Showing posts with label models. Show all posts
Showing posts with label models. Show all posts

16 October 2024

🧭💹Business Intelligence: Perspectives (Part XVIII: There’s More to Noise)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

Visualizations should be built with an audience's characteristics in mind! Upon case, it might be sufficient to show only values or labels of importance (minima, maxima, inflexion points, exceptions, trends), while other times it might be needed to show all or most of the values to provide an accurate extended perspective. It even might be useful to allow users switching between the different perspectives to reduce the clutter when navigating the data or look at the patterns revealed by the clutter. 

In data-based storytelling are typically shown the points, labels and further elements that support the story, the aspects the readers should focus on, though this approach limits the navigability and users’ overall experience. The audience should be able to compare magnitudes and make inferences based on what is shown, and the accurate decoding shouldn’t be taken as given, especially when the audience can associate different meanings to what’s available and what’s missing. 

In decision-making, selecting only some well-chosen values or perspectives to show might increase the chances for a decision to be made, though is this equitable? Cherry-picking may be justified by the purpose, though is in general not a recommended practice! What is not shown can be as important as what is shown, and people should be aware of the implications!

One person’s noise can be another person’s signal. Patterns in the noise can provide more insight compared with the trends revealed in the "unnoisy" data shown! Probably such scenarios are rare, though it’s worth investigating what hides behind the noise. The choice of scale, the use of special types of visualizations or the building of models can reveal more. If it’s not possible to identify automatically such scenarios using the standard software, the users should have the possibility of changing the scale and perspective as seems fit. 

Identifying patterns in what seems random can prove to be a challenge no matter the context and the experience in the field. Occasionally, one might need to go beyond the general methods available and statistical packages can help when used intelligently. However, a presenter’s challenge is to find a plausible narrative around the findings and communicate it further adequately. Additional capabilities must be available to confirm the hypotheses framed and other aspects related to this approach.

It's ideal to build data models and a set of visualizations around them. Most probable some noise may be removed in the process, while other noise will be further investigated. However, this should be done through adjustable visual filters because what is removed can be important as well. Rare events do occur, probably more often than we are aware and they may remain hidden until we find the right perspective that takes them into consideration. 

Probably, some of the noise can be explained by special events that don’t need to be that rare. The challenge is to identify those parameters, associations, models and perspectives that reveal such insights. One’s gut feeling and experience can help in this direction, though novel scenarios can surprise us as well.

Not in every set of data one can find patterns, respectively a story trying to come out. Whether we can identify something worth revealing depends also on the data available at our disposal, respectively on whether the chosen data allow identifying significant patterns. Occasionally, the focus might be too narrow, too wide or too shallow. It’s important to look behind the obvious, to look at data from different perspectives, even if the data seems dull. It’s ideal to have the tools and knowledge needed to explore such cases and here the exposure to other real-life similar scenarios is probably critical!

14 September 2024

🗄️Data Management: Data Culture (Part V: Quid nunc? [What now?])

Data Management Series
Data Management Series

Despite the detailed planning, the concentrated and well-directed effort with which the various aspects of data culture are addressed, things don't necessarily turn into what we want them to be. There's seldom only one cause but a mix of various factors that create a network of cause and effect relationships that tend to diminish or increase the effect of certain events or decisions, and it can be just a butterfly's flutter that stirs a set of chained reactions. The butterfly effect is usually an exaggeration until the proper conditions for the chaotic behavior appear!

The butterfly effect is made possible by the exponential divergence of two paths. Conversely, success needs probably multiple trajectories to converge toward a final point or intermediary points or areas from which things move on the "right" path. Success doesn't necessarily mean reaching a point but reaching a favorable zone for future behavior to follow a positive trend. For example, a sink or a cone-like structure allow water to accumulate and flow toward an area. A similar structure is needed for success to converge, and the structure results from what is built in the process. 

Data culture needs a similar structure for the various points of interest to converge. Things don't happen by themselves unless the force of the overall structure is so strong that allows things to move toward the intended path(s). Even then the paths can be far from optimal, but they can be favorable. Probably, that's what the general effort must do - bring the various aspects in the zone for allowing things to unfold. It might still be a long road, though the basis is there!

A consequence of this metaphor is that one must identify the important aspects, respectively factors that influence an organization's culture and drive them in the right direction(s) – the paths that converge toward the defined goal(s). (Depending on the area of focus one can consider that there are successions of more refined goals.)

The structure that allows things to converge is based on the alignment of the various paths and implicitly forces. Misalignment can make a force move in other direction with all the consequences deriving from this behavior. If its force is weak, probably will not have an impact over the overall structure, though that's relative and can change in time. 

One may ask for what's needed all this construct, even if it doesn’t reflect the reality. Sometimes, even a not entirely correct model can allow us to navigate the unknown. Model's intent is to depict what's needed for a initiative to be successful. Moreover, success doesn’t mean to shoot bulls eye but to be first in the zone until one's skillset enables performance.

Conversely, it's important to understand that things don't happen by themselves. At least this seems to be the feeling some initiatives let. One needs to build and pull the whole structure in the right direction and the alignment of the various forces can reduce the overall effort and increase the chances for success. Attempting to build something just because it’s written in documentation without understanding the whole picture (or something close to it) can easily lead to failure.

This doesn’t mean that all attempts that don’t follow a set of patterns are doomed to failure, but that the road will be more challenging and will probably take longer. Conversely, maybe these deviations from the optimal paths are what an organization needs to grow, to solidify the foundation on which something else can be built. The whole path is an exploration that doesn’t necessarily match what is written in books, respectively the expectations!

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08 April 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: Why Data Projects Fail to Deliver Real-Life Impact (Part III: Failure through the Looking Glass)

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Series

There’s a huge volume of material available on project failure – resources that document why individual projects failed, why in general projects fail, why project members, managers and/or executives think projects fail, and there seems to be no other more rewarding activity at the end of a project than to theorize why a project failed, the topic culminating occasionally with the blaming game. Success may generate applause, though it's failure that attracts and stirs the most waves (irony, disapproval, and other similar behavior) and everybody seems to be an expert after the consumed endeavor. 

The mere definition of a project failure – not fulfilling project’s objectives within the set budget and timeframe - is a misnomer because budgets and timelines are estimated based on the information available at the beginning of the project, the amount of uncertainty for many projects being considerable, and data projects are no exceptions from it. The higher the uncertainty the less probable are the two estimates. Even simple projects can reveal uncertainty especially when the broader context of the projects is considered. 

Even if it’s not a common practice, one way to cope with uncertainty is to add a tolerance for the estimates, though even this practice probably will not always accommodate the full extent of the unknown as the tolerances are usually small. The general expectation is to have an accurate and precise landing, which for big or exploratory projects is seldom possible!

Moreover, the assumptions under which the estimates hold are easily invalidated in praxis – resources’ availability, first time right, executive’s support to set priorities, requirements’ quality, technologies’ maturity, etc. If one looks beyond the reasons why projects fail in general, quite often the issues are more organizational than technological, the lack of knowledge and experience being some of the factors. 

Conversely, many projects will not get approved if the estimates don’t look positive, and therefore people are pressured in one way or another to make the numbers fit the expectations. Some projects, given their importance, need to be done even if the numbers don’t look good or can’t be quantified correctly. Other projects represent people’s subsistence on the job, respectively people's self-occupation to create motion, though they can occasionally have also a positive impact for the organizations. These kinds of aspects almost never make it in statistics or surveys. Neither do the big issues people are afraid to talk about. Where to consider that in the light of politics and office’s grapevine the facts get distorted!

Data projects reflect all the symptoms of failure projects have in general, though when words like AI, Statistics or Machine Learning are used, the chances for failure are even higher given that the respective fields require a higher level of expertise, the appropriate use of technologies and adherence to the scientific process for the results to be valid. If projects can benefit from general recipes, respectively established procedures and methods, their range of applicability decreases when the mentioned areas are involved. 

Many data projects have an exploratory nature – seeing what’s possible - and therefore a considerable percentage will not reach production. Moreover, even those that reach that far might arrive to be stopped or discarded sooner or later if they don’t deliver the expected value, and probably many of the models created in the process are biased, irrelevant, or incorrectly apply the theory. Where to add that the mere use of tools and algorithms is not Data Science or Data Analysis. 

The challenge for many data projects is to identify which Project Management (PM) best practices to consider. Following all or no practices at all just increases the risks of failure!

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11 March 2024

🧭🚥Business Intelligence: Key Performance Indicators [KPI] (Between Certainty and Uncertainty)

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Series

Despite the huge collection of documented Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and best practices on which KPIs to choose, choosing a reliable set of KPIs that reflect how the organization performs in achieving its objectives continues to be a challenge for many organizations. Ideally, for each objective there should be only one KPIs that reflects the target and the progress made, though is that realistic?

Let's try to use the driver's metaphor to exemplify several aspects related to the choice of KPIs. A driver's goal is to travel from point A to point B over a distance d in x hours. The goal is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) if the speed and time are realistic and don't contradict Physics, legal or physical laws. The driver can define the objective as "arriving on time to the destination". 

One can define a set of metrics based on the numbers that can be measured. We have the overall distance and the number of hours planned, from which one can derive an expected average speed v. To track a driver's progress over time there are several metrics that can be thus used: e.g., (1) the current average speed, (2) the number of kilometers to the destination, (3) the number of hours estimated to the destination. However, none of these metrics can be used alone to denote the performance alone. One can compare the expected with the current average speed to get a grasp of the performance, and probably many organizations will use only (1) as KPI, though it's needed to use either (2) or (3) to get the complete picture. So, in theory two KPIs should be enough. Is it so?

When estimating (3) one assumes that there are no impediments and that the average speed can be attained, which might be correct for a road without traffic. There can be several impediments - planned/unplanned breaks, traffic jams, speed limits, accidents or other unexpected events, weather conditions (that depend on the season), etc. Besides the above formula, one needs to quantify such events in one form or another, e.g., through the perspective of the time added to the initial estimation from (3). However, this calculation is based on historical values or navigator's estimation, value which can be higher or lower than the final value. 

Therefore, (3) is an approximation for which is needed also a confidence interval (± t hours). The value can still include a lot of uncertainty that maybe needs to be broken down and quantified separately upon case to identify the deviation from expectations, e.g. on average there are 3 traffic jams (4), if the road crosses states or countries there may be at least 1 control on average (5), etc. These numbers can be included in (3) and the confidence interval, and usually don't need to be reported separately, though probably there are exceptions. 

When planning, one needs to also consider the number of stops for refueling or recharging the car, and the average duration of such stops, which can be included in (3) as well. However, (3) slowly becomes  too complex a formula, and even if there's an estimation, the more facts we're pulling into it, the bigger the confidence interval's variation will be. Sometimes, it's preferable to have instead two-three other metrics with a low confidence interval than one with high variation. Moreover, the longer the distance planned, the higher the uncertainty. One thing is to plan a trip between two neighboring city, and another thing is to plan a trip around the world. 

Another assumption is that the capability of the driver/car to drive is the same over time, which is not always the case. This can be neglected occasionally (e.g. one trip), though it involves a risk (6) that might be useful to quantify, especially when the process is repeatable (e.g. regular commuting). The risk value can increase considering new information, e.g. knowing that every a few thousand kilometers something breaks, or that there's a traffic fine, or an accident. In spite of new information, the objective might also change. Also, the objective might suffer changes, e.g. arrive on-time safe and without fines to the destination. As the objective changes or further objectives are added, more metrics can be defined. It would make sense to measure how many kilometers the driver covered in a lifetime with the car (7), how many accidents (8) or how many fines (9) the driver had. (7) is not related to a driver's performance, but (8) and (9) are. 

As can be seen, simple processes can also become very complex if one attempts to consider all the facts and/or quantify the uncertainty. The driver's metaphor applies to a simple individual, though once the same process is considered across the whole organization (a group of drivers), the more complexity is added and the perspective changes completely. E.g., some drivers might not even reach the destination or not even have a car to start with, and so on. Of course, with this also the objectives change and need to be redefined accordingly. 

The driver's metaphor is good for considering planning activities in which a volume of work needs to be completed in a given time and where a set of constraints apply. Therefore, for some organizations, just using two numbers might be enough for getting a feeling for what's happening. However, as soon one needs to consider other aspects like safety or compliance (considered in aggregation across many drivers), there might be other metrics that qualify as KPIs.

It's tempting to add two numbers and consider for example (8) and (9) together as the two are events that can be cumulated, even if they refer to different things that can overlap (an accident can result in a fine and should be counted maybe only once). One needs to make sure that one doesn't add apples with juice - the quantified values must have the same unit of measure, otherwise they might need to be considered separately. There's the tendency of mixing multiple metrics in a KPI that doesn't say much if the units of measure of its components are not the same. Some conversions can still be made (e.g. how much juice can be obtained from apples), though that's seldom the case.

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02 January 2024

🕸Systems Engineering: Never-Ending Stories in Praxis (Quote of the Day)

Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering Cycle

"[…] the longer one works on […] a project without actually concluding it, the more remote the expected completion date becomes. Is this really such a perplexing paradox? No, on the contrary: human experience, all-too-familiar human experience, suggests that in fact many tasks suffer from similar runaway completion times. In short, such jobs either get done soon or they never get done. It is surprising, though, that this common conundrum can be modeled so simply by a self-similar power law." (Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990)

I found the above quote while browsing through Manfred Schroeder's book on fractals, chaos and power laws, book that also explores similar topics like percolation, recursion, randomness, self-similarity, determinism, etc. Unfortunately, when one goes beyond the introductory notes of each chapter, the subjects require more advanced knowledge of Mathematics, respectively further analysis and exploration of the models behind. Despite this, the book is still an interesting read with ideas to ponder upon.

I found myself a few times in the situation described above - working on a task that didn't seem to end, despite investing more effort, respectively approaching the solution from different angles. The reasons residing behind such situations were multiple, found typically beyond my direct area of influence and/or decision. In a systemic setup, there are parts of a system that find themselves in opposition, different forces pulling in distinct directions. It can be the case of interests, goals, expectations or solutions which compete or make subject to politics. 

For example, in Data Analytics or Data Science there are high chances that no progress can be made beyond a certain point without addressing first the quality of data or design/architectural issues. The integrations between applications, data migrations and other solutions which heavily rely on data are sensitive to data quality and architecture's reliability. As long the source of variability (data, data generators) is not stabilized, providing a stable solution has low chances of success, no matter how much effort is invested, respectively how performant the tools are. 

Some of the issues can be solved by allocating resources to handle their implications. Unfortunately, some organizations attempt to solve such issues by allocating the resources in the wrong areas or by addressing the symptoms instead of taking a step back and looking systemically at the problem, analyzing and modeling it accordingly. Moreover, there are organizations which refuse to recognize they have a problem at all! In the blame game, it's much easier to shift the responsibility on somebody else's shoulders. 

Defining the right problem to solve might prove more challenging than expected and usually this requires several iterations in which the knowledge obtained in the process is incorporated gradually. Other times, one attempts to solve the correct problem by using the wrong methodology, architecture and/or skillset. The difference between right and wrong depends on the context, and even between similar problems and factors the context can make a considerable difference.

The above quote can be corroborated with situations in which perfection is demanded. In IT and management setups, excellence is often confounded with perfection, the latter being impossible to achieve, though many managers take it as the norm. There's a critical point above which the effort invested outweighs solution's plausibility by an exponential factor.  

Another source for unending effort is when requirements change frequently in a swift manner - e.g. the rate with which changes occur outweighs the progress made for finding a solution. Unless the requirements are stabilized, the effort spirals towards the outside (in an exponential manner). 

Finally, there are cases with extreme character, in which for example the complexity of the task outweighs the skillset and/or the number of resources available. Moreover, there are problems which accept plausible solutions, though there are also problems (especially systemic ones) which don't have stable or plausible solutions. 

Behind most of such cases lie factors that tend to have chaotic behavior that occurs especially when the environments are far from favorable. The models used to depict such relations are nonlinear, sometimes expressed as power laws - one quantity varying as a power of another, with the variation increasing with each generation. 

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[1] Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990 (quotes)

14 October 2023

🧭Business Intelligence: Perspectives (Part VII: Insights - Aha' Moments)

Business Intelligence Series
Business Intelligence Series

On one side scientists talk about 'Insight' with a sign of reverence when referring to the processes, patterns, models, metaphors, stories and paradigms used to generate and communicate insight. Conversely, data professionals seem to regard 'Insight' as something trivial, achievable just by picking and combining the right visualizations and storytelling. Are the scientists exaggerating when talking about insight, or do the data professionals downplay the meaning and role of insight? Or maybe the scientific and business contexts have incomparable complexity, even if the same knowledge toolset are used?

One probably can't deny the potentiality of tools or toolsets like data visualization or data storytelling in providing new information or knowledge that leads to insights, though between potential usefulness and harnessing that potential on a general basis there's a huge difference, no matter how much people tend to idealize the process (and there's lot of idealization going on). Moreover, sometimes the whole process seems to look like a black box in which some magic happens and insight happens.

It's challenging to explain the gap as long as there's no generally accepted scientific definition of insights, respectively an explanation of how insights come into being. Probably, the easiest way to recognize their occurrence is when an 'Aha' moment appears, though that's the outcome of a process and gives almost no information about the process itself. Thus, insight occurs when knowledge about the business is acquired, knowledge that allows new or better understanding of the data, facts, processes or models involved. 

So, there must be new associations that are formed, either derived directly from data or brought to surface by the storytelling process. The latter aspect implies that the storyteller is already in possession of the respective insight(s) or facilitates their discovery without being aware of them. It further implies that the storyteller has a broader understanding of the business than the audience, which is seldom the case, or that the storyteller has a broader understanding of the data and the information extracted from the data, and that's a reasonable expectation.

There're two important restrictions. First, the insight moments must be associated with the business context rather than with the mere use of tools! Secondly, there should be genuine knowledge, not knowledge that the average person should know, respectively the mere confirmation of expectations or bias. 

Understanding can be put in the context of decision making, respectively in the broader context of problem solving. In the latter, insight involves the transition from not knowing how to solve a problem to the state of knowing how to solve it. So, this could apply in the context of data visualization as well, though there might exist intermediary steps in between. For example, in a first step insights enable us to understand and define the right problem. A further step might involve the recognition of the fact the problem belongs to a broader set of problems that have certain characteristics. Thus, the process might involve a succession of 'Aha' moments. Given the complexity of the problems we deal with in business or social contexts, that's more likely to happen. So, the average person might need several 'Aha' moments - leaps in understanding - before the data can make a difference! 

Conversely, new knowledge and understanding obtained over successive steps might not lead to an 'Aha' moment at all. Whether such moments converge or not to 'Aha' moments may rely on the importance of the overall leap, though other factors might be involved as well. In the end, the emergence of new understanding is enough to explain what insights mean. Whether that's enough is a different discussion!

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18 April 2023

📊Graphical Representation: Graphics We Live By I (The Analytics Marathon)

Graphical Representation
Graphical Representation Series

In a diagram adapted from an older article [1], Brent Dykes, the author of "Effective Data Storytelling" [2], makes a parallel between Data Analytics and marathon running, considering that an organization must pass through the depicted milestones, the percentages representing how many organizations reach the respective milestones:

It's a nice visualization and the metaphor makes sense given that running a marathon requires a long-term strategy to address the gaps between the current and targeted physical/mental form and skillset required to run a marathon, respectively for approaching a set of marathons and each course individually. Similarly, implementing a Data Analytics initiative requires a Data Strategy supposed to address the gaps existing between current and targeted state of art, respectively the many projects run to reach organization's goals. 

It makes sense, isn't it? On the other side the devil lies in details and frankly the diagram raises several questions when is compared with practices and processes existing in organizations. This doesn't mean that the diagram is wrong, just that it doesn't seem to reflect entirely the reality. 

The percentages represent author's perception of how many organizations reach the respective milestones, probably in an repeatable manner (as there are several projects). Thus, only 10% have a data strategy, 100% collect data, 80% of them prepare the data, while at the opposite side only 15% communicate insight, respectively 5% act on information.

Considering only the milestones the diagram looks like a funnel and a capability maturity model (CMM). Typically, the CMMs are more complex than this, evolving with technologies' capabilities. All the mentioned milestones have a set of capabilities that increase in complexity and that usually help differentiated organization's maturity. Therefore, the model seems too simple for an actual categorization.  

Typically, data collection has a specific scope resuming to surveys, interviews and/or research. However, the definition can be extended to the storage of data within organizations. Thus, data collection as the gathering of raw data is mainly done as part of their value supporting processes, and given the degree of digitization of data, one can suppose that most organizations gather data for the different purposes, even if only a small part are maybe digitized.

Even if many organizations build data warehouses, marts, lakehouses, mashes or whatever architecture might be en-vogue these days, an important percentage of the reporting needs are covered by standard reports or reporting tools that access directly the source systems without data preparation or even data visualization. The first important question is what is understood by data analytics? Is it only the use of machine learning and statistical analysis? Does it resume only to pattern and insight finding or does it includes also what is typically considered under the Business Intelligence umbrella? 

Pragmatically thinking, Data Analytics should consider BI capabilities as well as its an extension of the current infrastructure to consider analytic capabilities. On the other side Data Warehousing and BI are considered together by DAMA as part of their Data Management methodology. Moreover, organizations may have a Data Strategy and a BI strategy, respectively a Data Analytics strategy as they might have different goals, challenges and bodies to support them. To make it even more complicated, an organization might even consider all these important topics as part of the Data or even Information Governance, or consider BI or Analytics without Data Management. 

So, a Data Strategy might or might not address Data Analytics at all. It's a matter of management philosophy, organizational structure, politics and other factors. Probably, having a strayegy related to data should count. Even if a written and communicated data-related strategy is recommended for all medium to big organizations, only a small percentage of them have one, while small organizations might ignore the topic completely.

At least in the past, data analysis and its various subcomponents was performed before preparing and visualizing the data, or at least in parallel with data visualization. Frankly, it's a strange succession of steps. Or does it refers to exploratory data analysis (EDA) from a statistical perspective, which requires statistical experience to model and interpret the facts? Moreover, data exploration and discovery happen usually in the early stages.

The most puzzling step is the last one - what does the author intended with it? Ideally, data should be actionable, at least that's what one says about KPIs, OKRs and other metrics. Does it make sense to extend Data Analytics into the decision-making process? Where does a data professional's responsibilities end and which are those boundaries? Or does it refer to the actions that need to be performed by data professionals? 

The natural step after communicating insight is for the management to take action and provide feedback. Furthermore, the decisions taken have impact on the artifacts built and a reevaluation of the business problem, assumptions and further components is needed. The many steps of analytics projects are iterative, some iterations affecting the Data Strategy as well. The diagram shows the process as linear, which is not the case.

For sure there's an interface between Data Analytics and Decision-Making and the processes associated with them, however there should be clear boundaries. E.g., it's a data professional's responsibility to make sure that the data/information is actionable and eventually advise upon it, though whether the entitled people act on it is a management topic. Not acting upon an information is also a decision. Overstepping boundaries can put the data professional into a strange situation in which he becomes responsible and eventually accountable for an action not taken, which is utopic.

The final question - is the last mile representative for the analytical process? The challenge is not the analysis and communication of data but of making sure that the feedback processes work and the changes are addressed correspondingly, that value is created continuously from the data analytics infrastructure, that data-related risks and opportunities are addressed as soon they are recognized. 

As any model, a diagram doesn't need to be correct to be useful and might not be even wrong in the right context and argumentation. A data analytics CMM might allow better estimates and comparison between organizations, though it can easily become more complex to use. Between the two models lies probably a better solution for modeling the data analytics process.

[1] Brent Dykes (2022) "Data Analytics Marathon: Why Your Organization Must Focus On The Finish", Forbes (link)
[2] Brent Dykes (2019) Effective Data Storytelling: How to Drive Change with Data, Narrative and Visuals (link)

04 March 2021

💼Project Management: Project Execution (Part III: Projects' Dynamics - An Introduction)

Despite the considerable collection of books on Project Management (PM) and related methodologies, and the fact that projects are inherent endeavors in professional as well personal life (setups that would give in theory people the environment and exposure to different project types), people’s understanding on what it takes to plan and execute a project seems to be narrow and questionable sometimes. Moreover, their understanding diverges considerably from common sense. It’s also true that knowledge and common sense are relative when considering any human endeavor in which there are multiple roads to the same destination, or when learning requires time, effort, skills, and implies certain prerequisites, however the lack of such knowledge can hurt when endeavor’s success is a must and a team effort. 

Even if the lack of understanding about PM can be considered as minor when compared with other challenges/problems faced by a project, when one’s running fast to finish a race, even a small pebble in one’s running shoes can hurt a lot, especially when one doesn’t have the luxury to stop and remove the stone, as it would make sense to do.

It resides in the human nature to resist change, to seek for information that only confirm own opinions, to follow the same approach in handling challenges, even if the attempts are far from optimal, even if people who walked the same path tell you that there’s a better way and even sketch the path and provide information about what it takes to reach there. As it seems, there’s the predisposition to learn on the hard way, if there’s significant learning involved at all. Unfortunately, such situations occur in projects and the solutions often overrun the boundaries of PM, where social and communication skills must be brought into play. 

On the other side, there’s still hope that change can be managed optimally once the facts are explained to a certain level that facilitates understanding. However, such an attempt can prove to be quite a challenge, given the various setups in which PM takes place. The intersection between technologies and organizational setups lead to complex scenarios which make such work more difficult, even if projects’ challenges are of organizational rather than technological nature. 

When the knowledge we have about the world doesn’t fit our expectation, a simple heuristic is to return to the basics. A solid edifice can be built only on a solid foundation and the best foundation in coping with reality is to establish common ground with other people. One can achieve this by identifying their suppositions and expectations, by closing the gap in perception and understanding, by establishing a basis for communication, in which feedback is a must if one wants to make significant progress.

Despite of being explorative and time-consuming, establishing common ground can be challenging when addressing to an imaginary audience, which is quite often the situation. The practice shows however that progress can be made by starting with a set of well-formulated definitions, simple models, principles, and heuristics that have the potential of helping in sense-making.

The goal is thus to identify first the definitions that reflect the basic concepts that need to be considered. Once the concepts defined, they can be related to each other with the help of a few models. Even if fictitious, as simplifications of the reality, the models should allow playing with the concepts, facilitating concepts’ understanding. Principles (set of rules for reasoning) can be used together with heuristics (rules of thumb methods or techniques) for explaining the ‘known’ and approaching the ‘unknown’. Even maybe not perfect, these tools can help building theories or explanatory constructs.

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20 May 2020

💼Project Management: Project Planning (Part V: Some Thoughts on Planning II)


A project’s dependency on resources’ (average) utilization time (UT) and quality expectations expressed as a quality factor (QF) doesn’t come as a surprise, as hopefully one is acquainted with project’s triangle which reflects the dependency between scope, cost and time in respect to quality. Even if this dependency is intuitive, it’s difficult to express it in numbers and study the way it affects the project. That was the purpose of the model built previously.
From the respective model there are a few things to ponder. First, it’s a utopia to plan with 90% UT, unless one is really sure that the resources have enough work to bring the idle time close to zero. A single person can achieve maybe a 90% UT if he works alone on the project, though even then there are phases in which the input or feedback from other people is necessary. The more people involved into the project and the higher the dependency between their activities, the higher the chances that the (average) UT will decrease considerably.
When in addition there’s also a geographical or organizational boundary between team members, the UT will decrease even more. In consequence, in big projects like ERP implementations the team members from customer and vendor side are allocated fully to the project; when this is not possible, then on the vendor side the consultants need to be involved in at least two projects to cover the idle time. Of course, with good planning, communication, and awareness of the work ahead one can try minimizing the idle time, though that’s less likely to happen.
Probably, a better idea would be planning with 75% or even 60% UT though the values depend on team's experience in handling similar projects. If the team members are involved also in operational activities or other projects, then a 50% UT is more realistic.
Secondly, in the previous post was considered in respect to quality the 80%-20% rule which applies to the various deliverables, though the rule has a punctual character. Taken on the average the rule is somehow attenuated. Therefore, in the model was considered a sprung between factors of 1 to 2 with a step of 0,25 for each 5% quality increase. It's needed to prove whether the values are realistic and how much they depend on project's characteristics.
On the other side, quality is difficult to quantify, and 100% quality is hypothetical. One discusses in theory about 3 sigma (the equivalent of 93,3 accuracy) or 4 sigma (99,4 accuracy) in respect to the number of errors found in the code, though from there on everything is fuzzy. In software projects each decision has the potential of leading to an error, and there’s lot of interpretability as long there’s no fix basis against to compare the deviations. One needs precise and correct specification for that.
I think that one should target in a first phase 80% quality (on average) and further build from there, try to improve the quality iteratively as the project goes on and as lessons are learned. In other words, a project plan, a concept, a design document doesn’t need to be perfect from the beginning but should be good enough to allow working with it. One can detail them as progress is made into the project, and hopefully their quality should converge to a value that is acceptable for the business.
Thirdly, in case a planning tool was used, one can use the model backwards to roughly prove timeline’s feasibility, dividing the planned effort by the estimated effort and the number of resources involved to identify the implied utilization time.  

19 May 2020

💼Project Management: Project Planning (Part IV: Some Thoughts on Planning I)


One of the issues in Project Management (PM) planning is that the planner idealizes a resource and activities performed by it much like a machine. Unlike machines whose uptime can approach 100%, a human resource can work at most 90% of the available time (aka utilization time), the remaining 10% being typically associated with interruptions – internal emails and meetings, casual communications, pauses, etc. For resources split between projects or operations the utilization time can be at most 70%, however a realistic value is in general between 40% and 60% on average. What does it mean this for a project?
So, if a resource has a volume of work W, the amount of time needed to complete the work would be at best W/UT, where UT is the utilization time of the respective resource. “At best” because in each project there are additional idle time resulted from waste related activities – waiting for sign off, for information, for other resource to complete the time, etc.
The utilization time is not the only factor to consider. Upon case, the delivered work can reach maybe on average 80% of the expected quality. This applies to documentation and concepts as well for written code, bug testing and other project activities. To reach in the range of 100% one more likely will need 4 times of the effort associated with reaching 80% of the expected quality, however this value is dependent also on people’s professionalism and the degree with which the requirements were understood and possibly achievable. Therefore, the values vehiculated can be regarded as “boundary” values.
Let’s consider a quality factor (QF) which has a value of 1 for 80%, with an increase of 0,25 for each 5% of quality increase. Thus, with an initial effort estimation of 100 days, this is how the resulted effort modifies for various UT and QF values:

Considering that a project can target between 60% and 95% UT, and between 80% and 95% quality, for an initial estimation of 100 days the actual project duration can range between 117 and 292 days, where the lowest, respectively the right bound values are more realistic.
The model is simplistic as it doesn’t reflect the nonlinear aspect of the factors involved and the dependencies existing between them. It also doesn’t reflect the maturity of an organization to handle the projects and the tasks involved. However, it can be used to increase the awareness in how the utilization time and expected quality can affect a project’s timeline, and to check on whether one’s planning is realistic.
For example, at project’s start one can target an UT of 70% and a quality of 85%, which for 100 days of estimated effort will result in about 178 days of actual effort. Now diving the value by the number of resources involved, e.g. 4, it results that the project could be finished in about 44,5 days. This value can be compared then with the actual plan in which the activities are listed.
During the project it would be useful to look on how the UT changed and by how much, to understand the impact the change has on the project. For example, a decrease of 5% in utilization time can delay the project with 2,5 days which is not much, though for a project of 1000 days with talk already about one month. Same, it will be helpful to check how much the quality deviated from the expectation, because a decrease in quality by 5% can result in an additional effort of extra 8 days, which for 1000 days would mean almost 4 months of delay.

29 July 2019

🧱IT: Software-as-a-Service [SaaS] (Definitions)

"A distribution method for software through a network interface." (DAMA International, "The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management", 2011)

"Applications that are licensed to customers for use as a service on demand." (Gina Abudi & Brandon Toropov, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Best Practices for Small Business", 2011)

"a software deployment model where a provider licenses an application to customers for use over the Internet, without requiring purchase and installation of the licenses." (Bill Holtsnider & Brian D Jaffe, "IT Manager's Handbook" 3rd Ed., 2012)

"The delivery of computer applications over the Internet." (Marcia Kaufman et al, "Big Data For Dummies", 2013)

"A delivery mechanism in which an application and all of the associated resources are provided to organizations by a vendor, typically through a web browser. Commonly abbreviated as SaaS." (Manish Agrawal, "Information Security and IT Risk Management", 2014)

"Abbreviation for software as a service. It is the capability provided to the consumer to use the provider’s applications running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client devices through a thin client interface such as a web browser (e.g., web-based email). The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure, including network, servers, operating systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities, with the possible exception of limited user-specific application configuration settings." (James R Kalyvas & Michael R Overly, "Big Data: A Businessand Legal Guide", 2015)

"Software as a Service is the delivery of computer applications over the Internet on a per user per month charge basis." (Judith S Hurwitz, "Cognitive Computing and Big Data Analytics", 2015)

"A model of software deployment or service where customers use applications on demand." (Mike Harwood, "Internet Security: How to Defend Against Attackers on the Web" 2nd Ed., 2015)

"An approach to software licensing and delivery in which software is hosted remotely in the cloud and accessed via an Internet browser." (Jonathan Ferrar et al, "The Power of People: Learn How Successful Organizations Use Workforce Analytics To Improve Business Performance", 2017)

"Cloud application services in which applications are delivered over the Internet by the software provider, typically for a monthly fixed fee. The applications are not installed, nor do they run on the client’s computers; instead, they are accessed by a Web browser. Two important characteristics of SaaS are as follows: Network and Web-based access to commercial software computing services in which the processing is done on a third party server, rather than at each customer’s location. A tenant-based pricing model for hardware, software, administration, and consulting services." (John H Higgins & Bryan L Smith, "10 Steps to a Digital Practice in the Cloud" 2nd Ed., 2017)

"Software as a service refers to the delivery of software-based business tools via the Internet as an alternative to traditional on-premise installations." (Informatica) [source]

"Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a model of software distribution where customers pay a monthly subscription or licensing fee and a third-party, typically the software vendor, makes the application available over the internet. SaaS is one of the primary commercial applications of cloud computing, along with infrastructure-as-a-service (Iaas) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS)." (Sumo Logic) [source]

10 July 2019

🧱IT: Crowdsourcing (Definitions)

"Obtaining information by tapping the collective knowledge of many people." (W Roy Schulte & K Chandy, "Event Processing: Designing IT Systems for Agile Companies", 2009)

"A model of problem solving and idea generation that marshals the collective talents of a large group of people." (Linda Volonino & Efraim Turban, "Information Technology for Management" 8th Ed., 2011)

"the act of outsourcing a task to an undefined, generally large group of people or community, typically in the form of some sort of post on the Internet." (Bill Holtsnider & Brian D Jaffe, "IT Manager's Handbook" 3rd Ed., 2012)

"Tapping into collective online knowledge by inviting large numbers of people, via the Internet, to contribute ideas on different aspects of a business’s operations. A related concept is 'crowdfunding', which involves funding a project or venture by raising capital from individual investors via the Internet." (DK, "The Business Book", 2014)

"The process by which ideas, services, or other needs are solicited from predominantly amorphous and undefined large groups of people." (Evan Stubbs, "Big Data, Big Innovation", 2014)

"A method of resource gathering where interested potential customers pledge money to innovators for a product that has not yet been created." (Rachel Heinen et al, "Tools for the Process: Technology to Support Creativity and Innovation", 2015)

"The practice of outsourcing organisational tasks by placing a call on the internet and inviting all-comers to post submissions, often with the lure of a prize or commission for the 'best entry'." (Duncan Angwin & Stephen Cummings, "The Strategy Pathfinder" 3rd Ed., 2017)

"Dividing the work of collecting a substantial amount of data into small tasks that can be undertaken by volunteers." (Open Data Handbook)

02 July 2019

🧱IT: Peer-to-Peer Network (Definitions)

[peer-to-peer computing:] "Users loosely connected through online connections that enable them to share data and programs." (Greg Perry, "Sams Teach Yourself Beginning Programming in 24 Hours 2nd Ed.", 2001)

[peer-to-peer computing:] "A distributed computing model in which each node has equal standing among the collection of nodes. In the most typical usage of this term, the same capabilities are offered by each node, and any node can initiate a communication session with another node. This contrasts with, for example, client-server computing. The capabilities that are shared in peer-to-peer computing include file-sharing as well as computation." (Beverly A Sanders, "Patterns for Parallel Programming", 2004)

"A network comprised of individual participants that have equal capabilities and duties." (Andy Walker, "Absolute Beginner’s Guide To: Security, Spam, Spyware & Viruses", 2005)

"A blanket term used to describe: (1) a peer-centric distributed software architecture, (2) a flavor of software that encourages collaboration and file sharing between peers, and (3) a cultural progression in the way humans and applications interact with each other that emphasizes two way interactive 'conversations' in place of the Web’s initial television-like communication model (where information only flows in one direction)." (Craig F Smith & H Peter Alesso, "Thinking on the Web: Berners-Lee, Gödel and Turing", 2008)

"A networking system in which nodes in a network exchange data directly instead of going through a central server. " (Marcia Kaufman et al, "Big Data For Dummies", 2013)

"A network where all computers can both share and acces resources from other computers on the same network; a decentralized network." (Faithe Wempen, "Computing Fundamentals: Introduction to Computers", 2015)

"A type of network in which a group of personal computers is interconnected so that the hard disks, CD ROMs, files, and printers of each computer can be accessed from every other computer on the network. Peer-to-peer networks do not have a central file server. This type of system is used if less than a dozen computers will be networked." (James R Kalyvas & Michael R Overly, "Big Data: A Businessand Legal Guide", 2015)

"A decentralized network where participants have equal privileges and make certain resources directly available to other network participants." (AICPA)

15 May 2019

#️⃣Software Engineering: Programming (Part XV: Rapid Prototyping - Introduction)

Software Engineering
Software Engineering Series

Rapid (software) prototyping (RSP) is a group of techniques applied in Software Engineering to quickly build a prototype (aka mockup, wireframe) to verify the technical or factual realization and feasibility of an application architecture, process or business model. A similar notion is the one of Proof-of-Concept (PoC), which attempts to demonstrate by building a prototype, starting an experiment or a pilot project that a technical concept, business proposal or theory has practical potential. In other words in Software Engineering a RSP encompasses the techniques by which a PoC is lead.

In industries that consider physical products a prototype is typically a small-scale object made from inexpensive material that resembles the final product to a certain degree, some characteristics, details or features being completely ignored (e.g. the inner design, some components, the finishing, etc.). Building several prototypes is much easier and cheaper than building the end product, they allowing to play with a concept or idea until it gets close to the final product. Moreover, this approach reduces the risk of ending up with a product nobody wants.

A similar approach and reasoning is used in Software Engineering as well. Building a prototype allows focusing at the beginning on the essential characteristics or aspects of the application, process or (business) model under consideration. Upon case one can focus on the user interface (UI) , database access, integration mechanism or any other feature that involves a challenge. As in the case of the UI one can build several prototypes that demonstrate different designs or architectures. The initial prototype can go through a series of transformations until it reaches the desired form, following then to integrate more functionality and refine the end product gradually. This iterative and incremental approach is known as rapid evolutional prototyping.

A prototype is useful especially when dealing with the uncertainty, e.g. when adopting (new) technologies or methodologies, when mixing technologies within an architecture, when the details of the implementation are not known, when exploring an idea, when the requirements are expected to change often, etc. Building rapidly a prototype allows validating the requirements, responding agilely to change, getting customers’ feedback and sign-off as early as possible, showing them what’s possible, how the future application can look like, and this without investing too much effort. It’s easier to change a design or an architecture in the concept and design phases than later.

In BI prototyping resumes usually in building queries to identify the source of the data, reengineer the logic from the business application, prove whether the logic is technically feasible, feasibility being translate in robustness, performance, flexibility. In projects that have a broader scope one can attempt building the needed infrastructure for several reports, to make sure that the main requirements are met. Similarly, one can use prototyping to build a data warehouse or a data migration layer. Thus, one can build all or most of the logic for one or two entities, resolving the challenges for them, and once the challenges solved one can go ahead and integrate gradually the other entities.

Rapid prototyping can be used also in the implementation of a strategy or management system to prove the concepts behind. One can start thus with a narrow focus and integrate more functions, processes and business segments gradually in iterative and incremental steps, each step allowing to integrate the lesson learned, address the risks and opportunities, check the progress and change the direction as needed.

Rapid prototyping can prove to be a useful tool when given the chance to prove its benefits. Through its iterative and incremental approaches it allows to reach the targets efficiently

04 May 2019

#️⃣Software Engineering: Programming (Part X: Programming as Art)

Software Engineering
Software Engineering Series

Maybe seeing programming as an art is an idealistic thought, while attempting to describe programming as an art may seem an ingrate task. However, one can talk about the art of programming same way one can talk about the art of applying a craft. It’s a reflection of the mastery reached and what it takes to master something. Some call it art, others mastery, in the end it’s the drive that makes one surpass his own condition.

Besides an audience's experience with a creative skill, art means the study, process and product of a creative skill. Learning the art of programming, means primarily learning its vocabulary and its grammar, the language, then one has to learn the rules, how and when to break them, and in the end how to transcend the rules to create new languages. The poet uses metaphors and rhythm to describe the world he sees, the programmer uses abstractedness and patterns for the same. Programming is the art of using patterns to create new patterns, much like the poet does.

The drive of art is creativity independently if one talks about music, painting, poetry, mathematics or any other science. Programmer's creativity is reflected in the way he uses his tools and builds new ones. Despite the limits imposed by the programming languages he uses, the programmer can borrow anytime the knowledge of other sciences – mathematics, physics or biology – to describe the universe and make it understandable for machines. In fact, when we understand well enough something to explain to a computer we call it science [1].

Programming is both a science and an art. Paraphrasing Leonard Tippett [2], programming is a science in that its methods are basically systematic and have general application; and an art in that their successful application depends to a considerable degree on the skill and special experience of the programmer, and on his knowledge of the field of application. The programmer seems to borrow from an engineer’s natural curiosity, attention to detail, thirst for knowledge and continual improvement though these are already in programmer’s DNA.

In programming aesthetics is judged by the elegance with which one solves a problem and transcribes its implementation. The programmer is in a continuous quest with simplicity, reusability, abstractedness, elegance, time and complexity. Beauty resides in the simplicity of the code, the easiness with which complexity is reduced to computability, the way everything fit together in a whole. Through reusability and abstractedness the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts.

Programming takes its rigor and logic from mathematics. Even if the programmer is not a mathematician, he borrows from a mathematician’s way of seeing the world in structures, patterns, order, models (approximations), connectedness, networks, the designs converging to create new paradigms. Programmer's imagery conjures some part from a mathematician's art.

In extremis, through the structures and thought patterns, the programmer is in a continuous search for meanings, of creating a meaning to encompass other meanings, meanings which will hopefully converge to a greater good. It resembles the art of the philosopher, without the historical luggage.

Between the patterns of the mathematician and philosopher's search for truth, between poets artistry of manipulating the language to create new views and engineer’s cold search for formalism and methodic, programming is a way to understand the world and create new worlds. The programmer becomes the creator of glimpses of universes which, when put together like the pieces of a puzzle can create a new reality, not necessarily better, but a reality that reflects programmers’ art. For the one who learned to master a programming language nothing is impossible.

Quotations used:
(1)“Learning the art of programming, like most other disciplines, consists of first learning the rules and then learning when to break them.” (Joshua Bloch, “Effective Java”, 2001)
(2)“[Statistics] is both a science and an art. It is a science in that its methods are basically systematic and have general application; and an art in that their successful application depends to a considerable degree on the skill and special experience of the statistician, and on his knowledge of the field of application, e.g. economics.” (Leonard Tippett, “Statistics”, 1943)

22 April 2019

💼Project Management: Tools (Part I: The Choice of Tools in Project Management)


Beware the man of one book” (in Latin, “homo unius libri”), a warning generally attributed to Thomas Aquinas and having a twofold meaning. In its original interpretation it was referring to the people mastering a single chosen discipline, however the meaning degenerated in expressing the limitations of people who master just one book, and thus having a limited toolset of perspectives, mental models or heuristics. This later meaning is better reflected in Abraham Maslow adage: “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail”, as people tend to use the tools they are used to also in situations in which other tools are more appropriate.

It’s sometimes admirable people and even organizations’ stubbornness in using the same tools in totally different scenarios, expecting though the same results, as well in similar scenarios expecting different results. It’s true, Mathematics has proven that the same techniques can be used successfully in different areas, however a mathematician’s universe and models are idealistically fractionalized to a certain degree from reality, full of simplified patterns and never-ending approximations. In contrast, the universe of Software Development and Project Management has a texture of complex patterns with multiple levels of dependencies and constraints, constraints highly sensitive to the initial conditions.

Project Management has managed to successfully derive tools like methodologies, processes, procedures, best practices and guidelines to address the realities of projects, however their use in praxis seems to be quite challenging. Probably, the challenge resides in stubbornness of not adapting the tools to the difficulties and tasks met. Even if the same phases and multiple similarities seems to exist, the process of building a house or other tangible artefact is quite different than the approaches used in development and implementation of software.

Software projects have high variability and are often explorative in nature. The end-product looks totally different than the initial scaffold. The technologies used come with opportunities and limitations that are difficult to predict in the planning phase. What on paper seems to work often doesn’t work in praxis as the devil lies typically in details. The challenges and limitations vary between industries, businesses and even projects within the same organization.

Even if for each project type there’s a methodology more suitable than another, in the end project particularities might pull the choice in one direction or another. Business Intelligence projects for example can benefit from agile approaches as they enable to better manage and deliver value by adapting the requirements to business needs as the project progresses. An agile approach works almost always better than a waterfall process. In contrast, ERP implementations seldom benefit from agile methodologies given the complexity of the project which makes from planning a real challenge, however this depends also on an organization’s dynamicity.
Especially when an organization has good experience with a methodology there’s the tendency to use the same methodology across all the projects run within the organization. This results in chopping down a project to fit an ideal form, which might be fine as long the particularities of each project are adequately addressed. Even if one methodology is not appropriate for a given scenario it doesn’t mean it can’t be used for it, however in the final equation enter also the cost, time, effort, and the quality of the end-results.
In general, one can cope with complexity by leveraging a broader set of mental models, heuristics and set of tools, and this can be done only though experimentation, through training and exposing employees to new types of experiences, through openness, through adapting the tools to the challenges ahead.

04 January 2019

🤝Governance: Enterprise Risk Management (Definitions)

"A model for IT governance that is risk-based integrating internal control, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act mandates, and strategic planning." (Linda Volonino & Efraim Turban, "Information Technology for Management" 8th Ed, 2011)

"Process of continuously identifying, assessing, mitigating, and monitoring relevant business risks in a comprehensive and integrated way." (Leslie G Eldenburg & Susan K Wolcott, "Cost Management" 2nd Ed, 2011)

"The process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the activities of an organization in order to minimize the effects of risk on its capital and earnings. ERM includes not only risks associated with accidental losses, but also financial, strategic, operational, and other risks." (DAMA International, "The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management", 2011)

"The application of risk management approaches across an organization in a structured and disciplined manner." (Sally-Anne Pitt, "Internal Audit Quality", 2014)

"The governing process for managing risks and opportunities." (Weiss, "Auditing IT Infrastructures for Compliance" 2nd Ed., 2015)

"Enterprise risk management is a framework for risk management, including organization and governance, internal controls, key processes, systems and information and risk culture. ERM begins by identifying events or circumstances relevant to the organization's objectives (risks and opportunities), assessing them in terms of likelihood and magnitude of impact, determining a response strategy and monitoring progress." (Thomas C Wilson, "Value and Capital Management", 2015)

31 December 2018

🔭Data Science: Big Data (Just the Quotes)

"If we gather more and more data and establish more and more associations, however, we will not finally find that we know something. We will simply end up having more and more data and larger sets of correlations." (Kenneth N Waltz, "Theory of International Politics Source: Theory of International Politics", 1979)

“There are those who try to generalize, synthesize, and build models, and there are those who believe nothing and constantly call for more data. The tension between these two groups is a healthy one; science develops mainly because of the model builders, yet they need the second group to keep them honest.” (Andrew Miall, “Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis”, 1984)

"Big data can change the way social science is performed, but will not replace statistical common sense." (Thomas Landsall-Welfare, "Nowcasting the mood of the nation", Significance 9(4), 2012)

"Big Data is data that exceeds the processing capacity of conventional database systems. The data is too big, moves too fast, or doesn’t fit the strictures of your database architectures. To gain value from this data, you must choose an alternative way to process it." (Edd Wilder-James, "What is big data?", 2012) [source]

"The secret to getting the most from Big Data isn’t found in huge server farms or massive parallel computing or in-memory algorithms. Instead, it’s in the almighty pencil." (Matt Ariker, "The One Tool You Need To Make Big Data Work: The Pencil", 2012)

"Big data is the most disruptive force this industry has seen since the introduction of the relational database." (Jeffrey Needham, "Disruptive Possibilities: How Big Data Changes Everything", 2013)

"No subjective metric can escape strategic gaming [...] The possibility of mischief is bottomless. Fighting ratings is fruitless, as they satisfy a very human need. If one scheme is beaten down, another will take its place and wear its flaws. Big Data just deepens the danger. The more complex the rating formulas, the more numerous the opportunities there are to dress up the numbers. The larger the data sets, the harder it is to audit them." (Kaiser Fung, "Numbersense: How To Use Big Data To Your Advantage", 2013)

"There is convincing evidence that data-driven decision-making and big data technologies substantially improve business performance. Data science supports data-driven decision-making - and sometimes conducts such decision-making automatically - and depends upon technologies for 'big data' storage and engineering, but its principles are separate." (Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, "Data Science for Business", 2013)

"Our needs going forward will be best served by how we make use of not just this data but all data. We live in an era of Big Data. The world has seen an explosion of information in the past decades, so much so that people and institutions now struggle to keep pace. In fact, one of the reasons for the attachment to the simplicity of our indicators may be an inverse reaction to the sheer and bewildering volume of information most of us are bombarded by on a daily basis. […] The lesson for a world of Big Data is that in an environment with excessive information, people may gravitate toward answers that simplify reality rather than embrace the sheer complexity of it." (Zachary Karabell, "The Leading Indicators: A short history of the numbers that rule our world", 2014)

"The other buzzword that epitomizes a bias toward substitution is 'big data'. Today’s companies have an insatiable appetite for data, mistakenly believing that more data always creates more value. But big data is usually dumb data. Computers can find patterns that elude humans, but they don’t know how to compare patterns from different sources or how to interpret complex behaviors. Actionable insights can only come from a human analyst (or the kind of generalized artificial intelligence that exists only in science fiction)." (Peter Thiel & Blake Masters, "Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future", 2014)

"We have let ourselves become enchanted by big data only because we exoticize technology. We’re impressed with small feats accomplished by computers alone, but we ignore big achievements from complementarity because the human contribution makes them less uncanny. Watson, Deep Blue, and ever-better machine learning algorithms are cool. But the most valuable companies in the future won’t ask what problems can be solved with computers alone. Instead, they’ll ask: how can computers help humans solve hard problems?" (Peter Thiel & Blake Masters, "Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future", 2014)

"As business leaders we need to understand that lack of data is not the issue. Most businesses have more than enough data to use constructively; we just don't know how to use it. The reality is that most businesses are already data rich, but insight poor." (Bernard Marr, Big Data: Using SMART Big Data, Analytics and Metrics To Make Better Decisions and Improve Performance, 2015)

"Big data is based on the feedback economy where the Internet of Things places sensors on more and more equipment. More and more data is being generated as medical records are digitized, more stores have loyalty cards to track consumer purchases, and people are wearing health-tracking devices. Generally, big data is more about looking at behavior, rather than monitoring transactions, which is the domain of traditional relational databases. As the cost of storage is dropping, companies track more and more data to look for patterns and build predictive models." (Neil Dunlop, "Big Data", 2015)

"Big Data often seems like a meaningless buzz phrase to older database professionals who have been experiencing exponential growth in database volumes since time immemorial. There has never been a moment in the history of database management systems when the increasing volume of data has not been remarkable." (Guy Harrison, "Next Generation Databases: NoSQL, NewSQL, and Big Data", 2015)

"Dimensionality reduction is essential for coping with big data - like the data coming in through your senses every second. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it’s also a million times more costly to process and remember. [...] A common complaint about big data is that the more data you have, the easier it is to find spurious patterns in it. This may be true if the data is just a huge set of disconnected entities, but if they’re interrelated, the picture changes." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Science’s predictions are more trustworthy, but they are limited to what we can systematically observe and tractably model. Big data and machine learning greatly expand that scope. Some everyday things can be predicted by the unaided mind, from catching a ball to carrying on a conversation. Some things, try as we might, are just unpredictable. For the vast middle ground between the two, there’s machine learning." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"The human side of analytics is the biggest challenge to implementing big data." (Paul Gibbons, "The Science of Successful Organizational Change", 2015)

"To make progress, every field of science needs to have data commensurate with the complexity of the phenomena it studies. [...] With big data and machine learning, you can understand much more complex phenomena than before. In most fields, scientists have traditionally used only very limited kinds of models, like linear regression, where the curve you fit to the data is always a straight line. Unfortunately, most phenomena in the world are nonlinear. [...] Machine learning opens up a vast new world of nonlinear models." (Pedro Domingos, "The Master Algorithm", 2015)

"Underfitting is when a model doesn’t take into account enough information to accurately model real life. For example, if we observed only two points on an exponential curve, we would probably assert that there is a linear relationship there. But there may not be a pattern, because there are only two points to reference. [...] It seems that the best way to mitigate underfitting a model is to give it more information, but this actually can be a problem as well. More data can mean more noise and more problems. Using too much data and too complex of a model will yield something that works for that particular data set and nothing else." (Matthew Kirk, "Thoughtful Machine Learning", 2015)

"We are moving slowly into an era where Big Data is the starting point, not the end." (Pearl Zhu, "Digital Master: Debunk the Myths of Enterprise Digital Maturity", 2015)

"A popular misconception holds that the era of Big Data means the end of a need for sampling. In fact, the proliferation of data of varying quality and relevance reinforces the need for sampling as a tool to work efficiently with a variety of data, and minimize bias. Even in a Big Data project, predictive models are typically developed and piloted with samples." (Peter C Bruce & Andrew G Bruce, "Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts", 2016)

"Big data is, in a nutshell, large amounts of data that can be gathered up and analyzed to determine whether any patterns emerge and to make better decisions." (Daniel Covington, Analytics: Data Science, Data Analysis and Predictive Analytics for Business, 2016)

"Big Data processes codify the past. They do not invent the future. Doing that requires moral imagination, and that’s something only humans can provide. We have to explicitly embed better values into our algorithms, creating Big Data models that follow our ethical lead. Sometimes that will mean putting fairness ahead of profit." (Cathy O'Neil, "Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy", 2016)

"While Big Data, when managed wisely, can provide important insights, many of them will be disruptive. After all, it aims to find patterns that are invisible to human eyes. The challenge for data scientists is to understand the ecosystems they are wading into and to present not just the problems but also their possible solutions." (Cathy O'Neil, "Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy", 2016)

"Big Data allows us to meaningfully zoom in on small segments of a dataset to gain new insights on who we are." (Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, "Everybody Lies: What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are", 2017)

"Effects without an understanding of the causes behind them, on the other hand, are just bunches of data points floating in the ether, offering nothing useful by themselves. Big Data is information, equivalent to the patterns of light that fall onto the eye. Big Data is like the history of stimuli that our eyes have responded to. And as we discussed earlier, stimuli are themselves meaningless because they could mean anything. The same is true for Big Data, unless something transformative is brought to all those data sets… understanding." (Beau Lotto, "Deviate: The Science of Seeing Differently", 2017)

"The term [Big Data] simply refers to sets of data so immense that they require new methods of mathematical analysis, and numerous servers. Big Data - and, more accurately, the capacity to collect it - has changed the way companies conduct business and governments look at problems, since the belief wildly trumpeted in the media is that this vast repository of information will yield deep insights that were previously out of reach." (Beau Lotto, "Deviate: The Science of Seeing Differently", 2017)

"There are other problems with Big Data. In any large data set, there are bound to be inconsistencies, misclassifications, missing data - in other words, errors, blunders, and possibly lies. These problems with individual items occur in any data set, but they are often hidden in a large mass of numbers even when these numbers are generated out of computer interactions." (David S Salsburg, "Errors, Blunders, and Lies: How to Tell the Difference", 2017)

"Just as they did thirty years ago, machine learning programs (including those with deep neural networks) operate almost entirely in an associational mode. They are driven by a stream of observations to which they attempt to fit a function, in much the same way that a statistician tries to fit a line to a collection of points. Deep neural networks have added many more layers to the complexity of the fitted function, but raw data still drives the fitting process. They continue to improve in accuracy as more data are fitted, but they do not benefit from the 'super-evolutionary speedup'."  (Judea Pearl & Dana Mackenzie, "The Book of Why: The new science of cause and effect", 2018)

"One of the biggest myths is the belief that data science is an autonomous process that we can let loose on our data to find the answers to our problems. In reality, data science requires skilled human oversight throughout the different stages of the process. [...] The second big myth of data science is that every data science project needs big data and needs to use deep learning. In general, having more data helps, but having the right data is the more important requirement. [...] A third data science myth is that modern data science software is easy to use, and so data science is easy to do. [...] The last myth about data science [...] is the belief that data science pays for itself quickly. The truth of this belief depends on the context of the organization. Adopting data science can require significant investment in terms of developing data infrastructure and hiring staff with data science expertise. Furthermore, data science will not give positive results on every project." (John D Kelleher & Brendan Tierney, "Data Science", 2018)

"Apart from the technical challenge of working with the data itself, visualization in big data is different because showing the individual observations is just not an option. But visualization is essential here: for analysis to work well, we have to be assured that patterns and errors in the data have been spotted and understood. That is only possible by visualization with big data, because nobody can look over the data in a table or spreadsheet." (Robert Grant, "Data Visualization: Charts, Maps and Interactive Graphics", 2019)

"With the growing availability of massive data sets and user-friendly analysis software, it might be thought that there is less need for training in statistical methods. This would be naïve in the extreme. Far from freeing us from the need for statistical skills, bigger data and the rise in the number and complexity of scientific studies makes it even more difficult to draw appropriate conclusions. More data means that we need to be even more aware of what the evidence is actually worth." (David Spiegelhalter, "The Art of Statistics: Learning from Data", 2019)

"Big data is revolutionizing the world around us, and it is easy to feel alienated by tales of computers handing down decisions made in ways we don’t understand. I think we’re right to be concerned. Modern data analytics can produce some miraculous results, but big data is often less trustworthy than small data. Small data can typically be scrutinized; big data tends to be locked away in the vaults of Silicon Valley. The simple statistical tools used to analyze small datasets are usually easy to check; pattern-recognizing algorithms can all too easily be mysterious and commercially sensitive black boxes." (Tim Harford, "The Data Detective: Ten easy rules to make sense of statistics", 2020)

"Making big data work is harder than it seems. Statisticians have spent the past two hundred years figuring out what traps lie in wait when we try to understand the world through data. The data are bigger, faster, and cheaper these days, but we must not pretend that the traps have all been made safe. They have not." (Tim Harford, "The Data Detective: Ten easy rules to make sense of statistics", 2020)

"Many people have strong intuitions about whether they would rather have a vital decision about them made by algorithms or humans. Some people are touchingly impressed by the capabilities of the algorithms; others have far too much faith in human judgment. The truth is that sometimes the algorithms will do better than the humans, and sometimes they won’t. If we want to avoid the problems and unlock the promise of big data, we’re going to need to assess the performance of the algorithms on a case-by-case basis. All too often, this is much harder than it should be. […] So the problem is not the algorithms, or the big datasets. The problem is a lack of scrutiny, transparency, and debate." (Tim Harford, "The Data Detective: Ten easy rules to make sense of statistics", 2020)

"The problem is the hype, the notion that something magical will emerge if only we can accumulate data on a large enough scale. We just need to be reminded: Big data is not better; it’s just bigger. And it certainly doesn’t speak for itself." (Carl T Bergstrom & Jevin D West, "Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World", 2020)

"[...] the focus on Big Data AI seems to be an excuse to put forth a number of vague and hand-waving theories, where the actual details and the ultimate success of neuroscience is handed over to quasi- mythological claims about the powers of large datasets and inductive computation. Where humans fail to illuminate a complicated domain with testable theory, machine learning and big data supposedly can step in and render traditional concerns about finding robust theories. This seems to be the logic of Data Brain efforts today. (Erik J Larson, "The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Why Computers Can’t Think the Way We Do", 2021)

"We live on islands surrounded by seas of data. Some call it 'big data'. In these seas live various species of observable phenomena. Ideas, hypotheses, explanations, and graphics also roam in the seas of data and can clarify the waters or allow unsupported species to die. These creatures thrive on visual explanation and scientific proof. Over time new varieties of graphical species arise, prompted by new problems and inner visions of the fishers in the seas of data." (Michael Friendly & Howard Wainer, "A History of Data Visualization and Graphic Communication", 2021)

"Visualizations can remove the background noise from enormous sets of data so that only the most important points stand out to the intended audience. This is particularly important in the era of big data. The more data there is, the more chance for noise and outliers to interfere with the core concepts of the data set." (Kate Strachnyi, "ColorWise: A Data Storyteller’s Guide to the Intentional Use of Color", 2023)

"Visualisation is fundamentally limited by the number of pixels you can pump to a screen. If you have big data, you have way more data than pixels, so you have to summarise your data. Statistics gives you lots of really good tools for this." (Hadley Wickham)

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.