Showing posts with label reusability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reusability. Show all posts

01 February 2021

📦Data Migrations (DM): Quality Assurance (Part III: Quality Acceptance Criteria III)

Data Migration
Data Migrations Series


Repeatability is the degree with which a DM can be repeated and obtain consistent results between repetitions. Even if a DM is supposed to be a one-time activity for a project, to guarantee a certain level of quality it’s important to consider several iterations in which the data requirements are refined and made sure that the data can be imported as needed into the target system(s). Considered as a process, as long the data and the rules haven’t changed, the results should be the same or have the expected level of deviation from expectations. 

This requirement is important especially for the data migrated during UAT and Go-Live, time during which the input data and rules need to remain frozen (even if small changes in the data can still occur). In fact, that’s the role of UAT – to assure that the data have the expected quality and when compared to the previous dry-run, that it attains the expected level of consistency. 


Reusability is the degree to which the whole solution, parts of the logic or data can be reused for multiple purposes. Master data and the logic associated with them have high reusability potential as they tend to be referenced by multiple entities. 


Modularity is the degree to which a solution is composed of discrete components such that a change to one component has minimal impact on other components. It applies to the solution itself but also to the degree to which the logic for the various entities is partitioned so to assure a minimal impact. 


Partitionability is the degree to which data or logic can be partitioned to address the various requirements. Despite the assurance that the data will be migrated only once, in practice this assumption can be easily invalidated. It’s enough to increase the system freeze by a few days and/or to have transaction data that suddenly requires master data not considered. Even if the deltas can be migrated in system manually, it’s probably recommended to migrate them using the same logic. Moreover, the performing of incremental loads can be a project requirement. 

Data might need to be partitioned into batches to improve processing’s performance. Partitioning the logic based on certain parameters (e.g. business unit, categorical values) allows more flexibility in handling other requirements (e.g. reversibility, performance, testability, reusability). 


Performance refers to the degree a piece of software can process data into an amount of time considered as acceptable for the business. It can vary with the architecture and methods used, respectively data volume, veracity, variance, variability, or quality.

Performance is a critical requirement for a DM, especially when considering the amount of time spent on executing the logic during development, tests and troubleshooting, as well for other activities. Performance is important during dry-runs but more important during Go-Live, as it equates with a period during which the system(s) are not available for the users. Upon case, a few hours of delays can have an important impact on the business. In extremis, the delays can sum up to days. 


Predictability is the degree to which the results and behavior of a solution, respectively the processes involve are predictable based on the design, implementation or other factors considered (e.g. best practices, methodology used, experience, procedures and processes). Highly predictable solutions are desirable, though reaching the required level of performance and quality can be challenging. 

The results from the dry-runs can offer an indication on whether the data migrated during UAT and Go-Live provide a certain level of assurance that the DM will be a success. Otherwise, an additional dry-run should be planned during UAT, if the schedule allows it.

Previous Post <> Nest Post 

03 April 2010

💎SQL Reloaded: Power of Joins V (Semi-Joins and Anti-Joins)

An incursion in the world of joins is incomplete without approaching two other important techniques for writing queries: semi-joins and anti-joins, some of the techniques specific to them allowing to speed up queries and reduce queries’ complexity. An anti-join returns rows from the left table where no matches is found in the right table, while an semi-join returns returns rows from the left table if at least a match is found in the second table. 

The typical techniques for creating semi-joins and anti-joins are based on IN or EXISTS operators, respectively their negations the NOT EXISTS and NOT IN, both operators being available in SQL Server and Oracle. According to the above definitions also the EXCEPT and INTERSECT operators introduced in horizontal joins post could be used to create anti-joins, respectively semi-joins too, they being introduced by Microsoft starting with SQL Server 2005 in order to compare whole rows rather then a smaller set of attributes. Another operators that allows creating anti-joins and semi-joins and introduced with SQL Server 2005 is the CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY operators.

Because the  EXCEPT and INTERSECT operators were introduced in a previous post, this post is focused on the other mentioned operators, for exemplification of the techniques following to use again the Production.Product and Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail tables from AdventureWorks database.

IN operator allows to test whether a given (attribute) value is in a list of values, the respective list could be based also on the values returned by another query, called actually a subquery. The output is not influenced by the eventual duplicates in the list of values, though for the sake of simplicity and testability it makes sense to provide a list of distinct values.
EXISTS operator provides a similar functionality like the IN operator, however it checks only whether a record exists in what is called a correlated suquery (also known as repeated subquery, is a subquery making direct reference to one or more of the attributes of the main query). The subquery used with an IN operator could be easily translated to a correlated subquery by bringing the attribute used to create the list of values into the WHERE clause.

Let’s start with a simple problem to exemplify the use of a semi-join, for example to select only the products that have a PO (Purchase Order) placed, the query could be written as follows:
-- Products with PO placed (IN operator) 
, ITM.ProductNumber  
, ITM.StandardCost 
FROM Production.Product ITM  
WHERE ITM.ProductID IN (--list of Product IDs with PO placed 
     FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POD  
       JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH  
          ON POD.PurchaseOrderID = POH.PurchaseOrderID 
      WHERE POH.Status IN (2, 4) -- 2-Approved, 4-Complete  

The above query could be rewritten using the EXISTS operator, the correlated query being based on ProductID attribute found in both tables:
-- Products with PO placed (EXISTS operator) 
, ITM.ProductNumber  
, ITM.StandardCost 
FROM Production.Product ITM  
WHERE EXISTS (--list of Product IDs with PO placed 
     SELECT 1 
     FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POD  
       JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH  
          ON POD.PurchaseOrderID = POH.PurchaseOrderID 
     WHERE POH.Status IN (2, 4) -- 2-Approved, 4-Complete  
         AND POD.ProductID = ITM.ProductID -- correlated constraint 

1.    As usual special attention must be given to the handling of NULL values either by replacing them with a default value or by handing the NULL case in the WHERE clause.
2.   The Execution Plan for the above two queries is the same, SQL Server using a Hash Match (Left Semi Join) for both operators. I was trying to find information on whether there are any recommendations that advices on the use of one of the two operators in the detriment of the other, however I found nothing in this direction for SQL Server. R. Schrag offers a rule of dumb rooted in Oracle documentation and based on the selectivity of a query, a query being highly selective if it returns the least number of rows:
"If the main body of your query is highly selective, then an EXISTS clause might be more appropriate to semi-join to the target table. However, if the main body of your query is not so selective and the subquery (the target of the semi-join) is more selective, then an IN clause might be more appropriate." [1]
Both above solutions are ideal when no data are needed from the tables used in the subquery, however quite often such a need arises, for example to show the volume of PO placed, the last PO Date, and so on, in such cases an inner join could be used instead:
-- Products with PO placed (inner join) SELECT ITM.ProductID  
, ITM.ProductNumber  
, ITM.StandardCost 
, POD.TotalOrderQty 
, POD.LastOrderDate 
FROM Production.Product ITM  
JOIN (--aggregated PO details 
    SELECT POD.ProductID  
    , SUM(POD.OrderQty) TotalOrderQty 
    , Max(OrderDate) LastOrderDate 
     FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POD  
       JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH  
          ON POD.PurchaseOrderID = POH.PurchaseOrderID 
     WHERE POH.Status IN (2, 4) -- 2-Approved, 4-Complete  
     GROUP BY POD.ProductID 
    ) POD 
    ON POD.ProductID = ITM.ProductID 

For the same purpose could be used also a CROSS APPLY taking care to eliminate the Products for which no record is retrieved in the subquery, this approach is actually a mixture between an inner join and a correlated query:

 -- Products with PO placed (CROSS APPLY) 
, ITM.ProductNumber  
, ITM.StandardCost  
, POD.TotalOrderQty  
, POD.LastOrderDate  
FROM Production.Product ITM  
     CROSS APPLY (--aggregated PO details  
     SELECT SUM(POD.OrderQty) TotalOrderQty  
     , Max(OrderDate) LastOrderDate  
     FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POD  
           JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH  
              ON POD.PurchaseOrderID = POH.PurchaseOrderID  
     WHERE POH.Status IN (2, 4) -- 2-Approved, 4-Complete  
        AND POD.ProductID = ITM.ProductID  
    ) POD  

1.   The IN and EXISTS query versions seems to provide better performance than the use of vertical joins, though from my experience is often needed to provide information also from the subqueries used with the respective operators, therefore the inner join provides more flexibility in the detriment of relatively poorer performance.
2.  Microsoft’s implementation for IN operator allows using only single list of values, in contrast with Oracle that allows working with lists of n-uples. This problem in theory could be solved using the IN operators with a correlated subquery. An example of such a problem is finding the last PO placed for each Product:

 -- Last PO placed per Product (IN + correlated query) 
SELECT POD.PurchaseOrderDetailID 
, POD.ProductID  
, POH.OrderDate 
, POD.OrderQty 
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POD  
     JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH         ON POD.PurchaseOrderID = POH.PurchaseOrderID 
WHERE POH.Status IN (2, 4) -- 2-Approved, 4-Complete  
   AND POH.OrderDate IN (--Last PO Date per Product 
      SELECT Max(POH1.OrderDate) LastOrderDate 
      FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POD1 
          JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH1 
             ON POD1.PurchaseOrderID = POH1.PurchaseOrderID 
    WHERE POH1.Status IN (2, 4) -- 2-Approved, 4-Complete  
AND POD1.ProductID = POD.ProductID -- correlated constraint 

This might not be the best approach to solve this problem though the query is intended only to show a technique. The query could be rewritten using an inner join or the EXISTS operator, but I will show only the later approach because it comes with an interesting technique – because the LastOrderDate and ProductID are used as pair of values in order to retrieve the last PO per Product, given the fact that LastOrderDate is an aggregate value, the correlated constraint needs to be added in HAVING clause:
-- Last PO placed per Product (correlated query) 
SELECT POD.PurchaseOrderDetailID 
, POD.ProductID  
, POH.OrderDate 
, POD.OrderQty 
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POD  
     JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH 
        ON POD.PurchaseOrderID = POH.PurchaseOrderID 
WHERE POH.Status IN (2, 4) -- 2-Approved, 4-Complete  
     AND EXISTS(--Last PO Date per Product 
     SELECT 1 
     FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POD1 
          JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH1 
             ON POD1.PurchaseOrderID = POH1.PurchaseOrderID 
     WHERE POH1.Status IN (2, 4) -- 2-Approved, 4-Complete  
          AND POD1.ProductID = POD.ProductID -- correlated constraint 
     GROUP BY POD1.ProductID 
     HAVING Max(POH1.OrderDate) = POH.OrderDate 

The NOT IN and NOT EXISTS versions of the operators simply negates the use of IN and EXISTS operators, showing thus the records for which a match is not found. The complementary problem of showing the Products with a PO placed is to show the Products without a PO placed, for this, as previously mentioned, being enough to add the NOT keyword in from of IN, respectively EXISTS in the first two queries from this post:

-- Products without PO placed (IN operator) 
, ITM.ProductNumber  
, ITM.StandardCost 
FROM Production.Product ITM  
WHERE ITM.ProductID NOT IN (--list of Product IDs with PO placed 
     FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POD 
       JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH 
          ON POD.PurchaseOrderID = POH.PurchaseOrderID 
      WHERE POH.Status IN (2, 4) -- 2-Approved, 4-Complete  

-- Products without PO placed (EXISTS operator) 
, ITM.ProductNumber  
, ITM.StandardCost 
FROM Production.Product ITM  
WHERE NOT EXISTS (--list of Product IDs with PO placed 
     SELECT 1 
     FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POD 
       JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH 
          ON POD.PurchaseOrderID = POH.PurchaseOrderID 
     WHERE POH.Status IN (2, 4) -- 2-Approved, 4-Complete  
         AND POD.ProductID = ITM.ProductID -- correlated constraint 

An alternative to NOT IN and NOT EXISTS is the use of a LEFT JOIN transposing the project of A\B problem:
  -- Products without PO placed (left join) 
, ITM.ProductNumber  
, ITM.StandardCost FROM Production.Product ITM  
    LEFT JOIN (--aggregated PO details 
    SELECT POD.ProductID  
    FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POD 
       JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH 
          ON POD.PurchaseOrderID = POH.PurchaseOrderID 
     WHERE POH.Status IN (2, 4) -- 2-Approved, 4-Complete  
     GROUP BY POD.ProductID 
    ) POD 
    ON POD.ProductID = ITM.ProductID   

The CROSS APPLY could be used too, this time the WHERE clause from the main query being modified to show only the records without a match in CROSS APPLY, for this needing to be used a "disguised" aggregate too:
 -- Products without PO placed (CROSS APPLY) 
, ITM.ProductNumber  
, ITM.StandardCost  FROM Production.Product ITM  
    CROSS APPLY (-- PO details  
    SELECT Max(1) HasPOPlaced 
    FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail POD  
          JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH  
             ON POD.PurchaseOrderID = POH.PurchaseOrderID  
    WHERE POH.Status IN (2, 4) -- 2-Approved, 4-Complete  
        AND POD.ProductID = ITM.ProductID  
    ) POD 

As can be seen there are multiple alternative ways of solving the same problem, none of the above described patters could be considered as best approach because in the end must be weighted between performance, flexibility, reusability and complexity.  In many cases the performance of a query is the most important factor, though the performance of any of the above techniques is relative because it needs to be considered factors like table structures and relations’ cardinality, server’s configuration and available resources, etc.

[1] Schrag R. (2005). Speeding Up Queries with Semi-Joins and Anti-Joins: How Oracle Evaluates EXISTS, NOT EXISTS, IN, and NOT IN. [link]

11 December 2007

🏗️Software Engineering: Reusability (Just the Quotes)

"Object-oriented programming languages support encapsulation, thereby improving the ability of software to be reused, refined, tested, maintained, and extended. The full benefit of this support can only be realized if encapsulation is maximized during the design process. [...] design practices which take a data-driven approach fail to maximize encapsulation because they focus too quickly on the implementation of objects." (Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, "Object-oriented Design: A. responsibility-driven approach", 1989)

"Object-oriented domain analysis seeks to identify reusable items localized around objects e. g., classes, instances, systems of interacting objects, and kits." (Edward V Berard, "Essays on object-oriented software engineering", 1993)

"Design patterns are not about designs such as linked lists and hash tables that can be encoded in classes and reused as is. Nor are they complex, domain-specific designs for an entire application or subsystem. The design patterns [...] are descriptions of communicating objects and classes that are customized to solve a general design problem in a particular context." (Erich Gamma et al, "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software", 1994)

"Design patterns make it easier to reuse successful designs and architectures. Expressing proven techniques as design patterns makes them more accessible to developers of new systems. Design patterns help you choose design alternatives that make a system reusable and avoid alternatives that compromise reusability. Design patterns can even improve the documentation and maintenance of existing systems by furnishing an explicit specification of class and object interactions and their underlying intent. Put simply, design patterns help a designer get a design 'right' faster." (Erich Gamma et al, "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software", 1994)

"It is unit tests that keep our code flexible, maintainable, and reusable. The reason is simple. If you have tests, you do not fear making changes to the code! Without tests every change is a possible bug." (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"Standards make it easier to reuse ideas and components, recruit people with relevant experience, encapsulate good ideas, and wire components together. However, the process of creating standards can sometimes take too long for industry to wait, and some standards lose touch with the real needs of the adopters they are intended to serve." (Robert C Martin, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship", 2008)

"Design patterns are high-level abstractions that document successful design solutions. They are fundamental to design reuse in object-oriented development." (Ian Sommerville, "Software Engineering" 9th Ed., 2011)

"A software design pattern is a reusable solution to a reoccurring software design problem. […] A design pattern is not a concrete design or implementation, such as an algorithm that can be used as-is, but rather a gene." (Eddie Burris, "Programming in the Large with Design Patterns", 2012)

"The most common form of reuse in software development is code reuse. Libraries of reusable components (routines, classes, packages) are made available to programmers for integration (linking) into their applications. Design patterns enable another form of reuse—design reuse. Practicing design reuse means looking for a routine design before resorting to the creation of an original design." (Eddie Burris, "Programming in the Large with Design Patterns", 2012)
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.