27 January 2015

📊Business Intelligence: Delta Lake (Definitions)

"Delta Lake, an open source ACID table storage layer over cloud object stores initially developed at Databricks." (Michael Armbrust et al, "Delta Lake: High-Performance ACID Table Storage over Cloud Object Stores", Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13(12), 2020) [link]

"Delta Lake is a transactional storage software layer that runs on top of an existing data lake and adds RDW-like features that improve the lake’s reliability, security, and performance. Delta Lake itself is not storage." (James Serra, "Deciphering Data Architectures", 2024)

"A Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer designed to run on top of an existing data lake and improve its reliability, security, and performance." (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) [source]

"Delta Lake is an open source storage framework that enables building a Lakehouse architecture with various compute engines." (Apache Druid) [source

"Delta Lake is an open-source storage framework designed to improve performance and provide transactional guarantees to data lake tables." (lakeFS) [source

"Delta Lake is an open-source storage framework that enables building a format agnostic Lakehouse architecture with compute engines including Spark, PrestoDB, Flink, Trino, Hive, Snowflake, Google BigQuery, Athena, Redshift, Databricks, Azure Fabric and APIs for Scala, Java, Rust, and Python." (Delta) [source]

"Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer that uses the ACID compliance of transactional databases to bring reliability, performance, and flexibility to data lakes. It is ideal for scenarios where you need transactional capabilities and schema enforcement within your data lake." (Qlik) [source

"Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer for big data workloads. It provides ACID transactions for batch/streaming data pipelines reading and writing data concurrently."  (Database of Databases) [source

"Delta Lake is the optimized storage layer that provides the foundation for tables in a lakehouse on Databricks. Delta Lake is open source software that extends Parquet data files with a file-based transaction log for ACID transactions and scalable metadata handling." (Databricks) [source]

"Delta Lake is the optimized storage layer that provides the foundation for tables in a lakehouse on Databricks. Delta Lake is open source software that extends Parquet data files with a file-based transaction log for ACID transactions and scalable metadata handling. Delta Lake is fully compatible with Apache Spark APIs, and was developed for tight integration with Structured Streaming, allowing you to easily use a single copy of data for both batch and streaming operations and providing incremental processing at scale." (Microsoft) [source

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