Showing posts with label JOIN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JOIN. Show all posts

08 February 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part X: Translating SQL to KQL - Correlated Subqueries)

In SQL Server and other RDBMS databases there are many  scenarios in which one needs information from a fact table based on a dimension table without requiring information from the dimension table. 

Correlated Subquery via EXISTS

Before considering the main example, let's start with a simple subquery:

// subquery in SQL
SELECT CustomerKey
, ProductKey
, ProductName
FROM NewSales 
WHERE ProductKey IN (
    FROM Products 
    WHERE ProductSubcategoryName = 'MP4&MP3'

// subquery in KQL
| where ProductKey in (
    | where (ProductSubcategoryName == "MP4&MP3")
    | project ProductKey
    | distinct *))
| project CustomerKey, ProductKey, ProductName

Of course, the ProductKey is unique by design, though there can be dimension, fact tables or subqueries in which the value is not unique.

Now let's consider the correlated subquery pattern, which should provide the same outcome as above, though in RDBMS there are scenarios in which it provides better performance, especially when the number of values from subquery is high.

// correlated subquery in SQL
SELECT CustomerKey
, ProductKey
, ProductName
FROM NewSales 
    SELECT Products.ProductKey
    FROM Products 
    WHERE NewSales.ProductKey = Products.ProductKey)

Unfortunately, trying to translate the code via explain leads to the following error, which confirms that the syntax is not supported in KQL (see [1]):

"Error: Reference to missing column 'NewSales.ProductKey'"

 Fortunately, in this case one can use the first version of the query. 

Correlated Subquery via CROSS APPLY

Before creating the main query, let's look at the inner query and check whether it gets correctly translate to KQL:

// subquery logic
SELECT sum(TotalCost) TotalCost 
FROM NewSales 
WHERE DateKey > '20240101' and DateKey <'20240201'

Now, let's bring the logic within the CROSS APPLY:

// correlated subquery in SQL
SELECT ProductKey
, ProductName
, TotalCost
FROM Products
        SELECT sum(TotalCost) TotalCost 
        FROM NewSales 
        WHERE DateKey > '20240101' and DateKey <'20240201'
          AND Products.ProductKey = NewSales.ProductKey
    ) DAT

Running the above code leads to the following error:

"Sql node of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.UnqualifiedJoin' is not implemented"

Unfortunately, many SQL queries are written following this pattern, especially when an OUTER CROSS APPLY is used, retrieving thus all the records from the dimension table. 

In this case one can rewrite the query via a RIGHT JOIN:

// correlated subquery in SQL
, PRD.ProductName
, SAL.TotalCost
FROM Products PRD
        SELECT ProductKey
        , sum(TotalCost) TotalCost 
        FROM NewSales 
        WHERE DateKey > '20240101' and DateKey <'20240201'
        GROUP BY ProductKey
    ) SAL
      ON PRD.ProductKey = SAL.ProductKey

// direct translation of the query
| join kind=leftouter 
        | where ((DateKey > todatetime("20240101")) and (DateKey < todatetime("20240201")))
        | summarize TotalCost=sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey
        | project ProductKey, TotalCost
    ) on ($left.ProductKey == $right.ProductKey)
| project ProductKey, ProductName, TotalCost
//| where isnull(TotalCost)
//| summarize record_number = count()

// query after restructuring
| where ((DateKey > todatetime("20240101")) and (DateKey < todatetime("20240201")))
| summarize TotalCost=sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey
| join kind=rightouter
        | project ProductKey, ProductName
    ) on ($left.ProductKey == $right.ProductKey)
| project ProductKey, ProductName, TotalCost
//| where isnull(TotalCost)
//| summarize record_number = count()

During transformations it's important to check whether the number of records changes between the various versions of the query (including the most general version in which filtering constraints were applied).

Especially when SQL solutions are planned to be migrated to KQL, it's important to know which query patterns can be used in KQL. 

Happy coding!

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[1] GitHib (2024) Module Ex-01 - Advanced KQL [link]

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part IX: Translating SQL to KQL - More Joins)

The last post exemplified the use of "explain" to translate queries from SQL to KQL. The current post attempts to test the feature based on the various join constructs available in SQL by using the NewSales and Products tables. The post presumes that the reader as a basic understanding of the join types from SQL-based environments. 

Inner Join

// full join in SQL
SELECT NewSales.CustomerKey
, NewSales.ProductKey
, Products.ProductName
FROM NewSales 
     JOIN Products 
      ON NewSales.ProductKey = Products.ProductKey 

// full join in KQL
| join kind=inner (
    | project ProductKey, ProductName 
    on ($left.ProductKey == $right.ProductKey)
| project CustomerKey, ProductKey, ProductName
| limit 10

A full join is probably the most used type of join given that fact tables presume the existence of dimensions, even if poor data warehousing design can lead also to exception. The join retrieves all the data matching from both tables, including the eventual duplicates from both sides of the join. 

Left Join

// left join in SQL
SELECT NewSales.CustomerKey
, NewSales.ProductKey
, Products.ProductName
FROM NewSales 
     LEFT JOIN Products 
      ON NewSales.ProductKey = Products.ProductKey 

// left join in KQL
| join kind=leftouter (
    | project ProductKey
        , Product = ProductName 
    on ($left.ProductKey == $right.ProductKey)
| where isnull(Product) 
| project CustomerKey
    , ProductKey
    , ProductName
| limit 10

A left join retrieves all the records from the left table, typically the fact table, independently whether records were found in the dimension table. One can check whether mismatches exist by retrieving the records where no match was found.

Right Join

// right join in SQL
SELECT NewSales.CustomerKey
, Products.ProductKey
, Products.ProductName
FROM NewSales 
     RIGHT JOIN Products 
      ON NewSales.ProductKey = Products.ProductKey 

// right join in KQL
| join kind=rightouter (
    | project DimProductKey = ProductKey
    , DimProductName = ProductName 
    on ($left.ProductKey == $right.DimProductKey)
| where isnull(ProductKey) 
| project CustomerKey
    , DimProductKey
    , DimProductName
| limit 10

A right join retrieves the records from the dimension together with the matches from the fact table, independently whether a match was found in the fact table. 

Full Outer Join

// full outer join in SQL
SELECT NewSales.CustomerKey
, Coalesce(NewSales.ProductKey, Products.ProductKey) ProductKey
, Coalesce(NewSales.ProductName, Products.ProductName) ProductName
FROM NewSales 
     FULL OUTER JOIN Products 
      ON NewSales.ProductKey = Products.ProductKey 

// full outer join in KQL
| join kind=fullouter (
    | project DimProductKey = ProductKey
    , DimProductName = ProductName 
    on ($left.ProductKey == $right.DimProductKey)
//| where isnull(ProductKey) 
| project CustomerKey
    , ProductKey = coalesce(ProductKey, DimProductKey)
    , ProductName = coalesce(ProductName, DimProductName)
| limit 10

A full outer join retrieves all the data from both sides of the join independently on whether a match is found. In RDBMS this type of join performs poorly especially when further joins are considered, respectively when many records are involved on both sides of the join. Therefore it should be avoided when possible, though in many cases it might be the only feasible solution. There are also alternatives that involve a UNION between a LEFT JOIN and a RIGHT JOIN, the letter retrieving only the records which is not found in the fact table (see last query from a previous post). This can be a feasible solution when data sharding is involved. 

1) If one ignores the unnecessary logic introduced by the translation via explain, the tool is excellent for learning KQL. It would be interesting to understand why the tool used a certain complex translation over another, especially when there's a performance benefit in the use of a certain piece of code.
2) Also in SQL-based queries it's recommended to start with the fact table, respectively with the table having the highest cardinality and/or the lowest level of detail, though the database engine might find an optimal plan independently of which table was written first.

Happy coding!

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🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part VIII: Translating SQL to KQL - Full Joins)

One of the great features of KQL is the possibility of translating SQL code to KQL via the "explain" keyword, allowing thus to port SQL code to KQL, respectively help translate knowledge from one programming language to another. 

Let's start with a basic example:

// transform SQL to KQL code (to be run only the first part from --)
SELECT top(10) CustomerKey, FirstName, LastName, CityName, CompanyName 
FROM Customers 

// output: translated KQL code 
| project CustomerKey, FirstName, LastName, CityName, CompanyName
| sort by CityName desc nulls first
| take int(10)

The most interesting part of the translation is how "explain" translate joins from SQL to KQL. Let's start with a FULL JOIN from the set of patterns considered in a previous post on SQL joins:

SELECT CST.CustomerKey
, CST.FirstName + ' ' + CST.LastName CustomerName
, Cast(SAL.DateKey as Date) DateKey
, SAL.TotalCost
    JOIN Customers CST
      ON SAL.CustomerKey = CST.CustomerKey 
WHERE SAL.DateKey > '20240101' AND SAL.DateKey < '20240201'
ORDER BY CustomerName, DateKey, TotalCost DESC

And, here's the translation:

// translated code
| project-rename ['SAL.DateKey']=DateKey
| join kind=inner (Customers
| project-rename ['CST.CustomerKey']=CustomerKey
    , ['CST.CityName']=CityName
    , ['CST.CompanyName']=CompanyName
    , ['CST.ContinentName']=ContinentName
    , ['CST.Education']=Education
    , ['CST.FirstName']=FirstName
    , ['CST.Gender']=Gender
    , ['CST.LastName']=LastName
    , ['CST.MaritalStatus']=MaritalStatus
    , ['CST.Occupation']=Occupation
    , ['CST.RegionCountryName']=RegionCountryName
    , ['CST.StateProvinceName']=StateProvinceName) 
    on ($left.CustomerKey == $right.['CST.CustomerKey'])
| where ((['SAL.DateKey'] > todatetime("20240101")) 
    and (['SAL.DateKey'] < todatetime("20240201")))
| project ['CST.CustomerKey']
    , CustomerName=__sql_add(__sql_add(['CST.FirstName']
    , " "), ['CST.LastName'])
    , DateKey=['SAL.DateKey']
    , TotalCost
| sort by CustomerName asc nulls first
    , DateKey asc nulls first
    , TotalCost desc nulls first
| project-rename CustomerKey=['CST.CustomerKey']

The code was slightly formatted to facilitated its reading. Unfortunately, the tool doesn't work well with table aliases, introduces also all the fields available from the dimension table, which can become a nightmare for the big dimension tables, the concatenation seems strange, and if one looks deeper, further issues can be identified. So, the challenge is how to write a query in SQL so it can minimize the further changed in QKL.

Probably, one approach is to write the backbone of the query in SQL and add the further logic after translation. 

SELECT NewSales.CustomerKey
, NewSales.DateKey 
, NewSales.TotalCost
FROM NewSales 
    INNER JOIN Customers 
      ON NewSales.CustomerKey = Customers.CustomerKey 
WHERE DateKey > '20240101' AND DateKey < '20240201'
ORDER BY NewSales.CustomerKey
, NewSales.DateKey

And the translation looks simpler:

// transformed query
| join kind=inner 
| project-rename ['Customers.CustomerKey']=CustomerKey
    , ['Customers.CityName']=CityName
    , ['Customers.CompanyName']=CompanyName
    , ['Customers.ContinentName']=ContinentName
    , ['Customers.Education']=Education
    , ['Customers.FirstName']=FirstName
    , ['Customers.Gender']=Gender
    , ['Customers.LastName']=LastName
    , ['Customers.MaritalStatus']=MaritalStatus
    , ['Customers.Occupation']=Occupation
    , ['Customers.RegionCountryName']=RegionCountryName
    , ['Customers.StateProvinceName']=StateProvinceName) 
    on ($left.CustomerKey == $right.['Customers.CustomerKey'])
| where ((DateKey > todatetime("20240101")) 
    and (DateKey < todatetime("20240201")))
| project CustomerKey, DateKey, TotalCost
| sort by CustomerKey asc nulls first
, DateKey asc nulls first

I would have written the query as follows:

// transformed final query
| where (DateKey > todatetime("20240101")) 
    and (DateKey < todatetime("20240201"))
| join kind=inner (
    | project CustomerKey
        , FirstName
        , LastName 
    ) on $left.CustomerKey == $right.CustomerKey
| project CustomerKey
    , CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    , DateKey
    , TotalCost
| sort by CustomerName asc nulls first
    , DateKey asc nulls first

So, it makes sense to create the backbone of a query, translate it to KQL via explain, remove the unnecessary columns and formatting, respectively add what's missing. Once the patterns were mastered, there's probably no need to use the translation tool, but could prove to be also some exceptions. Anyway, the translation tool helps considerably in learning. Big kudos for the development team!

1) The above queries ignore the fact that Customer information is available also in the NewSales table, making thus the joins obsolete. The joins were considered only for exemplification purposes. Similar joins might be still needed for checking the "quality" of the data (e.g. for dimensions that change over time). Even if such "surprises" shouldn't appear by design, real life designs continue to surprise...
2) Queries should be less verbose by design (aka simplicity by design)! The more unnecessary code is added, the higher the chances for errors to be overseen, respectively the more time is needed to understand and validated the queries!

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Lear n (2024) Azure: Query data using T-SQL [link]

05 February 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part IV: Left, Right, Anti-Joins and Unions)

In a standard scenario there is a fact table and multiple dimension table (see previous post), though one can look at the same data from multiple perspectives. In KQL it's recommended to start with the fact table, however in some reports one needs records from the dimension table independently whether there are any records in the fact tale.  

For example, it would be useful to show all the products, independently whether they were sold or not. It's what the below query does via a RIGHT JOIN between the fact table and the Customer dimension:

// totals by customer via right join
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by CustomerKey
| join kind=rightouter (
    | where RegionCountryName in ('Canada', 'Australia')
    | project CustomerKey, RegionCountryName, CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    on CustomerKey
| project RegionCountryName, CustomerName, TotalCost
//| summarize record_count = count() 
| order by CustomerName asc

The Product details can be added then via a LEFT JOIN between the fact table and the Product dimension:

// total by customer via right join with product information
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost)
    , FirstPurchaseDate = min(DateKey)
    , LastPurchaseDate = max(DateKey) by CustomerKey, ProductKey
| join kind=rightouter (
    | where RegionCountryName in ('Canada', 'Australia')
    | project CustomerKey, RegionCountryName, CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    on CustomerKey
| join kind=leftouter (
    | where  ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    | project ProductKey, ProductName 
    on ProductKey
| project RegionCountryName, CustomerName, ProductName, TotalCost, FirstPurchaseDate, LastPurchaseDate, record_count
//| where record_count>1 // multiple purchases
| order by CustomerName asc, ProductName asc

These kind of queries need adequate validation and for this it might be needed to restructure the queries. 

// validating the multiple records (defailed)
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| lookup Products on ProductKey
| lookup Customers on CustomerKey 
| where  FirstName == 'Alexandra' and LastName == 'Sanders'
| project CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName), ProductName, TotalCost, DateKey, ProductKey, CustomerKey 

// validating the multiple records against the fact table (detailed)
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| where CustomerKey == 14912

Mixing RIGHT and  LEFT joins in this way increases the complexity of the queries and sometimes comes with a burden for validating the logic. In SQL one could prefer to start with the Customer table, add the summary data and the other dimensions. In this way one can do a total count individually starting with the Customer table and adding each join which reviewing the record count for each change. 

In special scenario instead of a RIGHT JOIN one could use a FULL JOIN and add the Customers without any orders via a UNION. In some scenarios this approach can offer even a better performance. For this approach, one needs to get the Customers without Orders via an anti-join, more exactly a   rightanti:

// customers without orders
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost)
    , FirstPurchaseDate = min(DateKey)
, LastPurchaseDate = max(DateKey) by CustomerKey, ProductKey
| join kind=rightanti (
    | project CustomerKey, RegionCountryName, CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    on CustomerKey
| project RegionCountryName, CustomerName, ProductName = '', TotalCost = 0
//| summarize count()
| order by CustomerName asc, ProductName asc

And now, joining the Customers with orders with the ones without orders gives an overview of all the customers:

// total by product via lookup with table alias
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by CustomerKey //, ProductKey 
//| lookup Products on ProductKey 
| lookup Customers on CustomerKey
| project RegionCountryName
    , CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    //, ProductName
    , TotalCost
//| summarize count()
| union withsource=SourceTable kind=outer (
    // customers without orders
    | where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    | where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
    | summarize record_count = count()
        , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost)
        , FirstPurchaseDate = min(DateKey)
        , LastPurchaseDate = max(DateKey) by CustomerKey
        //, ProductKey
    | join kind=rightanti (
        | project CustomerKey
            , RegionCountryName
            , CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
        on CustomerKey
    | project RegionCountryName
        , CustomerName
        //, ProductName = ''
        , TotalCost = 0
    //| summarize count()
//| summarize count()
| order by CustomerName asc
//, ProductName asc

And, of course, the number of records returned by the three queries must match. The information related to the Product were left out for this version, though it can be added as needed. Unfortunately, there are queries more complex than this, which makes the queries more difficult to read, understand and troubleshoot. Inline views could be useful to structure the logic as needed. 

let T_customers_with_orders = view () { 
    | where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    | where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
    | summarize record_count = count()
        , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) 
        by CustomerKey
         //, ProductKey 
         //, DateKey
    //| lookup Products on ProductKey 
    | lookup Customers on CustomerKey
    | project RegionCountryName
        , CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
        //, ProductName
        //, ProductCategoryName
        , TotalCost
        //, DateKey
let T_customers_without_orders = view () { 
   // customers without orders
    | where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    | where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
    | summarize record_count = count()
        , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost)
        , FirstPurchaseDate = min(DateKey)
        , LastPurchaseDate = max(DateKey) by CustomerKey
        //, ProductKey
    | join kind=rightanti (
        | project CustomerKey
            , RegionCountryName
            , CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
        on CustomerKey
    | project RegionCountryName
        , CustomerName
        //, ProductName = ''
        , TotalCost = 0
    //| summarize count()
| union withsource=SourceTable kind=outer T_customers_without_orders
| summarize count()

In this way the queries should be easier to troubleshoot and restructure the logic in more manageable pieces. 

It would be useful to save the definition of the view (aka stored view), however it's not possible to create views on the machine on which the tests are run:

"Principal 'aaduser=...' is not authorized to write database 'ContosoSales'."

Happy coding!

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