Graphical Representation Series |
A word cloud (aka tag cloud) is a visual representation of textual data in the form of a cloud - a mass of words in which each word is shown with a different font size and/or color based on its frequency, significance or categorization in the dataset considered. It is used to depict keyword metadata on websites, to visualize free form text or the frequency of specific values within a categorical dimension, respectively to navigate the same.
Words can be categorized as single or compounded, where special characters
like hyphen can be used. A tag is a special type of a word, usually a single
word. One can use different direction or arrangement for displaying each word,
independently of whether the value is numerical or alphanumerical. Word clouds
are usually not sorted, even if the values could be sorted using a spiraled
arrangement, which offers and easier way to navigate and compare the data.
Most of the representations are based on words' frequency, though occasionally
the frequency is considered against a background corpus (e.g. Wikipedia). The
use of tags as categorization methods for content items is seldom done, though
needs to be considered as well.
It makes sense to use word clouds only with categorical data (see below) for
which the chances of multiple occurrences is high. Numerical values (see A
& D) can be displayed as well when their range is narrow. Moreover, when
the number of distinct values is high, one can consider only the top N values.
Continuous data may be challenging to represent, though occasionally they can
be represented as well, especially when reducing the precision
Word clouds allow to see at a glance what values are available and can be used
as an alternative to choropleth maps for filtering and navigating the data.
They aren't good for precise comparisons, though further information can be
provided in the tooltip.
In Power BI there are currently two visuals that allow to display word clouds
- from Microsoft, respectively Powerviz, which was added recently (see
Jun-2024 release [2]). They provide similar functionality, though Powerviz's
visual offers more flexibility in what concerns the word options (case,
styling, delimiters) direction, shapes (displaying the values within a form),
ranking (top vs bottom), exclusion rules and formational formatting. It uses
also a radial arrangement, which allows to select or exclude a set of values
via the lasso functionality (see E).
Word Clouds |
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[1] Wikipedia (2024) Tag cloud (link)
[2] Microsoft Power BI Blog (2004) Power BI June 2024 Feature
Summary (link)
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