Showing posts with label ASCII. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ASCII. Show all posts

11 December 2010

💎SQL Reloaded: Pulling the Strings of SQL Server II (Creation and Selection)

    It doesn’t make sense to talk about the creation of string data types without talking about their “selection” as people typically want to see also examples at work, and not only learn about theoretical facts. I’m saying that because often programming seems to be like putting together the pieces of a puzzle without knowing how the final image would look like. Anyway, coming back to the topic, what I find great about SQL Server is that it allows to “create” and select a string with a minimum overhead within a simple select statement:

-- selecting a string value 
SELECT 'this is a string' -- string 1 
, 'and this is a second string' --string2 

-- selecting a string value (named columns)  
SELECT 'this is a string' String1  
, 'and this is a second string' String2 
Strings - example1

    Pretty simple, isn’t it? This kind of scripts could be useful especially when debugging logic or testing an expression (e.g. functions at work), the advantage residing in the fact that is not necessary to built a table in order to test simple things. When performing multiple operations with the same values could be handy to store the values in declared variables:  

-- selecting string variables 
DECLARE @string1 varchar(50) 
DECLARE @string2 char(50) 
DECLARE @string3 char(50) = 'this is a string'  

SET @string1 = 'this is a string'  

SELECT @string1 String1 , @string2 String2 
, @string3 String3 
Strings - example2

   As can be seen a not initialized variable has by default the value NULL, fact that could lead to unexpected behavior problems when used in expressions involving multiple variables. Therefore it’s recommended to initialize the values with the empty string or at least to handle the nulls in expressions. Starting with SQL Server 2008 it’s possible to declare and initialize variables within the same statement, so the above code won’t work in previous versions, unless the third declaration is broken into two pieces as per definition of first string.

    It looks like that’s all, at least in what concerns the direct declaration of a string, be it implicit or explicit. However a basic introduction into strings’ creation is incomplete without mentioning the creation of strings from other data types and the various functions that could be used for this purpose. Ignoring the Cast and Convert functions used to explicitly convert the other data types to string data types, there are several other functions for this purpose, namely Char, Space and Replicate.

   Probably a few of you are already familiar with the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character-encoding scheme (vs. binary encoding) used to encode files. ASCII code represents a mapping between number and characters, SQL Server supporting the transformation between two sets through the ASCII and Char functions. If ASCII translates a non-unicode character into an integer, the Char function translates an integer value into a non-unicode character. The integer values range between 0 and 255, they encompassing the 0-9 digits, the characters of English together with the diacritics of other important languages, punctuation signs and several graphical characters. The mapping between the two sets is unique, and as can be seen from the below example based on a common table expression, the functions are inverse:

-- ASCII character values 
AS (    
    SELECT 0 [Index]  
    SELECT [Index]+1 [Index]  
    WHERE [Index]<255 
) SELECT [Index] 
, CHAR([Index]) [Character] 
, ASCII(CHAR([Index])) [ASCII] 

    There is not much to say about the Space and Replicate functions, the Space function returns a string of repeated spaces, while the Replicate function forms a string as a repeated sequence of values. The definition of the Space function could be considered as redundant as long the same output could be obtained by using the space as repeating sequence.

-- Space & Replicate at work 
SELECT Space(1) Example1 
, Space(5) Example2 
, Replicate(' ', 1) Example3 
, Replicate(' ', 5) Example4 
, Replicate('10', 1) Example5 
, Replicate('10', 2) Example6 
, Replicate('10', 3) Example7 

   As per the last statement, the first and third examples, respectively the second and fourth example will return the same values, unfortunately the output of the respective examples it’s not so easy to see. For exemplification, it could have been enriched by comparing or concatenating the strings, though that’s a topic for the next post. 

08 December 2010

💎SQL Reloaded: Pulling the Strings of SQL Server IX (Special Characters)

    Under special characters denomination are categorized typically the characters that don’t belong to the alphabet of a given language, typically English (a-z, A-Z), or the numeric digits (0-9). Characters like umlauts (e.g. ä, ë, ö, ü, ÿ), accents (e.g. é, í, ó, ú) and other type of characters used in specific languages like German, French, Turkish, Hungarian, Romanian, Dutch or Swedish, together with punctuation signs or graphical characters are falling under the designation of special characters. It’s true that SQL Server, like many other databases, supports Unicode, a standard designed to encode such characters, though not all database designs are taking Unicodes into account. Preponderantly the old database and other software solutions use the non-unicode string data types (char, varchar, text) fact that makes the special characters to be displayed inadequately, sometimes undecipherable. In order to avoid this behavior could be decided to port the data types to unicode or use only the standard characters of English language, both solutions with their positive and negative aspects. In such cases, especially during migration project or ETL tasks, eventually as part of a Data Quality initiative, it’s preferred to identify and replace the special characters in a manual, automatic or semi-automatic fashion. In addition, there are also cases in which, from various reasons, some attributes are not allowed or should not include special characters, and also this aspect could be included in a Data Quality initiative.

    During assessment of Data Quality, in an organized or less organized manner, a first step resides in understanding the quality of the data. In the current case this resumes primarily in identifying how many records contain special characters, how could be the data cleaned, and the “cost” for this activity. Actually, before going this far, must be defined the character sets included in special characters, the definition could vary from case to case. For example in some cases could be considered also the space or the important punctuation signs as valid characters, while in others they may not be allowed. There could be identified thus multiple scenarios, though I found out that the range of characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and the space are considered as valid character in most of the cases. For this purpose could be built a simple function that iterates through all the characters of a string and identifies if there is any character not belonging to the before mentioned range of valid characters. In order to address this, a few years back I built a function similar with the below one:

-- checks if a string has special characters 
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.HasSpecialCharacters( 
@string nvarchar(1000)) 
         DECLARE @retval int 
         DECLARE @index int 
         DECLARE @char nchar(1)  

         SET @retval = 0 
         SET @index = 1  

         WHILE (@index <= IsNull(len(@string), 0) AND @retval=0) 
           SET @char = Substring(@string, @index, @index+1) 
           IF NOT (ASCII(@char) BETWEEN 48 AND 57 -- numeric value 
             OR ASCII(@char) BETWEEN 65 AND 90 -- capital letters 
            OR ASCII(@char) BETWEEN 97 AND 122 -- small letters 
            OR ASCII(@char) = 32) --space 
                SET @retval = @index 
               SET @index = @index + 1  

    RETURN (@retval) 

    Function’s logic is based on the observation that the ASCII of numeric values could be found in the integer interval between 48 and 57, the capital letters between 65 and 90, while the small letters between 97 and 122. By adding the ASCII for space and eventually several other characters, the check on whether an character is valid resuming thus to only 4 constraints. Here’s the function at work:  

-- testing HasSpecialCharacters function 
SELECT dbo.HasSpecialCharacters('kj324h5kjkj3245k2j3hkj342jj4') Example1 
, dbo.HasSpecialCharacters('Qualität') Example2 
, dbo.HasSpecialCharacters('Änderung') Example3 
, dbo.HasSpecialCharacters('') Example4 
, dbo.HasSpecialCharacters(NULL) Example5 
, dbo.HasSpecialCharacters('Ä') Example6 
, dbo.HasSpecialCharacters('ä') Example7 
, dbo.HasSpecialCharacters('a') Example8 
special characters 1

    As can be seen, the function returns the position where a special character is found, fact that enables users to identify the character that causes the problem. A similar function could be built also in order to count the number of special characters found in a string, the change residing in performing a counter rather then returning the position at the first occurrence of a special character.

    The function might not be perfect though it solves the problem. There are also other alternatives, for example of storing the special characters in a table and performing a simple join against the target table. Another solution could be based on the use RegEx functionality, either by using OLE automation or directly CLR functionality. There could be done variations on the above solution too by limiting to check on whether the characters of a string are falling in the range projected by the ASCII function. That’s what the following function does:  

-- checks if a string has special characters falling in an interval  
@string nvarchar(1000) 
, @start int 
, @end int) 
    DECLARE @retval int 
    DECLARE @index int 
    DECLARE @char nchar(1) 
    SET @retval = 0 
    SET @index = 1 
    WHILE (@index <= IsNull(len(@string), 0) AND @retval=0) 
         SET @char = Substring(@string, @index, @index+1) 
         IF NOT (ASCII(@char) BETWEEN @start AND @end)  
              SET @retval = @index 
             SET @index = @index + 1  
     RETURN (@retval) 

   With this function are necessary 4 calls in order to identify if a string contains special characters, though we loose the flexibility of identifying the first character that is invalid. We could still identify the first occurrence by taking the minimum value returned by the 4 calls, however, unlike Oracle (see Least function), SQL Server doesn’t have such a function, so we’ll have eventually to built it. Anyway, here’s the above function at work:  

-- testing HasCharNotInASCIIRange function 
SELECT dbo.HasCharNotInASCIIRange('k12345', 48, 57) Example1 
, dbo.HasCharNotInASCIIRange('12k345', 48, 57) Example2 
, dbo.HasCharNotInASCIIRange('12345', 48, 57) Example3 
, dbo.HasCharNotInASCIIRange(' 12345', 48, 57) Example4 
, dbo.HasCharNotInASCIIRange('12345 ', 48, 57) Example5 
, dbo.HasCharNotInASCIIRange('', 48, 57) Example6 
, dbo.HasCharNotInASCIIRange(NULL, 48, 57) Example7 
, dbo.HasCharNotInASCIIRange('', 48, 57) Example8 
, dbo.HasCharNotInASCIIRange('a', 48, 57) Example9 
, dbo.HasCharNotInASCIIRange('Ä', 48, 57) Example10 
, dbo.HasCharNotInASCIIRange('ä', 32, 32) Example11 

special characters 2
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.