Showing posts with label warehouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warehouse. Show all posts

23 January 2025

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Number of Records V (via Cursors, a Solution for Warehouses in Microsoft Fabric)

After deploying the sample warehouse available in Microsoft Fabric, I tried to check the number of records available in the deployed tables under the dbo schema. Surprisingly, the sys.partitions.count column has 0 values for all the tables associated with the respective schema (see post). 

There are only a few tables available, and taking a record count for each table should be enough, which is relatively simple with the undocumented sp_MSForEachTable. Unfortunately, this approach doesn't work neither, so one needs to revert to the use of old-fashioned cursors (as I used to do in SQL Server 2000):

-- number of records via cursor
DECLARE @table_name nvarchar(150)
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(250)
DECLARE @number_records bigint 
DECLARE @number_tables int, @iterator int


CREATE TABLE dbo.#tables (
  ranking int NOT NULL
, table_name nvarchar(150) NOT NULL
, number_records bigint

SELECT row_number() OVER(ORDER BY object_id) ranking
, concat(schema_name(schema_id),'.', name) table_name
, NULL number_records
FROM sys.tables obj
WHERE obj.schema_id = schema_id('dbo')
ORDER BY table_name

SET @iterator = 1
SET @number_tables = IsNull((SELECT count(*) FROM #tables), 0)

WHILE (@iterator <= @number_tables)
    SET @table_name = (SELECT table_name FROM #tables WHERE ranking = @iterator)
    SET @sql = CONCAT(N'SELECT @NumberRecords = count(*) FROM ', @table_name)

		--get the number of records
		EXEC sp_executesql @Query = @sql
		, @params = N'@NumberRecords bigint OUTPUT'
		, @NumberRecords = @number_records OUTPUT

		IF IsNull(@number_records, 0)> 0  
                SET @sql = 'UPDATE #tables' 
             + ' SET number_records = ' + Str(@number_records)
             + ' WHERE table_name = ''' + @table_name + '''';

	 -- no action needed in case of error
        END CATCH;

	SET @iterator = @iterator + 1

FROM dbo.#tables;

--DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.#tables;
ranking table_name number_records
1 dbo.Date 5844
2 dbo.Geography 305179
3 dbo.HackneyLicense 42958
4 dbo.Time 86400
5 dbo.Weather 526330
6 dbo.Trip 2838927
7 dbo.Medallion 13668

1) It's a lot of code for a simple task, though the code can be easily duplicated and adapted for similar requirements. Unfortunately, it can lead in time also to many instances of the same code. When possible, one should consider maybe encapsulating the logic in a stored procedure. 
2) It's usually a good idea to check how many records are available in the tables used for testing, as this can impact queries' performance and tables' appropriateness for the tests performed. Moreover, it's a good idea to understand the volume of data when taking over or working with a database. 
3) If one removes the row_number function, the code should run also in SQL Server 2000. Similar solutions were used then for retrieving the record count.
4) Microsoft recommends not to drop the temporary tables explicitly, but let SQL Server handle this cleanup automatically and take thus advantage of the Optimistic Latching Algorithm, which helps prevent contention on TempDB [1]..
5) There are others who stumbled over this issue (see [1]).
6) The solution has been tested successfully also in SQL databases.
7) The whole code must be run together because the temporary table seems to have only a transitory scope! An attempt to rerun the last SELECT from #tables raises the error: "Invalid object name '#tables'"

Happy coding!

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[1] Koen Verbeeck (2024) Get row counts of all tables in a Microsoft Fabric warehouse [link]
[2] Haripriya SB (2024) Do NOT drop #temp tables (link)

22 January 2025

🏭🗒️Microsoft Fabric: Clone Tables in Warehouses [Notes]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources for learning purposes. For the latest information please consult the documentation (see the links below)! 

Last updated: 22-Jan-2025

[Microsoft Fabric] Zero-copy Clone

  • {def} a replica of an existing OneLake table created by copying existing table's metadata and referencing its data files [1]
    • the metadata is copied while the underlying data of the table stored as parquet files is not copied [1]
    • its creation is like creating a delta table [1]
    • DML/DDL changes on the source 
      • are not reflected in the clone table [1]
      • are not reflected on the source [1]
    • can be created within or across schemas in a warehouse [1]
    • created based on either:
      • current point-in-time
        • based on the present state of the table [1]
      • previous point-in-time
        • based on a point-in-time up to seven days in the past
          • the table clone contains the data as it appeared at a desired past point in time
          • all CRUD operations are retained for seven calendar days
        • created with a timestamp based on UTC
  • {characteristic} autonomous existence
    • the original source and the clones can be deleted without any constraints [1]
    • once a clone is created, it remains in existence until deleted by the user [1]
  • {characteristic} inherits 
    • object-level SQL security from the source table of the clone [1]
      • DENY permission can be set on the table clone if desired [1]
        • the workspace roles provide read access by default [1]
    • all attributes that exist at the source table, whether the clone was created within the same schema or across different schemas in a warehouse [1]
    • the primary and unique key constraints defined in the source table [1]
  • a read-only delta log is created for every table clone that is created within the Warehouse [1]
  • {benefit} facilitates development and testing processes 
    • by creating copies of tables in lower environments [1]
  • {benefit} provides consistent reporting and zero-copy duplication of data for analytical workloads and ML modeling and testing [1]
  • {benefit} provides the capability of data recovery in the event of a failed release or data corruption by retaining the previous state of data [1]
  • {benefit} helps create historical reports that reflect the state of data as it existed as of a specific point-in-time in the past [1]
  • {limitation} table clones across warehouses in a workspace are not currently supported [1]
  • {limitation} table clones across workspaces are not currently supported [1]
  • {limitation} clone table is not supported on the SQL analytics endpoint of the Lakehouse [1]
  • {limitation} clone of a warehouse or schema is currently not supported [1]
  • {limitation} table clones submitted before the retention period of seven days cannot be created [1]
  • {limitation} cloned tables do not currently inherit row-level security or dynamic data masking [1]
  • {limitation} changes to the table schema prevent a clone from being created prior to the table schema change [1]
  • {best practice} create the clone tables in dedicated schema(s)
  • [syntax] CREATE TABLE <schema.clone_table_name> AS CLONE OF <schema.table_name>

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2023) Clone table in Microsoft Fabric [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) Tutorial: Clone tables in the Fabric portal [link]
[3] Microsoft Learn (2024) Tutorial: Clone a table with T-SQL in a Warehouse [link]
[4] Microsoft Learn (2024) SQL: CREATE TABLE AS CLONE OF [link]

25 December 2024

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Number of Records IV (via sys.partitions DMV)

To get the exact number of records in a table one can use the COUNT (see post) or the more recent COUNT_BIG function, though for big tables this can be an inefficient operation for the database engine:

-- number of records via COUNT
SELECT count(*) row_count
FROM SalesLT.Product

Moreover, sometimes the operation needs to be repeated for a number of tables, e.g. dropdown tables in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365 F&O). Writing the query as a UNION allows to export the data as a single table and do comparisons (e.g. in Excel). The same approach can be used also when multiple columns are used for grouping, though one must account for the additional columns in the other subqueries. However, the more tables are involved, the more difficult it becomes to maintain the query over time. 
-- number of records via COUNT for multiple tables
SELECT 'SalesLT.Product' table_name
, count(*) row_count
FROM SalesLT.Product
SELECT 'SalesLT.ProductDescription' table_name
, count(*) row_count
FROM SalesLT.ProductDescription
SELECT 'SalesLT.ProductModel' table_name
, count(*) row_count
FROM SalesLT.ProductModel

There are many scenarios in which it's needed to get an approximate of the number of records available in a table and doing a record count might prove to be too expensive. For a quick and dirty solution one can use the sys.partitions DMV  instead:

-- number of records via DMV for single object
SELECT object_id
, OBJECT_NAME(object_id) object_name
, OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(object_id) schema_name
, SUM(Rows) AS row_count
, data_compression_desc AS compression_type
, COUNT(*) partitions_count
FROM sys.partitions 
WHERE index_id < 2 --ignore the partitions from the non-clustered index if any
  AND OBJECT_ID('SalesLT.Product') = object_id
GROUP BY object_id
, data_compression_desc
ORDER BY row_count DESC;

The query is based on sys.partitions table [1] which contains a row for each partition of all the tables and most types of indexes in the database. The documentation mentions that "rows" indicates the approximate number of rows in the considered partition.

Alternatively, one can bring more tables into the query to extend its range of applicability. 

-- number of records via DMVs
SELECT + '.' + SearchName
, S.Name SchemaName
, TableName
, P.row_count
, P.compression_type
, P.partitions_count
FROM sys.tables T
     LEFT JOIN (
        SELECT object_id
        , SUM(Rows) AS row_count
        , data_compression_desc AS compression_type
        , COUNT(*) partitions_count
        FROM sys.partitions 
        WHERE index_id < 2 --ignore the partitions from the non-clustered index if any
        --AND OBJECT_ID('SalesLT.Product') = object_id
        GROUP BY object_id
        , data_compression_desc
     ) P
    ON T.object_id = P.object_id
     JOIN sys.schemas as S
	   on S.schema_id = T.schema_id
WHERE S.Name = 'SalesLT'
  AND T.Name LIKE 'Product%'
ORDER BY row_count DESC;

The data can be exported regularly to give an idea how tables' cardinality changes over time. One can find this useful as part of the loading process in data warehouses or other solutions (e.g. data migrations). 

By using a FULL JOIN instead of a LEFT JOIN one can retrieve only the tables that have records. 

One should consider only the tables in scope, and eventually remove the records associated with the system objects (e.g. sys or information_schema upon case).

 -- constraints to be added in the WHERE clause to remove the records related to system objects
 AND OBJECT_NAME(object_id) NOT LIKE 'sys%'
 AND OBJECT_NAME(object_id) NOT LIKE 'queue_%' 
 AND OBJECT_NAME(object_id) NOT LIKE 'filestream_tombstone%' 

There are also scenarios in which the count is needed only for a subset of the data. It's the case of D365 F&O (in which the number of records is needed by DataAreaId (aka company) or another field. A solution can be built using the sp_MSForEachTable stored procedure (see the last query from this post) and a cursor.

1) Unfortunately, in Microsoft Fabric warehouses the sys.partitions.rows is 0 for all user tables and currently also the sp_MSForEachTable stored procedure can't be used to retrieve the number of records for all tables. However, one can create an old-fashioned cursor for iterating though the collection of tables in scope.
2) The code used in this post is available also in the GitHub repository.

Happy coding and Merry Christmas!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) sys.partitions (Transact-SQL) [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) COUNT_BIG (Transact-SQL) [link]

18 December 2024

🧭🏭Business Intelligence: Microsoft Fabric (Part VII: Data Stores Comparison)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

Microsoft made available a reference guide for the data stores supported for Microsoft Fabric workloads [1], including the new Fabric SQL database (see previous post). Here's the consolidated table followed by a few aspects to consider: 

Area Lakehouse Warehouse Eventhouse Fabric SQL database Power BI Datamart
Data volume Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited 4 TB Up to 100 GB
Type of data Unstructured, semi-structured, structured Structured, semi-structured (JSON) Unstructured, semi-structured, structured Structured, semi-structured, unstructured Structured
Primary developer persona Data engineer, data scientist Data warehouse developer, data architect, data engineer, database developer App developer, data scientist, data engineer AI developer, App developer, database developer, DB admin Data scientist, data analyst
Primary dev skill Spark (Scala, PySpark, Spark SQL, R) SQL No code, KQL, SQL SQL No code, SQL
Data organized by Folders and files, databases, and tables Databases, schemas, and tables Databases, schemas, and tables Databases, schemas, tables Database, tables, queries
Read operations Spark, T-SQL T-SQL, Spark* KQL, T-SQL, Spark T-SQL Spark, T-SQL
Write operations Spark (Scala, PySpark, Spark SQL, R) T-SQL KQL, Spark, connector ecosystem T-SQL Dataflows, T-SQL
Multi-table transactions No Yes Yes, for multi-table ingestion Yes, full ACID compliance No
Primary development interface Spark notebooks, Spark job definitions SQL scripts KQL Queryset, KQL Database SQL scripts Power BI
Security RLS, CLS**, table level (T-SQL), none for Spark Object level, RLS, CLS, DDL/DML, dynamic data masking RLS Object level, RLS, CLS, DDL/DML, dynamic data masking Built-in RLS editor
Access data via shortcuts Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Can be a source for shortcuts Yes (files and tables) Yes (tables) Yes Yes (tables) No
Query across items Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Advanced analytics Interface for large-scale data processing, built-in data parallelism, and fault tolerance Interface for large-scale data processing, built-in data parallelism, and fault tolerance Time Series native elements, full geo-spatial and query capabilities T-SQL analytical capabilities, data replicated to delta parquet in OneLake for analytics Interface for data processing with automated performance tuning
Advanced formatting support Tables defined using PARQUET, CSV, AVRO, JSON, and any Apache Hive compatible file format Tables defined using PARQUET, CSV, AVRO, JSON, and any Apache Hive compatible file format Full indexing for free text and semi-structured data like JSON Table support for OLTP, JSON, vector, graph, XML, spatial, key-value Tables defined using PARQUET, CSV, AVRO, JSON, and any Apache Hive compatible file format
Ingestion latency Available instantly for querying Available instantly for querying Queued ingestion, streaming ingestion has a couple of seconds latency Available instantly for querying Available instantly for querying

It can be used as a map for what is needed to know for using each feature, respectively to identify how one can use the previous experience, and here I'm referring to the many SQL developers. One must consider also the capabilities and limitations of each storage repository.

However, what I'm missing is some references regarding the performance for data access, especially compared with on-premise workloads. Moreover, the devil hides in details, therefore one must test thoroughly before committing to any of the above choices. For the newest overview please check the referenced documentation!

For lakehouses, the hardest limitation is the lack of multi-table transactions, though that's understandable given its scope. However, probably the most important aspect is whether it can scale with the volume of reads/writes as currently the SQL endpoint seems to lag. 

The warehouse seems to be more versatile, though careful attention needs to be given to its design. 

The Eventhouse opens the door to a wide range of time-based scenarios, though it will be interesting how developers cope with its lack of functionality in some areas. 

Fabric SQL databases are a new addition, and hopefully they'll allow considering a wide range of OLTP scenarios. 

Power BI datamarts have been in preview for a couple of years.

[1] Microsoft Fabric (2024) Microsoft Fabric decision guide: choose a data store [link]
[2] Reitse's blog (2024) Testing Microsoft Fabric Capacity: Data Warehouse vs Lakehouse Performance [link

10 March 2024

🏭🗒️Microsoft Fabric: Dataflows Gen2 [Notes]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources for learning purposes. For the latest information please consult the documentation (see the links below)! 

Last updated: 10-Mar-2024

Dataflow (Gen2) Architecture [4]

[Microsoft Fabric] Dataflow (Gen2) 

  •  new generation of dataflows that resides alongside the Power BI Dataflow (Gen1) [2]
  • allows to 
    • extract data from various sources
    • transform it using a wide range of transformation operations 
    • load it into a destination [1]
  • {goal} provide an easy, reusable way to perform ETL tasks using Power Query Online [1]
    • allows to promote reusable ETL logic 
      • ⇒ prevents the need to create more connections to the data source.
      • offer a wide variety of transformations
    • can be horizontally partitioned
  • {component} Lakehouse 
    • used to stage data being ingested
  • {component} Warehouse 
    • used as a compute engine and means to write back results to staging or supported output destinations faster
  • {component} Mashup Engine
    • extracts, transforms, or loads the data to staging or data destinations when either [4]
      • Warehouse compute cannot be used [4]
      • staging is disabled for a query [4]
  • {operation} creating a dataflow
    • can be created in a
      • Data Factory workload
      • Power BI workspace
      • Lakehouse
  • {operation} publishing a dataflow
    • generates dataflow's definition  
      • ⇐ the program that runs once the dataflow is refreshed to produce tables in staging storage and/or output destination [4]
      • used by the dataflow engine to generate an orchestration plan, manage resources, and orchestrate execution of queries across data sources, gateways, and compute engines, and to create tables in either the staging storage or data destination [4]
    • saves changes and runs validations that must be performed in the background [2]
  • {operation} refreshing a dataflow
  • {operation} running a dataflow 
    • can be run
      • manually
      • on a refresh schedule
      • as part of a Data Pipeline orchestration
  • {feature} author dataflows with Power Query
    • uses the full Power Query experience of Power BI dataflows [2]
  • {feature} shorter authoring flow
    • uses step-by-step for getting the data into your the dataflow [2]
      • the number of steps required to create dataflows were reduced [2]
    • a few new features were added to improve the experience [2]
  • {feature} Auto-Save and background publishing
    • changes made to a dataflow are autosaved to the cloud (aka draft version of the dataflow) [2]
      • ⇐ without having to wait for the validation to finish [2]
    • {functionality} save as draft 
      • stores a draft version of the dataflow every time you make a change [2]
      • seamless experience and doesn't require any input [2]
    • {concept} published version
      • the version of the dataflow that passed validation and is ready to refresh [5]
  • {feature} integration with data pipelines
    • integrates directly with Data Factory pipelines for scheduling and orchestration [2] 
  • {feature} high-scale compute
    • leverages a new, higher-scale compute architecture [2] 
      •  improves the performance of both transformations of referenced queries and get data scenarios [2]
      • creates both Lakehouse and Warehouse items in the workspace, and uses them to store and access data to improve performance for all dataflows [2]
  • {feature} improved monitoring and refresh history
    • integrate support for Monitoring Hub [2]
    • Refresh History experience upgraded [2]
  • {feature} get data via Dataflows connector
    • supports a wide variety of data source connectors
      • include cloud and on-premises relational databases
  • {feature|planned} incremental refresh 
    • enables you to incrementally extract data from data sources, apply Power Query transformations, and load into various output destinations [5]
  • {feature|planned} Fast Copy 
    • enables large-scale data ingestion directly utilizing the pipelines Copy Activity capability [6]
    • supports sources such Azure SQL Databases, CSV, and Parquet files in Azure Data Lake Storage and Blob Storage [6]
    • significantly scales up the data processing capacity providing high-scale ELT capabilities [6]
  • {feature|planned}Cancel refresh
    • enables to cancel ongoing Dataflow Gen2 refreshes from the workspace items view [6]
  • {feature} data destinations
    • allows to 
      • specify an output destination
      • separate ETL logic and destination storage [2]
    • every tabular data query can have a data destination [3]
      • available destinations
        • Azure SQL databases
        • Azure Data Explorer (Kusto)
        • Fabric Lakehouse
        • Fabric Warehouse
        • Fabric KQL database
      • a destination can be specified for every query individually [3]
      • multiple different destinations can be used within a dataflow [3]
      • connecting to the data destination is similar to connecting to a data source
      • {limitation} functions and lists aren't supported
    • {operation} creating a new table
      • {default} table name has the same name as the query name.
    • {operation} picking an existing table
    • {operation} deleting a table manually from the data destination 
      • doesn't recreate the table on the next refresh [3]
    • {operation} reusing queries from Dataflow Gen1
      • {method} export Dataflow Gen1 query and import it into Dataflow Gen2
        • export the queries as a PQT file and import them into Dataflow Gen2 [2]
      • {method} copy and paste in Power Query
        • copy the queries and paste them in the Dataflow Gen2 editor [2]
    • automatic settings:
      • {limitation} supported only for Lakehouse and Azure SQL database
      • {setting} Update method replace: 
        • data in the destination is replaced at every dataflow refresh with the output data of the dataflow [3]
      • {setting} Managed mapping: 
        • the mapping is automatically adjusted when republishing the data flow to reflect the change 
          • ⇒ doesn't need to be updated manually into the data destination experience every time changes occur [3]
      • {setting} Drop and recreate table: 
        • on every dataflow refresh the table is dropped and recreated to allow schema changes
        • {limitation} the dataflow refresh fails if any relationships or measures were added to the table [3]
    • update methods
      • {method} replace: 
        • on every dataflow refresh, the data is dropped from the destination and replaced by the output data of the dataflow.
        • {limitation} not supported by Fabric KQL databases and Azure Data Explorer 
      • {method} append: 
        • on every dataflow refresh, the output data from the dataflow is appended (aka merged) to the existing data in the data destination table (aka upsert)
    • staging 
      • {default} enabled
        • allows to use Fabric compute to execute queries
          • ⇐ enhances the performance of query processing
        • the data is loaded into the staging location
          • ⇐ an internal Lakehouse location accessible only by the dataflow itself
        • [Warehouse] staging is required before the write operation to the data destination
          • ⇐ improves performance
          • {limitation} only loading into the same workspace as the dataflow is supported
        •  using staging locations can enhance performance in some cases
      • disabled
        • {recommendation} [Lakehouse] disable staging on the query to avoid loading twice into a similar destination
          • ⇐ once for staging and once for data destination
          • improves dataflow's performance
    • {scenario} use a dataflow to load data into the lakehouse and then use a notebook to analyze the data [2]
    • {scenario} use a dataflow to load data into an Azure SQL database and then use a data pipeline to load the data into a data warehouse [2]
  • {feature} fast copy
    • allows ingesting terabytes of data with the easy experience and the scalable back-end of the pipeline Copy Activity [7]
    • the feature must be enabled [7]
      • after enabling, Dataflows automatically switch the back-end when data size exceeds a particular threshold [7]
      • ⇐there's no need to change anything during authoring of the dataflows
      • one can check thr refresh history to see if fast copy was used [7]
      • ⇐see the Engine typeRequire fast copy option
      • {option} Require fast copy
    • {prerequisite} Fabric capacity is available [7]
    • {prerequisite} data files 
      • are in .csv or parquet format
      • have at least 100 MB
      • are stored in an ADLS Gen2 or a Blob storage account [6]
    • {prerequisite} [Azure SQL DB|PostgreSQL] >= 5 million rows in the data source [7]
    • {limitation} doesn't support [7] 
      • the VNet gateway
      • writing data into an existing table in Lakehouse
      • fixed schema
  • {benefit} extends data with consistent data, such as a standard date dimension table [1]
  • {benefit} allows self-service users access to a subset of data warehouse separately [1]
  • {benefit} optimizes performance with dataflows, which enable extracting data once for reuse, reducing data refresh time for slower sources [1]
  • {benefit} simplifies data source complexity by only exposing dataflows to larger analyst groups [1]
  • {benefit} ensures consistency and quality of data by enabling users to clean and transform data before loading it to a destination [1]
  • {benefit} simplifies data integration by providing a low-code interface that ingests data from various sources [1]
  • {limitation} not a replacement for a data warehouse [1]
  • {limitation} row-level security isn't supported [1]
  • {limitation} Fabric or Fabric trial capacity workspace is required [1]

Feature Data flow Gen2 Dataflow Gen1
Author dataflows with Power Query
Shorter authoring flow
Auto-Save and background publishing
Data destinations
Improved monitoring and refresh history
Integration with data pipelines
High-scale compute
Get Data via Dataflows connector
Direct Query via Dataflows connector
Incremental refresh ✓*
Fast Copy ✓*
Cancel refresh ✓*
AI Insights support
Dataflow Gen1 vs Gen2 [2]

ADLS - Azure Data Lake Storage 
ETL - Extract, Transform, Load
KQL - Kusto Query Language
PQO - Power Query Online
PQT - Power Query Template

[1] Microsoft Learn (2023) Fabric: Ingest data with Microsoft Fabric (link)
[2] Microsoft Learn (2023) Fabric: Getting from Dataflow Generation 1 to Dataflow Generation 2 (link)
[3] Microsoft Learn (2023) Fabric: Dataflow Gen2 data destinations and managed settings (link)
[4] Microsoft Learn (2023) Fabric: Dataflow Gen2 pricing for Data Factory in Microsoft Fabric (link)
[5] Microsoft Learn (2023) Fabric: Save a draft of your dataflow (link)
[6] Microsoft Learn (2023) Fabric: What's new and planned for Data Factory in Microsoft Fabric (link)

[7] Microsoft Learn (2023) Fabric: Fast copy in Dataflows Gen2 [link

[R1] Arshad Ali & Bradley Schacht (2024) Learn Microsoft Fabric (link)
[R2] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Data Factory limitations overview (link)
[R3] Microsoft Fabric Blog (2023) Data Factory Spotlight: Dataflow Gen2, by Miguel Escobar (link)
[R4] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Dataflow Gen2 connectors in Microsoft Fabric (link) 
[R5] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Pattern to incrementally amass data with Dataflow Gen2 (link)
[R6] Fourmoo (2004) Microsoft Fabric – Comparing Dataflow Gen2 vs Notebook on Costs and usability, by Gilbert Quevauvilliers (link)
[R7] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) A guide to Fabric Dataflows for Azure Data Factory Mapping Data Flow users (link)
[R8] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Quickstart: Create your first dataflow to get and transform data (link)
[R9] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Microsoft Fabric decision guide: copy activity, dataflow, or Spark (link)
[R10] Microsoft Fabric Blog (2023) Dataflows Gen2 data destinations and managed settings, by Miquella de Boer  (link)
[R11] Microsoft Fabric Blog (2023) Service principal support to connect to data in Dataflow, Datamart, Dataset and Dataflow Gen 2, by Miquella de Boer (link)
[R12] Chris Webb's BI Blog (2023) Fabric Dataflows Gen2: To Stage Or Not To Stage? (link)
[R13] Power BI Tips (2023) Let's Learn Fabric ep.7: Fabric Dataflows Gen2 (link)

08 December 2023

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric (Part I: Monitoring the Warehouse)

I was exploring this week the Microsoft Fabric Warehouse and I observed that there're three views available under the queryinsight schema: exec_requests_history, frequently_run_queries and long_running_queries,  According to their definitions, they are based on two database objects fabric_query_starting and fabric_query_completed that cannot be called directly.

Announced in the Nov-2023 update, the Query Insights (QI) feature is a "scalable, sustainable, and extendable solution to enhance the SQL analytics experience" (see Microsoft's documentation).

Strangely, the three views appear in the Model view together with the objects defined in the dbo or other user-defined schemas. One can hide the queryinsight objects, however doing this operation in each model is impractical, especially when the number of the objects defined in the respective schema will increase in time. On the other side, the respective objects might be useful in building a report for visualizing query's performance. (Probably, a multi-model solution would and/or further settings will allow more flexibility.)

Secondly, the objects from the queryinsight schema are not available in the sys.objects DMV:

SELECT top 10 *
FROM sys.objects 
WHERE name LIKE 'fabric%'

The exec_requests_history DMV (similar to the dm_exec_requests_history DMV from the standard SQL Server) references several DMVs, and it would be useful to retrieve the corresponding information within the same query:

 -- fabric warehouse
 SELECT erh.distributed_statement_id
, erh.start_time
, erh.end_time
, erh.total_elapsed_time_ms
--, erh.login_name
, erh.row_count
, erh.status
, erh.session_id
, erh.connection_id
, erh.program_name
, erh.batch_id
, erh.root_batch_id
, erh.query_hash
, erh.command 
FROM queryinsights.exec_requests_history erh
WHERE status = 'Succeeded'--'Failed'

However, attempting to retrieve session information via the sys.dm_exec_sessions DMV leads to the below error message:

FROM queryinsights.exec_requests_history erh
     LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions ses
       ON erh.session_id = ses.session_id
WHERE erh.status = 'Succeeded'--'Failed'

"The query references an object that is not supported in distributed processing mode.
Msg 15816, Level 16, State 7, Code line 11"

Using the standard SQL Sever system functions seem to work, as long the view from the queryinsights schema is not considered:

According to the documentation, "Some objects, like system views, and functions can't be used while you query data stored in Azure Data Lake or Azure Cosmos DB analytical storage. Avoid using the queries that join external data with system views, load external data in a temp table, or use some security or metadata functions to filter external data."

One can presume thus that fabric_query_starting and fabric_query_completed are stored in the Data Lake and behave like standard user-defined tables. Unfortunately, no documentation seems to be available on this.

I tried using a temporary table, as advised above:

-- dropping the temp table
--DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.#requests_history;

-- create the temp table
CREATE TABLE dbo.#requests_history (
  distributed_statement_id uniqueidentifier
, start_time datetime2(6)
, end_time datetime2(6)
, total_elapsed_time_ms bigint
, login_name varchar(255)
, row_count bigint
, status varchar(50)
, session_id bigint
, connection_id uniqueidentifier
, program_name varchar(255)
, batch_id uniqueidentifier
, root_batch_id uniqueidentifier
, query_hash uniqueidentifier
, command varchar(max)

-- inserting a few records
INSERT INTO dbo.#requests_history
SELECT erh.distributed_statement_id
, erh.start_time
, erh.end_time
, erh.total_elapsed_time_ms
, erh.login_name
, erh.row_count
, erh.status
, erh.session_id
, erh.connection_id
, erh.program_name
, erh.batch_id
, erh.root_batch_id
, erh.query_hash
, erh.command 
FROM queryinsights.exec_requests_history erh;

-- retrieve the inserted records
FROM dbo.#requests_history;

Unfortunately, the attempt led to the same error message. Further investigating the issue I arrived to a known issue: "Temp table usage in Data Warehouse and SQL analytics endpoint". Hopefully, the fix will address this scenario as well. Otherwise, it might be easier to import the data into a solution (e.g. Power BI) and do in there the analysis.

Using temporary tables with DMVs seems to work (see post).

Please note that the values are case sensitive and only a subset of the standard data types are supported (see documentation).

You might want to check also the queries from the SQL Server System Catalog.

Update 23-Jan-2025: The last query continues to throw errors. It works to save the output to a permanent table in a schema that can be used for similar work. Conversely, I was able to create temporary tables for another scenario (see post).

Happy coding!

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
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