Showing posts with label data lakehouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label data lakehouse. Show all posts

14 March 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: Architecture (Part I: Monolithic vs. Distributed and Zhamak Dehghani's Data Mesh - Debunked)

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Series

In [1] the author categorizes data warehouses (DWHs) and lakes as monolithic architectures, as opposed to data mesh's distributed architecture, which makes me circumspect about term's use. There are two general definitions of what monolithic means: (1) formed of a single large block (2) large, indivisible, and slow to change.

In software architecture one can differentiate between monolithic applications where the whole application is one block of code, multi-tier applications where the logic is split over several components with different functions that may reside on the same machine or are split non-redundantly between multiple machines, respectively distributed, where the application or its components run on multiple machines in parallel.

Distributed multi-tire applications are a natural evolution of the two types of applications, allowing to distribute redundantly components across multiple machines. Much later came the cloud where components are mostly entirely distributed within same or across distinct geo-locations, respectively cloud providers.

Data Warehouse vs. Data Lake vs. Lakehouse [2]

From licensing and maintenance convenience, a DWH resides typically on one powerful machine with many chores, though components can be moved to other machines and even distributed, the ETL functionality being probably the best candidate for this. In what concerns the overall schema there can be two or more data stores with different purposes (operational/transactional data stores, data marts), each of them with their own schema. Each such data store could be moved on its own machine though that's not feasible.

DWHs tend to be large because they need to accommodate a considerable number of tables where data is extracted, transformed, and maybe dumped for the various needs. With the proper design, also DWHs can be partitioned in domains (e.g. define one schema for each domain) and model domain-based perspectives, at least from a data consumer's perspective. The advantage a DWH offers is that one can create general dimensions and fact tables and build on top of them the domain-based perspectives, minimizing thus code's redundancy and reducing the costs.  

With this type of design, the DWH can be changed when needed, however there are several aspects to consider. First, it takes time until the development team can process the request, and this depends on the workload and priorities set. Secondly, implementing the changes should take a fair amount of time no matter of the overall architecture used, given that the transformations that need to be done on the data are largely the same. Therefore, one should not confuse the speed with which a team can start working on a change with the actual implementation of the change. Third, the possibility of reusing existing objects can speed up changes' implementation. 

Data lakes are distributed data repositories in which structured, unstructured and semi-structured data are dumped in raw form in standard file formats from the various sources and further prepared for consumption in other data files via data pipelines, notebooks and similar means. One can use the medallion architecture with a folder structure and adequate permissions for domains and build reports and other data artefacts on top. 

A data lake's value increases when is combined with the capabilities of a DWH (see dedicated SQL server pool) and/or analytics engine (see serverless SQL pool) that allow(s) building an enterprise semantic model on top of the data lake. The result is a data lakehouse that from data consumer's perspective and other aspects mentioned above is not much different than the DWH. The resulting architecture is distributed too. 

Especially in the context of cloud computing, referring to nowadays applications metaphorically (for advocative purposes) as monolithic or distributed is at most a matter of degree and not of distinction. Therefore, the reader should be careful!

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[1] Zhamak Dehghani (2021) Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale (book review)
[2] Databricks (2022) Data Lakehouse (link)

13 March 2024

🔖Book Review: Zhamak Dehghani's Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale (2021)

Zhamak Dehghani's "Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale" (2021)

Zhamak Dehghani's "Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale" (2021) is a must read book for the data professional. So, here I am, finally managing to read it and give it some thought, even if it will probably take more time and a few more reads for the ideas to grow. Working in the fields of Business Intelligence and Software Engineering for almost a quarter-century, I think I can understand the historical background and the direction of the ideas presented in the book. There are many good ideas but also formulations that make me circumspect about the applicability of some assumptions and requirements considered. 

So, after data marts, warehouses, lakes and lakehouses, the data mesh paradigm seems to be the new shiny thing that will bring organizations beyond the inflection point with tipping potential from where organization's growth will have an exponential effect. At least this seems to be the first impression when reading the first chapters. 

The book follows to some degree the advocative tone of promoting that "our shiny thing is much better than previous thing", or "how bad the previous architectures or paradigms were and how good the new ones are" (see [2]). Architectures and paradigms evolve with the available technologies and our perception of what is important for businesses. Old and new have their place in the order of things, and the old will continue to exist, at least until the new proves its feasibility.  

The definition of the data mash as "a sociotechnical approach to share, access and manage analytical data in complex and large-scale environments - within or across organizations" [1] is too abstract even if it reflects at high level what the concept is about. Compared to other material I read on the topic, the book succeeds in explaining the related concepts as well the goals (called definitions) and benefits (called motivations) associated with the principles behind the data mesh, making the book approachable also by non-professionals. 

Built around four principles "data as a product", "domain-oriented ownership", "self-serve data platform" and "federated governance", the data mesh is the paradigm on which data as products are developed; where the products are "the smallest unit of architecture that can be independently deployed and managed", providing by design the information necessary to be discovered, understood, debugged, and audited.

It's possible to create Lego-like data products, data contracts and/or manifests that address product's usability characteristics, though unless the latter are generated automatically, put in the context of ERP and other complex systems, everything becomes quite an endeavor that requires time and adequate testing, increasing the overall timeframe until a data product becomes available. 

The data mesh describes data products in terms of microservices that structure architectures in terms of a collection of services that are independently deployable and loosely coupled. Asking from data products to behave in this way is probably too hard a constraint, given the complexity and interdependency of the data models behind business processes and their needs. Does all the effort make sense? Is this the "agility" the data mesh solutions are looking for?

Many pioneering organizations are still fighting with the concept of data mesh as it proves to be challenging to implement. At a high level everything makes sense, but the way data products are expected to function makes the concept challenging to implement to the full extent. Moreover, as occasionally implied, the data mesh is about scaling data analytics solutions with the size and complexity of organizations. The effort makes sense when the organizations have a certain size and the departments have a certain autonomy, therefore, it might not apply to small to medium businesses.

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[1] Zhamak Dehghani (2021) "Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale" (link)
[2] SQL-troubles (2024) Zhamak Dehghani's Data Mesh - Monolithic Warehouses and Lakes (link)

14 February 2024

🧭Business Intelligence: A One-Man Show (Part VI: The Lakehouse Perspective)

Business Intelligence Suite
Business Intelligence Suite

Continuing the ideas on Christopher Laubenthal's article "Why one person can't do everything in the data space" [1] and why his analogy between a college's functional structure and the core data roles is poorly chosen. In the last post I mentioned as a first argument that the two constructions have different foundations.

Secondly, it's a matter of construction, namely the steps used to arrive from one state to another. Indeed, there's somebody who builds the data warehouse (DWH), somebody who builds the ETL/ELT pipelines for moving the data from the sources to the DWH, somebody who builds the sematic data model that includes business related logic, respectively people who tap into the data for reporting, data visualizations, data science projects, and whatever is still needed in the organization. On top of this, there should be somebody who manages the DWH. I haven't associated any role to them because one of the core roles can be responsible for more than one step. 

In the case of a lakehouse, it is the data engineer who moves the data from the various data sources to the data lake if that doesn't happen already by design or configuration. As per my understanding the data engineers are the ones who design and build the new lakehouse, move transform and manage the data as required. The Data Analysts, Data Scientist and maybe some Information Designers can tap then into the data. However, the DWH and the lakehouse(s) are technologies that facilitate their work. They can still do their work also if the same data are available by other means.

In what concerns the dorm analogy, the verbs were chosen to match the way data warehouses (DWH) or lakehouses are built, though the congruence of the steps is questionable. One could have compared the number of students with the numbers of data entities, but not with the data themselves. Usually, students move by themselves and occupy the places. The story tellers, the assistants and researchers are independent on whether the students are hosted in the dorm or not. Therefore, the analogy seems to be a bit forced. 

Frankly, I covered all the steps except the ones related to Data Science by myself for both described scenarios. It helped that I knew the data from the data sources and the transformations rules I had to apply, respectively the techniques needed for moving and transforming the data, and the volume of data entities was manageable somehow. Conversely, 1-2 more resources in the area of data analysis and visualizations could have helped to bring more value to the business. 

This opens the challenge of scale and it has do to with systems engineering and how the number of components and the interactions between them increase systems' complexity and the demand for managing the respective components. In the simplest linear models, for each multiplier of a certain number of components of the same type from the organization, the number of resources managing the respective layer matches to some degree the multiplier. E.g. if a data engineer can handle x data entities in a unit of time, then for hand n*x components are more likely at least n data engineers required. However, the output of n components is only a fraction of the n*x given the dependencies existing between components and other constraints.

An optimization problem resumes in finding out what data roles to chose to cover an organization's needs. A one man show can be the best solution for small organizations, though unless there's a good division of labor, bringing a second person will make the throughput slower until will become faster.

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[1] Christopher Laubenthal (2024) "Why One Person Can’t Do Everything In Data" (link)

21 October 2023

🧊💫Data Warehousing: Architecture (Part VI: Building a Data Lakehouse for Dynamics 365 Environments with Serverless SQL Pool)

Data Warehousing
Data Warehousing Series

One of the major limitations of Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the lack of direct access to the production databases for reporting purposes via standard reporting or ETL/ELT tools. Of course, one can attempt to use OData-based solutions though they don't scale with the data volume and imply further challenges. 

At the beginning, Microsoft attempted to address this limitation by allowing the export of data entities into customer's Azure SQL database, feature known as bring your own database (BYOD). Highly dependent on batch jobs, the feature doesn't support real-time synchronization and composite entities, and is dependent on the BYOD's database capacity, the scalability after a certain point becoming a bottleneck.

Then Microsoft started to work on two solutions for synchronizing the Dynamics 365 data in near-real time (cca. 10-30 minutes) to the Data Lake: the Export to Data Lake add-in (*), respectively the Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse with Azure Data Lake. The former allows the synchronization of the tables from Finance & Operations (doesn't work for CRM) to files that reflect the database model from the source. In exchange, the latter allows the synchronization of data entities to similar structures, and probably will support tables as well. Because the service works via Dataverse it supports also the synchronization of CRM data. 

The below diagram depicts the flow of data from the D365 environments to the Data Lake, the arrow indicating the direction of the flow. One arrow could be drawn between Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations and the Azure Link for Datavetse service, though one may choose to use only the Export to Data Lake add-in given that a data model based on the tables offers more flexibility (in the detriment of effort though). Data from other systems can be exported via pipelines to the Data Lake to provide an integrated and complete view of the business. 

Serverless Data Lakehouse

Once the data available in the Delta Lake, it can be consumed directly by standard and Power BI paginated reports, however building the data model will involve considerable effort and logic duplication between reports. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare the data upfront in the Data Lake, when possible, and here the serverless SQL pool can help building an enterprise data model. The former approach can still be used for rapid prototyping or data discovery. 

The serverless SQL Server pool is a stateless SQL-based distributed data processing query service over Azure data lake for large-scale data and computational functions. Even if it doesn't support standard tables, it allows to make the data from the Data Lakes files available for processing via external tables, a mechanism that maps files' structure to an entity that can be queried like a normal view (though it supports only read operations). 

Further on, the enterprise data model can be built like in a normal Data Warehouse via the supported objects (views, stored procedures and table-valued functions). These objects can be called from standard and Power BI paginated reports, the queries being processed at runtime anew, which might result occasionally in poor performance. However, the architecture is supposed to scale automatically as needed.

If further performance is needed, parts of the logic or the end-result can be exported to the Data Lake and here the Medallion Architecture should be considered when appropriate. Upon case, further processing might be needed to handle the limitations of the serverless SQL pool (e.g.flattening hierarchies, handling data quality issues).

One can go around the lack of standard table support needed especially for value mappings by storing the respective data as files and/or occasionally by misusing views, respectively by generating Spark tables via the Spark pool. 

(*) Existing customers have until 1-Nov-2024 to transition from Export to Data lake to Synapse link. Microsoft advises new customers to use Synapse Link.

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🧊Data Warehousing: Architecture V (Dynamics 365, the Data Lakehouse and the Medallion Architecture)

Data Warehousing
Data Warehousing Series

An IT architecture is built and functions under a set of constraints that derive from architecture’s components. Usually, if we want flexibility or to change something in one area, this might have an impact in another area. This rule applies to the usage of the medallion architecture as well! 

In Data Warehousing the medallion architecture considers a multilayered approach in building a single source of truth, each layer denoting the quality of data stored in the lakehouse [1]. For the moment are defined 3 layers - bronze for raw data, silver for validated data, and gold for enriched data. The concept seems sound considering that a Data Lake contains all types of raw data of different quality that needs to be validated and prepared for reporting or other purposes.

On the other side there are systems like Dynamics 365 that synchronize the data in near-real-time to the Data Lake through various mechanisms at table and/or data entity level (think of data entities as views on top of other tables or views). The databases behind are relational and in theory the data should be of proper quality as needed by business.

The greatest benefit of serverless SQL pool is that it can be used to build near-real-time data analytics solutions on top of the files existing in the Data Lake and the mechanism is quite simple. On top of such files are built external tables in serverless SQL pool, tables that reflect the data model from the source systems. The external tables can be called as any other tables from the various database objects (views, stored procedures and table-valued functions). Thus, can be built an enterprise data model with dimensions, fact-like and mart-like entities on top of the synchronized filed from the Data Lake. The Data Lakehouse (= Data Warehouse + Data Lake) thus created can be used for (enterprise) reporting and other purposes.

As long as there are no special requirements for data processing (e.g. flattening hierarchies, complex data processing, high-performance, data cleaning) this approach allows to report the data from the data sources in near-real time (10-30 minutes), which can prove to be useful for operational and tactical reporting. Tapping into this model via standard Power BI and paginated reports is quite easy. 

Now, if it's to use the data medallion approach and rely on pipelines to process the data, unless one is able to process the data in near-real-time or something compared with it, a considerable delay will be introduced, delay that can span from a couple of hours to one day. It's also true that having the data prepared as needed by the reports can increase the performance considerably as compared to processing the logic at runtime. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. 

Probably, the most important scenario that needs to be handled is that of integrating the data from different sources. If unique mappings between values exist, unique references are available in one system to the records from the other system, respectively when a unique logic can be identified, the data integration can be handled in serverless SQL pool.

Unfortunately, when compared to on-premise or Azure SQL functionality, the serverless SQL pool has important constraints - it's not possible to use scalar UDFs, tables, recursive CTEs, etc. So, one needs to work around these limitations and in some cases use the Spark pool or pipelines. So, at least for exceptions and maybe for strategic reporting a medallion architecture can make sense and be used in parallel. However, imposing it on all the data can reduce flexibility!

Bottom line: consider the architecture against your requirements!

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[1] What is the medallion lakehouse architecture?

10 October 2023

🪄💫SSRS (& Paginated Reports): Dynamics 365 F&O (Part II: Products Master Report via Base Tables)

As mentioned in the previous post, building the Products Master paginated report via the base D365 FO tables synchronized in Data Lake involves more effort and implies duplicating the logic from the used data entity(-ies). One can attempt recreating the entities 1:1 as they are defined in the D365 database (an SQL Server Azure database), however there are high the chances that in certain areas (e.g. financial dimensions) the features used in building the logic are not supported. Moreover, it might be the case that only a subset of the functionality was implemented, and with this, pieces of logic becoming obsolete. 

There's also a limitation on the number of tables which can be synchronized, and therefore one needs to compromise. In the dbo.EcoResProductV2Entity there are about 20 tables involved, though probably only half of them are used. The base table dbo.EcoResProduct contains most of the fields available also in the data entity, though the names for the various attributes need to be retrieved from the various tables. 

Some of the issues met in working with data entities appear in this scenario as well: (2) there are fields based on Enums that store only the code and it's needed to map the corresponding values, (4) further transformations are needed (e.g., converting fields to formats). It makes sense to encapsulate similarly the logic in views, though this time one or two layers of logic are needed in addition. One can choose to do this for each table in scope, or replicate data entity's logic by focusing only on the needed parts. Both approaches will prove to be challenging in certain scenarios. Let's consider the latter:

name:  Products - Master (base view)
created: 01.04.2021
modified: 01.04.2021
SELECT ITM.ProductType
, CASE ITM.ProductType
    WHEN 1 THEN 'Item'
	WHEN 2 THEN 'Service'
  END ProductTypeName
, CAST ((CASE WHEN ITM.InstanceRelationType = 13678 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END) AS INT) ProductSubtype
    WHEN ITM.InstanceRelationType = 13678 THEN 'Product'
	ELSE 'Product Master'
   END ProductSubtypeName
, ITM.DisplayProductNumber ProductNumber
, Replace(Replace(ILT.Name, char(10), ' '), char(13), ' ')  ProductName
, Replace(Replace(ILT.Description, char(10), ' '), char(13), ' ') ProductDescription
, PCA.CategoryName RetailProductCategoryName 
, PCA.CategoryCode RetailProductCategoryCode
, PDG.Name ProductDimensionGroupName 
, SDG.Name StorageDimensionGroupName 
, TDG.Name TrackingDimensionGroupName 
, ITM.RetailColorGroupId ProductColorGroupId 
, ITM.RetailSizeGroupId ProductSizeGroupId 
, ITM.RetailStyleGroupId ProductStyleGroupId
, ITM.VariantConfigurationTechnology
, CASE ITM.VariantConfigurationTechnology
	WHEN 0 THEN 'None'
	WHEN 1 THEN 'Predefined Variants'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'Dimension Based'
	WHEN 3 THEN 'RuleBased'
	WHEN 4 THEN 'Constraint Based'
  END VariantConfigurationTechnologyName
, CASE WHEN KIT.ProductMaster IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END IsProductKit
, CASE WHEN KIT.ProductMaster IS NOT NULL  THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END IsProductKitName
, ITM.PDSCWProduct IsCatchWeightproduct
, CASE ITM.PDSCWProduct WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END IsCatchWeightproductName
, ITM.IsProductVariantUnitConversionEnabled
, CASE ITM.IsProductVariantUnitConversionEnabled WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END IsProductVariantUnitConversionEnabledName
-- system
, PPD.ProductDimensionGroup ProductDimensionGroupRecId
, PSG.StorageDimensionGroup StorageDimensionGroupRecId
, PTD.TrackingDimensionGroup TrackingDimensionGroupRecId
, PCA.RetailCategoryRecId
, ITM.RecId
, ITM.Partition
FROM dbo.EcoResProduct ITM
     LEFT JOIN dbo.EcoResProductTranslation ILT
	   ON ITM.RecId = ILT.Product 
	  AND ITM.Partition = ILT.Partition 
	  AND ILT.LanguageId = 'en-us'
     LEFT JOIN dbo.EcoResProductDimensionGroupProduct PPD
	   ON ITM.RecId = PPD.Product
	  AND ITM.Partition = PPD.Partition
	      LEFT JOIN dbo.EcoResProductDimensionGroup PDG
		    ON PPD.ProductDimensionGroup = PDG.RecId 
		   AND PPD.Partition = PDG.Partition 
	 LEFT JOIN dbo.EcoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct PSG
	   ON ITM.RecId = PSG.Product
	  AND ITM.Partition = PSG.Partition
	      LEFT JOIN dbo.EcoResStorageDimensionGroup SDG
		    ON PSG.StorageDimensionGroup = SDG.RecId 
		   AND PSG.Partition = SDG.Partition 
	 LEFT JOIN dbo.EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct PTD
	   ON ITM.RecId = PTD.Product
	  AND ITM.Partition = PTD.Partition
	      LEFT JOIN dbo.EcoResTrackingDimensionGroup TDG
		    ON PTD.TrackingDimensionGroup = TDG.RecId 
		   AND PTD.Partition = TDG.Partition 
	 LEFT JOIN (-- product retail category 
	   SELECT PCA.Product 
	   , PCA.Partition 
	   , CAT.Code CategoryCode 
	   , CAT.Name CategoryName
	   , PCA.Category RetailCategoryRecId
	   FROM dbo.EcoResProductCategory PCA
	        JOIN dbo.EcoResProductRetailCategoryHierarchy RCH
			  ON PCA.CategoryHierarchy = RCH.RetailCategoryHierarchy
			 AND PCA.Product = RCH.Product 
			 AND PCA.Partition = RCH.Partition 
			JOIN dbo.EcoResCategory CAT
			  ON PCA.Category = CAT.RecId 
			 AND PCA.Partition = CAT.Partition 
		 ) PCA
	   ON ITM.RecId = PCA.Product 
	  AND ITM.Partition = PCA.Partition 
	  LEFT JOIN dbo.RetailKit KIT
	    ON ITM.RecId = KIT.ProductMaster 
	   AND ITM.Partition = KIT.Partition
WHERE NOT(ITM.InstanceRelationType  =  4211)

As can be seen, the logic is quite complex and only half of the tables were used. There will be entities even more complex than this (the query was restructured for understandability). On the other hand, there will be environments where only half from the above tables will be used (e.g., when no inventory and/or dimensions are needed). 

To test the view, one just needs to change the schema referenced in the logic. The view is created under the TDM (Table Data Model) schema, so there should be no issues as long the schemas are used correctly. However, when duplicating logic, one should check whether the values match, respectively whether the objects have the same record count:

-- checking whether the values match for an example
FROM TDM.vEcoResProductV2Entity
WHERE ProductNumber = '0169'

FROM EDM.vEcoResProductV2Entity
WHERE ProductNumber = '0169'

-- checking the number of records
SELECT count(*)
FROM TDM.vEcoResProductV2Entity

SELECT count(*)
FROM EDM.vEcoResProductV2Entity

There are several optimizations or restructuring opportunities in the logic, e.g., the 'product retail category' subquery can be created as a separate view. Also, the groupings of two tables for the 'dimension groups' could be encapsulated individually in views. This can increase the number of views created considerably, though upon case the views could prove to be useful for troubleshooting or reuse. 

Moreover, in environments with only a partition the constraints on the respective field could be removed (important decision though), while the value for the retail category could be hardcoded. Even if hardcoding values should be in general avoided, it's needed to compromise when there are more important constraints. 

One way to reduce logic's complexity is to create a "base view" for each table in which the needed transformations are made, respectively only the needed columns are used. Reducing the number of columns simplifies the identification of attributes. For example, the base view for dbo.EcoResProduct could be written as follows:

name: Products - master data (base view)
created: 01.04.2021
modified: 01.04.2021
SELECT PRD.DisplayProductNumber ProductNumber
, PRD.ProductType 
, CASE PRD.ProductType
    WHEN 1 THEN 'Product'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'ProductMaster'
    WHEN 3 THEN 'ProductVariant'
  END ProductTypeName
    ELSE 'Product master'  
   END ProductSubtypeName
, PRD.RetailSizeGroupId
, PRD.RetailColorGroupId
, PRD.RetailStyleGroupId
, PRD.RetailFlavorGroupId
, PRD.VariantConfigurationTechnology 
, CASE PRD.VariantConfigurationTechnology
    WHEN 0 THEN 'None'
    WHEN 1 THEN 'PredefinedVariants'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'DimensionBased'
    WHEN 3 THEN 'RuleBased'
    WHEN 4 THEN 'ConstraintBased'
  END VariantConfigurationTechnologyName
, PRD.IsProductVariantUnitConversionEnabled
, CASE PRD.IsProductVariantUnitConversionEnabled WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END IsProductVariantUnitConversionEnabledName
-- system
, PRD.RecId 
, PRD.Partition 
, PRD.ModifiedBy
FROM dbo.EcoResProduct PRD
WHERE NOT(PRD.InstanceRelationType  =  4211)

A similar approach can be used for each table, or at least the tables that need further transformations. There are several choices - ideally one should find a good-enough approach and stick to it. There will be also exceptions, though the general design should prevail!

The bottom line, when using the Export to Data Lake add-in (*), as only the export of tables is supported, the logic can become occasionally complex, though still manageable (in other areas the tables are straightforward to use). When using Link to Data Lake, one can rely on data entities, as long they are synchronized correctly. However, one still needs to rely on tables to fill the gaps. 

(*) Existing customers have until 1-Nov-2024 to transition from Export to Data lake to Synapse link. Microsoft advises new customers to use Synapse Link.

Happy coding!

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22 December 2015

🪙Business Intelligence: Data Lakes (Just the Quotes)

"If you think of a Data Mart as a store of bottled water, cleansed and packaged and structured for easy consumption, the Data Lake is a large body of water in a more natural state. [...] The contents of the Data Lake stream in from a source to fill the lake, and various users of the lake can come to examine, dive in, or take samples." (James Dixon, "Pentaho, Hadoop, and Data Lakes", 2010) [sorce] [first known usage]

"A data lake represents an environment that collects and stores large volumes of structured and unstructured datasets, typically in their original, unaltered forms. More than a data depository, the data lake architecture enables the various users and data science teams to conduct data exploration and related analytical activities." (EMC Education Services, "Data Science & Big Data Analytics", 2015)

"A data lake strategy supports the introduction of a separate analytics environment that off-loads the analytics being done today on your overly expensive data warehouse. This separate analytics environment provides the data science team an on-demand, fail-fast environment for quickly ingesting and analyzing a wide variety of data sources in an attempt to address immediate business opportunities independent of the data warehouse's production schedule and service level agreement (SLA) rules." (Billl Schmarzo, "Driving Business Strategies with Data Science: Big Data MBA" 1st Ed., 2015)

"At its core, it is a data storage and processing repository in which all of the data in an organization can be placed so that every internal and external systems', partners', and collaborators' data flows into it and insights spring out. [...] Data Lake is a huge repository that holds every kind of data in its raw format until it is needed by anyone in the organization to analyze." (Beulah S Purra & Pradeep Pasupuleti, "Data Lake Development with Big Data", 2015) 

"Having multiple data lakes replicates the same problems that were created with multiple data warehouses - disparate data siloes and data fiefdoms that don't facilitate sharing of the corporate data assets across the organization. Organizations need to have a single data lake from which they can source the data for their BI/data warehousing and analytic needs. The data lake may never become the 'single version of the truth' for the organization, but then again, neither will the data warehouse. Instead, the data lake becomes the 'single or central repository for all the organization's data' from which all the organization's reporting and analytic needs are sourced." (Billl Schmarzo, "Driving Business Strategies with Data Science: Big Data MBA" 1st Ed., 2015)

"[...] the real power of the data lake is to enable advanced analytics or data science on the detailed and complete history of data in an attempt to uncover new variables and metrics that are better predictors of business performance." (Billl Schmarzo, "Driving Business Strategies with Data Science: Big Data MBA" 1st Ed., 2015)

"The data lake is not an incremental enhancement to the data warehouse, and it is NOT data warehouse 2.0. The data lake enables entirely new capabilities that allow your organization to address data and analytic challenges that the data warehouse could not address." (Billl Schmarzo, "Driving Business Strategies with Data Science: Big Data MBA" 1st Ed., 2015)

"Unfortunately, some organizations are replicating the bad data warehouse practice by creating special-purpose data lakes - data lakes to address a specific business need. Resist that urge! Instead, source the data that is needed for that specific business need into an 'analytic sandbox' where the data scientists and the business users can collaborate to find those data variables and analytic models that are better predictors of the business performance. Within the 'analytic sandbox', the organization can bring together (ingest and integrate) the data that it wants to test, build the analytic models, test the model's goodness of fit, acquire new data, refine the analytic models, and retest the goodness of fit." (Billl Schmarzo, "Driving Business Strategies with Data Science: Big Data MBA" 1st Ed., 2015)

"A data lake is a storage repository that holds a very large amount of data, often from diverse sources, in native format until needed. In some respects, a data lake can be compared to a staging area of a data warehouse, but there are key differences. Just like a staging area, a data lake is a conglomeration point for raw data from diverse sources. However, a staging area only stores new data needed for addition to the data warehouse and is a transient data store. In contrast, a data lake typically stores all possible data that might be needed for an undefined amount of analysis and reporting, allowing analysts to explore new data relationships. In addition, a data lake is usually built on commodity hardware and software such as Hadoop, whereas traditional staging areas typically reside in structured databases that require specialized servers." (Mike Fleckenstein & Lorraine Fellows, "Modern Data Strategy", 2018)

"A data warehouse follows a pre-built static structure to model source data. Any changes at the structural and configuration level must go through a stringent business review process and impact analysis. Data lakes are very agile. Consumption or analytical layer can be modified to fit in the model requirements. Consumers of a data lake are not constant; therefore, schema and modeling lies at the liberty of analysts and scientists." (Saurabh Gupta et al, "Practical Enterprise Data Lake Insights", 2018)

"Data in the data lake should never get disposed. Data driven strategy must define steps to version the data and handle deletes and updates from the source systems." (Saurabh Gupta et al, "Practical Enterprise Data Lake Insights", 2018)

"Data governance policies must not enforce constraints on data - Data governance intends to control the level of democracy within the data lake. Its sole purpose of existence is to maintain the quality level through audits, compliance, and timely checks. Data flow, either by its size or quality, must not be constrained through governance norms. [...] Effective data governance elevates confidence in data lake quality and stability, which is a critical factor to data lake success story. Data compliance, data sharing, risk and privacy evaluation, access management, and data security are all factors that impact regulation." (Saurabh Gupta et al, "Practical Enterprise Data Lake Insights", 2018)

"Data Lake induces accessibility and catalyzes availability. It warrants data discovery platforms to soak the data trends at a horizontal scale and produce visual insights. It largely cuts down the time that goes into data preparation and exhaustive data analysis." (Saurabh Gupta et al, "Practical Enterprise Data Lake Insights", 2018)

"Data Lake is a single window snapshot of all enterprise data in its raw format, be it structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. Starting from curating the data ingestion pipeline to the transformation layer for analytical consumption, every aspect of data gets addressed in a data lake ecosystem. It is supposed to hold enormous volumes of data of varied structures." (Saurabh Gupta et al, "Practical Enterprise Data Lake Insights", 2018)

"Data swamp, on the other hand, presents the devil side of a lake. A data lake in a state of anarchy is nothing but turns into a data swamp. It lacks stable data governance practices, lacks metadata management, and plays weak on ingestion framework. Uncontrolled and untracked access to source data may produce duplicate copies of data and impose pressure on storage systems." (Saurabh Gupta et al, "Practical Enterprise Data Lake Insights", 2018)

"Data warehousing, as we are aware, is the traditional approach of consolidating data from multiple source systems and combining into one store that would serve as the source for analytical and business intelligence reporting. The concept of data warehousing resolved the problems of data heterogeneity and low-level integration. In terms of objectives, a data lake is no different from a data warehouse. Both are primary advocates of terms like 'single source of truth' and 'central data repository'." (Saurabh Gupta et al, "Practical Enterprise Data Lake Insights", 2018)

"At first, we threw all of this data into a pit called the 'data lake'. But we soon discovered that merely throwing data into a pit was a pointless exercise. To be useful - to be analyzed - data needed to (1) be related to each other and (2) have its analytical infrastructure carefully arranged and made available to the end user. Unless we meet these two conditions, the data lake turns into a swamp, and swamps start to smell after a while. [...] In a data swamp, data just sits there are no one uses it. In the data swamp, data just rots over time." (Bill Inmon et al, "Building the Data Lakehouse", 2021)

"Data lake architecture suffers from complexity and deterioration. It creates complex and unwieldy pipelines of batch or streaming jobs operated by a central team of hyper-specialized data engineers. It deteriorates over time. Its unmanaged datasets, which are often untrusted and inaccessible, provide little value. The data lineage and dependencies are obscured and hard to track." (Zhamak Dehghani, "Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale", 2021)

"When it comes to data lakes, some things usually stay constant: the storage and processing patterns. Change could come in any of the following ways: Adding new components and processing or consumption patterns to respond to new requirements. […] Optimizing existing architecture for better cost or performance" (Rukmani Gopalan, "The Cloud Data Lake: A Guide to Building Robust Cloud Data Architecture", 2022)

"Delta Lake is a transactional storage software layer that runs on top of an existing data lake and adds RDW-like features that improve the lake’s reliability, security, and performance. Delta Lake itself is not storage. In most cases, it’s easy to turn a data lake into a Delta Lake; all you need to do is specify, when you are storing data to your data lake, that you want to save it in Delta Lake format (as opposed to other formats, like CSV or JSON)." (James Serra, "Deciphering Data Architectures", 2024)

22 November 2006

🎯William H Inmon - Collected Quotes

"There are four levels of data in the architected environment - the operational level, the atomic (or the data warehouse) level, the departmental (or the data mart) level, and the individual level. These different levels of data are the basis of a larger architecture called the corporate information factory (CIF). The operational level of data holds application-oriented primitive data only and primarily serves the high-performance transaction-processing community. The data-warehouse level of data holds integrated, historical primitive data that cannot be updated. In addition, some derived data is found there. The departmental or data mart level of data contains derived data almost exclusively. The departmental or data mart level of data is shaped by end-user requirements into a form specifically suited to the needs of the department. And the individual level of data is where much heuristic analysis is done." (William H Inmon, "Building the Data Warehouse" 4th Ed., 2005)

"To interpret and understand information over time, a whole new dimension of context is required. While content of information remains important, the comparison and understanding of information over time mandates that context be an equal partner to content. And in years past, context has been an undiscovered, unexplored dimension of information." (William H Inmon, "Building the Data Warehouse" 4th Ed., 2005)

"When management receives the conflicting reports, it is forced to make decisions based on politics and personalities because neither source is more or less credible. This is an example of the crisis of data credibility in the naturally evolving architecture." (William H Inmon, "Building the Data Warehouse" 4th Ed., 2005)

"An interesting aspect of KPIs are that they change over time. At one moment in time the organization is interested in profitability. There will be one set of KPIs that measure profitability. At another moment in time the organization is interested in market share. There will be another set of KPIs that measure market share. As the focus of the corporation changes over time, so do the KPIs that measure that focus." (William H Inmon & Daniel Linstedt, "Data Architecture: A Primer for the Data Scientist: Big Data, Data Warehouse and Data Vault", 2015)

"Both the ODS and a data warehouse contain subject-oriented, integrated information. In that regard they are similar. But an ODS contains data that can be individually updated, deleted, or added. And a data warehouse contains nonvolatile data. A data warehouse contains snapshots of data. Once the snapshot is taken, the data in the data warehouse does not change. So when it comes to volatility, a data warehouse and an ODS are very different." (William H Inmon & Daniel Linstedt, "Data Architecture: A Primer for the Data Scientist: Big Data, Data Warehouse and Data Vault", 2015)

"In general, analytic processing is known as 'heuristic' processing. In heuristic processing the requirements for analysis are discovered by the results of the current iteration of processing. […] In heuristic processing you start with some requirements. You build a system to analyze those requirements. Then, after you have results, you sit back and rethink your requirements after you have had time to reflect on the results that have been achieved. You then restate the requirements and redevelop and reanalyze again. Each time you go through the redevelopment exercise is called an 'iteration'. You continue the process of building different iterations of processing until such time as you achieve the results that satisfy the organization that is sponsoring the exercise." (William H Inmon & Daniel Linstedt, "Data Architecture: A Primer for the Data Scientist: Big Data, Data Warehouse and Data Vault", 2015)

"There are, however, many problems with independent data marts. Independent data marts: (1) Do not have data that can be reconciled with other data marts (2) Require their own independent integration of raw data (3) Do not provide a foundation that can be built on whenever there are future analytical needs." (William H Inmon & Daniel Linstedt, "Data Architecture: A Primer for the Data Scientist: Big Data, Data Warehouse and Data Vault", 2015)

"There is then a real mismatch between the volume of data and the business value of data. For people who are examining repetitive data and hoping to find massive business value there, there is most likely disappointment in their future. But for people looking for business value in nonrepetitive data, there is a lot to look forward to." (William H Inmon & Daniel Linstedt, "Data Architecture: A Primer for the Data Scientist: Big Data, Data Warehouse and Data Vault", 2015)

"A defining characteristic of the data lakehouse architecture is allowing direct access to data as files while retaining the valuable properties of a data warehouse. Just do both!" (Bill Inmon et al, "Building the Data Lakehouse", 2021)

"At first, we threw all of this data into a pit called the 'data lake'. But we soon discovered that merely throwing data into a pit was a pointless exercise. To be useful - to be analyzed - data needed to (1) be related to each other and (2) have its analytical infrastructure carefully arranged and made available to the end user. Unless we meet these two conditions, the data lake turns into a swamp, and swamps start to smell after a while. [...] In a data swamp, data just sits there are no one uses it. In the data swamp, data just rots over time." (Bill Inmon et al, "Building the Data Lakehouse", 2021)

"Data privacy, data confidentiality, and data protection are sometimes incorrectly diluted with security. For example, data privacy is related to, but not the same as, data security. Data security is concerned with assuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Data privacy focuses on how and to what extent businesses may collect and process information about individuals." (Bill Inmon et al, "Building the Data Lakehouse", 2021)

"Data visualization adds credibility to any message. [...] Data visualizations are incredibly cold mediums because they require a lot of interpretation and participation from the audience. While boring numbers are authoritative, data visualization is inclusive. [...] Data visualizations absorb the viewer in the chart and communicate the author’s credibility through active participation. Like a good teacher, they walk the reader through the thought process and convince him/her effortlessly."

"Data visualization‘s key responsibilities and challenges include the obligation to earn your audience’s attention - do not take it for granted." (Bill Inmon et al, "Building the Data Lakehouse", 2021)

"In general, a data or data set contains its sensitivity or controversial nature only if it is linked or related to an individual’s personal information. Else an isolated, abandoned, or unrelated sensitive or controversial attribute has no significance."

"It is dangerous to do an analysis and merge data with very different quality profiles. As a general rule, the veracity of merged data is only as good as the worst data that has been merged. [...] Not knowing the quality of the data being analyzed jeopardizes the entire analysis." (Bill Inmon et al, "Building the Data Lakehouse", 2021)

"Once you combine the data lake along with analytical infrastructure, the entire infrastructure can be called a data lakehouse. [...] The data lake without the analytical infrastructure simply becomes a data swamp. And a data swamp does no one any good." (Bill Inmon et al, "Building the Data Lakehouse", 2021)

"The data lakehouse architecture presents an opportunity comparable to the one seen during the early years of the data warehouse market. The unique ability of the lakehouse to manage data in an open environment, blend all varieties of data from all parts of the enterprise, and combine the data science focus of the data lake with the end user analytics of the data warehouse will unlock incredible value for organizations. [...] "The lakehouse architecture equally makes it natural to manage and apply models where the data lives." (Bill Inmon et al, "Building the Data Lakehouse", 2021)

"Raw data without appropriate visualization is like dumped construction raw materials at a building construction site. The finished house is the actual visuals created from those data like raw materials." (Bill Inmon et al, "Building the Data Lakehouse", 2021)

"With the data lakehouse, it is possible to achieve a level of analytics and machine learning that is not feasible or possible any other way. But like all architectural structures, the data lakehouse requires an understanding of architecture and an ability to plan and create a blueprint." (Bill Inmon et al, "Building the Data Lakehouse", 2021)

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