21 May 2020

📦Data Migrations (DM): In-house Built Solutions (Part II: The Import Layer)

Data Migration
Data Migrations Series

A data migration involves the mapping between two data models at (data) entity level, where the entity is a data abstraction modelling a business entity (e.g. Products, Vendors, Customers, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, etc.). Thus, the Products business entity from the source will be migrated to a similar entity into the target. Ideally, the work would be simplified if the two models would provide direct access to the data through entities. Unfortunately, this is seldom the case, the entities being normalized and thus broken into several tables, with important structural differences. 

Therefore, the first step within a DM is identifying the business entities that make its scope from source and target, and providing a mapping between their attributes which will define how the data will flow between source and target. 

In theory, the source entity could be defined directly into the source with the help of views, if they are not already available. The problem with this approach is that the base data change, fact that can easily lead to inconsistencies between the various steps of the migration. For example, records are added, deleted, inactivated, or certain attributes are changed, fact that can easily make troubleshooting and validation a nightmare. 

The easiest way to address this is by assuring that the data will change only when actually needed. Is needed thus to create a snapshot of the data and work with it. Snapshots can become however costly for the performance of the source database, as they involve an additional maintenance overhead. Another solution is to make the snapshot via a backup or by copying the data via ETL functionality into another database (aka migration database). Considering that the data in scope make a small subset, a backup is usually costly as storage space and time, and is not always possible to take a backup when needed. 

An ETL-based solution for this provides an acceptable performance and is flexible enough to address all important types of requirements. The data can be accessed directly from the source (pull mechanism) or, when the direct access is an issue, they could be pushed to the migration database (push mechanism) or made available for load to a given location, then imported it into the migration database (hybrid mechanism). There’s also the possibility to integrate the migration database when a publisher/subscriber mechanism is in place, however such solutions raise other types of issues. 

One can import the tables 1:1 from the source for the entities in scope, attempt directly to model the entity within the ETL jobs or find a solution in between (e.g. import the base tables while considering joining also the dropdown tables). The latter seems to provide the best approach because it minimizes the numbers of tables to be imported while still reflecting the data structures from the source. An entity-based import addresses the first but not the second aspect, though depending on the requests it can work as well. 

In Data Warehousing (DW) there’s the practice to load the data into staging tables with no constraints on them, and only when the load is complete to move the data into the base tables which will be used as source for the further processing. This approach assures that the data are loaded completely and that the unavailability of the base tables is limited. In contrast to DW solutions is ideally not to perform any transformations on the data, as they should reflect the quality characteristics from the source. It's ideal to keep the data extraction, respectively the ETL jobs as simple as possible and resist building the migration logic already into this layer. 

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 25 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.