Showing posts with label schemas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label schemas. Show all posts

23 February 2025

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part X: Templates for Database Objects)

One of the new features remarked in SQL databases when working on the previous post is the availability of templates in SQL databases. The functionality is useful even if is kept to a minimum. Probably, more value can be obtained when used in combination with Copilot, which requires at least a F12 capacity.


Schemas are used to create a logical grouping of objects such as tables, stored procedures, and functions. From a structural and security point of view it makes sense to create additional schemas to manage the various database objects and use the default dbo schema only occasionally (e.g. for global created objects).

-- generated template - schema

-- create schema

One can look at the sys.schemas to retrieve all the schemas available:

-- retrieve all schemas
SELECT schema_id
, name
, principal_id
FROM sys.schemas
ORDER BY schema_id


Tables, as database objects that contain all the data in a database are probably the elements that need the greatest attention in design and data processing. In some cases a table can be dedenormalized and it can store all the data needed, much like in MS Excel, respectively, benormalized in fact and dimension tables. 

Tables can be created explicitly by defining in advance their structure (see Option 1), respectively on the fly (see Option 2). 

-- Option 1
-- create the table manually (alternative to precedent step
CREATE TABLE [Test].[Customers](
	[CustomerId] [int] NOT NULL,
	[AddressID] [int] NULL,
	[Title] [nvarchar](8) NULL,
	[FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[LastName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[CompanyName] [nvarchar](128) NULL,
	[SalesPerson] [nvarchar](256) NULL

-- insert records
INSERT INTO Test.Customers
SELECT CustomerId
, Title
, FirstName 
, LastName
, CompanyName
, SalesPerson
FROM SalesLT.Customer -- checking the output (both scenarios) SELECT top 100 * FROM Test.Customers

One can look at the sys.tables to retrieve all the tables available:

-- retrieve all tables
SELECT schema_name(schema_id) schema_name
, object_id
, name
FROM sys.tables
ORDER BY schema_name
, name


Views are much like virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement that combines data from one or multiple tables.  They can be used to encapsulate logic, respectively project horizontally or  vertically a subset of the data. 

-- create view
-- Customers 
SELECT CST.CustomerId 
, CST.Title
, CST.FirstName 
, IsNull(CST.MiddleName, '') MiddleName
, CST.LastName 
, CST.CompanyName 
, CST.SalesPerson 
FROM SalesLT.Customer CST

-- test the view 
FROM Test.vCustomers
WHERE CompanyName = 'A Bike Store'

One can look at the sys.views to retrieve all the views available:

-- retrieve all views
SELECT schema_name(schema_id) schema_name
, object_id
, name
FROM sys.views
ORDER BY schema_name
, name

User-Defined Functions

A user-defined function (UDF) allows to create a function by using a SQL expression. It can be used alone or as part of a query, as in the below example.

-- generated template - user defined function
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FunctionName] (
    @param1 INT,
    @param2 INT
    @param1 + @param2

-- user-defined function: 
CREATE OR ALTER FUNCTION Test.GetFirstMiddleLastName (
    @FirstName nvarchar(50),
    @MiddleName nvarchar(50),
    @LastName nvarchar(50)
RETURNS nvarchar(150) AS 
   RETURN IsNull(@FirstName, '') + IsNull(' ' + @MiddleName, '') + IsNull(' ' + @LastName, '') 

-- test UDF on single values
SELECT Test.GetFirstMiddleLastName ('Jack', NULL, 'Sparrow')
SELECT Test.GetFirstMiddleLastName ('Jack', 'L.', 'Sparrow')

-- test UDF on a whole table
SELECT TOP 100 Test.GetFirstMiddleLastName (FirstName, MiddleName, LastName)
FROM SalesLT.Customer

One can look at the sys.objects to retrieve all the scalar functions available:

-- retrieve all scalar functions
SELECT schema_name(schema_id) schema_name
, name
, object_id
FROM sys.objects 
ORDER BY schema_name
, name

However, UDFs prove to be useful when they mix the capabilities of functions with the ones of views allowing to create a "parametrized view" (see next example) or even encapsulate a multi-line statement that returns a dataset. Currently, there seems to be no template available for creating such functions.

-- table-valued function
    @CompanyName nvarchar(50) NULL
-- Customers by Company
	SELECT CST.CustomerId 
	, CST.CompanyName
	, CST.Title
	, IsNull(CST.FirstName, '') + IsNull(' ' + CST.MiddleName, '') + IsNull(' ' + CST.LastName, '') FullName
	, CST.FirstName 
	, CST.MiddleName 
	, CST.LastName 
	FROM SalesLT.Customer CST
	WHERE CST.CompanyName = IsNull(@CompanyName, CST.CompanyName)

-- test function for values
FROM Test.tvfGetCustomers ('A Bike Store')
ORDER BY CompanyName
, FullName

-- test function for retrieving all values
FROM Test.tvfGetCustomers (NULL)
ORDER BY CompanyName
, FullName

One can look at the sys.objects to retrieve all the table-valued functions available:

-- retrieve all table-valued functions
SELECT schema_name(schema_id) schema_name
, name
, object_id
FROM sys.objects 
ORDER BY schema_name , name

Stored Procedures

A stored procedure is a prepared SQL statement that is stored as a database object and precompiled. Typically, the statements considered in SQL functions can be created also as stored procedure, however the latter doesn't allow to reuse the output directly.

-- get customers by company
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE Test.spGetCustomersByCompany (
    @CompanyName nvarchar(50) NULL
	SELECT CST.CustomerId 
	, CST.CompanyName
	, CST.Title
	, IsNull(CST.FirstName, '') + IsNull(' ' + CST.MiddleName, '') + IsNull(' ' + CST.LastName, '') FullName
	, CST.FirstName 
	, CST.MiddleName 
	, CST.LastName 
	FROM SalesLT.Customer CST
	WHERE CST.CompanyName = IsNull(@CompanyName, CST.CompanyName)
	ORDER BY CST.CompanyName
	, FullName

-- test the procedure 
EXEC Test.spGetCustomersByCompany NULL -- all customers
EXEC Test.spGetCustomersByCompany 'A Bike Store' -- individual customer

One can look at the sys.objects to retrieve all the stored procedures available:

-- retrieve all scalar functions
SELECT schema_name(schema_id) schema_name
, name
, object_id
FROM sys.objects 
ORDER BY schema_name , name

In the end, don't forget to drop the objects created above (note the order of the dependencies):

-- drop function 

-- drop function 
-- drop precedure DROP VIEW IF EXISTS Test.Test.spGetCustomersByCompany -- drop view DROP VIEW IF EXISTS Test.vCustomers -- drop schema DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS Test

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) Microsoft Fabric: Overview of Copilot in Fabric [link]

22 January 2025

🏭🗒️Microsoft Fabric: Clone Tables in Warehouses [Notes]

Disclaimer: This is work in progress intended to consolidate information from various sources for learning purposes. For the latest information please consult the documentation (see the links below)! 

Last updated: 22-Jan-2025

[Microsoft Fabric] Zero-copy Clone

  • {def} a replica of an existing OneLake table created by copying existing table's metadata and referencing its data files [1]
    • the metadata is copied while the underlying data of the table stored as parquet files is not copied [1]
    • its creation is like creating a delta table [1]
    • DML/DDL changes on the source 
      • are not reflected in the clone table [1]
      • are not reflected on the source [1]
    • can be created within or across schemas in a warehouse [1]
    • created based on either:
      • current point-in-time
        • based on the present state of the table [1]
      • previous point-in-time
        • based on a point-in-time up to seven days in the past
          • the table clone contains the data as it appeared at a desired past point in time
          • all CRUD operations are retained for seven calendar days
        • created with a timestamp based on UTC
  • {characteristic} autonomous existence
    • the original source and the clones can be deleted without any constraints [1]
    • once a clone is created, it remains in existence until deleted by the user [1]
  • {characteristic} inherits 
    • object-level SQL security from the source table of the clone [1]
      • DENY permission can be set on the table clone if desired [1]
        • the workspace roles provide read access by default [1]
    • all attributes that exist at the source table, whether the clone was created within the same schema or across different schemas in a warehouse [1]
    • the primary and unique key constraints defined in the source table [1]
  • a read-only delta log is created for every table clone that is created within the Warehouse [1]
  • {benefit} facilitates development and testing processes 
    • by creating copies of tables in lower environments [1]
  • {benefit} provides consistent reporting and zero-copy duplication of data for analytical workloads and ML modeling and testing [1]
  • {benefit} provides the capability of data recovery in the event of a failed release or data corruption by retaining the previous state of data [1]
  • {benefit} helps create historical reports that reflect the state of data as it existed as of a specific point-in-time in the past [1]
  • {limitation} table clones across warehouses in a workspace are not currently supported [1]
  • {limitation} table clones across workspaces are not currently supported [1]
  • {limitation} clone table is not supported on the SQL analytics endpoint of the Lakehouse [1]
  • {limitation} clone of a warehouse or schema is currently not supported [1]
  • {limitation} table clones submitted before the retention period of seven days cannot be created [1]
  • {limitation} cloned tables do not currently inherit row-level security or dynamic data masking [1]
  • {limitation} changes to the table schema prevent a clone from being created prior to the table schema change [1]
  • {best practice} create the clone tables in dedicated schema(s)
  • [syntax] CREATE TABLE <schema.clone_table_name> AS CLONE OF <schema.table_name>

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2023) Clone table in Microsoft Fabric [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) Tutorial: Clone tables in the Fabric portal [link]
[3] Microsoft Learn (2024) Tutorial: Clone a table with T-SQL in a Warehouse [link]
[4] Microsoft Learn (2024) SQL: CREATE TABLE AS CLONE OF [link]

17 January 2025

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part VIII: Permissions) [new feature]

Data-based solutions usually target a set of users who (ideally) have restricted permissions to the functionality. Therefore, as part of the process are defined several personas that target different use cases, for which the permissions must be restricted accordingly. 

In the simplest scenario the user must have access to the underlying objects for querying the data. Supposing that an Entra User was created already, the respective user must be given access also in the Fabric database (see [1], [2]). From database's main menu follow the path to assign read permissions:
Security >> Manage SQL Security >> (select role: db_datareader)

Manage SQL Security
Manage SQL Security

Manage access >> Add >> (search for User)

Manage access
Manage access

(select user) >> Share database >> (select additional permissions) >> Save

Manage additional permissions
Manage additional permissions

The easiest way to test whether the permissions work before building the functionality is to login over SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and check the access using the Microsoft Entra MFA. Ideally, one should have a User's credentials that can be used only for testing purposes. After the above setup was done, the new User was able to access the data. 

A second User can be created for testing with the maximum of permissions allowed on the SQL database side, which is useful for troubleshooting. Alternatively, one can use only one User for testing and assign or remove the permissions as needed by the test scenario. 

It's a good idea to try to understand what's happening in the background. For example, the expectation was that for the Entra User created above also a SQL user is created, which doesn't seem to be the case, at least per current functionality available. 

 Before diving deeper, it's useful to retrieve User's details: 

-- retrieve current user
SELECT SUser_Name() sys_user_name
, User_Id() user_id 
, USER_NAME() user_name
, current_user [current_user]
, user [user]; 
sys_user_name user_id user_name current_user user
JamesClavell@[domain] 0 JamesClavell@[domain] JamesClavell@[domain] JamesClavell@[domain]

Retrieving the current User is useful especially when testing in parallel functionality with different Users. Strangely, User's ID is 0 when only read permissions were assigned. However, a valid User identifier is added for example when to the User is assigned also the db_datawriter role. Removing afterwards the db_datawriter role to the User keeps as expected User's ID. For troubleshooting purposes, at least per current functionality, it might be a good idea to create the Users with a valid User ID (e.g. by assigning temporarily the db_datawriter role to the User). 

The next step is to look at the Users with access to the database:

-- database access 
--, USR.sid 
, USR.hasdbaccess 
, USR.islogin
, USR.issqluser
--, USR.createdate 
--, USR.updatedate 
FROM sys.sysusers USR
WHERE USR.hasdbaccess = 1
  AND USR.islogin = 1
uid name hasdbaccess islogin issqluser
1 dbo 1 1 1
6 CharlesDickens@[...] 1 1 0
7 TestUser 1 1 1
9 JamesClavell@[...] 1 1 0

For testing purposes, besides the standard dbo role and two Entra-based roles, it was created also a SQL role to which was granted access to the SalesLT schema (see initial post):

-- create the user

-- assign access to SalesLT schema 
-- test impersonation (run together)

SELECT * FROM SalesLT.Customer;


1) Strangely, even if access was given explicitly only to the SalesLT schema, the TestUser User has access also to sys.sysusers and other DMVs. That's valid also for the access over SSMS
2) For the above created User there are no records in the sys.user_token and sys.login_token DMVs, in contrast with the user(s) created for administering the SQL database. 

Let's look at the permissions granted explicitly:

-- permissions granted explicitly
SELECT DPR.principal_id
, DPR.type_desc
, DPR.authentication_type_desc
, DPE.state_desc
, DPE.permission_name
FROM sys.database_principals DPR
     JOIN sys.database_permissions DPE
	   ON DPR.principal_id = DPE.grantee_principal_id
WHERE DPR.principal_id != 0 -- removing the public user
ORDER BY DPR.principal_id
, DPE.permission_name;
principal_id name type_desc authentication_type_desc state_desc permission_name

During troubleshooting it might be useful to check current user's permissions at the various levels via sys.fn_my_permissions:

-- retrieve database-scoped permissions for current user
FROM sys.fn_my_permissions(NULL, 'Database');

-- retrieve schema-scoped permissions for current user
FROM sys.fn_my_permissions('SalesLT', 'Schema');

-- retrieve object-scoped permissions for current user
FROM sys.fn_my_permissions('SalesLT.Customer', 'Object')
WHERE permission_name = 'SELECT';

1) See also [1] and [4] in what concerns the limitations that apply to managing permissions in SQL databases.

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) Microsoft Fabric: Share your SQL database and manage permissions [link]
[2] Microsoft Learn (2024) Microsoft Fabric: Share data and manage access to your SQL database in Microsoft Fabric  [link]
[3] Microsoft Learn (2024) Authorization in SQL database in Microsoft Fabric [link]
[4] Microsoft Learn (2024) Authentication in SQL database in Microsoft Fabric [link]

[5] Microsoft Fabric Learn (2025) Manage access for SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric with workspace roles and item permissions [link

03 March 2023

🧊Data Warehousing: Architecture (Part IV: Building a Modern Data Warehouse with Azure Synapse)

Data Warehousing


When building a data warehouse (DWH) several key words or derivatives of them appear in requirements: secure, flexible, simple, scalable, reliable, performant, non-redundant, modern, automated, real-timed, etc. As it proves in practice, all these requirements are sometimes challenging to address with the increased complexity of the architecture chosen. There are so many technologies on the DWH market promising all these at low costs, low effort and high ROI, though DWH projects continue to fail addressing the business and technical requirements.

On a basic level for building a DWH is needed a data storage layer and an ETL (Extract, Transfer, Load) tool responsible for the data movement between the various source systems and DWH, and eventually within the DWH itself. After that, each technology added to the landscape tends to increase the overall complexity (and should be regarded with a critical eye in what concerns the advantages and disadvantages).

Data Warehouse Architecture (on-premise)

A Reference Architecture

When building a DWH or a data migration solution, which has many of the characteristics of a DWH, from the many designs, I prefer to keep things as simple as possible.  An approach based on a performant database engine like SQL Server as storage layer and SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) as ETL proved to be the best choice until now, allowing to address most of the technical requirements by design. Then come the choices on how and where to import and transform the data, at what level of granularity, on how the semantic layer is built, how the data are accessed, etc.

Being able to pull (see extract subprocess) the data from the data sources on a need by basis offers the most flexible approach, however there are cases in which the direct access to source data is not possible, having to rely on a push approach, where data are dumped regularly to a given location (e.g. FTP folder structure), following to be picked up as needed. It's actually a hybrid between a push and pull, because a fully push approach would mean pushing the data directly to the DWH, which can be also acceptable, though might offer lower control on data's movement and involve a few other challenges (e.g. permissions, concurrency). 

Data can be prepared for the DWH in the source systems (e.g. exposed via data objects or API calls), anywhere in between via ETL-based transformations (see transform subprocess) or directly in the DWH. I prefer importing the data (see load subprocess) 1:1 without any transformations from the various sources via SSIS (or similar technologies) into a set of tables that designated the staging area. It's true that in this way the ETL technology is used to a minimum, though unless there's a major benefit to use it for data transformations, using DWH's capabilities and SQL for data processing can provide better performance and flexibility

Besides the selection of the columns in scope (typically columns with meaningful values), it's important not to do any transformations in the extraction layer because the data is imported faster (eventually using fast load options as in SSIS) and it assures a basis for troubleshooting (as the data don't change between loads). Some filters can be applied only when the volume of data is high, and the subset of the data could be identified clearly (e.g. when data are partitioned based on a key like business unit, legal entity or creation date).

For better traceability, the staging schemas can reflect the systems they come from, the tables and the columns should have the same names, respectively same data types. On such tables no constraints are applied and no indexes are needed. They can be constructed however on the production tables (aka base tables) - copy of the tables from production. 

Some DWH architects try replicating the constraints from the source systems and/or add more constraints on top to define the various business rules. Rigor is good in some scenarios, though it can involve a considerable effort and it might be challenging to keep over time, especially when considering the impact of big data on DWH architectures. Instead of using constraints, building a set of SQL scripts that pinpoint the issues as reports allow more flexibility with the risk of having inconsistencies running wild through the reports. The data should be cleaned in the source system and not possible then properly addressed in the DWH. Applying constraints will make the data unavailable for reporting until data are corrected, while being more permissive would allow dirty data. Thus, either case has advantages or disadvantages, though the latter seems to be more appropriate. 

Indexes on the production schema should reflect the characteristics of the queries run on the data and shouldn't replicate the indexes from the source environments, even if some overlaps might exist. In practice, dropping the non-clustered indexes on the production tables before loading the data from staging, and recreating them afterwards proves to provide faster loading (see load optimization techniques). 

The production tables are used for building a "semantic" data model or something similar. Several levels of views, table-valued functions and/or indexed/materialized views allows building the dimensions and facts tables, the latter incorporating the business logic needed by the reports. Upon case, stored-procedures, physical or temporary tables, table variables can be used to prepare the data, though they tend to break the "free" flow of data as steps in-between need to be run. On the other side, in certain scenarios their use is unavoidable. 

The first level of views (aka base views) is based on the base tables without any joins, though they include only the fields in use (needed by the business) ordered and "grouped" together based on their importance or certain characteristics. The views can include conversions of data types, translations of codes into meaningful values, and quite seldom filters on the data. Based on these "base" views the second level is built, which attempts to define the dimension and fact tables at the lowest granularity. These views include joins between tables coming from the same or different systems, respectively mappings of values defined in tables, and whatever it takes to build such entities. However, transformations on individual fields are pushed, when possible, to the lower level to minimize logic redundancy. From similar reasons, the logic could be broken down over two or more "helper" views when visible benefits could be obtained from it (e.g troubleshooting, reuse, maintenance). It's important to balance between creating too many helper views and encapsulating too much logic in a view. 

One of the design principles used in building the entities is to minimize the redundance of the fields used, ideally without having columns duplicated between entities at this level. This would facilitate the traceability of columns to the source tables within the "semantic" layer (typically in the detriment of a few more joins). In practice, one is forced to replicate some columns to simplify some parts of the logic. 

Further views can be built based on the dimension and fact entities to define the logic needed by the reports. Only these objects are used and no direct reference to the "base" tables or views are made. Moreover, to offer better performance when the views can be materialized or, when there's an important benefit, physically saved as table (e.g. having multiple indexes for different scenarios). It's the case of entities with considerable data volume called over and over. 

This approach of building the entities is usually flexible enough to address most of the reporting requirements, independently whether the technical solution has the characteristics of a DWH, data mart or data migration layer. Moreover, the overall architectural approach can be used on-premise as well in cloud architectures, where Azure SQL Server and ADF (Azure Data Factory) provide similar capabilities. Compared with standard SQL Server, some features might not be available, while other features might bring further benefits, though the gaps should be neglectable.

Data Management topics like Master Data Management (MDM), Data Quality Management (DQM) and/or Metadata Management can be addressed as well by using third-party tools or tools from the Microsoft stack - Master Data Services (MDS) and Data Quality Services (DQS) in combination with SSIS help addressing a wide range of scenarios - however these are optional. 

Moving to the Cloud

Within the context of big data, characterized by (high/variable) volume, value, variety, velocity, veracity, and further less important V's, the before technical requirements still apply, however within a cloud environment the overall architecture becomes more complex. Each component becomes a service. There are thus various services for data ingestion, storage, processing, sharing, collaboration, etc. The way data are processed involves also several important transformations: ETL becomes ELT, FTP and local storage by Data Lakes, data packages by data pipelines, stateful by stateless, SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing) by MPP (Massive Parallel Processing), and so on.

As file storage is less expensive than database storage, there's an increasing trend of dumping business critical data into the Data Lake via data pipelines or features like Link to Data Lake or Export to Data Lake (*), which synchronize the data between source systems and Data Lake in near real-time at table or entity level. Either saved as csv, parquet, delta lake or any other standard file format, in single files or partitions, the data can be used directly or indirectly for analytics.

Cloud-native warehouses allow addressing topics like scalability, elasticity, fault-tolerance and performance by design, though further challenges appear as compute needs to be decoupled from storage, the workloads need to be estimated for assuring the performance, data may be distributed across data centers spanning geographies, the infrastructure is exposed to attacks, etc. 

Azure Synapse

If one wants to take advantage of the MPP architecture's power, Microsoft provides an analytical architecture based on Azure Synapse, an analytics service that brings together data integration, enterprise DWH, and big data analytics. Besides two types of SQL-based data processing services  (dedicated vs serverless SQL pools) it comes also with a Spark pool for in-memory cluster computing.

A DWH based on Azure Synapse is not that different from the reference architecture described above for an on-premise solution. Actually, a DWH based on a dedicated SQL pool (aka a physical data warehouse) involves the same steps mentioned above. 

Data Warehouse Architecture with Dedicated SQL Pool

The data can be imported via ETL/ELT pipelines in the DWH, though there are also mechanisms for consuming the data directly from the files stored in the Data Lake or Azure storage. CETAS (aka Create External Table as Select) can be defined on top of the data files, the external tables acting as "staging" or "base" tables in the architecture described above. When using a dedicated SQL pool it makes sense to use the CETAS as "staging" tables, the processed data following to be dumped to "optimized" physical tables for consumption and refreshed periodically. However, when this happens the near real-time character of data is lost. Using the CETAs as base tables would keep this characteristic as long the data isn't saved physically in tables or files, maybe in the detriment of performance.

Using a dedicated SQL pool for direct reporting can become expensive as the pool needs to be available at least during business hours for incoming user requests, or at least for importing the data and refreshing the datasets. When using the CETAS as a base table, a serverless (aka on-demand) SQL pool, which uses a per-pay-use billing model could prove to be more cost-effective and flexible in many scenarios. By design, it helps to keep the near real-time character of the data. Moreover, even if the data are actually moved from the source tables into the Data Lake, this architecture has the characteristics of a logical data warehouse:

Data Warehouse Architecture with Serverless SQL Pool

Unfortunately, unless one uses Spark tables, misuses views or adds an Azure SQL database to the architecture, there are no physical tables or materialized views in a serverless SQL pool. There's still the option to use data pipelines for regullarly exporting intermediary data to files (incl. over partitions or folders), even if this involves more overhead as it's not possible to export data over SQL syntax to files more than once (though this might change in the future). For certain scenario it could be useful to store data in a Azure SQL Server or similar database, including a dedicated SQL pool. 

Choosing between serverless and dedicated SQL pool is not an exclusive choice, both or all 3 types of pools (if we consider also the Spark pool) can be used in the architecture for addressing specific challenges, especially when we consider that there are important differences between the features available in each of the pools. Moreover, one can start the PoC based on the serverless SQL pool and when the solution became mature enough and used in all enterprise, parts of the logic or all of it can be migrated to a dedicated SQL pool. This would allow to save costs at the beginning in the detriment of further effort later. 

Talking about the physical storage, data engineers recommend defining within a Data Lake several layers (aka regions, zones) labeled as bronze, silver and gold (and probably platinum will join the club anytime soon). The bronze layer refers to the raw data available in the Data Lake, including the files on which the initial CETAS are defined upon. The silver refers to transformed, cleaned, enriched and integrated data, data resulting from the second layer of views described above. The gold layer refers to the data to which business logic was applied and prepared for consumption, data resulting from the final layer of views. Of course, data pipelines can be used to prepare the data at these stages, though a view-based approach offers more flexibility, are easier to troubleshoot, manage and reuse than data pipelines.

Ideally the gold data should involve no or minimal further transformation before reaching the users, though that's not realistic. Building a DWH takes a considerable time and the business can't usually wait until everything is in place. Therefore, reports based on DWH will continue to coexist with reports directly accessing the source data, which will lead to controversies. Enforcing a single source of truth will help to minimize the gap, though will not eliminate it completely. 

Closing Notes

These are just outlines of a minimal reference architecture. There's more to consider, as there are several alternatives (see [1] [2] [3] [4]) for each of the steps considered in here, each technology, new features or mechanisms opening new opportunities. The advantages and disadvantages should be always considered against the business needs and requirements. One approach, even if recommended, might not work for all, though unless there's an important requirement or an opportunity associated with an additional technology, deviating from reference architectures might not be such a good idea afterall.

(*) Existing customers have until 1-Nov-2024 to transition from Export to Data lake to Synapse link. Microsoft advises new customers to use Synapse Link. 

[1] Microsoft Learn (2022) Modern data warehouse for small and medium business (link)
[2] Microsoft Learn (2022) Data warehousing and analytics (link)
[3] Microsoft Learn (2022) Enterprise business intelligence (link)
[4] Microsoft Learn (2022) Serverless Modern Data Warehouse Sample using Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI (link)
[5] Coursera (2023) Data Warehousing with Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics (link) [course, free to audit]
[6] SQLBits (2020) Mahesh Balija's Building Modern Data Warehouse with Azure Synapse Analytics (link)
[7] Matt How (2020) The Modern Data Warehouse in Azure: Building with Speed and Agility on Microsoft’s Cloud Platform (Amazon)
[8] James Serra's blog (2022) Data lake architecture (link)
[9] SQL Stijn (2022) SQL Building a Modern Lakehouse Data Warehouse with Azure Synapse Analytics: Moving your Database to the lake (link)
[10] Solliance (2022) Azure Synapse Analytics Workshop 400 (link) [GitHub repository]

11 March 2021

💠🗒️Microsoft Azure: Azure Data Factory [Notes]

Azure Data Factory - Concept Map

Azure Data Factory (ADF)
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Extract Load Transform (ELT)
Extract Transform Load (ETL)
Independent Software Vendors (ISVs)
Operations Management Suite (OMS)
pay-as-you-go (PAYG)
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

[1] Microsoft (2020) "Microsoft Business Intelligence and Information Management: Design Guidance", by Rod College
[2] Microsoft (2021) Azure Data Factory [source]
[3] Microsoft (2018) Azure Data Factory: Data Integration in the Cloud [source]
[4] Microsoft (2021) Integrate data with Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Pipeline [source]
[10] Coursera (2021) Data Processing with Azure [source]
[11] Sudhir Rawat & Abhishek Narain (2019) "Understanding Azure Data Factory: Operationalizing Big Data and Advanced Analytics Solutions"
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.