Showing posts with label Stored Procedures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stored Procedures. Show all posts

23 February 2025

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part X: Templates for Database Objects)

One of the new features remarked in SQL databases when working on the previous post is the availability of templates in SQL databases. The functionality is useful even if is kept to a minimum. Probably, more value can be obtained when used in combination with Copilot, which requires at least a F12 capacity.


Schemas are used to create a logical grouping of objects such as tables, stored procedures, and functions. From a structural and security point of view it makes sense to create additional schemas to manage the various database objects and use the default dbo schema only occasionally (e.g. for global created objects).

-- generated template - schema

-- create schema

One can look at the sys.schemas to retrieve all the schemas available:

-- retrieve all schemas
SELECT schema_id
, name
, principal_id
FROM sys.schemas
ORDER BY schema_id


Tables, as database objects that contain all the data in a database are probably the elements that need the greatest attention in design and data processing. In some cases a table can be dedenormalized and it can store all the data needed, much like in MS Excel, respectively, benormalized in fact and dimension tables. 

Tables can be created explicitly by defining in advance their structure (see Option 1), respectively on the fly (see Option 2). 

-- Option 1
-- create the table manually (alternative to precedent step
CREATE TABLE [Test].[Customers](
	[CustomerId] [int] NOT NULL,
	[AddressID] [int] NULL,
	[Title] [nvarchar](8) NULL,
	[FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[LastName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[CompanyName] [nvarchar](128) NULL,
	[SalesPerson] [nvarchar](256) NULL

-- insert records
INSERT INTO Test.Customers
SELECT CustomerId
, Title
, FirstName 
, LastName
, CompanyName
, SalesPerson
FROM SalesLT.Customer -- checking the output (both scenarios) SELECT top 100 * FROM Test.Customers

One can look at the sys.tables to retrieve all the tables available:

-- retrieve all tables
SELECT schema_name(schema_id) schema_name
, object_id
, name
FROM sys.tables
ORDER BY schema_name
, name


Views are much like virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement that combines data from one or multiple tables.  They can be used to encapsulate logic, respectively project horizontally or  vertically a subset of the data. 

-- create view
-- Customers 
SELECT CST.CustomerId 
, CST.Title
, CST.FirstName 
, IsNull(CST.MiddleName, '') MiddleName
, CST.LastName 
, CST.CompanyName 
, CST.SalesPerson 
FROM SalesLT.Customer CST

-- test the view 
FROM Test.vCustomers
WHERE CompanyName = 'A Bike Store'

One can look at the sys.views to retrieve all the views available:

-- retrieve all views
SELECT schema_name(schema_id) schema_name
, object_id
, name
FROM sys.views
ORDER BY schema_name
, name

User-Defined Functions

A user-defined function (UDF) allows to create a function by using a SQL expression. It can be used alone or as part of a query, as in the below example.

-- generated template - user defined function
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FunctionName] (
    @param1 INT,
    @param2 INT
    @param1 + @param2

-- user-defined function: 
CREATE OR ALTER FUNCTION Test.GetFirstMiddleLastName (
    @FirstName nvarchar(50),
    @MiddleName nvarchar(50),
    @LastName nvarchar(50)
RETURNS nvarchar(150) AS 
   RETURN IsNull(@FirstName, '') + IsNull(' ' + @MiddleName, '') + IsNull(' ' + @LastName, '') 

-- test UDF on single values
SELECT Test.GetFirstMiddleLastName ('Jack', NULL, 'Sparrow')
SELECT Test.GetFirstMiddleLastName ('Jack', 'L.', 'Sparrow')

-- test UDF on a whole table
SELECT TOP 100 Test.GetFirstMiddleLastName (FirstName, MiddleName, LastName)
FROM SalesLT.Customer

One can look at the sys.objects to retrieve all the scalar functions available:

-- retrieve all scalar functions
SELECT schema_name(schema_id) schema_name
, name
, object_id
FROM sys.objects 
ORDER BY schema_name
, name

However, UDFs prove to be useful when they mix the capabilities of functions with the ones of views allowing to create a "parametrized view" (see next example) or even encapsulate a multi-line statement that returns a dataset. Currently, there seems to be no template available for creating such functions.

-- table-valued function
    @CompanyName nvarchar(50) NULL
-- Customers by Company
	SELECT CST.CustomerId 
	, CST.CompanyName
	, CST.Title
	, IsNull(CST.FirstName, '') + IsNull(' ' + CST.MiddleName, '') + IsNull(' ' + CST.LastName, '') FullName
	, CST.FirstName 
	, CST.MiddleName 
	, CST.LastName 
	FROM SalesLT.Customer CST
	WHERE CST.CompanyName = IsNull(@CompanyName, CST.CompanyName)

-- test function for values
FROM Test.tvfGetCustomers ('A Bike Store')
ORDER BY CompanyName
, FullName

-- test function for retrieving all values
FROM Test.tvfGetCustomers (NULL)
ORDER BY CompanyName
, FullName

One can look at the sys.objects to retrieve all the table-valued functions available:

-- retrieve all table-valued functions
SELECT schema_name(schema_id) schema_name
, name
, object_id
FROM sys.objects 
ORDER BY schema_name , name

Stored Procedures

A stored procedure is a prepared SQL statement that is stored as a database object and precompiled. Typically, the statements considered in SQL functions can be created also as stored procedure, however the latter doesn't allow to reuse the output directly.

-- get customers by company
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE Test.spGetCustomersByCompany (
    @CompanyName nvarchar(50) NULL
	SELECT CST.CustomerId 
	, CST.CompanyName
	, CST.Title
	, IsNull(CST.FirstName, '') + IsNull(' ' + CST.MiddleName, '') + IsNull(' ' + CST.LastName, '') FullName
	, CST.FirstName 
	, CST.MiddleName 
	, CST.LastName 
	FROM SalesLT.Customer CST
	WHERE CST.CompanyName = IsNull(@CompanyName, CST.CompanyName)
	ORDER BY CST.CompanyName
	, FullName

-- test the procedure 
EXEC Test.spGetCustomersByCompany NULL -- all customers
EXEC Test.spGetCustomersByCompany 'A Bike Store' -- individual customer

One can look at the sys.objects to retrieve all the stored procedures available:

-- retrieve all scalar functions
SELECT schema_name(schema_id) schema_name
, name
, object_id
FROM sys.objects 
ORDER BY schema_name , name

In the end, don't forget to drop the objects created above (note the order of the dependencies):

-- drop function 

-- drop function 
-- drop precedure DROP VIEW IF EXISTS Test.Test.spGetCustomersByCompany -- drop view DROP VIEW IF EXISTS Test.vCustomers -- drop schema DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS Test

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2024) Microsoft Fabric: Overview of Copilot in Fabric [link]

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's SQL Databases (Part IX: From OLTP to OLAP Data Models)

With SQL databases Microsoft brought OLTP to Microsoft Fabric which allows addressing a wider range of requirements, though this involves also some challenges that usually are addressed by the transition from the OLTP to OLAP architectures. Typically, there's an abstraction layer that is built on top of the OLTP data models that allows to address the various OLAP requirements. As soon as OLTP and OLAP models are mixed together, this opens the door to design and data quality issues that have impact on the adoption of solutions by users. Probably, those who worked with MS Access or even MS Excel directly or in combination with SQL Server can still remember the issues they run into.

Ideally, it should be a separation layer between OLTP and the OLAP data. This can be easily achieved in SQL databases by using two different schemas that mimic the interaction between the two types of architectures. So, supposing that the dbo schema from the SalesLT is the data as maintain by the OLTP layer, one can add an additional schema Test in which the OLAP logic is modelled. This scenario is not ideal, though it allows to model the two aspects of the topic considered. The following steps are to be performed in the environment in which the SalesLT database was created. 

Independently in which layer one works, it's ideal to create a set of views that abstracts the logic and ideally simplifies the processing of data. So, in a first step it's recommended to abstract the data from the source by creating a set of views like the one below:

-- drop view (cleaning)
-- DROP VIEW IF EXISTS SalesLT.vCustomerLocations 

-- create view
CREATE VIEW SalesLT.vCustomerLocations
-- Customers with main office
SELECT CST.CustomerId 
, CSA.AddressID
, CST.Title
, CST.FirstName 
, IsNull(CST.MiddleName, '') MiddleName
, CST.LastName 
, CST.CompanyName 
, CST.SalesPerson 
, IsNull(CSA.AddressType, '') AddressType
, IsNull(ADR.City, '') City
, IsNull(ADR.StateProvince, '') StateProvince
, IsNull(ADR.CountryRegion, '') CountryRegion
, IsNull(ADR.PostalCode, '') PostalCode
FROM SalesLT.Customer CST
	 LEFT JOIN SalesLT.CustomerAddress CSA
	   ON CST.CustomerID = CSA.CustomerID
	  AND CSA.AddressType = 'Main Office'
	 	LEFT JOIN SalesLT.Address ADR
		  ON CSA.AddressID = ADR.AddressID

The view uses LEFT instead of FULL joins because this allows more flexibility, respectively identifying the gaps existing between entities (e.g. customers without addresses). In these abstractions, the number of transformations is kept to a minimum to reflect the data as reflected by the source. It may be chosen to minimize the occurrence of NULL values as this simplifies the logic for comparisons (see the use of IsNull).

Once the abstraction from the OLTP layer was built, one can make the data available in the OLAP layer:

-- create schema

-- dropping the target table (for cleaning)
-- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Test.CustomerLocations

-- Option 1
-- create the table on the fly
INTO Test.CustomerLocations
FROM SalesLT.vCustomerLocations

-- Option 2
-- create the table manually (alternative to precedent step
CREATE TABLE [Test].[CustomerLocations](
	[CustomerId] [int] NOT NULL,
	[AddressID] [int] NULL,
	[Title] [nvarchar](8) NULL,
	[FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[MiddleName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[LastName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[CompanyName] [nvarchar](128) NULL,
	[SalesPerson] [nvarchar](256) NULL,
	[AddressType] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[City] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
	[StateProvince] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[CountryRegion] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[PostalCode] [nvarchar](15) NULL

-- insert records
INSERT INTO Test.CustomerLocations
FROM SalesLT.vCustomerLocations

-- checking the output (both scenarios)
SELECT top 100 *
FROM Test.CustomerLocations

-- drop the view (for cleaning)
-- DROP VIEW IF EXISTS Test.vCustomerLocations

-- create view
CREATE VIEW Test.vCustomerLocations
-- Customer locations
SELECT CSL.CustomerId 
, CSL.AddressID
, CSL.Title
, CSL.FirstName 
, CSL.MiddleName 
, CSL.LastName 
, Concat(CSL.FirstName, ' ' + CSL.MiddleName, ' ', CSL.LastName) FullName
, CSL.CompanyName 
, CSL.SalesPerson 
, CSL.AddressType
, CSL.City
, CSL.StateProvince
, CSL.CountryRegion 
, CSL.PostalCode
FROM Test.CustomerLocations CSL

-- test the view
SELECT top 100 *
FROM Test.vCustomerLocations

Further on, one can create additional objects as required. Usually, a set of well-designed views is enough, offering the needed flexibility with a minimum of code duplication. In addition, one can build stored procedures and table-valued functions as needed:

-- drop the function (for cleaning)
-- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS Test.tvfGetCustomerAddresses

-- generated template - function
CREATE FUNCTION Test.tvfGetCustomerAddresses (
    @CountryRegion nvarchar(50) NULL,
    @StateProvince nvarchar(50) NULL
-- Customers by Country & State province
SELECT CSL.CustomerId 
, CSL.AddressID
, CSL.Title
, CSL.FirstName 
, CSL.MiddleName 
, CSL.LastName 
, CSL.FullName
, CSL.CompanyName 
, CSL.SalesPerson 
, CSL.AddressType 
, CSL.City
, CSL.StateProvince 
, CSL.CountryRegion 
, CSL.PostalCode
FROM Test.vCustomerLocations CSL
WHERE CSL.CountryRegion = IsNull(@CountryRegion, CSL.CountryRegion)
  AND CSL.StateProvince = IsNull(@StateProvince, CSL.StateProvince)

-- retrieving all records
FROM Test.tvfGetCustomerAddresses(NULL, NULL)

-- providing parameters
FROM Test.tvfGetCustomerAddresses('United States', 'Utah')

-- filtering on non-parametrized volumns
FROM Test.tvfGetCustomerAddresses('United States', 'Utah')
WHERE City = 'Salt Lake City'

-- drop the procedure (for cleaning)
-- DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Test.spGetCustomerAddresses 

-- generated template - stored procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE Test.spGetCustomerAddresses (
    @CountryRegion nvarchar(50) NULL,
    @StateProvince nvarchar(50) NULL
-- Customers by Country & State province
	SELECT CSL.CustomerId 
	, CSL.AddressID
	, CSL.Title
	, CSL.FirstName 
	, CSL.MiddleName 
	, CSL.LastName 
	, CSL.FullName
	, CSL.CompanyName 
	, CSL.SalesPerson 
	, CSL.AddressType 
	, CSL.City
	, CSL.StateProvince 
	, CSL.CountryRegion 
	, CSL.PostalCode
	FROM Test.vCustomerLocations CSL
	WHERE CSL.CountryRegion = IsNull(@CountryRegion, CSL.CountryRegion)
	AND CSL.StateProvince = IsNull(@StateProvince, CSL.StateProvince)

-- retrieving all records
EXEC Test.spGetCustomerAddresses NULL, NULL

-- providing parameters
 EXEC Test.spGetCustomerAddresses 'United States', 'Utah'

These steps can repeated for each entity in scope.

This separation between OLTP and OLAP is usually necessary given that business processes need a certain amount of time until they are correctly reflected as per reporting needs. Otherwise, the gaps can negatively impact the quality of data used for reporting. For some reports these deviation might be acceptable, though there will be probably also (many) exceptions. Independently of the solution used, it's still needed to make sure that the data are appropriate for the processes and reporting. 

If no physical separation is needed between the two types of layers, one can remove the persisted tables from the logic and keep the objects as they are.

Independently of which architecture is chosen, one shouldn't forget to validate one's presumptions in what concerns the data model (e.g. customers without addresses, address types, etc.).

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07 February 2024

💎🏭SQL Reloaded: Microsoft Fabric's Delta Tables in Action - Views and other Data Objects

One reads in the training material that the SQL Endpoint provides a read-only experience [1], meaning that no data can be written back to the delta lake tables. Playing with the metadata available in Spark SQL via Notebooks and the SQL Endpoint (see post), I realized that there is more to the statement! Even if one can query via the SQL Endpoint only delta tables, this doesn't mean that one can't build a semantic model on top of it, much like one was able to do via the Serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse.

In Spark one can create via SQL, PySpark and the other supported languages views and functions, though they will not be available to the SQL Endpoint! To use the data generated in the process, the respective data needs to be saved to delta tables. Conversely, one can still create views, functions and stored procedures via the SQL Endpoint though the objects won't be available in Spark SQL! 

This has important implications, though in this post let's focus on the syntax and create several objects for testing purposes in the two environments. I'll use the Assets delta table created in a previous post. The Spark SQL code should be run in a notebook (e.g. one cell per group of statements), while the code for the SQL Endpoint should be run in SQL Server Management Studio.


/* test view's creation in the SQL Endpoint */

-- drop the test view 
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dbo.vAssets_Microsoft2;

-- create the test view
CREATE VIEW dbo.vAssets_Microsoft2
--Microsoft assets
SELECT Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
FROM dbo.Assets
WHERE Vendor = 'Microsoft';

-- test the viwe
FROM dbo.vAssets_Microsoft2;

/* test view's creation in Spark SQL */

-- drop test view 
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vAssets_Microsoft;

-- create test view
CREATE VIEW vAssets_Microsoft COMMENT 'Microsoft assets in scope (view)'
SELECT Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
FROM assets
WHERE Vendor = 'Microsoft';

-- review data
FROM vAssets_Microsoft;

Table-Valued Functions

/* test function's creation in the SQL Endpoint */

-- drop the test function 
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS dbo.fAssets_Microsoft2;

-- create the test function
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fAssets_Microsoft2(
    @Vendor nvarchar(max))
    SELECT Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
    FROM dbo.Assets
    WHERE Vendor = @Vendor

-- test the function
FROM dbo.fAssets_Microsoft2('Microsoft');

FROM dbo.fAssets_Microsoft2('Dell');

Unfortunately, the Spark SQL code doesn't seem to work, its execution returning a PARSE_SYNTAX_ERROR error no matter how simple the code was (see also [2]).
/* test function's creation in Spark SQL */

-- drop test function 

-- create test function
CREATE FUNCTION fAssets_Microsoft(
    pVendor string)
    SELECT Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
    FROM assets
    WHERE Vendor = pVendor;

-- review data
FROM fAssets_Microsoft('Microsoft');

Stored Procedure

Stored procedures aren't available in Spark SQL, though this doesn't mean that we can't test the code in the SQL Endpoint:

/* test procedure's creation in the SQL Endpoint */

-- drop the test procedure 
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS dbo.spAssets_Microsoft2;

-- create the test procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spAssets_Microsoft2(
@Vendor nvarchar(max) = NULL)
--Microsoft assets
SELECT Id, CreationDate, Vendor, Asset, Model, Owner, Tag, Quantity
FROM dbo.Assets
WHERE Vendor = IsNull(@Vendor, Vendor);

-- test the procedure
EXEC dbo.spAssets_Microsoft2 'Microsoft';
EXEC dbo.spAssets_Microsoft2 'Dell';
EXEC dbo.spAssets_Microsoft2;

1) I observed in documentation and some presentations that the common practice of prefixing data objects based on their type is seldom considered. I still find it useful when building solutions, even if object's type can be derived from the context and/or metadata. 
2) The examples were chosen to test the minimal functionality so that the differences between the two platforms are minimal - using the dbo schema and the GO command in the SQL Endpoint, COMMENT in Spark SQL. However, as soon specific functionality is used, extra code is needed to mitigate the differences.
3) The names between environments were kept different, just in case one needs to test objects' availability between platforms.

Happy coding!

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[1] Microsoft Learn (2023) Work with Delta Lake tables in Microsoft Fabric (link)
[2] Databricks (2023) CREATE FUNCTION (SQL and Python) (link)

13 September 2020

🎓Knowledge Management: Definitions II (What's in a Name)

Knowledge Management

Browsing through the various books on databases and programming appeared over the past 20-30 years, it’s probably hard not to notice the differences between the definitions given even for straightforward and basic concepts like the ones of view, stored procedure or function. Quite often the definitions lack precision and rigor, are circular and barely differentiate the defined term (aka concept) from other terms. In addition, probably in the attempt of making the definitions concise, important definitory characteristics are omitted.

Unfortunately, the same can be said about other non-scientific books, where the lack of appropriate definitions make the understanding of the content and presented concepts more difficult. Even if the reader can arrive in time to an approximate understanding of what is meant, one might have the feeling that builds castles in the air as long there is no solid basis to build upon – and that should be the purpose of a definition – to offer the foundation on which the reader can build upon. Especially for the readers coming from the scientific areas this lack of appropriateness and moreover, the lack of definitions, feels maybe more important than for the professional who already mastered the respective areas.

In general, a definition of a term is a well-defined descriptive statement which serves to differentiate it from related concepts. A well-defined definition should be meaningful, explicit, concise, precise, non-circular, distinct, context-dependent, relevant, rigorous, and rooted in common sense. In addition, each definition needs to be consistent through all the content and when possible, consistent with the other definitions provided. Ideally the definitions should cover as much of possible from the needed foundation and provide a unitary consistent multilayered non-circular and hierarchical structure that facilitates the reading and understanding of the given material.

Thus, one can consider the following requirements for a definition:

Meaningful: the description should be worthwhile and convey the required meaning for understanding the concept.

Explicit: the description must state clearly and provide enough information/detail so it can leave no room for confusion or doubt.

Context-dependent: the description should provide upon case the context in which the term is defined.

Concise: the description should be as succinct as possible – obtaining the maximum of understanding from a minimum of words.

Precise: the description should be made using unambiguous words that provide the appropriate meaning individually and as a whole.

Intrinsic non-circularity: requires that the term defined should not be used as basis for definitions, leading thus to trivial definitions like “A is A”.

Distinct: the description should provide enough detail to differentiate the term from other similar others.

Relevant: the description should be closely connected or appropriate to what is being discussed or presented.

Rigorous: the descriptions should be the result of a thorough and careful thought process in which the multiple usages and forms are considered.  

Extrinsic non-circularity: requires that the definitions of two distinct terms should not be circular (e.g. term A’s definition is based on B, while B’s definition is based on A), situation usually met occasionally in dictionaries.

Rooted in common sense: the description should not deviate from the common-sense acceptance of the terms used, typically resulted from socially constructed or dictionary-based definitions.

Unitary consistent multilayered hierarchical structure: the definitions should be given in an evolutive structure that facilitates learning, typically in the order in which the concepts need to be introduced without requiring big jumps in understanding. Even if concepts have in general a networked structure, hierarchies can be determined, especially based on the way concepts use other concepts in their definitions. In addition, the definitions must be consistent – hold together – respectively be unitary – form a whole.

25 June 2020

💠🛠️SQL Server: Undocumented (Part I: Reading the SQL Server Log)

Starting SQL Server 2005 Microsoft made available the sys.xp_readerrorlog system stored procedure, which allows reading the SQL Server as well the SQL Server Agent logs one by one. Since I learned about it, I prefer using it to search for errors in the log instead of using the Management Studio because it allows more flexibility and often seems to be much faster than the Log File Viewer.

The stored procedure exposes the following parameters:
p1: numeric value identifying the index of the log file: 0 = current, 1 = archive #1, 2 = archive #2, ...
p2: log file type: 1 or NULL = SQL Server log, 2 = SQL Agent log
p3: the string  to search for (e.g. Error)
p4: a second string t to search for (allows refining the results)
p5: start time of the events to be considered
p6: end time of the events to be considered
p7: sorting order for results: N'asc' = ascending, N'desc' = descending

The only required parameter is the first, thus the stored procedure can be called as follows:

-- reading the current SQL Server log (to be run individually)
EXEC xp_readerrorlog 0
EXEC xp_readerrorlog 0, 1
EXEC xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, N'Login failed' -- filters for failed logins 
EXEC xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, N'DBCC CHECKDB' -- filters for database consistency checks 
EXEC xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, N'Error' -- filters the Errors
EXEC xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, N'Error', N'Severity: 14' -- filters the Errors with severity 14
EXEC xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, N'', N'', '20200601', NULL, NULL -- start date
EXEC xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, N'', N'', '20200601', '20200607', NULL -- start date & end date 
EXEC xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, N'', N'', NULL, NULL, N'asc' -- ascending sorting

-- reading the last SQL Server log
EXEC xp_readerrorlog 1, 1

-- reading the current SQL Agent log
EXEC xp_readerrorlog 0, 2

Especially when filtering for certain information, the output can be displayed easily into a SSRS report. Besides errors typically I'm looking for failed logins or the results of consistency checks.

The number of log files available depends on how the SQL Server Logs were configured.

Even if the stored procedure provides the needed information fast, the error and the corresponding description are shown in separate records with the same timestamp. To process the records one can use a temporary table matching output's definition. To facilitate the selection of consecutive records a primary key can be added as well. One can dump into the table some or all of the log files and perform various searches or analyses.

-- dropping the table

-- creating a temporary table
  id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL
, LogDate datetime2(3)
, ProcessInfo nvarchar(50)
, LogText varchar(max))    
-- reading the current log into it
INSERT INTO #tbl        
EXEC sys.xp_readerrorlog 0, 1

-- reading the last archive log into it
INSERT INTO #tbl        
EXEC sys.xp_readerrorlog 1, 1

-- retrieving the errors together with their descriptions 
, A.ProcessInfo
, A.LogText
, B.LogText
FROM #tbl A
     JOIN #tbl B
    ON A.Id = B.Id - 1
WHERE A.LogText LIKE '%Error:%'

Here's the output of the last query (it will look differently on your server):

The temporary table can be used for further analyses (e.g. displaying the first, respectively last occurrence of the error together with a count):

-- first/last occurence of an error 
SELECT Min(A.LogDate) FirstOccurence
, Max(A.LogDate) LastOccurence
, count(*) NoRecords 
, A.LogText
, B.LogText
FROM #tbl A
     JOIN #tbl B
    ON A.Id = B.Id - 1
WHERE A.LogText LIKE '%Error:%'
, B.LogText

Do not forget to dump the temporary table when finished!
The code is provided only for exemplification purposes. You can use the above code on your own risk!
Be careful when the number of records in the logs is too big, because reading all the records can create temporary performance issues!
Undocumented features can be deprecated in future versions of SQL Server, therefore they should be used with precaution in long-term solutions.

Happy coding!
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Koeln, NRW, Germany
IT Professional with more than 24 years experience in IT in the area of full life-cycle of Web/Desktop/Database Applications Development, Software Engineering, Consultancy, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Migrations, Reporting, ERP implementations & support, Team/Project/IT Management, etc.