Showing posts with label formatting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label formatting. Show all posts

31 January 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part II: Working with Dates)

Knowing how to work with dates and manipulate them accordingly is probably one of the important pieces of knowledge in any query language. Fortunately, KQL has many date-related functions that can help developers in the process and the available documentation is detailed enough to support users in learning their use. The current post focuses on the main uses of dates. 

Please note that the scripts consider the main time units. Please check the documentation for functions' call for other time units.

Create dates via make_datetime, now and ago functions:

// creating dates from parts
print datetime1 = make_datetime(2025,1,1)
, datetime2 = make_datetime(2025,1,1,0,0,0)
, datetime3 = make_datetime(2025,1,1,1,2,3)

// creating dates from values
print date1 = datetime(2024-02-01)
, datetime(2024-02-01 00:00:00)
, datetime(2024-02-01 23:59:59)
, datetime(2024-02-01 23:59:59.123)

// now vs todatetime (return the same value)
print datetime1 = now()
, datetime2 = todatetime(now())
, datetime3 = ago(0h)

Extract information from dates via datetime_part, substring and individual functions: getyear, week_of_year, monthofyear, dayofyear, hourofday, dayofmonth, dayofweek, dayofyear, dayofmonth, dayofweek, endofyear, endofweek, endofmonth, endofday, startofyear, startofweek, startofmonth, startofday:

// date parts front date
print now = now()
, year = datetime_part('year', now())
, month = datetime_part('month', now())
, day = datetime_part('day', now())
, hour = datetime_part('hour', now())
, minute = datetime_part('minute', now())
, second = datetime_part('second', now())

// date parts from string 
let t = datetime("2024-12-31 10:35:59");
print year = substring(t, 0, 4) 
, month = substring(t, 5, 2) 
, day = substring(t, 8, 2) 
, hour = substring(t, 11, 2) 
, minute = substring(t, 14, 2) 
, second = substring(t, 17, 2) 

// date parts via functions
print year = getyear(now())
, week = week_of_year(now())//ISO 8601 compliant
, month = monthofyear(now())
, day = dayofyear(now())
, hour = hourofday(now())

// day functions
print year = dayofyear(now())
, month = dayofmonth(now())
, day = dayofweek(now())

// end of time dates
print year = endofyear(now())
, week = endofweek(now())
, month = endofmonth(now())
, day = endofday(now())

// start of time dates
print year = startofyear(now())
, week = startofweek(now())
, month = startofmonth(now())
, day = startofday(now())

//time units
print hours1 = time(1hour)
, minutes1 = time(1min)
, seconds1 = time(1second)
, hours2 = totimespan("0.01:00:00")
, minutes2 = totimespan("0.00:01:00")
, seconds2 = totimespan("0.00:00:01")

Working with dates via datetime_add and datetime_diff functions:

// adding time units
print year = datetime_add('year',1,now())
, month = datetime_add('month',1,now())
, day = datetime_add('day',1,now())
, hour = datetime_add('hour',1,now())
, minutes = datetime_add('minute',1,now())
, seconds =  datetime_add('second',1,now())

// data differences
print years = datetime_diff('year', now(), ago(1h))
, months = datetime_diff('month', now(), ago(1h))
, days = datetime_diff('day', now(), ago(1h))
, hours = datetime_diff('hour', now(), ago(1h))
, minutes = datetime_diff('minute', now(), ago(1h))
, seconds = datetime_diff('second', now(), ago(1h))

Working with time zones via datetime_local_to_utc and datetime_utc_to_local functions:

// local time across time zones
print ParisTime = datetime_local_to_utc(now(),'Europe/Paris')
, LondonTime = datetime_local_to_utc(now(),'Europe/London')
, LondonTime = datetime_local_to_utc(now(),'Europe/Budapest')
, AthensTime = datetime_local_to_utc(now(),'Europe/Athens') // local time across time zones print ParisTime = datetime_utc_to_local(now(),'Europe/Paris') , LondonTime = datetime_utc_to_local(ago(1h),'Europe/London') , BudapestTime = datetime_utc_to_local(ago(-1h),'Europe/Budapest') , AthensTime = datetime_utc_to_local(ago(-2h),'Europe/Athens')

Applying different formatting with tostring, format_timespan and format_datetime functions:

// date and time to string
print date1 = tostring(datetime(2024-02-01 00:00:00))
, time1 = tostring(totimespan("0.01:02:03"))
, hours1 = tostring(time(1hour))

// formatting timespans
let t = time("25.10:35:59.123456");
print date1 = format_timespan(t, 'dd.hh:mm:ss:FF')
, date2 = format_timespan(t, 'ddd.h:mm:ss [ffff]')

// formatting dates
let t = datetime("2024-12-31 10:35:59");
print date1 = format_datetime(t,'yyyy-MM-dd [HH:mm:ss]')
, date2 = format_datetime(t,'yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
, date3 = format_datetime(t,'yy-MM-dd [HH:mm:ss tt]')

Considering the above functions, one has a good basis for working with dates. 

Happy coding!

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29 January 2025

🌌🏭KQL Reloaded: First Steps (Part I: Simple Queries)

If one has followed the Microsoft training, webcasts and other resources, it becomes clear that the Kusto Query Language (KQL) can't be ignored as it's useful in various scenarios thar deal with large volumes of data. 

Even if KQL was created to query big tables, at least for the first steps it's recommended to start with a small data model, and when the basics were understood one can move to bigger databases. Moreover, it's easier to validate the logic when using small datasets.

Probably, the most important aspect before starting is that KQL is case-sensitive and this applies to everything – table and column names, operators, functions, etc. The below code can be tried in the online explorer (see [2], [3]), which makes available several databases for playing around. The users might need to register beforehand.

The following queries are based on the ContosoSales database (available in the above mentioned link). First, here are some simple projections. Each query is preceded by its short description in which the text was commented via "//" and must be run individually. 

// selecting all records

// selecting all records
| take 10

// multiple filters
| where CityName == 'Berkeley'
| where Occupation != 'Professional'
| take 10

// multiple filters on the same column
| where Occupation == 'Professional' and Occupation == 'Clerical')
| take 10

// multiple filters on the same column
| where Occupation in ('Professional','Clerical')
| take 10

// multiple filters on the same column
| where not(Occupation in ('Professional','Clerical'))
| take 10

//subset of columns
| take 5
| project ContinentName, CityName, FirstName, LastName, Gender

Here are some example for the selection of unique values, the equivalent of SELECT DISTINCT from SQL:

//distinct values used
| distinct  Occupation

//distinct values used sorted ascendingly 
| distinct  Occupation
| sort by Occupation asc

//combinations of values used
| distinct  Occupation, Education
| sort by Occupation asc, Education asc

When further data is needed, one needs to resume to grouping values, the equivalent of GROUP BY:

// record count
| count

// record count for constraint
| where CityName == 'Berkeley'
| count

// record count for constraint: returns 0 records (KQL is case sensitive)
| where CityName == 'BERKELEY'
| count

// numnber of records by occupation 
| summarize occupations_count = count() by Occupation

// numnber of records by occupation with bar chart visual
| summarize occupations_count = count() by Occupation
| render barchart

The last query renders the data directly to a bar chart, which is a cool feature, especially when is needed to understand the distribution of values. Executing the query without the last line renders the initial dataset.

Azure Data Explorer - Chart example
Azure Data Explorer - Chart Example

Here are some first impressions:
1) The language is relatively simple, though the transition from SQL to KQL requires time, even if the thinking process of writing the code is not that far away. For those with no SQL knowledge, the transition might be a bit more challenging, though practice makes perfect!
2) One can try to run the code line by line to understand the steps used.
3) There are also some online code converters from SQL to KQL (see for example msticpy).
4) The intellisense capabilities facilitate the overall experience. 
5) Unfortunately, there seems to be no code formatter to HTML for KQL, so one needs to compromise in one way or another.
6) For a comparison between SQL and KQL see [4].

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) Kusto Query Language learning resources [link]
[2] TestingSpot Blog (2021) Learning Kusto Query Language - A tool for performance test engineers [link]
[3] Azure Data Explorer (2025] Create a free cluster to explore your data [link]
[4] Microsoft Learn (2024) SQL to Kusto Query Language cheat sheet [link]

[R1] GitHub repository (2022) Sentinel Queries [link]
[R2] GitHub repository (2022) Kusto Query Language Grammar [link]
[R3] GitHub repository (2024) The Definitive Guide to KQL source code [link]
[R4[ Git Hub repository (2022) Learning Kijo [link]
[R5] Kusto gamification [link]

19 April 2024

⚡️Power BI: Preparatory Steps for Creating a Power BI Report

When creating a Power BI report consider the following steps when starting the actual work. The first five steps can be saved to a "template" that can be reused as starting point for each report.

Step 0: Check Power BI Desktop's version

Check whether you have the latest version, otherwise you can download it from the Microsoft website.
Given that most of the documentation, books and other resources are in English, it might be a good idea to install the English version.

Step 1: Enable the recommended options

File >> Options and settings >> Options >> Global >> Data Load:
.>> Time intelligence >> Auto date/time for new files >> (uncheck)
.>> Regional settings >> Application language >> set to English (United States)
.>> Regional settings >> Model language >> set to English (United States)

You can consider upon case also the following options (e.g. when the relationships are more complex than the feature can handle):
File >> Options and settings >> Options >> Current >> Data load:
.>> Relationship >> Import relationships from data sources on first load >> (uncheck)
.>> Relationship >> Autodetect new relationships after data is loaded >> (uncheck)

Step 2: Enable the options needed by the report

For example, you can enable visual calculations:
File >> Options and settings >> Options >> Preview features >> Visual calculations >> (check)

Given that not all preview features are stable enough, instead of activating several features at once, it might be a good idea to do it individually and test first whether they work as expected. 

Step 3: Add a table for managing the measures

Add a new table (e.g. "dummy" with one column "OK"):

Results = ROW("dummy", "OK")

Add a dummy measure that could be deleted later when there's at least one other measure:
Test = ""

Hide the "OK" column and with this the table is moved to the top. The measures can be further organized within folders for easier maintenance. 

Step 4: Add the Calendar if time analysis is needed

Add a new table (e.g. "Calendar" with a "Date" column):

Calendar = Calendar(Date(Year(Today()-3*365),1,1),Date(Year(Today()+1*365),12,31))

Add the columns:

Year = Year('Calendar'[Date])
YearQuarter = 'Calendar'[Year] & "-Q" & 'Calendar'[Quarter]
Quarter = Quarter('Calendar'[Date])
QuarterName = "Q" & Quarter('Calendar'[Date])
Month = Month('Calendar'[Date])
MonthName = FORMAT('Calendar'[Date], "mmm")

Even if errors appear (as the columns aren't listed in the order of their dependencies), create first all the columns. Format the Date in a standard format (e.g. dd-mmm-yy) including for Date/Time for which the Time is not needed.

To get the values in the visual sorted by the MonthName:
Table view >> (select MonthName) >> Column tools >> Sort by column >> (select Month)

To get the values in the visual sorted by the QuarterName:
Table view >> (select QuarterName) >> Column tools >> Sort by column >> (select Quarter)

With these changes the filter could look like this:

Step 5: Add the corporate/personal theme

Consider using a corporate/personal theme at this stage. Without this the volume of work that needs to be done later can increase considerably. 

There are also themes generators, e.g. see, a tool that simplifies the process of creating complex theme files. The tool is free however, users can save their theme files via a subscription service.

Set canvas settings (e.g. 1080 x 1920 pixels).

Step 6: Get the data

Consider the appropriate connectors for getting the data into the report. 

Step 7: Set/Validate the relationships

Check whether the relationships between tables set by default are correct, respectively set the relationships accordingly.

Step 8: Optimize the data model

Look for ways to optimize the data model.

Step 9: Apply the formatting

Format numeric values to represent their precision accordingly.
Format the dates in a standard format (e.g. "dd-mmm-yy") including for Date/Time for which the Time is not needed.

The formatting needs to be considered for the fields, measures and metrics added later as well. 

Step 10: Define the filters

Identify the filters that will be used more likely in pages and use the Sync slicers to synchronize the filters between pages, when appropriate:
View >> Sync slicers >> (select Page name) >> (check Synch) >> (check Visible)

Step 11: Add the visuals

At least for report's validation, consider using a visual that holds the detail data as represented in the other visuals on the page. Besides the fact that it allows users to validate the report, it also provides transparence, which facilitates report's adoption. 

13 January 2021

🔏MS Office: Excel for SQL Developers V (Formatting Output to HTML)

Some years back I found a tool to format the SQL and VB.Net code in posts (see, tool which made blogging much easier, as I didn't had to format the code manually myself. However, showing the output of the queries into blog posts resumed mainly to making screenshots, which is unproductive and wastes space from my quota. Therefore, today I took the time to create a small Excel macro which allows formatting an MS Excel range to a HTML table. The macro is pretty basic, looping though range's cells:

'formats a range as html table
Public Function GetTable(rng As Range)
  Dim retval As String
  Dim i, j As Long
  retval = "<table style=""width: 90%;color:black;border-color:black;font-size:10px;"" border=""0"" cellpadding=""1"">"
  For i = 1 To rng.Rows.Count()
    retval = retval & "<tr style=""background-color:" & IIf(i = 1, "#b0c4de", "white") & ";font-weight:" & IIf(i = 1, "bold", "normal") & """>"
    For j = 1 To rng.Columns.Count()
       retval = retval & "<td align=""" & IIf(IsNumeric(rng.Cells(i, j)), "right", "left") & """>" & rng.Cells(i, j) & "</td>"
    retval = retval & "</tr>" & vbCrLf
  retval = retval & "</table>"
  GetTable = retval
End Function

Just copy the GetTable macro into a new module in Excel and provide the range with data as parameter.

 Unfortunately, copying macro's output to a text file introduces two double quotes where just one was supposed to be:

This requires as intermediary step to replace the two double quotes with one in Notepad (e.g. via the Replace functionality), respectively to remove manually the first and last double quotes. 

1. Feel free to use and improve the macro. 
2. Further formatting can be added afterwards as seems fit. 

Happy coding!

06 July 2020

🪄SSRS (& Paginated Reports): Design (Part III: Ranking Rows in Reports)


In almost all the reports I built, unless it was explicitly requested no to, I prefer adding a running number (aka ranking) for each record contained into the report, while providing different background colors for consecutive rows. The ranking allows easily identify a record when discussing about it within the report or extracts, while the different background colors allow differentiating between two records while following the values which scrolling horizontally. The logic for the background color can be based on two (or more) colors using the ranking as basis.

Tabular Reports

In a tabular report the RowNumber() function is the straightforward way for providing a ranking. One just needs to add a column into the report before the other columns, giving a meaningful name (e.g. RankingNo) and provide the following formula within its Expression:
= RowNumber(Nothing)

When 'Nothing' is provided as parameter, the ranking is performed across all the report. If is needed to restrict the Ranking only to a grouping (e.g. Category), then group's name needs to be provided as parameter:
= RowNumber("Category")

Matrix Reports

Unfortunately, in a matrix report based on aggregation of raw data the RowNumber() function stops working, the values shown being incorrect. The solution I use to solve this is based on the custom GetRank() VB function:

Dim Rank as Integer = 0
Dim LastValue as String = ""

Function GetRank(group as string) as integer
if group <> LastValue then
       Rank = Rank + 1
       LastValue = group
end if

return Rank
end function

The function compares the values provided in the call against a global scope LastValue text value. If the values are different, then a global scope Rank value is incremented by1, while the LastValue is initialized to the new value, otherwise the values remaining the same. The logic is basic also for a non-programmer.

The above code needs to be added into the Code section of Report's Properties for the function to be available:
Adding the code in Report Properties
Once the function added, a new column should be added similarly as for a tabular report,  providing the following code within its Expression in exchange:

As it seems, on the version of Reporting Services Extension I use, the function has only a page scope, the value being reset after each page. However when exporting the data with Excel the ranking is applied to the whole dataset.

Providing Alternate Colors

Independently of the report type, one can provide an alternate color for table's rows by selecting the row with the data and adding the following expression into the BackaroundColor property:
=Iif(ReportItems!RankingNo.Value Mod 2, "White", "LightSteelBlue")

1) For a tabular report the cost of calling the RowNumber function instead of referring to the RankingNo cell is relatively small. One can write it also like this:
=llf(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2 = 0, "White", "LightSteelBlue")

Power BI Paginated Reports

The pieces of code considered above can be used also in Power BI Paginated Reports. Even if there's no functionality for adding custom code in the standard UI, one can make changes to the rdl file in Visual Studio or even in Notepad. For example, one can add the code within the "Code" tag at the end of the file before the closing tag for the report:

Dim Rank as Integer = 0
Dim LastValue as String = ""
Dim Concatenation = ""

Function GetRank(group as string) as integer
if group <> LastValue then
       Rank = Rank + 1
       LastValue = group
end if

Concatenation = Concatenation & vbCrLf & Rank & "/" & group &amp; "/" & LastValue
return Rank
end function

One can consider using a pipeline "|" instead of a forward slash.

Happy coding!

21 June 2020

🪄SSRS (& Paginated Reports): First Steps (Part III: Report Formatting)


In the previous post were defined the parameters for the Customer Addresses report, however the design looks pretty basic as it was generated by the 'Reporting Wizard'. This can be slightly enhanced with a few changes. The order in which they are applied usually doesn't matter much.

Changing Columns' length

In Design mode drag of the columns to match the length of the attributes stored in them. This might require several tries.

Adding a Header/Footer

In Within reports body right click and from the floating menu choose 'Add Page Header', respectively 'Add Page Footer' like in the below screenshot: 

Adding the header/footer

Usually in the head I consider report's name as well two text boxes containing the date at which the report was added, respectively the number of pages the report displays. 

Cut report's header textbox from report's body into the header and move it to match the leftmost side of the report. In the header add two text boxes and provide the following formulas for the current date, respectively the number of pages: 
= Now().Date().ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"))
= Globals!PageNumber & " from " & Globals!TotalPages

Then drag of controls to match the dimensions of the blow grid like in the screen below:

Then It's important to align the various controls so their margins match together, otherwise will be added empty columns or rows in the Excel exports, users having to delete the empty cells manually each time they want to use the data.

Adding the Parameters:

Even if the parameters are displayed within browser, as soon the data are exported to Excel they are lost. Therefore, to identify with which values the report was used, it is useful to add the parameters in table's header. Add one or two lines above the header, and merge a few cells to accommodate the parameters as below:

The merged cells contain the following formulas:
= "Country: " & Parameters!Country.Label
= "Customer Name: " & Parameters!CustomerName.Value
= "Postal Code: " & Parameters!PostalCode.Value
= "Phone Number:" & Parameters!PhoneNumber.Value
= "Address Type: " & Parameters!AddressType.Label
= "Person Type: " & Parameters!PersonType.Label

Formatting Table

One can go with the available formatting, however table's header could be changed of 10 pt font size. One can add also a background color for the header, format the top and bottom border and align columns' name in the center. The background color for the rows with the parameters must be non-transparent (e.g. white) if the header is fixed.

As concerns the data rows, one can add different colors for alternate rows. For this select the row and as background color provide the following formula:
=IIf(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2 = 0, "White", "LightSteelBlue")

Freezing the Header

One can freeze the header during scrolling by setting the property FixedData='True' for each static row. For this you need to change to Advance mode and set FixedData  property for the first three static rows as follows:

Thus, when scrolling, the header will remain fix:

Probably the choice of collars is not the best, though it can be for example adapted to organizations' colors. One can add also a logo, the name of the user who run the report, or whatever information are still needed.

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13 January 2010

🗄️Data Management: Data Quality Dimensions (Part II: Conformity)

Data Management
Data Management Series

Conformity or format compliance, as named by [1], refers to the extent data are in the expected format, each attribute being associated with a set of metadata like type (e.g. text, numeric, alphanumeric, positive), length, precision, scale, or any other formatting patterns (e.g. phone number, decimal and digit grouping symbols).

Because distinct decimal, digit grouping, negative sign and currency symbols can be used to represent numeric values, same as different date formats could be used alternatively (e.g. dd-mm-yyyy vs. mm-dd-yyyy), the numeric and date data types are highly sensitive to local computer and general applications settings because the same attribute could be stored, processed and represented in different formats. Therefore, it’s preferable to minimize the variations in formatting by applying the same format to all attributes having the same data type and, whenever is possible, the format should not be confusing. 

For example all the dates in a data set or in a set of data sets being object of the same global context (e.g. data migration, reporting) should have the same format, being preferred a format of type dd-mon-yyyy which, ignoring the different values the month could have for different language settings, it lets no space for interpretations (e.g. 01-10-2009 vs. 10-01-2009). There are also situations in which the constraints imposed by the various applications used restraints the flexibility of working adequately with the local computer formats.

If for decimal and dates there are a limited number of possibilities that can be dealt with, for alphanumeric values things change drastically because excepting the format masks that could be used during data entry, the adherence to a format depends entirely on the Users and whether they applied the formatting standards defined. In the absence of standards, Users might come with their own encoding, and even then, they might change it over time. 

The use of different encodings could be also required by the standards within a specific country, organization, or other type of such entity. All these together makes from alphanumeric attributes the most often candidate for data cleaning, and the business rules used can be quite complex, needing to handle each specific case. For example, the VAT code could have different length from country to country, and more than one encoding could be used reflecting the changes in formatting policy.

In what concerns the format, the alphanumeric attributes offer greater flexibility than the decimal and date attributes, and their formatting could be in theory ignored unless they are further parsed by other applications. However, considering that such needs change over time, it’s advisable to standardize the various formats used within an organization and use 'standard' delimiters for formatting the various chunks of data with a particular meaning within an alphanumeric attribute, fact that could reduce considerably the volume of overwork needed in order to cleanse the data for further processing. An encoding could be done without the use of delimiters, e.g. when the length of each chunk of data is the same, though chunk length-based formatting could prove to be limited when the length of a chunk changes.

Delimiters should be chosen from the characters that will never be used in the actual chunks of data or in the various applications dealing with the respective data. For example pipe (“|”) or semicolon (“;”) could be good candidates for such a delimiter though they are often used as delimiters when exporting the data to text files, therefore it’s better to use a dash (“-”) or even a combinations of characters (e.g. “.-.”) when a dash is not enough, while in some cases even a space or a dot could be used as delimiter.

Written: Jan-2010, Last Reviewed: Mar-2024 

[1] David Loshin (2009) "Master Data Management", Morgan Kaufmann OMG Press. ISBN 978-0-12-374225-4.
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.