Showing posts with label SQL Server 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SQL Server 2012. Show all posts

30 October 2022

💎SQL Reloaded: The WINDOW Clause in SQL Server 2022 (Part III: Ranking)

In two previous posts I shown how to use the newly introduced WINDOW clause in SQL Server 2022 for simple aggregations, respectively running totals, by providing some historical context concerning what it took to do the same simple aggregations as SUM or AVG within previous versions of SQL Server. Let's look at another scenario based on the previously created Sales.vSalesOrders view - ranking records within a partition. 

There are 4 ranking functions that work across partitions: Row_Number, Rank, Dense_Rank and NTile. However, in SQL Server 2000 only Row_Number could be easily implemented, and this only if there is a unique identifier (or one needed to create one on the fly):

-- ranking based on correlated subquery (SQL Server 2000+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
, (-- correlated subquery
  SELECT count(SRT.SalesOrderId)
  FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SRT
  WHERE SRT.ProductId = SOL.ProductId 
    AND SRT.[Year] = SOL.[Year]
	AND SRT.[Month] = SOL.[Month]
    AND SRT.SalesOrderId <= SOL.SalesOrderId
   ) RowNumberByDate
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderDate ASC

As alternative for implementing the other ranking functions, one could use procedural language for looping, though this approach was not recommendable given the performance concerns.

SQL Server 2005 introduced all 4 ranking functions, as they are in use also today:

-- ranking functions (SQL Server 2005+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
-- rankings
, Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty DESC) RowNumberQty
, Rank() OVER (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty DESC) AS RankQty
, Dense_Rank() OVER (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty DESC) AS DenseRankQty
, NTile(4) OVER (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty DESC) AS NTileQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty DESC

Now, in SQL Server 2022 the WINDOW clause allows simplifying the query as follows by defining the partition only once:

-- ranking functions (SQL Server 2022+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
-- rankings
, Row_Number() OVER SalesByMonth AS RowNumberQty
, Rank() OVER SalesByMonth AS RankQty , Dense_Rank() OVER SalesByMonth AS DenseRankQty , NTile(4) OVER SalesByMonth AS NTileQty FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745) AND SOL.[Year] = 2012 AND SOL.[Month] BETWEEN 1 AND 3 WINDOW SalesByMonth AS (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty DESC) ORDER BY SOL.[Year] , SOL.[Month] , SOL.OrderQty DESC

Forward (and backward) referencing of one window into the other can be used with ranking functions as well:
-- ranking functions with ascending/descending sorting (SQL Server 2022+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
-- rankings (descending)
, Row_Number() OVER SalesByMonthSortedDESC AS DescRowNumberQty
, Rank() OVER SalesByMonthSortedDESC AS DescRankQty
, Dense_Rank() OVER SalesByMonthSortedDESC AS DescDenseRankQty
, NTile(4) OVER SalesByMonthSortedDESC AS DescNTileQty
-- rankings (ascending)
, Row_Number() OVER SalesByMonthSortedASC AS AscRowNumberQty
, Rank() OVER SalesByMonthSortedASC AS AscRankQty
, Dense_Rank() OVER SalesByMonthSortedASC AS AscDenseRankQty
, NTile(4) OVER SalesByMonthSortedASC AS AscNTileQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
WINDOW SalesByMonth AS (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month])
, SalesByMonthSortedDESC AS (SalesByMonth ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty DESC)
, SalesByMonthSortedASC AS (SalesByMonth ORDER BY SOL.OrderQty ASC)
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty DESC

Happy coding!

💎SQL Reloaded: The WINDOW Clause in SQL Server 2022 (Part II: Running Totals)

In the previous post I shown how to use the newly introduced WINDOW clause in SQL Server 2022 by providing some historical context concerning what it took to do the same simple aggregations as SUM or AVG within previous versions of SQL Server. Let's look at another scenario based on the previously created Sales.vSalesOrders view - using the same two functions in providing running totals. 

A running total is a summation of a sequence of values (e.g. OrderQty) ordered by a key, typically one or more columns that uniquely define the sequence, something like a unique record identifier (e.g. SalesOrderId). Moreover, the running total can be defined within a partition (e.g. Year/Month).

In SQL Server 2000, to calculate the running total and average for a value within a partition would resume implementing the logic for each attribute in correlated subqueries. One needed thus one subquery for each attribute, resulting in multiple processing of the base tables. Even if the dataset was already in the memory, it still involves a major overhead.

-- running total/average based on correlated subquery (SQL Server 2000+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
, (-- correlated subquery
  FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SRT
  WHERE SRT.ProductId = SOL.ProductId 
    AND SRT.[Year] = SOL.[Year]
	AND SRT.[Month] = SOL.[Month]
	AND SRT.SalesOrderId <= SOL.SalesOrderId
   ) RunningTotalQty
, (-- correlated subquery
  FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SRT
  WHERE SRT.ProductId = SOL.ProductId 
    AND SRT.[Year] = SOL.[Year]
	AND SRT.[Month] = SOL.[Month]
	AND SRT.SalesOrderId <= SOL.SalesOrderId
   ) RunningAvgQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId 

Then SQL Server 2005 allowed consolidating the different correlated subqueries into one by using the CROSS APPLY join:

-- running total/average based on correlated subquery with CROSS APPLY (SQL Server 2005+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
, SRT.RunningTotalQty
, SRT.RunningAvgQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
     CROSS APPLY (-- correlated subquery
	  SELECT SUM(SRT.OrderQty) RunningTotalQty
	  , AVG(SRT.OrderQty) RunningAvgQty
	  FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SRT
	  WHERE SRT.ProductId = SOL.ProductId 
		AND SRT.[Year] = SOL.[Year]
		AND SRT.[Month] = SOL.[Month]
		AND SRT.SalesOrderId <= SOL.SalesOrderId
   ) SRT
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId 

Even if SQL Server 2005 introduced window functions that work on a partition, an ORDER BY clause was supported only with SQL Server 2012:

-- running total/average based on window functions (SQL Server 2012+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
, SUM(SOL.OrderQty) OVER (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId) RunningTotalQty
, AVG(SOL.OrderQty) OVER (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId) RunningAvgQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId 

Now, in SQL Server 2022 the WINDOW clause allows simplifying the query as follows by defining the partition only once:

-- running total/average based on window functions and clause (SQL Server 2022+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
, SUM(SOL.OrderQty) OVER SalesByMonth AS RunningTotalQty
, AVG(SOL.OrderQty) OVER SalesByMonth AS RunningAvgQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
WINDOW SalesByMonth AS (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month] ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId)
ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId 

Moreover, the WINDOW clause allows forward (and backward) referencing of one window into the other:

-- running total/average based on window functions and clause (SQL Server 2022+)
SELECT SOL.SalesOrderId 
, SOL.ProductId
, SOL.OrderDate
, SOL.[Year]
, SOL.[Month]
, SOL.OrderQty
-- simple aggregations
, SUM(SOL.OrderQty) OVER SalesByMonth AS TotalQty
, AVG(SOL.OrderQty) OVER SalesByMonth AS AvgQty
-- running totals
, SUM(SOL.OrderQty) OVER SalesByMonthSorted AS RunningTotalQty
, AVG(SOL.OrderQty) OVER SalesByMonthSorted AS RunningAvgQty
FROM Sales.vSalesOrders SOL
WHERE SOL.ProductId IN (745)
  AND SOL.[Year] = 2012
WINDOW SalesByMonth AS (PARTITION BY SOL.ProductId, SOL.[Year], SOL.[Month])
, SalesByMonthSorted AS (SalesByMonth ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId)
ORDER BY SOL.SalesOrderId 

Happy coding!

18 June 2017

💠🛠️SQL Server: Administration (Database Recovery on SQL Server 2017)

I installed today SQL Server 2017 CTP 2.1 on my Lab PC without any apparent problems. It was time to recreate some of the databases I used for testing. As previously I had an evaluation version of SQL Server 2016, it expired without having a backup for one of the databases. I could recreate the database from scripts and reload the data from various text files. This would have been a relatively laborious task (estimated time > 1 hour), though the chances were pretty high that everything would go smoothly. As the database is relatively small (about 2 GB) and possible data loss was neglectable, I thought it would be possible to recover the data from the database with minimal loss in less than half of hour. I knew this was possible, as I was forced a few times in the past to recover data from damaged databases in SQL Server 2005, 2008 and 2012 environments, though being in a new environment I wasn’t sure how smooth will go and how long it would take.  

Plan A - Create the database with  ATTACH_REBUILD_LOG option:

As it seems the option is available in SQL Server 2017, so I attempted to create the database via the following script:

And as expected I run into the first error:
Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 1 Unable to open the physical file "I:\Data\.mdf". Operating system error 5: "5(Access is denied.)".
Msg 1802, Level 16, State 7, Line 1 CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.

It looked like a permissions problem, though I wasn’t entirely sure which account is causing the problem. In the past I had problems with the Administrator account, so it was the first thing to try. Once I removed the permissions for Administrator account to the folder containing the database and gave it full control permissions again, I tried to create the database anew using the above script, running into the next error:

File activation failure. The physical file name "D:\Logs\_log.ldf" may be incorrect. The log cannot be rebuilt because there were open transactions/users when the database was shutdown, no checkpoint occurred to the database, or the database was read-only. This error could occur if the transaction log file was manually deleted or lost due to a hardware or environment failure.
Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Could not open new database ''. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
This approach seemed to lead nowhere, so it was time for Plan B.

Plan B - Recover the database into an empty database with the same name:

Step 1: Create a new database with the same name, stop the SQL Server, then copy the old file over the new file, and delete the new log file manually. Then restarted the server. After the restart the database will appear in Management Studio with the SUSPECT state.

Step 2:
Set the database in EMERGENCY mode:


Step 3:
Rebuild the log file:

ALTER DATABASE <database_name> 
REBUILD LOG ON (Name=_Log', 

The rebuild worked without problems.

Step 4: Set the database in MULTI_USER mode:


Step 5:
Perform a consistency check:


After 15 minutes of work the database was back online.

Always attempt to recover the data for production databases from the backup files! Use the above steps only if there is no other alternative!
The consistency check might return errors. In this case one might need to run CHECKDB with REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS several times [2], until the database was repaired.
After recovery there can be problems with the user access. It might be needed to delete the users from the recovered database and reassign their permissions!  

[1] In Recovery (2008) Creating, detaching, re-attaching, and fixing a SUSPECT database, by Paul S Randal [Online] Available from: 
[2] In Recovery (2009) Misconceptions around database repair, by Paul S Randal [Online] Available from:
[3] Microsoft Blogs (2013) Recovering from Log File Corruption, by Glen Small [Online] Available from:

12 November 2011

💠SQL Server: SQL Server 2012 is almost here [new feature]

I was quite quiet for the past 3-4 months, and this not because of the lack of blogging material, but lack of time. Instead of writing I preferred reading, diving in some special topics related to SQL Server (e.g. tempdb and security), in the near future following to post some of my notes. For short time I was busy learning for ITIL® v3 Foundation Certification, the topics on Knowledge Management giving me more ideas for several posts waiting in the pipe. I started also the online “Introduction to Databases” course offered by Stanford University, attempting thus a scholastic approach of the topic, of importance being the material on Relational Algebra, material I didn’t had the chance to study in the past.

From my perspective, during this time two  important events related to SQL Server took place – the launch of AX Dynamics 2012 and, more recently, the introduction of SQL Server 2012 at PASS (The Professional Association of SQL Server) 2011.

SQL Server 2012

At PASS Summit 2011 were disclosed 4 of the newest SQL Server Products: SQL Server 2012 (code Denali), Power View (code Crescent), ColumnStore Index (code Apollo) and SQL Server Data Tools (code Juneau). The PASS 2011 streamed sessions are available online with quite interesting materials on SQL Server topics like application and database development, database administration and deployment, BI, etc. If you want to learn more about SQL Server, check the CTP 3 Product Guide, which contains datasheets, white papers, technical presentations, demonstrations and links to videos, or the SQL Server 2012 Developer Training Kit Preview (requires Microsoft’s Web Platform Installer).

Dynamics AX 2012

Because lately I’ve been spending more and more time with Dynamics AX, Microsoft’s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution, I’d like to include related content in my posts, at least presenting resources if I can’t get yet into technical stuff. As its backend is based mainly on SQL Server, AX is the perfect environment to see SQL Server at work, or to perform configuration and administration activities. In addition, AX material (best/good practices, methodologies, various other papers) related to SQL Server could be extended to other environments. I’m saluting Microsoft’s decision of making available publicly more Technet and MSDN content, previously most of the technical content being accessible mainly though Microsoft’s Partner Network and Customer Network. A good compilation of resources is available on AX Technical Support Blog and Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX blog.

As pointed above, recently was launched Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (see global and local launch events).  It’s interesting to point out that, with this edition, SSRS becomes the reporting platform for AX, a considerable step forward.


In what concerns the free books there are 3 free “new” appearances: Jonathan Kehayias and Ted Krueger’s book Troubleshooting SQL Server: A Guide for the Accidental DBA (zipped PDF), which provides a basic approach to troubleshooting, Fabiano Amorim’s book on Complete Showplan Operators (PDF, Epub), and Ross Mistry and Stacia Misner’s Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (PDF, requires registration).
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.