Showing posts with label undocumented feature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label undocumented feature. Show all posts

23 January 2025

💎SQL Reloaded: Number of Records VI (via sp_MSForEachTable Undocumented Stored Procedure)

Starting with SQL Server 2000 it's possible to execute a command via the undocumented stored procedure sp_MSForEachTable for each table available in a database, respectively for subsets of the tables. In a previous post I shown how the stored procedure can be used in several scenarios, including how to get the total number of records in each set of tables. However, the code used generates a result set for each table, which makes it difficult to aggregate the information for further processing. In many scenarios, it would be useful to store the result as a temporary or even persisted table.

-- dropping the tables

-- create a temporary table to store the input list
SELECT TableName
INTO #Tables 
FROM (VALUES ('Person.Address')
, ('Person.AddressType')
, ('Person.BusinessEntity')) DAT(TableName)

-- create a temporary table to store the results
CREATE TABLE dbo.#TablesRecordCount (
  table_name nvarchar(150) NOT NULL
, number_records bigint
, run_date datetime2(0)
, comment nvarchar(255)

-- getting the number of records for the list of tables into the result table
INSERT INTO #TablesRecordCount
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1='SELECT ''?'' [Table], COUNT(*) numer_records, GetDate() run_date, ''testing round 1'' comment FROM ?'
, @whereand = ' And Object_id In (Select Object_id(TableName) FROM #Tables)'

-- reviewing the result
FROM #TablesRecordCount
ORDER BY number_records DESC

The above solution uses two temporary tables, though it can be easily adapted to persist the result in a standard table: just replace the "#" with the schema part (e.g. "dbo."). This can be useful in troubleshooting scenarios, when the code is run at different points in time, eventually for different sets of tables. 

The code is pretty simple and can be extended as needed. Unfortunately, there's no guarantee that the sp_MSForEachTable stored procedure will be supported in the next versions of the SQL Server. For example, the stored procedure is not available in SQL databases, respectively in Fabric warehouses. In SQL databases the following error is thrown:

"Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1, Could not find stored procedure 'sys.sp_MSForEachTable'."

To test whether the feature works in your environment, it's enough to run a call to the respective stored procedure:

-- retrieve the record count for all tables
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1='SELECT ''?'' [Table], COUNT(*) numer_records FROM ?'

Or, you can check whether it works for one table (replace the Person.AddressType table with one from your environment):

-- getting the number of records for the list of tables into another table
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1='SELECT ''?'' [Table], COUNT(*) numer_records FROM ?'
, @whereand = ' And Object_id = Object_id(''Person.AddressType'')'

The solution could prove to be useful in multiple scenarios, though one should consider also the risk of being forced to rewrite the code when the used stored procedure becomes unavailable. Even if it takes more time to write, a solution based on cursors can be more feasible (see previous post).

Update 29-Jan-2025: Probably, despite their usefulness, the undocumented features will not be brought to SQL databases (see [1], 47:30). So, be careful about using the respective features as standard solutions in production environments!

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Reactor (2025) Ask The Expert - Fabric Edition - Fabric Databases [link]

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Number of Records V (via Cursors, a Solution for Warehouses in Microsoft Fabric)

After deploying the sample warehouse available in Microsoft Fabric, I tried to check the number of records available in the deployed tables under the dbo schema. Surprisingly, the sys.partitions.count column has 0 values for all the tables associated with the respective schema (see post). 

There are only a few tables available, and taking a record count for each table should be enough, which is relatively simple with the undocumented sp_MSForEachTable. Unfortunately, this approach doesn't work neither, so one needs to revert to the use of old-fashioned cursors (as I used to do in SQL Server 2000):

-- number of records via cursor
DECLARE @table_name nvarchar(150)
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(250)
DECLARE @number_records bigint 
DECLARE @number_tables int, @iterator int


CREATE TABLE dbo.#tables (
  ranking int NOT NULL
, table_name nvarchar(150) NOT NULL
, number_records bigint

SELECT row_number() OVER(ORDER BY object_id) ranking
, concat(schema_name(schema_id),'.', name) table_name
, NULL number_records
FROM sys.tables obj
WHERE obj.schema_id = schema_id('dbo')
ORDER BY table_name

SET @iterator = 1
SET @number_tables = IsNull((SELECT count(*) FROM #tables), 0)

WHILE (@iterator <= @number_tables)
    SET @table_name = (SELECT table_name FROM #tables WHERE ranking = @iterator)
    SET @sql = CONCAT(N'SELECT @NumberRecords = count(*) FROM ', @table_name)

		--get the number of records
		EXEC sp_executesql @Query = @sql
		, @params = N'@NumberRecords bigint OUTPUT'
		, @NumberRecords = @number_records OUTPUT

		IF IsNull(@number_records, 0)> 0  
                SET @sql = 'UPDATE #tables' 
             + ' SET number_records = ' + Str(@number_records)
             + ' WHERE table_name = ''' + @table_name + '''';

	 -- no action needed in case of error
        END CATCH;

	SET @iterator = @iterator + 1

FROM dbo.#tables;

--DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.#tables;
ranking table_name number_records
1 dbo.Date 5844
2 dbo.Geography 305179
3 dbo.HackneyLicense 42958
4 dbo.Time 86400
5 dbo.Weather 526330
6 dbo.Trip 2838927
7 dbo.Medallion 13668

1) It's a lot of code for a simple task, though the code can be easily duplicated and adapted for similar requirements. Unfortunately, it can lead in time also to many instances of the same code. When possible, one should consider maybe encapsulating the logic in a stored procedure. 
2) It's usually a good idea to check how many records are available in the tables used for testing, as this can impact queries' performance and tables' appropriateness for the tests performed. Moreover, it's a good idea to understand the volume of data when taking over or working with a database. 
3) If one removes the row_number function, the code should run also in SQL Server 2000. Similar solutions were used then for retrieving the record count.
4) Microsoft recommends not to drop the temporary tables explicitly, but let SQL Server handle this cleanup automatically and take thus advantage of the Optimistic Latching Algorithm, which helps prevent contention on TempDB [1]..
5) There are others who stumbled over this issue (see [1]).
6) The solution has been tested successfully also in SQL databases.
7) The whole code must be run together because the temporary table seems to have only a transitory scope! An attempt to rerun the last SELECT from #tables raises the error: "Invalid object name '#tables'"

Happy coding!

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[1] Koen Verbeeck (2024) Get row counts of all tables in a Microsoft Fabric warehouse [link]
[2] Haripriya SB (2024) Do NOT drop #temp tables (link)

20 January 2023

💎SQL Reloaded: Monitoring the Synapse serverless SQL pool with Dynamics Management Views II

Identifying the SQL Server DMVs which are accessible for the Serverless SQL pool (see previous post), allowed me to identify besides sys.dm_exec_requests_history three more DMVs with statistics on the statements executed on the server: sys.dm_request_phases, sys.dm_request_phases_task_group_stats and sys.dm_request_phases_exec_task_stats. Untofurtunately, there seems to be no documentation available on these DMVs, and, at the time the post was written, there were also no further hits on or found on the same.


sys.dm_request_phases  provides insights in the phases an execution statement goes through, and seems to summarize the other two views:

-- Azure Serverless SQL pool: request phases
SELECT TOP (100) dist_statement_id
, RPH.dist_request_id
, TRY_CAST( as bigint) id
, TRY_CAST(RPH.parent_ids as bigint) parent_ids
, RPH.start_time
, RPH.end_time
--, RPH.total_elapsed_time_ms
--, RPH.total_elapsed_time_ms/1000.0 total_elapsed_time_sec
--, RPH.min_time_ms
--, RPH.min_time_ms/1000.0 min_time_sec
--, RPH.max_time_ms
--, RPH.max_time_ms/1000.0 max_time_sec
--, RPH.avg_time_ms
, RPH.avg_time_ms/1000.0 avg_time_sec
--, RPH.stdev_time_ms
--, RPH.stdev_time_ms/1000.0 stdev_time_sec -- it has no values
--, RPH.min_rows
--, RPH.max_rows
--, RPH.avg_rows
--, RPH.stdev_rows -- it has no values
, RPH.total_rows
--, RPH.total_bytes_processed
, RPH.total_bytes_processed/1028.0 total_kb_processed
, RPH.state_desc
, RPH.operation_type
, RPH.input_dop
, RPH.output_dop
, RPH.task_retries
, RPH.error_id
FROM sys.dm_request_phases RPH

1) The foreign keys and dates (in the above and below queries) were truncated to accomodate all the important attributes in the snapshot of the values returned.
2) Based on the exisitng queries, there are two records for each executed statement, a Shuffle or ComputeToControlNode followed by a Return (see operation_type). In more complex scenario there are several Shuffles and Broadcasts and a Return. According to the Microsoft team, even if for serverless SQL pools there's no Data Movement Service (DMS), there's a similar algorithm responsible for moving the data between the nodes.
3) Because in serverless SQL pool each query has its own distribution statement id, the min, max, avg and total values will have the sames values across the columns. Therefore, the columns with redundant values were commented.
4) The Id of the request phase seems to have numeric values despite being defined as alphanumeric. I tried to cast the values to bigint for sorting purposes.


sys.dm_request_phases_task_group_stats stores metadata about the requests breakdown at task group:

-- Azure Serverless SQL pool: request phases breakdown at task group
SELECT TOP (100) RPT.dist_request_id
, TRY_CAST( as bigint) id
, TRY_CAST(RPT.parent_ids as bigint) parent_ids
, RPT.dist_statement_id
, RPT.state_desc
, RPT.start_time
, RPT.end_time
, RPT.input_dop
, RPT.output_dop
, RPT.operation_type
, RPT.task_retries
FROM sys.dm_request_phases_task_group_stats RPT

1) The DVM seems to return the same number of records as sys.dm_request_phases.
2) Observe the format of the start_time and end_time, probably the timestamps come from the Spark cluster and were not translated into an SQL Server data type.


sys.dm_request_phases_exec_task_stats stores metadata about the requests breakdown at task level:

-- Azure Serverless SQL pool: request phases breakdown at task
SELECT TOP (100) RPE.dist_request_id
, TRY_CAST( as bigint) id
--, RPE.min_time_ms
--, RPE.max_time_ms
, RPE.avg_time_ms/1000.0 avg_time_sec
--, RPE.stdev_time_ms
, RPE.total_bytes_processed
--, RPE.min_rows
--, RPE.max_rows
--, RPE.avg_rows
--, RPE.stdev_rows
, RPE.total_rows
, RPE.error_id
FROM sys.dm_request_phases_exec_task_stats RPE

What does all this mean?

The lack of documentation makes it challenging to interpret the values of the views besides the data and metadata they offer. In a paper on POLARIS, the code given to the serveless SQL pool engine, a taks is defined as "a careful packaging of data and query processing into units [...] that can be readily moved across compute nodes and re-started at the task level" [1]. Therefore, one can assume that this is the level targetted by the sys.dm_request_phases_exec_task_stats DMV. Further on, the tasks are grouped at phase level according to the sys.dm_request_phases_task_group_stats, the metadata from the two DMVs being further combined into sys.dm_request_phases DMV. 

If the meaning is kept from dedicated SQL pools, a shuffle operation indicates that data is moved between the frontend and backend nodes to satisfy a request, while a Result represents the operation of returning the result selt to client. The "ComputeToControlNode" operation involves a simple select (e.g. SELECT top 10) from a CETA and therefore no "Shuffle" is needed.

Requests' history

Further on, one can use the "Distributed statement id" to join the execution request phases with the request history, however matches will be found only for a small subset of the records (probably the executions since the pool started):
-- Azure Serverless SQL pool: requests history with request phase info
SELECT top 100 ERH.status
, ERH.transaction_Id
, ERH.distributed_statement_Id 
, ERH.query_hash 
--, ERH.login_name 
, ERH.start_time
, ERH.end_time 
, ERH.command 
, ERH.query_text 
--, ERH.total_elapsed_time_ms
, ERH.total_elapsed_time_ms/1000.0 total_elapsed_time_sec
--, ERH.data_processed_mb
, ERH.data_processed_mb
, RPH.avg_time_ms/1000.0 avg_time_sec
, RPH.total_rows
, RPH.total_bytes_processed/1028.0/1028.0 total_mb_processed
, RPH.state_desc
, RPH.operation_type
, RPH.input_dop
, RPH.output_dop
, RPH.task_retries
, RPH.error_id
, ERH.error
, ERH.error_code 
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests_history ERH
     JOIN sys.dm_request_phases RPH
	   ON ERH.distributed_statement_Id = RPH.dist_statement_id
	  --AND RPH.parent_ids = 0 -- only the parent

Here's a subset of the result set focusing only on the statistical values:

As can be seen, the volume of data processed and the elapsed time values don't match between the two tables, though they are close. The differences probably result from further steps occuring in the process. 

Happy coding!

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[1] Josep Aguilar-Saborit, Raghu Ramakrishnan et al, "POLARIS: The Distributed SQL Engine in Azure Synapse", VLDB Conferences. PVLDB, 13(12): 3204 – 3216, 2020, DOI:

13 January 2021

💠🛠️SQL Server: Undocumented (Part IV: DBCC SQLPERF)

Besides the documented LOGSPACE parameter (see previous post), DBCC SQLPERF utility has several undocumented parameters which allow providing statistics about schedulers, threads, spinlocks, IO, network, read-aheads, respectively waits.  

Scheduler Statistics

By providing 'umsstats' as parameter, the utility returns as result the visible UMS schedulers on the system:

-- visible UMS schedulers
DBCC SQLPERF(umsstats)

Node Id0
Avg Sched Load5
Sched Switches6903
Sched Pass6721358
IO Comp Passes11334
Scheduler ID0
    num tasks6
    num runnable0
    num workers9
    active workers6
    work queued0
    cntxt switches7125444
    cntxt switches(idle)9898903
    preemptive switches2304
Scheduler ID1
    num tasks6
    num runnable0
    num workers9
    active workers5
    work queued0
    cntxt switches3370432
    cntxt switches(idle)4427991
    preemptive switches22729

The fields have the following meaning: 
Node Id
Avg Sched Load
Sched SwitchesThe number of switches between schedulers
Sched Pass
IO Comp Passes
Scheduler IDThe scheduler's zero-based ID number
num tasksThe number of tasks associated with the scheduler
num runnableThe number of workers on the runnable list
num workersThe total number of workers associated with the scheduler
idle workersThe number of idle workers
work queuedThe number of items waiting to be processed in the work queue
cntxt switchesThe number of switches between workers for the scheduler
cntxt switches(idle)The number of times the idle loop was switched into

The functionality is useful when one suspects that there are issues related to the visible schedulers.

Detailed information about the schedulers can be found also via the sys.dm_os_schedulers DMV.

Threads Statistics

By providing 'threads' as parameter, the utility returns as result the threads created in the system:

--  thread statistics

Output (just the first records):
SpidThread IDStatusLoginNameIOCPUMemUsage

Detailed information about the schedulers can be found also via the sys.dm_os_threads DMV.

IO Statistics

By providing 'iostats' as parameter, the utility returns as result a count of the outstanding reads, respectively writes:

--  IO statistics

Reads Outstanding0
Writes Outstanding0

Network Statistics

By providing 'netstats' as parameter, the utility returns as result network-related statistics:

--  network statistics
DBCC SQLPERF(netstats)

Network Reads6976
Network Writes9036
Network Bytes Read5318957
Network Bytes Written2,222512E+07
Command Queue Length0
Max Command Queue Length0
Worker Threads0
Max Worker Threads0
Network Threads0
Max Network Threads0

Read Ahead Statistics

By providing 'rastats' as parameter, the utility returns read-ahead statistics:

--  read ahead statistics

RA Pages Found in Cache0
RA Pages Placed in Cache0
RA Physical IO0
Used Slots0

Spinlock Statistics

By providing 'spinlockstats' as parameter, the utility returns the spinlock statistics, where a spinlock is a a lightweight synchronization object used to serialize access to data structures which are typically held for a short period of time:

--  spinlock statistics
DBCC SQLPERF(spinlockstats)

Spinlock NameCollisionsSpinsSpins/CollisionSleep Time (ms)Backoffs

Detailed information about the spinlock stats can be found also via the sys.dm_os_spinlock_stats DMV.

Wait Statistics

By providing 'waitstats' as parameter, the utility returns the available wait statistics:

-- wait statistics 
DBCC SQLPERF(waitstats)

Output (only a few records):
Wait TypeRequestsWait TimeSignal Wait Time

Detailed information about the wait stats can be found also via sys.dm_os_wait_stats DMV.

As Microsoft warns, the undocumented features shouldn't be used into production environments as they will be deprecated in future versions. Instead should be used the documented DMVs, when available. 
All objects mentioned above require VIEW SERVER STATE permissions.
The DBCC SQLPERF utility allows resetting the latch, spinlock, respectively the wait statistics by providing the following parameters (see the SQL Docs for more information): 

-- resetting the latch statistics
DBCC SQLPERF('sys.dm_os_wait_stats', CLEAR)

-- resetting the spinlock statistics
DBCC SQLPERF ('sys.dm_os_spinlock_stats', CLEAR);  

-- resetting the wait statistics
DBCC SQLPERF('sys.dm_os_latch_stats', CLEAR)

DBCC PERFMON provides in a single call the IO, network, read ahead, spinlocks, respectively the wait statistics in distinct resultsets:

-- performance statistics

06 July 2020

💠🛠️🪄SQL Server: Undocumented (Part III: SQL Server CPU Utilization via the Ring Buffer)


If no proper monitoring solution of the SQL Server and the hosting server is in place to review the CPU utilization, one can use the Scheduler Monitor buffer provided by the undocumented sys.dm_os_ring_buffers data management view (DMV). Introduced with SQL Server 2005, the DMV provides significant amount of diagnostic memory information in XML form via several buffers: Resource Monitor, Out-of-Memory, Memory Broker, Buffer Pool, respectively Scheduler Monitor buffer [2]. A ring buffer is a recorded response to a notification [1].

The view changed between the various versions of SQL Server, while with the introduction of Always On availability groups in SQL Server 2017 further buffer rings were made available (see [5]).

According to Microsoft (see [4] the sys.dm_os_ring_buffers is provided only for information purposes, the future compatibility post SQL Server 2019 being not guaranteed!

Querying the Scheduler Monitor Buffer

Within the Scheduler Monitor buffer, the DMV stores a history of 4 hours uptime with minute by minute data points (in total 256 entries) with the CPU utilization for the SQL Server, other processes, respectively the system idle time as percentages. It allows thus to identify the peaks in CPU utilization and thus to determine the intervals of focus for further troubleshooting. As the data are stored within an XML structure, the values can be queried via the XQuery syntax as follows: 

-- cpu utilization for SQL Server and other applications
DECLARE @ts_now bigint = (SELECT cpu_ticks/(cpu_ticks/ms_ticks)
        FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info); 

SELECT DAT.record_id
, DAT.EventTime
, DAT.SQLProcessUtilization 
, DAT.SystemIdle 
, 100 - (DAT.SystemIdle + DAT.SQLProcessUtilization) OtherUtilization
	SELECT record.value('(./Record/@id)[1]', 'int') record_id
	, record.value('(./Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/SystemIdle)[1]', 'int') SystemIdle 
	, record.value('(./Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/ProcessUtilization)[1]', 'int') SQLProcessUtilization
	, EventTime 
	FROM ( 
		SELECT DATEADD(ms, -1 * (@ts_now - [timestamp]), GETDATE()) EventTime
		, [timestamp]
		, CONVERT(xml, record) AS [record] 
		FROM sys.dm_os_ring_buffers 
		  AND record LIKE N'%<SystemHealth>%') AS x 
ORDER BY DAT.record_id DESC;

If the SQL Server is not busy as all, the SQL Server utilization time may tend to 0%, while the system idle time to 90%. (It's the case of my SQL Server lab.)

CPU Utilization for my home lab
CPU Utilization for my home SQL Server lab

If the server was restarted within the last 4 hours, then the points will have a gap between two readings corresponding to the downtime interval.
The query is supposed to run also on Linux machines, though the SystemIdle time will be 0. One can thus consider the SQL and non-SQL CPU utilization.

Storing the History

The above query can be run on a regular basis (e.g. every 3-4 hours) via a SSIS package and push the data into a table for historical purposes. Because is needed to have a continuous history of the readings, it's better if the gap between runs is smaller than the 4 hours. No matter of the approach used is better to check for overlappings when storing the data:

-- dropping the table
-- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.T_RingBufferReadings 

-- reinitilizing the history
-- TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.T_RingBufferReadings

-- creating the table
CREATE TABLE dbo.T_RingBufferReadings (
  Id bigint IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL
, RecordId bigint 
, EventTime datetime2(3) NOT NULL
, SQLProcessUtilization int NOT NULL
, SystemIdle int NOT NULL
, OtherUtilization int NOT NULL

-- reviewing the data
FROM dbo.T_RingBufferReadings 

If there are many records, to improve the performance, one can create also an index, which can include the reading points as well:

-- creating a unique index with an include 
CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UI_T_RingBufferReadings_EventTime] ON dbo.T_RingBufferReadings
	EventTime ASC,
    RecordId ASC
) INCLUDE (SQLProcessUtilization, SystemIdle, OtherUtilization)

The above query based on the DMV becomes:

-- cpu utilization by SQL Server and other applications
DECLARE @ts_now bigint = (SELECT cpu_ticks/(cpu_ticks/ms_ticks)
        FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info); 

INSERT INTO dbo.T_RingBufferReadings
SELECT record_id
, DAT.EventTime
, DAT.SQLProcessUtilization 
, DAT.SystemIdle 
, 100 - (DAT.SystemIdle + DAT.SQLProcessUtilization) OtherUtilization
	SELECT record.value('(./Record/@id)[1]', 'int') record_id
	, record.value('(./Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/SystemIdle)[1]', 'int') SystemIdle 
	, record.value('(./Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/ProcessUtilization)[1]', 'int') SQLProcessUtilization
	, EventTime 
	FROM ( 
		SELECT DATEADD(ms, -1 * (@ts_now - [timestamp]), GETDATE()) EventTime
		, [timestamp]
		, CONVERT(xml, record) AS [record] 
		FROM sys.dm_os_ring_buffers 
		  AND record LIKE N'%<SystemHealth>%') AS x 
	LEFT JOIN dbo.T_RingBufferReadings RBR
	  ON DAT.record_id = RBR.Recordid 
ORDER BY DAT.record_id DESC;

A ServerName column can be added to the table if is needed to store the values for different SQL Servers. Then the LEFT JOIN has to consider the new added column. 
Either of the two queries can be used to display the data points within a chart via SSRS, Power BI or any reporting tool available. 

Happy coding!

[1] Grant Fritchey (2014) SQL Server Query Performance Tuning: Troubleshoot and Optimize Query Performance in SQL Server 2014, 4th Ed.
[2] Sunil Agarwal et al (2005), Troubleshooting Performance Problems in SQL Server 2005, Source: TShootPerfProbs.docx
[3] Sunil Agarwal et al (2008), Troubleshooting Performance Problems in SQL Server 2008, Source: TShootPerfProbs2008.docx
[4] Microsoft SQL Docs (2018) Related Dynamic Management Views, Source
[5] Microsoft SQL Docs (2017) Use ring buffers to obtain health information about Always On availability groups, Source

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Koeln, NRW, Germany
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