21 January 2016

♜Strategic Management: Management (Definitions)

"To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, co-ordinate and to control." (Henri Fayol, 1916)

"Management is a distinct process consisting of planning, organising, actuating and controlling; utilising in each both science and art, and followed in order to accomplish pre-determined objectives." (George R Terry, "Principles of Management", 1960)

"Management is defined here as the accomplishment of desired objectives by establishing an environment favorable to performance by people operating in organized groups." (Harold Koontz, "Principles of Management", 1968)

"Management can be defined as the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling organizational resources." (Richard L Daft, "The Leadership Experience" 4th Ed., 2008)

"Either the process of supervision, control, and co-ordination of productive activity in industrial and other formal organizations, or the persons performing these functions." (Kathryn J Hayes, "Triple Helix Organisations, Communities of Practice and Time", 2011)

"Activities for controlling and leveraging the limited amount of available resources (material, financial and human) aimed at the best possible way of achieving system performance objectives." (Alexander Kolker, "Management Science for Healthcare Applications", Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization, 2014)

"The art of planning, organizing, leading, coordinating and controlling resources of the organization toward accomplishment of common goal." (Mladen Čudanov & Jovan Krivokapić, "Organizational and Management Aspects of Cloud Computing Application in Scientific Research", 2014)

"The planning, organizing, leading and controlling of different resources to achieve company goals." (Irem Tukel & Deniz Z Celikdemir, "Integrating Ethics into Management: Why Is It Important?", 2015)

"The process of administering, coordinating and controlling the activities of the organization in order to achieve defined objectives, irrespective of its nature, type, structure, and size." (Chiraz Touil & Souhaila Kammoun, "Intellectual Property Management by Innovative Firms: Evidence From Tunisia", Intellectual Property Rights and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge, 2020)

"The process of using financial resources, tools, materials and time factor in a coherent and effective manner in order to achieve certain objectives." (M Hanefi Calp, "The Role of Artificial Intelligence Within the Scope of Digital Transformation in Enterprises", 2020)

"The term management is used to refer to the set of actions, or procedures that allow the realization of any activity or desire. In other words, a management refers to all those procedures that are carried out in order to resolve a situation or materialize a project." (Mayra A V Londoño, Success Factors in the Pedagogical Management of the English Language Teaching Managers, 2020)

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