
Microsoft Hashtags 

The following is an alphabetic list of the tags used by Microsoft: 


aka.ms/10AIterms - AI Terms
aka.ms/2025AITrends - 6 AI trends you’ll see more of in 2025
aka.ms/GroundingAI - AI grounding
aka.ms//AgentLab - Copilot Developer Camp
aka.ms/AI-in-Action - AI in Action: Powering Up with Power Automation
aka.ms/AI-LegalAction - Taking legal action to protect the public from abusive AI-generated content  
aka.ms/ai4science-researcher - AI career
aka.ms/AIScientificDiscovery - AI scientific discovery
aka.ms/AIServices - MS Learn: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
aka.ms/AIskills -
aka.ms/AmericanAI - The Golden Opportunity for American AI
aka.ms/AzureAI - Azure AI
aka.ms/AzureAIServices - Azure AI Services
aka.ms/FrontlineEfficiency - AI continues to transform frontline efficiency
aka.ms/GitHub_AISamples - AI Samples curated by Developer Relations
aka.ms/LegalWeek - events
aka.ms/MicrosoftAItour - MS AI tour


aka.ms/BookofNews - 
aka.ms/Ignite - MS Ignite
aka.ms/Ignite2024Keynote - Keynote in 90 Seconds
aka.ms/Ignite2024News - MS Ignite 2024 news
aka.ms/Ignite24/SQL2025 - Announcing MS SQL Server 2025 


aka.ms/Community - MS support community 
aka.ms/Community/Calls - Microsoft 365 & Power Platform community calls 
aka.ms/CommunityNewsDesk - MS Community News Desk
aka.ms/Community/Samples - sample solution gallery
aka.ms/Community/SkillsChallenge - Community skills challenge


aka.ms/Copilot/RiskAssessment - Copilot risk assessment 
aka.ms/CopilotStudio - Microsoft Copilot Studio
aka.ms/IntroducingCopilotAgents -

Dynamics 365 

aka.ms/D365ERPCommunityCall-Invite - Dynamics 365 Community Call (ERP Edition) [source]
aka.ms/D365Shorts/ManageAccountsReceivable - What's new and planned for MS 365 Copilot for Finance
aka.ms/D365CRMCommunityCall-Invite - CRM community call calendar invitation [source]
aka.ms/Dataverse - Power Platform: Dataverse 
aka.ms/DataverseExtendsToFabric - 
aka.ms/Dynamics365/2024ReleaseWave2 -
aka.ms/Dynamics365/2025ReleaseWave1 - 
aka.ms/Dynamics365ContactCenter - 
aka.ms/FutureOfRetail - The future of retail with Dynamics 365 AI-powered ERP solutions


aka.ms/MicrosoftMonthlyTech-In - 
aka.ms/MondaysAtMicrosoft - 
aka.ms/MondaysAtMicrosoft/LI - past events


aka.ms/LicenseManagement - License Management


aka.ms/adx.try - Kusto try environment
aka.ms/adx.docs - Azure Data Explorer documentation
aka.ms/Fabric - Power your AI transformation
aka.ms/Fabric-Docs - 
aka.ms/Fabric-Ignite24 - 
aka.ms/Fabric-SQL-Get-Started -
aka.ms/Fabric-Webinar-Series - Introduction to MS Fabric: Webinar series [requires registration] 
aka.ms/Fabric.Kusto.Ideas - Fabric ideas
aka.ms/Fabric/AI-Skill - AI skill concepts 
aka.ms/Fabric/AI-Skill/blog - Introducing AI Skills in Microsoft Fabric 
aka.ms/Fabric/LearnTogether - Expert-led walkthroughs of Microsoft Fabric topics
aka.ms/Fabric/InfluencersSpotlight - 
aka.ms/FabricBlog - MS Fabric Updates Blog
aka.ms/FabricCommunityRanks - What are community ranks?
aka.ms/FabricRealTimeLab - MS Fabric End-to-End Real-Time Analytics workshop aka.ms/FabricRealTimeLab-Resources - downloadable archive
aka.ms/FabricRoadmap - 
aka.ms/fabric-tech-blog - Microsoft Fabric Updates blog
aka.ms/Getting-Started-eBook - Unlocking Transformative Data Value with Microsoft Fabric
aka.ms/KE - the Kusto Explorer
aka.ms/KustoFree - Create a free cluster to explore your data
aka.ms/KQLMSPress/AzMonitorCLI - az monitor log-analytic
aka.ms/KQLMSPress/KustoCLI - Kusto CLI
aka.ms/KQLMSPress/NetFlows - Traffic analytics overview
aka.ms/LearnFabricSQL - implement operational databases in MS Fabric🆕
aka.ms/LearnMicrosoftFabric - MS Learn Challenge
aka.ms/LearnTogether - MS Fabric Learn Together episodes by region
aka.ms/TrustFabricStages - 
aka.ms/Microsoft-Fabric - 


aka.ms/AMA/EntraSuite - 
aka.ms/apimlove - a library of useful resources about Azure API Management
aka.ms/EntraIDGovernanceTraining - 
aka.ms/List-formatting-list formatting samples
aka.ms/LoopLearningSeries - MS Loop Learning
aka.ms/M365Con25 - 
aka.ms/M365ConSessions - 
aka.ms/m365pnp - GitHub M365 & Power Platform community/
aka.ms/SharePointEvent - From Concept, to Creation to Impact
aka.ms/SharePointEvent/Playlist  - SharePoint learning series
aka.ms/SharePointEvent/Blog -
aka.ms/SharePoint/Agents - SharePoint agents
aka.ms/SharePoint/Agents/Intro/Video - 
aka.ms/SharePoint/Agents/Manage - Manage access to SharePoint agents
aka.ms/SharePoint/Hackathon - SharePoint hackaton
aka.ms/sharing-is-caring - Sharing Is Caring MS initiative
aka.ms/spfx-extensions - SharePoint framework samples by type
aka.ms/spfx-samples - M365 & Power Platform community samples
aka.ms/spfx-webparts - SharePoint framework samples
aka.ms/Teams/NewChatChannels - 
aka.ms/VivaCommunityCall - Viva community call

Power BI

aka.ms/DAX -  
aka.ms/DAX-docs-samples -  
aka.ms/DAX-queries -  
aka.ms/pbidvwc - Power BI dataviz world championships
aka.ms/PowerBI - 

Power Platform

aka.ms/InstallPowerToys - 
aka.ms/KickstarterWorkshops - kickstarter workshops
aka.ms/Power-automate-community -
aka.ms/PowerApps/PipelineUpdates - 
aka.ms/PowerfulDevs - Powerful Devs conference
aka.ms/PowerfulDevsConference - Powerful Devs conference
aka.ms/PowerPlatform-Videos -
aka.ms/PowerPlatformDevBlog -
aka.ms/PowerPlatformPrompts - prompts you can try for the Power Platform
aka.ms/PowerUp - Power Platform Program 


aka.ms/DefenderForCloud - MS Defender for Cloud 
aka.ms/DevProxy - Dev Proxy - an API simulator
aka.ms/MCRA - Microsoft Cybersecurity Reference Architectures
aka.ms/PasswordlessGuide - 
aka.ms/Protectm365 - 
aka.ms/SAF - Security Adoption Framework
aka.ms/SecureFutureInitiative - Secure future
aka.ms/TargetingSybercCrime -

SQL Server & Databases

aka.ms/AzureLocal - Azure Arc Blog
aka.ms/AzureSQL - Azure SQL documentation
aka.ms/AzureSQLYT - Azure SQL YouTube
aka.ms/FreeDB - Azure free trial 
aka.ms/go-sqlcmd-qs -
aka.ms/LearnSQLonFabric - Learn Together: SQL database in Fabric 
aka.ms/SQLBooks - SQL Server books on Springer publishing 
aka.ms/SQLCopilot  - Copilot skills in Azure SQL Database 
aka.ms/SQLCopilot-Feedback - feedback for Copilot skills 
aka.ms/SQLFeedback - share your SQL ideas 
aka.ms/SQLFreeOffer - try Azure SQL Database for free 
aka.ms/sqlmi-free - free offer for Azure SQL Managed Instance 
aka.ms/sqlmi-letter - SQL MI Newsletter
aka.ms/sqlmi-mirroring - SQL MI Fabric Mirroring
aka.ms/sqlmi-pools - Azure SQL Managed Instance pools
aka.ms/SQLPackage - SqlPackage documentation 
aka.ms/SSMSInterest - unfortunately, MS doesn't accept requests anymore.
aka.ms/ssms20 - SQL Server Management Studio v. 20 
aka.ms/ssms21 - SQL Server Management Studio v. 20 
aka.ms/RAGchat - Azure-Samples/azure-search-openai-demo
aka.ms/TryCosmosdb -


aka.ms/InclusionIsInnovation - Inclusion is Innovation
aka.ms/IRMMechanics - 
aka.ms/MGCI - MS Global Community Initiative
aka.ms/MGCIAdvisors - MSGlobal Community Initiative Advisors
aka.ms/Startups - Startups founders hub
aka.ms/StudentInnovatorSeries - 


aka.ms/TCL/Windows - Tech Community Live: Windows edition
aka.ms/Windows365Link - Windows 365 Link
aka.ms/ZeroTrust - Zero Trust implementation guide
aka.ms/ZeroTrustWithEntraSuite - Microsoft Entra blog

🆓 - recently added


aka.ms/EduAIToolkit -  MS Education  AI Toolkit

Other official resources (for nonofficial resources see the individual blog pages from the main menu):

Microsoft [YouTube]
Microsoft 365 & Power Platform [Twitter, GitHub, blog]
Microsoft 365 Copilot [blog]
Microsoft 365 Status [Twitter]
Microsoft 365 Developer [YouTube, Twitter]
Microsoft for Startups [YouTube]
Microsoft Access [blog]
Microsoft Admin Center
Microsoft AI [Twitter, blog]
Microsoft Analytics on Azure [blog]
Microsoft Azure API Management [Twitter]
Microsoft Azure Arc [blog]
Microsoft Azure Data [Twitter]
Microsoft Azure Data Explorer [blog]
Microsoft Azure Data Factory [blog]
Microsoft Azure High Performance Computing [blog]
Microsoft Azure Integration Services [blog]
Microsoft Azure SQL [YouTube, Twitter, blog]
Microsoft Azure Storage [blog]
Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics [blog]
Microsoft Azure Tools [blog]
Microsoft Business [YouTube, Twitter]
Microsoft Architecture [blog]
Microsoft Cloud [Twitter]
Microsoft Community [Twitter]
Microsoft Community Learning [YouTube]
Microsoft Customer Support [YourTube, Twitter]
Microsoft Data Architecture [blog]
Microsoft Data Migration [blog]
Microsoft Developer [YouTube, Twitter, blog]
Microsoft DevRadio [YouTube]
Microsoft Dynamics 365 [YouTube, Twitter]
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Community [YouTube]
Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM [Twitter]
Microsoft Edge [Twitter]
Microsoft Education [YouTube, Twitter]
Microsoft Events [YouTube, Twitter]
Microsoft Entra [blog]
Microsoft Excel [blog]
Microsoft Exchange [Twitter]
Microsoft Fabric [YouTube]
Microsoft Forms [blog]
Microsoft Intune [Twitter, blog]
Microsoft Learn [YouTube. Twitter, blog]
Microsoft Loop
Microsoft Mechanics [YouTube, Twitter, blog]
Microsoft Mesh
Microsoft New & Stories [Twitter]
Microsoft OneDrive [blog]
Microsoft OneNote
Microsoft Outlook [Twitter, blog]
Microsoft Planner [blog]
Microsoft Power BI [YouTube, Twitter]
Microsoft PowerPoint 
Microsoft Power Platform [YouTube, Twitter]
Microsoft Press [websiteTwitter]
Microsoft Reactor [HomeYouTube, Twitter]
Microsoft Security, Compliance and Identity [blog]
Microsoft Setup
Microsoft SharePoint [blog]
Microsoft SQL Server [YouTube, Twitter, blog]
Microsoft SSIS [blog]
Microsoft To-Do [blog]
Microsoft Teams [YouTube, Twitter, blog]
Microsoft Tech [blog]
Microsoft Reactor [websiteYouTube] Microsoft events on key topics
Microsoft Security Community [YouTube, Twitter]
Microsoft Sway
Microsoft Tech Community [YouTube, Twitter]
Microsoft Visual Studio [YouTube, Twitter]
Microsoft Viva Engage
Microsoft Viva Goals
Microsoft Viva Home [blog]
Microsoft Viva Insights
Microsoft Viva Learning
Microsoft Viva Pulse
Microsoft Windows [YouTube, Twitter]
Microsoft Windows IT Pro [Twitter]
Microsoft Word

See further resources on Blogs on Microsoft Tech Community.

Regional websites

Microsoft Americas Partners [YouTube]
Microsoft Australia [YoutTube]
Microsoft Germany [YouTube]
Microsoft UK [Twitter]


github.com/azure/sql-action - SQL action
github.com/DataExpert-io/data-engineer-handbook - data engineer handbook
github.com/microsoft/azuredatastudio - Azure Data Studio
github.com/microsoft/dacfx - SqlPackage, DacFx
github.com/microsoft/FabricRTA-in-a-Day - workshop assets
github.com/microsoft/FabricRTIWorkshop - workshop assets
github.com/microsoft/fabric-samples - MS Fabric samples
github.com/microsoft/go-sqlcmd - Go-sqlcmd
github.com/microsoft/mssql-python - Python in MS SQL
github.com/microsoft/PowerToys - Power tools
github.com/MicrosoftDocs/sql-docs - technical documentation for SQL Server & tools (SSMS, SSDT, etc.)
github.com/MicrosoftDocs - MS docs 
github.com/MicrosoftDocs/fabric-docs/.../whats-new-archive.md - MS Docs - what's new
github.com/microsoft/SqlServerPSModule - PowerShell
github.com/microsoft/vscode-mssql  - VS Code mssql ext
github.com/PacktPublishing - resources for Packt Publishing's books
github.com/pnp - M365 & Power Platform community
github.com/pnp/powerplatform-prompts/tree/main/prompts - prompts you can try for the Power Platform
pnp.github.io - M365 & Power Platform community 


Power BI Tips [YouTube]
Knee-Deep in Teck [iTunes]
Tales from the Field [YouTube]
Unpivot [YouTube|PodBean]


aka.ms/sso-info - How your Windows account can be used to sign in to other apps


The Monthly Tech-In [LinkedIn, aka.ms/powerplatformcommunitycall]


aka.ms/azsecpod - The Azure Security Podcast
aka.ms/GetMSIShow - MS Security Insights Show Weekly provides information, news, tips on the MS Security Solutions including MS Sentinel, MS 365 Defender, Azure, and MS 365

Trivia Accounts

Databricks [Twitter]
GraphQL [Twitter]
KQL Cafe [website]
MicroStrategy [Twitter]
MySQL [Twitter]
Neo4j [Twitter]
PostreSQL [Twitter]
Qlik [Twitter]
Snowflake [Twitter]
Tableau [Twitter]
Tableau Public [Twitter]

AI - Artificial Intelligence
API - Application Programming Interface
BI - Business Intelligence
DacFx - Data-Tier Application Framework
MGCI - Microsoft Global Community Initiative
MI - Managed Instance 
MS - Microsoft
QL - Query Language
SMB - Small Medium Business

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 25 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.