Code Access SecurityDemand Adjustment FactorWindows Search Service
Acronym | Meaning | Knowledge Area |
1NF | 1st Normal Form | DBMS |
2FA | Two-Factor Authentication | Cloud Computing |
2SLS | Two-Stage Least Squares | Machine Learning |
2NF | 2nd Normal Form | DBMS |
3DES | Triple Digital Encryption Standard | |
3NF | 3rd Normal Form | DBMS |
4NF | 4th Normal Form | DBMS |
5NF | 5th Normal Form | DBMS |
2PC | Two-Phase Commit | DBMS |
A/V | Attribute/Value | |
AAD | Azure Active Directory | Microsoft Azure |
AADIP | Azure Active Directory Identity Protection | Microsoft Azure |
AAS | Azure Analysis Services | Microsoft Azure |
AATP | Azure Advanced Threat Analytics | Microsoft Azure |
ABAC | Attribute-Based Access Control | Security Management |
ABC | Activity-Based Costing | Project Management, ERP |
ABM | Activity-Based Management | Project Management |
AC | Actual Cost | Project Management |
ACE | Access Control Entries | |
ACI | Azure Container Instance | Microsoft Azure |
ACID | atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability | DBMS |
ACL | Access Control List | Security Management |
ACR | Azure Container Registry | Microsoft Azure |
ACS | Azure Communication Services | Microsoft Azure |
ACS | Access Control Service | Security Management |
ACWP | Actual Cost of Work Performed | Project Management |
AD | Active Directory | Microsoft Azure |
ADC | Advanced Data Connector | |
ADF | Azure Data Factory | Microsoft Fabric |
ADFS | Active Directory Federation Services | Microsoft Fabric |
ADLS | Azure Data Lake Analytics | Microsoft Fabric |
ADLS | Azure Data Lake Storage | Microsoft Fabric |
ADOMD | ActiveX Data Objects Multi-Dimensional | |
ADOX | ActiveX Data Objects Extensions | |
ADM | Arrow Diagramming Method | Project Management |
ADP | Access Database Project | DBMS |
ADR | Alternative Dispute Resolution | Project Management |
ADSL | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line | |
AE | Apportioned Effort | Project Management |
AGI | Artificial General Intelligence | AI |
AI | Artificial Intelligence | AI |
AI | Asset Identification | Security Management |
AIF | Application Integration Framework | |
AIP | Azure Information Protection | Microsoft Azure |
AKS | Azure Kubernetes Service | Microsoft Azure |
ALS | Alternating Least Squares | Machine Learning |
ALT | Azure Load Testing | Microsoft Azure |
AMM | Azure Migration and Modernization | Microsoft Azure |
AMO | Analysis Management Objects | |
ANI | Artificial Narrow Intelligence | Machine Learning |
ANOVA | Analysis of Variance | Statistics, Machine Learning |
ANN | Artificial Neural Networks | Machine Learning |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute | |
AOA | Activity-On-Arrow | Project Management |
AOD | Application Object Data | Microsoft Dynamiccs |
AON | Activity-On-Node | Project Management |
AOS | Application Object Server | Microsoft Dynamiccs |
AOT | Application Object Tree | Microsoft Dynamiccs |
AP | Accounts Payables | ERP |
APO | Advanced Planning & Optimization | ERP |
AQL | Acceptable Quality Level | |
AQL | Annotation Query Language | |
AR | Augment Reality | Machine Learning |
AR | Accounts Receivables | ERP |
ARA | Azure Readiness Assessment | Microsoft Azure |
ARIMA | Autoregressive Integrated Moving Averages | Statistics, Machine Learning |
ARM | Azure Resource Manager | Microsoft Azure |
ARM | Azure Rights Management. | Microsoft Azure |
ARMA | Autoregressive Moving Averages | Statistics, Machine Learning |
ARR | Annual Recurring Revenue | ERP |
ARR | Azure Rapid Response | Microsoft Azure |
ASC | Accounting Standards Codification | |
ASC | Azure Security Center | Microsoft Azure |
ASF | Azure Service Fabric | Microsoft Azure |
ASG | Application security group | Security Management |
ASM | Automatic Storage Management | DBMS, Oracle |
ASN | Advance Shipment Notice | ERP |
ASSL | Analysis Services Scripting Language | |
ATP | Available-To-Promise | ERP |
ATP | Advanced Persistent Threat | Security |
ATS | Applicant Tracking System | ERP |
ATU | Account Team Unit | |
ATU | Account Team Unit | |
AUC | Machine Learning | |
AVD | Azure Virtual Desktop | Microsoft Azure |
AWE | Address Windowing Extensions | Microsoft Windows |
AX | Axapta | Microsoft Dynamics |
AZ | Availability Zone | Cloud Computing |
B2B | Business to Business | common |
B2C | Business to Consumer | common |
B2G | Business to Government | common |
BA | Business Analysis | Business |
BA | Business Analytics | Business |
BAC | Budget At Completion | Project Management |
BARF | Bought-into, Approved, Realistic, Formal | Project Management |
BC | Business Central (Dynamics 365) | Microsoft Dynamics |
BCL | Base Class Library | Software Architecture |
BCM | Bulk Changed Map | |
BCP | Bulk copy program | SQL Server |
BCP | Business Continuity Plan | Business Management |
BCR | Benefit Cost Ratio | Project Management |
BCWP | Budgeted Cost of Work Performed | Project Management |
BCWS | Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled | Project Management |
BCS | Business Connectivity Services | Business Management |
BDT | Boosted Decision Tree | Machine Learning |
BG | Business Group | common |
BI | Business Intelligence | Business, Data Analytics |
BIA | Business Impact Analysis | Business |
BIC | Bank Identifier Code | ERP |
BICC | Business Intelligence Competency Centre | Data Analytics |
BIDS | Business Intelligence Development Studio | Data Analytics |
BIOS | Basic Input Output System | Computing |
BLOB | Binary Large Object | Software Architecture |
BN | Bayesian Network | Machine Learning |
BNN | Bayesian Neural Network | Machine Learning |
BoE | Basis-of-Estimate | common |
BoK | Book of Knowledge | common |
BOL | Books Online | SQL Server |
BOW | Bag of Words | |
BP | Business Process | |
BP | BackPropagation | Machine Learning |
BP | Buffer Pool | DB |
BPA | Best Practices Analyzer | |
BPF | Best Process Flow | |
BPM | Business Process Modeling | Process Management |
BPMN | Business Process Modeling & Notation | Process Management |
BPO | Business Planning Organization | Process Management |
BPO | Business Process Outsourcing | Process Management |
BPR | Business Process Review | Process Management |
BPTT | BackPropagation Through Time | Machine Learning |
BQML | Big Query Machine Learning | Data Science |
BRNN | Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network | Machine Learning |
BRR | Bayesian Ridge Regression | Machine Learning |
BSC | Balanced Scorecard | Business |
BSP | Bulk-Synchronous Parallel | |
BT | Balanced Tree | SQL Server |
BVA | Business Value Assessment | Process Management |
BYOD | Bring-Your-Own-Device | Cloud Computing |
BYODb | Bring-Your-Own-Database | Cloud Computing |
BYOK | Bring-Your-Own-Key | Cloud Computing |
BYOIP | Bring-Your-Own-IP (Address) | Cloud Computing |
BYOL | Bring-Your-Own-License | License Management, Cloud Computing |
BYOPC | Bring-Your-Own-PC | Cloud Computing |
CA | Cellular Automata | Systems Engineering |
CA | Conditional Access | Security Management |
CA | Control Account | Project Management |
CAD | Computer-Aided Design | Security Management |
CAE | Contractive AutoEncoder | Machine Learning |
CAL | Client Access License | License Management |
CART | Classification And Regression Tree | Machine Learning |
CAS | ||
CAV | Concept Activation Vectors | Machine Learning |
CBA | Cost Benefit Analysis | Project Management |
CBI | Counterfactual Bias Insertion | Machine Learning |
CBOW | Continuous Bag of Words | |
CBR | Cost Benefit Ratio | Project Management |
CBT | Computer-Based Training | Computing |
CCB | Change Control Board | Project Management |
CCS | Change Control System | Project Management |
CDBN | Convolutional Deep Belief Networks | Machine Learning |
CE | Cross-Entropy | Machine Learning |
CE | Customer Engagement (Dynamics 365) | Microsoft Dynamics |
CEC | Constant Error Carousel | Machine Learning |
CES | Customer Effort Score | CRM |
CCM | Concurrency Control Mechanism | SQL Server |
CCPA | California Consumer Privacy Act | Data Protection |
CD | Column Descriptor | |
CD | Continuous Delivery [/Deployment] | Software Engineering |
CDCO | Cyber Defense Operations Center | |
CDC | Change Data Capture | SQL Server |
CDF | Change Data Feed | Microsoft Fabric |
CDH | Customer Data Hub | Data Warehousing |
CDM | Common Data Model | Power Platform |
CDN | Content Delivery Network | Networks |
CDONTS | Collaboration Data Objects for Windows NT Server | Microsoft Windows |
CDP | Continuous Data Protection | Information Security |
CDP | Customer Data Platform | |
CDS | Common Data Service | Power Platform |
CDX | Customer Digital Experiences | |
CERT | Computer Emergency Readiness Team | |
CETAS | Create External Table as Select | Azure Synapse |
CLNN | ConditionaL Neural Networks | Machine Learning |
CF | Common Feature | Machine Learning |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer | Business |
CFP | SQL Server | |
CH | Contact Hours | Project Management |
CI | Competitive Intelligence | Data Analytics |
CI | Continuous Integration | Software Engineering |
CI/CD | Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery [/Deployment] | Software Engineering |
CIF | Corporate Information Factory | |
CIM | Common Information Model | |
CIO | Chief Information Officer | Information Security |
CISD | Critical Incident Stress Debriefing | Project Management |
CISO | Chief Information Security Officer | Information Security |
CLM | Customer Lifecycle Management | |
CLOB | Character Large Object | Software Architecture |
CLR | Common Language Runtime | Software Architecture |
CLS | Common Language Specification | Software Architecture |
CLSID | COM Class Identifier | Software Architecture |
CLTV | Customer Lifetime Value | |
CLV | Customer Lifetime Value | |
CM | Change Management | ITIL |
CM | Configuration Management | Project Management |
CM | Content Management | |
CMAC | Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller | Machine Learning |
CMF | Customer Master File | ERP |
CMM | Capability Maturity Model | Project Management |
CMMI | Capability Maturity Model Integrated | Project Management |
CNAP | Cybersecurity National Action Plan | |
CNN | Convolution Neural Network | Statistics, Machine Learning |
CoA | Certificate of Analysis | ERP |
CoA | Certificate of Authenticity | Information Security |
CoA | Chart of Accounts | ERP |
COBIT | Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology | |
COC | Cost of Conformance | Project Management |
CoE | Centre of Excellence | Business Management |
COGS | Cost of Goods Sold | Finance |
COM+ | Component Object Model Hosting Services | Software Architecture |
COM | Component Object Model | Software Architecture |
CONC | Cost of Non-Conformance | Project Management |
COPQ | Cost of Poor Quality | Six Sigma |
COQ | Cost of Quality | Project Management |
CPI | Cost Performance Index | Project Management |
CPM | Critical Path Methodology | Project Management |
CPQ | Configure, Price, Quote | |
CPS | Cyber-Physical System | Information Security |
CPU | Cost per Unit | Accounting |
CQL | Cassandra Query Language | Data Science |
CQRS | Command Query Responsibility Segregation | Microsoft Azure |
CR | Change Request | Project Management |
CRBM | Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine | Machine Learning |
CRF | Conditional Random Field | Machine Learning |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management | ERP |
CRNN | Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network | Machine Learning |
CRUD | Create/Read/Update/Delete | DBMS |
CSA | Cloud Solution Architect | Cloud Computing |
CSF | Critical Success Factor | Business Management |
CSF | Cybersecurity Framework | Security Management |
CSG | Cybersecurity Solutions Group | Security Management |
CSIA | Cost/Schedule Impact Analysis | Project Management |
CSIRT | Computer Security Incident Response Team | Security Management |
CRISP-DM | Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining | Machine Learning |
CSN | Common Sequence Number | |
CSP | Cloud Solution Provider | Cloud Computing |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheets | |
CSS | Customer Service & Support | |
CSU | Customer Success Unit/Commerce Scale Unit | Microsoft Dynamics |
CSV | Comma Separated Values | |
CTE | Common Table Expression | SQL Server |
CTF | Capture, Transform, Flow | |
CTfP | Cost Threshold for Parallelism | SQL Server |
CTID | Customer Tenant ID | Cloud Computing |
CTO | Chief Technology Officer | |
CTOR | Click-To-Open Rate | CRM |
CTP | Capable-To-Promise | |
CTP | Community Technology Preview | |
CTQ | Critical to Quality | Six Sigma |
CTR | Click-Through Rate | CRM |
CTR | Collaborative Topic Regression | Machine Learning |
CTS | Critical to Success | Six Sigma |
CTS | Common Type System | Software Architecture |
CU | Capacity Units | Cloud Computing |
CU | Cumulative Update | Software Engineering |
CUI | Controlled Unclassified Information | Information Security |
CV | Coefficient of Variation | Machine Learning |
CV | Computer Vision | Machine Learning |
CV | Cost Variance | Project Management |
CV | Curriculim Vitae | common |
CVaR | Conditional Value at Risk | |
CWA | Custom Workflow Activity | |
CWBS | Contract Work Breakdown Structure | Project Management |
CXP | Customer Success Experience | |
D365 | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Dynamics |
DaaS | Data-as-a-Service | Cloud Computing |
DaaS | Database-as-a-Service | Cloud Computing |
DAC | Dedicated Administrator Connection | SQL Server |
DAF | SQL Server | |
DAG | Directed Acyclic Graph | |
DAO | Data Access Objects | |
DAP | Data Access Page | |
DAP | Delegated Admin Privileges | Security Management |
DaRT | Detection & Response Team | Security Management |
DAX | Data Analysis eXpressions | Power BI, Microsoft Fabric |
DB | Database | DBMS |
DBA | Database Administrator | DBMS |
DBaaS | Database-as-a-Service | Cloud Computing |
DBCC | Database Consistency Check | SQL Server, Tools |
DBCLOB | Double-Byte Character Large Object | Software Architecture |
DBF | Database File | DBMS |
DBM | Deep Boltzmann Machine | Machine Learning |
DBN | Deep Belief Network | Machine Learning |
DBO | Database Owner | DBMS |
DC | Data Collector | |
DC | Domain Controller | Networks |
DCD | Database Connector Descriptor | DBMS |
DCL | Data Control Language. | DBMS |
DCM | Differential Change Map | |
DCO | Data Center Optimization | |
DCOM | Distributed Component Object Model | Software Architecture |
DCR | Design Change Request | Software Engineering |
DCS | Data Collector Set | |
DD | Data Definition | DBMS |
DD | Data Dictionary | DBMS |
DDD | Domain Driven Design | Software Engineering |
DDMRP | Demand-Driven Materials Requirement Planning | ERP |
DOE | Design of Experiments | Project Management |
DDE | Dynamic Data Exchange | |
DDL | Data Definition Language | DBMS |
DE | Differential Evolution | Machine Learning |
DEK | Data Encryption Key | Security Management |
DEK | Database Encryption Key | DBMS |
DevOps | Development & Operations | Software Engineering |
DFD | Data Flow Diagram | Project Management |
DFS | Distributed File System | Software Architecture |
DFSS | Design for Six Sigma | Six Sigma |
DG | Data Governance | Data Management |
DGO | Data Governance Organization/Officer | Data Management |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | Networks |
DHSL | Distributed Hadoop Storage Layer | Cloud Computing |
DIU | Data Integration Unit | Azure Synapse |
DIKW | Data Information Knowledge Wisdom | KM |
DLA | Data Lake Analysis | Microsoft Fabric |
DLP | Data Loss Prevention | Security Management |
DLS | Data Lake Store | Microsoft Fabric |
DLT | Delta Live Tables | Databricks |
DM | Data Management | Data Management |
DM | Data Management | Data Management |
DM | Data Mart | Data Analytics |
DM | Data Mining | AI, Machine Learning |
DMADV | Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Validate/Verify | Six Sigma |
DMAIC | Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control | Six Sigma |
DMF | Dynamic Management Function(s) | SQL Server |
DMF | Data Management Function(s) | SQL Server |
DMF | Declarative Management Framework | |
DML | Data Manipulation Language | DBMS |
DMO | Distributed Management Object | |
DMO | Dynamic Management Object | SQL Server |
DMP | Distribution Managed Partner | |
DMR | Dimensionally Modeled Relational Database | DBMS |
DMS | Database Migration Service | |
DMU | Data Movement Unit | |
DMV | Dynamic Management View | SQL Server |
DMX | Data Mining Extensions | SQL Server |
DNN | Deep Neural Network | Machine Learning |
DOM | Distributed Order Management | |
DOM | Document Object Model | |
DOP | Degree of Parallelism | SQL Server |
DoS | Denial of Service | Security Management |
DPIA | Data Protection Impact Assessment | Security Management |
DPMO | Defects per Million Opportunities | Six Sigma |
DPU | Defects per Unit | Six Sigma |
DPV | Distributed Partitioned View | DBMS |
DQ | Data Quality | Data Management |
DQA | Data Quality Assessment | Data Management |
DQF | Data Quality Framework | Data Management |
DQL | Data Query Language | DBMS |
DQM | Data Quality Management | Data Management |
DQN | Deep Q-Network | Machine Learning |
DQS | Data Quality Services | SQL Server, Data Management |
DR | Detection Rate | Machine Learning |
DQP | Distributed Query Processor | Computing |
DR | Disaster Recovery | Security Management |
DRDA | Distributed Relational Database Architecture | DBMS |
DRI | Declarative Relational Integrity | DBMS |
DRP | Disaster Recovery Plan | |
DS | Data Science | Data Sience |
DSA | Data Science and Analytics | Data Sience |
DSL | Device Subscription License | License Management |
DSL | Domain-Specific Language | |
DSN | Database Source Name | DBMS |
DSO | Data Source Object | DBMS |
DSO | Decision Support Objects | |
DSS | Decision Support System | Data Analytics |
DSV | Data Source Views | DBMS |
DSVM | Data Science VM | Microsoft |
DTA | Database Tuning Advisor | SQL Server |
DTC | Distributed Transaction Coordinator | Software Architecture |
DTD | Document Type Definition | Software Engineering |
DTS | Data Transformation Services | SQL Server |
DUNS | Data Universal Number System | ERP |
DX | Developer eXperience | Software Engineering |
DQ | Data Quality | Data Management |
DQM | Data Quality Management | Data Management |
DQS | Data Quality Services | Data Management, SQL Server |
DSN | Deep Stacking Network | Machine Learning |
DT | Decision Tree | Machine Learning |
DTD | Deep Taylor Decomposition | Machine Learning |
DW | Data Warehouse | Data Warehousing |
DWA | Data Warehouse Automation | Data Warehousing |
DWaaS | Data-Warehouse-as-a-Service | Cloud Computing, Data Warehousing |
DWBI | Data warehousing/Business Intelligence | Data Warehousing |
DWC | Data Warehouse Catalog | Data Warehousing |
DWH | Data Warehouse | Data Warehousing |
DWT | Discrete Wavelet Transform | Machine Learning |
E2E | End-to-End | common |
EA | Enterprise Agreement | Contract Management |
EAI | Enterprise Application Integration | Software Engineering |
EAN | European Article Number | ERP |
EAP | Early Adopter Program | Microsoft |
EAS | Enterprise Agreement Subscription | Contract Management |
ECC | Error Correcting Code | |
EDA | Event Driven Architecture | Software Engineering |
EDA | Exploratory Data Analysis | Statistics, Machine Learning |
EDB | Embedded Database | DBMS |
EDH | Enterprise Data Hub | |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | |
EDR | Endpoint Detection and Remediation | Security Management |
EDR | Endpoint Detection and Response | Security Management |
EDT | Extended Data Type | |
EDW | Enterprise Data Warehouse | Data Warehousing |
EEF | Enterprise Environmental Factors | Project Management |
EF | Early Finish | Project Management |
EFS | Encrypting File System | Security Management |
EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer | |
EII | Enterprise Information Integration | Software Engineering |
EIM | Enterprise Information Management | Software Engineering |
EIS | Executive Information System | Software Engineering |
EKM | Extensible Key Management | Security Management |
ELM | Extreme Learning Machine | Machine Learning |
ELMO | Embeddings from Language Models | Data Science |
ELT | Extract, Load, Transform | Data Warehousing |
ELU | Exponential Linear Unit | Machine Learning |
EM | Expectation maximization | Machine Learning |
EMD | Entropy Minimization Discretization | Machine Learning |
EMEA | Europe Middle East and Africa | common |
EMS | Enterprise Mobility & Security | Security Management |
EMU | Enhancement, Maintenance, Upgrade | Project Management |
EMV | Expected Monetary Value | Project Management |
EOD | End of Day | common |
EOM | End of Month | common |
EOQ | End of Quarter | common |
EOS | End of Service | common |
EOY | End of Year | common |
EOU | Enterprise Operating Unit | ERP |
EPE | Every Product Every | ERP |
EPV | Expected Present Value | Project Management |
EQD | English Query Domain | |
ER | Entity Relation | DBMS |
ERD | Entity-Relationship Diagram | DBMS |
ERM | Entity-Relationship Model | DBMS |
ERM | Enterprise Rights Management | Security Management |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning | ERP |
ES | Enterprise Services | |
ESA | Enterprise Subscription Agreement | License Management |
ESE | Extensible Storage Engine | |
ESG | Environmental, Social and Governance | |
ETC | Estimate to Complete | Project Management |
ETL | Extract, Transform, Load | Data Warehousing |
ETML | Extract, Transfer, Move, Load | Data Warehousing |
ETR | Estimated Time to Resolution | Security Management |
EULA | End User License Agreement | License Management |
EV | Earned Value | Project Management |
EVA | Earned Value Analysis/Economic Value Add | Project Management |
EVM | Earned Value Management | Project Management |
EVT | Earned Value Technique | Project Management |
EXT | Extremely Randomized Trees | Machine Learning |
F&O | [Dynamics 365] Finance & Operations | Microsoft Dynamics |
FA | Fixed Assets | ERP |
FaaS | Functions-as-a-Service | Cloud Computing |
FALA | Finite Action-set Learning Automata | Machine Learning |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Question | common |
FAT | File Allocation Table | Software Architecture |
FC | Fully-Connected | Machine Learning |
FC-CNN | Fully Convolutional Convolutional Neural Network | Machine Learning |
FC-LSTM | Fully Connected Long Short-Term Memory | Machine Learning |
FCL | Framework Class Library | Software Architecture |
FCM | Fuzzy C-Means | Machine Learning |
FCN | Fully Convolutional Network | Machine Learning |
FCP | Fibre Channel Protocol | Networks |
FCoE | Fibre Channel over Ethernet | Networks |
FC-NVMe | Non-Volatile Memory Express over Fibre Channel | Networks |
FCI | Failover Cluster Instance | SQL Server |
FCM | Fuzzy Cognitive Map | DBMS |
FDBMS | Federated Database Management System | DBMS |
FDE | Full Disk Encryption | Software Architecture |
FFP | Firm Fixed Price | Project Management |
FFT | Fast Fourier transform | Machine Learning |
FIDO | Fast Identity Online | |
FIFO | First-In-First-Out | Computing |
FIM | Federated Identity Management | Security Management |
FIML | Full-Information Maximum Likelihood | common |
FK | Foreign Key | DBMS |
FLOP | Floating Point Operations | Machine Learning |
FLOPS | Floating Point Operations Per Second | Machine Learning |
FMEA | Failure Modes & Effects Analysis | |
FMLA | Family and Medical Leave Act | |
FNN | Feedforward Neural Network | Machine Learning |
FNR | False Negative Rate | Machine Learning |
FOB | Free on Board | ERP |
FOMO | fear of missing out | common |
FOSH | Finance, Operations, Sales and Human Resources | common |
FPN | Feature Pyramid Network | Machine Learning |
FPR | False Positive Rate | Machine Learning |
FPR | False Positive Rate | Machine Learning |
FPY | First Pass Yield | Six Sigma |
FR | Functional Requirements | Software Engineering |
FST | Finite state transducer | Machine Learning |
FTE | Full Time Employee | ERP |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent | ERP |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | Networks |
FTS | Full Text Search | SQL Server |
FYI | for your information | common |
FWIW | for what it’s worth | common |
FY | Fiscal Year | common |
FYE | Fiscal Year End | common |
GA | Genetic Algorithm | AI, Machine Learning |
GA | General Availability | |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles | Accounting |
GAB | Global Address Book | Microsoft Dynamics |
GAC | Global Assembly Cache | Software Architecture |
GAL | Global Address List | Software Architecture |
GALE | Global Aggregations of Local Explanations | Machine Learning |
GAM | Generalized Additive Model | Machine Learning |
GAM | Global Allocation Map | Software Architecture |
GAM | Global Attribution Mapping | Machine Learning |
GAN | Generative Adversarial Network | Machine Learning |
GAO | Government Accountability Office | |
GAP | Global Average Pooling | Machine Learning |
GAPP | Generally Accepted Privacy Principles | Accounting |
GBB | Global Black Belt | Six Sigma |
GBM | Gradient Boosting Machine | Statistics, Machine Learning |
GBRCN | Gradient-Boosting Random Convolutional Network | Machine Learning |
GC | Garbage Collection/Collector | Software Architecture |
GCC | Giant Connected Component | |
GCC | Government Community Cloud | Cloud Computing |
GD | Gradient Descent | Machine Learning |
GDPR | Global Data Protection Regulation | Data Protection |
GD&T | geometric dimensioning and tolerancing | Data Visualization |
GEBI | Global Explanation for Bias Identification | Machine Learning |
GERT | Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique | Project Management |
GFNN | Gradient Frequency Neural Networks | Machine Learning |
GIGO | Garbage In Garbage Out | common |
GIS | Geographic Information System | |
GL | General Ledger | ERP |
GLM | Generalized Linear Model | Statistics, Machine Learning |
GLS | Generalized Least Squares | Statistics, Machine Learning |
GMM | Gaussian mixture model | Machine Learning |
GMM | Generalized Method of Moments | Statistics, Machine Learning |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time | common |
GP | Gross Profit | Accounting |
GPO | Group Policy Object | Security Management |
GPR | Gaussian Process Regression | Machine Learning |
GPU | Graphics Processing Unit | |
GPS | Global Partner Solutions | |
GPT | Generative Pre-trained Transformer | |
GRR | Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility | Six Sigma |
GRU | Gated Recurrent Unit | Statistics, Machine Learning |
GSI | Global System Integrator | |
GST | Goods and Services Tax | ERP |
GST | General System Theory | Systems Engineering |
GUID | Global Unique Identifier | DBMS |
GW | Gateway | Software Architecture |
GZRS | Geo-Zone-Redundant-Storage | Cloud Computing |
H2M | Human to Machine | Software Engineering |
HA | High Availability | Availability Management |
HAaaS | High-Availability-as-a-Service | Availability Management |
HADR | High Availability Disaster Recovery | |
HAN | Hierarchical Attention Network | Machine Learning |
HAR | Hadoop Archive | Cloud Computing |
HBA | Host Bus Adapter | |
HCA | Hierarchical Clustering Analysis | Machine Learning |
HD | High Definition | |
HDP | Hierarchical Dirichlet process | Machine Learning |
HPC | High-Performance Computing | Computing |
HSTS | HTTP Strict Transport Security | Networks |
HBA | Host Bus Adapter | Networks |
HCI | Human-Computer Interaction | Software Engineering |
HDFS | [Apache] Hadoop Distributed File System | Software Architecture |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act | |
HLA | High-Level Architecture | Software Development |
HMM | Hidden Marcov Model | Machine Learning |
HNN | Hopfield Neural Network | Machine Learning |
HoBT | Heap or B-tree | SQL Server |
HOLAP | Hybrid OLAP | DBMS |
HPCC | High Performance Computing Cluster | Cloud Computing |
HPIL | Hadoop Physical Infrastruture Layer | Cloud Computing |
HR | Human Resource | Project Management, ERP |
HSM | Hardware Security Modules | |
HST | Harmonised Sales Tax | ERP |
HTM | Hierarchical Triangular Mesh | |
I/O | Input/Output | Computing |
IaaS | Infrastructure-as-a-Service | Cloud Computing |
IaC | Infrastructure-as-Code | Cloud Computing |
IAG | Intelligence Application Gateway | Software Architecture |
IAM | Index Allocation Map | SQL Server |
ICA | Independent Component Analysis | Statistics, Machine Learning |
ICP | Ideal Customer Profile | |
ICYMI | in case you missed it | common |
ID | Identifier | DBMS |
IDaaS | Identity-as-a-Service | Cloud Computing |
IDBMS | Integrated Database Management System | DBMS |
IDC | Internet Database Connector | DBMS |
IDL | Interface Definition Language | Software Architecture |
IDNA | Identity & Network Access | Security Management |
IDP | Intelligent Document Processing | |
IDR | Input dependence rate | Machine Learning |
IE | Inversion Entry | |
IFB | Invitation for Bid | Project Management |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards | |
IG | Information Governance | Data Management |
IHV | Independent Hardware Vendor | |
IIoT | Industrial Internet of Things | Cloud Computing |
IIR | Input independence rate | Machine Learning |
IIS | Internet Information Services | Software Architecture, Microsoft Windows |
IKE | Internet Key Exchange | |
IM | Information Management | |
IMDB | In-Memory Database | DBMS |
IMF | Item Master File | ERP |
IMP | Integrated Master Plan | Project Management |
IMS | Integrated Master Schedule | Project Management |
IO | Inputs and Outputs | Project Management |
IOC | Incremental Order Commitment | ERP |
iODBC | Independent ODBC | DBMS |
IOPS | Input Output Per Second | |
IoT | Internet of Things | Cloud Computing |
IP | (Microsoft) Information Protection | |
IP | Internet Protocol | Networks |
IPsec | Internet Protocol security | Networks |
IQP | Intelligent Query Processing | SQL Server |
IR | Integration Runtime | Software Architecture |
IR | Incident Response (Security) | |
IRR | Internal Rate of Run | Project Management |
IRT | Incident Response Team | |
IS | Information Security | Information Security |
IS | Information System | IT |
ISA | Industry Standard Architecture | IT |
ISAO | Information Sharing and Analysis Organization | |
iSCSI | Internet Small Computer System Interface | |
ISMS | Information Security Management System | Information Security |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization | |
ISOC | Information Security Operations Center | IT |
IT | Information Technology | IT |
ITA | Information Technology Architect | IT |
ITAP | Information Technology Architecture & Planning | IT |
ITIL | Information Technology Information Library | IT |
ITL | Information Technology Laboratory | IT |
ITG | Information Technology Governance | IT |
ITTO | Inputs, Tools, Techniques, and Outputs | Project Management |
ITV | Inline Table-Valued function | SQL Server |
IU | Infrastructure Update | |
IV | Instrumental Variable | |
J2EE | Java Enterprise Edition | |
JAD | Joint Application Design | Project Management |
JAD | Joint Application Development | Project Management |
JDBC | Java Database Connectivity | |
JET | Joint Engine Technology | |
JIT | Just In Time | Project Management |
JRO | Jet and Replication Objects | |
JWT | JSON Web Token | |
KA | Knowledge Area | Project Management |
kb | Knowledge Base | common |
KDC | Key Distribution Center | |
KDD | Knowledge Discovery in Databases | AI |
KDE | Kernel Density Estimation | Machine Learning |
KM | Knowledge Management | Knowledge Management |
KMS | Key Management Server | |
KNN | k-nearest neighbors | Statistics, Machine Learning |
KRI | Key Recovery Information | |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator | Data Analytics |
KPIV | Key Process Input Variable | Six Sigma |
KPOV | Key Process Output Variable | Six Sigma |
KRR | Kernel Ridge Regression | Machine Learning |
KQL | Kusto Query Language | Microsoft Fabric |
KRA | Key Result Area | Data Analytics |
KRI | Key Result Indicator | Data Analytics |
LAMP | Linux OS + Apache web server + MySQL DB + PHP/Perl/Python | Software Engineering |
LB | Load Balancer | Software Architecture |
LC | Lifecycle | common |
LCAP | Low-Code Application Platform | Software Engineering |
LCD | Low-Code Development | Software Engineering |
LCDP | Low-Code Development Platform | Software Engineering |
LCL | Lower Control Limit | Six Sigma |
LCM | Lifecycle Management | Software Engineering |
LCNC | Low-Code, No-Code | Software Engineering |
LCR | Logical Change Record | DBMS |
LCS | Lifecycle Services | |
LDA | Latent Dirichlet Allocation | Machine Learning |
LDA | Linear Discriminant Analysis | Machine Learning |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol | |
LDF | Log Data File | SQL Server |
LFU | Least Frequently Used | common |
LIFO | Last In First Out | common |
LIME | Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations | Machine Learning |
LINQ | Language Integrated Query | Software Architecture |
LLE | Locally Linear Embedding | Data Science |
LLM | Large Language Model | |
LOB | Large Object | Software Architecture |
LOB | Line of Business | ERP |
LOE | Level of Effort | Project Management |
LPE | Language Processing and Execution | SQL Server |
LPL | Logical Page List | |
LRP | Layer-wise Relevance Propagation | Machine Learning |
LRSN | Log Record Sequence Number | SQL Server |
LRU | Least Recently Used | common |
LRS | Locally Redundant Storage | Cloud Computing |
LSA | Latent Semantic Analysis | Machine Learning |
LSA | Local Security Authority | |
LSI | Latent Semantic Indexing | Machine Learning |
LSL | Lower Spec Limit | Six Sigma |
LSN | Log Sequence Number | SQL Server |
LSP | Licensing Solution Provider | License Management |
LSS | Lean Six Sigma | Six Sigma |
LST | Log-Structured Table | Microsoft Fabric |
LSTM | Long Short Term Memory | Data Science |
LTM | Last Twelve Months | common |
LTM | Lightweight Transaction Manager | SQL Server |
LTR | Learning To Rank | Machine Learning |
LUN | Logical Unit Number | SQL Server |
LVM | Logical Volume Manager | DBMS, Oracle |
LVQ | Learning Vector Quantization | Machine Learning |
M&O | Marketing & Operations | Business |
M365 | Microsoft 365 | Microsoft Azure |
MA | Moving Average | Machine Learning |
MADE | Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation | Machine Learning |
MAE | Mean Absolute Error | Machine Learning |
MAF | Masked Autoregressive Flows | Machine Learning |
MAG | Microsoft Azure Government | Microsoft Azure |
MAM | Mobile Application Management | |
MAP | Mean Average Precision | Machine Learning |
MAP | Minimum Acceptable Product | Project Management |
MAPE | Mean Absolute Percentage Error | Statistics, Machine Learning |
MAPE | Mean Absolute Prediction Error | Machine Learning |
MARS | Multiple Active Result Sets | SQL Server |
MARS | Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline | Machine Learning |
MART | Multiple Additive Regression Tree | Machine Learning |
MAXDOP | Maximum Degree of Parallelism | SQL Server |
MBE | Model-Based Engineering | Systems Engineering |
MBD | Model-Based Design | Systems Engineering |
MBS | Microsoft Business Solutions | |
MBSE | Model-Based Systems Engineering | Systems Engineering |
MCA | Microsoft Certified Architect | Microsoft Certifications |
MCA | Microsoft Customer Agreement | |
MCLNN | Masked ConditionaL Neural Networks | Machine Learning |
MCMC | Markov Chain Monte Carlo | Machine Learning |
MCPP | Microsoft Cloud Partner Program | |
MCS | Model contrast score | Machine Learning |
MCT | Microsoft Certified Trainer | |
MDA | Model-Driven Architecture | Systems Engineering |
MDAC | Microsoft Data Access Components | |
MDATP | Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection | |
MDBMS | Multidimensional Database Management System | |
MDD | Model-Driven Development | Systems Engineering |
MDE | Model-Driven Engineering | Systems Engineering |
MDF | Master Data File | Data Management |
MDM | Master Data Management | Data Management |
MDM | Mobile Device Management | |
MDN | Mixture Density Network | Machine Learning |
MDP | Markov Decision Process | |
MDR | Managed Detection & Response | |
MDRNN | Multidimensional recurrent neural network | Machine Learning |
MDS | Master Data Services | SQL Server |
MDS | Meta Data Services | Data Management |
MDS | Multi-Dimensional Scaling | Statistics, Machine Learning |
MDTI | Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence | |
MDW | Management Data Warehouse | Data Warehousing |
MDW | Modern Data Warehouse | Data Warehousing |
MDX | Multi-Dimensional eXpressions | SQL Server |
MEIA | Microsoft Entra Internet Access | Microsoft Azure |
MELT | Metrics + Errors + Traces + Logs | |
MEPA | Microsoft Entra Private Access | Microsoft Azure |
MES | Manufacturing Execution System | |
MF | Microsoft Fabric | Cloud Computing, Data Analytics |
MFA | Multi-Factor Authentication | Cloud Computing |
MFC | Microsoft Foundation Classes | Software Architecture |
MFT | Microsoft FastTrack | Microsoft |
MIAC | Microsoft Intune Admin Center | Microsoft Azure |
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions | |
MIS | Management Information System | |
ML | Machine Learning | Data Science |
MLA | Multiple License Agreement | License Management |
MLE | Machine Learning Engineer | Machine Learning |
MLE | Maximum Likelihood Estimation | Machine Learning |
MLP | Multi-Layer Perceptron | Machine Learning |
MLS | Machine Learning Services | Machine Learning |
PMF | Probability Mass Function | Machine Learning |
MOLAP | Multidimensional OLAP | DBMS |
MMM | Management Maturity Model | KM |
MPIO | Microsoft Multipath IO | |
MQL | Marketing-Qualified Lead | |
MPP | Massive Parallel Processing | Computing |
MRR | Mean Reciprocal Rank | Machine Learning |
MRP | Materials Requirement Planning | ERP |
MRS | Music Recommender System | Machine Learning |
MSA | Measurement System Analysis | Six Sigma |
MSCS | Microsoft Cluster Services | |
MSD | Microsoft Script Debugger | |
MSDE | Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine | SQL Server |
MSDN | Microsoft Developer Network | Microsoft |
MSDTC | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator | SQL Server |
MSE | Mean Squared Error | Statistics, Machine Learning |
MSFT | Microsoft | |
MSI | Microsoft Software Installer | |
MSIL | Microsoft Intermediate Language | Software Architecture |
MSMQ | Microsoft Message Queuing | Software Architecture |
MSP | Managed Services Provider | |
MSR | Music Style Recognition | Machine Learning |
MSSMS | Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio | SQL Server, Tools |
MSTVF | multi-statement table-valued function | SQL Server |
MSXML | Microsoft XML Core Services | |
MTD | Month-to-Date | common |
MTA | Mail Transfer Agent | |
MTBF | Mean-Time-Between-Failures | |
MTTA | Mean-Time-To-Acknowledge | |
MTS | Microsoft Transaction Server | Software Architecture |
MTTD | Mean-Time-To-Detect | |
MTTI | Mean-Total-Time-of-Impact (to operations) | |
MTTR | Mean-Time-to-Remediate | |
MVCC | Model-View-Controller | Software Engineering |
MVCC | Multivalue Concurrency Control | |
MVP | Minimum Viable Product | Software Engineering |
MVP | Most Valuable Professional | Microsoft |
NAS | Network-Attached Storage | |
NAS | Neural Architecture Search | Machine Learning |
NAT | Network Address Translation | |
NAV | Navision | Microsoft Dynamics |
NB | Naıve Bayes | Machine Learning |
NBKE | Naıve Bayes with Kernel Estimation | Machine Learning |
NCI | Non-Clustered Index | DBMS |
NCQ | Physical Address Extensions | |
NDRR | Net Dollar Retention Rate | Finance |
NDV | Number of Distinct Values | DBMS |
NER | Named Entity Recognition | Machine Learning |
NF | Normalizing Flow | Machine Learning |
NFL | No Free Lunch | Machine Learning |
NI | Net Income | Accounting |
NLT | Neural Machine Translation | Machine Learning |
NMS | Non-Maximum Suppression | Machine Learning |
NFP | Not for Profit | |
NFR | Nonfunctional Requirements | Software Engineering |
NIC | Network Interface | Software Architecture |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology | |
NLB | Network Load Balancer | Software Architecture |
NLDR | Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction | Statistics, Machine Learning |
NLG | Natural Language Generation | Machine Learning |
NLP | Natural Language Processing | Machine Learning |
NLQ | Natural Language Query | Machine Learning |
NMF | Non-Negative Matrix Factorization | Machine Learning |
NN | Neural Network | AI, Machine Learning |
NoSQL | Not only SQL | DBMS |
NPE | Neural Physical Engine | Machine Learning |
NPS | Net Promoter Score | Marketing |
NPV | Net Present Value | Project Management, Accounting |
NSG | Network Security Group | |
NST | Neural Style Transfer | Machine Learning |
NTFS | NT File System | Microsoft Windowas |
NTLK | Natural Language Toolkit | Machine Learning |
NTLM | NT LAN Manager Protocol | Software Architecture |
NTM | Neural Turing Machine | Machine Learning |
NTP | Network Time Protocol | DBMS, Oracle |
NUMA | Non-uniform Memory Access | SQL Server |
NVA | Network Virtual Appliance | Software Architecture |
NVA | Non-Value Added | Six Sigma |
O2C | Order to Cash | ERP |
O365 | Office 365 | Microsoft Office |
OBJCP | Object Plans cache store | SQL Server |
OBS | Organizational Breakdown Structure | Project Management |
OCI | Oracle Call Interface | Oracle |
OCC | Optimistic Concurrency Control | Software Engineering |
OCP | Oracle Certified Professional | Oracle |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition | |
OCR | Oracle Cluster Registry | DBMS, Oracle |
OData | Open Data Protocol | |
ODB | Operational Database | DBMS |
ODBC | Open Database Connectivity | DBMS |
ODCS | Open Data Contract Standard | Data Management, Software Engineering |
ODF | Onset Detection Function | Machine Learning |
ODI | Open Data Initiative | |
ODS | Operational Data Store | Data Warehousing |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer | |
OLA | Open License Agreement | License Management |
OLA | Operational Level Agreement | |
OLAP | Online Analytic Processing | DBMS |
OLEDB | Object Linking and Embedding Database | DBMS |
OLM | Object Link Manager | DBMS, Oracle |
OLS | Ordinary Least Squares | Statistics, Machine Learning |
OLTP | OnLine Transaction Processing | DBMS |
OM | Order Management | ERP |
ONS | Oracle Notification Services | DBMS, Oracle |
OO4O | Oracle Objects for OLE | DBMS, Oracle |
OODB | Object-Oriented Database | DBMS |
OOF | Out of Fold | Machine Learning |
OOM | Out of Memory | Computing |
OOP | Object-Oriented Programming | Software Engineering |
ORDBMS | Object Relational Database Management System | DBMS |
OPA | Organizational Process Assets | Project Management |
OPDG | On-premises data gateway | Cloud Computing |
OPEX | Operating Expenditures | Finance |
OPI | Oracle Program Interface | DBMS, Oracle |
OPM3 | Organizational Project Management Maturity Model | Project Management |
ORC | Optimized Row Columnar | Microsoft Fabricm, file formats |
OSP | OLEDB Simple Provider | DBMS |
OT | Operational Technology | |
OTP | One-Time Password | Cloud Computing |
OU | Operating Unit | ERP |
OWA | Outlook Web Access | Microsoft Office |
OWASP | Open Web Application Security Project | |
P&L | Profit & Loss | Finance |
p2p | peer-2-peer | Computing |
P2P | Partner-to-Partner | |
PA | Project Accounting | Project Management, Finance |
PaaS | Platform-as-a-Service | Cloud Computing |
PAE | Physical Address Extensions | Microsoft Windows |
PAL | Platform Abstraction Layer | SQL Server |
PAL | Publication Access List | |
PAM | Privileged Access Management | |
PASS | Professional Association for SQL Server | SQL Server |
PAT | Personal Access Token | Microsoft Azure |
PAYG | Pay-As-You-Go | Cloud Computing |
PBI | Power BI | Power Platform, Tools |
PBS | Product Breakdown Structure | Project Management |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis | Statistics, Machine Learning |
PCDATA | Parsed Character DATA | XML |
PCI DSS | Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard | |
PCM | Project Cost Management | Project Management |
PDC | Primary Domain Controller | |
PDCA | Plan-Do-Check-Act | |
PDM | Precedence Diagramming Model | Project Management |
PDS | Partitioned DataSet | |
Portable Document Format | file format | |
PDS | Physical Design Structure | |
PDW | Parallel Data Warehouse | Data Warehousing |
PDW | Performance Data Warehouse | Data Warehousing |
PERT | Program Evolution and Review Technique | Project Management |
PFE | Partner Field Engineer | |
PFE | Premier Field Engineer | Microsoft |
PFMEA | Process Failure Mode & Effects Analysis | Six Sigma |
PFS | Page Free Space | Microsoft Windows |
PGA | Program Global Area | DBMS, Oracle |
PHDR | Bound Trees cache store | SQL Server |
PHI | Protected Health Information | |
PIER | Post Implementation Evaluation Report | Project Management |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information | Data Protection |
PI | Performance Indicator | Data Analytics |
PIM | Privileged Identity Management | |
PIMS | Privacy Information Management System | |
PK | Primary Key | DBMS |
PIM | Product Information Management | |
PKC | Public Key Cryptography | Security |
PLSI | Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing | Machine Learning |
PM | Performance Management | Business |
PM | Project Management | Project Management |
PM | Project Manager | Project Management |
PMB | Performance Measurement Baseline | Project Management |
PMBOK | Project Management Body of Knowledge | Project Management |
PMI | Project Management Institute | Project Management |
PMIS | Project Management Information System | Project Management |
PMO | Project Management Office | Project Management |
PMP | Project Management Professional | Project Management |
PMML | Predictive Model Markup Language | Machine Learning |
PO | Purchase Order | ERP |
PoA | Proof of Authority | |
PoC | Proof of Concept | |
PoD | Proof of Design | Software Engineering |
PoE | Proof of Execution | |
PoH | Proof of History | |
PoI | Proof of Identity | |
PoO | Proof of Owership | |
PoP | Proof of Purchase | |
PoS | Point of Sales | |
PoS | Proof of Sales | |
PoV | Proof of Validation | |
PoW | Proof of Work | Project Management |
PPAC | Power Platform Admin Center | Power Platform |
PPAF | Power Platform Adoption Framework | |
PPM | Parts per Million | Six Sigma |
PPM | Project Portfolio Management | Project Management |
PQO | Power Query Online | Microsoft Fabric |
PQT | Power Query Template | Microsoft Fabric |
PR | Precision-Recall | Machine Learning |
PR | Purchase Requisition | ERP |
PR | Peer Review | Accounting |
PRB | Peer Review Board | Accounting |
PSA | Project Service Automation | Dynamics 365, ERP |
PSE | Persistent Storage Engine | |
PSfP | Premier Support for Partners | |
PTA | Point of Total Assumption | Project Management |
PU | Positive Unlabaled | Machine Learning |
PU | Platform Update | |
PV | Planned Value | Project Management |
PV | Present Value | Project Management |
PVA | Power Virtual Agents | Power Platform |
QA | Quality Assurance | |
QBR | Quarterly Business Review | Business |
QC | Quality Control | |
QCD | Quality, Cost, Delivery | Project Management |
QDIP | Quality, Delivery, Inventory, and Productivity | Six Sigma |
QE | Query Executor | SQL Server |
QFD | Quality Function Deployment | Software Engineering |
QI | Query Insights | Microsoft Fabric |
QM | Quality Management | Quality Management |
QO | Query Optimizer | SQL Server |
QoS | Quality of Service | ITIL |
QP | Quality Planning | Project Management |
QP | Query Processor | SQL Server |
QP | Query Plan | SQL Server |
QR | Quick Response | |
R&D | Research & Development | Business |
RAC | Real Application Clusters | DBMS, Oracle |
RACI | Responsible, Accountable, Consult, Inform | Project Management |
RAD | Rapid Application Development | Software Engineering |
RAG | Retrieval Augmented Generation | Machine Learning |
RAID | Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks | Software Architecture |
RAID | Risks, Assumptions, Issues, Dependencies | Project Management |
RAM | Recurrent Attention Model | Maachine Learning |
RAM | Responsibility Assignment Matrix | Project Management |
RBAC | Role Based Access Control | |
RBF | Radial Basis Function | Machine Learning |
RBFNN | Radial Basis Function Neural Network | Machine Learning |
RBM | Restricted Boltzmann Machine | Machine Learning |
RBN | Random Boolean Network | Machine Learning |
RBS | Resource Breakdown Structure | Project Management |
RBS | Risk Breakdown Structure | Project Management |
RC | Release Candidate | |
RCA | Root Cause Analysis | Six Sigma |
RCFile | Record Columnar File | Microsoft Fabric, file formats |
RCSI | Read Committed Snapshot Isolation | DBMS |
RDB | Relational Database | DBMS |
RDBM | Relational Database Management System | DBMS |
RDF | Resource Description Framework | Cloud Computing |
RDD | Resilient Distributed Dataset | Microsoft Fabric |
RDMA | Remote Direct Memory Access | |
RDN | Relative Distinguished Name | DBMS, Oracle |
RDO | Remote Data Objects | |
RDP | Remote Desktop Protocol | |
RDS | Remote Desktop Services | |
RDL | Report Definition Language | SQL Server |
ReLU | Rectified Linear Unit | |
REPL | read-eval-print loop | |
REPTree | Reduced Error Pruning Tree | Machine Learning |
REST | Representational State Transfer | |
RF | random forest | Machine Learning |
RFE | Recursive Feature Elimination | Statistics, Machine Learning |
RFI | Request for Information | |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification | ERP |
RFP | Request for Proposal | |
RFQ | Request for Quotation | Project Management |
RGB | Red Green Blue (color model) | Data Visualization |
RI | Referential Integrity | DBMS |
RICNN | Rotation Invariant Convolutional Neural Network | Machine Learning |
RIM | Recurrent Interence Machines | Machine Learning |
RIPPER | Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction | Machine Learning |
RL | Reinforcement Learning | Machine Learning |
RLE | Run-Length Encoding | RLE |
RLFM | Regression based latent factors | Machine Learning |
RLS | Row-Level Security | DBMS |
RMA | Return Merchandize Authorization | |
RMAN | Recovery Manager | DBMS, Oracle |
RML | Replay Markup Language | |
RMS | Retail Management & Services | |
RMS | Rights Management Services | |
RMSE | Root MSE | Machine Learning |
RMSLE | Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error | Statistics, Machine Learning |
RNN | Recurrent Neural Network | Machine Learning |
RNNLM | Recurrent Neural Network Language Model | Machine Learning |
ROC | Receiver Operating Characteristic | Statistics, Machine Learning |
ROCE | Return on Capital Employed | Finance |
ROI | Region Of Interest | Machine Learning |
ROI | Return on Investment | Project Management |
ROLAP | Relational OLAP | DBMS |
ROM | Rough Order of Magnitude | Project Management |
RPC | Remote Procedure Call | |
RPA | Robotic Process Automation | |
RPO | Recovery Point Objective | |
RR | Ridge Regression | Machine Learning |
RSS | Really Simple Syndication | |
RT | Recompilation threshold | |
RTM | Real-time marketing | |
RTM | Release to Manufacturing | |
RTM | Requirements Traceability Matrix | |
RTO | Recovery Time Objective | |
RTRL | Real-Time Recurrent Learning | Machine Learning |
RTU | Remote Terminal Unit | |
RUMBA | Reasonable, Understandable, Measurable, Believable and Achievable | Six Sigma |
RUP | Rational Unified Process | Software Engineering |
SA | Solution Architect | |
SaaS | Software-as-a-Service | Cloud Computing |
SAF-T | Standard Audit File for Tax | ERP |
SAHN | sequential divisive hierarchical nonoverlapping | Machine Learning |
SAM | Security Access Manager | |
SAM | Support Account Manager | |
SAN | Storage Area Network | Software Architecture |
SAS | Shared Access Signature | |
SBM | Stochastic Block Model | Machine Learning |
SBO | Structured Bayesian Optimization | Machine Learning |
SBSE | Search-based software engineering | Machine Learning |
SCD | Slowly Changing Data | Microsoft Fabric, Delta Lake |
SCD | Slow-Changing Dimension | Data Warehousing |
SCM | Supply Change Management | ERP |
SDD | System Description Document | Software Engineering |
SDE | Software Design Engineer | Software Engineering |
SDE | Spatial Database Engine | DBMS |
SDLC | Software Development Lifecycle | Software Engineering |
SDLC | System Development Lifecycle | Software Engineering |
SDM | Semantic Data Management | Data Management |
SE | Software Engineer | Software Engineering |
SE | Software Engineering | Software Engineering |
SE | Storage Engineer | Software Engineering |
SE | System Engineer | Software Engineering |
SEO | Search Engine Optimization | Software Engineering |
SecOps | Security Operations | Software Engineering |
SEPA | Single Euro Payments Area | ERP |
SFTP | Secure File Transfer Protocol | |
SGAM | Shared Global Allocation Map | SQL Server |
SGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent | Data Science |
SGVB | Stochastic Gradient Variational Bayes | Machine Learning |
SGML | Standard Generalized Markup Language) | |
SHA | Secure Hash Algorithm | DBMS |
SHLLE | Supervised Hessian Locally Linear Embedding | Machine Learning |
SI | System Integrator | |
SIEM | Security information and event management | |
SIPOC | suppliers, inputs, process, outputs, customers | ERP |
SKU | Stock Keeping Unit | ERP |
SLA | Service Level Agreement | Contract Management |
SLM | Software License Management | License Management |
SLP | Single Layer Perceptron | |
SMB | Server Message Block | Software Architecture |
SMB | Small-Midsized Business | |
SMBO | Sequential Model-Based Optimization | Machine Learning |
SME | Subject Matter Expert | common |
SMF | Semantic Modelling Format | |
SMO | SQL Server Management Objects | SQL Server |
SMOTE | Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique | Machine Learning |
SMP | Symmetric Multiprocessing | Computing |
SOA | Service-Oriented Architecture | Software Architecture |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol | Software Architecture |
SOAR | Security Orchestration Automated Response | Software Architecture |
SOC | Security Operation Center | |
SoE | System of Entry | |
SOM | Self-Organizing Map | Machine Learning |
SoP | Statement of Position | |
SoR | System of Record | |
SOW | Statement of Work | Project Management |
SOX | Sarbanes-Oxley Act | |
SP | Stored Procedure | DBMS |
SPA | Single-Page Application | |
SPC | Statistical Process Control | Six Sigma |
SQPDW | SQL Parallel Data Warehouse | SQL Server |
SPI | Schedule Performance Index | Project Management |
SPID | Server Process ID | SQL Server |
SPLA | Service Provider Licensing Agreement | |
SPN | Service Principal Name | Microsoft Azure |
SPO | SharePoint Online | Tools |
SPOF | Single point of failure | Systems Engineering |
SQA | Software Quality Assurance | Software Engineering |
SQDC | Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost | Six Sigma |
SQL | Structured Query Language | DBMS |
SQL BE | SQL Backend | SQL Server, Microsoft Fabric |
SQL FE | SQL Frontend | SQL Server, Microsoft Fabric |
SQLCP | SQL Plans cache store | SQL Server |
SQLDMO | SQL Server Distributed Management Objects | SQL Server |
SQLMI | SQL Managed Instance | SQL Server |
SQLMGR | SQL Manager | SQL Server |
SQLOS | SQL (Server) Operating System | SQL Server |
SQL | SQL Server | SQL Server |
SSAS | SQL Server Analysis Services | SQL Server |
SSB | SQL Server Service Broker | SQL Server |
SSD | Single-Shot Detector | Machine Learning |
SSD | Solid-state disks | |
SSD | Solid-state drives | |
SSE | Sum of Squared Errors | Machine Learning |
SSDT | SQL Server Data Tools | SQL Server |
SSH | Secure Shell | |
SSIS | SQL Server Integration Services | SQL Server |
SSL | Secure Socket Layer | |
SSL | Self-Supervised Learning | Machine Learning |
SSL | Services Subscription License | License Management |
SSMA | SQL Server Migration Assistant | SQL Server |
SSMS | SQL Server Management Studio | SQL Server |
SSO | Single Sign-On | Cloud Computing |
SSoT | Single Source of Truth | Data Warehousing |
SSP | Shared Software Provider | |
SSRS | SQL Server Reporting Services | SQL Server |
SSS | Secure Store Services | SQL Server |
SSSO | Seamless Single Sign-on | Cloud Computing |
SSVM | Smooth Support Vector Machine | Machine Learning |
STL | Selt-Taught Learning | Machine Learning |
STS | SQL tuning set | DBMS, Oracle |
SV | Schedule Variance | Project Management |
SVC | Support Vector Classification | Machine Learning |
SVM | Support Vector Machine | Machine Learning |
SVoT | Single Version of Truth | Data Warehousing |
SVR | Support Vector Regression | Machine Learning |
SVD | Singular Value Decomposition | Data Science |
SVM | Support Vector Machine | Machine Learning |
SVR | Support Vector Regression | Machine Learning |
SWIFT | Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications | ERP |
SWOT | Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats | Six Sigma |
T&E | Travel and Expense | Project Management |
T&M | Time & Materials | Project Management |
T-SQL | Transact SQL | SQL Server |
TCL | Transactional Control Language | DBMS |
TCP | Transfer Control Protocol | Networks |
TCP/IP | Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol | Networks |
TCPI | To-Complete Performance Index | Project Management |
TD | Temporal Difference | Machine Learning |
TDA | Targeted Data Augmentation | Machine Learning |
TDD | Test-Driven Development | Software Engineering |
TDE | Transparent Data Encryption | SQL Server |
TDS | Tabular DataStream | SQL Server |
TFS | Team Foundation Server | |
TGAN | Temporal Generative Adversarial Network | Machine Learning |
TLB | Type Library | Software Architecture |
TLFN | Time-Lagged Feedforward Neural Network | Machine Learning |
TMDL | Tabular Model Definition Language | Microsoft Fabric, Power BI |
TNS | Transparent Network Substrate | DBMS, Oracle |
TOC | Theory of Constraints | Six Sigma |
TPC | Transaction Processing Council | |
TPS | Toyota Production System | Six Sigma |
TPY | Throughput Yield | Six Sigma |
TQM | Total Quality Management | Six Sigma |
TRPO | Trust Region Policy Optimization | Machine Learning |
TSSW | Thinking the Six Sigma Way | Six Sigma |
TTL | Time to Live | |
TVF | Tabled-Valued Function | SQL Server |
TVM | Threat & Vulnerability Management | |
TSS | Total Sum of Squared errors | Machine Learning |
UAC | User Access Control | |
UAG | Unified Access Gateway | |
UAT | User Acceptance Testing | Software Engineering |
UCD | User-Centric Design | |
UCL | Upper Control Limit | Six Sigma |
UDA | Universal Data Access | |
UDA | User-Defined Aggregate | |
UDE | Unified Developer Experience | Dznamics 365 |
UDBC | Universal Database Connectivity | |
UDF | User Defined Function | DBMS |
UDM | Unified Dimension Model | |
UDO | User-Defined Object | |
UDR | User Defined Route | |
UI | User Interface | Software Engineering |
UIX | User Interface Extensibility Framework | Software Engineering |
UMS | User Mode Scheduler | SQL Server |
UoD | Universe of Discourse | |
UNC | Universal Naming Convention | |
UPC | Universal Product Code | |
URI | Universal Resource Identifier | |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator | |
URS | Universal Resource Scheduling | |
USB | Universal Serial Bus | |
USL | Upper Spec Limit | Six Sigma |
USL | User Subscription License | License Management |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time | |
UUID | Universal Unique Identifier | |
UX | User eXperience | Software Engineering |
TCPI | To-Complete Performance Index | Project Management |
VAD | Voice Activity Detection | Machine Learning |
VAE | Variational AutoEncoder | Machine Learning |
VaR | ||
VAS | Value-Added Service | ERP |
VAS | Virtual Address Space | Microsoft Windows |
VAT | Value-Added Tax | ERP |
VB | Visual Basic | file format |
VBA | Visual Basic for Applications | |
VDA | Virtual Desktop Access | |
VDAG | Virtual Desktop Application Group | |
VDB | Virtual Database | DBMS |
VDI | Virtual Backup Device Interface | |
VDI | Virtual Desktop Infrastructure | Cloud Computing |
VDWS | Virtual Desktop Workspace | Cloud Computing |
VFP | Visual FoxPro | |
VHD | Virtual Hard Disk | Cloud Computing |
VIA | Visual Interface Adapter | |
VID | Visual Interdev | |
VLDB | Very Large Databases | DBMS |
VLF | Virtual Log Files | SQL Server |
VM | Virtual Machine | IT |
VoB | Voice of the Business | Six Sigma |
VoC | Voice of the Customer | |
VoE | Voice of the Employees | Six Sigma |
VoM | Voice of the Market | Six Sigma |
VoP | Voice of the Process | Six Sigma |
VPD | Virtual Private Database | DBMS, Oracle |
VPN | Virtual Private Network | Networks |
VPNN | Vector Product Neural Network | Machine Learning |
VS | Visual Studio | Tools |
VSM | Value Stream Map | Tools |
VSOE | Vendor-Specific Objective Evidence | Accounting |
VSS | Volume Shadow Copy Service | |
VSTA | Visual Studio Tools for Applications | |
VSTF | Visual Studio Team Foundation | |
VSTS | Visual Studio Team Services | |
WAF | Web Application Firewall | |
WAL | Write-Ahead Log | DBMS, SQL Server |
WAS | Work Authorization System | Project Management |
WASB | Windows Azure Storage Blob | |
WPI | Work Performance Indicator | Project Management |
WBS | Work Breakdown Structure | Project Management |
WCF | Windows Communication Framework | Software Architecture |
WCM | Web Content Management | |
WCSS | Within cluster Sum of Squared errors | Data Science |
WDS | Windows Deployment Services | Microsoft Windows |
WER | Word Error Rate | Machine Learning |
WFST | Weighted Finite-State Transducer | Machine Learning |
WLM | Workload Management | Microsoft Fabric |
WMA | Weighted Majority Algorithm | Machine Learning |
WMI | Windows Management Instrumentation | |
WMS | Warehouse Management System | ERP |
WMS | Web Mapping Service | |
WOW64 | Windows on Windows 64 | Microsoft Windows |
WPE | Weighted Prediction Error | Machine Learning |
WPF | Windows Presentation Framework | Software Architecture |
WQL | WMI Query Language | |
WSE | Web Services Enhancements | |
WSH | Windows Script Host | |
WSS | Web Storage System | |
WSS | ||
WYSIWYG | What You See Is What You Get | common |
XaaS | Everything-as-a-Service | Cloud Computing |
XAI | eXplainable Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning |
XBRL | eXtensible Business Reporting Language | Machine Learning |
XDR | eXtended Detection and Response | |
XDS | eXtensible Data Security | |
XE | eXtended Events | SQL Server |
XMI | XML Metadata Interchange | XML |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language | XML, file format |
XMLA | XML for Analysis | |
XP | eXtended (Stored) Procedure | SQL Server |
XP | eXtreme Programming | Software Engineering |
XPO | eXpress Persistent Object | |
XPROC | Extended Stored Procedures Cache Store | SQL Server |
XRM | Extended-Relationship-Management | |
XSD | XML Schema Definition | XML |
XSLT | Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations | XML, file format |
ZBR | Zoned-Bit Recording | Cloud Computing |
ZRS | Zone-Redundant Storage | Cloud Computing |
ZTNA | Zero Trust Network Access | Security |
YARN | Yet another resource negotiator | Software Architecture |