Covering the knowledge gaps might look like a redistribution of the effort, though by keeping the status quo there is little chance for growth!

18 February 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: A Software Engineer's Perspective (Part III: More of a One-Man Show)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series 

Probably, in some organizations there are still recounted stories about a hero who knew so much about the business and was technically proficient that he/she was able to provide data-driven answers to most business questions. Unfortunately, the times of solo representations are for long gone - the world moves too fast, there are too many questions looking for an answer, many of them requiring a solution before the problem was actually defined, a whole infrastructure is needed to be able to harness the potential of  technologies and data, the volume of knowledge required grows exponentially, etc. 

One of the approaches of handling the knowledge gap between the initial and required knowledge in solving problems based on data is to build all the required knowledge in one person, either on the business or the technical side. More common is to hire a data analyst and build the knowledge in the respective resource, and the approach has great chances to work until the volume of work exceeds a person's limits. The data analyst is forced to request to have the workload prioritized, which might work in certain occasions, while in others one needs to compromise on quality and/or do overtime, and all the issues deriving from this. 

There are also situations in which the complexity of the problem exceeds a person's ability to handle it, and that's not necessarily a matter of intelligence but of knowhow. Some organizations respond with complexity to complexity, while others are more creative and break the complexity in manageable pieces. In both cases, more resources are needed to cover the knowledge and resource gap. Hiring more data analysts can get the work done though it's not a recipe for success. The more diverse the team, the higher the chances to succeed, though again it's a matter of creativity and of covering the knowledge gaps. Sometimes, it's more productive to use the resources already available in organization, though this can involve other challenges. 

Even if much of the knowledge gets documented, as soon the data analyst leaves the organization a void is created until a similar resource is able to fill it. Organizations can better cope with these challenges if they disseminate the knowledge between data professionals respectively within the business. The more resources are involved the higher the level of retention and higher the chances of reusing the knowledge. However, the more people are involved, the higher the costs, especially the one associated with the waste of effort. 

Organizations can compromise by choosing 1-2 resources from each department to be involved in knowledge dissemination, ideally people with data and technology affinity. They shall become data citizens, people who use  data, data processing and visualization for building solutions that enable their job. Data citizens are expected to act as showmen in their knowledge domain and do their magic whenever such requirements arise.

Having a whole team of data citizens opens new opportunities for organizations, though such resources will need beside domain knowledge and data literacy also technical knowledge. Unfortunately, many people will reach their limitations in this area. Besides the learning effort, understanding what good architecture, design and techniques means is unfortunately not for everybody, and here's where the concept of citizen data analyst or citizen scientist breaks, and this independently of the tools used.

A data citizen's effort works best in data discovery, exploration and visualization scenarios where the rapid creation of prototypes reduces the time from idea to solution. However, the results are personal solutions that need to be validated by a technical person, pieces of the solutions maybe redesigned and moved until enterprise solutions result.

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17 February 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: A Software Engineer's Perspective (Part II: Major Knowledge Gaps)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

Solving a problem requires a certain degree of knowledge in the areas affected by the problem, degree that varies exponentially with problem's complexity. This requirement applies to scientific fields with low allowance for errors, as well as to business scenarios where the allowance for errors is in theory more relaxed. Building a report or any other data artifact is closely connected with problem solving as the data artifacts are supposed to model the whole or parts of what is needed for solving the problem(s) in scope.

In general, creating data artifacts requires: (1) domain knowledge - knowledge of the concepts, processes, systems, data, data structures and data flows as available in the organization; (2) technical knowledge - knowledge about the tools, techniques, processes and methodologies used to produce the artifacts; (3) data literacy - critical thinking, the ability to understand and explore the implications of data, respectively communicating data in context; (4) activity management - managing the activities involved. 

At minimum, creating a report may require only narrower subsets from the areas mentioned above, depending on the complexity of the problem and the tasks involved. Ideally, a single person should be knowledgeable enough to handle all this alone, though that's seldom the case. Commonly, two or more parties are involved, though let's consider the two-parties scenario: on one side is the customer who has (in theory) a deep understanding of the domain, respectively on the other side is the data professional who has (in theory) a deep understanding of the technical aspects. Ideally, both parties should be data literates and have some basic knowledge of the other party's domain. 

To attack a business problem that requires one or more data artifacts both parties need to have a common understanding of the problem to be solved, of the requirements, constraints, assumptions, expectations, risks, and other important aspects associated with it. It's critical for the data professional to acquire the domain knowledge required by the problem, otherwise the solution has high chances to deviate from the expectations. The general issue is that there are multiple interactions that are iterative. Firstly, the interactions for building the needed common ground. Secondly, the interaction between the problem and reality. Thirdly, the interaction between the problem and parties’ mental models und understanding about the problem. 

The outcome of these interactions is that the problem and its requirements go through several iterations in which knowledge from the previous iterations are incorporated successively. With each important piece of knowledge gained, it's important to revise and refine the question(s), respectively the problem. If in each iteration there are also programming and further technical activities involved, the effort and costs resulted in the process can explode, while the timeline expands accordingly. 

There are several heuristics that could be devised to address these challenges: (1) build all the required knowledge in one person, either on the business or the technical side; (2) make sure that the parties have the required knowledge for approaching the problems in scope; (3) make sure that the gaps between reality and parties' mental models is minimal; (4) make sure that the requirements are complete and understood before starting the development; (5) adhere to methodologies that accommodate the necessary iterations and endeavor's particularities; (6) make sure that there's a halt condition for regularly reviewing the progress, respectively halting the work; (7) build an organizational culture to support all this. 

The list is open, and the heuristics aren't exclusive, so in theory any combination of them can be considered. Ideally, an organization should reflect all these heuristics in one form or another. The higher the coverage, the more mature the organization is. The question is how organizations with a suboptimal setup can change the status quo?

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02 January 2024

🕸Systems Engineering: Never-Ending Stories in Praxis (Quote of the Day)

Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering Cycle

"[…] the longer one works on […] a project without actually concluding it, the more remote the expected completion date becomes. Is this really such a perplexing paradox? No, on the contrary: human experience, all-too-familiar human experience, suggests that in fact many tasks suffer from similar runaway completion times. In short, such jobs either get done soon or they never get done. It is surprising, though, that this common conundrum can be modeled so simply by a self-similar power law." (Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990)

I found the above quote while browsing through Manfred Schroeder's book on fractals, chaos and power laws, book that also explores similar topics like percolation, recursion, randomness, self-similarity, determinism, etc. Unfortunately, when one goes beyond the introductory notes of each chapter, the subjects require more advanced knowledge of Mathematics, respectively further analysis and exploration of the models behind. Despite this, the book is still an interesting read with ideas to ponder upon.

I found myself a few times in the situation described above - working on a task that didn't seem to end, despite investing more effort, respectively approaching the solution from different angles. The reasons residing behind such situations were multiple, found typically beyond my direct area of influence and/or decision. In a systemic setup, there are parts of a system that find themselves in opposition, different forces pulling in distinct directions. It can be the case of interests, goals, expectations or solutions which compete or make subject to politics. 

For example, in Data Analytics or Data Science there are high chances that no progress can be made beyond a certain point without addressing first the quality of data or design/architectural issues. The integrations between applications, data migrations and other solutions which heavily rely on data are sensitive to data quality and architecture's reliability. As long the source of variability (data, data generators) is not stabilized, providing a stable solution has low chances of success, no matter how much effort is invested, respectively how performant the tools are. 

Some of the issues can be solved by allocating resources to handle their implications. Unfortunately, some organizations attempt to solve such issues by allocating the resources in the wrong areas or by addressing the symptoms instead of taking a step back and looking systemically at the problem, analyzing and modeling it accordingly. Moreover, there are organizations which refuse to recognize they have a problem at all! In the blame game, it's much easier to shift the responsibility on somebody else's shoulders. 

Defining the right problem to solve might prove more challenging than expected and usually this requires several iterations in which the knowledge obtained in the process is incorporated gradually. Other times, one attempts to solve the correct problem by using the wrong methodology, architecture and/or skillset. The difference between right and wrong depends on the context, and even between similar problems and factors the context can make a considerable difference.

The above quote can be corroborated with situations in which perfection is demanded. In IT and management setups, excellence is often confounded with perfection, the latter being impossible to achieve, though many managers take it as the norm. There's a critical point above which the effort invested outweighs solution's plausibility by an exponential factor.  

Another source for unending effort is when requirements change frequently in a swift manner - e.g. the rate with which changes occur outweighs the progress made for finding a solution. Unless the requirements are stabilized, the effort spirals towards the outside (in an exponential manner). 

Finally, there are cases with extreme character, in which for example the complexity of the task outweighs the skillset and/or the number of resources available. Moreover, there are problems which accept plausible solutions, though there are also problems (especially systemic ones) which don't have stable or plausible solutions. 

Behind most of such cases lie factors that tend to have chaotic behavior that occurs especially when the environments are far from favorable. The models used to depict such relations are nonlinear, sometimes expressed as power laws - one quantity varying as a power of another, with the variation increasing with each generation. 

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[1] Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990 (quotes)

14 October 2023

🧭Business Intelligence: Perspectives (Part VIII: Insights - The Complexity Perspective)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

Scientists attempt to discover laws and principles, and for this they conduct experiments, build theories and models rooted in the data they collect. In the business setup, data professionals analyze the data for identifying patterns, trends, outliers or anything else that can lead to new information or knowledge. On one side scientists chose the boundaries of the systems they study, while for data professionals even if the systems are usually given, they can make similar choices. 

In theory, scientists are more flexible in what data they collect, though they might have constraints imposed by the boundaries of their experiments and the tools they use. For data professionals most of the data they need is already there, in the systems the business uses, though the constraints reside in the intrinsic and extrinsic quality of the data, whether the data are fit for the purpose. Both parties need to work around limitations, or attempt to improve the experiments, respectively the systems. 

Even if the data might have different characteristics, this doesn't mean that the methods applied by data professionals can't be used by scientists and vice-versa. The closer data professionals move from Data Analytics to Data Science, the higher the overlap between the business and scientific setup. 

Conversely, the problems data professionals meet have different characteristics. Scientists outlook is directed mainly at the phenomena and processes occurring in nature and society, where randomness, emergence and chaos seem to feel at home. Business processes deal more with predefined controlled structures, cyclicity, higher dependency between processes, feedback and delays. Even if the problems may seem to be different, they can be modeled with systems dynamics. 

Returning to data visualization and the problem of insight, there are multiple questions. Can we use simple designs or characterizations to find the answer to complex problems? Which must be the characteristics of a piece of information or knowledge to generate insight? How can a simple visualization generate an insight moment? 

Appealing to complexity theory, there are several general approaches in handling complexity. One approach resides in answering complexity with complexity. This means building complex data visualizations that attempt to model problem's complexity. For example, this could be done by building a complex model that reflects the problem studied, and build a set of complex visualizations that reflect the different important facets. Many data professionals advise against this approach as it goes against the simplicity principle. On the other hand, starting with something complex and removing the nonessential can prove to be an approachable strategy, even if it involves more effort. 

Another approach resides in reducing the complexity of the problem either by relaxing the constraints, or by breaking the problem into simple problems and addressing each one of them with visualizations. Relaxing the constraints allow studying upon case a more general problem or a linearization of the initial problem. Breaking down the problem into problems that can be easier solved, can help to better understand the general problem though we might lose the sight of emergence and other behavior that characterize complex systems.

Providing simple visualizations to complex problems implies a good understanding of the problem, its solution(s) and the overall context, which frankly is harder to achieve the more complex a problem is. For its understanding a problem requires a minimum of knowledge that needs to be reflected in the visualization(s). Even if some important aspects are assumed as known, they still need to be confirmed by the visualizations, otherwise any deviation from assumptions can lead to a new problem. Therefore, its questionable that simple visualizations can address the complexity of the problems in a general manner. 

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20 March 2021

🧭Business Intelligence: New Technologies, Old Challenges (Part I: An Introduction)

Business Intelligence

Each important technology has the potential of creating divides between the specialists from a given field. This aspect is more suggestive in the data-driven fields like BI/Analytics or Data Warehousing. The data professionals (engineers, scientists, analysts, developers) skilled only in the new wave of technologies tend to disregard the role played by the former technologies and their role in the data landscape. The argumentation for such behavior is rooted in the belief that a new technology is better and can solve any problem better than previous technologies did. It’s a kind of mirage professionals and customers can easily fall under.

Being bigger, faster, having new functionality, doesn’t make a tool the best choice by default. The choice must be rooted in the problem to be solved and the set of requirements it comes with. Just because a vibratory rammer is a new technology, is faster and has more power in applying pressure, this doesn’t mean that it will replace a hammer. Where a certain type of power is needed the vibratory rammer might be the best tool, while for situations in which a minimum of power and probably more precision is needed, like driving in a nail, then an adequately sized hammer will prove to be a better choice.

A technology is to be used in certain (business/technological) contexts, and even if contexts often overlap, the further details (aka requirements) should lead to the proper use of tools. It’s in a professional’s duties to be able to differentiate between contexts, requirements and the capabilities of the tools appropriate for each context. In this resides partially a professional’s mastery over its field of work and of providing adequate solutions for customers’ needs. Especially in IT, it’s not enough to master the new tools but also have an understanding about preceding tools, usage contexts, capabilities and challenges.

From an historical perspective each tool appeared to fill a demand, and even if maybe it didn’t manage to fill it adequately, the experience obtained can prove to be valuable in one way or another. Otherwise, one risks reinventing the wheel, or more dangerously, repeating the failures of the past. Each new technology seems to provide a deja-vu from this perspective.

Moreover, a new technology provides new opportunities and requires maybe to change our way of thinking in respect to how the technology is used and the processes or techniques associated with it. Knowledge of the past technologies help identifying such opportunities easier. How a tool is used is also a matter of skills, while its appropriate use and adoption implies an inherent learning curve. Having previous experience with similar tools tends to reduce the learning curve considerably, though hands-on learning is still necessary, and appropriate learning materials or tutoring is upon case needed for a smoother transition.

In what concerns the implementation of mature technologies, most of the challenges were seldom the technologies themselves but of non-technical nature, ranging from the poor understanding/knowledge about the tools, their role and the implications they have for an organization, to an organization’s maturity in leading projects. Even the most-advanced technology can fail in the hands of non-experts. Experience can’t be judged based only on the years spent in the field or the number of projects one worked on, but on the understanding acquired about implementation and usage’s challenges. These latter aspects seem to be widely ignored, even if it can make the difference between success and failure in a technology’s implementation.

Ultimately, each technology is appropriate in certain contexts and a new technology doesn’t necessarily make another obsolete, at least not until the old contexts become obsolete.

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30 October 2020

Data Science: Data Strategy (Part II: Generalists vs Specialists in the Field)

Data Science

Division of labor favorizes the tasks done repeatedly, where knowledge of the broader processes is not needed, where aspects as creativity are needed only at a small scale. Division invaded the IT domains as tools, methodologies and demands increased in complexity, and therefore Data Science and BI/Analytics make no exception from this.

The scale of this development gains sometimes humorous expectations or misbelieves when one hears headhunters asking potential candidates whether they are upfront or backend experts when a good understanding of both aspects is needed for providing adequate results. The development gains tragicomical implications when one is limited in action only to a given area despite the extended expertise, or when a generalist seems to step on the feet of specialists, sometimes from the right entitled reasons. 

Headhunters’ behavior is rooted maybe in the poor understanding of the domain of expertise and implications of the job descriptions. It’s hard to understand how people sustain of having knowledge about a domain just because they heard the words flying around and got some glimpse of the connotations associated with the words. Unfortunately, this is extended to management and further in the business environment, with all the implications deriving from it. 

As Data Science finds itself at the intersection between Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Neurocomputing, Pattern Recognition, Statistics and Data Processing, the center of gravity is hard to determine. One way of dealing with the unknown is requiring candidates to have a few years of trackable experience in the respective fields or in the use of a few tools considered as important in the respective domains. Of course, the usage of tools and techniques is important, though it’s a big difference between using a tool and understanding the how, when, why, where, in which ways and by what means a tool can be used effectively to create value. This can be gained only when one’s exposed to different business scenarios across industries and is a tough thing to demand from a profession found in its baby steps. 

Moreover, being a good data scientist involves having a deep insight into the businesses, being able to understand data and the demands associated with data – the various qualitative and quantitative aspects. Seeing the big picture is important in defining, approaching and solving problems. The more one is exposed to different techniques and business scenarios, with right understanding and some problem-solving skillset one can transpose and solve problems across domains. However, the generalist will find his limitations as soon a certain depth is reached, and the collaboration with a specialist is then required. A good collaboration between generalists and specialists is important in complex projects which overreach the boundaries of one person’s knowledge and skillset. 

Complexity is addressed when one can focus on the important characteristic of the problem, respectively when the models built can reflect the demands. The most important skillset besides the use of technical tools is the ability to model problems and root the respective problems into data, to elaborate theories and check them against reality. 

Complex problems can require specialization in certain fields, though seldom one problem is dependent only on one aspect of the business, as problems occur in overreaching contexts that span sometimes the borders of an organization. In addition, the ability to solve problems seem to be impacted by the diversity of the people involved into the task, sometimes even with backgrounds not directly related to organization’s activity. As in evolution, a team’s diversity is an important factor in achievement and learning, most gain being obtained when knowledge gets shared and harnessed beyond the borders of teams.

Written as answer to a Medium post on Data Science generalists vs specialists.

08 July 2019

🧱IT: Grid Computing (Definitions)

"A grid is an architecture for distributed computing and resource sharing. A grid system is composed of a heterogeneous collection of resources connected by local-area and/or wide-area networks (often the Internet). These individual resources are general and include compute servers, storage, application servers, information services, or even scientific instruments. Grids are often implemented in terms of Web services and integrated middleware components that provide a consistent interface to the grid. A grid is different from a cluster in that the resources in a grid are not controlled through a single point of administration; the grid middleware manages the system so control of resources on the grid and the policies governing use of the resources remain with the resource owners." (Beverly A Sanders, "Patterns for Parallel Programming", 2004)

"Clusters of cheap computers, perhaps distributed on a global basis, connected using even something as loosely connected as the Internet." (Gavin Powell, "Beginning Database Design", 2006)

"A step beyond distributed processing. Grid computing involves large numbers of networked computers, often geographically dispersed and possibly of different types and capabilities, that are harnessed together to solve a common problem." (Judith Hurwitz et al, "Service Oriented Architecture For Dummies" 2nd Ed., 2009)

"A web-based operation allowing companies to share computing resources on demand." (DAMA International, "The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management", 2011)

"The use of networks to harness the unused processing cycles of all computers in a given network to create powerful computing capabilities." (Linda Volonino & Efraim Turban, "Information Technology for Management" 8th Ed., 2011)

"A distributed set of computers that can be allocated dynamically and accessed remotely. A grid is distinguished from a cloud in that a grid may be supported by multiple organizations and is usually more heterogeneous and physically distributed." (Michael McCool et al, "Structured Parallel Programming", 2012)

"the use of multiple computing resources to leverage combined processing power. Usually associated with scientific applications." (Bill Holtsnider & Brian D Jaffe, "IT Manager's Handbook" 3rd Ed., 2012)

"A step beyond distributed processing, involving large numbers of networked computers (often geographically dispersed and possibly of different types and capabilities) that are harnessed to solve a common problem. A grid computing model can be used instead of virtualization in situations that require real time where latency is unacceptable." (Marcia Kaufman et al, "Big Data For Dummies", 2013)

"A named set of interconnected replication servers for propagating commands from an authorized server to the rest of the servers in the set." (IBM, "Informix Servers 12.1", 2014)

"A type of computing in which large computing tasks are distributed among multiple computers on a network." (Jim Davis & Aiman Zeid, "Business Transformation: A Roadmap for Maximizing Organizational Insights", 2014)

"Connecting many computer system locations, often via the cloud, working together for the same purpose." (Jason Williamson, "Getting a Big Data Job For Dummies", 2015)

"A computer network that enables distributed resource management and on-demand services." (Forrester)

"A computing architecture that coordinates large numbers of servers and storage to act as a single large computer." (Oracle, "Oracle Database Concepts")

"connecting different computer systems from various location, often via the cloud, to reach a common goal." (Analytics Insight)

18 December 2018

🔭Data Science: Context (Just the Quotes)

"Some of the common ways of producing a false statistical argument are to quote figures without their context, omitting the cautions as to their incompleteness, or to apply them to a group of phenomena quite different to that to which they in reality relate; to take these estimates referring to only part of a group as complete; to enumerate the events favorable to an argument, omitting the other side; and to argue hastily from effect to cause, this last error being the one most often fathered on to statistics. For all these elementary mistakes in logic, statistics is held responsible." (Sir Arthur L Bowley, "Elements of Statistics", 1901)

"When evaluating the reliability and generality of data, it is often important to know the aims of the experimenter. When evaluating the importance of experimental results, however, science has a trick of disregarding the experimenter's rationale and finding a more appropriate context for the data than the one he proposed." (Murray Sidman, "Tactics of Scientific Research", 1960)

"Data in isolation are meaningless, a collection of numbers. Only in context of a theory do they assume significance […]" (George Greenstein, "Frozen Star" , 1983)

"Graphics must not quote data out of context." (Edward R Tufte, "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information", 1983)

"The problem solver needs to stand back and examine problem contexts in the light of different 'Ws' (Weltanschauungen). Perhaps he can then decide which 'W' seems to capture the essence of the particular problem context he is faced with. This whole process needs formalizing if it is to be carried out successfully. The problem solver needs to be aware of different paradigms in the social sciences, and he must be prepared to view the problem context through each of these paradigms." (Michael C Jackson, "Towards a System of Systems Methodologies", 1984)

"It is commonly said that a pattern, however it is written, has four essential parts: a statement of the context where the pattern is useful, the problem that the pattern addresses, the forces that play in forming a solution, and the solution that resolves those forces. [...] it supports the definition of a pattern as 'a solution to a problem in a context', a definition that [unfortunately] fixes the bounds of the pattern to a single problem-solution pair." (Martin Fowler, "Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models", 1997)

"We do not learn much from looking at a model - we learn more from building the model and manipulating it. Just as one needs to use or observe the use of a hammer in order to really understand its function, similarly, models have to be used before they will give up their secrets. In this sense, they have the quality of a technology - the power of the model only becomes apparent in the context of its use." (Margaret Morrison & Mary S Morgan, "Models as mediating instruments", 1999)

"Data are collected as a basis for action. Yet before anyone can use data as a basis for action the data have to be interpreted. The proper interpretation of data will require that the data be presented in context, and that the analysis technique used will filter out the noise."  (Donald J Wheeler, "Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos" 2nd Ed., 2000)

"[…] you simply cannot make sense of any number without a contextual basis. Yet the traditional attempts to provide this contextual basis are often flawed in their execution. [...] Data have no meaning apart from their context. Data presented without a context are effectively rendered meaningless." (Donald J Wheeler, "Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos" 2nd Ed., 2000)

"All scientific theories, even those in the physical sciences, are developed in a particular cultural context. Although the context may help to explain the persistence of a theory in the face of apparently falsifying evidence, the fact that a theory arises from a particular context is not sufficient to condemn it. Theories and paradigms must be accepted, modified or rejected on the basis of evidence." (Richard P Bentall,  "Madness Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature", 2003)

"Mathematical modeling is as much ‘art’ as ‘science’: it requires the practitioner to (i) identify a so-called ‘real world’ problem (whatever the context may be); (ii) formulate it in mathematical terms (the ‘word problem’ so beloved of undergraduates); (iii) solve the problem thus formulated (if possible; perhaps approximate solutions will suffice, especially if the complete problem is intractable); and (iv) interpret the solution in the context of the original problem." (John A Adam, "Mathematics in Nature", 2003)

"Context is not as simple as being in a different space [...] context includes elements like our emotions, recent experiences, beliefs, and the surrounding environment - each element possesses attributes, that when considered in a certain light, informs what is possible in the discussion." (George Siemens, "Knowing Knowledge", 2006)

"Statistics can certainly pronounce a fact, but they cannot explain it without an underlying context, or theory. Numbers have an unfortunate tendency to supersede other types of knowing. […] Numbers give the illusion of presenting more truth and precision than they are capable of providing." (Ronald J Baker, "Measure what Matters to Customers: Using Key Predictive Indicators", 2006)

"A valid digit is not necessarily a significant digit. The significance of numbers is a result of its scientific context." (Manfred Drosg, "Dealing with Uncertainties: A Guide to Error Analysis", 2007)

"[… ] statistics is about understanding the role that variability plays in drawing conclusions based on data. […] Statistics is not about numbers; it is about data - numbers in context. It is the context that makes a problem meaningful and something worth considering." (Roxy Peck et al, "Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis" 4th Ed., 2012)

"Context (information that lends to better understanding the who, what, when, where, and why of your data) can make the data clearer for readers and point them in the right direction. At the least, it can remind you what a graph is about when you come back to it a few months later. […] Context helps readers relate to and understand the data in a visualization better. It provides a sense of scale and strengthens the connection between abstract geometry and colors to the real world." (Nathan Yau, "Data Points: Visualization That Means Something", 2013)

"Readability in visualization helps people interpret data and make conclusions about what the data has to say. Embed charts in reports or surround them with text, and you can explain results in detail. However, take a visualization out of a report or disconnect it from text that provides context (as is common when people share graphics online), and the data might lose its meaning; or worse, others might misinterpret what you tried to show." (Nathan Yau, "Data Points: Visualization That Means Something", 2013)

"The data is a simplification - an abstraction - of the real world. So when you visualize data, you visualize an abstraction of the world, or at least some tiny facet of it. Visualization is an abstraction of data, so in the end, you end up with an abstraction of an abstraction, which creates an interesting challenge. […] Just like what it represents, data can be complex with variability and uncertainty, but consider it all in the right context, and it starts to make sense." (Nathan Yau, "Data Points: Visualization That Means Something", 2013)

"Without context, data is useless, and any visualization you create with it will also be useless. Using data without knowing anything about it, other than the values themselves, is like hearing an abridged quote secondhand and then citing it as a main discussion point in an essay. It might be okay, but you risk finding out later that the speaker meant the opposite of what you thought." (Nathan Yau, "Data Points: Visualization That Means Something", 2013)

"Statistics are meaningless unless they exist in some context. One reason why the indicators have become more central and potent over time is that the longer they have been kept, the easier it is to find useful patterns and points of reference." (Zachary Karabell, "The Leading Indicators: A short history of the numbers that rule our world", 2014)

"The term data, unlike the related terms facts and evidence, does not connote truth. Data is descriptive, but data can be erroneous. We tend to distinguish data from information. Data is a primitive or atomic state (as in ‘raw data’). It becomes information only when it is presented in context, in a way that informs. This progression from data to information is not the only direction in which the relationship flows, however; information can also be broken down into pieces, stripped of context, and stored as data. This is the case with most of the data that’s stored in computer systems. Data that’s collected and stored directly by machines, such as sensors, becomes information only when it’s reconnected to its context." (Stephen Few, "Signal: Understanding What Matters in a World of Noise", 2015)

"Infographics combine art and science to produce something that is not unlike a dashboard. The main difference from a dashboard is the subjective data and the narrative or story, which enhances the data-driven visual and engages the audience quickly through highlighting the required context." (Travis Murphy, "Infographics Powered by SAS®: Data Visualization Techniques for Business Reporting", 2018)

"For numbers to be transparent, they must be placed in an appropriate context. Numbers must presented in a way that allows for fair comparisons." (Carl T Bergstrom & Jevin D West, "Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World", 2020)

"Without knowing the source and context, a particular statistic is worth little. Yet numbers and statistics appear rigorous and reliable simply by virtue of being quantitative, and have a tendency to spread." (Carl T Bergstrom & Jevin D West, "Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World", 2020)

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.