Showing posts with label neural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neural. Show all posts

18 May 2018

🔬Data Science: Boltzmann Machine (Definitions)

[Boltzmann machine (with learning):] "A net that adjusts its weights so that the equilibrium configuration of the net will solve a given problem, such as an encoder problem" (David H Ackley et al, "A learning algorithm for boltzmann machines", Cognitive Science Vol. 9 (1), 1985)

[Boltzmann machine (without learning):] "A class of neural networks used for solving constrained optimization problems. In a typical Boltzmann machine, the weights are fixed to represent the constraints of the problem and the function to be optimized. The net seeks the solution by changing the activations (either 1 or 0) of the units based on a probability distribution and the effect that the change would have on the energy function or consensus function for the net." (David H Ackley et al, "A learning algorithm for boltzmann machines", Cognitive Science Vol. 9 (1), 1985)

"neural-network model otherwise similar to a Hopfield network but having symmetric interconnects and stochastic processing elements. The input-output relation is optimized by adjusting the bistable values of its internal state variables one at a time, relating to a thermodynamically inspired rule, to reach a global optimum." (Teuvo Kohonen, "Self-Organizing Maps 3rd" Ed., 2001)

"A neural network model consisting of interacting binary units in which the probability of a unit being in the active state depends on its integrated synaptic inputs." (Terrence J Sejnowski, "The Deep Learning Revolution", 2018)

"An unsupervised network that maximizes the product of probabilities assigned to the elements of the training set." (Mário P Véstias, "Deep Learning on Edge: Challenges and Trends", 2020)

"Restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) is an undirected graphical model that falls under deep learning algorithms. It plays an important role in dimensionality reduction, classification and regression. RBM is the basic block of Deep-Belief Networks. It is a shallow, two-layer neural networks. The first layer of the RBM is called the visible or input layer while the second is the hidden layer. In RBM the interconnections between visible units and hidden units are established using symmetric weights." (S Abirami & P Chitra, "The Digital Twin Paradigm for Smarter Systems and Environments: The Industry Use Cases", Advances in Computers, 2020)

"A deep Boltzmann machine (DBM) is a type of binary pairwise Markov random field (undirected probabilistic graphical model) with multiple layers of hidden random variables." (Udit Singhania & B. K. Tripathy, "Text-Based Image Retrieval Using Deep Learning",  2021) 

"A Boltzmann machine is a neural network of symmetrically connected nodes that make their own decisions whether to activate. Boltzmann machines use a straightforward stochastic learning algorithm to discover “interesting” features that represent complex patterns in the database." (DeepAI) [source]

"Boltzmann Machines is a type of neural network model that was inspired by the physical process of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. [...] Full Boltzmann machines are impractical to train, which is one of the reasons why a limited form, called the restricted Boltzmann machine, is used." (Accenture)

"RBMs [Restricted Boltzmann Machines] are a type of probabilistic graphical model that can be interpreted as a stochastic artificial neural network. RBNs learn a representation of the data in an unsupervised manner. An RBN consists of visible and hidden layer, and connections between binary neurons in each of these layers. RBNs can be efficiently trained using Contrastive Divergence, an approximation of gradient descent." (Wild ML)

15 March 2018

🔬Data Science: Training (Definitions)

"A step by step procedure for adjusting the weights in a neural net." (Laurene V Fausett, "Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications", 1994)

[supervised training:] "Process of adjusting the weights in a neural net using a learning algorithm; the desired output for each of a set of training input vectors is presented to the net. Many iterations through the training data may be required." (Laurene V Fausett, "Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications", 1994)

[unsupervised training:] "A training procedure in which only input vectors x are supplied to a neural network; the network learns some internal features of the whole set of all the input vectors presented to it." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"The process of adjusting the connection weights in a neural network under the control of a learning algorithm." (Joseph P Bigus, "Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving Business Problems from Application Development to Decision Support", 1996)

[supervised training:] "Training of a neural network when the training examples comprise input vectors x and the desired output vectors y; training is performed until the neural network 'learns' to associate each input vector x with its corresponding and desired output vector y." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Exposing a neural computing system to a set of example stimuli to achieve a particular user-defined goal." (Guido J Deboeck and Teuvo Kohonen, "Visual explorations in finance with self-organizing maps", 2000)

"The process used to configure an artificial neural network by repeatedly exposing it to sample data. In feed-forward networks, as each incoming vector or individual input is processed, the network produces an output for that case. With each pass of every case vector in a sample (see epoch), connection weights between neurons are modified. A typical training regime may require tens to thousands of complete epochs before the network converges (see convergence)." (David Scarborough & Mark J Somers, "Neural Networks in Organizational Research: Applying Pattern Recognition to the Analysis of Organizational Behavior", 2006)

"The process a data mining model uses to estimate model parameters by evaluating a set of known and predictable data." (Microsoft, "SQL Server 2012 Glossary", 2012)

"In data mining, the process of fitting a model to data. This is an iterative process and may involve thousands of iterations or more." (Meta S Brown, "Data Mining For Dummies", 2014)

"The process of adjusting the weights and threshold values in a neural net to get a desired outcome" (Nell Dale & John Lewis, "Computer Science Illuminated" 6th Ed., 2015)

"Model training is the process of fitting a model to data." (Alex Thomas, "Natural Language Processing with Spark NLP", 2020)

"Model Training is how artificial intelligence (AI) is taught to perform its tasks, and in many ways follows the same process that new human recruits must also undergo. AI training data needs to be unbiased and comprehensive to ensure that the AI’s actions and decisions do not unintentionally disadvantage a set of people. A key feature of responsible AI is the ability to demonstrate how an AI has been trained." (Accenture)

18 April 2006

🖍️Charu C Aggarwal - Collected Quotes

"A major advantage of probabilistic models is that they can be easily applied to virtually any data type (or mixed data type), as long as an appropriate generative model is available for each mixture component. [...] A downside of probabilistic models is that they try to fit the data to a particular kind of distribution, which may often not be appropriate for the underlying data. Furthermore, as the number of model parameters increases, over-fitting becomes more common. In such cases, the outliers may fit the underlying model of normal data. Many parametric models are also harder to interpret in terms of intensional knowledge, especially when the parameters of the model cannot be intuitively presented to an analyst in terms of underlying attributes. This can defeat one of the important purposes of anomaly detection, which is to provide diagnostic understanding of the abnormal data generative process." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Outlier Analysis", 2013)

"An attempt to use the wrong model for a given data set is likely to provide poor results. Therefore, the core principle of discovering outliers is based on assumptions about the structure of the normal patterns in a given data set. Clearly, the choice of the 'normal' model depends highly upon the analyst’s understanding of the natural data patterns in that particular domain." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Outlier Analysis", 2013)

"Dimensionality reduction and regression modeling are particularly hard to interpret in terms of original attributes, when the underlying data dimensionality is high. This is because the subspace embedding is defined as a linear combination of attributes with positive or negative coefficients. This cannot easily be intuitively interpreted in terms specific properties of the data attributes." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Outlier Analysis", 2013)

"Typically, most outlier detection algorithms use some quantified measure of the outlierness of a data point, such as the sparsity of the underlying region, nearest neighbor based distance, or the fit to the underlying data distribution. Every data point lies on a continuous spectrum from normal data to noise, and finally to anomalies [...] The separation of the different regions of this spectrum is often not precisely defined, and is chosen on an ad-hoc basis according to application-specific criteria. Furthermore, the separation between noise and anomalies is not pure, and many data points created by a noisy generative process may be deviant enough to be interpreted as anomalies on the basis of the outlier score. Thus, anomalies will typically have a much higher outlier score than noise, but this is not a distinguishing factor between the two as a matter of definition. Rather, it is the interest of the analyst, which regulates the distinction between noise and an anomaly." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Outlier Analysis", 2013) 

"Even though a natural way of avoiding overfitting is to simply build smaller networks (with fewer units and parameters), it has often been observed that it is better to build large networks and then regularize them in order to avoid overfitting. This is because large networks retain the option of building a more complex model if it is truly warranted. At the same time, the regularization process can smooth out the random artifacts that are not supported by sufficient data. By using this approach, we are giving the model the choice to decide what complexity it needs, rather than making a rigid decision for the model up front (which might even underfit the data)." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Textbook", 2018)

"Regularization is particularly important when the amount of available data is limited. A neat biological interpretation of regularization is that it corresponds to gradual forgetting, as a result of which 'less important' (i.e., noisy) patterns are removed. In general, it is often advisable to use more complex models with regularization rather than simpler models without regularization." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Textbook", 2018)

"The high generalization error in a neural network may be caused by several reasons. First, the data itself might have a lot of noise, in which case there is little one can do in order to improve accuracy. Second, neural networks are hard to train, and the large error might be caused by the poor convergence behavior of the algorithm. The error might also be caused by high bias, which is referred to as underfitting. Finally, overfitting (i.e., high variance) may cause a large part of the generalization error. In most cases, the error is a combination of more than one of these different factors." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Textbook", 2018)

"The idea behind deeper architectures is that they can better leverage repeated regularities in the data patterns in order to reduce the number of computational units and therefore generalize the learning even to areas of the data space where one does not have examples. Often these repeated regularities are learned by the neural network within the weights as the basis vectors of hierarchical features." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Textbook", 2018)

"A key point is that an increased number of attributes relative to training points provides additional degrees of freedom to the optimization problem, as a result of which irrelevant solutions become more likely. Therefore, a natural solution is to add a penalty for using additional features." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Artificial Intelligence: A Textbook", 2021)

"In general, the more complex the data, the more the analyst has to make prior inferences of what is considered normal for modeling purposes." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Artificial Intelligence: A Textbook", 2021)

"The ability to go beyond human domain knowledge is usually achieved by inductive learning methods that are unfettered from the imperfections in the domain knowledge of deductive methods." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Artificial Intelligence: A Textbook", 2021)

"The Monte Carlo tree search method is naturally suited to non-deterministic settings such as card games or backgammon. Minimax trees are not well suited to non-deterministic settings because of the inability to predict the opponent’s moves while building the tree. On the other hand, Monte Carlo tree search is naturally suited to handling such settings, since the desirability of moves is always evaluated in an expected sense. The randomness in the game can be naturally combined with the randomness in move sampling in order to learn the expected outcomes from each choice of move." (Charu C Aggarwal, "Artificial Intelligence: A Textbook", 2021)

12 April 2006

🖍️Nikola K Kasabov - Collected Quotes

"A strategy is usually expressed by a set of heuristic rules. The heuristic rules ease the process of searching for an optimal solution. The process is usually iterative and at one step either the global optimum for the whole problem (state) space is found and the process stops, or a local optimum for a subspace of the state space of the problem is found and the problem continues, if it is possible to improve." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Adaptation is the process of changing a system during its operation in a dynamically changing environment. Learning and interaction are elements of this process. Without adaptation there is no intelligence." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

 "An artificial neural network (or simply a neural network) is a biologically inspired computational model that consists of processing elements (neurons) and connections between them, as well as of training and recall algorithms." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Artificial intelligence comprises methods, tools, and systems for solving problems that normally require the intelligence of humans. The term intelligence is always defined as the ability to learn effectively, to react adaptively, to make proper decisions, to communicate in language or images in a sophisticated way, and to understand." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996) 

"Data obtained without any external disturbance or corruption are called clean; noisy data mean that a small random ingredient is added to the clean data." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Fuzzy systems are excellent tools for representing heuristic, commonsense rules. Fuzzy inference methods apply these rules to data and infer a solution. Neural networks are very efficient at learning heuristics from data. They are 'good problem solvers' when past data are available. Both fuzzy systems and neural networks are universal approximators in a sense, that is, for a given continuous objective function there will be a fuzzy system and a neural network which approximate it to any degree of accuracy." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Fuzzy systems are rule-based expert systems based on fuzzy rules and fuzzy inference. Fuzzy rules represent in a straightforward way 'commonsense' knowledge and skills, or knowledge that is subjective, ambiguous, vague, or contradictory." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Generalization is the process of matching new, unknown input data with the problem knowledge in order to obtain the best possible solution, or one close to it. Generalization means reacting properly to new situations, for example, recognizing new images, or classifying new objects and situations. Generalization can also be described as a transition from a particular object description to a general concept description. This is a major characteristic of all intelligent systems." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996) 

"Generally speaking, problem knowledge for solving a given problem may consist of heuristic rules or formulas that comprise the explicit knowledge, and past-experience data that comprise the implicit, hidden knowledge. Knowledge represents links between the domain space and the solution space, the space of the independent variables and the space of the dependent variables." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Heuristic (it is of Greek origin) means discovery. Heuristic methods are based on experience, rational ideas, and rules of thumb. Heuristics are based more on common sense than on mathematics. Heuristics are useful, for example, when the optimal solution needs an exhaustive search that is not realistic in terms of time. In principle, a heuristic does not guarantee the best solution, but a heuristic solution can provide a tremendous shortcut in cost and time." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Heuristic methods may aim at local optimization rather than at global optimization, that is, the algorithm optimizes the solution stepwise, finding the best solution at each small step of the solution process and 'hoping' that the global solution, which comprises the local ones, would be satisfactory." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Inference is the process of matching current facts from the domain space to the existing knowledge and inferring new facts. An inference process is a chain of matchings. The intermediate results obtained during the inference process are matched against the existing knowledge. The length of the chain is different. It depends on the knowledge base and on the inference method applied." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Learning is the process of obtaining new knowledge. It results in a better reaction to the same inputs at the next session of operation. It means improvement. It is a step toward adaptation. Learning is a major characteristic of intelligent systems." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Prediction (forecasting) is the process of generating information for the possible future development of a process from data about its past and its present development." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Representation is the process of transforming existing problem knowledge to some of the known knowledge-engineering schemes in order to process it by applying knowledge-engineering methods. The result of the representation process is the problem knowledge base in a computer format." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"The most distinguishing property of fuzzy logic is that it deals with fuzzy propositions, that is, propositions which contain fuzzy variables and fuzzy values, for example, 'the temperature is high', 'the height is short'. The truth values for fuzzy propositions are not TRUE/FALSE only, as is the case in propositional boolean logic, but include all the grayness between two extreme values." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Validation is the process of testing how good the solutions produced by a system are. The results produced by a system are usually compared with the results obtained either by experts or by other systems. Validation is an extremely important part of the process of developing every knowledge-based system. Without comparing the results produced by the system with reality, there is little point in using it." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

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