Microsoft provides several examples for the usage of STRING_SPLIT and STRING_AGG functions based on AdventureWorks database, though let's look at another example based on the same database.
Let's say we want to show the concatenated Contacts for a store, result which can now easily be obtained by using the STRING_AGG:
-- concatenating names per store via STRING_AGG (SQL Server 2017+) SELECT BusinessEntityID , STRING_AGG(Concat(FirstName, ' ', LastName), ';') Contacts FROM Sales.vStoreWithContacts GROUP BY BusinessEntityID HAVING count(*)>1
Observe that is needed to use a GROUP BY to show one record per Store. Unfortunately, there isn't yet a window function available for the same.
The inverse operation can be performed with the help of STRING_SPLIT table-valued function (TVF). (If you wonder why is needed a TVF, it is because the initial record needs to be multiplied by the generated output.)
-- reversing the concatenation (SQL Server 2017+) WITH CTE AS ( -- concatenating names per store SELECT BusinessEntityID , STRING_AGG(Concat(FirstName, ' ', LastName), ';') Contacts FROM Sales.vStoreWithContacts GROUP BY BusinessEntityID HAVING count(*)>1 ) SELECT CTE.BusinessEntityID , DAT.Value , DAT.Ordinal FROM CTE CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(Contacts, ';', 1) DAT
STRING_SPLIT provides also an ordinal field, which can be used in theory in pivoting the values, though we'd return then from where we started. Instead of using the query just generated, let's exemplify an alternative solution which is available with SQL Server 2005 for concatenating strings across records:
-- concatenating names per store via PIVOT (SQL Server 2012+) SELECT BusinessEntityID , [1] Contact1 , [2] Contact2 , [3] Contact3 , [4] Contact4 , Concat([1], IsNull(';' + [2], ''), IsNull(';' + [3], ''), IsNull(';' + [4], '')) Contacts FROM ( -- concatenating names and adding a rank SELECT BusinessEntityID , Concat(FirstName, ' ', LastName) Contact , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY BusinessEntityID ORDER BY FirstName) Ranking FROM Sales.vStoreWithContacts ) PER PIVOT ( Max(Contact) FOR Ranking IN ([1], [2], [3], [4]) ) AS DAT
It's needed to rewrite the Concat function to port the code on SQL Server 2005 though.
Talking about workarounds for splitting strings, in certain scenarios I used a combination of CutLeft & CutRight functions, which proved to be useful in data migrations, or use my own version of STRING_SPLIT (see SplitListWithIndex or SplitList). For concatenations I used mainly CTEs (see example) or cursors for exceptional cases (see example).
Happy coding!
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