16 July 2019

🧱IT: Quality of Service [QoS] (Definitions)

"The guaranteed performance of a network connection." (Tom Petrocelli, "Data Protection and Information Lifecycle Management", 2005)

"QoS (Quality of Service) is a metric for quantifying desired or delivered degree of service reliability, priority, and other measures of interest for its quality." (Bo Leuf, "The Semantic Web: Crafting infrastructure for agency", 2006)

"a criterion of performance of a service or element, such as the worst-case execution time for an operation." (Bruce P Douglass, "Real-Time Agility: The Harmony/ESW Method for Real-Time and Embedded Systems Development", 2009)

"The QoS describes the non-functional aspects of a service such as performance." (Martin Oberhofer et al, "The Art of Enterprise Information Architecture", 2010)

"QoS (Quality of Service) Networking technology that enables network administrators to manage bandwidth and give priority to desired types of application traffic as it traverses the network." (Mark Rhodes-Ousley, "Information Security: The Complete Reference" 2nd Ed., 2013)

"A negotiated contract between a user and a network provider that renders some degree of reliable capacity in the shared network." (Gartner)

"Quality of service (QoS) is the description or measurement of the overall performance of a service, especially in terms of the user’s experience. Typically it is used in reference to telephony or computer networks, or to online and cloud-hosted services." (Barracuda) [source]

"The measurable end-to-end performance properties of a network service, which can be guaranteed in advance by a Service Level Agreement between a user and a service provider, so as to satisfy specific customer application requirements. Note: These properties may include throughput (bandwidth), transit delay (latency), error rates, priority, security, packet loss, packet jitter, etc." (CNSSI 4009-2015)

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