Showing posts with label UDFs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UDFs. Show all posts

21 October 2023

🧊Data Warehousing: Architecture V (Dynamics 365, the Data Lakehouse and the Medallion Architecture)

Data Warehousing
Data Warehousing Series

An IT architecture is built and functions under a set of constraints that derive from architecture’s components. Usually, if we want flexibility or to change something in one area, this might have an impact in another area. This rule applies to the usage of the medallion architecture as well! 

In Data Warehousing the medallion architecture considers a multilayered approach in building a single source of truth, each layer denoting the quality of data stored in the lakehouse [1]. For the moment are defined 3 layers - bronze for raw data, silver for validated data, and gold for enriched data. The concept seems sound considering that a Data Lake contains all types of raw data of different quality that needs to be validated and prepared for reporting or other purposes.

On the other side there are systems like Dynamics 365 that synchronize the data in near-real-time to the Data Lake through various mechanisms at table and/or data entity level (think of data entities as views on top of other tables or views). The databases behind are relational and in theory the data should be of proper quality as needed by business.

The greatest benefit of serverless SQL pool is that it can be used to build near-real-time data analytics solutions on top of the files existing in the Data Lake and the mechanism is quite simple. On top of such files are built external tables in serverless SQL pool, tables that reflect the data model from the source systems. The external tables can be called as any other tables from the various database objects (views, stored procedures and table-valued functions). Thus, can be built an enterprise data model with dimensions, fact-like and mart-like entities on top of the synchronized filed from the Data Lake. The Data Lakehouse (= Data Warehouse + Data Lake) thus created can be used for (enterprise) reporting and other purposes.

As long as there are no special requirements for data processing (e.g. flattening hierarchies, complex data processing, high-performance, data cleaning) this approach allows to report the data from the data sources in near-real time (10-30 minutes), which can prove to be useful for operational and tactical reporting. Tapping into this model via standard Power BI and paginated reports is quite easy. 

Now, if it's to use the data medallion approach and rely on pipelines to process the data, unless one is able to process the data in near-real-time or something compared with it, a considerable delay will be introduced, delay that can span from a couple of hours to one day. It's also true that having the data prepared as needed by the reports can increase the performance considerably as compared to processing the logic at runtime. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. 

Probably, the most important scenario that needs to be handled is that of integrating the data from different sources. If unique mappings between values exist, unique references are available in one system to the records from the other system, respectively when a unique logic can be identified, the data integration can be handled in serverless SQL pool.

Unfortunately, when compared to on-premise or Azure SQL functionality, the serverless SQL pool has important constraints - it's not possible to use scalar UDFs, tables, recursive CTEs, etc. So, one needs to work around these limitations and in some cases use the Spark pool or pipelines. So, at least for exceptions and maybe for strategic reporting a medallion architecture can make sense and be used in parallel. However, imposing it on all the data can reduce flexibility!

Bottom line: consider the architecture against your requirements!

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[1] What is the medallion lakehouse architecture?

01 February 2023

💎SQL Reloaded: Alternatives for Better Code Maintainability in SQL Server & Azure Synapse I


Queries can become quite complex and with the increased complexity they'll be harder to read and/or maintain. Since the early days of SQL Server, views and table-valued user-defined functions (UDFs) are the standard ways of encapsulating logic for reuse in queries, allowing to minimize the duplication of logic. Then came the common table expressions (CTEs), which allow a further layer of structuring the code, independently whether a view or UDF was used. 

These are the main 3 options that can be combined in various ways to better structure the code. On the other side, also a temporary table or table variable could be used for the same purpose, though they have further implications.

To exemplify the various approaches, let's consider a simple query based on two tables from the AdventureWorks database. For the sake of simplicity, further business rules have been left out.

Inline Subqueries

-- products with open purchase orders
SELECT ITM.ProductNumber
, ITM.Name
, POL.PurchQty
FROM Production.Product ITM
     JOIN ( -- cumulated open purchase orders by product
		SELECT POL.ProductId 
		, SUM(POL.OrderQty) PurchQty
		FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POL
		WHERE OrderQty - (ReceivedQty - RejectedQty)>0
		GROUP BY POL.ProductId 
	) POL
	ON ITM.ProductId = POL.ProductId
ORDER BY ITM.ProductNumber

As can be seen, the logic for the "Open purchase orders" result set is built within an inline subquery (aka inline view). As its logic becomes more complex, the simplest way to handle this is to move it into a CTE.

Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

A common table expression can be thought of as a temporary result set defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or CREATE VIEW statement [1]. Thus, the CTE can't be reused between queries.

The inline query is moved at the beginning within a WITH statement to which is given a proper name that allows easier identification later:

-- products with open purchase orders (common table expression)
AS (-- cumulated open purchase orders by product
	SELECT POL.ProductId 
	, SUM(POL.OrderQty) PurchQty
	FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POL
	WHERE OrderQty - (ReceivedQty - RejectedQty)>0
	GROUP BY POL.ProductId 
SELECT ITM.ProductNumber
, ITM.Name
, POL.PurchQty
FROM Production.Product ITM
     JOIN OpenPOs POL
	   ON ITM.ProductId = POL.ProductId
ORDER BY ITM.ProductNumber

Thus, this allows us to rewrite the JOIN as if it were between two tables. Multiple CTEs can be used as well, with or without any dependencies between them. Moreover, CTEs allow building recursive queries (see example).

There is no performance gain or loss by using a CTE. It's important to know that the result set is not cached, therefore, if the same CTE is called multiple times (within a query), it will be also "executed" for the same number of times. Except the cases in which the database engine uses a spool operator to save intermediate query results for a CTE, there will be created no work table in tempdb for CTEs.

If the inline query needs to be reused in several queries, defining a view is a better alternative.


A view is a database object used to encapsulate a query and that can be referenced from other queries much like a table. In fact, it's also referred as a "virtual table". A view can't be execute by itself (as stored procedures do. No data, only the definition of the view is stored, and the various actions that can be performed on database objects can be performed on views as well.

-- creating the view
CREATE VIEW dbo.vOpenPurchaseOrders
, SUM(POL.OrderQty) PurchQty
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POL
WHERE OrderQty - (ReceivedQty - RejectedQty)>0

-- testing the view
SELECT top 10 *
FROM dbo.vOpenPurchaseOrders

Once the view is created, it can be called from any query:

-- products with open purchase orders (table-valued function)
SELECT ITM.ProductNumber
, ITM.Name
, POL.PurchQty
FROM Production.Product ITM
     JOIN dbo.vOpenPurchaseOrders POL
	   ON ITM.ProductId = POL.ProductId
ORDER BY ITM.ProductNumber

Besides the schema binding, there are no additional costs for using views. However, views have several limitations (see [2]). Moreover, it's not possible to use parameters with views, scenarios in which tabled-valued UDFs can help.

Indexed Views 

Starting with SQL Server 2015, it's possible to materialize the data in a view, storing the results of the view in a clustered index on the disk in same way a table with a clustered index is stored. This type of view is called an indexed view (aka materialized view, though the concept is used slightly different in Azure Synapse) and for long-running queries can provide considerable performance gains. In case the view contains a GROUP BY is present, its definition must contain COUNT_BIG(*) and must not contain HAVING.

-- dropping the view
--DROP VIEW IF EXISTS Purchasing.vOpenPOs

-- create view
CREATE VIEW Purchasing.vOpenPOs
, SUM(POL.OrderQty) PurchQty
, COUNT_BIG(*) Count
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POL
WHERE OrderQty - (ReceivedQty - RejectedQty)>0

--Create an index on the view.
   ON Purchasing.vOpenPOs (ProductId);

--testing the view
SELECT top 100 *
FROM Purchasing.vOpenPOs

-- products with open purchase orders (indexed view)
SELECT ITM.ProductNumber
, ITM.Name
, POL.PurchQty
FROM [Production].[Product] ITM
     JOIN Purchasing.vOpenPOs POL
	   ON ITM.ProductId = POL.ProductId
ORDER BY ITM.ProductNumber

When an indexed view is defined on a table, the query optimizer may use it to speed up the query execution even if it wasn't referenced in the query. Besides the restriction of the view to be deterministic, further limitations apply (see [6]).

Table-Valued Functions

A table-valued function is a user-defined function in which returns a table as a result, as opposed to a single data value, as scalar functions do.

Let's support that we need to restrict base the logic based on a time interval. We'd need then to provide the StartDate & EndDate as parameters. Compared with other UDFs table-valued functions, as their name implies, need to return a table:

-- creating the UDF function 
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.tvfOpenPurchaseOrdersByProduct( 
  @StartDate date 
, @EndDate date) 
	SELECT POL.ProductId 
	, SUM(POL.OrderQty) PurchQty
	FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POL
	WHERE OrderQty - (ReceivedQty - RejectedQty)>0
	  AND POL.DueDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
	GROUP BY POL.ProductId 

-- testing the UDF
SELECT top 10 *
FROM dbo.tvfOpenPurchaseOrdersByProduct('2014-01-01', '2014-12-31')

A table-valued function can be used as a "table with parameters" in JOINs:

-- products with open purchase orders (table-valued function)
SELECT ITM.ProductNumber
, ITM.Name
, POL.PurchQty
FROM Production.Product ITM
     JOIN dbo.tvfOpenPurchaseOrdersByProduct('2014-01-01', '2014-12-31') POL
	   ON ITM.ProductId = POL.ProductId
ORDER BY ITM.ProductNumber

The parameters are optional, though in such cases using a view might still be a better idea. Table-valued functions used to have poor performance in the past compared with views and in certain scenarios they might still perform poorly. Their benefit resides in allowing to pass and use parameters in the logic, which can make them irreplaceable. Moreover, multi-statement table-valued functions can be built as well (see example)!

1) When evaluating table-valued functions for usage consider their limitations as well (see [3])!
2) Scalar UDFs can be used to simplify the code as well, though they apply only to single values, therefore they are not considered in here!

Temporary Tables 

A temporary table is a base table that is stored and managed in tempdb as any other table. It exists only while the database session in which it was created is active. Therefore, it can be called multiple times, behaving much like a standard table:

-- create the temp table
  ProductId int NOT NULL
, PurchQty decimal(8,2) NOT NULL

-- insert the cumulated purchase orders
, SUM(POL.OrderQty) PurchQty
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POL
WHERE OrderQty - (ReceivedQty - RejectedQty)>0

-- products with open purchase orders (table-valued function)
SELECT ITM.ProductNumber
, ITM.Name
, POL.PurchQty
FROM [Production].[Product] ITM
     JOIN dbo.#OpenPOs POL
	   ON ITM.ProductId = POL.ProductId
ORDER BY ITM.ProductNumber

-- drop the table (cleaning)

Being created in the tempdb, system database shared by several databases, temporary table's performance relies on tempdb's configuration and workload. Moreover, the concurrent creation of temporary tables from many sessions can lead to tempdb metadata contention, as each session attempts updating metadata information in the system based tables.

Temporary tables are logged, which adds more burden on the database engine, however being able to create indexes on them and use statistics can help processing result sets more efficiently, especially when called multiple times. 

Also, a temporary table might be cached (see [1]) and not deleted when its purpose ends, which allows operations that drop and create the objects to execute very quickly and reduces page allocation contention.

Table Variables

A table variable is a variable of type TABLE and can be used in functions, stored procedures, and batches. The construct is similar to the temp table and is stored as well in the tempdb and cached under certain scenarios, however they are scoped to the batch or routine in which they are defined and destroyed after that. 

-- create the table variable
  ProductId int NOT NULL
, PurchQty decimal(8,2) NOT NULL

-- insert the cumulated purchase orders
, SUM(POL.OrderQty) PurchQty
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POL
WHERE OrderQty - (ReceivedQty - RejectedQty)>0

-- products with open purchase orders (table variable)
SELECT ITM.ProductNumber
, ITM.Name
, POL.PurchQty
FROM [Production].[Product] ITM
     JOIN @OpenPOs POL
	   ON ITM.ProductId = POL.ProductId
ORDER BY ITM.ProductNumber

Table variables don’t participate in transactions or locking, while DML operations done on them are not logged. There are also no statistics maintained and any data changes impacting the table variable will not cause recompilation. Thus, they are usually faster than temporary variables, especially when their size is small, though their performance depends also on how they are used. On the other side, for big result sets and/or when several calls are involved, a temporary table could prove to be more efficient. 

Important!!! Temporary tables and table variables are means of improving the performance of long-running queries. Being able to move pieces of logic around helps in maintaining the code and it also provides a logical structure of the steps, however they shouldn't be used if the performance gain is not the target! Overusing them as technique can considerably decrease the performance of tempdb, which can have impact in other areas!

Azure Synapse

Moving to Azure Synapse there are several important limitations in what concerns the above (see [4]). Even if some features are supported, further limitations might apply. What's important to note is that materialized views act like indexed view in standard SQL Server and that CETAS (Create External Table as SELECT) are available to import/export data to the supported file formats in Hadoop, Azure storage blob or Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.

FeatureDedicatedServerlessSQL Server
CTEsYesYesYes (2015+)
Recursive CTEsNoNoYes (2015+)
Indexed viewsNoNoYes
Materialized viewsYesNoNo
Table-valued functions (single statement)NoYesYes
Table-valued functions (multi-statement)NoNoYes
Scalar UDFs YesNoYes
Temporary tables (local)YesLimitedYes
Temporary tables (global)NoNoYes
Table variablesYesYesYes
CETASYesLimitedYes (2022+)

1) CETAS have two important limitations in serverless SQL Pool
    a) once the data were exported to a file, they can't be overwritten via the same syntax;
    b) logic based on temporary tables can't be exported via pipelines.
2) Temporary tables can be used to replace cursors (see example).

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2012) Capacity Planning for tempdb (link)
[2] Microsoft Learn (2023) CREATE View (link)
[3] Microsoft Learn (2023) CREATE Function (link)
[4] Microsoft Learn (2023) Transact-SQL features supported in Azure Synapse SQL (link)
[5] Redgate (2018) Choosing Between Table Variables and Temporary Tables (ST011, ST012), by Phil Factor (link)
[6] Microsoft Learn (2023) Create indexed views (link)
[7] Microsoft Learn (2023) CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW AS SELECT (Transact-SQL) (link)
[8] Microsoft Learn (2023) CETAS with Synapse SQL (link)

19 November 2022

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Tricks with Strings via STRING_SPLIT, PATINDEX and TRANSLATE

Searching for a list of words within a column can be easily achieved by using the LIKE operator:

-- searching for several words via LIKE (SQL Server 2000+)
FROM Production.Product 
WHERE Name LIKE '%chain%'
   OR Name LIKE '%lock%'
   OR Name LIKE '%rim%'
   OR Name LIKE '%spindle%'

The search is quite efficient, if on the column is defined an index, a clustered index scan being more likely chosen.

If the list of strings to search upon becomes bigger, the query becomes at least more difficult to maintain. Using regular expressions could be a solution. Unfortunately, SQL Server has its limitations in working with patterns. For example, it doesn't have a REGEXP_LIKE function, which is used something like (not tested):

-- Oracle 
FROM Production.Product 
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(lower(Name), 'chain|lock|rim|spindle')

However, there's a PATINDEX function which returns the position of a pattern within a string, and which uses the same wildcards that can be used with the LIKE operator:

-- searching for a value via PATINDEX (SQL Server 2000+)
FROM [Production].[Product] 
WHERE PATINDEX('%rim%', Name)>0

Even if together with the Name can be provided only one of the values, retrieving the values from a table or a table-valued function (TVF) would do the trick. If the values need to be reused in several places, they can be stored in a table or view. If needed only once, a common table expression is more indicated:

-- filtering for several words via PATHINDEX (SQL Server 2008+)
AS (
  -- table from list of values (SQL Server 2008+)
SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('chain') , ('lock') , ('rim') , ('spindle')) DAT(words) ) SELECT * FROM Production.Product PRD WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM CTE WHERE PATINDEX('%'+ CTE.words +'%', PRD.Name)>0 )

The query should return the same records as above in the first query!

Besides own's UDFs (see SplitListWithIndex or SplitList), starting with SQL Server 2017 can be used the STRING_SPLIT function to return the same values as a TVF:

-- filtering for several words via PATHINDEX & STRING_SPLIT (SQL Server 2017+)
FROM Production.Product PRD
	FROM STRING_SPLIT('chain|lock|rim|spindle', '|') SPL
	WHERE PATINDEX('%'+ SPL.value +'%', PRD.Name)>0

A dynamic list of values can be built as well. For example, the list of words can be obtained from a table and the STRING_SPLIT function:

-- listing the words appearing in a column (SQL Server 2017+)
FROM Production.Product PRD

One can remove the special characters, the numeric values, respectively the 1- and 2-letters words:

-- listing the words appearing in a column (SQL Server 2017+)
FROM Production.Product PRD
     CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Name, '-', ' '), ',', ' '), '/', ' '), '''', ' '), ' ') SPL
WHERE IsNumeric(SPL.value) = 0 -- removing numbers
  AND Len(SPL.value)>2 -- removing single/double letters

The output looks better, though the more complex the text, the more replacements need to be made. An alternative to a UDF (see ReplaceSpecialChars) is the TRANSLATE function, which replaces a list of characters with another. One needs to be careful and have a 1:1 mapping, the REPLICATE function doing the trick:

-- replacing special characters via TRANSLATE (SQL Server 2017+)
SELECT TRANSLATE(Name, '-,/''', Replicate(' ', 4))
FROM Production.Product PRD

Now the query becomes:

-- listing the words appearing in a column using TRANSLATE (SQL Server 2017+)
FROM Production.Product PRD
     CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(TRANSLATE(Name, '-,/''', Replicate(' ', 4)), ' ') SPL
WHERE IsNumeric(SPL.value) = 0 -- removing numbers
  AND Len(SPL.value)>2 -- removing single/double letters

1) The SQL Server-based queries work also in a SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric. Just replace the Production with SalesLT schema (see post, respectively GitHub repository with the changed code).

Happy coding!

18 October 2022

💎SQL Reloaded: Successive Price Increases/Discounts via Windowing Functions and CTEs

I was trying today to solve a problem that apparently requires recursive common table expressions, though they are not (yet) available in Azure Synapse serverless SQL pool. The problem can be summarized in the below table definition, in which given a set of Products with an initial Sales price, is needed to apply Price Increases successively for each Cycle. The cumulated increase is simulated in the last column for each line. 

Unfortunately, there is no SQL Server windowing function that allows multiplying incrementally the values of a column (similar as the running total works). However, there’s a mathematical trick that can be used to transform a product into a sum of elements by applying the Exp (exponential) and Log (logarithm) functions (see Solution 1), and which frankly is more elegant than applying CTEs (see Solution 2). 

-- create table with test data
INTO dbo.ItemPrices
FROM (VALUES ('ID001', 1000, 1, 1.02, '1.02')
, ('ID001', 1000, 2, 1.03, '1.02*1.03')
, ('ID001', 1000, 3, 1.03, '1.02*1.03*1.03')
, ('ID001', 1000, 4, 1.04, '1.02*1.03*1.03*1.04')
, ('ID002', 100, 1, 1.02, '1.02')
, ('ID002', 100, 2, 1.03, '1.02*1.03')
, ('ID002', 100, 3, 1.04, '1.02*1.03*1.04')
, ('ID002', 100, 4, 1.05, '1.02*1.03*1.04*1.05')
) DAT (ItemId, SalesPrice, Cycle, PriceIncrease, CumulatedIncrease)

-- reviewing the data
FROM dbo.ItemPrices

-- Solution 1: new sales prices with log & exp
, SalesPrice
, Cycle
, PriceIncrease
, EXP(SUM(Log(PriceIncrease)) OVER(PARTITION BY Itemid ORDER BY Cycle)) CumulatedIncrease
, SalesPrice * EXP(SUM(Log(PriceIncrease)) OVER(PARTITION BY Itemid ORDER BY Cycle)) NewSalesPrice
FROM dbo.ItemPrices

-- Solution 2: new sales prices with recursive CTE
AS (
-- initial record
, ITP.SalesPrice
, ITP.Cycle
, ITP.PriceIncrease
, cast(ITP.PriceIncrease as decimal(38,6)) CumulatedIncrease
FROM dbo.ItemPrices ITP
WHERE ITP.Cycle = 1
-- recursice part
, ITP.SalesPrice
, ITP.Cycle
, ITP.PriceIncrease
, Cast(ITP.PriceIncrease * ITO.CumulatedIncrease as decimal(38,6))  CumulatedIncrease
FROM dbo.ItemPrices ITP
	  ON ITP.ItemId = ITO.ItemId
	 AND ITP.Cycle-1 = ITO.Cycle
-- final result
, SalesPrice
, Cycle
, PriceIncrease
, CumulatedIncrease
, SalesPrice * CumulatedIncrease NewSalesPrice
, Cycle

-- validating the cumulated price increases (only last ones)
SELECT 1.02*1.03*1.03*1.04 
, 1.02*1.03*1.04*1.05

-- cleaning up

1. The logarithm in SQL Server’s implementation works only with positive numbers!
2. For simplification I transformed percentages (e.g. 1%) in values that are easier to multitply with (e.g. 1.01). The solution can be easily modified to consider discounts.
3. When CTEs are not available, one is forced to return to the methods used in SQL Server 2000 (I've been there) and thus use temporary tables or table variables with loops. Moreover, the logic can be encapsulated in multi-statement table-valued functions (see example), unfortunately, another feature not (yet) supported by serverless SQL pools. 
4. Unfortunately, STRING_AGG, which concatenates values across rows, works only with a GROUP BY clause. Anyway, its result is useless without the availability of a Eval function in SQL (see example), however the Expr function available in data flows could be used as workaround.
4. Even if I thought about the use of logarithms for transforming the product into a sum, I initially ignored the idea, thinking that the solution would be too complex to implement. So, the credit goes to another blogpost. Kudos!
5. The queries work also in a SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric. Just replace the Sales with SalesLT schema (see post, respectively GitHub repository with the changed code).

Happy coding!

13 September 2020

🎓Knowledge Management: Definitions II (What's in a Name)

Knowledge Management

Browsing through the various books on databases and programming appeared over the past 20-30 years, it’s probably hard not to notice the differences between the definitions given even for straightforward and basic concepts like the ones of view, stored procedure or function. Quite often the definitions lack precision and rigor, are circular and barely differentiate the defined term (aka concept) from other terms. In addition, probably in the attempt of making the definitions concise, important definitory characteristics are omitted.

Unfortunately, the same can be said about other non-scientific books, where the lack of appropriate definitions make the understanding of the content and presented concepts more difficult. Even if the reader can arrive in time to an approximate understanding of what is meant, one might have the feeling that builds castles in the air as long there is no solid basis to build upon – and that should be the purpose of a definition – to offer the foundation on which the reader can build upon. Especially for the readers coming from the scientific areas this lack of appropriateness and moreover, the lack of definitions, feels maybe more important than for the professional who already mastered the respective areas.

In general, a definition of a term is a well-defined descriptive statement which serves to differentiate it from related concepts. A well-defined definition should be meaningful, explicit, concise, precise, non-circular, distinct, context-dependent, relevant, rigorous, and rooted in common sense. In addition, each definition needs to be consistent through all the content and when possible, consistent with the other definitions provided. Ideally the definitions should cover as much of possible from the needed foundation and provide a unitary consistent multilayered non-circular and hierarchical structure that facilitates the reading and understanding of the given material.

Thus, one can consider the following requirements for a definition:

Meaningful: the description should be worthwhile and convey the required meaning for understanding the concept.

Explicit: the description must state clearly and provide enough information/detail so it can leave no room for confusion or doubt.

Context-dependent: the description should provide upon case the context in which the term is defined.

Concise: the description should be as succinct as possible – obtaining the maximum of understanding from a minimum of words.

Precise: the description should be made using unambiguous words that provide the appropriate meaning individually and as a whole.

Intrinsic non-circularity: requires that the term defined should not be used as basis for definitions, leading thus to trivial definitions like “A is A”.

Distinct: the description should provide enough detail to differentiate the term from other similar others.

Relevant: the description should be closely connected or appropriate to what is being discussed or presented.

Rigorous: the descriptions should be the result of a thorough and careful thought process in which the multiple usages and forms are considered.  

Extrinsic non-circularity: requires that the definitions of two distinct terms should not be circular (e.g. term A’s definition is based on B, while B’s definition is based on A), situation usually met occasionally in dictionaries.

Rooted in common sense: the description should not deviate from the common-sense acceptance of the terms used, typically resulted from socially constructed or dictionary-based definitions.

Unitary consistent multilayered hierarchical structure: the definitions should be given in an evolutive structure that facilitates learning, typically in the order in which the concepts need to be introduced without requiring big jumps in understanding. Even if concepts have in general a networked structure, hierarchies can be determined, especially based on the way concepts use other concepts in their definitions. In addition, the definitions must be consistent – hold together – respectively be unitary – form a whole.

12 June 2020

🎡SSIS Project: Covid-19 Data


I was exploring the Covid-19 data provided by the John Hopkins institute and I stumbled as usual on several data issues. Therefore I thought I could share some scripts and ideas in a post. 

The data from the downloaded files cover a timeframe between 22nd of January and 10th of June 2020 and reflect the number of confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries per day, country and state. As it seems the data are updated on a daily basis. Unfortunately, the data are spread over several files (one for each indicator), which makes their consumption more difficult than expected, though the challenges are minor. I downloaded for the beginning the following files from the above link:

Before attempting anything with the files, it's recommended to look over them to check whether column names are provided and the columns are properly named, respectively how the columns and the rows are delimited, or on whether other things can be observed during a first review. I needed for example to delete the second line from each file. 

Data Loading 

When starting this kind of projects, it's useful to check first project's feasibility in term of whether the data are usable. Therefore, I use first to import the data via the 'Import Data' wizard, following to decide later whether it makes sense to build a project for this. Right click on the database in which you'd like to import the data, then from 'Tasks' choose 'Import Data' to use the wizard:

As data source we will consider the first data file, therefore into the 'Choose a Data Source' step, browse for the file:

The 'Locale' might appear different for you, therefore let the default value, however you'll have to make sure that the following values are like in the above screenshot. Look over the 'Columns' section to check whether the formatting was applied correctly. The preview offers a first overview of the data:

It's useful to review the default data types defined by the wizard for each column within the 'Advanced' section. For example the first two fields could have more than the default of 50 characters. The length or the data type can be modified as needed: 

One can attempt in theory to get all the column definitions right from the beginning, though for the first attempt this is less important. In addition, without knowing data's definition, there's always the possibility for something to go wrong. Personally, I prefer loading the data as text and doing later the needed conversions, if necessary. 

Into the next step one can define the 'Destination', the database where the data will be loaded: 

After defining the source and destination is needing to define the mapping between the two. One can consider going with the table definition provided by the wizard or modify table's name directly in the wizard: 

By clicking on the 'Edit Mappings' one can review the mappings. As there's a one-to-one import, one can in theory skip this step. However, if there are data already into the table, one can delete the rows from the destination tables or append them directly to the destination. The first radio button is selected though, as the table will be created as well: 

With this being done, one can run the package as it is - just click 'Next':

If everything is ok, each step from the package will appear in green, in the end the number of records appears. 

It may look like many steps, though once one got used to using the wizard, the data are loaded in less than 5 minutes.

Data Discovery

Once the data loaded, it's time for data discovery - looking at the structure of the data and trying to understand their meaning. Before further using the data it's important to identify the attributes which identify uniquely a record within your dataset - in this case the combination between State, Country and Date. At least it should be unique, because the second query returned some duplicates for the Country 'Korea', respectively 'Sint Eustatius and Saba' which seems to be a region within 'Netherlands'.
-- looking at the data
SELECT top 1000 *
FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_recovered_global_narrow]

-- checking for duplicates 
SELECT [Province State]
, [Country Region]
, Date 
, count(*) NoRecords 
FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_recovered_global_narrow]
GROUP BY [Province State]
, [Country Region]
, Date
HAVING count(*)>1

-- checking for distinct values  
SELECT [Country Region]
, count(*) NoRecords 
, SUM(TRY_CAST(Value as int)) NoCases
FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_recovered_global_narrow]
GROUP BY [Country Region]
HAVING count(*)>1
ORDER BY [Country Region]
The two duplicates are caused by the fact that a comma was used in a country, respectively a province's name, when the comma is actually used as delimiter. (Therefore it's better to use a sign like "|" as delimiter, as the chances are small for the sign to be used anywhere. Another solution would be to use quotes for alphanumeric values.)  Fortunately, the problem can be easily fixed with an update which uses the dbo.CutLeft, respectively dbo.CutRight functions defined in a previous post. Therefore the functions need to be created first within the same database before running the scripts
-- review the issue
FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_recovered_global_narrow]
WHERE [Country Region]  LIKE '%int Eustatius and Saba%'

-- correct the data
UPDATE [dbo].[time_series_covid19_recovered_global_narrow]
SET [Province State] = [Province State] + ', ' + [Country Region] 
, [Country Region] = [Lat]
, [Lat] = [Long]
, [Long] = [Date]
, [Date] = [Value]
, [Value] = [ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3-Codes]
, [ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3-Codes] = [Region Code]
, [Region Code] = [Sub-region Code]
, [Sub-region Code] = dbo.CutLeft([Intermediate Region Code], ',', 0)
, [Intermediate Region Code] = dbo.CutRight([Intermediate Region Code], ',', 0)
 WHERE [Country Region]  LIKE '%Sint Eustatius and Saba%'

-- review data after correction
FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_recovered_global_narrow]
WHERE [Country Region] LIKE '%int Eustatius and Saba%'
A similar solution is used for the second problem: 
-- review the issue
FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_recovered_global_narrow]
WHERE [Country Region] LIKE '%Korea%'

-- correct the data
UPDATE [dbo].[time_series_covid19_recovered_global_narrow]
SET [Province State] = '' 
, [Country Region] = Replace( [Country Region] + ', ' + [Lat], '"', '')
, [Lat] = [Long]
, [Long] = [Date]
, [Date] = [Value]
, [Value] = [ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3-Codes]
, [ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3-Codes] = [Region Code]
, [Region Code] = [Sub-region Code]
, [Sub-region Code] = dbo.CutLeft([Intermediate Region Code], ',', 0)
, [Intermediate Region Code] = Replace(dbo.CutRight([Intermediate Region Code], ',', 0), '"', '')
WHERE [Country Region] LIKE '%Korea%'

-- review data after correction
FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_recovered_global_narrow]
WHERE [Country Region] LIKE '%Korea%'
With this the data from the first file are ready to use. The data from the other two files can be loaded following the same steps as above. The tables not only that they have a similar structure, but they have the same issues. One can just replace the name of the tables into the scripts to correct the issues.   

Putting All Together  
As we need for analysis the data from all three tables, we could create a query that joins them together and encapsulate it within a view. The volume of data is neglectable, and even without an index the query can perform acceptably. However, as soon the number of data increases, it's useful to have only one table for consumption. Independently of the approach considered the query is similar.  As we made sure that the key is unique across all the data, we could write the query as follows:

-- combining the data together 
SELECT [Province State]
, [Country Region]
, TRY_CAST([Lat] as decimal(10,4)) [Lat]
, TRY_CAST([Long] as decimal(10,4)) [Long]
, [Date]
, Sum(Confirmed) Confirmed
, Sum(Death) Death
, Sum(Recovered) Recovered
, [ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3-Codes]
, [Region Code]
, [Sub-region Code]
, [Intermediate Region Code]
INTO [dbo].[time_series_covid19_global_narrow]
 SELECT [Province State]
 , [Country Region]
 , [Lat]
 , [Long]
 , [Date]
 , TRY_CAST([Value] as int) Confirmed
 , 0 Death 
 , 0 Recovered
 , [ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3-Codes]
 , [Region Code]
 , [Sub-region Code]
 , [Intermediate Region Code]
 FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_confirmed_global_narrow]
 SELECT [Province State]
 , [Country Region]
 , [Lat]
 , [Long]
 , [Date]
 , 0 Confirmed
 , TRY_CAST([Value] as int) Death 
 , 0 Recovered
 , [ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3-Codes]
 , [Region Code]
 , [Sub-region Code]
 , [Intermediate Region Code]
 FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_deaths_global_narrow]
 SELECT [Province State]
 , [Country Region]
 , [Lat]
 , [Long]
 , [Date]
 , 0 Confirmed
 , 0 Death 
 , TRY_CAST([Value] as int) Recovered
 , [ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3-Codes]
 , [Region Code]
 , [Sub-region Code]
 , [Intermediate Region Code]
 FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_recovered_global_narrow]
  ) DAT
GROUP BY [Province State]
, [Country Region]
, TRY_CAST([Lat] as decimal(10,4)) 
, TRY_CAST([Long] as decimal(10,4)) 
, [Date]
, [ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3-Codes]
, [Region Code]
, [Sub-region Code]
, [Intermediate Region Code]

-- reviewing the data
FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_global_narrow]

-- checking for duplicates 
SELECT [Province State]
, [Country Region]
, Date 
, count(*) NoRecords 
FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_global_narrow]
GROUP BY [Province State]
, [Country Region]
, Date
HAVING count(*)>1
If everything went smoothly, then the last query will return no records. As the latitude was given differently, it was needed to format and cut the values after 4 decimals. Before using the data is needed to do a few adjustments. As the data are incremental, adding up to the previous date, it's useful to calculate the increase between two consecutive days. This can be done via the LAG window function:

-- preparing the data for analysis in a view
CREATE VIEW dbo.v_time_series_covid19
, LAG(Confirmed,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY [Province State] , [Country Region] ORDER BY Date) PrevConfirmed
, LAG(Death,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY [Province State] , [Country Region] ORDER BY Date) PrevDeath
, LAG(Recovered,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY [Province State] , [Country Region] ORDER BY Date) PrevRecovered
, Confirmed-LAG(Confirmed,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY [Province State] , [Country Region] ORDER BY Date) IncreaseConfirmed
, Death-LAG(Death,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY [Province State] , [Country Region] ORDER BY Date) IncreaseDeath
, Recovered - LAG(Recovered,1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY [Province State] , [Country Region] ORDER BY Date) IncreaseRecovered
FROM [dbo].[time_series_covid19_global_narrow]

With this the data are ready for consumption:

-- sample query
FROM dbo.v_time_series_covid19
WHERE [Country Region]  LIKE '%China%'
  AND [Province State] LIKE '%Hubei%'

Of course, one can increase the value of this dataset by pulling further information, like the size of the population, the average density, or any other factors that could have impact on the propagation of the disease.

Instead of loading the data via the wizard, one can create an SSIS project instead, however some of the corrections still need to be done manually, unless one includes into the logic the corrections as well. 

Happy coding!
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.