Showing posts with label Resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resources. Show all posts

09 January 2021

🧮ERP: Panning (Part I: It’s all about Planning - An Introduction)

ERP Implementation

Ideally the total volume of work can be uniformly distributed for all project’s duration though in praxis the curve representing the effort has the form of a wave or aggregation of waves that tend to reach the peak shortly before or during the Go-Live(s). More important, higher fluctuations occur in the various areas of the project on whole project’s duration, as there are dependencies between the various functional areas, as one needs to wait for decisions to be made, people are not available, etc. Typically, the time wasted on waiting, researching or other non-value-added activities have the potential of leading to such peaks. Therefore, the knowledge must be available, and decisions must be taken when required, which can be challenging but not impossible to achieve. 

To bridge the time wasted on waiting, the team members need to work on other topics. If on customer’s side the resources can handle maybe other activities, on vendor’s side the costs can be high and proportional with the volume of waiting. Therefore, vendor’s resources must be involved at least in two projects or do work in other areas in advance, which is not always possible. However, when vendor’s resources are involved in two or more projects, unless the planning is perfect or each resource can handle the work as it comes, there are further waiting times added. The customer is then forced either to book the resources exclusively, or to wait and carry the costs associated with it. 

On the other side ERP Implementations tend to become exploration projects, especially when the team has only partial knowledge about the system, or the requirements have a certain degree of specialization that deviates from the standard processes. The more unknowns an ERP implementation has, the more difficult is to plan. To be able to plan one must know the activities ahead, how long they take, and of course, one must adhere to the delivery dates, because each delay can have a cascading effect that can impact project’s schedule considerably. 

Probably the best approach to planning is to group the activities into packages and plan the packages, being in each subteam’s duty to handle the planning for each package, following to manage at upper level only the open issues, risks or opportunities. This shifts the burden from Project Manager’s shoulders within the project. Moreover, even if in theory the plan can consider each activity, it will become obsolete as soon it’s updated given the considerable volume of work requested to maintain it. Periodically, one can still revise the whole plan to identify opportunities and risks. What the team can do is to plan for a certain time interval (e.g. 4-6 weeks) and build from there. This allows focusing on the most important activities. 

To further shift the burden, activities like Data Migration, Data Cleaning or the integrations with third party systems should be treated when possible as subprojects. Despite having interdependencies with the main project (e.g. parameters, master data, decisions) and share same resources, they have their own schedule whose deadlines need to be aligned with main project’s milestones. 

Unless the team and business put all effort to respect the plan and, as long the plan is realistic, the initial plan can seldom be respected – it’s anyway just a sketch of the road ahead that can change as the project progresses – and this aspect needs to be understood by the business otherwise will lead to false expectations. On the other side, the team must try respecting the deadlines and communicate in time inability to do so. It’s an interplay in which communication is more important than ever.

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🧮ERP: Planning (Part I: It’s all about Partnership - An Introduction)

ERP Implementation
ERP Implementations Series

Unless the organization (customer) implementing an ERP system has a strong IT team and the knowledge required for the implementation is available already in-house, the resources need to be acquired from the market, and probably the right thing to do is to identify a certified implementer (partner) which can fill the knowledge and skillset gaps, respectively which can help splitting the risks associated with such an implementation.

In theory, the customer provides knowledge about its processes, while the partner comes with expertise about the system to be implemented and further technologies, industry best practices, project methodologies, etc. Further on, the mix is leveraged to harness the knowledge and reach project’s objectives. 

In praxis however finding an implementer which can act as partner might be more challenging than expected. This because the implementer needs to understand customer’s business and where it’s heading, bridge the gap between functional requirements and system’s functionality, advise on areas of improvement, prepare the customer for the project and lead the customer through the changes, respectively establish a basis for the future. Some of the implications are seldom made explicit even if they are implied by what is needed by the project. 

Technology is seldom the issue in an ERP implementation, the challenges residing in handing the change and the logistics required. There are so many aspects to be considered and handled, and this can be challenging for any implementer no matter how long has been on the market or how experienced the resources are. Somebody needs to lead the change and the customer seldom has the knowledge to handle the change. In some cases, the implementer must make the customer aware of the implications, while in others needs to take the initiative and lead the change, though the customer needs to play along, which can be challenging also. 

Many aspects need to be handled at management level from a strategical point of view on customer’s side. It starts with assuring that the most important aspects of the business where considered, that the goals and objectives are clear, that the proper environment is created, and ends with the timely decision-making, with assuring that the resources are available when needed, that the needed organization structures and roles are in place, that the required knowledge is available before, during and after implementation, that the potential brought by the ERP system is harnessed for the years to come. 

A partnership allows in theory splitting the implementation risks as ERP implementations have a high rate of failure. Quite often the outcomes of such projects don’t meet the expectations, the systems being in extremis unusable or a bottleneck for the organization. Ideally one should work with the partner(s) and attempt solving the issues, split eventually the incurred cost overruns, find a middle way. Most of the times it’s recommended to find a solution together rather than coming to a litigation. 

Given the complex dependencies existing between the various parts of the project, the causes that lead to poor implementations are difficult to prove, as there are almost always grey areas. Moreover, the litigations can require a considerable time and resources to settle. These can be just extreme situations, and as long one has a good partner, there’s no need to think that far. On the other side, even if undesirable, one must be prepared also for such outcomes, even if the countermeasures may involve an additional effort. Therefore, one must address such issues in contracts by establishing the areas of accountability/responsibilities for each party, document adequately the requirements and further (important) communication, make sure that the deliverables have the expected quality, etc.

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16 June 2020

💼Project Management: Project Planning (Part IV: Planning Correctly Misunderstood IV)


The relatively big number of Project Management (PM) methodologies considered nowadays makes it more and more difficult to understand the world of PM and make oneself understood, in the context in which terminology is used in explanations that defy the logic, in which people are stubborn in persisting that their understanding is the ultimate truth and, that between white and black there are no degrees of gray. Between all PM concepts project planning seems to be the most misunderstood, and this probably because all the activities revolve around it, while each methodology brings its own planning philosophy. Each methodology comes with its own story, its own imaginative description of what a perfect plan is about.

Independently of the methodology used there are three levels of planning. At highest level, the strategic one, the project is put in the context of other strategic activities – other projects and initiatives, as well business operations, competing altogether for the same financial and human resources.  At this level are the goals identified and put the basis for the successful execution of the project, including establishing the ground and integrating the main aspects of a project – risk, quality and communication. Here is decided which projects will be considered, in which sequence, how and when resources will be assigned. 

A project plan is typically written and further executed by having the tactical horizon in mind – the individual engagement of resources and actions, the actual means to reach the objectives set at strategic level. It’s the level where the actual project plan is detailed, where activities are sequenced and prioritized. Here each methodology has its own approach – whether the planning is done per deliverable, work package or any other approach used to partition the activities. It’s the level at which the various teams are coordinated toward specific targets. Thus the manageable unit is the team and not the individual, the deliverables or the work packages and not the individual tasks.

The operational level equates with the execution of a project’s activities. Even if the project manager oversights the activities, it’s in team’s duties to plan the activities having the set deliveries in mind. The project manager doesn’t need to know all the details, though he should be updated on a timely manner on the progress, the eventual risks and opportunities that arise in each area. This requires continuous coordination on vertical as well horizontal level.

The project manager typically oscillates between the strategic and tactical views of a project, while the operational level appears in the view only when operational themes are escalated or further coordination is needed. Even if this delimitation is clear in big projects, in the small projects the three levels melt into each other. Therefore the sprung from small to big projects and vice-versa can create issues when the approach is not tailored to project’s size and its further characteristics.

Attempting to plan each activity in the project at the lowest level of detail obscures the view, the complexity of the project kicking back sooner or later. Maintaining such a detailed plan can become a waste of time on the long term. In extremis a resource is used to update a plan, which easily can become obsolete by the time all activities were reviewed. This doesn’t mean that the project plan doesn’t need to be updated regularly, though the pace can be decided on each project’s specifics.

Therefore, one of the most important challenges in projects is finding the appropriate level of detail for planning, and there’s no general rule that works for all projects. Typically the choices alternate between work packages and deliverables. 

21 May 2020

💼Project Management: Project Planning (Part III: Planning Correctly Misunderstood III)


One of the most misunderstood topics in Project Management seems to be the one of planning, and this probably because everyone has a good idea of what it means to plan an activity – we do it daily and most of the times (hopefully) we hit a bull’s-eye (or we have the impression we did that). You must do this and that, you have that dependency, you must coordinate with a few people, you must first reach that milestone before going further, you do one step at a time, and so on. It’s pretty easy, isn’t it?

From a bird’s eyes view project planning is like planning every other activity though there are several important differences. The most important one is of scale – the number of activities and resources involved, the level of coordination and communication, as well the quality with which occur, the level of uncertainty and control, respectively manageability. All these create a complexity that is hardly manageable by just one person. 

Another difference is the detail needed for the planning and targets’ reachability. Some believe that the plan needs to be done down to the lowest level of detail, which even if possible can prove to be an impediment to planning. Projects’ environment share some important characteristics with a battle field in terms of complexity of interactions, their dynamics and logistical requirements. Within an army’s structure there are levels of organization that require different mindsets and levels of planning. A general thinks primarily at strategic level in which troops and actions are seen as aggregations at the needed level of abstraction that makes their organization and planning manageable. The strategy is done however in collaboration with other generals and upper structures, while having defined the strategic goals the general must devise together with the immediate subalterns the tactics. In theory the project manager must regard the project from the same perspective. Results thus three levels of planning – strategic, done with the upper management, tactical done with the team members, respectively logistical, done within the team. That’s a way of breaking the complexity and dividing the responsibilities within the project. 

Projects’ final destination seem to have the character of a wish list more or less anchored in reality. From a technical point the target can be achievable though in big projects the most important challenges are of organizational nature – of being able to allocate and coordinate effectively the resources as needed by the project. The wish-like character is reflected also by the cost, scope, time triangle in respect to the expected quality – to some point in time one is forced to choose between two of them. On the other side, there’s the tendency to see the targets and milestones as fixed, with little room for deviation. One can easily forget that a strategic plan’s purpose is to set the objectives, identify the challenges and the possible lines of action, while a tactical plan’s objective is to devise the means to reach the objectives. Bringing everything together can easily obscure the view and, in extremis, the plan loses its actuality as soon was created (and approved). 

The most confusing aspect is probably the adherence of a plan to a given methodology, one dicing a project and thus a plan to fit a methodology by following blindly the rules and principles imposed by it instead of fitting the methodology to a project. Besides the fact that the methodologies are best practices but not necessarily good practices, what fits for an organization, they tend to be either too general, by specifying the what and not the how, or too restrictive (interpreted). 

20 May 2020

💼Project Management: Project Planning (Part V: Some Thoughts on Planning II)


A project’s dependency on resources’ (average) utilization time (UT) and quality expectations expressed as a quality factor (QF) doesn’t come as a surprise, as hopefully one is acquainted with project’s triangle which reflects the dependency between scope, cost and time in respect to quality. Even if this dependency is intuitive, it’s difficult to express it in numbers and study the way it affects the project. That was the purpose of the model built previously.
From the respective model there are a few things to ponder. First, it’s a utopia to plan with 90% UT, unless one is really sure that the resources have enough work to bring the idle time close to zero. A single person can achieve maybe a 90% UT if he works alone on the project, though even then there are phases in which the input or feedback from other people is necessary. The more people involved into the project and the higher the dependency between their activities, the higher the chances that the (average) UT will decrease considerably.
When in addition there’s also a geographical or organizational boundary between team members, the UT will decrease even more. In consequence, in big projects like ERP implementations the team members from customer and vendor side are allocated fully to the project; when this is not possible, then on the vendor side the consultants need to be involved in at least two projects to cover the idle time. Of course, with good planning, communication, and awareness of the work ahead one can try minimizing the idle time, though that’s less likely to happen.
Probably, a better idea would be planning with 75% or even 60% UT though the values depend on team's experience in handling similar projects. If the team members are involved also in operational activities or other projects, then a 50% UT is more realistic.
Secondly, in the previous post was considered in respect to quality the 80%-20% rule which applies to the various deliverables, though the rule has a punctual character. Taken on the average the rule is somehow attenuated. Therefore, in the model was considered a sprung between factors of 1 to 2 with a step of 0,25 for each 5% quality increase. It's needed to prove whether the values are realistic and how much they depend on project's characteristics.
On the other side, quality is difficult to quantify, and 100% quality is hypothetical. One discusses in theory about 3 sigma (the equivalent of 93,3 accuracy) or 4 sigma (99,4 accuracy) in respect to the number of errors found in the code, though from there on everything is fuzzy. In software projects each decision has the potential of leading to an error, and there’s lot of interpretability as long there’s no fix basis against to compare the deviations. One needs precise and correct specification for that.
I think that one should target in a first phase 80% quality (on average) and further build from there, try to improve the quality iteratively as the project goes on and as lessons are learned. In other words, a project plan, a concept, a design document doesn’t need to be perfect from the beginning but should be good enough to allow working with it. One can detail them as progress is made into the project, and hopefully their quality should converge to a value that is acceptable for the business.
Thirdly, in case a planning tool was used, one can use the model backwards to roughly prove timeline’s feasibility, dividing the planned effort by the estimated effort and the number of resources involved to identify the implied utilization time.  

19 May 2020

💼Project Management: Project Planning (Part IV: Some Thoughts on Planning I)


One of the issues in Project Management (PM) planning is that the planner idealizes a resource and activities performed by it much like a machine. Unlike machines whose uptime can approach 100%, a human resource can work at most 90% of the available time (aka utilization time), the remaining 10% being typically associated with interruptions – internal emails and meetings, casual communications, pauses, etc. For resources split between projects or operations the utilization time can be at most 70%, however a realistic value is in general between 40% and 60% on average. What does it mean this for a project?
So, if a resource has a volume of work W, the amount of time needed to complete the work would be at best W/UT, where UT is the utilization time of the respective resource. “At best” because in each project there are additional idle time resulted from waste related activities – waiting for sign off, for information, for other resource to complete the time, etc.
The utilization time is not the only factor to consider. Upon case, the delivered work can reach maybe on average 80% of the expected quality. This applies to documentation and concepts as well for written code, bug testing and other project activities. To reach in the range of 100% one more likely will need 4 times of the effort associated with reaching 80% of the expected quality, however this value is dependent also on people’s professionalism and the degree with which the requirements were understood and possibly achievable. Therefore, the values vehiculated can be regarded as “boundary” values.
Let’s consider a quality factor (QF) which has a value of 1 for 80%, with an increase of 0,25 for each 5% of quality increase. Thus, with an initial effort estimation of 100 days, this is how the resulted effort modifies for various UT and QF values:

Considering that a project can target between 60% and 95% UT, and between 80% and 95% quality, for an initial estimation of 100 days the actual project duration can range between 117 and 292 days, where the lowest, respectively the right bound values are more realistic.
The model is simplistic as it doesn’t reflect the nonlinear aspect of the factors involved and the dependencies existing between them. It also doesn’t reflect the maturity of an organization to handle the projects and the tasks involved. However, it can be used to increase the awareness in how the utilization time and expected quality can affect a project’s timeline, and to check on whether one’s planning is realistic.
For example, at project’s start one can target an UT of 70% and a quality of 85%, which for 100 days of estimated effort will result in about 178 days of actual effort. Now diving the value by the number of resources involved, e.g. 4, it results that the project could be finished in about 44,5 days. This value can be compared then with the actual plan in which the activities are listed.
During the project it would be useful to look on how the UT changed and by how much, to understand the impact the change has on the project. For example, a decrease of 5% in utilization time can delay the project with 2,5 days which is not much, though for a project of 1000 days with talk already about one month. Same, it will be helpful to check how much the quality deviated from the expectation, because a decrease in quality by 5% can result in an additional effort of extra 8 days, which for 1000 days would mean almost 4 months of delay.

21 April 2019

💼Project Management: Project Planning (Part II: Planning Correctly Misunderstood II)


Even if planning is the most critical activity in Project Management it seems to be also one of the most misunderstood concepts. Planning is critical because it charters the road ahead in terms of what, when, why and who, being used as a basis for action, communication, for determining the current status in respect to the initial plan, as well the critical activities ahead.

The misunderstandings derive maybe also from the fact that each methodology introduces its own approach to planning. PMI as traditional approach talks about baseline planning with respect to scope schedule and costs, about management plans, which besides the theme covered in the baseline, focus also on quality, human resources, risks, communication and procurement, and separate plans can be developed for requirements, change and configuration management, respectively process improvement. To them one can consider also action and contingency planning.

In Prince2 the product-based planning is done at three levels – at project, stage, respectively team level – while separate plans are done for exceptions in case of deviations from any of these plans; in addition there are plans for communication, quality and risk management. Scrum uses an agile approach looking at the product and sprint backlog, the progress being reviewed in stand-up meetings with the help of a burn-down chart. There are also other favors of planning like rapid application planning considered in Extreme Programming (XP), with an open, elastic and undeterministic approach. In Lean planning the focus is on maximizing the value while minimizing the waste, this being done by focusing on the value stream, the complete list of activities involved in delivering the end-product, value stream's flow being mapped with the help of visualization techniques such as Kanban, flowcharts or spaghetti diagrams.

With so many types of planning nothing can go wrong, isn’t it? However, just imagine customers' confusion when dealing with a change of methodology, especially when the concepts sound fuzzy and cryptic! Unfortunately, also the programmers and consultants seem to be bewildered by the various approaches and the philosophies supporting the methodologies used, their insecurity bringing no service for the project and customers’ peace of mind. A military strategist will more likely look puzzled at the whole unnecessary plethora of techniques. On the field an army has to act with the utmost concentration and speed, to which add principles like directedness, maneuver, unity, economy of effort, collaboration, flexibility, simplicity and sustainability. It’s what Project Management fails to deliver.

Similarly to projects, the plan made before the battle seldom matches the reality in the field. Planning is an exercise needed to divide the strategy in steps, echelon and prioritize them, evaluate the needed resources and coordinate them, understand the possible outcomes and risks, evaluate solutions and devise actions for them. With a good training, planning and coordination, each combatant knows his role in the battle, has a rough idea about difficulties, targets and possible ways to achieve them; while a good combatant knows always the next action. At the same time, the leader must have visibility over fight’s unfold, know the situation in the field and how much it diverged from the initial plan, thus when the variation is considerable he must change the plan by changing the priorities and make better use the resources available.

Even if there are multiple differences between the two battlefields, the projects follow the same patterns of engagement at different scales. Probably, Project Managers can learn quite of a deal by studying the classical combat strategists, and hopefully the management of projects would be more effective and efficient if the imperatives of planning, respectively management, were better understood and addressed.

21 January 2016

♜Strategic Management: Management (Definitions)

"To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, co-ordinate and to control." (Henri Fayol, 1916)

"Management is a distinct process consisting of planning, organising, actuating and controlling; utilising in each both science and art, and followed in order to accomplish pre-determined objectives." (George R Terry, "Principles of Management", 1960)

"Management is defined here as the accomplishment of desired objectives by establishing an environment favorable to performance by people operating in organized groups." (Harold Koontz, "Principles of Management", 1968)

"Management can be defined as the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling organizational resources." (Richard L Daft, "The Leadership Experience" 4th Ed., 2008)

"Either the process of supervision, control, and co-ordination of productive activity in industrial and other formal organizations, or the persons performing these functions." (Kathryn J Hayes, "Triple Helix Organisations, Communities of Practice and Time", 2011)

"Activities for controlling and leveraging the limited amount of available resources (material, financial and human) aimed at the best possible way of achieving system performance objectives." (Alexander Kolker, "Management Science for Healthcare Applications", Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization, 2014)

"The art of planning, organizing, leading, coordinating and controlling resources of the organization toward accomplishment of common goal." (Mladen Čudanov & Jovan Krivokapić, "Organizational and Management Aspects of Cloud Computing Application in Scientific Research", 2014)

"The planning, organizing, leading and controlling of different resources to achieve company goals." (Irem Tukel & Deniz Z Celikdemir, "Integrating Ethics into Management: Why Is It Important?", 2015)

"The process of administering, coordinating and controlling the activities of the organization in order to achieve defined objectives, irrespective of its nature, type, structure, and size." (Chiraz Touil & Souhaila Kammoun, "Intellectual Property Management by Innovative Firms: Evidence From Tunisia", Intellectual Property Rights and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge, 2020)

"The process of using financial resources, tools, materials and time factor in a coherent and effective manner in order to achieve certain objectives." (M Hanefi Calp, "The Role of Artificial Intelligence Within the Scope of Digital Transformation in Enterprises", 2020)

"The term management is used to refer to the set of actions, or procedures that allow the realization of any activity or desire. In other words, a management refers to all those procedures that are carried out in order to resolve a situation or materialize a project." (Mayra A V Londoño, Success Factors in the Pedagogical Management of the English Language Teaching Managers, 2020)

24 December 2014

✨Performance Management: Performance (Just the Quotes)

"If we view organizations as adaptive, problem-solving structures, then inferences about effectiveness have to be made, not from static measures of output, but on the basis of the processes through which the organization approaches problems. In other words, no single measurement of organizational efficiency or satisfaction - no single time-slice of organizational performance can provide valid indicators of organizational health." (Warren G Bennis, "General Systems Yearbook", 1962)

"Workers cannot be expected to perform regularly and consistently at full capacity." (Wilbert E Scheer, "Leadership in the Office", 1963)

"The absence of a marked or consistent correlation between job satisfaction and performance casts some doubt on the generality or intensity of either effects of satisfaction on performance or performance on satisfaction." (Victor H Vroom,  "Work and Motivation", 1964)

"Management is defined here as the accomplishment of desired objectives by establishing an environment favorable to performance by people operating in organized groups." (Harold Koontz, "Principles of Management", 1968)

"The management of a system has to deal with the generation of the plans for the system, i. e., consideration of all of the things we have discussed, the overall goals, the environment, the utilization of resources and the components. The management sets the component goals, allocates the resources, and controls the system performance." (C West Churchman, "The Systems Approach", 1968)

"The systems approach to problems focuses on systems taken as a whole, not on their parts taken separately. Such an approach is concerned with total - system performance even when a change in only one or a few of its parts is contemplated because there are some properties of systems that can only be treated adequately from a holistic point of view. These properties derive from the relationship between parts of systems: how the parts interact and fit together." (Russell L Ackoff, "Towards a System of Systems Concepts", 1971) 

"Effectiveness is the foundation of success - efficiency is a minimum condition for survival after success has been achieved. Efficiency is concerned with doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things." (Peter Drucker, "Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Challenges", 1973)

"Leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations." (Peter Drucker, "Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Challenges", 1973)

"[Management] has authority only as long as it performs." (Peter F Drucker, "Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices", 1973)

"To be productive the individual has to have control, to a substantial extent, over the speed, rhythm, and attention spans with which he is working […] While work is, therefore, best laid out as uniform, working is best organized with a considerable degree of diversity. Working requires latitude to change speed, rhythm, and attention span fairly often. It requires fairly frequent changes in operating routines as well. What is good industrial engineering for work is exceedingly poor human engineering for the worker." (Peter F Drucker, "Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices", 1973)

"'Management' means, in the last analysis, the substitution of thought for brawn and muscle, of knowledge for folkways and superstition, and of cooperation for force. It means the substitution of responsibility for obedience to rank, and of authority of performance for authority of rank. (Peter F Drucker, "People and Performance", 1977)

"[...] when a variety of tasks have all to be performed in cooperation, syncronization, and communication, a business needs managers and a management. Otherwise, things go out of control; plans fail to turn into action; or, worse, different parts of the plans get going at different speeds, different times, and with different objectives and goals, and the favor of the 'boss' becomes more important than performance." (Peter F Drucker, "People and Performance", 1977)

"Executive stress is difficult to overstate when there is a conflict among policy restrictions, near-term performance, long-term good of the company, and personal survival." (Bruce Henderson, "Henderson on Corporate Strategy", 1979)

"Keep it simple. The purpose of performance evaluation should be to draw a line between above and below average performers." (Joe Kelly, "How Managers Manage", 1980)

"Management by objectives is a philosophy of managing that is based on identifying purposes, objectives, and desired results, establishing a realistic program for obtaining these results, and evaluating performance in achieving them." (R Henry Miglione, "An MBO Approach to Long-Range Planning", 1983)

"It is much more difficult to measure non-performance than performance. Performance stands out like a ton of diamonds. Non-performance can almost always be explained away." (Harold Geneen & Alvin Moscow, "Managing", 1984)

"The best way to inspire people to superior performance is to convince them by everything you do and by your everyday attitude that you are wholeheartedly supporting them." (Harold Geneen & Alvin Moscow, "Managing", 1984)

"An ability to tolerate ambiguity helps to avoid overdetermining one's goals. [...] As they proceed, peak performers can adjust goals. [...] What they are doing is balancing between change and stasis, between innovation and consolidation." (Charles Garfield, "Peak Performers", 1986)

"Goal setting has traditionally been based on past performance. This practice has tended to perpetuate the sins of the past." (Joseph M Juran,  1986)

"If you want to utilize your people to a maximum degree, it is definitely cheaper to have an existing guy work overtime than to add another person." (Josef Ehrengruber, "Regardies", 1986)

"Operating managers should in no way ignore short-term performance imperatives [when implementing productivity improvement programs.] The pressures arise from many sources and must be dealt with. Moreover, unless managers know that the day-to-day job is under control and improvements are being made, they will not have the time, the perspective, the self-confidence, or the good working relationships that are essential for creative, realistic strategic thinking and decision making." (Robert H Schaefer, Harvard Business Review, 1986)

"Peak performers concentrate on solving problems rather than placing blame for them." (Charles Garfield, Peak Performers, 1986)

"How you measure the performance of your managers directly affects the way they act." (John Dearden, Harvard Business Review, 1987)

"The manager must decide what type of group is wanted. If cooperation, teamwork, and synergy really matter, then one aims for high task interdependence. One structures the jobs of group members so that they have to interact frequently [...] to get their jobs done. Important outcomes are made dependent on group performance. The outcomes are distributed equally. If frenzied, independent activity is the goal, then one aims for low task interdependence and large rewards are distributed competitively and unequally." (Gregory P Shea & Richard A Guzzo, Sloan Management Review, 1987)

"If our people develop faster than a competitor's people, then they're worth more." (James M Biggar, USA Today, 1988)

"When a team outgrows individual performance and learns team confidence, excellence becomes a reality." (Joe Paterno, American Heritage, 1988)

"A manager of people needs to understand that all people are different. This is not ranking people. He needs to understand that the performance of anyone is governed largely by the system that he works in, the responsibility of management." (W Edwards Deming, "The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education", 1993)

"In short, performance ratings are indicative only of how a person is performing in their given role at the time they are being evaluated. Ratings, although an important way to measure performance during a specific period, are not predictive of future performance and should not be used to gauge readiness for a future role or qualify an internal candidate for a different team. (They can, however, be used to evaluate whether an employee is properly or improperly slotted on their current team; therefore, they can provide an opportunity to evaluate how to better support an internal candidate moving forward.)" (Titus Winters, "Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time", 2020)

21 July 2014

🌡️Performance Management: Competency (Definitions)

"An ability to perform business processes, which are supported by necessary available resources, practices, and activities, allowing the organization to offer products/services." (Jiri Hodík et al, "e-Cat for Partner Profiling and Competency Management Tool", 2008)

"Present or target capacity of a group or an individual to perform a cognitive, affective, social or psychomotor skill with regard to certain area of knowledge and in a specific context. The context consists in defining whether the skill can be attributed to the knowledge in a guided or autonomous way, in simple or complex, familiar or new situations, in a global or partial, persistent or sporadic manner." (Gilbert Paquette et al, "Principled Construction and Reuse of Learning Designs", Handbook of Research on Learning Design and Learning Objects: Issues, Applications, and Technologies, 2009)

"The ability to do something successfully or efficiently, often broken down into skills, knowledge, and attitude." (Alfonso Urquiza, "Competency Management Information Systems", 2009)

"The underlying characteristics of an individual (a motive, trait, skill, aspect of one’s self image or social role, or a body of knowledge) which underlie performance or behavior at work." (Jorge Valdés-Conca & Lourdes Canós-Darós, "B2E Relationships, Intranets, and Competency Management", 2009)

"A cluster of knowledges, understandings, skills, attitudes, values, and interests that are required for the performance of a function. In this case the function would be to be competent in counseling adult learners." (John A Henschke, "Counseling in an Andragogical Approach", 2012)

"A specific, identifiable, definable, and measurable knowledge, skill, ability, and/or other deployment-related characteristic (e.g., attitude, behavior, physical ability) which a human resource may possess and which is necessary for, or material to, the performance of an activity within a specific business context." Nancy B Hastings & Karen L Rasmussen, "Designing and Developing Competency-Based Education Courses Using Standards", 2017)

"Competency is the ability to demonstrate a specified level of knowledge or skill." (Christine K S Irvine & Jonathan M Kevan, "Competency-Based Education in Higher Education", 2017)

"Expected capacity the learner should build to be successful in his/her career. Competency is written in broader terms and are not directly measurable." (Devrim Ozdemir & Carla Stebbins, "A Framework for the Evaluation of Competency-Based Curriculum", 2017)

"Competencies are specific knowledge-based skills, abilities, or expertise in a subject area. When these skillsets are shared across a profession, they are said to have core competencies." (Valerie A Storey et al, "Developing a Clinical Leadership Pipeline: Planning, Operation, and Sustainability", 2019)

"Multidimensional construct which represents what a person is capable of doing. It includes knowledge, skills, experience, abilities, values, attitudes, personality traits, among others." (Geraldina Silveyra et al, "Proposal of a Comprehensive Model of Teachable Entrepreneurship Competencies (M-TEC): Literature Review and Theoretical Foundations", 2019)

"The ability to act successfully on the basis of practical experience, skill, and knowledge in solving professional problems. Is understood as a formal system characteristic, which is described as a set of requirements for the knowledge, skills and qualities of the employee for a function, position or role in the organization." (Vitaly V Martynov et al, "CSRP: System Design Technology of Training Information Support of Competent Professionals", 2019)

"A guiding tool including knowledge, abilities, distinguished personal attributes, and behaviours for higher performance contributing to achieving strategic goals of the company." (Mustafa K Topcu, "Competency Framework for the Fourth Industrial Revolution", 2020)

"Proficiency or mastery of identified knowledge, skills or abilities." (Ernst Jan van Weperen et al, "Sustainable Entrepreneurial Thinking: Developing Pro-Active, Globally Aware Citizens", 2020)

"Capacity to perform something in an effective manner. Involves individual attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary, and behaviors." (Christiane Molina, "Management Education for a Sustainable World: Aiming for More Than Business as Usual", 2021)

"Competency refers to observable and measurable skills that integrate the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes required of a professional in the practice of his specialty." (Maria M P Calimag, "The ePortfolio: Technology-Enhanced Authentic Assessment in the Continuum of Medical Education", 2021)

"The sum of knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, and individual characteristics that enable a person to perform actions successfully." (Almudena Eizaguirre et al, "A Methodological Proposal to Analyse the Process for Implementing Competency-Based Learning (CBL) in a Business School", 2021)

12 November 2011

💠SQL Server: SQL Server 2012 is almost here [new feature]

I was quite quiet for the past 3-4 months, and this not because of the lack of blogging material, but lack of time. Instead of writing I preferred reading, diving in some special topics related to SQL Server (e.g. tempdb and security), in the near future following to post some of my notes. For short time I was busy learning for ITIL® v3 Foundation Certification, the topics on Knowledge Management giving me more ideas for several posts waiting in the pipe. I started also the online “Introduction to Databases” course offered by Stanford University, attempting thus a scholastic approach of the topic, of importance being the material on Relational Algebra, material I didn’t had the chance to study in the past.

From my perspective, during this time two  important events related to SQL Server took place – the launch of AX Dynamics 2012 and, more recently, the introduction of SQL Server 2012 at PASS (The Professional Association of SQL Server) 2011.

SQL Server 2012

At PASS Summit 2011 were disclosed 4 of the newest SQL Server Products: SQL Server 2012 (code Denali), Power View (code Crescent), ColumnStore Index (code Apollo) and SQL Server Data Tools (code Juneau). The PASS 2011 streamed sessions are available online with quite interesting materials on SQL Server topics like application and database development, database administration and deployment, BI, etc. If you want to learn more about SQL Server, check the CTP 3 Product Guide, which contains datasheets, white papers, technical presentations, demonstrations and links to videos, or the SQL Server 2012 Developer Training Kit Preview (requires Microsoft’s Web Platform Installer).

Dynamics AX 2012

Because lately I’ve been spending more and more time with Dynamics AX, Microsoft’s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution, I’d like to include related content in my posts, at least presenting resources if I can’t get yet into technical stuff. As its backend is based mainly on SQL Server, AX is the perfect environment to see SQL Server at work, or to perform configuration and administration activities. In addition, AX material (best/good practices, methodologies, various other papers) related to SQL Server could be extended to other environments. I’m saluting Microsoft’s decision of making available publicly more Technet and MSDN content, previously most of the technical content being accessible mainly though Microsoft’s Partner Network and Customer Network. A good compilation of resources is available on AX Technical Support Blog and Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX blog.

As pointed above, recently was launched Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (see global and local launch events).  It’s interesting to point out that, with this edition, SSRS becomes the reporting platform for AX, a considerable step forward.


In what concerns the free books there are 3 free “new” appearances: Jonathan Kehayias and Ted Krueger’s book Troubleshooting SQL Server: A Guide for the Accidental DBA (zipped PDF), which provides a basic approach to troubleshooting, Fabiano Amorim’s book on Complete Showplan Operators (PDF, Epub), and Ross Mistry and Stacia Misner’s Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (PDF, requires registration).

30 January 2011

💠🛠️ SQL Server: Learning Resources

During the past weeks I found several interesting learning resources on SQL Server 2008 topics, so here they are:

For those interest to upgrade their knowledge to SQL Server 2008 R2 Edition check the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Update for Developers Training Course videos on Channel9. They cover topics like Location Awareness, CLR Integration, StreamInsight, Reporting Services, Application and Multi-Server Management, improvements on BLOB, T-SQL and tools for Excel 2010 or SharePoint 2010.

The ER diagrams of SQL Server’s DMVs or DMFs are available for download as PDF at SQL Server 2008 Systems Views Map, and the same for SQL Server 2005, respectively SQL Server 2008 R2. Even if not all objects and possible relations are shown, they could still save you from lot of effort as the diagram depicts the relations between the most important entities and the cardinality existing between them, plus the additional constraints participating in the joins. The entities represented: Objects, Types and Indexes, Linked Servers, CLR, Database Mirroring, Service Broker, Resource Governor, Transactions, Databases and Storage, Traces and Events, Execution Environment, Server information.

There are several free SQL Server books on coming from Redgate: A. Kuznetsov’s Defensive Database Programming, B. McGehee’s SQL Server Maintenance Plans, How to become an Exceptional DBA, Mastering SQL Server Profiler and Brad’s Sure Guide to SQL Server 2008, J. Magnabosco’s Protecting SQL Server Data, G. Fritchey’s SQL Server Execution Plans and SQL Server Crib Sheet Compendium (coauthor with A. Prasanna), R. Landrum’s SQL Server Tacklebox, plus several volumes of ‘Best of SQL Server Central’ authors in Vol. 1-4, Vol. 5, Vol. 6 and Vol. 7, and several other books to come.

It seems there are a few new books also on Scribd website: R. Colledge’s SQL Server Administration in Action, R. Vieira’s Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming, M. Lee and M. Mansfield’s SQL Server 2008 Administration Instant Reference, plus many other books that can be retrieved by searching SQL Server 2008 on the respective site.

There are several papers coming from Microsoft and several professionals. It worth to check them:
-   K. Lassen’s paper on Using Management Data Warehouse for Performance Monitoring, in which he provides several best practices for performance management of SQL Server 2008. Except the introduction in Management Data Warehouse features, he provides also an extension of the built-in functionality for indexes, plus several functions and queries.
-  D. Kiely's paper on SQL Server 2008 R2 Security Overview for Database Administrators covers some of the most important security features in SQL Server 2008. There is a similar paper targeting SQL Server 2005.
-  B. Beauchemin’s paper on SQL Server 2005 Security Best Practices - Operational and Administrative Tasks describes the best practices for setting up and maintaining security in SQL Server 2005.
-  SQL Server 2008 Compliance Guide a paper written to help organizations and individuals understand how to use the features of the Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 database software to address their compliance need.
-  SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Technical Reference Guide essential phases, steps and best practices to upgrade existing instances of SQL Server 2000 and 2005 to SQL Server 2008.
-  Technet Wiki Checklists on Database Engine Security, Database Engine Security, Database Engine Connections and  Data Access. (probably more to come)
-   Also Microsoft maintains a list of White Papers on SQL Server 2008, respectively SQL Server 2005.

15 August 2010

Data Security: SQL Injection I - Introduction


  If you are working in IT, most probably you’ve heard already about SQL Injection, if not then might be it’s a good idea to ask your colleagues and eventually your IT manager if your company has any policies related to it. If you are working for a software vendor or a consultancy company then SQL Injection countermeasure techniques might be quite well positioned in the list of best practices in what concerns the development of Web/Desktop Applications, Web Services or database-related logic adopted by your company. If you are working for a company, other than the two mentioned above, and have various software projects on the role or already in house, then most probably you’ll have to ask if the software vendors you are working with have took into consideration the SQL Injection threats and proved their solutions against them. On contrary, if you have nothing to do with IT at all, it might still be a good idea to ask your IT department if they have anything in place related to SQL Injection – Security Policy, security best practices, etc.


  Wikipedia defines SQL Injection as “a code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application” [3], the code injection being defined as “the exploitation of a computer bug that is caused by processing invalid data” [4]. For a programmer the definition is acceptable, though for other type of professionals it might not be so clear what’s about, especially when they are not familiar with IT terminology. I find more clear the definition provided by J. Clarke et. al, who in his book SQL Injection Attacks and Defense, defines SQL Injection as the vulnerability that results when you give an attacker the ability to influence the Structured Query Language (SQL) queries that an application passes to a back-end database” [2]. I will slightly modify the last definition and say that the SQL injection is a security vulnerability residing in the possibility to alter the intended behavior of the SQL Queries passed to the database.

Some Background

    At the beginning of our century, with the increase importance of Web Applications whose availability over WAN/Internet (networks) brought new security issues, the SQL Injection became a really hot topic given the damages such techniques could do to an application, with just a few tricks the “hacker” having the possibility to enter in the application and even in the machine hosting the database used, entering thus in the possession of sensitive information, and above all having the possibility of damaging the database. J. Clarke et. al remarks that the first connection between web applications and SQL injection is widely accredited to Rain Forest Puppy, who in an article titled “NT Web Technology Vulnerabilities” (see “ODBC and MS SQL server 6.5” section) written in 1998 for Phrack, an e-zine written by and for hackers [2], was describing the behavior specific to SQL Injection in relation to MS SQL Server 6.5. 
    I remember when my boss break us the news that we have to protect urgently our applications against SQL Injection, having to redesign some of the database objects and components in order to protect our applications against such techniques. I was then in my first or second year of professional experience, so the topic was new and quite intriguing not only for myself but also for my colleagues, some of them having a few more years of professional programming experience that I did and, I hope I’m not mistaking, none (or few) of them actually have heard about it. It was interesting to check how simple techniques could do so much damage. At those times there were few articles on SQL Injection and specific countermeasure techniques, not to mention best practices, so we were kind of groping in the dark in finding a countermeasure to the problem.

State of Art

    Since then, the number of search engines hits on the topic is quite impressive, many professionals approaching the problem in their way, Vendors started to design their solutions and make aware programmers on best practices in order to minimize this type of security threat, books were written on this topic, the awareness increased between developers and other type of IT professionals. Even if considerable effort has been made into this direction, and the topic appears often on the blogs, there are still many web sites not designed to address SQL Injection concerns. In 2007, The WhiteHat Security, placed SQL Injection on 5th position in top of vulnerabilities, estimating that 1 out of 5 web sites is vulnerable to SQL Injection [1]. In 8th Web Security Report based on 2009 data provided by WhiteHat Security[5], and as it seems also in 9th report [6], SQL Injection remains on the same position, what’s interesting to remark is the split per scripting technology provided in [6]: 
SQL Injection - Statistics WhiteHat

   In Web Hacking Incident Database maintained by Web Application Security Consortium, SQL Injection is considered as 17.97 % out of the total 512 reported top attack methods. Even if the number of reported attacks is insignificant in report to the number of sites available on the web, the percentage of cases seems to be in agreement with the number provided in WhiteHat Security reports.


   If the topic made you curious, you could find out more with just a simple search on the Web. There are many professionals who wrote on this topic, however it’s a good idea to start directly with the resources provided by the RDBMS vendors, for example Microsoft through its Security Research & Defense blog, in SQL Injection Attacks post has an interesting list of resources on this topic. A nice document on ‘How to write SQL injection proof PL/SQL’ comes from Oracle, an interesting presentation on ‘SQL Injection Myths and Fallacies’ was made at MySQL Conference & Expo, etc.

[1] WhiteHat Security. [2007]. Website Security Statistics Report. [Online] Available from: (Accessed: 15 August 2010)
[2] J.Clarke et. al (2009). SQL Injection Attacks and Defense. Elsevier. ISBN: 978-1-59749-424-3
[3] Wikipedia. (2010). SQL Injection. [Online] Available from: (Accessed: 15 August 2010)
[4] Wikipedia. (2010). Code Injection. [Online] Available from: (Accessed: 15 August 2010)
[5] WhiteHat Security. [2009]. Website Security Statistic Report, 8th Ed. [Online] Available from: (Accessed: 15 August 2010)
[6] WhiteHat Security. [2010]. Website Security Statistic Report, 9th Ed. [Online] Available from: (Accessed: 15 August 2010)

01 August 2010

💠🛠️SQL Server: Administration Part V: Resources for Troubleshooting I)

Last week the SQL Server troubleshooting-related topics came again on my table, and it’s actually quite an important topic. As I have disparate links I thought it makes sense to bring the links together in a post.

 When searching for information it’s always a good idea to start with the documentation or the support site, in what concerns SQL Server troubleshooting Microsoft has several valuable resources on what concerns performance issues, application performance, ad-hoc queries, blocking, stored procedure recompilation, clusters, etc.  Even if outdated, of interest could be also the Improving .Net Application Performance and Scalability resource,  with a chapter on SQL Server Performance and ADO.NET. Other resources could be found in Technet, for example Troubleshooting Performance Problems in SQL Server 2005, a similar document being available on SQL Server 2008 from MSDN. As a way to avoid the need for troubleshooting, it makes sense to check also the SQL Server Best Practices.

There are several good books on this topic I heartily recommend, the first on my list is the book of C. Bolton et al, Professional SQL Server 2008 Internals and Troubleshooting. What’s interesting to note is that the book is available to browse and read on Scribd as part of a eBook Deal with Wiley, deal that includes several other programming and non-programming books (See Wiley’s profile on Scribd). The code for several chapters from the C. Bolton's book is available on Wiley’s website. Of interest are especially the chapters on DMV (dynamic management views) because performance troubleshooting often resumes in searching for hints in SQL Server internal tables. Another book, actually booklet, on DMV comes from Redgate, the SQL Server DMV Starter Pack, the pack being available also with a list of 30 sample scripts downloadable together as zip.

Talking about scripts, there are many scripts available on DMV from Technet’s Script Repository. If you want to get an overview of your SQL Server configuration and health, you could check Diagnostic Information Queries available from Glen Berry’s blog for SQL Server 2005, respectively SQL Server 2008 and 2008R2.

08 November 2008

💫ERP Systems: Learning about Oracle APPS internals I

ERP Systems
ERP Systems

How can I learn more about Oracle APPS (Oracle Applications) and from where? That's a normal question for every beginner but also for experienced professionals.

Oracle made available documentation about their products through Oracle Technology Network and Metalink. The first source contains documents mainly as pdf files, while Metalink provides richer content and it’s easier to use, however in order to access it, your company has to purchase an Oracle Support Identifier.

In Metalink, Oracle Applications’ documentation is grouped under eTRM (Electronic Technical Reference Manuals) section, while the pdf documents can be found under Oracle 11i Documentation Library, and many of them, especially for older versions, can be found also on the web, and revealed with a simple search by using tables' name or file’s name.
Both sources are by far incomplete, there are many gaps, not to forget that many of the Oracle implementations involve also some customization, information about these changes could find maybe in the documentation made during implementation/customization process.

Lately have appeared many blogs on Oracle Applications internals, and even if many of them resume by copying some material from Metalink or other documents, there are also professionals who respect themselves.

People can learn a lot by checking the objects that unveils the APPS internals, APPS.FND_TABLES providing the list of tables used, while APPS.FND_VIEWS provides the list of views, the problem with the later being that can't be done a search using the field that stores views' script, but the data can be exported to a text file and do the search in there (it won’t work to export the data completely to Excel). In time developers arrive to intuit how the views could be named, so a search on their name could help narrowing down the search.

Other professionals might be willing to help, so often it's a good idea to post questions on blogs, forums or social networks for professionals. Not all the questions get answered so rather than waiting for indirect enlightenment, it’s better to do some research in parallel too.

There will be cases in which none of the specified sources will help you, most probably you'll have to reengineer Oracle Applications' internals by studying various business scenarios, and in this case the experimented users could help a lot.

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08 November 2005

Meta-Blogging: Introduction

A warm welcome to my blog! 

I started this blog with the idea of documenting some of the issues I found when working with SQL Server, Oracle and other DBMS, respectively to share some of the techniques used in manipulating data via SQL or other means (including .Net, MS Access or Excel). Therefore, it was intended to be a blog on SQL, data, databases, data processing and related topics, though with time I arrived to share my ideas on Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data Management, ERP Systems, MS OfficeProject Management, Strategic Management, Performance Management, Programming, Data Science, Software Engineering, Project Management, Systems Engineering, and other topics directly or indirectly related to the work of a data professional. 

Even if I was planning to post periodically, life took over, the professional as well the personal life made it almost impossible do to that. The unavailability of an easy-to-use editor made blogging more complex than it should be, spending more time on formatting than in writing the code, which made me stop blogging for a while. In the end I found a mix of solutions I could work with, building also some macros to format the output.

In time, feeling the lack of meaningful and workable definitions, I felt the need to look also in how people define the various concepts related to the above mentioned topics. I started then to collect definitions and quotes that would help me better understand the respective concepts, sharing and updating the respective content as well. 

More recently, I started to share my notes I made over the years - a compilation of text copied from different topics, simplified for learning and review. Unfortunately, some of the resources disappeared from the web, some information got deprecated, respectively are missing in other areas. Also the posting such content is not ideal, taking a long time to write.

I have more than 25 years of professional experience in IT in the above mentioned areas. I started to program in the 9th grade on Spectrum consoles (that had no external hard drives) and continued to do it during the university years, even if the topics were more or less related to mathematical topics. Even if that can't be considered as professional experience, it proved to be a useful experience. I still do some programming, though it resumes mainly to data processing, building back-to-back solutions when needed. 

Over the years I got in contact with several programming languages: Basic, Pascal, Fotran, C++, Java, VB/VBA, T-SQL, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, VBScript, ColdFusion, ActionScript, C#, VB.Net, PL/SQL, and more recently R, Power Query M, DAXPython, KQL and who knows what comes my way!

In the 3rd professional year, I started to be deeper involved in the business side, which offered me a better perspective into the challenges organizations deal with. It was an interesting journey reflected also in many of my posts.

Happy and errorless coding! 

Best regards,
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.