In theory recursive functions prove useful in generated a list of numbers based on a formula, while in practice they are limited by the available resources - data types and memory being the usual suspects. Of course, various algorithms can be implemented to overcome such limitations, though there is a point beyond which the benefit is minimal, if not null.
Disclaimer: The below code was generated by Copilot via prompts and is used for demonstration purposes!
This post evaluates whether Microsoft 365 and Edge Copilot can be used to generate the code for some recursive functions. Please note, that the usage of such functions is limited by the number of iterations allowed. Linear implementations are usually (if not always) a better alternative!
Case 1: Factorials
Let's start with the factorial that calculates the product of the n consecutive numbers.
Generate a recursive function in SQL Server to calculate the factorial
of a number.
Output (M365 Copilot):
-- factorial function in Microsoft 365 Copilot CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Factorial (@n INT) RETURNS BIGINT AS BEGIN IF @n <= 1 RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN @n * dbo.Factorial(@n - 1) END
Output (Edge Copilot):
-- factorial function in Edge Copilot CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Factorial (@n INT) RETURNS BIGINT AS BEGIN IF @n = 0 OR @n = 1 RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN @n * dbo.Factorial(@n - 1) END;
The structure seems correct, and the returning value was identified correctly as bigint, which allows the maximum value in working with integer values.Unfortunately, both functions lead to the same error in a SQL database:
"Msg 455, Level 16, State 2, Line 9, The last statement included within a function must be a return statement."
The formulas ca be consolidated in a single formula as follows:
-- factorial function adapted (minimal) CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Factorial (@n INT) RETURNS BIGINT AS BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN @n = 0 OR @n = 1 THEN 1 ELSE @n * dbo.Factorial(@n - 1) END END;
Especially when formulas become complex, it might be a good idea to store the result into a variable and used it in the RETURN statement.
-- factorial function adapted CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Factorial (@n INT) RETURNS BIGINT AS BEGIN DECLARE @retval as bigint; IF @n = 0 OR @n = 1 SET @retval = 1 ELSE SET @retval = @n * dbo.Factorial(@n - 1) RETURN @retval END;
And, here are some tests for the function:
-- testing the functions for multiple values SELECT dbo.Factorial (0) -- returns 1 SELECT dbo.Factorial (1) -- returns 1 SELECT dbo.Factorial (2) -- returns 2 SELECT dbo.Factorial (3) -- returns 6 SELECT dbo.Factorial (4) -- returns 24 SELECT dbo.Factorial (5) -- returns 120 SELECT dbo.Factorial (20) -- returns 2432902008176640000 SELECT dbo.Factorial (21) -- returns an error for all bigger values
As can be seen, the function will return an error for values bigger than 10, output limited by the data type used. One can build further constraints to test for the maximum value.
Use the following code to drop the function as needed:
-- dropping the function DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS dbo.Factorial
Function's implementation has however another important caveat. If negative numbers are provided as parameters, the following error message is thrown:
"Msg 217, Level 16, State 1, Line 1, Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32)."
The final function can be defined as:
-- factorial function adapted (final) CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Factorial (@n INT) RETURNS BIGINT AS BEGIN DECLARE @retval as bigint; IF @n BETWEEN 0 AND 20 IF @n = 0 OR @n = 1 SET @retval = 1 ELSE SET @retval = @n * dbo.Factorial(@n - 1) RETURN @retval END;
One can linearize the function as a loop, though the limitation with the maximum value still exists:
Rewrite the factorial function using a loop.
Output (M365 Copilot):
-- non-recursive function to calculate the factorial of a number using a loop: CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Factorial (@n INT) RETURNS BIGINT AS BEGIN DECLARE @result BIGINT = 1; DECLARE @i INT = 1; WHILE @i <= @n BEGIN SET @result = @result * @i; SET @i = @i + 1; END RETURN @result; END -- test the code SELECT dbo.Factorial(5) AS FactorialResult; -- result 120
One can obtain some improvement by changing the return type and @retsult from bigint to float, though the results are always approximations. Here are the approximated results:
-- test code SELECT dbo.Factorial(20) AS FactorialResult; -- result 2432902008176640000 SELECT dbo.Factorial(21) AS FactorialResult; -- result 5.109094217170944E+19 SELECT dbo.Factorial(22) AS FactorialResult; -- result 1.1240007277776077E+21 SELECT dbo.Factorial(23) AS FactorialResult; -- result 2.585201673888498E+22 SELECT dbo.Factorial(24) AS FactorialResult; -- result 6.204484017332394E+23 SELECT dbo.Factorial(25) AS FactorialResult; -- result 1.5511210043330986E+25 SELECT dbo.Factorial(26) AS FactorialResult; -- result 4.0329146112660565E+26 SELECT dbo.Factorial(27) AS FactorialResult; -- result 1.0888869450418352E+28 SELECT dbo.Factorial(28) AS FactorialResult; -- result 3.0488834461171384E+29 SELECT dbo.Factorial(29) AS FactorialResult; -- result 8.841761993739701E+30 SELECT dbo.Factorial(30) AS FactorialResult; -- result 2.6525285981219103E+32 SELECT dbo.Factorial(31) AS FactorialResult; -- result 8.222838654177922E+33 SELECT dbo.Factorial(32) AS FactorialResult; -- result 2.631308369336935E+35 SELECT dbo.Factorial(170) AS FactorialResult; -- result 7.257415615307994E+306 SELECT dbo.Factorial(171) AS FactorialResult; -- results in arithmetic overflow
Case 2: Approximation of π
Power laws can be used to approximate the value of π and other irrational constants. Writing such a function via recursive functions has some constraint as above, though there are alternatives (including storing the actual value as a constant).
Generate a recursive function in SQL Server to approximate the value of
π using power laws.
Output (M365 Copilot):
-- approximate the value of π using this series: CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ApproximatePi (@n INT) RETURNS FLOAT AS BEGIN IF @n = 0 RETURN 4.0 ELSE RETURN 4.0 * POWER(-1, @n) / (2 * @n + 1) + dbo.ApproximatePi(@n - 1) END -- test the function SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi(1000) AS PiApproximation;
Function's definition has the same issue as the previous example. It's needed to rewrite the function as a single return:
-- approximate the value of π using this series (rewritten) CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ApproximatePi (@n INT) RETURNS FLOAT AS BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN @n = 0 THEN 4.0 ELSE 4.0 * POWER(-1, @n) / (2 * @n + 1) + dbo.ApproximatePi(@n - 1) END END -- testing the function SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi (0) -- output: 4 SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi (1) -- output: 2.666666666667 SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi (2) -- output: 3.466666666667 SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi (3) -- output: 2.8952380952389998 SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi (10) -- output: 3.232315809407 SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi (20) -- output: 3.189184782279 SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi (30) -- output: 3.1738423371919993 SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi (31) -- output: 3.110350273699999 SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi (32) -- output: 3.171888735237999 SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi (33) -- throws error
After 32 iterations the call throws the same error as above. Fortunately, such functions can be (re)written using non-recursive implementations, which is the proper way to implementation such functions:
Implement the function without using recursive functions.
Output (M365 Copilot):
-- approximation within loop CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ApproximatePi (@terms INT) RETURNS FLOAT AS BEGIN DECLARE @pi FLOAT = 0.0; DECLARE @i INT = 0; WHILE @i < @terms BEGIN SET @pi = @pi + 4.0 * POWER(-1, @i) / (2 * @i + 1); SET @i = @i + 1; END RETURN @pi; END
This implementation is more flexible and a similar approach can be used for similar series. And, here are the results for various parameters:
-- testing the function SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi(1000) AS PiApproximation; -- result: 3.140592653840002 SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi(10000) AS PiApproximation; -- result: 3.141492653571029 SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi(100000) AS PiApproximation; -- result: 3.141582653466945 SELECT dbo.ApproximatePi(1000000) AS PiApproximation; -- result: 3.1415916535590713
The last call is close, but probably not close enough, especially when one needs to use the function in multiple places. There are more complex power series which provide better performance faster. The direct use of the pi() function is usually recommended:
-- using the pi function SELECT pi(); -- 3.141592653589793
Moreover, some series can be reduced to formulas based on constants like π, e or Φ.
And, a final piece of code:
-- drop the function DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS dbo.ApproximatePi
Happy coding!
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