Showing posts with label graphics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graphics. Show all posts

12 December 2024

🧭💹Business Intelligence: Perspectives (Part XIX: Data Visualization between Art, Pragmatism and Kitsch)

Business Intelligence Series

The data visualizations (aka dataviz) presented in the media, especially the ones coming from graphical artists, have the power to help us develop what is called graphical intelligence, graphical culture, graphical sense, etc., though without a tutor-like experience the process is suboptimal because it depends on our ability of identifying what is important and which are the steps needed for decoding and interpreting such work, respectively for integrating their messages in our overall understanding about the world.

When such skillset is lacking, without explicit annotations or other form of support, the reader might misinterpret or fail to observe important visual cues even for simple visualizations, with all the implications deriving from this – a false understanding, and further aspects deriving from it, this being probably the most important aspect to consider. Unfortunately, even the most elaborate work can fail if the reader doesn’t have a basic understanding of all that’s implied in the process.

The books of Willard Brinton, Ana Rogers, Jacques Bertin, William Cleveland, Leland Wilkinson, Stephen Few, Albert Cairo, Soctt Berinato and many others can help the readers build a general understanding of the dataviz process and how data visualizations or simple graphics can be used/misused effectively, though each reader must follow his/her own journey. It’s also true that the basics can be easily learned, though the deeper one dives, the more interesting and nontrivial the journey becomes. Fortunately, the average reader can stick to the basics and many visualizations are simple enough to be understood.

To grasp the full extent of the implications, one can make comparisons with the domain of poetry where the author uses basic constructs like metaphor, comparisons, rhythm and epithets to create, communicate and imprint in reader’s mind old and new meanings, images and feelings altogether. Artistic data visualizations tend to offer similar charge as poetry does, even if the impact might not appeal so much to our artistic sensibility. Though dataviz from this perspective is or at least resembles an art form.

Many people can write verses, though only a fraction can write good meaningful poetry, from which a smaller fraction get poems, respectively even fewer get books published. Conversely, not everything can be expressed in verses unless one finds good metaphors and other aspects that can be leveraged in the process. Same can be said about good dataviz.

One can argue that in dataviz the author can explore and learn especially by failing fast (seeing what works and what doesn’t). One can also innovate, though the creator has probably a limited set of tools and rules for communication. Enabling readers to see the obvious or the hidden in complex visualizations or contexts requires skill and some kind of mastery of the visual form.

Therefore, dataviz must be more pragmatic and show the facts. In art one has the freedom to distort or move things around to create new meanings, while in dataviz it’s important for the meaning to be rooted in 'truth', at least by definition. The more the creator of a dataviz innovates, the higher the chances of being misunderstood. Moreover, readers need to be educated in interpreting the new meanings and get used to their continuous use.

Kitsch is a term applied to art and design that is perceived as naïve imitation to the degree that it becomes a waste of resources even if somebody pays the tag price. There’s a trend in dataviz to add elements to visualizations that don’t bring any intrinsic value – images, colors and other elements can be misused to the degree that the result resembles kitsch, and the overall value of the visualization is diminished considerably.

14 June 2024

📊Graphical Representation: Graphics We Live By (Part IX: Word Clouds in Power BI)

Graphical Representation Series
Graphical Representation Series

A word cloud (aka tag cloud) is a visual representation of textual data in the form of a cloud - a mass of words in which each word is shown with a different font size and/or color based on its frequency, significance or categorization in the dataset considered. It is used to depict keyword metadata on websites, to visualize free form text or the frequency of specific values within a categorical dimension, respectively to navigate the same. 

Words can be categorized as single or compounded, where special characters like hyphen can be used. A tag is a special type of a word, usually a single word. One can use different direction or arrangement for displaying each word, independently of whether the value is numerical or alphanumerical. Word clouds are usually not sorted, even if the values could be sorted using a spiraled arrangement, which offers and easier way to navigate and compare the data.

Most of the representations are based on words' frequency, though occasionally the frequency is considered against a background corpus (e.g. Wikipedia). The use of tags as categorization methods for content items is seldom done, though needs to be considered as well. 

It makes sense to use word clouds only with categorical data (see below) for which the chances of multiple occurrences is high. Numerical values (see A & D) can be displayed as well when their range is narrow. Moreover, when the number of distinct values is high, one can consider only the top N values. Continuous data may be challenging to represent, though occasionally they can be represented as well, especially when reducing the precision

Word clouds allow to see at a glance what values are available and can be used as an alternative to choropleth maps for filtering and navigating the data. They aren't good for precise comparisons, though further information can be provided in the tooltip. 

In Power BI there are currently two visuals that allow to display word clouds - from Microsoft, respectively Powerviz, which was added recently (see Jun-2024 release [2]). They provide similar functionality, though Powerviz's visual offers more flexibility in what concerns the word options (case, styling, delimiters) direction, shapes (displaying the values within a form), ranking (top vs bottom), exclusion rules and formational formatting. It uses also a radial arrangement, which allows to select or exclude a set of values via the lasso functionality (see E). 

Word Clouds

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[1] Wikipedia (2024) Tag cloud (link)
[2] Microsoft Power BI Blog (2004) Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (link)

25 April 2024

📊Graphical Representation: Graphics We Live By (Part III: Exchange Rates in Power BI)

Graphical Representation Series
Graphical Representation Series

An exchange rate (XR) is the rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another currency, and thus XRs are used in everything related to trades, several processes in Finance relying on them. There are various sources for the XR like the European Central Bank (ECB) that provide the row data and various analyses including graphical representations varying in complexity. Conversely, XRs' processing offers some opportunities for learning techniques for data visualization. 

On ECB there are monthlyyearly, daily and biannually XRs from EUR to the various currencies which by triangulation allow to create XRs for any of the currencies involved. If N currencies are involved for one time unit in the process (e.g. N-1 XRs) , the triangulation generates NxN values for only one time division, the result being tedious to navigate. A matrix like the one below facilitates identifying the value between any of the currencies:

The table needs to be multiplied by 12, the number of months, respectively by the number of years, and filter allowing to navigate the data as needed. For many operations is just needed to look use the EX for a given time division. There are however operations in which is needed to have a deeper understanding of one or more XR's evolution over time (e.g. GBP to NOK). 

Moreover, for some operations is enough to work with two decimals, while for others one needs to use up to 6 or even more decimals for each XR. Occasionally, one can compromise and use 3 decimals, which should be enough for most of the scenarios. Making sense of such numbers is not easy for most of us, especially when is needed to compare at first sight values across multiple columns. Summary tables can help:

Statistics like Min. (minimum), Max. (maximum), Max. - Min. (range), Avg. (average) or even StdDev. (standard deviation) can provide some basis for further analysis, while sparklines are ideal for showing trends over a time interval (e.g. months).

Usually, a heatmap helps to some degree to navigate the data, especially when there's a plot associated with it:

In this case filtering by column in the heatmap allows to see how an XR changed for the same month over the years, while the trendline allows to identify the overall tendency (which is sensitive to the number of years considered). Showing tendencies or patterns for the same month over several years complements the yearly perspective shown via sparklines.

Fortunately, there are techniques to reduce the representational complexity of such numbers. For example, one can use as basis the XRs for January (see Base Jan), and represent the other XRs only as differences from the respective XR. Thus, in the below table for February is shown the XR difference between February and January (13.32-13.22=0.10). The column for January is zero and could be omitted, though it can still be useful in further calculations (e.g. in the calculation of averages) based on the respective data..

This technique works when the variations are relatively small (e.g. the values vary around 0). The above plots show the respective differences for the whole year, respectively only for four months. Given a bigger sequence (e.g. 24, 28 months) one can attempt to use the same technique, though there's a point beyond which it becomes difficult to make sense of the results. One can also use the year end XR or even the yearly average for the same, though it adds unnecessary complexity to the calculations when the values for the whole year aren't available. 

Usually, it's recommended to show only 3-5 series in a plot, as one can better distinguish the trends. However, plotting all series allows to grasp the overall pattern, if any. Thus, in the first plot is not important to identify the individual series but to see their tendencies. The two perspectives can be aggregated into one plot obtained by applying different filtering. 

Of course, a similar perspective can be obtained by looking at the whole XRs:

The Max.-Min. and StdDev (standard deviation for population) between the last and previous tables must match. 

Certain operations require comparing the trends of two currencies. The first plot shows the evolution NOK and SEK in respect to EUR, while the second shows only the differences between the two XRs:

The first plot will show different values when performed against other currency (e.g. USD), however the second plot will look similarly, even if the points deviate slightly:

Another important difference is the one between monthly and yearly XRs, difference depicted by the below plot:

The value differences between the two XR types can have considerable impact on reporting. Therefore, one must reflect in analyses the rate type used in the actual process. 

Attempting to project data into the future can require complex techniques, however, sometimes is enough to highlight a probable area, which depends also on the confidence interval (e.g. 85%) and the forecast length (e.g. 10 months):

Every perspective into the data tends to provide something new that helps in sense-making. For some users the first table with flexible filtering (e.g. time unit, currency type, currency from/to) is enough, while for others multiple perspectives are needed. When possible, one should  allow users to explore the various perspectives and use the feedback to remove or even add more perspectives. Including a feedback loop in graphical representation is important not only for tailoring the visuals to users' needs but also for managing their expectations,  respectively of learning what works and what doesn't.

1) I used GBP to NOK XRs to provide an example based on  triangulation.
2) Some experts advise against using borders or grid lines. Borders, as the name indicates allow to delimitate between various areas, while grid lines allow to make comparisons within a section without needing to sway between broader areas, adding thus precision to our senses-making. Choosing grey as color for the elements from the background minimizes the overhead for coping with more information while allowing to better use the available space.
3) Trend lines are recommended where the number of points is relatively small and only one series is involved, though, as always, there are exceptions too. 
4) In heatmaps one can use a gradient between two colors to show the tendencies of moving toward an extreme or another. One should avoid colors like red or green.
5) Ideally, a color should be used for only one encoding (e.g. one color for the same month across all graphics), though the more elements need to be encoded, the more difficult it becomes to respect this rule. The above graphics might slightly deviate from this as the purpose is to show a representation technique. 
6) In some graphics the XRs are displayed only with two decimals because currently the technique used (visual calculations) doesn't support formatting.
7) All the above graphical elements are based on a Power BI solution. Unfortunately, the tool has its representational limitations, especially when one wants to add additional information into the plots. 
8) Unfortunately, the daily XR values are not easily available from the same source. There are special scenarios for which a daily, hourly or even minute-based analysis is needed.
9) It's a good idea to validate the results against the similar results available on the web (see the ECB website).

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19 March 2024

📊R Language: Drawing Function Plots (Part II - Basic Curves & Inflection Points)

For a previous post on inflection points I needed a few examples, so I thought to write the code in the R language, which I did. Here's the final output:

Examples of Inflection Points

And, here's the code used to generate the above graphic:

par(mfrow = c(2,2)) #2x2 matrix display

# Example A: Inflection point with bifurcation
curve(x^3+20, -3,3, col = "black", main="(A) Inflection Point with Bifurcation")
curve(-x^2+20, 0, 3, add=TRUE, col="blue")
text (2, 10, "f(x)=-x^2+20, [0,3]", pos=1, offset = 1) #label inflection point
points(0, 20, col = "red", pch = 19) #inflection point 
text (0, 20, "inflection point", pos=1, offset = 1) #label inflection point

# Example B: Inflection point with Up & Down Concavity
curve(x^3-3*x^2-9*x+1, -3,6, main="(B) Inflection point with Up & Down Concavity")
points(1, -10, col = "red", pch = 19) #inflection point 
text (1, -10, "inflection point", pos=4, offset = 1) #label inflection point
text (-1, -10, "concave down", pos=3, offset = 1) 
text (-1, -10, "f''(x)<0", pos=1, offset = 0) 
text (2, 5, "concave up", pos=3, offset = 1)
text (2, 5, "f''(x)>0", pos=1, offset = 0) 

# Example C: Inflection point for multiple curves
curve(x^3-3*x+2, -3,3, col ="black", ylab="x^n-3*x+2, n = 2..5", main="(C) Inflection Point for Multiple Curves")
text (-3, -10, "n=3", pos=1) #label curve
curve(x^2-3*x+2,-3,3, add=TRUE, col="blue")
text (-2, 10, "n=2", pos=1) #label curve
curve(x^4-3*x+2,-3,3, add=TRUE, col="brown")
text (-1, 10, "n=4", pos=1) #label curve
curve(x^5-3*x+2,-3,3, add=TRUE, col="green")
text (-2, -10, "n=5", pos=1) #label curve
points(0, 2, col = "red", pch = 19) #inflection point 
text (0, 2, "inflection point", pos=4, offset = 1) #label inflection point
title("", line = -3, outer = TRUE)

# Example D: Inflection Point with fast change
curve(x^5-3*x+2,-3,3, col="black", ylab="x^n-3*x+2, n = 5,7,9", main="(D) Inflection Point with Slow vs. Fast Change")
text (-3, -100, "n=5", pos=1) #label curve
curve(x^7-3*x+2, add=TRUE, col="green")
text (-2.25, -100, "n=7", pos=1) #label curve
curve(x^9-3*x+2, add=TRUE, col="brown")
text (-1.5, -100, "n=9", pos=1) #label curve
points(0, 2, col = "red", pch = 19) #inflection point 
text (0, 2, "inflection point", pos=3, offset = 1) #label inflection point

mtext("© @sql_troubles, 2024", side = 1, line = 4, adj = 1, col = "dodgerblue4", cex = .7)
#title("Examples of Inflection Points", line = -1, outer = TRUE)

Mathematically, an inflection point is a point on a smooth (plane) curve at which the curvature changes sign and where the second derivative is 0 [1]. The curvature intuitively measures the amount by which a curve deviates from being a straight line.

In example A, the main function has an inflection point, while the second function defined only for the interval [0,3] is used to represent a descending curve (aka bifurcation) for which the same point is a maximum point.  

In example B, the function was chosen to represent an example with a concave down (for which the second derivative is negative) and a concave up (for which the second derivative is positive) section. So what comes after an inflection point is not necessarily a monotonic increasing function. 

In example C are depicted several functions based on a varying power of the first coefficient which have the same inflection point. One could have shown only the behavior of the functions after the inflection point, while before choosing only one of the functions (see example A).

In example D is the same function as in example C with varying powers of the first coefficient considered, though for higher powers than in example C. I kept the function for n=5 to offer a basis for comparison. Apparently, the strange thing is that around the inflection point the change seems to be small and linear, which is not the case. The two graphics are correct though, because as basis is considered the scale for n=5, while in C the basis is n=3 (one scales the graphic further away from the inflection point). If one adds n=3 as the first function in the example D, the new chart will resemble C. Unfortunately, this behavior can be misused to show something like being linear around the inflection point, which is not the case. 

# Example E: Inflection Point with slow vs. fast change extended
curve(x^3-3*x+2,-3,3, col="black", ylab="x^n-3*x+2, n = 3,5,7,9", main="(E) Inflection Point with Slow vs. Fast Change")
text (-3, -10, "n=3", pos=1) #label curve
curve(x^5-3*x+2,-3,3, add=TRUE, col="brown")
text (-2, -10, "n=5", pos=1) #label curve
curve(x^7-3*x+2, add=TRUE, col="green")
text (-1.5, -10, "n=7", pos=1) #label curve
curve(x^9-3*x+2, add=TRUE, col="orange")
text (-1, -5, "n=9", pos=1) #label curve
points(0, 2, col = "red", pch = 19) #inflection point 
text (0, 2, "inflection point", pos=3, offset = 1) #label inflection point

(1) I cheated a bit calculating the second derivative manually, which is an easy task for polynomials. There seems to be methods for calculating the inflection point, though the focus was on providing the examples. 
(2) The examples C and D could have been implemented as part of a loop, though I needed anyway to add the labels for each curve individually. Here's the modified code to support a loop:

# Example F: Inflection Point with slow vs. fast change with loop
n <- list(5,7,9)
color <- list("brown", "green", "orange")

curve(x^3-3*x+2,-3,3, col="black", ylab="x^n-3*x+2, n = 3,5,7,9", main="(F) Inflection Point with Slow vs. Fast Change")
for (i in seq_along(n))
ind <- as.numeric(n[i])
curve(x^ind-3*x+2,-3,3, add=TRUE, col=toString(color[i]))

text (-3, -10, "n=3", pos=1) #label curve
text (-2, -10, "n=5", pos=1) #label curve
text (-1, -5, "n=9", pos=1) #label curve
text (-1.5, -10, "n=7", pos=1) #label curve

Happy coding!

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21 October 2023

📊Graphical Representation: Overreaching in Data Visualizations

Graphical Representation
Graphical Representation Series 

One of the most important aspects to stress in the context of graphical design is the purpose of graphical representations and the medium in which they are communicated. For example, one needs to differentiate between the graphics propagated on the various media channels that target the public consumption and potential customers (books, newspapers, articles in paper or paperless form, respectively blog posts and similar content) and graphics made for organizational use (reports, dashboards or presentations).

If the former graphics are supposed to back up a story, the reader being led into one direction or another, the author having the freedom of choosing the direction and the message, in the latter, unless the content is supposed to support, persuade or force a decision, the facts and data need to be presented in an equidistant manner, in a form that support insights, decision making or further inference. This applies to data professionals as well to the business users preparing the data.

Data visualization authors tend to use the title and subtitle to highlight in reports and dashboards the most important findings as per their perception, sometimes even stating the obvious. One of the issues with this approach is that the audience might just pick up the respective information without further looking at the chart, missing maybe more important facts. Just highlighting an element in the graphic or providing explanatory headlines is not storytelling, even if it helps in the process. Ideally, the data itself as depicted by the visuals should tell the story! Further information with storytelling character should be provided in the presentation of the data and taylored accordingly for the audience!

With a few exceptions, the information and decisions shouldn't be forced on the audience. There are so many such examples on the various social networks in which data analysts or other types of data professionals seem to imply this in the content they share and this is so wrong on many levels!

No matter how deep a data professional is involved into the business and no matter how extensive is his/her knowledge about the systems, data and processes, the business user and the manager are the closest to the business context and needs, while data professionals might not be aware of the full extent. This lack of context makes it challenging to interpret the trends depicted by the data, respectively to associate the changes observed in trends with decisions made or issues the business dealt with. When such knowledge is not available the data professional tends to extrapolate instead of identifying the chain of causality together with the business (and here annotation capabilities would help considerably). 

Moreover, it falls on management's shoulders to decide which facts, data, metrics, KPIs and information are important for the organization. A data professional can make recommendations, can play with the data and communicate certain insights, gaps or courses of action, though the management decides what's important and how the respective information should be communicated! Overstepping the boundaries can easily lead to unnecessary conflict in which the data professional can easily lose, even if the facts are in his favor. It's enough to deal with missing or incorrect information for the whole story to fall apart. 

It's true that some of the books on graphical design use various highlighting techniques in the explanation process, but they are intended for the readers to understand what the authors want to say. Unfortunately, there are also examples improperly used or authors' opinion diverge from the common sense. Independently of this, the data professional should develop own visual critical thinking and validate the techniques used against own judgement! 

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16 April 2023

🔖Book Review: Willard C Brinton's Graphic Methods for Presenting Facts (1919)

"It is often with impotent exasperation that a person having the knowledge sees some fallacious conclusion accepted, or some wrong policy adopted, just because known facts cannot be marshalled and presented in such manner as to be effective." 

This is the conclusion phrase from the first paragraph of Willard C Brinton's "Graphic Methods for Presenting Facts", in which the author expresses his disappointment about the impossibility of bridging the important gap existing between data collection and presentation on side, and the decision-making on the other. Despite being written more than a century ago (1915), the issue seems to be so actual, the average data professional probably met this kind of situation at least once in a lifetime, if not on a regular basis. 

I found out about this book from Bridget Cogley & Vidya Setlur's "Functional Aesthetics for Data Visualization" (2020), which credits Brinton for "shaping the path toward broad use of charts". I found a digitized copy of the book at Internet Archive and browsing though it I found it appealing for a deeper reading and a first review. 

Written in a simple style stripped of any mathematical or statistical formulae, and thus approachable by the average nontechnical reader, the book addresses the techniques and challenges of graphical authors in preparing charts and other graphical content for their consumption in organizations for insight and decision-making, as well for the masses. It mentions also the projecting of graphs as lantern slides to accompany a talk, a precursor of nowadays' forms of presentations.

The engineering and statistical background of the author can be seen in the meticulosity with which the book was written. The book discusses the graphic methods for presenting facts in graphical form, which are the component parts and how can be used to attract readers' attention, respectively present them in an effective manner. Several principle-like statements are considered though the book and listed together in the last chapters, rules that can be found in modern books as well, though probably less exemplified. 

From organization charts to maps, from circle and bar charts to time plots, the number and variety of graphical displays is overwhelming and at the same time surprising for a book that old, especially when we consider the publishing technologies available. As mentioned by the author, color printing of the book was prohibitive given the costs, only one ink color being used. However, this doesn't diminish the quality of visuals considered. Compared with nowadays' books, which seem to attempt compensating the lack of novelty with too much color and mentions of technologies, book's graphics stand out in their simplicity and richness of exemplifications. It is sad to remark that the graphical displays are better chosen and the book is better written than some of nowadays books on data visualization.

Comparing the language and vocabulary used nowadays with the one used then, the reader can see the difficulties of approaching a subject found in its early years, the author recognizing the lack of standards and the difficulties of showing quantitative facts in true proportions. It's also true that more modern authors like Tufte or Cleveland were facing same challenge 70 years later. 

About the author is worth mentioning that he was chairman of the "Joint Committee on Standards for Graphic Presentation" initiated in 1913, committee that published in 1915 their first brief report which consisted of 17 simply basic rules, a first attempt of standardizing the principles of graphic presentation. In 1939 Brinton published a second book on "Graphic Presentation", with less text and abundant colorful graphical displays. Even if some charts are available in the second book as well, overall, the two books seem to complement each other and should be a lecture for the data professional as well for the average reader interested in understanding the use of graphical methods.

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[1] Willard C Brinton, "Graphic Methods for Presenting Facts", 1919 (link)
[2] Bridget Cogley & Vidya Setlur, "Functional Aesthetics for Data Visualization" (2020)
[3] Willard C Brinton, "Graphic Presentation", 1939 (link)
[4] Joint Committee on Standards for Graphic Presentation, "Publications of the American Statistical Association" Vol.14 (112), 1915 (Jstor)

17 February 2021

📊🐍Python: Plotting Data with the Radar Chart

Today's task was to display a set of data using the radar chart available with the matplotlib.pyplot library. For this I considered the iris dataset available with the sklearn learning library. The dataset is stored as an array, therefore for further manipulation was converted into a data frame. As the radar chart allows comparing only a small set of numerical values, I considered displaying only the mean values for each type of iris (setosas versicolor, virginica). 

Unfortunately, the radar chart doesn't seem to complete the polygons based on the available dataset, therefore as workaround I had to duplicate the first column within the result data frame. (It seems that the Ploty library does a better job at displaying radar charts, see example).

Radar Chart

Here's the code:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import datasets  
import pandas as pd

#preparing the data frame 
iris = datasets.load_iris()

ds = pd.DataFrame(data =, columns = iris.feature_names)
dr = ds.assign(target = #iris type

group_by_iris = dr.groupby('target').mean()
group_by_iris[''] = group_by_iris[iris.feature_names[0]] #duplicating the first column

# creating the graph
fig = plt.subplots()

angle = np.linspace(start=0, stop=2 * np.pi, num=len(group_by_iris.columns))

plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))

values = group_by_iris[:1].values[0]
plt.plot(angle, values, label='Iris-setosa', color='r')
plt.fill(angle, values, 'r', alpha=0.2)

values = group_by_iris[1:2].values[0]
plt.plot(angle, values, label='Iris-versicolor', color='g')
plt.fill(angle, values, 'g', alpha=0.2)

values = group_by_iris[2:3].values[0]
plt.plot(angle, values, label='Iris-virginica', color='b')
plt.fill(angle, values, 'b', alpha=0.2)

plt.title('Iris comparison', size=15)
labels = plt.thetagrids(np.degrees(angle), labels=group_by_iris.columns.values)

Happy coding!

16 February 2021

📊🐍Python: Drawing Concentric Circles with matplotlib.pyplot

Today I tried using for the first time the matplotlib library for drawing a few concentric circles, though it proved to be a bit more challenging than expected, as the circles were distorted given the scale differences between x and y axis. Because of this the circles displayed via the Circle class (in blue) seem to be displayed as ellipses. To show the difference I used  trigonometric functions to draw the circles (in green) by applying a 5/7.5 multiplication factor for the x axis:

And here's the code:

import numpy as np
import math as m
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

axis_dimensions = [-100,100, -100,100] #dimensions axis
dx=10       #distance between ticks on x axis 
dy=10       #distance between ticks on y axis
sfx = 5/7.5 #scale factor for x axis
r= 50       #radius

#drawing the grid
plt.grid(True, color='gray')
plt.xticks(np.arange(axis_dimensions[0], axis_dimensions[1], dx))
plt.yticks(np.arange(axis_dimensions[2], axis_dimensions[3], dy))

#adding labels
plt.xlabel('x axis')
plt.ylabel('y axis')

#drawing the geometric figures
for i in range(0,51,10):
    for angle in np.arange(m.radians(0),m.radians(360),m.radians(2)):
        #drawing circles via trigonometric functions
        x = (r+i)*m.cos(angle)*sfx
        y = (r+i)*m.sin(angle)
        plt.scatter(x,y,s=2,color ='g')
    #drawing with circles
    circle = plt.Circle((0,0),r+i,color='b', fill=False)

Happy coding!

31 December 2020

📊Graphical Representation: Graphics We Live by (Part V: Pie Charts in MS Excel)

Graphical Representation

From business dashboards to newspapers and other forms of content that capture the attention of average readers, pie charts seem to be one of the most used forms of graphical representation. Unfortunately, their characteristics make them inappropriate for displaying certain types of data, and of being misused. Therefore, there are many voices who advice against using them for any form of display.

It’s hard to agree with radical statements like ‘avoid (using) pie charts’ or ’pie charts are bad’. Each form of graphical representation (aka graphical tool, graphic) has advantages and disadvantages, which makes it appropriate or inappropriate for displaying data having certain characteristics. In addition, each tool can be easily misused, especially when basic representational practices are ignored. Avoiding one representational tool doesn’t mean that the use of another tool will be correct. Therefore, it’s important to make people aware of these aspects and let them decide which tools they should use. 

From a graphical tool is expected to represent and describe a dataset in a small area without distorting the reality, while encouraging the reader to compare the different pieces of information, when possible at different levels of details [1] or how they change over time. As form of communication, they encode information and meaning; the reader needs to be able to read, understand and think critically about graphics and data – what is known as graphical/data literacy.

A pie chart consists of a circle split into wedge-shaped slices (aka edges, segments), each slice representing a group or category (aka component). It resembles with the spokes of a wheel, however with a few exceptions they are seldom equidistant. The size of each slice is proportional to the percentage of the component when compared to the whole. Therefore, pie charts are ideal when displaying percentages or values that can be converted into percentages. Thus, the percentages must sum up to 100% (at least that’s readers’ expectation).

Within or besides the slices are displayed components’ name and sometimes the percentages or other numeric or textual information associated with them (Fig. 1-4).  The percentages become important when the slices seem to be of equal sizes. As long the slices have the same radius, comparison of the different components resumes in comparing arcs of circles or the chords defined by them, thing not always straightforward. 3-dimensional displays can upon case make the comparison more difficult.

Pie Chart Examples

The comparison increases in difficulty with the number of slices increases beyond a certain number. Therefore, it’s not recommended displaying more than 5-10 components within the same chart. If the components exceed this limit, the exceeding components can be summed up within an “other” component. 

Within a graphic one needs a reference point that can be used as starting point for exploration. Typically for categorical data this reference point is the biggest or the smallest value, the other values being sorted in ascending, respectively descending order, fact that facilitates comparing the values. For pie charts, this would mean sorting the slices based on their sizes, except the slice for “others” which is typically considered last.

The slices can be filled optionally with meaningful colors or (hashing) patterns. When the same color pallet is used, the size can be reflected in colors’ hue, however this can generate confusion when not applied adequately. It’s recommended to provide further (textual) information when the graphical elements can lead to misinterpretations. 

Pie charts can be used occasionally for comparing the changes of the same components between different points in time, geographies (Fig. 5-6) or other types of segmentation. Having the charts displayed besides each other and marking each component with a characteristic color or pattern facilitate the comparison. 

Pie Charts - Geographies

07 July 2020

🪄SSRS (& Paginated Reports): First Steps (Part V: Small Multiples & Sparklines) )


Using a single chart to display multiple series in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) or any other reporting tool works well when the number of series is somehow manageable - usually being enough to display 2-10 series within the same chart. The more series one adds, the more complicated will be for users to read the chart. One has the choice to find either
-  a level of detail (e.g. Category) which, when grouping the data, leads to a number of manageable series,
-  compare the data within a certain grouping (e.g. Category),
-  displaying the individual trends (e.g. for each Product). 

Let's consider the last choice. The report from this post will display the Sales Volume per Product and Year/Month of the Sales Orders available in the AdventureWorks2014 database. The logic uses the Sales.SalesOrderDetail and Sales.SalesOrderHeader tables, respectively the Production.vProducts view created in a previous post

A Sales Volume report is more appropriate to be built using a data warehouse's data, which are already aggregated and prepared for such reports. There's actually an AdventureWorksDW2014 data warehouse model made available which can be used to display the same information, however the intent is to demonstrate the techniques of working with data in an OLTP environment. 

Preparing the Data

Creating a view to build the Sales Orders details is usually recommended, though for the current report we just need the Product Category, Subcategory, Number and Name, respectively Sales Date, Quantity and Value, which is only a small part from the attributes available. Another choice to consider is whether to use the raw data, though then the number of records sent to the client can be considerably high, or aggregate the data and the lowermost level of detail needed for the report, in this case the Category, Subcategory, Product, Month and Year:

-- Sales volume per Product   
, ITM.Subcategory
, ITM.ProductNumber
, ITM.Name
, Month(SOH.OrderDate) [Month]
, Year(SOH.OrderDate) [Year]
, Sum(SOD.OrderQty) OrderQty
, Sum(SOD.LineTotal) OrderValue
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail SOD
     JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH
       ON SOD.SalesOrderID = SOH.SalesOrderID
     JOIN Production.vProducts ITM
       ON SOD.ProductId = ITM.Productid 
WHERE ITM.ProductNumber IN ('BB-7421', 'BB-9108')
, ITM.Subcategory
, ITM.ProductNumber
, ITM.Name
, Month(SOH.OrderDate)
, Year(SOH.OrderDate)
, ITM.Subcategory
, ITM.ProductNumber
, [Year]
, [Month]

The query contains all the needed data, however one could have more flexibility if the data would contain cumulative or total values as well: 

-- Sales volume per Product (extended)  
, SOD.Subcategory
, SOD.ProductNumber
, SOD.Name
, SOD.[Month]
, SOD.[Year]
, SOD.OrderQty
, SOD.OrderValue
, SUM(SOD.OrderQty) OVER (PARTITION BY SOD.ProductNumber) TotalQty
, SUM(SOD.OrderValue) OVER (PARTITION BY SOD.ProductNumber) TotalValue
, SUM(SOD.OrderQty) OVER (PARTITION BY SOD.ProductNumber ORDER BY [Year], [Month]) CumulatedQty
, SUM(SOD.OrderValue) OVER (PARTITION BY SOD.ProductNumber ORDER BY [Year], [Month]) CumulatedValue
FROM (-- cumulated values
 SELECT ITM.Category
 , ITM.Subcategory
 , ITM.ProductNumber
 , ITM.Name
 , Month(SOH.OrderDate) [Month]
 , Year(SOH.OrderDate) [Year]
 , Sum(SOD.OrderQty) OrderQty
 , Sum(SOD.LineTotal) OrderValue
 FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail SOD
   JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH
    ON SOD.SalesOrderID = SOH.SalesOrderID
   JOIN [Production].[vProducts] ITM
     ON SOD.ProductId = ITM.Productid 
 WHERE ITM.ProductNumber IN ('BB-7421', 'BB-9108')
 GROUP BY ITM.Category
    , ITM.Subcategory
 , ITM.ProductNumber
 , ITM.Name
 , Month(SOH.OrderDate)
 , Year(SOH.OrderDate)
  ) SOD
, SOD.Subcategory
, SOD.ProductNumber
, SOD.[Year]
, SOD.[Month]

In the end one can use any of the above queries.

Note:When prototyping a report is usually recommended to consider only a small number of records (e.g. only two Products). In addition, do not forget to validate the number or records considered by the logic:

-- checking the view for internal data consistency
SELECT count(*)
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail SOD
     JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH
   ON SOD.SalesOrderID = SOH.SalesOrderID
  JOIN Production.vProducts ITM
    ON SOD.ProductId = ITM.Productid 

Creating the Report

Using the Report Wizard create a new matrix report called "Sales Volume per Product" based on either of the above queries (I considered the second). Within "Design the Matrix" select the attributes as follows:
Design the Matrix

This will create the backbone for our report:

First draft in Design mode

Which is pretty basic, if we consider the output:

First draft in Preview mode

Now, returning in Design mode, right click on the "Sum of OrderQty" cell and from the floating menu select Insert/Chart, while from the list of available charts select Line. Do the same for "Sum of OrderValue". And here's the result:

Second draft in Design mode

As only one series will be displayed, select the Chart Title and delete the respective label. Delete the Series label as well. When running the report you'll observe that the horizontal axis values are not really appealing. To dix this right click on the respective area and from the floating menu select Horizontal Axis Properties. Within Axis Options section change the Axis type as 'Scalar', enter '1' as Minimum, '12' as Maximum, '1' as Interval and 'Number' as Interval type:

Horizontal Axis Properties

In the same window, within the Labels section select 'Enable auto-fit' and uncheck the "Labels can be offset", respectively the "Labels can be rotated" checkboxes. 

To include the Category, Subcategory and eventually the Product Name, select the Product Number cell, right click on it, and from the floating menu select Insert Column/Inside Group - Left, then select from the Category as attribute:

Inserting a column within the group

Repeat the process to add the Subcategory. Eventually you can add also the Product Name, though for it you'll have to select "Inside Group - Right". 

To improve the design, you can add a Page Header and move the report's title into it add a timestamp, respectively a page count textbox, resize the boxes to fit the columns. You can also align the column header values to the center, change the font to 10pt, etc.

Third draft in Design mode

Here's the report in preview mode:

Third draft in Preview mode

One can use the report the way it is, or add the Category and Subcategory as parameters. Similarly, one can use the cumulative values as input for the charts. 

Revamping the Report with Sparklines

Even if the charts allow displaying the scales, the problem with them is that they are too big, which makes it difficult to compare the data across records. One can correct this by using the other types of graphics available in reports, e.g. sparklines. For this make a copy of the report already built, and within the Detail cells select a Sparkine Column instead of a chart:

Sparkline types

In comparison with Lines, Column-based representations allow to see how many data points are represented. Because spartklines are more compact as graphic forms, you can resize the cells as follows:

Fourth draft in Design mode

And here's the report in preview mode (the constraints from the source query were removed):

Fourth draft in Preview mode

As can be seen one can easily identify the trends however the volume scale was lost, being impossible to compare which of the Products sold better. One can bring the Total Quantity and Value as display information and sort the dataset from the highest to lowest value. One can even select a top x, to reduce the focus only to the most sold Products.

If the prices remained relatively constant over time, there's actually almost no difference between the graphic displays for Order Quantity, respectively for Order Value. Therefore one can remove one of them (e.g. Order Quantity). Being more compact, sparkline-based representations allow to better use the space, therefore you can add more fields into the report. 

Happy coding!

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.