Showing posts with label CTEs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CTEs. Show all posts

14 January 2025

🧭Business Intelligence: Perspectives (Part XXII: Queries' Complexity)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

Independently whether standalone or encapsulated in database objects, the queries written can become complex in time, respectively difficult to comprehend and maintain. One can reduce the cognitive load by identifying the aspects that enable one’s intuition - order, similarity and origin being probably the most important aspects that help coping with the inherent complexity. 

One should start with the table having the lowest level of detail, usually a transaction table that forms the backbone of a certain feature. For example, for Purchase Orders this could be upon case the distribution or line level. If Invoices are added to the logic, and there could be multiple invoice line for a record from the former logic, then this becomes the new level of detail. Further on, if General Ledger lines are added, more likely this becomes the lowest level of detail, and so on.

This approach allows to keep a consistent way of building the queries while enabling to validate the record count, making sure that no duplicates are added to the logic. Conversely, one can start also from the table with the lowest level of details, and add tables successively based on their level of detail, though the database engine may generate upon case a suboptimal plan. In addition, checking the cardinality may involve writing a second query. 

One should try to keep the tables belonging to the same entity together, when possible (e.g. Purchase Order vs. Vendor information). This approach allows to reduce the volume of work required to manage, review, test and understand the query later. If the blocks are too big, then occasionally it makes sense to bring pieces of logic into CTEs (Common Table Expressions), or much better into views that allow to better encapsulate and partition the logic.

CTEs allow to split the logic into logical steps, allowing occasionally to troubleshoot the logic on pieces though one should keep a balance between maintainability and detail. In extremis, people may create unnecessarily an additional CTE for each join. The longer and the more fragmented a query, the more difficult it becomes to troubleshoot and even understand. Readability can be better achieved though indentation, by keeping things together that belong together, respectively partitioning the logic in logical blocks that derive from the model. 

Keeping things together should be applied also to the other elements. For example, the join constraints should be limited only to the fields participating in the join (and, if possible, all the other constraints should be brought in the WHERE clause). Bringing the join constraints in the WHERE clause, an approach used in the past, decreases query readability no matter how well the WHERE clause is structured, and occasionally can lead to constraints’ duplication or worse, to missing pieces of logic. 

The order of the attributes should follow a logic that makes sense. One approach is to start from the tables with lowest cardinality that identify entities uniquely and move to the attributes that have a higher level of detail. However, not all attributes are equally important, and thus one might have to compromise and create multiple groups of data coming from different levels. 

One should keep in mind that the more random the order of the attributes is, the more difficult it becomes to validate the data as one needs to jump multiple times either in the query or in the mask. Ideally one should find a balance between the two perspectives. Having an intuitive logic of how the attributes are listed increases queries’ readability, maintainability and troubleshooting. The more random attributes’ listing, the higher the effort for the same. 

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21 October 2023

🧊Data Warehousing: Architecture V (Dynamics 365, the Data Lakehouse and the Medallion Architecture)

Data Warehousing
Data Warehousing Series

An IT architecture is built and functions under a set of constraints that derive from architecture’s components. Usually, if we want flexibility or to change something in one area, this might have an impact in another area. This rule applies to the usage of the medallion architecture as well! 

In Data Warehousing the medallion architecture considers a multilayered approach in building a single source of truth, each layer denoting the quality of data stored in the lakehouse [1]. For the moment are defined 3 layers - bronze for raw data, silver for validated data, and gold for enriched data. The concept seems sound considering that a Data Lake contains all types of raw data of different quality that needs to be validated and prepared for reporting or other purposes.

On the other side there are systems like Dynamics 365 that synchronize the data in near-real-time to the Data Lake through various mechanisms at table and/or data entity level (think of data entities as views on top of other tables or views). The databases behind are relational and in theory the data should be of proper quality as needed by business.

The greatest benefit of serverless SQL pool is that it can be used to build near-real-time data analytics solutions on top of the files existing in the Data Lake and the mechanism is quite simple. On top of such files are built external tables in serverless SQL pool, tables that reflect the data model from the source systems. The external tables can be called as any other tables from the various database objects (views, stored procedures and table-valued functions). Thus, can be built an enterprise data model with dimensions, fact-like and mart-like entities on top of the synchronized filed from the Data Lake. The Data Lakehouse (= Data Warehouse + Data Lake) thus created can be used for (enterprise) reporting and other purposes.

As long as there are no special requirements for data processing (e.g. flattening hierarchies, complex data processing, high-performance, data cleaning) this approach allows to report the data from the data sources in near-real time (10-30 minutes), which can prove to be useful for operational and tactical reporting. Tapping into this model via standard Power BI and paginated reports is quite easy. 

Now, if it's to use the data medallion approach and rely on pipelines to process the data, unless one is able to process the data in near-real-time or something compared with it, a considerable delay will be introduced, delay that can span from a couple of hours to one day. It's also true that having the data prepared as needed by the reports can increase the performance considerably as compared to processing the logic at runtime. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. 

Probably, the most important scenario that needs to be handled is that of integrating the data from different sources. If unique mappings between values exist, unique references are available in one system to the records from the other system, respectively when a unique logic can be identified, the data integration can be handled in serverless SQL pool.

Unfortunately, when compared to on-premise or Azure SQL functionality, the serverless SQL pool has important constraints - it's not possible to use scalar UDFs, tables, recursive CTEs, etc. So, one needs to work around these limitations and in some cases use the Spark pool or pipelines. So, at least for exceptions and maybe for strategic reporting a medallion architecture can make sense and be used in parallel. However, imposing it on all the data can reduce flexibility!

Bottom line: consider the architecture against your requirements!

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[1] What is the medallion lakehouse architecture?

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
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