15 January 2023

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Monitoring the Synapse serverless SQL pool with Dynamics Management Views I

I feel sometimes flying blind when I build or troubleshoot SQL queries and I don't have the query plan and/or further statistics to understand how the database engine works, why some queries take longer than expected, etc. Unfortunately, Synapse serverless SQL pool doesn't seem to support showing exection plans in SQL Server Management Studio as per now (SHOWPLAN_XML is not supported for SET). I looked at my old queries based on the the sys.dm_exec_requests and sys.dm_exec_query_stats  DMVs, however the results didn't proved to be what I was searching for. (

This weekend, I found Sidney Cirqueira's post on monitoring Synapse serverless SQL pools where he describes how to do that via the Monitoring hub, DMVs, QPI library, respectively Log Analytics. (You should check regularly the Azure Synapse Analytics Blog as it's full of goodies!)

Thus, I found out that there's a new DMV called sys.dm_exec_requests_history which provides at least the duration and the volume of data processes by each statement run on the service:

-- Azure Serverless SQL pool: requests' history 
SELECT top 100 ERH.status
, ERH.transaction_Id
, ERH.distributed_statement_Id 
, ERH.query_hash 
, ERH.login_name 
, ERH.start_time
, ERH.end_time 
, ERH.command 
, ERH.query_text 
--, ERH.total_elapsed_time_ms
, ERH.total_elapsed_time_ms/1000.0 total_elapsed_time_sec
--, ERH.data_processed_mb
, ERH.data_processed_mb/1028.0 data_processed_gb
, ERH.error
, ERH.error_code 
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests_history ERH
ORDER BY ERH.data_processed_mb DESC

It isn't much information, compared with the columns returned by sys.dm_exec_requests, but it's something to start with. At least it allows focusing on the queries with the longest duration (use the above query sorting the records based on the total_elapsed_time_ms descending) or highest volume of data processed:

-- Azure Serverless SQL pool: queries with most data processed
SELECT TOP 50 ERH.query_text  
, COUNT(*) no_runs
, SUM(ERH.total_elapsed_time_ms) total_elapsed_time_ms
, SUM(ERH.data_processed_mb) data_processed_mb
, SUM(ERH.data_processed_mb/1028.0) data_processed_gb
, MIN(ERH.start_time) first_run_date
, MAX(ERH.start_time) last_run_date
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests_history ERH
GROUP BY ERH.query_text
ORDER BY data_processed_mb DESC

The same query can be slightly changed to retrieve the volume of data processed by month:
-- Azure Serverless SQL pool: data processed by month
SELECT Convert(nvarchar(7), ERH.start_time, 23) [period]
, COUNT(*) no_runs
, SUM(ERH.total_elapsed_time_ms) total_elapsed_time_ms
, SUM(ERH.data_processed_mb) data_processed_mb
, SUM(ERH.data_processed_mb/1028.0) data_processed_gb
, MIN(ERH.start_time) first_run_date
, MAX(ERH.start_time) last_run_date
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests_history ERH
GROUP BY Convert(nvarchar(7), ERH.start_time, 23)
ORDER BY data_processed_mb DESC

One can add in the grouping also the login name to break down the analysis by the login that issued the query. Organization's domain can be used to differentiate between system or organization-baed queries.

The volume of data processed is stored also in the sys.dm_external_data_processed DMV aggregated for the current day, week, respectively month as part of the cost control related feature:
-- Azure Serverless SQL pool: volume of data processed
SELECT type 
, data_processed_mb 
, data_processed_mb/1028.0 data_processed_gb
FROM sys.dm_external_data_processed

And here's how the output looks like:

1) I still need to play with the DMVs to understand their scope and limitations.
2) The view appears also in the list of DMVs I idenfitied to be supported the by Synapse serverless SQL pool. As I discoered later, 3 more DMVs are available with useful statistics.
3) The queries based on sys.dm_exec_requests and sys.dm_exec_query_stats DMVs seem to return only the running query based on them.  (Actually, the DMVs seem to work.)
4) The view is available also in SQL Server 2022, though it doesn't seem to be used.
5) According to the above-mentioned source, the view is provided for ticket purposes to help customers better troubleshooting the SQL requests. Use the distributed_statement_id in the tickets raised with Microsoft to troubleshoot any issues with Synapse.
6) Unfortunately, also the useful Query Store feature is not yet supported, even if the DMVs related to it seem to be available. Attempting to enable it results in the error:
"Msg 15869, Level 16, State 9, Line 1
QUERY_STORE is not supported for ALTER DATABASE"

Happy coding!

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
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