The old-fashion way of loading data is by defining first the target table based on the source’s definition:
-- Course data --DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.T_Courses CREATE TABLE [dbo].[T_Courses]( [CourseId] [int] NOT NULL, [CourseName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] -- old-fashioned invidual inserts(SQL Server 2000) INSERT INTO dbo.T_Courses VALUES (1, 'Course 1') INSERT INTO dbo.T_Courses(CourseId, CourseName) VALUES (2, 'Course 2') -- inserting multiple rows to a table at once (SQL Server 2005) INSERT INTO dbo.T_Courses --OUTPUT inserted.CourseId, inserted.CourseName -- VALUES (3, 'Course 3') , (4, 'Course 4') , (5, 'Course 5') , (6, 'Course 6') , (7, 'Course 7') SELECT * FROM dbo.T_Courses
-- Course data --DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.T_Courses SELECT * INTO dbo.T_Courses FROM ( VALUES (1, 'Course 1') , (2, 'Course 2') , (3, 'Course 3') , (4, 'Course 4') , (5, 'Course 5') , (6, 'Course 6') , (7, 'Course 7') ) C (CourseId, CourseName) SELECT * FROM dbo.T_Courses
-- Student data with current courses -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.T_Students SELECT StudentId , StudentName , CourseId , Cast(StartDate as Date) StartDate , Cast(EndDate as Date) EndDate INTO dbo.T_Students FROM ( VALUES (1, 'Student 1', 1, '20170201', '20170228') , (2, 'Student 2', 1, '20170201', '20170228') , (3, 'Student 3', 2, '20170201', '20170228') , (4, 'Student 4', 3, '20170201', '20170228') , (5, 'Student 5', NULL, NULL, NULL) , (6, 'Student 6', NULL, NULL, NULL) , (7, 'Student 7', NULL, NULL, NULL) ) S (StudentId, StudentName, CourseId, StartDate, EndDate) SELECT * FROM dbo.T_Students -- Course allocations -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.T_Allocations SELECT CourseId , StudentId , Cast(StartDate as Date) StartDate , Cast(EndDate as Date) EndDate , Hours , Mark INTO dbo.T_Allocations FROM ( VALUES (1, 1, '20170101', '20170131', 4, 1) , (1, 2, '20170101', '20170131', 5, 2) , (1, 3, '20170101', '20170131', 12, 3) , (2, 1, '20170201', '20170128', 23, 1) , (2, 3, '20170201', '20170128', 12, 3) , (2, 4, '20170201', '20170128', 21, 1) , (1, 5, '20170201', '20170128', 12, 1) , (4, 1, '20170101', '20170131', 5, 2) , (4, 1, '20170101', '20170131', 4, 2) ) A(CourseId, StudentId, StartDate, EndDate, Hours, Mark) ALTER TABLE dbo.T_Allocations ADD AllocationId int IDENTITY(1,1) SELECT * FROM dbo.T_Allocations
-- insert data from query INSERT INTO dbo.T_Allocations (CourseId, StudentId, StartDate, EndDate, Hours) SELECT C.CourseId , C.StudentId , C.StartDate , C.EndDate , 0 Hours FROM dbo.T_Students C LEFT JOIN dbo.T_Allocations A ON C.CourseId = A.CourseId AND C.StudentId = A.Studentid WHERE A.CourseId IS NULL AND C.CourseId IS NOT NULL
-- insert data from values with check against existing data INSERT INTO dbo.T_Allocations SELECT DAT.CourseId , DAT.StudentId , Cast(DAT.StartDate as Date) StartDate , Cast(DAT.EndDate as Date) EndDate , DAT.Hours , DAT.Mark FROM ( VALUES (5, 5, '20170101', '20170131', 4, 2) , (5, 5, '20170101', '20170131', 5, 3) , (5, 5, '20170101', '20170131', 12, 4) , (4, 1, '20170101', '20170131', 4, 2) --already exists ) DAT(CourseId, StudentId, StartDate, EndDate, Hours, Mark) LEFT JOIN dbo.T_Allocations A ON DAT.CourseId = A.CourseId AND DAT.StudentId = A.Studentid WHERE A.CourseId IS NULL
-- insert data via a merge MERGE INTO dbo.T_Allocations A USING ( SELECT DAT.CourseId , DAT.StudentId , Cast(DAT.StartDate as Date) StartDate , Cast(DAT.EndDate as Date) EndDate , DAT.Hours , DAT.Mark FROM ( VALUES (5, 5, '20170101', '20170131', 4, 2) , (5, 5, '20170101', '20170131', 5, 3) , (5, 5, '20170101', '20170131', 12, 4) , (4, 1, '20170101', '20170131', 4, 2) --already exists ) DAT(CourseId, StudentId, StartDate, EndDate, Hours, Mark) ) DAT ON DAT.CourseId = A.CourseId AND DAT.StudentId = A.Studentid WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (CourseId, StudentId, StartDate, EndDate, Hours, Mark) VALUES (DAT.CourseId, DAT.StudentId, DAT.StartDate, DAT.EndDate, DAT.Hours, DAT.Mark);
The queries work also in SQL databases in Microsoft Fabric.
Happy coding!
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