Showing posts with label Azure SQL Database. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Azure SQL Database. Show all posts

06 January 2025

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part VI: Index Usage Analysis) [new feature]

There are several system dynamic management views (DMV) available in SQL Server, Azure SQL Server and now in SQL databases that allow to gather more information about indexes' fragmentation and usage. Let's look at the most important information available based on the indexes create in the previous posts. As the data were probably purged from the views, it's needed to run first the select queries based on the SalesLT.Product from the previous post. This step is important, otherwise the DMVs might return no records!

One starting point is to use the sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats DMV to look at the indexes' size and fragmentation information for a given table (or view). The table is used usually as starting point for analyzing indexes' fragmentation and then defragment the indexes with high fragmentation.

-- sys metadata - index & data size and fragmentation information for the data and indexes of the specified table or view
SELECT --db_name() db_name
--, object_name(IND.object_id) table_name index_name
, IND.type_desc
, IPS.page_count
, IPS.record_count
, IPS.index_level
, Cast(IPS.avg_fragmentation_in_percent as decimal(10,2)) avg_fragmentation_perc
, Cast(IPS.avg_page_space_used_in_percent as decimal(10,2)) space_used_perc
--, IPS.*
FROM sys.indexes IND
     CROSS APPLY sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), IND.object_id, IND.index_id, NULL, 'DETAILED') IPS
WHERE IND.object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'SalesLT.Product');
index_name type_desc page_count record_count index_level avg_fragmentation_perc space_used_perc
PK_Product_ProductID CLUSTERED 101 295 0 0.99 87.90
PK_Product_ProductID CLUSTERED 1 101 1 0.00 16.20
AK_Product_rowguid NONCLUSTERED 2 295 0 50.00 74.69
AK_Product_rowguid NONCLUSTERED 1 2 1 0.00 0.59
AK_Product_ProductNumber NONCLUSTERED 2 295 0 50.00 85.79
AK_Product_ProductNumber NONCLUSTERED 1 2 1 0.00 0.49
AK_Product_Name NONCLUSTERED 3 295 0 33.33 87.32
AK_Product_Name NONCLUSTERED 1 3 1 0.00 1.67
IX_SalesLT_Product_Color NONCLUSTERED 1 295 0 0.00 79.24
IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size NONCLUSTERED 1 295 0 0.00 94.12
IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC NONCLUSTERED 4 295 0 0.00 86.60
IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC NONCLUSTERED 1 4 1 0.00 1.01

In a second step one can look at the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats DMV which provides the counts of the different types of index operations and the time each type of operation was last performed:

-- sys metadata - counts of different types of index operations and the time each type of operation was last performed.
SELECT -- db_name() db_name
--, object_name(IND.object_id) table_name
, IND.type_desc
, IUS.user_seeks 
, IUS.user_scans
, IUS.user_lookups 
, IUS.user_updates
, IUS.last_user_seek
, IUS.last_user_scan 
, IUS.last_user_lookup
, IUS.last_user_update
FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats IUS
     JOIN sys.indexes IND
       ON IUS.index_id = IND.index_id
WHERE IND.object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'SalesLT.Product');
name type_desc user_seeks user_scans user_lookups user_updates last_user_seek last_user_scan last_user_lookup
PK_Product_ProductID CLUSTERED 0 10 15 0 2025-01-06T14:23:54 2025-01-06T14:23:54
IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size NONCLUSTERED 11 0 0 0 2025-01-06T14:23:54
IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC NONCLUSTERED 8 0 0 0 2025-01-06T13:38:03

Finally, it might be useful to look also at the sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats DMV which returns the current lower-level I/O, locking, latching, and access method activity for each partition of a table or index in the database (see the documentation for the full list of attrbutes):

-- sys metadata - index operations stats
SELECT -- db_name() db_name
--, object_name(IND.object_id) table_name index_name
, IND.type_desc
, IOS.range_scan_count
, IOS.singleton_lookup_count
, IOS.leaf_insert_count
, IOS.leaf_delete_count
, IOS.leaf_update_count
, IOS.nonleaf_insert_count
, IOS.nonleaf_delete_count
, IOS.nonleaf_update_count
FROM sys.indexes IND
     CROSS APPLY sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats(DB_ID(), IND.object_id, IND.index_id, NULL) IOS
WHERE IND.object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'SalesLT.Product')
 AND IOS.range_scan_count<>0
index_name type_desc range_scan_count singleton_lookup_count leaf_insert_count leaf_delete_count leaf_update_count nonleaf_insert_count nonleaf_delete_count nonleaf_update_count
IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size NONCLUSTERED 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC NONCLUSTERED 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PK_Product_ProductID CLUSTERED 10 64 0 0 0 0 0 0

For more information on these DMVs check the documentation.

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) SQL Server: sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) SQL Server: sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats [link]
[3] Microsoft Learn (2024) SQL Server: sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats [link]

04 January 2025

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part V: Manual Index Maintenance) [new feature]

Indexes' maintenance in Microsoft Fabric's SQL databases is supposed to happen automatically in the background via automatic tuning options feature, though the whole functionality is still in its early phases, and therefore many questions regarding the whole process may arise. Probably the most important question is whether indexes can still be created, respectively maintained manually. That's useful for temporary or even periodic workloads, where maybe organizations might still want to maintain indexes manually. 

The tests made below are based on the SalesLT.Product from AdventureWorkds database available in Microsoft Fabric. The target was to create several indexes that could be used for the various testing purposes. Each set of the below scripts was run 5-10 times until records appeared in the sys.dm_db_missing_index_details table for each test case (see further below):

-- batch 1: filter on single column (to be run 5-10 times)
FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE Color = 'Red'

FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE Color = 'Black'

FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE Color = 'White'

-- batch 2: filter on two columns (to be run 5-10 times)
FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE Color = 'Red'
  AND Size = '58'

FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE Color = 'Black'
  AND Size = '58'

FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE Color = 'White'
     AND Size = '58'

-- batch 3: filter with column selection (to be run 5-10 times)
SELECT ProductNumber, Name, Color, ListPrice
FROM SalesLT.Product 

SELECT ProductNumber, Name, Color, ListPrice
FROM SalesLT.Product 
WHERE ListPrice BETWEEN 100 and 105

Once the scripts run, one can look at the records created in the above considered dynamic management view:

-- sys metadata -  missing indexes
SELECT MID.statement AS table_name
, MID.equality_columns
, MID.inequality_columns
, MID.included_columns
--, MIG.index_group_handle
--, MIG.index_handle
FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_details MID 
    JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups MIG 
     ON MID.index_handle =  MIG.index_handle
ORDER BY MIG.index_group_handle
, MIG.index_handle
table_name equality_columns inequality_columns included_columns
[AdventureWorks01-...].[SalesLT].[Product] [Color]
[AdventureWorks01-...].[SalesLT].[Product] [Color], [Size]
[AdventureWorks01-...].[SalesLT].[Product] [ListPrice] [Name], [ProductNumber], [Color]

The next step is to create one of the indexes (please note that database's name must be replaced accordingly or used only the 2-part naming convention - schema & table name ):

-- create index on Color
CREATE INDEX IX_SalesLT_Product_Color 
ON [AdventureWorks01-...].[SalesLT].[Product] (Color);

Once the script was run, all the records related to the SalesLT.Product disappeared from the dynamic management view. Therefore, it might be a good idea to take a snapshot with view's data before creating any indexes manually. Probably the same behavior should be expected when the indexes are created by the system.

-- create index on Color & Size
CREATE INDEX IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size
ON [SalesLT].[Product] (Color, Size);

-- create index on ListPrice with included columns
CREATE INDEX IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC
ON [SalesLT].[Product] (ListPrice) INCLUDE(ProductNumber, Name, Color);

One can use the following query based on the meta.vIndexes (created in a previous post) to look at the indexes created:

-- sys metadata - index columns
SELECt IND.db_name
, IND.schema_name
, IND.table_name
, IND.index_name
, IND.index_type
, IND.principal_type
, IND.auto_created
FROM meta.vIndexes IND
WHERE IND.schema_name = 'SalesLT'
  AND IND.table_name = 'Product'
  AND IND.index_name IN ('IX_SalesLT_Product_Color ','IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size'
ORDER BY IND.table_name
, IND.index_name
db_name schema_name table_name index_name index_type principal_type auto_created
AdventureWorks01-... SalesLT Product IX_SalesLT_Product_Color NONCLUSTERED S False
AdventureWorks01-... SalesLT Product IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size NONCLUSTERED S False
AdventureWorks01-... SalesLT Product IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC NONCLUSTERED S False

After this model can be created further indexes as needed. It's always a good idea to take a "copy" of the indexes created (or keep a history of the scripts run for indexes' maintenance). This best practice is now more important, when the system can drop indexes as it considers fit. 

Don't forget to clean up the changes made if the indexes aren't needed anymore:

-- cleaning after
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS SalesLT.IX_SalesLT_Product_Color;
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS SalesLT.IX_SalesLT_Product_Color_Size;
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS SalesLT.IX_SalesLT_Product_ListPrice_IC;

So, after these tests, the standard syntax for index's maintenance seems to work also on SQL databases, with all the implications deriving from this (e.g. porting of scripts, database objects, etc.)

Happy coding!

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01 January 2025

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: SQL Server Metadata (Part I: Indexes Overview)

There are scenarios in which it's useful to gather information about the available indexes and their definition as a primary step for troubleshooting or index maintenance. Moreover, it's useful to take a baseline of the defined indexes and update it accordingly when indexes change. A minimum of information can be gathered in Excel files or similar repositories, though for the same can be used also metadata tools, at least when they're easy to use and the associated costs aren't neglectable. 

Usually, there are two levels at which the information is needed - at index, respectively at column level. Sometimes it's useful to have an independent query for each level of detail, though in data warehouses and similar use cases it's useful to provide a model on top of the metadata, at least to improve query's maintainability.

The first view encapsulates the logic needed to export the data and it's based on the sys.indexes, sys.objects, sys.schemas and sys.database_principals system objects. 

-- create schema for metadata

-- clean after

-- create views
-- sys metadata - indexes
SELECT OBJ.schema_id
, IND.object_id 
, IND.index_id 
, schema_name
, table_name
, index_name
, IND.type_desc index_type
, IND.is_primary_key
, IND.is_unique_constraint
, IND.fill_factor
, IND.has_filter
, IND.auto_created
, IND.is_unique is_unique_index
, DBP.type principal_type
, DBP.type_desc principal_type_desc
--, INC.*
FROM sys.indexes IND WITH (NOLOCK)
     JOIN sys.objects OBJ WITH (NOLOCK)
       ON IND.object_id = OBJ.object_id
          JOIN sys.schemas SCH WITH (NOLOCK)
            ON OBJ.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
               JOIN sys.database_principals DBP
                 ON SCH.principal_id = DBP.principal_id 
WHERE DBP.type IN ('S', 'E')

Upon case, the needed information can be exported via a query like the one below:

-- sys metadata - index columns
SELECt IND.db_name
, IND.schema_name
, IND.table_name
, IND.index_name
, IND.index_type
, IND.principal_type
FROM meta.vIndexes IND
WHERE IND.schema_name = 'SalesLT'
  AND IND.table_name IN ('Address', 'Customer')
ORDER BY IND.table_name
, IND.index_name


db_name schema_name table_name index_name index_type principal_type
AdventureWorks01... SalesLT Address AK_Address_rowguid NONCLUSTERED S
AdventureWorks01... SalesLT Address IX_Address_AddressLine1_AddressLine2_City_StateProvince_PostalCode_CountryRegion NONCLUSTERED S
AdventureWorks01... SalesLT Address IX_Address_StateProvince NONCLUSTERED S
AdventureWorks01... SalesLT Address PK_Address_AddressID CLUSTERED S
AdventureWorks01... SalesLT Customer AK_Customer_rowguid NONCLUSTERED S
AdventureWorks01... SalesLT Customer IX_Customer_EmailAddress NONCLUSTERED S
AdventureWorks01... SalesLT Customer PK_Customer_CustomerID CLUSTERED S

Similarly, on top of the above view can be built a similar object that provides also the column-related information by adding the sys.index_columns and sys.columns system object to the logic:

-- clean after
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS meta.vIndexColumns

-- create 
CREATE OR ALTER VIEW meta.vIndexColumns
-- sys metadata - index columns
, IND.schema_id
, INC.object_id 
, INC.index_id 
, INC.index_column_id
, INC.column_id
, IND.db_name
, IND.schema_name
, IND.table_name
, IND.index_name
, column_name
, INC.key_ordinal
, INC.partition_ordinal
, IND.index_type
, IND.is_primary_key
, IND.is_unique_constraint
, IND.fill_factor
, IND.has_filter
, IND.auto_created
, IND.is_unique_index
, INC.is_descending_key
, INC.is_included_column
, IND.principal_type
, IND.principal_type_desc
FROM sys.index_columns INC
     JOIN sys.columns COL WITH (NOLOCK)
       ON INC.object_id = COL.object_id 
      AND INC.column_id = COL.column_id 
     JOIN meta.vIndexes IND WITH (NOLOCK)
       ON INC.object_id = IND.object_id
      AND INC.index_id = IND.index_id

And, there's an example of the query based on this view:

-- sys metadata - index columns
SELECt INC.schema_name
, INC.table_name
, INC.index_name
, INC.column_name
, INC.key_ordinal
, INC.index_type
, INC.principal_type
FROM meta.vIndexColumns INC
WHERE INC.schema_name = 'SalesLT'
  AND INC.table_name IN ('Address', 'Customer')
ORDER BY INC.table_name
, INC.index_name
, INC.key_ordinal

schema_name table_name index_name column_name key_ordinal index_type principal_type
SalesLT Address AK_Address_rowguid rowguid 1 NONCLUSTERED S
SalesLT Address IX_Address_AddressLine1_AddressLine2_City_StateProvince_PostalCode_CountryRegion AddressLine1 1 NONCLUSTERED S
SalesLT Address IX_Address_AddressLine1_AddressLine2_City_StateProvince_PostalCode_CountryRegion AddressLine2 2 NONCLUSTERED S
SalesLT Address IX_Address_AddressLine1_AddressLine2_City_StateProvince_PostalCode_CountryRegion City 3 NONCLUSTERED S
SalesLT Address IX_Address_AddressLine1_AddressLine2_City_StateProvince_PostalCode_CountryRegion StateProvince 4 NONCLUSTERED S
SalesLT Address IX_Address_AddressLine1_AddressLine2_City_StateProvince_PostalCode_CountryRegion PostalCode 5 NONCLUSTERED S
SalesLT Address IX_Address_AddressLine1_AddressLine2_City_StateProvince_PostalCode_CountryRegion CountryRegion 6 NONCLUSTERED S
SalesLT Address IX_Address_StateProvince StateProvince 1 NONCLUSTERED S
SalesLT Address PK_Address_AddressID AddressID 1 CLUSTERED S
SalesLT Customer AK_Customer_rowguid rowguid 1 NONCLUSTERED S
SalesLT Customer IX_Customer_EmailAddress EmailAddress 1 NONCLUSTERED S
SalesLT Customer PK_Customer_CustomerID CustomerID 1 CLUSTERED S

1) As a DBA it's useful to take a baseline of the indexes defined and reevaluate their usefulness over time. These are one of the checks that should be done when one becomes responsible for the administration of a database server, independently of the vendor.
2) The definitions of the views can be extended as needed, though one should try to keep the overall complexity to a minimum. 
3) There are voices against the use of NOLOCK. Feel free to change the objects accordingly!
4) It's useful to work in a dedicated schema (e.g. meta) and have a different naming convention that deviates slightly from one defined by Microsoft. This should make sure that no confusion with the system objects exists.
5) Azure SQL takes over many of the responsibilities for index maintenance. Even if indexes are managed automatically by the system, a baseline is still needed, at least to evaluate functionality's performance, respectively the changes that occurred in the environment. 
6) Except attributes which were added for specific functionality over time, the queries should work at least starting with SQL Server 2005 forward.
7) See also the notes on clustered vs nonclustered indexes.

Happy coding!

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07 December 2024

🏭 💠Data Warehousing: Microsoft Fabric (Part VI: SQL Databases for OLTP scenarios) [new feature]

Data Warehousing Series
Data Warehousing Series

One interesting announcements at Ignite is the availability in public preview of SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric, "a versatile and developer-friendly transactional database built on the foundation of Azure SQL database". With this Fabric can address besides OLAP also OLTP scenarios, evolving thus from analytics to a data platform [1]. According to the announcement, besides the AI-optimized architectural aspects, the feature makes the SQL Azure simple, autonomous and secure by design [1], and these latest aspects are considered in this post. 

Simplicity revolves around the deployment and configuration of databases, the creation of a new database requiring giving a name and the database is created in seconds [1]. It’s a considerable improvement compared with the relatively complex setup needed for on-premise configurations, though sometimes more flexibility in configuration is needed upfront or over database’s lifetime. To get a database ready for testing one can import a sample database or get specific data via data flows and/or pipelines [1]. As development tools one can use Visual Studio Code or SSMS [1], and probably more tools will be available in time.

The integration with both GitHub and Azure DevOps allows to configure each database under source control, which is needed for many scenarios especially when multiple resources make changes to the database objects [1]. Frankly, that’s mainly important during the development phase, respectively in scenarios in which multiple people make in parallel changes to the logic. It will be interesting to see how much overhead or challenges the feature adds to development and how smoothly everything works together!

The most important aspect for many solutions is the replication of data in near-real time to the (open-source) delta parquet format in OneLake and thus making the data available for analytics almost immediately [1]. Probably, from this aspect many cloud-based applications can benefit, even if the performance might not be as good as in other well-established architectures. However, there are many other scenarios in which one needs to maintain and use data for OLTP/OLAP purposes. This invites adequate testing and a good weighting of the advantages and disadvantages involved. 

A SQL database is a native item in Fabric, and therefore it utilizes Fabric capacity units like other Fabric workloads [1]. One can use the Fabric SKU estimator (still in private preview) to estimate the costs [2], though it will be interesting to see how cost-effective the solutions are. Probably, especially when the infrastructure is already available outside of Fabric, it will be easier and cost-effective to use the mirroring functionality. One should test and have a better estimator before moving blindly from the existing infrastructure to Fabric. 

SQL databases in Fabric are autonomous by design, while allowing to get the best performance and availability by default [1]. High availability is reached through zone redundancy, while performance is achieved by scaling automatically the storage and compute to accommodate the workloads [1]. The auto-optimization capability is achieved with the help of the latest Intelligent Query Processing (IQP) enhancements, respectively the creation of missing indexes to improve query performance [1]. It will be interesting to see how the whole process works, given that the maintenance of indexes usually involves some challenges (e.g. identifying covering indexes, indexes needed only for temporary workloads, duplicated indexes).

SQL databases in Fabric are automatically configured for high availability with zone redundancy, while storage and compute scale automatically to accommodate the user workload [1]. The database is auto-optimized through the latest IQP enhancements while the system creates any missing indexes to improve query performance. All data is replicated to OneLake by default [1]. Finally, the database always receives the latest security updates with auto-patching, while automatic backups help in disaster recovery scenarios  [1], which can be of real help for database administrators. 

[1] Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog (2024) Announcing SQL database in Microsoft Fabric Public Preview [link]
[2] Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog (2024) Announcing New Recruitment for the Private Preview of Microsoft Fabric SKU Estimator [link]

18 April 2024

🏭Data Warehousing: Microsoft Fabric (Part II: Data(base) Mirroring) [New feature]

Data Warehousing
Data Warehousing Series

Microsoft recently announced [4] the preview of a new Fabric feature called Mirroring, a low-cost, low-latency fully managed service that allows to replicate data from various systems together into OneLake [1]. Currently only Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, and Snowflake are supported, though probably more database vendors will be targeted soon. 

For Microsoft Fabric's data engineers, data scientists and data warehouse professionals this feature is huge as importance because they don't need to care anymore about making the data available in Microsoft Fabric, which involves a considerable amount of work. 

Usually, at least for flexibility, transparence, performance and standardization, data professionals prefer to extract the data 1:1 from the source systems into a landing zone in the data warehouse or data/delta lake from where the data are further processed as needed. One data pipeline is thus built for every table in scope, which sometimes is a 10–15-minute effort per table, when the process is standardized, though upon case the effort is much higher if troubleshooting (e.g. data type incompatibility or support) or further logic changes are involved. Maintaining such data pipelines can prove to be costly over time, especially when periodic changes are needed. 

Microsoft lists other downsides of the ETL approach - restricted access to data changes, friction between people, processes, and technology, respectively the effort needed to create the pipelines, and the time needed for importing the data [1]. There's some truth is each of these points, though everything is relative. For big tables, however, refreshing all the data overnight can prove to be time-consuming and costly, especially when the data don't lie within the same region, respectively data center. Unless the data can be refreshed incrementally, the night runs can extend into the day, will all the implications that derive from this - not having actual data, which decreases the trust in reports, etc. There are tricks to speed up the process, though there are limits to what can be done. 

With mirroring, the replication of data between data sources and the analytics platform is handled in the background, after an initial replication, the changes in the source systems being reflected with a near real-time latency into OneLake, which is amazing! This allows building near real-time reporting solutions which can help the business in many ways - reviewing (and correcting in the data source) records en masse, faster overview of what's happening in the organizations, faster basis for decision-making, etc. Moreover, the mechanism is fully managed by Microsoft, which is thus responsible for making sure that the data are correctly synchronized. Only from this perspective 10-20% from the effort of building an analytics solution is probably reduced.

Mirroring in Microsoft Fabric
Mirroring in Microsoft Fabric (adapted after [2])

According to the documentation, one can replicate a whole database or choose individual regular tables (currently views aren't supported [3]), stop, restart, or remove a table from a mirroring. Moreover, through sharing, users can grant to other users or groups of users access to a mirrored database without giving access to the workspace and the rest of its items [1]. 

The data professionals and citizens can write then cross-database queries against the mirrored databases, warehouses, and the SQL analytics endpoints of lakehouses, combining data from all these sources into a single T-SQL query, which opens lot of opportunities especially in what concerns the creation of an enterprise semantic model, which should be differentiated from the semantic model created by default by the mirroring together with the SQL analytics endpoint.

Considering that the data is replicated into delta tables, one can take advantage of all the capabilities available with such tables - data versioning, time travel, interoperability and/or performance, respectively direct consumption in Power BI.

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[1] Microsoft Learn - Microsoft Fabric (2024) What is Mirroring in Fabric? (link)
[2] Microsoft Learn - Microsoft Fabric (2024) Mirroring Azure SQL Database [Preview] (link)
[3] Microsoft Learn - Microsoft Fabric (2024) Frequently asked questions for Mirroring Azure SQL Database in Microsoft Fabric [Preview] (link)
[4] Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog (2024) Announcing the Public Preview of Mirroring in Microsoft Fabric, by Charles Webb (link)

🏭🗒️Microsoft Fabric: Mirroring [Notes]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources for learning purposes. For the latest information please consult the documentation (see the links below)! 

Last updated: 18-Apr-2024

Mirroring in Microsoft Fabric
Mirroring in Microsoft Fabric (adapted after [2])

[Microsoft Fabric] Mirroring

  • low-cost, low-latency fully managed service that allows to replicate data from various systems together into OneLake [1]
    • supported in Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Snowflake [1]
    • ⇒ replaces ETL pipelines
    • ⇐ manages the replication of data into OneLake and conversion to Parquet [1]
    • changes have a near real-time latency [3]
    • uses the source database’s CDC feature [4]
  • {benefit} allows users to use a highly integrated, end-to-end, and easy-to-use service [1]
    • the mirrored data can be used in Power BI
      • ⇐ since tables are all v-ordered delta tables [3]
  • {benefit} the delta tables can then be used in every Fabric experience, allowing users to accelerate their journey into Fabric [1]
    • {restriction} replication of views is currently not supported [3]
  • {benefit} allows to write cross-database queries against the mirrored databases, warehouses, and the SQL analytics endpoints of Lakehouses in a single T-SQL query [1]
  • landing zone in OneLake 
    • stores both the snapshot and change data [3]
      • ⇐ improves performance when converting files into delta verti-parquet [3]
  • {operation} enable the mirroring 
    • by creating a secure connection to the operational data source
    • an entire database or individual tables can be replicated 
    • creates three items in the targeted workspace:
      • the mirrored database
      • a SQL analytics endpoint
      • a Default semantic model
    • the same source database can be mirrored multiple times
      • ⇐ though usually not needed
        • scenario: replicating data to different types of environments
  • {operation} stopping the mirroring
    • stops the replication in the source database, but a copy of the tables is kept in OneLake [3]
  • {operation} restarting the mirroring 
    • results in all data being replicated from the start [3]
  • {operation} remove a table from mirroring
    • the table is no longer replicated and its data is deleted from OneLake [3]
  • {operation} sharing
    • users grant other users or groups of users access to a mirrored database without giving access to the workspace and the rest of its items [1]
      • access is also granted to the SQL analytics endpoint and associated default semantic model [1]
      • shared mirrored databases can be found through either
        • Data Hub
        • Shared with Me section in Microsoft Fabric
    • triggers an initial replication
  • {requirement} [licensing] requires Power BI Premium, Fabric Capacity, or Trial Capacity
  • {feature} monitoring
    • {benefit} allows to gain insights into mirroring operations and when the replica in Fabric OneLake was last refreshed [4]
  • [Azure SQL Database] 
    • {restriction} doesn't support Azure SQL Database logical servers behind an AVN or private networking [2]
      • {requirement} update the Azure SQL logical server firewall rules to Allow public network access [2]
      • {requirement} enable the Allow Azure services option to connect to your Azure SQL Database logical server [2]
    • {restriction}
      •  access through the Power BI Gateway or behind a firewall is unsupported [3]
    • authentication
      • SQL authentication with user name and password
      • Microsoft Entra ID
      • Service Principal
    • {troubleshooting} check if the changes properly flow
      • via sys.dm_change_feed_log_scan_sessions DMV
    • {troubleshooting} check if there are any problems reported
      • via sys.dm_change_feed_errors DMV
    • {troubleshooting} check if the mirroring was properly enabled
      • via sp_help_change_feed stored procedure 
    • {troubleshooting} disable mirroring
      • via sp_change_feed_disable_db stored procedure
AVN - Azure Virtual Network
CDC - Change Data Capture
ETL - Extract, Transfer, Load
DMV - Dynamic Management View

[1] Microsoft Learn - Microsoft Fabric (2024) What is Mirroring in Fabric? (link)
[2] Microsoft Learn - Microsoft Fabric (2024) Mirroring Azure SQL Database [Preview] (link)
[3] Microsoft Learn - Microsoft Fabric (2024) Frequently asked questions for Mirroring Azure SQL Database in Microsoft Fabric [Preview] (link)
[4] Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog (2023) (link)

[1] Tutorial: Configure Microsoft Fabric mirrored databases from Azure SQL Database [Preview] (link)
[2] Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog (2024) Announcing the Public Preview of Mirroring in Microsoft Fabric, by Charles Webb (link)

09 April 2024

💎SQL Reloaded: Copilot Stories (Part I: Copilot in Azure SQL Database is in Private Preview) [new feature]

Following the news on Copilot and its adoption in the various areas, probably you asked yourself when it will become available in SQL Server. The good news is that the Copilot in Azure SQL Database is already in Private Preview (see [1], [2]). The bad news is that for the early adoption program, Microsoft looks only for customers that can provide feedback based on real-world use cases, and one will need a valid Tenant ID for signing up for the PP.

The new feature comes with two Azure portal experiences:

  • Natural language to SQL: within the Azure portal query editor the natural language prompts are translated into SQL;
  • Azure Copilot integration: provides customers with self-guided assistance for managing databases and troubleshooting. 
In the Data Exposed webcast with Anna Hoffman [1], the invitee, Joe Sack, showcases the use of both experiences. In what concerns the first experience, besides simple joins, Joe also showcased the use of a PIVOT based on the prompt:

"Show me a pivot summary table that displays the total number of properties sold in each year from 2020 to 2023".

-- output from Copilot
	SELECT YEAR(SaleDate) AS Year, COUNT(*) AS TotalPropertiesSold
	FROM [PropertySearch].[dbo].[PropertyHistory]
	WHERE YEAR(SaleDate) BETWEEN 2020 AND 2023
) AS PivotDate
	FOR Year IN ([2020], [2021], [2022], [2023]
) AS PivotTable;

Even if this is a modest example, the great thing is that it generates the skeleton on which the logic can be built, which can really help beginners, though it can be also useful for more seasoned data professionals as it saves time. Probably, in a first phase this will be the main benefit of Copilot - to generate skeletons or templates on which further logic can be built. Hopefully in time it will do much more than that.

I wonder how complex the prompts can become and how can the logic be structured to create a multistep scenario. The Copilot versions from other areas showed that complex prompts give results, the question is whether Copilot can devise the steps in an optimum manner, much like a seasoned data professional does. 

The feature utilizes for the moment the table and view names, column names, primary key, and foreign key metadata to generate T-SQL code. Probably, it makes sense to also use index and statistics information, query hints and all the arsenal usually needed by data professionals to optimize a query. Conversely, maybe the second experience could be used for optimizing and troubleshooting the query. 

I'd really love to test this feature, though probably I'll need to wait until it becomes publicly available. In the meanwhile, one can play with the GitHub Copilot [3] or install Copilot in Azure Data Studio [4].

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[1] Data Exposed (2024) Introducing Copilot in Azure SQL Database (Private Preview) (link)
[2] Azure SQL Blog (2024) Microsoft Copilot in Azure extends capabilities to Azure SQL Database (Private Preview) by Joe Sack (link)
[3] Azure SQL Blog (2023) GitHub Copilot for SQL Developers: Turbocharge your SQL Development, by Subhojit Basak (link)
[4] Microsoft Developer (2023) Copilot is now in Azure Data Studio and this is how it can help you! (link)

10 May 2019

🧊💫Data Warehousing: Architecture (Part II: Data Warehousing and Microsoft Dynamics 365)

Data Warehousing

With Dynamics 365 (D365) Online Microsoft made an important strategical move on the ERP market, however in what concerns the BI & Data Warehousing (BI/DW) area Microsoft changed the rules of the game by allowing no direct SQL access to the production environment. This primarily means that will become challenging for organizations to use the existing DW infrastructure to access the D365 data, and for Vendors and Service Providers to provide BI/DW solutions integrated within the D365 platform.

D365 includes its own data warehouse (actually data mart) designed for financial reporting however as per now it can’t be extended to support other business areas. The solution favorited by Microsoft for DW seems to be the use of an Azure SQL Database aka BYOD (Bring Your Own Database) to which entity-based data can be exported incrementally (aka incremental push) or fully (aka full push) via the Data Management Framework (DMF) packages.

Because many of the D365 tables (e.g. Inventory Transactions, Products, Customers, Vendors) were overnormalized over the years and other tables were added as part of new functionality, to hide this complexity, Microsoft introduced a new layer of abstraction formed from data entities organized within an entity store. Data entities are view-like encapsulations of the underlying D365 table schema, the data import/export from and D365 being performed extensively over these data entities via the DMF, which extends the Data Import/Export Framework (DIXF).

One can use thus a BYOD as a direct source for other reporting tools as long they support a connection to Azure, otherwise the data can be further loaded into a database into the cloud, which seems to be the best option until now, as long the organization has other data that need to be consolidated for reporting. From here on, one deals with the traditional way of reporting and the available infrastructure can be extended to use an additional data source.

The BYOD solution comes with several restrictions: a package needs to be created for each business unit, no composite data entities can be exported, data entities that don’t have a unique key can’t be exported via an incremental push, data entities can change over times (new versions being available), while during synchronization no active locks should be on the database. In addition, organizations which followed this path report also some bugs that needed to be addressed via the Microsoft support. Even if the about 1700 available data entities facilitate to some degree data consumption, they seem to be more appropriate for data migrations and data integrations than for DW workloads.

In absence of direct SQL connectivity, in theory organizations can still use SSIS or similar integration tools to connect to D365 production databases and consume data entities via the Open Data Protocol (OData), a standard that defines a set of best practices for building and consuming RESTful APIs. Besides some architectural challenges, loading big tables with transactional data is reportedly slow and impracticable for loading a data warehouse. Therefore, the usability of such an architecture becomes limited in time.

Microsoft imposed a hard limitation upon its D365 architecture by making its production database inaccessible. Of course, there’s still time for Microsoft to do some magic and pull new solutions from the technology stack hat. Unfortunately, the constraints imposed to the production environments limit organizations’ choices of building a modern and flexible data warehouse. For the future it would be great if the DMF could be used directly with standard SQL Server databases, avoiding thus the need for the intermediary Azure database, or if a real-time operational solution could be provided out-of-the-box. We’ll see what the future brings...
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.