Showing posts with label concatenation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label concatenation. Show all posts

08 February 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part VIII: Translating SQL to KQL - Full Joins)

One of the great features of KQL is the possibility of translating SQL code to KQL via the "explain" keyword, allowing thus to port SQL code to KQL, respectively help translate knowledge from one programming language to another. 

Let's start with a basic example:

// transform SQL to KQL code (to be run only the first part from --)
SELECT top(10) CustomerKey, FirstName, LastName, CityName, CompanyName 
FROM Customers 

// output: translated KQL code 
| project CustomerKey, FirstName, LastName, CityName, CompanyName
| sort by CityName desc nulls first
| take int(10)

The most interesting part of the translation is how "explain" translate joins from SQL to KQL. Let's start with a FULL JOIN from the set of patterns considered in a previous post on SQL joins:

SELECT CST.CustomerKey
, CST.FirstName + ' ' + CST.LastName CustomerName
, Cast(SAL.DateKey as Date) DateKey
, SAL.TotalCost
    JOIN Customers CST
      ON SAL.CustomerKey = CST.CustomerKey 
WHERE SAL.DateKey > '20240101' AND SAL.DateKey < '20240201'
ORDER BY CustomerName, DateKey, TotalCost DESC

And, here's the translation:

// translated code
| project-rename ['SAL.DateKey']=DateKey
| join kind=inner (Customers
| project-rename ['CST.CustomerKey']=CustomerKey
    , ['CST.CityName']=CityName
    , ['CST.CompanyName']=CompanyName
    , ['CST.ContinentName']=ContinentName
    , ['CST.Education']=Education
    , ['CST.FirstName']=FirstName
    , ['CST.Gender']=Gender
    , ['CST.LastName']=LastName
    , ['CST.MaritalStatus']=MaritalStatus
    , ['CST.Occupation']=Occupation
    , ['CST.RegionCountryName']=RegionCountryName
    , ['CST.StateProvinceName']=StateProvinceName) 
    on ($left.CustomerKey == $right.['CST.CustomerKey'])
| where ((['SAL.DateKey'] > todatetime("20240101")) 
    and (['SAL.DateKey'] < todatetime("20240201")))
| project ['CST.CustomerKey']
    , CustomerName=__sql_add(__sql_add(['CST.FirstName']
    , " "), ['CST.LastName'])
    , DateKey=['SAL.DateKey']
    , TotalCost
| sort by CustomerName asc nulls first
    , DateKey asc nulls first
    , TotalCost desc nulls first
| project-rename CustomerKey=['CST.CustomerKey']

The code was slightly formatted to facilitated its reading. Unfortunately, the tool doesn't work well with table aliases, introduces also all the fields available from the dimension table, which can become a nightmare for the big dimension tables, the concatenation seems strange, and if one looks deeper, further issues can be identified. So, the challenge is how to write a query in SQL so it can minimize the further changed in QKL.

Probably, one approach is to write the backbone of the query in SQL and add the further logic after translation. 

SELECT NewSales.CustomerKey
, NewSales.DateKey 
, NewSales.TotalCost
FROM NewSales 
    INNER JOIN Customers 
      ON NewSales.CustomerKey = Customers.CustomerKey 
WHERE DateKey > '20240101' AND DateKey < '20240201'
ORDER BY NewSales.CustomerKey
, NewSales.DateKey

And the translation looks simpler:

// transformed query
| join kind=inner 
| project-rename ['Customers.CustomerKey']=CustomerKey
    , ['Customers.CityName']=CityName
    , ['Customers.CompanyName']=CompanyName
    , ['Customers.ContinentName']=ContinentName
    , ['Customers.Education']=Education
    , ['Customers.FirstName']=FirstName
    , ['Customers.Gender']=Gender
    , ['Customers.LastName']=LastName
    , ['Customers.MaritalStatus']=MaritalStatus
    , ['Customers.Occupation']=Occupation
    , ['Customers.RegionCountryName']=RegionCountryName
    , ['Customers.StateProvinceName']=StateProvinceName) 
    on ($left.CustomerKey == $right.['Customers.CustomerKey'])
| where ((DateKey > todatetime("20240101")) 
    and (DateKey < todatetime("20240201")))
| project CustomerKey, DateKey, TotalCost
| sort by CustomerKey asc nulls first
, DateKey asc nulls first

I would have written the query as follows:

// transformed final query
| where (DateKey > todatetime("20240101")) 
    and (DateKey < todatetime("20240201"))
| join kind=inner (
    | project CustomerKey
        , FirstName
        , LastName 
    ) on $left.CustomerKey == $right.CustomerKey
| project CustomerKey
    , CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    , DateKey
    , TotalCost
| sort by CustomerName asc nulls first
    , DateKey asc nulls first

So, it makes sense to create the backbone of a query, translate it to KQL via explain, remove the unnecessary columns and formatting, respectively add what's missing. Once the patterns were mastered, there's probably no need to use the translation tool, but could prove to be also some exceptions. Anyway, the translation tool helps considerably in learning. Big kudos for the development team!

1) The above queries ignore the fact that Customer information is available also in the NewSales table, making thus the joins obsolete. The joins were considered only for exemplification purposes. Similar joins might be still needed for checking the "quality" of the data (e.g. for dimensions that change over time). Even if such "surprises" shouldn't appear by design, real life designs continue to surprise...
2) Queries should be less verbose by design (aka simplicity by design)! The more unnecessary code is added, the higher the chances for errors to be overseen, respectively the more time is needed to understand and validated the queries!

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Lear n (2024) Azure: Query data using T-SQL [link]

04 February 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part III: Basic Joins)

As data is usually dispersed over multiple tables, in any query languages is quintessential to know how to bring the data together for further analysis, joins allowing to achieve this is SQL as well in KQL. One usually starts with the main table and joins the further tables to it. In a data warehouse, the main table is a fact table to which the dimension tables are further joined to add details, respectively to filter on the dimensions. 

Before starting to build any logic, it's important to get an idea of tables' cardinality and which are the keys on which the data to be join. Some models, like the one in the ContosoSales model, are straightforward and the columns participating in the joins have the same names, or at least similar names.  

When writing and testing queries, one can start with a small subset of the data, join the tables together, and at the end validate the logic as needed. Selecting a small interval (e.g. a month, week, or even a day) and the records for 1-2 representative records from a dimensional table (e.g. Customers) helps in the process for minimizing the data movement and 

// check how many records are available 
// Sales table: 28980 based on the filter
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()

// Products: 2517 records
| summarize record_count = count()

// Customers: 18484 records
| summarize record_count = count()

In a second step one can look at the individual values, identify uniqque indentifiers, the columns that participate in joins, respectively other columns of interest. If needed, one can five deeper by checking the number for individual values. Selecting 10-100 records is usually enough for getting an idea about the dataset, though there are also many exceptions:
// review the data
// Sales table: 28980 based on the filter
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| take 10

// Products: 2517 records
| take 10

// Customers: 18484 records
| take 10

In KQL one must start with the fact table (e.g NewSales) and add the dimensions accordingly. Alternatively, it's useful to group only by ProductKey, respectively by CustomerKey.

// review the basis output by Products & Customers
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey, CustomerKey
| order by TotalCost desc
| summarize result_record_count = count()

Now let's join the Product dimension table to the NewSales fact table via the join operator

// total by product via join
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey
| join kind=inner (
    | where  ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    on ProductKey
| project ProductName, TotalCost
//| summarize record_count = count() 
| order by TotalCost desc

One can join now also the second dimension table and eventually select only the columns in scope, respectively do further calculations (see CustomerName):

// total by product & customer via joins
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey, CustomerKey
| join kind=inner (
    | where  ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
    | project ProductKey, ProductName 
    on ProductKey
| join kind=inner (
    | project CustomerKey, CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
    on CustomerKey
| project CustomerName, ProductName, TotalCost
//| summarize record_count = count() 
| order by CustomerName asc, ProductName asc

Once the query built, one can go ahead and remove the pieces of logic not needed, an reevaluate the number of records with a count (see commented line).

Alternatively, one can rewrite the above query as follows via the lookup operators:

// total by Product & Customer via lookup
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey, CustomerKey
| lookup Products on ProductKey
| lookup Customers on CustomerKey 
//| summarize record_count = count() 
| project CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName), ProductName, TotalCost

The two last queries should produce the same results. The first query allows more flexibility in what concerns the constraints applied, while the second is more compact while it also allows to easier test how the number of records changes by added each join. This set of tests is done to make sure that duplicates aren't created in the process, respectively that records are not removed unnecessarily from the logic. 

If the fields used in joins don't have the same name, which happens in data many models, one can use the $left and $right to refer to the table participating in the join. This syntax makes the query a bit more verbose, though it brings more clarity. Even if some vendors provide similar syntax (e.g. USING in Oracle), one may prefer the syntax that offers clarity.

// total by product via lookup with table alias
| where SalesAmount <> 0 and ProductCategoryName == 'TV and Video'
| where DateKey >=date(2023-02-01) and DateKey < datetime(2023-03-01)
| summarize record_count = count()
    , TotalCost = sum(TotalCost) by ProductKey, CustomerKey
| lookup Products on $left.ProductKey == $right.ProductKey
| lookup Customers on $left.CustomerKey == $right.CustomerKey
| project CustomerName = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName), ProductName, TotalCost

1) For readability purposes, it might be useful to use indentation for the lines that are continuation of the previous line. Therefore, if the line doesn't start with a pipe ("|"), the next line starts a few characters (a tab) further.
2) According to the documentation (see [1]), the "lookup" operator optimizes the performance of queries where a fact table is enriched with data from a dimension table.

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) Kusto Tutorial: Join data from multiple tables [link]

17 June 2011

💎SQL Reloaded: Pulling the Strings of SQL Server VII (List of Values)


    Lists are one of the basic structures in Mathematics, the term referring to an (ordered) set of elements separated by comma, space or any other delimiter (e.g. “:”, “;”). The elements of a list can be numbers, words, functions, or any other type of objects. In the world of databases, a list is typically formed out of the values of a given column or a given record, however it could span also a combination of rows and records, is such cases two delimiters being needed – one for column and one for row. From here comes probably the denomination of list of values. In a more general accept a list of values could be regarded as a delimited/concatenated subset. Such lists are formed when needed to send the data between the layers of an application or applications, this type of encoding being quite natural. In fact, also the data in a database are stored in similar tabular delimited structure, more complex though.  

    An useful example in which the list of values are quite handy is the passing of multiple values within the parameter of stored procedure or function (see example). This supposes first building the list and then use the values in a dynamic build query (like in the before mentioned example) or by building a table on the fly. We can call the two operations composition, respectively decomposition of list of values.


Composition, whether on vertical or horizontal is nothing but a concatenation in which the values alternate with one or more delimiters. Let’s reconsider the concatenation based on the values of a Person.AddressType AdventureWorks table. As the logic for concatenating for one or more attributes is the same, the below example concatenates a list based on a single attribute, namely AddressTypeID in SingleList, respectively two attributes, AddressTypeID and Name.

-- concatenation of values across a table 
;WITH CTE (AddressTypeID, Name, Ranking) 
AS (--preparing the data       
     SELECT AddressTypeID  
     , Name 
     , ROW_NUMBER () OVER(ORDER BY Name) Ranking 
     FROM Person.AddressType 
     -- WHERE ... 
, DAT (SingleList, DoubleList, Ranking) 
AS ( -- concatenating the values 
     SELECT Cast(AddressTypeID as varchar(max)) SingleList 
     , Cast('('+ Cast(AddressTypeID as varchar(10)) + ',''' + Name + ''')' as varchar(max)) DoubleList 
     , Ranking 
     FROM CTE 
     WHERE Ranking = 1 
     SELECT DAT.SingleList + ',' + Cast(CTE.AddressTypeID as varchar(20)) SingleList 
    , Cast(DAT.DoubleList + ', ('+ Cast(CTE.AddressTypeID as varchar(10)) + ',''' + CTE.Name + ''')' as varchar(max)) DoubleList 
    , CTE.Ranking  
     FROM CTE          
       JOIN DAT           
          ON CTE.Ranking = DAT.Ranking + 1       

-- the lists 
SELECT SingleList 
, DoubleList 
WHERE Ranking = (SELECT MAX(Ranking) FROM DAT) 

 List of values - concatenation

   The second example is based on atypical delimiters, resembling to the structure built for a batch insert or table value constructor-based statement, and as we’ll see later, ideal to be used in a dynamically-built query


Decomposition follows the inverse path, though it’s much easier to exemplify. In fact it’s used the same technique introduced in the last example from the previous post belonging to the same cycle, Subparts of a String, in which a space was used as delimiter. Another example is the dbo.SplitList function which decomposes a string using a loop.

-- decomposition of a string to a table using CTE 
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.StringToTable( 
 @str varchar(500) 
,@Delimiter char(1)) 
Id int NOT NULL 
,Value varchar(50)) 
     ;WITH CTE (PrevString, Position, Word)  
     AS (  
     SELECT LTrim(RTrim( CASE  
           WHEN CharIndex(@Delimiter, @str)>;0 THEN Right(@str, Len(@str)-CharIndex(@Delimiter, @str))  
           ELSE ''  
      END)) PrevString  
     , 1 Position  
     , LTrim(RTrim(CASE  
           WHEN CharIndex(@Delimiter, @str)>0 THEN LEFT(@str, CharIndex(@Delimiter, @str)-1)  
           ELSE @str  
       END)) Word  
      UNION ALL  
      SELECT LTrim(RTrim(CASE  
            WHEN CharIndex(@Delimiter, PrevString)>0 THEN Right(PrevString, Len(PrevString)-CharIndex(@Delimiter, PrevString))  
             ELSE ''  
       END)) PrevString  
      , Position + 1 Position  
      , LTrim(RTrim(CASE  
           WHEN CharIndex(@Delimiter, PrevString)>0 THEN LEFT(PrevString, CharIndex(@Delimiter, PrevString)-1)  
          ELSE PrevString  
      END)) Word      FROM CTE  
     WHERE Len(PrevString)>0  
     INSERT @Temp(Id, Value) 
     SELECT Position  
     , Word      FROM CTE  
     OPTION (maxrecursion 100)  

Here are two examples based on the single list created above and another one based on alphabet:

-- decomposing a list
, value 
FROM dbo.StringToTable('6,1,2,3,4,5', ',')     

-- decomposing the "alphabet" 
, value 
FROM dbo.StringToTable('a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z', ',') 

List of values - simple decomposition    

List of values - alphabet decomposition
Even if the function deals only with a delimiter, it could be used to decompose lists involving multiple delimiters, as long the list is adequately built:

-- decomposing double list 
, value 
, Left(value, CHARINDEX(',', value)-1) LeftValue 
, Right(value, len(value)-CHARINDEX(',', value)) RightValue 
FROM dbo.StringToTable('6,Archive;1,Billing;2,Home;3,Main Office;4,Primary;5,Shipping', ';')     

List of values - double decomposition 

 The tables built thus from list of values can be further used in queries when needed to create a table on the fly. It would be interesting maybe to show that the composition and decomposition are inverse functions, however that’s out of scope, at least for current set of posts. 

11 March 2011

💎SQL Reloaded: Pulling the Strings of SQL Server VIII (Insertions, Deletions and Replacements)

Until now, the operations with strings resumed to concatenation and its reverse operation(s) - extracting a substring or splitting a string into substrings. It was just the warm up! There are several other important operations that involve the internal manipulation of strings – insertion, deletion and replacement of a substring in a given string, operations performed using the Replace and Stuff functions.

Replace function, as its name denotes, replaces all occurrences of a specified string value with another. Several scenarios in which the function is quite useful: the replacement of delimiters, special characters, correcting misspelled words or any other chunks of text. Here are some basic simple examples, following to consider the before mentioned applications in other posts:

-- examples with replace 
DECLARE @str varchar(30) 
SET @str = 'this is a test string' 
SELECT replace(@str, ' ', ',') Example1 
, replace(@str, ' ', ' ') Example2 
, replace(@str, ' ', '') Example3 
, replace(@str, 'is', 'as') Example4  
Example1 Example2 Example3 Example4
this,is,a,test,string this is a test string thisisateststring thas as a test string

When there are good chances that the searched string won’t appear in the “searched” string, and especially when additional logic is depending on the replacement, logic that could be included in the same expression with the replacement, then maybe it makes sense to check first if the searched character is present:

-- replacement with check 
DECLARE @str varchar(30) 
DECLARE @search varchar(30) 
DECLARE @replacememt varchar(30) 
SET @str = 'this is a test string' 
SET @search = 'this string' 
SET @replacememt = 'other string' 
SELECT CASE            
    WHEN CharIndex(@search, @str)>0 THEN Replace(@str, @search, @replacememt)             
    ELSE @str        
END result 

Unfortunately the function doesn’t have the flexibility of the homonym functions provided by the languages from the family of VB (VBScript, VB.NET), which allow to do the replacement starting with a given position, and/or for a given number of occurrences. This type of behavior could be obtained with a simple trick – splitting the string into two other strings, performing the replacement on the second string, and then concatenating the first string and the result of the replacement:

-- replacement starting with a given position 
DECLARE @str varchar(30) 
DECLARE @search varchar(30) 
DECLARE @replacememt varchar(30) 
DECLARE @start int 
SET @str = 'this is a test string' 
SET @search = 's' 
SET @replacememt = 'x' 
SET @start = 7 
SELECT Left(@str, @start-1) FirstPart 
, RIGHT(@str, Len(@str)-@start+1) SecondPart 
, CASE        
    WHEN @start <= LEN(@str) THEN Left(@str, @start-1) + Replace(RIGHT(@str, Len(@str)-@start+1), @search, @replacememt)        
     ELSE @str  
END Replacement 
FirstPart SecondPart Replacement
this i s a test string this ix a text xtring

The logic can be encapsulated in a function together with additional validation logic.

Stuff function inserts a string into another string starting with a given position and deleting a specified number of characters. Even if seldom used, the function it’s quite powerful allowing to insert a string in another, to remove a part of a string or more general, to replace a single occurrence of a string with another string, as can be seen from the below examples:
-- Stuff-based examples 
DECLARE @str varchar(30) 
SET @str = 'this is a test string' SELECT STUFF(@str, 6, 2, 'was ') Example1 , STUFF(@str, 1, 0, 'and ') Example2 , STUFF(@str, 1, 0, 'that') Example3 , STUFF(@str, LEN(@str) + 1, 0, '!') Example4
Example1 Example2 Example3 Example4
this was a test string and this is a test string thatthis is a test string NULL

If in the first example is done a replacement of a text from a fix position, in the next examples are attempted insert on a first, middle respectively end position. As can be seen, the last example doesn’t work as expected, this because the insert position can’t go over the length of the target string. Actually, if the insert needs to be done at the beginning, respectively the end of a string, a concatenation can be much easier to use. A such example is the padding of strings with leading or trailing characters, typically in order to arrive to a given length. SQL Server doesn’t provide such a function, however the function is quite easy to build.
-- left/right padding 
DECLARE @str varchar(30) 
DECLARE @length int  
DECLARE @padchar varchar(1) 
SET @str = '12345'  
SET @length = 10 
SET @padchar = '0' 
SELECT @str StringToPad  
, CASE  
     WHEN LEN(@str)<@length THEN Replicate(@padchar, @length-LEN(@str)) + @str       
     ELSE @str  
END LeftPadding  
, CASE  
     WHEN LEN(@str)<@length THEN @str + Replicate(@padchar, @length-LEN(@str))      
     ELSE @str  
END RightPadding 
StringToPad LeftPadding RightPadding
12345 0000012345 1234500000

The queries work also in SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric.

Happy Coding!
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
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