Showing posts with label CRUD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CRUD. Show all posts

31 March 2024

🏭🗒️Microsoft Fabric: Polaris [Notes]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources and may deviate from them. Please consult the sources for the exact content!

Last updated: 31-Mar-2024

[Microsoft Fabric] Polaris

  • {def} cloud-native analytical query engine over the data lake that follows a stateless micro-service architecture and is designed to execute queries in a scalable, dynamic and fault-tolerant way [1], [2]
    • the engine behind the serverless SQL pool [1] and Microsoft Fabric [2]
    • petabyte-scale execution [1]
    • highly-available micro-service architecture
      • data and query processing is packaged into units (aka tasks) [1]
        • can be readily moved across compute nodes and re-started at the task level [1]
    • can run directly over data in HDFS and in managed transactional stores [1]
  • [Azure Synapse] designed initially to execute read-only queries [1]
    • ⇐ the architecture behind serverless SQL pool
    • uses a completely new scale-out framework based on a distributed SQL Server query engine [1]
        • fully compatible with T-SQL
        • leverages SQL Server single-node runtime and QO [1]
  • [Microsoft Fabric] extended with a complete transaction manager that executes general CRUD transactions [2]
    • incl. updates, deletes and bulk loads [2]
    • based on [delta tables] and [delta lake]
      • the delta lake supports currently only transactions within one table [4]
    • ⇐ the architecture behind lakehouses
  • {goal} converge DWH and big data workloads [1]
    • the query engine scales-out for relational data and heterogeneous datasets stored in DFSs[1]
      • needs a clean abstraction over the underlying data type and format, capturing just what’s needed for efficiently parallelizing data processing
  • {goal} separate compute and state for cloud-native execution [1]
    • all services within a pool are stateless
      • data is stored durably in remote storage and is abstracted via data cells [1]
        • ⇐ data is naturally decoupled from compute nodes
    • the metadata and transactional log state is off-loaded to centralized services [[1]
    • multiple compute pools can transactionally access the same logical database [1]
  • {goal} cloud-first [2]
    • {benefit} leverages elasticity
    • transactions need to be resilient to node failures on dynamically changing topologies [2]
      •  ⇒ the storage engine disaggregates the source of truth for execution state (including data, metadata and transactional state) from compute nodes [2]
    • must ensure disaggregation of metadata and transactional state from compute nodes [2]
      • ⇐ to ensure that the life span of a transaction is resilient to changes in the backend compute topology [2]
        • ⇐ can change dynamically to take advantage of the elastic nature of the cloud or to handle node failures [2]
  • {goal} use optimized native columnar, immutable and open storage format [2]
    • uses delta format 
      • ⇐ optimized to handle read-heavy workloads with low contention [2] 
  • {goal} leverage the full potential of vectorized query processing for SQL [2]
  • {goal} support zero-copy data sharing with other services in the lake [2]
  • {goal} support read-heavy workloads with low contention [2]
  • {goal} support lineage-based features [2]
    • by taking advantage of delta table capabilities 
  • {goal} provide full SQL SI transactional support [2]
    • {benefit} all traditional DWH requirements are met [2]
      • incl. multi-table and multi-statement transactions [2]
        • ⇐ Polaris is the only system that supports this [2]
        • the design is optimized for analytics, specifically read- and insert-intensive workloads [2]
        • mixes of transactions are supported as well
  • {objective} no cross-component state sharing [2] 
    • {principle} encapsulation of state within each component to avoid sharing state across nodes [2]
    • SI and the isolation of state across components allows to execute transactions as if they were queries [2]
      • ⇒ makes read and write transactions indistinguishable [2]
        • ⇒ allows to fully leverage its optimized distributed execution framework [2]
  • {objective} support snapshot Isolation (SI) semantics [2]
    • implemented over versioned data
    • allows reads (R) and writes (W) to proceed concurrently over their own data snapshot 
      • R/W never conflict, and W/W of active transactions only conflict if they modify the same data [2] 
      • ⇐ all W transactions are serializable, leading to a serial schedule in increasing order of log record IDs [4]
        • follows from the commit protocol for write transactions, where only one transaction can write the record with each record ID [4]
      • ⇐  R transactions at the snapshot isolation level create no contention
        •  ⇒  any number of R transactions can run concurrently [4]
    • the immutable data representation in LSTs allows dealing with failures by simply discarding data and metadata files that represent uncommitted changes [2]
      • similar to how temporary tables are discarded during query processing failures [2]
  • {feature} resize live workloads [1]
    • scales resources with the workloads automatically
  • {feature} deliver predictable performance at scale [1]
    • scales computational resources based on workloads' needs
  • {feature} efficiently handle both relational and unstructured data [1]
  • {feature} flexible, fine-grained task monitoring
    • a task is the finest grain of execution 
  • {feature} global resource-aware scheduling
    • enables much better resource utilization and concurrency than traditional DWHs
      • capable of handling partial query restarts
      • maintains a global view of multiple queries
    • it is planned to build on this a global view with autonomous workload management features
  • {feature} multi-layered data caching model
    • leverages 
      • SQL Server buffer pools for cashing columnar data
      • SSD caching
    • the delta table and its log are are immutable, they can be safely cached on cluster nodes [4]
  • {feature} tracks data lineage natively
    • the transaction log can also be used to audit logging based on the commit Info records [4]
  • {feature} versioning
    • maintain all versions as data is updated [1]
  • {feature} time-travel
    • {benefit} allows users query point-in-time snapshots
    • {benefit)} allows to roll back erroneous updates to the data.
  • {feature} table cloning
    • {benefit} allows to create a point-in-time snapshot of the data based on its metadata
  • {concept} state 
    • allows to drive the end-to-end life cycle of a SQL statement with transactional guarantees and top tier performance [1]
    • comprised of 
      • cache
      • metadata
      • transaction logs
      • data
    • [on-premises architecture] all state is in the compute layer
      • relies on small, highly stable and homogenous clusters with dedicated hardware for Tier-1 performance
      • {downside} expensive
      • {downside} hard to maintain
      • {downside} limited scalability
        • cluster capacity is bounded by machine sizes because of the fixed topology
  • {concept}[stateful architecture
    • the state of inflight transactions is stored in the compute node and is not hardened into persistent storage until the transaction commits [1]
      • ⇒ when a compute node fails, the state of non-committed transactions is lost [1] 
        •  ⇒ the in-flight transactions fail as well [1]
    • often also couples metadata describing data distributions and mappings to compute nodes [1] 
      • ⇒ a compute node effectively owns responsibility for processing a subset of the data [1] 
        • its ownership cannot be transferred without a cluster restart [1]
    • {downside} resilience to compute node failure and elastic assignment of data to compute are not possible [1]
  • {concept} stateless compute architecture
    • requires that compute nodes hold no state information [1]
      • ⇒ all data, transactional logs and metadata need to be externalized [1]
    • {benefit} allows applications to 
      • partially restart the execution of queries in the event of compute node failures [1] 
      • adapt to online changes of the cluster topology without failing in-flight transactions [1] 
    • caches need to be as close to the compute as possible [1] 
      • since they can be lazily reconstructed from persisted data they don’t necessarily need to be decoupled from compute [1] 
        • the coupling of caches and compute does not make the architecture stateful [1] 
  • {concept} [cloud] decoupling of compute and storage
    • provides more flexible resource scaling
      • the 2 layers can scale up and down independently adapting to user needs [1] 
      • customers pay for the compute needed to query a working subset of the data [1] 
    • is not the same as decoupling compute and state [1] 
      • if any of the remaining state held in compute cannot be reconstructed from external services, then compute remains stateful [1] 

[1] Josep Aguilar-Saborit et al (2020) POLARIS: The Distributed SQL Engine in Azure Synapse, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment PVLDB 13(12)  (link)
[2] Josep Aguilar-Saborit et al (2024), Extending Polaris to Support Transactions (link)
[3] Advancing Analytics (2021) Azure Synapse Analytics - Polaris Whitepaper Deep-Dive (link)
[4] Michael Armbrust et al (2020) Delta Lake: High-Performance ACID Table Storage over Cloud Object Stores, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13(12) (link)

ADLS - Azure Data Lake Storage
CRUD - Create, Read, Update, Delete
DCP - distributed computation platform 
DFS - Distributed File System
DWH - data warehouse
HDFS - Hadoop DFS
R/W - read/write
SI - Semantic Isolation 
SSD - Solid-State Drive

05 February 2024

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's Delta Tables in Action - CRUD Operations II (Looking at the Files)

Delta Table's Files

In a previous post, I tested the CRUD operations against a Microsoft Fabric's delta table. To view the files behind, you'll need to navigate to the Lakehouse, right click on the Assets table and pick 'View files' from the floating menu:

Assets' delta table files in Lakehouse

One can navigate within the folder structure, look at the transaction log files under _delta_log folder, though there seems to be no way to download the respective files. For this purpose, alternatively, you can use the Azure Storage Explorer (downloadable here). After installing the Explorer use the 'ADLSGen2 container or directory' option to connect to the folder where the Assets table was created (see [1]).

Assets' delta table files in Azure Storage Explorer

And, here's the content of the _delta_log from where the files can be downloaded:

Assets' log files in Azure Storage Explorer

The _temporary folder is empty.

It seems that for each cell with a DML/DDL command a log file was created. Therefore, it should make no difference if you run the cells individually or as a whole, respectively whether the statements are included in only one cell. 

The first file holds the content generated when creating the table:

{"commitInfo":{"timestamp":1707006399711,"operation":"CREATE TABLE","operationParameters":{"isManaged":"true","description":null,"partitionBy":"[]","properties":"{}"},"isolationLevel":"Serializable","isBlindAppend":true,"operationMetrics":{},"engineInfo":"Apache-Spark/ Delta-Lake/","txnId":"c3e6f24e-fa78-4941-a29d-28aac3a25926"}}

The second file holds the content generated when inserting the first line in the table:

{"commitInfo":{"timestamp":1707006405806,"operation":"WRITE","operationParameters":{"mode":"Append","partitionBy":"[]"},"readVersion":0,"isolationLevel":"Serializable","isBlindAppend":true,"operationMetrics":{"numFiles":"1","numOutputRows":"1","numOutputBytes":"3713"},"tags":{"VORDER":"true"},"engineInfo":"Apache-Spark/ Delta-Lake/","txnId":"ac51fa78-8384-4e53-bb02-40d65632a218"}}
{\"Id\":1,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"IBM\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 1\",\"Model\":\"Model 1\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 1\",\"Tag\":\"XX0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"maxValues\":{\"Id\":1,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"IBM\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 1\",\"Model\":\"Model 1\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 1\",\"Tag\":\"XX0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"nullCount\":{\"Id\":0,\"CreationDate\":0,\"Vendor\":0,\"Asset\":0,\"Model\":0,\"Owner\":0,\"Tag\":0,\"Quantity\":0}}","tags":{"VORDER":"true"}}}

The third file holds the content for inserting the multiple lines, while the fourth file contains the content for the UPDATE statement:

{"commitInfo":{"timestamp":1707006417538,"operation":"UPDATE","operationParameters":{"predicate":"[\"(Id#1952 = 6)\"]"},"readVersion":2,"isolationLevel":"Serializable","isBlindAppend":false,"operationMetrics":{"numRemovedFiles":"1","numRemovedBytes":"3870","numCopiedRows":"4","numAddedChangeFiles":"0","executionTimeMs":"2297","scanTimeMs":"1613","numAddedFiles":"1","numUpdatedRows":"1","numAddedBytes":"3870","rewriteTimeMs":"681"},"tags":{"VORDER":"true"},"engineInfo":"Apache-Spark/ Delta-Lake/","txnId":"70f0f718-331a-48fc-8419-9f80599ca889"}}
{"add":{"path":"part-00000-b5e4e62f-c938-4db9-a83a-d85850f310c0-c000.snappy.parquet","partitionValues":{},"size":3870,"modificationTime":1707006417436,"dataChange":true,"stats":"{\"numRecords\":5,\"minValues\":{\"Id\":2,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"Dell\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 2\",\"Model\":\"Model 2\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 2\",\"Tag\":\"DD0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"maxValues\":{\"Id\":6,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-02-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"Microsoft\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 4\",\"Model\":\"Model 4\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 4\",\"Tag\":\"XX0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"nullCount\":{\"Id\":0,\"CreationDate\":0,\"Vendor\":0,\"Asset\":0,\"Model\":0,\"Owner\":0,\"Tag\":0,\"Quantity\":0}}","tags":{"VORDER":"true"}}}

The fifth file, holds the content related to the DELETE statement:

{"commitInfo":{"timestamp":1707006422147,"operation":"DELETE","operationParameters":{"predicate":"[\"(Id#2665 = 2)\"]"},"readVersion":3,"isolationLevel":"Serializable","isBlindAppend":false,"operationMetrics":{"numRemovedFiles":"1","numRemovedBytes":"3870","numCopiedRows":"4","numAddedChangeFiles":"0","executionTimeMs":"1425","numDeletedRows":"1","scanTimeMs":"908","numAddedFiles":"1","numAddedBytes":"3837","rewriteTimeMs":"517"},"tags":{"VORDER":"true"},"engineInfo":"Apache-Spark/ Delta-Lake/","txnId":"1f61449f-6c4a-40ce-80ed-6ff1a9a834e9"}}
{"add":{"path":"part-00000-bee2e3a5-7def-4466-94ff-ccd86aa37b8c-c000.snappy.parquet","partitionValues":{},"size":3837,"modificationTime":1707006422055,"dataChange":true,"stats":"{\"numRecords\":4,\"minValues\":{\"Id\":3,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"Dell\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 3\",\"Model\":\"Model 3\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 2\",\"Tag\":\"DD0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"maxValues\":{\"Id\":6,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-02-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"Microsoft\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 4\",\"Model\":\"Model 4\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 4\",\"Tag\":\"WX0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"nullCount\":{\"Id\":0,\"CreationDate\":0,\"Vendor\":0,\"Asset\":0,\"Model\":0,\"Owner\":0,\"Tag\":0,\"Quantity\":0}}","tags":{"VORDER":"true"}}}

Before looking at each file, let's note the engineInfo's information that denotes the Spark, respectively the Delta Lake versions: "Apache-Spark/ Delta-Lake/". It's important to check these versions against the documentation when troubleshooting!

In each file, besides the "timestamp", observe the values of "operation", "operationParameters", "operationMetrics", "dataChange" and "VORDER". 

Operation indicate the DML or DDL statements run. As per my understanding dataChange and VORDER are set to true. 


You can retrieve a history of the actions performed on a table for the past 30 days via the DESCRIBE command, which can be entered in a notebook's cell:

-- describe table's history (30 days of data)

Attributes' definition can be found in [3], see 'History schema' section. For big tables, it might be a good idea to limit command's output only to several records via the LIMIT keyword:

-- describe table's history (30 days of data, last 5 records)

Table Maintenance

Running multiple change commands on a delta table will result in many such small files, which impacts the read access to data and metadata. The files can be compacted via the table maintenance (see also the notes on delta tables). The OPTIMIZE command allows to consolidate multiple small Parquet files into larger files:

-- compacting the files

Alternatively, you can do the same from the Lakehouse, navigate to the Assets table, right click on it and from the floating menu select Maintenance and run the job with the provided (see also [4]):

Run maintenance commands for a table

Running the command generated a new file:

{"commitInfo":{"timestamp":1707150591870,"operation":"OPTIMIZE","operationParameters":{"predicate":"[]","zOrderBy":"[]","auto":false},"readVersion":4,"isolationLevel":"SnapshotIsolation","isBlindAppend":false,"operationMetrics":{"numRemovedFiles":"2","numRemovedBytes":"7550","p25FileSize":"3879","numDeletionVectorsRemoved":"0","minFileSize":"3879","numAddedFiles":"1","maxFileSize":"3879","p75FileSize":"3879","p50FileSize":"3879","numAddedBytes":"3879"},"tags":{"VORDER":"true"},"engineInfo":"Apache-Spark/ Delta-Lake/","txnId":"b6466509-9f1a-467d-ad99-a0e95ed694ec"}}
{"add":{"path":"part-00000-453e9218-fe59-4138-a7dc-0e71c94c07d2-c000.snappy.parquet","partitionValues":{},"size":3879,"modificationTime":1707150591746,"dataChange":false,"stats":"{\"numRecords\":5,\"minValues\":{\"Id\":1,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"Dell\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 1\",\"Model\":\"Model 1\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 1\",\"Tag\":\"DD0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"maxValues\":{\"Id\":6,\"CreationDate\":\"2024-03-01T00:00:00.000Z\",\"Vendor\":\"Microsoft\",\"Asset\":\"Laptop 4\",\"Model\":\"Model 4\",\"Owner\":\"Owner 4\",\"Tag\":\"XX0001\",\"Quantity\":1.00},\"nullCount\":{\"Id\":0,\"CreationDate\":0,\"Vendor\":0,\"Asset\":0,\"Model\":0,\"Owner\":0,\"Tag\":0,\"Quantity\":0}}","tags":{"VORDER":"true"}}}

Happy coding!

[1] Microsoft Azure (2023) Azure Storage Explorer (link)
[2] Sam Debruyn (2023) Exploring OneLake with Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer (link)
[3] Delta Lake (2023) Table utility commands (link)
[4] Microsoft Learn (2023) Use table maintenance feature to manage delta tables in Fabric (link)

04 February 2024

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's Delta Tables in Action - CRUD Operations I (Basic Operations)

When building a data-related solution, the most basic functionality for a SQL developer is the CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations. That's why I decided to test the feature on Lakehouse delta tables, for a first demonstrative post on Microsoft Fabric. 

Unfortunately, at least for the moment, the SQL Endpoint allows only read access to the delta tables, which frankly for an SQL developer is an important limitation. There's however the possibility of running SQL over Spark SQL, which supports a basic dialect of SQL (similar to HiveSQL, though it might lack some features). To run the code, you'll need to create a notebook and you can set the language to Spark SQL for the whole notebook. Make sure, that you have a Lakehouse assigned in the notebook. Of course, you'll need access to Microsoft Fabric.

Create a cell for each of the following blocks of code. To make sure that the code works, it might be a good idea to run the cells individually!

-- drop the test table (if exists already)

--create the test table
 Id int NOT NULL,
 CreationDate timestamp NOT NULL,
 Vendor string NOT NULL,
 Asset string NOT NULL,
 Model string NOT NULL,
 Owner string NOT NULL,
 Tag string NOT NULL,
 Quantity decimal(13, 2) NOT NULL

-- insert test data
VALUES (1, '2024-03-01T00:00:00Z', 'IBM', 'Laptop 1','Model 1','Owner 1','XX0001','1');

-- insert more test records 
VALUES ('2', '2024-02-01T00:00:00Z','IBM','Laptop 2','Model 2','Owner 2','XX0001','1')
, ('3', '2024-02-01T00:00:00Z','Microsoft','Laptop 3','Model 3','Owner 2','WX0001','1')
, ('4', '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z','Microsoft','Laptop 3','Model 3','Owner 2','WX0001','1')
, ('5', '2024-01-15T00:00:00Z','Dell','Laptop 4','Model 4','Owner 3','DD0001','1')
, ('6', '2024-01-16T00:00:00Z','Dell','Laptop 4','Model 4','Owner 4','DD0001','1');

-- retrieving all the records
FROM Assets
ORDER BY Vendor;

-- updating a record
UPDATE Assets 
SET CreationDate = '2024-01-19T00:00:00Z'
WHERE Id = 6;

-- deleting a record
WHERE Id = 2;

-- reviewing the changes
FROM Assets
ORDER BY Vendor;

[1] There seems to be no way to provide a schema (see the SQL syntax for Spark), however the dbo schema seems to be used in the background (see table metadata post). Calling a table with the schema in SQL Spark results in an error:
"[TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND] The table or view `<schema>`.`<object_name>` cannot be found. Verify the spelling and correctness of the schema and catalog."

[2] The data types are different from the ones in SQL Server (e.g. timestamp for dates, string instead of varchars). Dates and decimals support precision, while strings translate to a varchar with 8000 characters (see table metadata post).

[3] Implicit conversions seem to occur when the format is correct. Otherwise, an explicit conversion is needed.

[4] Consider using semicolons at the end of each statement. That's mandatory when running multiple statements within the same cell. Otherwise, an error results.

[5] It would be interesting to test what's the performance when doing CRUD operations on large datasets. 

[6] One can use the LIMIT x clause as alternative for TOP x from T-SQL:

-- reviewing the last 3 records
FROM Assets
ORDER BY CreationDate

[7] SELECT FROM VALUES seems to work as well, though the data types must be the same (no implicit conversions occur):

VALUES ('1', '2024-03-01T00:00:00Z', 'IBM', 'Laptop 1','Model 1','Owner 1','XX0001','1')
, ('2', '2024-02-01T00:00:00Z','IBM','Laptop 2','Model 2','Owner 2','XX0001','1')
) DAT(Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity);

Therefore, when bringing the two INSERTs together, you'll need to change the first value from the first INSERT for the ID from numeric to string.

You can use the DESCRIBE QUERY command to troubleshoot the differences:

 -- retrieve query's output metadata
 VALUES (1, '2024-03-01T00:00:00Z', 'IBM','Laptop 1','Model 1','Owner 1','XX0001','1') 
 AS DAT(Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity)

col_name data_type comment
Id int NULL
CreationDate string NULL
Vendor string NULL
Asset string NULL
Model string NULL
Owner string NULL
Tag string NULL
Quantity string NULL

Happy coding!

[1] Microsoft Learn (2023) How to use Microsoft Fabric notebooks (link)
[2] Apache Spark (2023) SQL syntax (link)

27 June 2020

💠🛠️SQL Server: Undocumented (Part II: Execute Command for Each Table)

One neat undocumented feature useful in the administration of the SQL Server is the sp_MSforeachtable stored procedure which allows executing a set of several commands against each table available into the current database, or, with a few changes, against a set of predefined tables.  It allows running up to 3 commands as part of the main processing, as well a pre-command, typically used to set variable environments or perform initializations, respectively a post-command, typically used for control and cleanup processes. It replaces thus the need to run the commands within a cursor, even if the latter can occasionally provide more flexibility (see example).

The stored procedures provides the following parameters:
@command1, @command2, @command3: the main commands to be executed (at least the first command must be executed)
@precommand: a command to be executed before the @command1,
@postcommand: a command to be executed after all the commands were executed successfully,
@replacechar: the character used to represent the table within the commands, by default a question mark (?) character
@whereand: used to limit the scope only to a set of tables 

Before the introduction of Data Management Views with SQL Server 2005, the stored procedure was used to get the number of records for all tables:

-- getting the number of records for each table
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1='SELECT ''?'' [Table], COUNT(*) NoRecords FROM ?'

To restrict running the command(s) only for a table, the object_id function can be used within the @whereand parameter:

-- getting the number of records for a table
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1='SELECT ''?'' [Table], COUNT(*) NoRecords FROM ?' --
      , @whereand = ' And Object_id = Object_id(''[Person].[Address]'')'

In AX 2009 and even the later versions including Dynamics 365 (as long the direct access to the database is possible) the number of records could be restricted to a given company (aka business unit):

-- getting the number of records from a mandant
sp_MSforEachTable @command1 = 'SELECT ''?'' [Table], COUNT(*) NoRecords FROM WHERE DataAreaId IN (''DAT'')'

The procedude can be used to perform CRUD operayions on each table. During a data migration it was possible to clean out the business units not needed with just a simple script:

--delete the data for multiple data areas
 sp_MSforEachTable @command1 = 'DELETE FROM ? WHERE DataAreaId IN (''m01'')'

Administrations tasks can be performed as well, e.g. updating statistics, performing consistency checks for each table, etc.:

-- for each table 
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'EXEC sp_spaceused ''?''' -- displaying the disk space researved/used
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'UPDATE statistics ? WITH ALL' -- updating statistics
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'DBCC CHECKTABLE (''?'') WITH ALL_ERRORMSGS, NO_INFOMSGS' -- check table considerncy 

A set of tasks can be performed for a single table by providing the constraint within the @whereand parameter:

-- executing multiple commands for a table
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1='UPDATE statistics ? WITH ALL' -- updating statistics
   , @command2= 'DBCC CHECKTABLE (''?'') WITH ALL_ERRORMSGS, NO_INFOMSGS' -- check table considerncy 
   , @whereand = ' And Object_Name(Object_id) = ''[Person].[Address]'''

Executing the commands against a subset of tables involves using a persisted or temporary table to store the name of the tables which shoul be considered, eventually with further metadata to allow filtering:

-- dropping the table

-- create a temporary table
SELECT TableName
INTO #Tables 
FROM (VALUES ('[Person].[Address]')
, ('[Person].[AddressType]')
, ('[Person].[BusinessEntity]')) DAT(TableName)

-- getting the number of records for the list of tables
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1='SELECT ''?'' [Table], COUNT(*) NoRecords FROM ?'
, @whereand = ' And Object_id In (Select Object_id(TableName) FROM #Tables)'

1) Do not forget to dump the temporary table when finished!
2) The code is provided only for exemplification purposes. You can use the above code on your own risk!
3) Undocumented features can be deprecated in future versions of SQL Server, therefore they should be used with precaution in long-term solutions. It doesn't run for example in Microsoft Fabric warehouses.

Happy coding!
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.