02 July 2019

🧱IT: Peer-to-Peer Network (Definitions)

[peer-to-peer computing:] "Users loosely connected through online connections that enable them to share data and programs." (Greg Perry, "Sams Teach Yourself Beginning Programming in 24 Hours 2nd Ed.", 2001)

[peer-to-peer computing:] "A distributed computing model in which each node has equal standing among the collection of nodes. In the most typical usage of this term, the same capabilities are offered by each node, and any node can initiate a communication session with another node. This contrasts with, for example, client-server computing. The capabilities that are shared in peer-to-peer computing include file-sharing as well as computation." (Beverly A Sanders, "Patterns for Parallel Programming", 2004)

"A network comprised of individual participants that have equal capabilities and duties." (Andy Walker, "Absolute Beginner’s Guide To: Security, Spam, Spyware & Viruses", 2005)

"A blanket term used to describe: (1) a peer-centric distributed software architecture, (2) a flavor of software that encourages collaboration and file sharing between peers, and (3) a cultural progression in the way humans and applications interact with each other that emphasizes two way interactive 'conversations' in place of the Web’s initial television-like communication model (where information only flows in one direction)." (Craig F Smith & H Peter Alesso, "Thinking on the Web: Berners-Lee, Gödel and Turing", 2008)

"A networking system in which nodes in a network exchange data directly instead of going through a central server. " (Marcia Kaufman et al, "Big Data For Dummies", 2013)

"A network where all computers can both share and acces resources from other computers on the same network; a decentralized network." (Faithe Wempen, "Computing Fundamentals: Introduction to Computers", 2015)

"A type of network in which a group of personal computers is interconnected so that the hard disks, CD ROMs, files, and printers of each computer can be accessed from every other computer on the network. Peer-to-peer networks do not have a central file server. This type of system is used if less than a dozen computers will be networked." (James R Kalyvas & Michael R Overly, "Big Data: A Businessand Legal Guide", 2015)

"A decentralized network where participants have equal privileges and make certain resources directly available to other network participants." (AICPA)

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