Showing posts with label dataflows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dataflows. Show all posts

10 March 2024

🏭🗒️Microsoft Fabric: Dataflows Gen 1 [Notes]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources. 

Last updated: 10-Mar-2024

Dataflows Architecture in Power BI
Dataflows Architecture [3]

[Microsoft Fabric] Dataflow (Gen1)

  • a type of cloud-based ETL tool for building and executing scalable data transformation processes [1]
  • a collection of tables created and managed in workspaces in the Power BI service [4]
  • acts as building blocks on top of one another [4]
  • includes all of the transformations to reduce data prep time and then can be loaded into a new table, included in a Data Pipeline, or used as a data source by data analysts [1]
  • {benefit} promote reusability of underlying data elements
    • prevent the need to create separate connections with your cloud or on-premises data sources.
  • supports a wide range of cloud and on-premises sources [3]
  • {operation} refreshing a dataflow 
    • is required before it can be consumed in a semantic model in Power BI Desktop, or referenced as a linked or computed table [4]
    • can be refreshed at the same frequency as a semantic model [4]
    • {concept} incremental refresh
    • [Premium capacity] can be set to refresh incrementally
      • adds parameters to the dataflow to specify the date range
      • {contraindication} linked tables shouldn't use incremental refresh if they reference a dataflow
        • ⇐ dataflows don't support query folding (even if the table is DirectQuery enabled).
      • {contraindication} semantic models referencing dataflows shouldn't use incremental refresh
        • ⇐ refreshes to dataflows are generally performant, so incremental refreshes shouldn't be necessary
        • if refreshes take too long, consider using the compute engine, or DirectQuery mode
  • {operation} deleting a workflow
    • if a workspace that contains dataflows is deleted, all its dataflows are also deleted [4]
      • even if recovery of the workspace is possible, one cannot recover the deleted dataflows
        • ⇐ either directly or through support from Microsoft [4]
  • {operation} consuming a dataflow
    • create a linked table from the dataflow
    • allows another dataflow author to use the data [4]
    • create a semantic model from the dataflow
    • allows a user to utilize the data to create reports [4]
    • create a connection from external tools that can read from the CDM format [4]
  • {feature} [premium] Enhanced compute engine.
    • enables premium subscribers to use their capacity to optimize the use of dataflows
    • {advantage} reduces the refresh time required for long-running ETL steps over computed entities, such as performing joins, distinct, filters, and group by [7]
    • {advantage} performs DirectQuery queries over entities [7]
    • individually set for each dataflow
    • {configuration} disabled
    • {configuration|default} optimized
      • automatically turned on when a table in the dataflow is referenced by another table or when the dataflow is connected to another dataflow in the same workspace.
    • {configuration} On
    • {limitation} works only for A3 or larger Power BI capacities [7]
  • {feature} [premium] DirectQuery
    • allows to use DirectQuery to connect directly to dataflows without having to import its data [7]
  • {advantage} avoid separate refresh schedules 
    • removes the need to create an imported semantic model [7]
  • {advantage} filtering data 
    • allows to filter dataflow data and work with the filtered subset [7]
    • {limitation} composite/mixed models that have import and DirectQuery data sources are currently not supported [7]
    • {limitation} large dataflows might have trouble with timeout issues when viewing visualizations [7]
      • {workaround} use Import mode [7]
    • {limitation} under data source settings, the dataflow connector will show invalid credentials [7]
      • the warning doesn't affect the behavior, and the semantic model will work properly [7]
  • {feature} [premium] Computed entities
    • allows to perform calculations on your existing dataflows, and return results [7]
    • enable to focus on report creation and analytics [7]
    • {limitation} work properly only when the entities reside in the same storage account [7]
  • {feature} [premium] Linked Entities
    • allows to reference existing dataflows
    • one can perform calculations on these entities using computed entities [7]
    • allows to create a "single source of the truth" table that can be reused within multiple dataflows [7]
    • {limitation} work properly only when the entities reside in the same storage account [7]
  • {feature} [premium] Incremental refresh
    • adds parameters to the dataflow to specify the date range [7]
  • {concept} table
    • represents the data output of a query created in a dataflow, after the dataflow has been refreshed
    • represents data from a source and, optionally, the transformations that were applied to it
  • {concept} computed tables
    • similar to other tables 
      • one get data from a source and one can apply further transformations to create them
    • their data originates from the storage dataflow used, and not the original data source [6]
      • ⇐ they were previously created by a dataflow and then reused [6]
    • created by referencing a table in the same dataflow or in a different dataflow [6]
  • {concept} [Power Query] custom function
    • a mapping from a set of input values to a single output value [5]
  • {scenario} create reusable transformation logic that can be shared by many semantic models and reports inside Power BI [3]
  • {scenario} persist data in ADL Gen 2 storage, enabling you to expose it to other Azure services outside Power BI [3]
  • {scenario} create a single source of truth
    • encourages uptake by removing analysts' access to underlying data sources [3]
  • {scenario} strengthen security around underlying data sources by exposing data to report creators in dataflows
    • allows to limit access to underlying data sources, reducing the load on source systems [3]
    • gives administrators finer control over data refresh operations [3]
  • {scenario} perform ETL at scale, 
    • dataflows with Power BI Premium scales more efficiently and gives you more flexibility [3]
  • {best practice} chose the best connector for the task provides the best experience and performance [5] 
  • {best practice} filter data in the early stages of the query
    • some connectors can take advantage of filters through query folding [5]
  • {best practice} do expensive operations last
    • help minimize the amount of time spend waiting for the preview to render each time a new step is added to the query [5]
  • {best practice} temporarily work against a subset of your data
    • if adding new steps to the query is slow, consider using "Keep First Rows" operation and limiting the number of rows you're working against [5]
  • {best practice} use the correct data types
    • some features are contextual to the data type [5]
  • {best practice} explore the data
  • {best practice} document queries by renaming or adding a description to steps, queries, or groups [5]
  • {best practice} take a modular approach
    • split queries that contains a large number of steps into multiple queries
    • {goal} simplify and decouple transformation phases into smaller pieces to make them easier to understand [5]
  • {best practice} future-proof queries 
    • make queries resilient to changes and able to refresh even when some components of data source change [5]
  • {best practice] creating queries that are dynamic and flexible via parameters [5]
    • parameters serves as a way to easily store and manage a value that can be reused in many different ways [5]
  • {best practice} create reusable functions
    • can be created from existing queries and parameters [5]

CDM - Common Data Model
ETL - Extract, Transform, Load

[1] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Ingest data with Microsoft Fabric (link)
[2] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Dataflow Gen2 pricing for Data Factory in Microsoft Fabric (link)
[3] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Introduction to dataflows and self-service data prep (link)
[4] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Configure and consume a dataflow (link)
[5] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Dataflows best practices* (link)
[6] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Computed table scenarios and use cases (link)
[7] Microsoft Lean: Power BI - Learn (2024) Premium features of dataflows (link


🏭🗒️Microsoft Fabric: Dataflows Gen2 [Notes]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources for learning purposes. For the latest information please consult the documentation (see the links below)! 

Last updated: 10-Mar-2024

Dataflow (Gen2) Architecture [4]

[Microsoft Fabric] Dataflow (Gen2) 

  •  new generation of dataflows that resides alongside the Power BI Dataflow (Gen1) [2]
  • allows to 
    • extract data from various sources
    • transform it using a wide range of transformation operations 
    • load it into a destination [1]
  • {goal} provide an easy, reusable way to perform ETL tasks using Power Query Online [1]
    • allows to promote reusable ETL logic 
      • ⇒ prevents the need to create more connections to the data source.
      • offer a wide variety of transformations
    • can be horizontally partitioned
  • {component} Lakehouse 
    • used to stage data being ingested
  • {component} Warehouse 
    • used as a compute engine and means to write back results to staging or supported output destinations faster
  • {component} Mashup Engine
    • extracts, transforms, or loads the data to staging or data destinations when either [4]
      • Warehouse compute cannot be used [4]
      • staging is disabled for a query [4]
  • {operation} creating a dataflow
    • can be created in a
      • Data Factory workload
      • Power BI workspace
      • Lakehouse
  • {operation} publishing a dataflow
    • generates dataflow's definition  
      • ⇐ the program that runs once the dataflow is refreshed to produce tables in staging storage and/or output destination [4]
      • used by the dataflow engine to generate an orchestration plan, manage resources, and orchestrate execution of queries across data sources, gateways, and compute engines, and to create tables in either the staging storage or data destination [4]
    • saves changes and runs validations that must be performed in the background [2]
  • {operation} refreshing a dataflow
  • {operation} running a dataflow 
    • can be run
      • manually
      • on a refresh schedule
      • as part of a Data Pipeline orchestration
  • {feature} author dataflows with Power Query
    • uses the full Power Query experience of Power BI dataflows [2]
  • {feature} shorter authoring flow
    • uses step-by-step for getting the data into your the dataflow [2]
      • the number of steps required to create dataflows were reduced [2]
    • a few new features were added to improve the experience [2]
  • {feature} Auto-Save and background publishing
    • changes made to a dataflow are autosaved to the cloud (aka draft version of the dataflow) [2]
      • ⇐ without having to wait for the validation to finish [2]
    • {functionality} save as draft 
      • stores a draft version of the dataflow every time you make a change [2]
      • seamless experience and doesn't require any input [2]
    • {concept} published version
      • the version of the dataflow that passed validation and is ready to refresh [5]
  • {feature} integration with data pipelines
    • integrates directly with Data Factory pipelines for scheduling and orchestration [2] 
  • {feature} high-scale compute
    • leverages a new, higher-scale compute architecture [2] 
      •  improves the performance of both transformations of referenced queries and get data scenarios [2]
      • creates both Lakehouse and Warehouse items in the workspace, and uses them to store and access data to improve performance for all dataflows [2]
  • {feature} improved monitoring and refresh history
    • integrate support for Monitoring Hub [2]
    • Refresh History experience upgraded [2]
  • {feature} get data via Dataflows connector
    • supports a wide variety of data source connectors
      • include cloud and on-premises relational databases
  • {feature|planned} incremental refresh 
    • enables you to incrementally extract data from data sources, apply Power Query transformations, and load into various output destinations [5]
  • {feature|planned} Fast Copy 
    • enables large-scale data ingestion directly utilizing the pipelines Copy Activity capability [6]
    • supports sources such Azure SQL Databases, CSV, and Parquet files in Azure Data Lake Storage and Blob Storage [6]
    • significantly scales up the data processing capacity providing high-scale ELT capabilities [6]
  • {feature|planned}Cancel refresh
    • enables to cancel ongoing Dataflow Gen2 refreshes from the workspace items view [6]
  • {feature} data destinations
    • allows to 
      • specify an output destination
      • separate ETL logic and destination storage [2]
    • every tabular data query can have a data destination [3]
      • available destinations
        • Azure SQL databases
        • Azure Data Explorer (Kusto)
        • Fabric Lakehouse
        • Fabric Warehouse
        • Fabric KQL database
      • a destination can be specified for every query individually [3]
      • multiple different destinations can be used within a dataflow [3]
      • connecting to the data destination is similar to connecting to a data source
      • {limitation} functions and lists aren't supported
    • {operation} creating a new table
      • {default} table name has the same name as the query name.
    • {operation} picking an existing table
    • {operation} deleting a table manually from the data destination 
      • doesn't recreate the table on the next refresh [3]
    • {operation} reusing queries from Dataflow Gen1
      • {method} export Dataflow Gen1 query and import it into Dataflow Gen2
        • export the queries as a PQT file and import them into Dataflow Gen2 [2]
      • {method} copy and paste in Power Query
        • copy the queries and paste them in the Dataflow Gen2 editor [2]
    • automatic settings:
      • {limitation} supported only for Lakehouse and Azure SQL database
      • {setting} Update method replace: 
        • data in the destination is replaced at every dataflow refresh with the output data of the dataflow [3]
      • {setting} Managed mapping: 
        • the mapping is automatically adjusted when republishing the data flow to reflect the change 
          • ⇒ doesn't need to be updated manually into the data destination experience every time changes occur [3]
      • {setting} Drop and recreate table: 
        • on every dataflow refresh the table is dropped and recreated to allow schema changes
        • {limitation} the dataflow refresh fails if any relationships or measures were added to the table [3]
    • update methods
      • {method} replace: 
        • on every dataflow refresh, the data is dropped from the destination and replaced by the output data of the dataflow.
        • {limitation} not supported by Fabric KQL databases and Azure Data Explorer 
      • {method} append: 
        • on every dataflow refresh, the output data from the dataflow is appended (aka merged) to the existing data in the data destination table (aka upsert)
    • staging 
      • {default} enabled
        • allows to use Fabric compute to execute queries
          • ⇐ enhances the performance of query processing
        • the data is loaded into the staging location
          • ⇐ an internal Lakehouse location accessible only by the dataflow itself
        • [Warehouse] staging is required before the write operation to the data destination
          • ⇐ improves performance
          • {limitation} only loading into the same workspace as the dataflow is supported
        •  using staging locations can enhance performance in some cases
      • disabled
        • {recommendation} [Lakehouse] disable staging on the query to avoid loading twice into a similar destination
          • ⇐ once for staging and once for data destination
          • improves dataflow's performance
    • {scenario} use a dataflow to load data into the lakehouse and then use a notebook to analyze the data [2]
    • {scenario} use a dataflow to load data into an Azure SQL database and then use a data pipeline to load the data into a data warehouse [2]
  • {benefit} extends data with consistent data, such as a standard date dimension table [1]
  • {benefit} allows self-service users access to a subset of data warehouse separately [1]
  • {benefit} optimizes performance with dataflows, which enable extracting data once for reuse, reducing data refresh time for slower sources [1]
  • {benefit} simplifies data source complexity by only exposing dataflows to larger analyst groups [1]
  • {benefit} ensures consistency and quality of data by enabling users to clean and transform data before loading it to a destination [1]
  • {benefit} simplifies data integration by providing a low-code interface that ingests data from various sources [1]
  • {limitation} not a replacement for a data warehouse [1]
  • {limitation} row-level security isn't supported [1]
  • {limitation} Fabric or Fabric trial capacity workspace is required [1]

Feature Data flow Gen2 Dataflow Gen1
Author dataflows with Power Query
Shorter authoring flow
Auto-Save and background publishing
Data destinations
Improved monitoring and refresh history
Integration with data pipelines
High-scale compute
Get Data via Dataflows connector
Direct Query via Dataflows connector
Incremental refresh ✓*
Fast Copy ✓*
Cancel refresh ✓*
AI Insights support
Dataflow Gen1 vs Gen2 [2]

ETL - Extract, Transform, Load
KQL - Kusto Query Language
PQO - Power Query Online
PQT - Power Query Template

[1] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Ingest data with Microsoft Fabric (link)
[2] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Getting from Dataflow Generation 1 to Dataflow Generation 2 (link)
[3] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Dataflow Gen2 data destinations and managed settings (link)
[4] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Dataflow Gen2 pricing for Data Factory in Microsoft Fabric (link)
[5] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Save a draft of your dataflow (link)
[6] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) What's new and planned for Data Factory in Microsoft Fabric (link)

[R1] Arshad Ali & Bradley Schacht (2024) Learn Microsoft Fabric (link)
[R2] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Data Factory limitations overview (link)
[R3] Microsoft Fabric Blog (2023) Data Factory Spotlight: Dataflow Gen2, by Miguel Escobar (link)
[R4] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Dataflow Gen2 connectors in Microsoft Fabric (link) 
[R5] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Pattern to incrementally amass data with Dataflow Gen2 (link)
[R6] Fourmoo (2004) Microsoft Fabric – Comparing Dataflow Gen2 vs Notebook on Costs and usability, by Gilbert Quevauvilliers (link)
[R7] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) A guide to Fabric Dataflows for Azure Data Factory Mapping Data Flow users (link)
[R8] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Quickstart: Create your first dataflow to get and transform data (link)
[R9] Microsoft Learn: Fabric (2023) Microsoft Fabric decision guide: copy activity, dataflow, or Spark (link)
[R10] Microsoft Fabric Blog (2023) Dataflows Gen2 data destinations and managed settings, by Miquella de Boer  (link)
[R11] Microsoft Fabric Blog (2023) Service principal support to connect to data in Dataflow, Datamart, Dataset and Dataflow Gen 2, by Miquella de Boer (link)
[R12] Chris Webb's BI Blog (2023) Fabric Dataflows Gen2: To Stage Or Not To Stage? (link)
[R13] Power BI Tips (2023) Let's Learn Fabric ep.7: Fabric Dataflows Gen2 (link)

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