Showing posts with label pull vs push. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pull vs push. Show all posts

03 February 2021

📦Data Migrations (DM): Conceptualization (Part IV: Data Access)

Data Migration
Data Migrations Series

Once the data sources for a Data Migration (DM) were identified the first question is how the data can be accessed. The legacy systems relying on ODBC-based databases are in theory relatively easy to access as long they allow the direct access to their data, which would enable thus a pull strategy. Despite this, there are organizations that don’t allow the direct access to the data even for read-only operations, being preferred to push the data directly to the consumers (aka push strategy) or push the data to a given location from where the consumer can use the data as needed (aka hybrid strategy). 

The direct access to the data allows in theory the best flexibility as the solution can extract the data when needed and this especially important during the initial phases of the project when the data need to be pulled more frequently until the requirements and logic is stabilized. A push strategy tends to add additional overhead as usually somebody else oversees the data exports, respectively the data need to be prepared in the expected format. On the other side, it would make sense to make an exception for a DM and allow the direct access to the data. 

 Hybrid strategies tend to be more complex and require additional resources or overhead as the data are stored temporarily at a separate location. Unfortunately, in certain scenarios this is the only approach can be used. Are preferred data files that allow keeping the integrity of the data and facilitate data consumption. Therefore, tabular text files or JSON files are preferred in the detriment of XML or Excel files. It’s preferable to export one data structure individually then storing parent-child solutions even if the latter can prove to be useful in certain scenarios. When there’s no other solution one can use also the standard reports available in the legacy systems.

When storing data outside the legacy systems for further processing it’s recommended to follow organization’s best practices, respectively to address the data security and privacy requirements. ETL tools allows accessing data from password protected areas like FTP, OneDrive or SharePoint. The fewer security layers in between the lower is in theory the overhead. Therefore, given its stability and simplicity FTP might prove to be a better storage solution than OneDrive, SharePoint or other similar technologies.

Ideally the extraction/export mechanisms should use the database objects that encapsulate already the logic in the legacy systems otherwise the team will need to reengineer the logic – for master data this can prove to be easy, though the logic of transactional data like on-hand or open invoices can be relatively complex to reengineer. Otherwise, the logic can be implemented directly in the extraction/export mechanisms or sometimes is more advisable to create database objects (usually on a different schema) on the legacy systems and just call the respective objects. 

When connecting directly to the data source it’s advisable using the data provider which allows the best performance and flexibility, however several tests might be needed to determine the best fit. It would be useful to check the limitations of each provider and find a stable driver version.  OLEDB and ADO.Net data providers provide in general a good performance, though native drivers of the legacy systems can be a better option upon case. 

Some legacy systems allow the access to their data only via service-based technologies like OData. OData tends to have poor performance for large data exports than standard access methods and therefore not indicated in such scenarios. In such cases might be a good idea to export the data directly from the legacy system. 

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21 May 2020

📦Data Migrations (DM): In-house Built Solutions (Part II: The Import Layer)

Data Migration
Data Migrations Series

A data migration involves the mapping between two data models at (data) entity level, where the entity is a data abstraction modelling a business entity (e.g. Products, Vendors, Customers, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, etc.). Thus, the Products business entity from the source will be migrated to a similar entity into the target. Ideally, the work would be simplified if the two models would provide direct access to the data through entities. Unfortunately, this is seldom the case, the entities being normalized and thus broken into several tables, with important structural differences. 

Therefore, the first step within a DM is identifying the business entities that make its scope from source and target, and providing a mapping between their attributes which will define how the data will flow between source and target. 

In theory, the source entity could be defined directly into the source with the help of views, if they are not already available. The problem with this approach is that the base data change, fact that can easily lead to inconsistencies between the various steps of the migration. For example, records are added, deleted, inactivated, or certain attributes are changed, fact that can easily make troubleshooting and validation a nightmare. 

The easiest way to address this is by assuring that the data will change only when actually needed. Is needed thus to create a snapshot of the data and work with it. Snapshots can become however costly for the performance of the source database, as they involve an additional maintenance overhead. Another solution is to make the snapshot via a backup or by copying the data via ETL functionality into another database (aka migration database). Considering that the data in scope make a small subset, a backup is usually costly as storage space and time, and is not always possible to take a backup when needed. 

An ETL-based solution for this provides an acceptable performance and is flexible enough to address all important types of requirements. The data can be accessed directly from the source (pull mechanism) or, when the direct access is an issue, they could be pushed to the migration database (push mechanism) or made available for load to a given location, then imported it into the migration database (hybrid mechanism). There’s also the possibility to integrate the migration database when a publisher/subscriber mechanism is in place, however such solutions raise other types of issues. 

One can import the tables 1:1 from the source for the entities in scope, attempt directly to model the entity within the ETL jobs or find a solution in between (e.g. import the base tables while considering joining also the dropdown tables). The latter seems to provide the best approach because it minimizes the numbers of tables to be imported while still reflecting the data structures from the source. An entity-based import addresses the first but not the second aspect, though depending on the requests it can work as well. 

In Data Warehousing (DW) there’s the practice to load the data into staging tables with no constraints on them, and only when the load is complete to move the data into the base tables which will be used as source for the further processing. This approach assures that the data are loaded completely and that the unavailability of the base tables is limited. In contrast to DW solutions is ideally not to perform any transformations on the data, as they should reflect the quality characteristics from the source. It's ideal to keep the data extraction, respectively the ETL jobs as simple as possible and resist building the migration logic already into this layer. 

04 May 2019

🧊Data Warehousing: Architecture (Part I: Push vs. Pull)

Data Warehousing

In data integrations, data migrations and data warehousing there is the need to move data between two or more systems. In the simplest scenario there are only two systems involved, a source and a target system, though there can be complex scenarios in which data from multiple sources need to be available in a common target system (as in the case of data warehouses/marts or data migrations), or data from one source (e.g. ERP systems) need to be available in other systems (e.g. Web shops, planning systems), or there can be complex cases in which there is a many-to-many relationship (e.g. data from two ERP systems are consolidated in other systems).  

The data can flow in one direction from the source systems to the target systems (aka unidirectional flow), though there can be situations in which once the data are modified in the target system they need to flow back to the source system (aka bidirectional flow), as in the case of planning or product development systems. In complex scenarios the communication may occur multiple times within same process until a final state is reached.

Independently of the number of systems and the type of communication involved, data need to flow between the systems as smooth as possible, assuring that the data are consistent between the various systems and available when needed. The architectures responsible for moving data between the sources are based on two simple mechanisms - push vs pull – or combinations of them.

A push mechanism makes data to be pushed from the source system into the target system(s), the source system being responsible for the operation. Typically the push can happen as soon as an event occurs in the source system, event that leads to or follows a change in the data. There can be also cases when is preferred to push the data at regular points in time (e.g. hourly, daily), especially when the changes aren’t needed immediately. This later scenario allows to still make changes to the data in the source until they are sent to other system(s). When the ability to make changes is critical this can be controlled over specific business rules.

A pull mechanism makes the data to be pulled from the source system into the target system, the target systems being responsible for the operation. This usually happens at regular points in time or on demand, however the target system has to check whether the data have been changed.

Hybrid scenarios may involve a middleware that sits between the systems, being responsible for pulling the data from the source systems and pushing them into the targets system. Another hybrid scenario is when the source system pushes the data to an intermediary repository, the target system(s) pulling the data on a need basis. The repository can reside on the source, target on in-between. A variation of it is when the source informs the target that a change happened at it’s up to the target to decide whether it needs the data or not.

The main differentiators between the various methods is the timeliness, completeness and consistency of the data. Timeliness refers to the urgency with which data need to be available in the target system(s), completeness refers to the degree to which the data are ready to be sent, while consistency refers to the degree the data from the source are consistent with the data from the target systems.

Based on their characteristics integrations seem to favor push methods while data migrations and data warehousing the pull methods, though which method suits the best depends entirely on the business needs under consideration.

30 November 2010

🧭Business Intelligence: Enterprise Reporting (Part IX: How Many Reporting Systems Do You Need?)

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Series

I hope nobody’s questioning the fact that an organization needs at least a reporting system in order to take advantage of the huge amount of data it has collected over time, in order to have an overview on what’s happening in the organization, take better decision supported by data, etc. In one way or another many organizations arrive to have in place two or more reporting systems and all the consequences deriving from it. From experience, I would expect that many professionals have put themselves at least once the above question, often they having to live with their decisions and they are not always happy about them. 

On one side we have the demand, the needs of the various departments and groups existing in an organization, while on the other side of the balance we have the various types of data and the technologies existing on the market (could be regarded as the supply), and the various constraints an organization might have: resources (financial, human, processing power, time), politics and philosophies, geography, complexity, etc. If they don’t seem so many you have to consider that the respective constraints could be further split into a long chain of causality, the books on Project Management, Architecture, Methodologies and other related topics treating them in detail, so no need to go there.

From practical reasons, I’d like to reformulate the above question as follows:
1. Is it enough only one reporting system or do we need more than one?
2. What’s the optimum number of reporting systems existing in an organization?
A blunt answer for the first question would be that an organization might need as many reporting systems as it’s needed in order to satisfy the existing reporting needs, in other words the demand. Straightforward answer but not really acceptable for a Manager, in particular, and an IT Professional, in general. Another blunt answer, this time for the second question, would be that an organization needs only “one and good” reporting system, though that’s contradicting the various constraints existing in IT world. So, what should it be? 

Typically there are two views, the bottom up view, in this case starting with the data and building up to the reporting demands, and top down view, starting from the reporting requirements to data. In this play-set the technologies, in general, the reporting systems, in particular, are playing the role of middle point, the two views applying in respect to data vs. reporting technologies, reporting technologies vs. reporting requirements, increasing the complexity of the view. Sometimes is enough to focus only on the reporting requirements, why we consider then also the data in this scenario?! Remember, reporting it’s all about harnessing the value of your data, not only in finding the right reporting solution.

Often, in order to understand the requirements of an organization and understanding the value of data it’s easier to look at the various types of data it stores – the bottom up approach. Typically we could make distinction between master vs. transactional data, raw vs. aggregated data, structured vs. semi-structured vs. non-structured data, cleaned vs. not cleaned data, historical vs. live data, mined, distributed or heterogenous data, to mention just a few of the important ways of categorizing the data.

The respective types of data are important because they require special types of techniques or tools to process, report and harness them. The master and transactional data are at the heart of business applications, the “fluid” that flows and nourishes them, with an incredible potential when harnessed at its real value. Such unaltered data are typically structured at macro level, though they could contain also semi-structured or non-structured chunks of data, could have different levels of quality, could be distributed or heterogenous, etc. The range of data repositories range from text or document systems to specialized databases, any mixture being in theory possible.

So we have a huge volume of data collected over time, how could we harness them in order to reveal their real value? Excepting the operational use, the usefulness of raw data, data found in their unaltered form, stops usually at the point where their complexity falls beyond people’s limits of understanding them. Thus we arrived to aggregate, recombine or extract chunks from the data, bringing the data to a more comprehensible form. We even arrived to extract more information out of the data using specific techniques known as data mining methods, algorithms that allow us to identify associations, cluster or interpolate the data, the complexity of such algorithms evolving in considerable in the past two decades.
There are few software applications which provide the whole range of types of data processing, most of them resuming in recombining and presenting the data. Also data presentation offers a considerable range of formats (e.g. tabular, text, XML, Excel, charts and other diagrams) with complex navigational functionality (slice-and-dice, drill-down, drill-through, click-through), different ways of making the data available for consumption (direct-access, cached, web services), different security levels, etc.

When it comes to managers and users they want the data at the level of detail and form that allows the easiest/lowest proximate understanding level, and, “yesterday”, to use a word that reflects the urgency of requirements. This could be done in theory by coming with a whole set of reports covering all possible requirements, though that’s not so efficient as investment and not always possible with a button click, as probably all we’d like to. 

For the ones familiarized to Manufacturing, it’s actually a disguised push vs. pull scenario, pushing the reports to the user without expecting their demands vs. waiting for the user to forward the reporting requirements, from which to derive eventually new reports or make changes to existing ones. In Manufacturing it’s all about finding the right balance between push and demand, and even if the respective field has been found some (best) practices that leads to the middle way, in IT we still have to dig for it. The road seems to lead nowhere… but it helps getting a rough understanding of what a report involves, at least in what concerns the important non-programming stuff.

In the top down approach, as the data are remaining relatively constant, it’s easier to focus on the set of requirements and the reporting tool(s) used. It makes sense to choose the reporting tool that covers at least the most important requirements while for the other you have the choice to use workarounds or address them using two or more reporting solutions, attempting again to cover the most important requirements, and so on. The problem with having more than one reporting solution is that often data, logic and reports arrive to be replicated, the whole reporting infrastructure becoming more difficult to manage. On the other side as long you are having a clear (partitioned) delimitation between the reporting frameworks, logic and data are replicated at minimum, having two or more reporting solutions seems to be an acceptable trade. Examples of such delimitations are for example the OLTP vs. OLAP solutions, to which adds the data mining reporting solution(s).

There are also attempts to extend an existing reporting framework above the initial functionality, though often people arrived to reinvent the wheel or create little monsters they arrive to live with. Also this is an acceptable approach, as long the reporting framework allows that. Some attempts might succeed to provide what they were designed for, others not. There are also some good news from this perspective, the appearance of mash-ups and semantic technologies could in the future allow the integration of reporting systems, making possible things that nowadays are quite challenging. The future is open of unlimited possibilities, but better stick to the present! For that stay tuned for a second post!

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.